1 | (Half Day) | (Dalf-day) | |
2 | Currently no stock available in any warehouse | Niha tu firotek li her warehouse tune | |
3 | From Date can not be greater than To Date | Ji Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka Mezin nikare | |
4 | Group Roll No | Koma Roll No | |
5 | or | an | |
6 | {0} Retain Sample is based on batch, please check Has Batch No to retain sample of item | {0} Sample retaina bingehîn li ser batchê ye, ji kerema xwe ya Batchê Na Na ku ji bo naveroka nimûneyê bigire | |
7 | "Customer Provided Item" cannot be Purchase Item also | "Pêvek Bargainê Pêwîste" dikare nikarin Pirtûka Kirînê jî | |
8 | "Customer Provided Item" cannot have Valuation Rate | "Pêvek Baca Pargîdanî" dikare nikare nirxandina nirxandinê tune | |
9 | "Is Fixed Asset" cannot be unchecked, as Asset record exists against the item | "Assisted Is Fixed Is" nayê zanîn, wekî asîteya rekêşî li ser vê tiştê heye | |
10 | 'Based On' and 'Group By' can not be same | 'Li ser Bingehê' û 'Bi Tîma Group' dikare nikarin | |
11 | 'Days Since Last Order' must be greater than or equal to zero | 'Roja Dawîn Ji Roja Dawîn' divê ji bila sûnî an jî wekhev be | |
12 | 'Entries' cannot be empty | 'Nîşan' vala nebe | |
13 | 'From Date' is required | 'Ji Dîroka' pêwîst e | |
14 | 'From Date' must be after 'To Date' | 'Dîrok' divê piştî 'To Date' | |
15 | 'Has Serial No' can not be 'Yes' for non-stock item | 'Na Serial Na' nikare ji bo ne-stockê 'Yes' ne | |
16 | 'Opening' | 'Dergeh' | |
17 | 'To Case No.' cannot be less than 'From Case No.' | 'Naveroka Naveroka' Ji 'Ji Mijarek Naveroka' kêmtir nabe | |
18 | 'To Date' is required | 'To Date' pêwîst e | |
19 | 'Total' | 'Hemî' | |
20 | 'Update Stock' can not be checked because items are not delivered via {0} | 'Stock Update' dikare nikarin kontrol kirin çimkî ji hêla tiştên ku têne veguhastin {0} | |
21 | 'Update Stock' cannot be checked for fixed asset sale | 'Stock Update' nikare ji bo firotina mazûl ya xelet ne kontrol bike | |
22 | ) for {0} | ) ji bo {0} | |
23 | 1 exact match. | 1 match match. | |
24 | 90-Above | 90-Above | |
25 | A Customer Group exists with same name please change the Customer name or rename the Customer Group | Koma Giştî ya Gelek Navnîşê heman navnîşê heye, ji kerema xwe navê navnîşa bazirganî an navnîşê Giştî ya Giştî | |
26 | A Default Service Level Agreement already exists. | Peymaneka Navendî ya Navnîşî ya berê heye. | |
27 | A Lead requires either a person's name or an organization's name | Leşkerek an navê an kes an navê navê rêxistinê heye | |
28 | A customer with the same name already exists | Pêwendiyek bi heman navî ve heye | |
29 | A question must have more than one options | Pirsgirêk bêtir alternatîfan heye | |
30 | A qustion must have at least one correct options | Divê kûçek herî kêm alternatîfek rast heye | |
31 | A {0} exists between {1} and {2} ( | A {0} di navbera {1} û {2} de heye ( | |
32 | Abbr can not be blank or space | Abbr nikare vala an qada nebe | |
33 | Abbreviation already used for another company | Navekî ku ji bo şîrketek din ve tê bikaranîn | |
34 | Abbreviation cannot have more than 5 characters | Navekî nikare ji 5 celeb hene | |
35 | Abbreviation is mandatory | Navekî pêwîst e | |
36 | About the Company | Der barê şîrketê | |
37 | About your company | Der barê şirketa we | |
38 | Above | Ser | |
39 | Absent | Neamade | |
40 | Academic Term | Termê akademîk | |
41 | Academic Term: | Termê Akademîk: | |
42 | Academic Year | Salê Akademîk | |
43 | Academic Year: | Salê Akademîk: | |
44 | Accepted + Rejected Qty must be equal to Received quantity for Item {0} | Qeqkirî + Qe Qe Qew Divê Jêkûpêk ji bo Hilbijartina Pirtûka Pêdivî ye {0} | |
45 | Accessable Value | Nirxdariya nirx | |
46 | Account | Konto | |
47 | Account Number | Hejmara Hesabê | |
48 | Account Number {0} already used in account {1} | Hejmara Hesabê {0} ji berê ve tê bikaranîn {1} | |
49 | Account Pay Only | Hesabê Tenê | |
50 | Account Type | Tîpa Hesabê | |
51 | Account Type for {0} must be {1} | Tîpa Hesabê {0} divê {1} | |
52 | Account balance already in Credit, you are not allowed to set 'Balance Must Be' as 'Debit' | Balavên hesabê berê di krediyê de, tu destûr nabe ku 'Divê Divê Divê Divê Divê' Debit ' | |
