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Allow Fields to be Changed After Submit
In many cases a field may need to be changed even after the document has been submitted to allow flexibility. The Allow On Submit option is available for such a purpose. Certain standard fields in Doctypes are set as Allow On Submit by default (such as Letterhead and Print Heading in Invoices). The user can set Custom Fields as Allow On Submit using Customize Form.
Note: Standard Fields cannot be set as Allow On Submit by a User
Step 1: Go to Customize Form in Setup Module.
Setup >> Customize >> Customize Form
####Step 2: Select the form containing the desired Custom Field in Enter Form Type field.
Step 3: In the Fields section, scroll down, click on the Custom field and check the Allow On Submit.
This field can now be changed even after the Document is submitted.
Note: The Custom Fields can also be set as Allow On Submit during the time of creation by checking the Allow On Submit option that is available.