Allow Fields to be Changed After Submit

In many cases a field may need to be changed even after the document has been submitted to allow flexibility. The _Allow On Submit_ option is available for such a purpose. Certain standard fields in Doctypes are set as Allow On Submit by default (such as _Letterhead_ and _Print Heading_ in Invoices). The user can set Custom Fields as Allow On Submit using Customize Form. **Note:** Standard Fields cannot be set as Allow On Submit by a User #### Step 1: Go to Customize Form in Setup Module. ```Setup >> Customize >> Customize Form``` #### ####Step 2: Select the form containing the desired Custom Field in _Enter Form Type_ field. ![]({{docs_base_url}}/assets/img/articles/kb_custom_name.png) #### **Step 3:** In the _Fields_ section, scroll down, click on the Custom field and check the _Allow On Submit._ ![]({{docs_base_url}}/assets/img/articles/kb_allowonsubmit_checkinform.png) _This field can now be changed even after the Document is submitted_. **Note:** The Custom Fields can also be set as Allow On Submit during the time of creation by checking the Allow On Submit option that is available. ![]({{docs_base_url}}/assets/img/articles/kb_allowonsubmit_checkinfield.png)