53 | Account balance already in Debit, you are not allowed to set 'Balance Must Be' as 'Credit' | Balavên hesabê di Debit de, tu destûr nabe ku 'Balance Must Be' wekî 'Credit' | |
54 | Account number for account {0} is not available.<br> Please setup your Chart of Accounts correctly. | Hejmarê hesabê {0} hesab nîne. <br> Ji kerema xwe kerema xwe ya kartên xwe rast bikin. | |
55 | Account with child nodes cannot be converted to ledger | Hesabê zarokê bi zarokê veguherin bi rêberê veguherînin | |
56 | Account with child nodes cannot be set as ledger | Hesabê zarokê bi zarokê nabe ku wek birêve bibin | |
57 | Account with existing transaction can not be converted to group. | Hesabê ku bi veguhastina heyî ya veguhastin nikare bi komê veguherîn. | |
58 | Account with existing transaction can not be deleted | Hesabê ku bi veguherandina heyî ve nayê veguhastin | |
59 | Account with existing transaction cannot be converted to ledger | Hesabê ku bi veguhastina heyî ya veguhastinê veguherî nabe | |
60 | Account {0} does not belong to company: {1} | Hesab {0} ne girêdayî şîrketê: {1} | |
61 | Account {0} does not belongs to company {1} | Hesab {0} ne girêdayî şirket {1} | |
62 | Account {0} does not exist | Hesab {0} nîne | |
63 | Account {0} does not exists | Hesab {0} nîne | |
64 | Account {0} does not match with Company {1} in Mode of Account: {2} | Hesabê {0} bi Pargîdaniya Company 1} re di Mode of Account de nabe: {2 | |
65 | Account {0} has been entered multiple times | Hesab {0} gelek caran carî ye | |
66 | Account {0} is added in the child company {1} | Hesabê {0} di şirketa zarokan de {1} | |
67 | Account {0} is frozen | Hesab {0} ye | |
68 | Account {0} is invalid. Account Currency must be {1} | Hesab {0} ne çewt e. Divê Dravê Hesabê {1} | |
69 | Account {0}: Parent account {1} can not be a ledger | Hesab {0}: Hesabê dêûbav {1} nikare birêvebirin | |
70 | Account {0}: Parent account {1} does not belong to company: {2} | Hesab {0}:: Hesabê bavê {1} şirket nabe: {2} | |
71 | Account {0}: Parent account {1} does not exist | Hesab {0}: Hesabê Parent {1} nîne | |
72 | Account {0}: You can not assign itself as parent account | Hesab {0}: Hûn nikarin xwe wek bavê bavê xwe nade | |
73 | Account: {0} can only be updated via Stock Transactions | Hesabê: {0} tenê bi veguhastina Stock Stockê re bêne nûkirin | |
74 | Account: {0} with currency: {1} can not be selected | Hesab: {0} bi pereyê: {1} nikare hilbijartin | |
75 | Accountant | Hesabdar | |
76 | Accounting | Accounting | |
77 | Accounting Entry for Asset | Entry Entry for Asset | |
78 | Accounting Entry for Stock | Entry Entry for Stock | |
79 | Accounting Entry for {0}: {1} can only be made in currency: {2} | Entry Entry for {0}: {1} tenê di nav pereyê de çêbibe: {2} | |
80 | Accounting Ledger | Accounting Ledger | |
81 | Accounting entries have already been made in currency {0} for company {1}. Please select a receivable or payable account with currency {0}. | Navnîşên hesabkirinê ji bo pargîdaniya {1} ji bo currency 0 currency hatine çêkirin. Ji kerema xwe hesabê wergirtî an deyndêr bi currency {0 {hilbijêrin. | |
82 | Accounting journal entries. | Navnîşên kovara hesabê. | |
83 | Accounts | Hesab | |
84 | Accounts Payable | Accounts Payable | |
85 | Accounts Payable Summary | Accounts Payable Summary | |
86 | Accounts Receivable | Accounts Recailable | |
87 | Accounts Receivable Summary | Hesabên Nasîn Qezenc | |
88 | Accounts table cannot be blank. | Qanûna hesab nikare nebixwe. | |
89 | Accrual Journal Entry for salaries from {0} to {1} | Entry Journal Entry for the salaries from {0} to {1} | |
90 | Accumulated Depreciation | Bersavkirinahevkirin | |
91 | Accumulated Depreciation Amount | Amûra Bersavkirinê Bistîne | |
92 | Accumulated Depreciation as on | Bêguman Berhevkirin Li ser | |
93 | Accumulated Monthly | Monthly Accumulated | |
94 | Accumulated Values | Nirxên nirxandin | |
95 | Accumulated Values in Group Company | Gelek Nirxên li Kompaniya Giştî | |
96 | Achieved ({}) | Wergirt ({}) | |
97 | Action | Çalakî | |
98 | Action Initialised | Çalakiya Destpêk | |
99 | Actions | Actions | |
100 | Active | Jîr | |
101 | Active Leads / Customers | Active Leads / Customers | |
102 | Activity Cost exists for Employee {0} against Activity Type - {1} | Çalakiya çalakiya ji bo xebatkarê li dijî {0} ya karmendê {1} | |
103 | Activity Cost per Employee | Li karmendê karê çalakiyê | |
104 | Activity Type | Tîpa Çalakiyê | |
105 | Actual Cost | Bihayê rastîn | |
106 | Actual Delivery Date | Dîroka Demkî ya Actual | |
107 | Actual Qty | Qty Actual | |
108 | Actual Qty is mandatory | Kuala Qualî ye | |
109 | Actual Qty {0} / Waiting Qty {1} | Qualî Qty {0} / Li Qaita Qty {1} | |
110 | Actual Qty: Quantity available in the warehouse. | Qualî Kuala: Hêjeya di nav xanî de heye. | |
111 | Actual qty in stock | Qeqeya rastîn ya li stok | |
112 | Actual type tax cannot be included in Item rate in row {0} | Baca bilezê rastîn dikare di nav rêjeya navîn de di nav rêza {0} | |
113 | Add | Lêzêdekirin | |
114 | Add / Edit Prices | Prices / Add Add | |
115 | Add All Suppliers | All Suppliers | |
116 | Add Comment | Comment Comment | |
117 | Add Customers | Customers Add | |
118 | Add Employees | Karbidestan Add | |
119 | Add Item | Item Add | |
120 | Add Items | Items Add | |
121 | Add Leads | Add Leads | |
122 | Add Multiple Tasks | Multiple tasks | |
123 | Add Row | Row | |
124 | Add Sales Partners | Sales Partners | |
125 | Add Serial No | No Serial Add | |
126 | Add Students | Xwendekar Add | |
127 | Add Suppliers | Add Suppliers | |
128 | Add Time Slots | Add Time Slots | |
129 | Add Timesheets | Add Timesheets | |
130 | Add Timeslots | Add Timesots | |
131 | Add Users to Marketplace | Bikarhênerên li Marketplace zêde bikin | |
132 | Add a new address | Navnîşanek nû bike | |
133 | Add cards or custom sections on homepage | Karta kart û taybetmendiyê li ser malperê zêde bikin | |
134 | Add more items or open full form | Add more items or form form full | |
135 | Add notes | Notes | |
136 | Add the rest of your organization as your users. You can also add invite Customers to your portal by adding them from Contacts | Wek bikarhênerên xwe binpêvexistina we ya din. Hûn dikarin ji bo têkiliyên ji bo peywendîdaran vexwendin bi portalê xwe vexwendin | |
137 | Add to Details | Agahdar bike | |
138 | Add/Remove Recipients | Add / Remove Recipients | |
139 | Added | Added | |
140 | Added to details | Add to details | |
141 | Added {0} users | Bikarhênerên {0} zêde kirin | |
142 | Additional Salary Component Exists. | Parêzerê Pêdivî ye | |
143 | Address | Navnîşan | |
144 | Address Line 2 | Navnîşa Navnîşan 2 | |
145 | Address Name | Navnîşê Navnîşan | |
146 | Address Title | Navnîşana Navnîşê | |
147 | Address Type | Navnîşana Navnîşan | |
148 | Administrative Expenses | Mesrefên îdarî | |
149 | Administrative Officer | Karmendê îdarî | |
150 | Admission | Mûkir | |
151 | Admission and Enrollment | Admission and Registration | |
152 | Admissions for {0} | Ji bo {0} | |
153 | Admit | Qebûlkirin | |
154 | Admitted | Tête kirin | |
155 | Advance Amount | Amûdê Amûdê | |
156 | Advance Payments | Tezmînata Pêşkeftî | |
157 | Advance account currency should be same as company currency {0} | Divê hesabê pêşxistina diravê wekî wek diravê şirket {0} | |
158 | Advance amount cannot be greater than {0} {1} | Mesrefê pêşveçûn nikare ji {0} {1} | |
159 | Advertising | Reqlam | |
160 | Aerospace | Aerospace | |
161 | Against | Dijî | |
162 | Against Account | Li dijî Hesabê | |
163 | Against Journal Entry {0} does not have any unmatched {1} entry | Li dijî Entry Journal {0} navnîşan tune ye {1} | |
164 | Against Journal Entry {0} is already adjusted against some other voucher | Li dijî Eniya Çîroka {0} ji ber ku li ser hin vûçerê ve hatî guhertin | |
165 | Against Supplier Invoice {0} dated {1} | Li Bexdayê Berevanîya Tevlêbûnê {0} {1} | |
166 | Against Voucher | Li dijî Voucher | |
167 | Against Voucher Type | Li dijî Tîpa Vozer | |
168 | Age | Kalbûn | |
169 | Age (Days) | Dîrok (Rojan) | |
170 | Ageing Based On | Aging Based On | |
171 | Ageing Range 1 | Aging Range 1 | |
172 | Ageing Range 2 | Aging Range 2 | |
173 | Ageing Range 3 | Aging Range 3 | |
174 | Agriculture | Cotyarî | |
175 | Agriculture (beta) | Çandinî (beta) | |
176 | Airline | Şîrketa balafiran | |
177 | All Accounts | Hemû hesab | |
178 | All Addresses. | Hemû Navnîşan. | |
179 | All Assessment Groups | Hemû Nirxên Koma | |
180 | All BOMs | Hemû BOM | |
181 | All Contacts. | All Contacts. | |
182 | All Customer Groups | Koma Giştî ya Giştî | |
183 | All Day | Tevahiya rojê | |
184 | All Departments | Hemû Departments | |
185 | All Healthcare Service Units | Hemû Yekîneyên Xizmeta Xizmetiyê | |
186 | All Item Groups | Hemû Giştî Groups | |
187 | All Jobs | Hemû Kar | |
188 | All Products | Hemû Products | |
189 | All Products or Services. | Hemû Products û Xizmetên | |
190 | All Student Admissions | Hemû Xwendekarên Xwendekaran | |
191 | All Supplier Groups | All Supplier Groups | |
192 | All Supplier scorecards. | All Supplier Scorecards. | |
193 | All Territories | Hemû Territories | |
194 | All Warehouses | Hemû xaniyan | |
195 | All communications including and above this shall be moved into the new Issue | Hemû ragihandin û herwiha vê yekê dê di mijara nû ya nû de derbas bibin | |
196 | All items have already been invoiced | Hemû tiştên ku berê veguhestin | |
197 | All items have already been transferred for this Work Order. | Hemû tiştên ku ji ber vê yekê ji bo Karê Karker ve hatibû veguhestin. | |
198 | All other ITC | Hemû ITC din | |
199 | All the mandatory Task for employee creation hasn't been done yet. | Hemî Taskek ji bo karkirina karmendê nehatiye kirin. | |
200 | All these items have already been invoiced | Hemî van tiştan berê berê veguhestin | |
201 | Allocate Payment Amount | Amount To Allocate | |
202 | Allocated Amount | Amûrkirî vekirî | |
203 | Allocated Leaves | Leaves Allocated | |
204 | Allocating leaves... | Pelên veguherî ... | |
205 | Already record exists for the item {0} | Jixwe tomar tiştê li ser {0} heye | |
206 | Already set default in pos profile {0} for user {1}, kindly disabled default | Berî berê yê default {0} ji bo bikarhênerê {1} navekî veguherîn,, navekî nermalav hate qedexekirin | |
207 | Alternate Item | Peldanka alternatîf | |
208 | Alternative item must not be same as item code | Divê belgeya alternatîf divê wekî kodê kodê ne | |
209 | Amount | Biha | |
210 | Amount After Depreciation | Piştî paşveçûnê | |
211 | Amount of Integrated Tax | Gelek Bacê ya Bexdayê | |
212 | Amount of TDS Deducted | Amûreya TDS ya kêmkirî | |
213 | Amount should not be less than zero. | Divê divê ne ji sifir kêmtir. | |
214 | Amount to Bill | Amûr to Bill | |
215 | Amount {0} {1} against {2} {3} | Amount {0} {1} li dijî {2} {3} | |
216 | Amount {0} {1} deducted against {2} | Amount {0} {1} li dijî {2} | |
217 | Amount {0} {1} transferred from {2} to {3} | Amount {0} {1} ji {2} ji {3} veguherandin | |
218 | Amount {0} {1} {2} {3} | Amount {0} {1} {2} {3} | |
219 | Amt | Amt | |
220 | An Item Group exists with same name, please change the item name or rename the item group | Gelek tiştek bi heman navnîşê heye, kerema xwe navê navê xwe biguherînî an jî koma grûpê navekî hilbijêre | |
221 | An academic term with this 'Academic Year' {0} and 'Term Name' {1} already exists. Please modify these entries and try again. | Termek akademîkî ya bi vî Year Salê Akademîk {0 û Name Name Navîn {1} jixwe heye. Ji kerema xwe van navnîşan biguherînin û careke din biceribînin. | |
222 | An error occurred during the update process | Di dema pêvajoyê de çewtiyek çêbû | |
223 | An item exists with same name ({0}), please change the item group name or rename the item | Peldanka heman navê ({0}) tiştek heye, ji kerema xwe navê navnîşê anî an biguherînin | |
224 | Analyst | Analyst | |
225 | Analytics | Analytics | |
226 | Annual Billing: {0} | Billing Year: {0} | |
227 | Annual Salary | Salarya salane | |
228 | Anonymous | Bênav | |
229 | Another Budget record '{0}' already exists against {1} '{2}' and account '{3}' for fiscal year {4} | Guhertina budceyek din '{0}' ji ber ku {1} '{2}' hatibû qedexekirin û hesabê {{3} 'ji bo salek fiscal {4} heye. | |
230 | Another Period Closing Entry {0} has been made after {1} | Pirtûkek din a Daxuyaniya Kontrolê {0} piştî çêkirin {1} | |
231 | Another Sales Person {0} exists with the same Employee id | Mirovek Xwendekarên din {0} bi heman heman karmendê xwedan heye | |
232 | Antibiotic | Antîbîyotîk | |
233 | Apparel & Accessories | Apparel & Accessories | |
234 | Applicable if the company is SpA, SApA or SRL | Bêguman eger şirket SPA, SAPA û SRL ye | |
235 | Applicable if the company is a limited liability company | Heke ku şîrket şirketek hûrgelan e | |
236 | Applicable if the company is an Individual or a Proprietorship | Qanûna ku şîrketek şexsî an Propheterê ye | |
237 | Applicant | Namzêd | |
238 | Applicant Type | Tîpa Serêdanê | |
239 | Application of Funds (Assets) | Serlêdana Bacê (Assets) | |
240 | Application period cannot be across two allocation records | Dema serîlêdanê dikare di raporta du alavê de ne | |
241 | Application period cannot be outside leave allocation period | Dema serîlêdanê nikarin heyama dravê derveyî | |
242 | Applied | Applied | |
243 | Apply Now | Bixwîne | |
244 | Appointment Analytics | Analytics | |
245 | Appointment Confirmation | Daxuyaniya rûniştinê | |
246 | Appointment Duration (mins) | Demjimardana Demjimêr (min) | |
247 | Appointment Type | Tîpa rûniştinê | |
248 | Appointment cancelled | Serdanek betal kirin | |
249 | Appointment cancelled, Please review and cancel the invoice {0} | Serdan hat betal kirin, ji kerema xwe vê fatoreyê bixwînin û betal bikin {0 | |
250 | Appointment {0} and Sales Invoice {1} cancelled | Destnîşankirin {0} û Şîfreya Bexdayê {1} betal kirin | |
251 | Appointments and Encounters | Destnîşan û Encûmenan | |
252 | Appointments and Patient Encounters | Encoder û rûniştvanên nexweşan | |
253 | Appraisal {0} created for Employee {1} in the given date range | Nirxandina {0 ji bo Employee {1} re di tarîxa dîrokê de hatî afirandin | |
254 | Apprentice | Şagird | |
255 | Approval Status must be 'Approved' or 'Rejected' | Divê Rewşa Destûra Divê 'Approved' an 'Rejected' be | |
256 | Approve | Destûrdan | |
257 | Approving Role cannot be same as role the rule is Applicable To | Daxuyaniya Role nikare wek rola ku nikaribe serîlêdanê ye | |
258 | Approving User cannot be same as user the rule is Applicable To | Bikaranîna bikarhêner bikar ne wek wekî bikarhêner bikar anîn Qanûna Qanûna Bingeh e | |
259 | Apps using current key won't be able to access, are you sure? | Vebijêrkên key-ê bikar bînin ku dê nikaribin gihîştin destûr, ma hûn rast bin? | |
260 | Are you sure you want to cancel this appointment? | Ma hûn bawer dikin ku hûn bixwazin vê serdanê betal bikin? | |
261 | Arrear | Arrear | |
262 | As Examiner | As Examiner | |
263 | As On Date | Wek Dîrok | |
264 | As Supervisor | Wek Supervisor | |
265 | As per rules 42 & 43 of CGST Rules | Li gor qaîdeyên 42 û 43 ya CGST | |
266 | As per section 17(5) | Li gorî beşa 17 (5) | |
267 | As per the Buying Settings if Purchase Order Required == 'YES', then for creating Purchase Invoice, user need to create Purchase Order first for item {0} | Li gor Daxuyaniya Kirînê Ger Kirêdar Daxwazin == 'YES', ji bo ku ji bo çêkirina Bargêrbûnê çêbikin, bikarhêner divê hewceyê pêşî ji bo ji bo kirînê ya yekemîn çêbikin {0} | |
268 | As per the Buying Settings if Purchase Reciept Required == 'YES', then for creating Purchase Invoice, user need to create Purchase Receipt first for item {0} | Li gor Kiryarên Kirêdar Ku Ger Kirîna Mirovan Required == 'YES', ji bo ku ji bo afirandina Şandina Bargiraniyê, bikarhêner divê hewce dike ku yekem ji bo şîfreya kirînê ya yekem {0} | |
269 | As per your assigned Salary Structure you cannot apply for benefits | Li gorî Performasyona Wezareta we ya ku hûn nikarin ji bo berjewendiyan neynin | |
270 | Assessment | Bellîkirinî | |
271 | Assessment Criteria | Nirxandina Nirxandinê | |
272 | Assessment Group | Koma Nirxandina | |
273 | Assessment Group: | Koma Nirxandinê: | |
274 | Assessment Plan | Plana Nirxînê | |
275 | Assessment Plan Name | Pîlana Nirxandina Navnîşê | |
276 | Assessment Report | Rapora Nirxandinê | |
277 | Assessment Reports | Raportên Nirxandinê | |
278 | Assessment Result | Encamê Nirxîn | |
279 | Assessment Result record {0} already exists. | Nirxandina encamê {0} jixwe heye. | |
280 | Asset | Asset | |
281 | Asset Category | Kategorî | |
282 | Asset Category is mandatory for Fixed Asset item | Dabeşkirina kategoriya ji bo jibo sîgorta maqûlkirî ye | |
283 | Asset Maintenance | Binesaziya Giştî | |
284 | Asset Movement | Tevgera Asset | |
285 | Asset Movement record {0} created | Tevgera Tevgera Tevgera {0} hat afirandin | |
286 | Asset Name | Navê Aset | |
287 | Asset Received But Not Billed | Bêguman Received But Billed Not | |
288 | Asset Value Adjustment | Peymana Nirxandinê | |
289 | Asset cannot be cancelled, as it is already {0} | Asset nikare betal kirin, wekî ku ew yek ji {0} | |
290 | Asset scrapped via Journal Entry {0} | Alîkariya bi navnîşa rojnameya Rojname Entry {0} | |
291 | Asset {0} cannot be scrapped, as it is already {1} | Asset {0} nikare tengahî, wek ku ew yek ji {1} | |
292 | Asset {0} does not belong to company {1} | Asset {0} ne girêdayî şîrket {1} | |
293 | Asset {0} must be submitted | Asset {0} divê were şandin | |
294 | Assets | Tiştan | |
295 | Assign | Cîrêdan | |
296 | Assign Salary Structure | Structural Salary Assignign | |
297 | Assign to Employees | Xwe karûbarên karkerên | |
298 | Assigning Structures... | Structures Assigning ... | |
299 | Associate | Şirîk | |
300 | At least one mode of payment is required for POS invoice. | Ji bo POS bargavê herî kêm yek awayê pêdivî ye. | |
301 | Atleast one item should be entered with negative quantity in return document | Pêwîste yek tiştek di belgeya belgeyê de bi nirxek negatîf ket | |
302 | Atleast one of the Selling or Buying must be selected | Atleast yek ji Bazirganî an Bazirganî divê bê hilbijartin | |
303 | Atleast one warehouse is mandatory | Atleast yek xanî heye | |
304 | Attach Logo | Attach Logo | |
305 | Attachments | Attachments | |
306 | Attendance | Amadetî | |
307 | Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date is mandatory | Tevlêbûnê Ji Roja Dîrok û Tevlêbûna Dawîn pêwîst e | |
308 | Attendance Record {0} exists against Student {1} | Tevlêbûna xwendinê {0} li dijî xwendekaran {1} | |
309 | Attendance can not be marked for future dates | Tevlêbûnê ji bo dahatên paşerojê nayê dîtin | |
310 | Attendance date can not be less than employee's joining date | Dîroka Tevlêbûnê nikare bêtir hevdîtinê ji karmendê karmendê ne | |
311 | Attendance for employee {0} is already marked | Tevlêbûna karmendê {0} ve hatibû nîşankirin | |
312 | Attendance for employee {0} is already marked for this day | Tevlêbûna karmendê {0} ji ber vê rojê ji bo vekirî ye | |
313 | Attendance has been marked successfully. | Tevlêbûna serkeftî hat nîşankirin. | |
314 | Attendance not submitted for {0} as it is a Holiday. | Beşdariyê ne ji bo {0} ji ber ku ev betal e pêşkêş kirin. | |
315 | Attendance not submitted for {0} as {1} on leave. | Beşdariyê li ser vekişînê ji {0} wekî {1} nayê pêşkêş kirin. | |
316 | Attribute table is mandatory | Tabloya Attribute pêwîst e | |
317 | Attribute {0} selected multiple times in Attributes Table | Attribute {0} gelek caran di nav hûrgelan de hilbijartin | |
318 | Authorized Signatory | Îmze kirin | |
319 | Auto Material Requests Generated | Agahiyên Xweserên Agahdariyê çêkirî | |
320 | Auto repeat document updated | Vebijêrk nûvekirina dokumentê nûvekirin | |
321 | Automotive | Otototîk | |
322 | Available | Berdeste | |
323 | Available Leaves | Leaves Available | |
324 | Available Qty | Qty Available | |
325 | Available Selling | Bazirganiya Bazirganî | |
326 | Available for use date is required | Ji bo karanîna karanîna pêdivî ye | |
327 | Available slots | Slotên peyda hene | |
328 | Available {0} | Available {0} | |
329 | Available-for-use Date should be after purchase date | Ji bo bikaranîna Dîroka Dîroka kirînê be | |
330 | Average Age | Pirtûka Navîn | |
331 | Average Rate | Rêjeya navîn | |
332 | Avg Daily Outgoing | Daily Daily Outgoing | |
333 | Avg. Buying Price List Rate | Avg. Lîsteya bihayê bihayê kirînê | |
334 | Avg. Selling Price List Rate | Avg. Pirtûka Lîsteya bihayê bihayê bike | |
335 | Avg. Selling Rate | Avg. Rêjeya firotanê | |
336 | BOM | BOM | |
337 | BOM #{0}: Raw material cannot be same as main Item | BOM # {0}: Materyal rawek nikare wek tişta sereke ne | |
338 | BOM Browser | BOM Browser | |
339 | BOM No | BOM Na | |
340 | BOM Rate | Rêjeya BOM | |
341 | BOM Stock Report | Raporta BOM'ê | |
342 | BOM and Manufacturing Quantity are required | Pêwîstiya BOM û Pêvanîna Pêdivî ye | |
343 | BOM does not contain any stock item | BOM ne tiştek hilberê ne | |
344 | BOM {0} does not belong to Item {1} | BOM {0} ne naveroka {1} | |
345 | BOM {0} must be active | BOM {0} divê çalak be | |
346 | BOM {0} must be submitted | Divê BOM {0} be şandin | |
347 | Balance | Bîlanço | |
348 | Balance (Dr - Cr) | Balance (Dr - Cr) | |
349 | Balance ({0}) | Balance ({0} | |
350 | Balance Qty | Balance Qty | |
351 | Balance Sheet | Balance Sheet | |
352 | Balance Value | Balance Value | |
353 | Balance for Account {0} must always be {1} | Balance Ji bo {0} Divê herdem {1} | |
354 | Bank | Banke | |
355 | Bank Account | Hesabê bankê | |
356 | Bank Accounts | Hesabên bankê | |
357 | Bank Draft | Draft Bank | |
358 | Bank Entries | Entry Bank | |
359 | Bank Name | Navê Navîn | |
360 | Bank Overdraft Account | Bank Overdraft Account | |
361 | Bank Reconciliation | Bank Refîqasyon | |
362 | Bank Reconciliation Statement | Danûstandinên Bankê | |
363 | Bank Statement | Danezana Banka | |
364 | Bank Statement Settings | Setup Settings | |
365 | Bank Statement balance as per General Ledger | Li gorî Lîgerê Giştî ya Danûstandinê Bank | |
366 | Bank account cannot be named as {0} | Hesabê bankê nikare navê {0} | |
367 | Bank/Cash transactions against party or for internal transfer | Li hemberî partî an ji bo veguhestina navxweyî | |
368 | Banking | Banking | |
369 | Banking and Payments | Banking û Payment | |
370 | Barcode {0} already used in Item {1} | Barcode {0} jixwe ve hatî bikaranîn {1} | |
371 | Barcode {0} is not a valid {1} code | Barcode {0} navekî yekem {1} ne | |
372 | Base | Bingeh | |
373 | Based On | Çi qewimî | |
374 | Based On Payment Terms | Li Ser Bingehên Serdema Bingehî | |
375 | Basic | Bingehîn | |
376 | Batch | Batch | |
377 | Batch Entries | Batch Entries | |
378 | Batch ID is mandatory | Nasnameya Batchê pêwîst e | |
379 | Batch Inventory | Batch Inventory | |
380 | Batch Name | Navê Batch | |
381 | Batch No | Batch No | |
382 | Batch number is mandatory for Item {0} | Numreya batchê ji bo maddeya {0} | |
383 | Batch {0} of Item {1} has expired. | Batch {0} ya Mijar {1} veguhestin. | |
384 | Batch {0} of Item {1} is disabled. | Batch {0} ya Jêder {1} qedexekirin. | |
385 | Batch: | Batch: | |
386 | Batches | Çep | |
387 | Become a Seller | Bazirgan bibin | |
388 | Bill | Hesab | |
389 | Bill Date | Dîrok | |
390 | Bill No | Bill No | |
391 | Bill of Materials | Bill Material | |
392 | Bill of Materials (BOM) | Bill Material (BOM) | |
393 | Billable Hours | Saetên Bilind | |
394 | Billed | Billed | |
395 | Billed Amount | Amûdê | |
396 | Billing | Billing | |
397 | Billing Address | Telefona berîkan | |
398 | Billing Address is same as Shipping Address | Navnîşan Navnîşana Navnîşanê ya Navnîşanê ya Navnîşanê ye | |
399 | Billing Amount | Amûreya Billing | |
400 | Billing Status | Status Status | |
401 | Billing currency must be equal to either default company's currency or party account currency | Pêdivî ye ku pêdivî ye ku pêdivî ye ku an jî heya karsaziya şîrket an diravê hesabê partiyê be | |
402 | Bills raised by Suppliers. | Bills by Suppliers. | |
403 | Bills raised to Customers. | Bîlan ji bo kirrûbiran. | |
404 | Biotechnology | Biotechnology | |
405 | Birthday Reminder | Birthday Reminder | |
406 | Black | Reş | |
407 | Blanket Orders from Costumers. | Pirtûka Pelên ji Kostumê. | |
408 | Block Invoice | Invoice Block | |
409 | Boms | Boms | |
410 | Bonus Payment Date cannot be a past date | Dîroka Payûreyê Dîrokek mayînek ne | |
411 | Both Trial Period Start Date and Trial Period End Date must be set | Dema Duyemîn Doza Têkoşîna Dîroka Destpêk û Dema Têkoşîna Trial divê Divê dabeş bikin | |
412 | Both Warehouse must belong to same Company | Her warehouse divê heman şirket in | |
413 | Branch | Liq | |
414 | Broadcasting | Broadcasting | |
415 | Brokerage | Brokerage | |
416 | Browse BOM | BOM Browse | |
417 | Budget Against | Bexdayê Li dijî | |
418 | Budget List | Lîsteya budceyê | |
419 | Budget Variance Report | Report Report Variance | |
420 | Budget cannot be assigned against Group Account {0} | Bexdayê li dijî Koma Hesabê {0} | |
421 | Budget cannot be assigned against {0}, as it's not an Income or Expense account | Bexdayê li dijî {0} nabe, ji ber ku ew hesabek an Income or Expense Account | |
422 | Buildings | Avakirin | |
423 | Bundle items at time of sale. | Bawên bundle li dema firotanê. | |
424 | Business Development Manager | Rêveberê Pêşvebirina Karsaziyê | |
425 | Buy | Kirrîn | |
426 | Buying | Kirînê | |
427 | Buying Amount | Amînê Kirînê | |
428 | Buying Price List | Lîsteya bihayê bihêlin | |
429 | Buying Rate | Rêjeya Kirînê | |
430 | Buying must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0} | Divê Kirîna Kirînê divê, Ger Serkeftî Ku Ji bo {0} | |
431 | By {0} | By {0} | |
432 | Bypass credit check at Sales Order | Check checks at Sales Order | |
433 | C-Form records | Peldanka C-Form | |
434 | C-form is not applicable for Invoice: {0} | C-form ji bo vexwendinê ne derbas e: {0} | |
435 | CEO | CEO | |
436 | CESS Amount | Giştî ya CESS | |
437 | CGST Amount | Ameya CGST | |
438 | CRM | CRM | |
439 | CWIP Account | Account CWIP | |
440 | Calculated Bank Statement balance | Balance Statement Statement | |
441 | Calls | Calls | |
442 | Campaign | Bêşvekirin | |
443 | Can be approved by {0} | Ji hêla {0} | |
444 | Can not filter based on Account, if grouped by Account | Heke li ser Hesabê hesab nekiribe hesabê hesab nabe, hesab bike | |
445 | Can not filter based on Voucher No, if grouped by Voucher | Li ser Voucher No, heke ji hêla voucher ve girêdayî ye, li ser naxwaze naxwaze | |
446 | Can not mark Inpatient Record Discharged, there are Unbilled Invoices {0} | Vebijêrk Dabeşkirinên Inpatient Discharged, Nîşaneyên Mirovên Unbilled hene {0} | |
447 | Can only make payment against unbilled {0} | Tenê tenê li dijî bêpeymaniyê pêdivî ye {0} | |
448 | Can refer row only if the charge type is 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'Previous Row Total' | Tenê tenê tenê heger heke cureyê bargirtî ye 'Li Rengê Peldankê ya' an 'Renga Rûyê Pêdivî' | |
449 | Can't change valuation method, as there are transactions against some items which does not have it's own valuation method | Dibe ku rêbazên li hember hin tiştan de ne ku rêbazek valahiyê ne xwediyê nirxê valahiyê biguherînin | |
450 | Can't create standard criteria. Please rename the criteria | Pîvana standard standard nikare. Ji kerema xwe pîvanên nû veguherînin | |
451 | Cancel | Bişûndekirin | |
452 | Cancel Material Visit {0} before cancelling this Warranty Claim | Berî Beriya Şerta Warrantyê ya Destûra Derkeve {0} Material Cancel | |
453 | Cancel Material Visits {0} before cancelling this Maintenance Visit | Berî Destûra Xweseriya Xeletiya Destûrê bide {0} Malpera Xwe Destnîşankirin | |
454 | Cancel Subscription | Daxistina Cancel | |
455 | Cancel the journal entry {0} first | Pêşîn têkevin kovarê Canc 0 betal bikin | |
456 | Canceled | Cancel | |
457 | Cannot Submit, Employees left to mark attendance | Nabe, Berhemên xwe ji bo beşdarî derxistin çepê | |
458 | Cannot be a fixed asset item as Stock Ledger is created. | Dibe ku sîteya Ledger hatiye afirandin nabe ku belgeyeke erê nabe. | |
459 | Cannot cancel because submitted Stock Entry {0} exists | Nabe ku ji ber veguhestina Stock Entry {0} heye | |
460 | Cannot cancel transaction for Completed Work Order. | Ji bo Birêvebirina Karûbarê Karûbarê Kirêdar qedexe nekin. | |
461 | Cannot cancel {0} {1} because Serial No {2} does not belong to the warehouse {3} | Nikarî {0} {1} nabe, ji ber ku Serial No {2} ne xwediyê warehouse {3} | |
462 | Cannot change Attributes after stock transaction. Make a new Item and transfer stock to the new Item | Piştre danûstandinên hilgirtinê veguherandin. Peldanka nû û veguhertina veguhestina nû ya nû | |
463 | Cannot change Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date once the Fiscal Year is saved. | Dema ku Fînala Salê hat rizgarkirin Dîroka Destpêk Dest û Dîroka Neteweyî ya Guherîn nabe. | |
464 | Cannot change Service Stop Date for item in row {0} | Dibe ku xizmeta astengkirina astengkirina astengkirina navxweyî de li ser rêzê {0} | |
465 | Cannot change Variant properties after stock transaction. You will have to make a new Item to do this. | Ji ber veguhastina veguhastinê veguherînên variant guhertin. Divê hûn nifşek nû çêbikin ku ev bikin. | |
466 | Cannot change company's default currency, because there are existing transactions. Transactions must be cancelled to change the default currency. | Dibe ku pargîdanîya heyî hene, nikare pereyê şirket li ser şexsê nabe. Divê veguherînan bêne betal kirin ku ji bo pereyê berê veguherînin biguherînin. | |
467 | Cannot change status as student {0} is linked with student application {1} | Rewş nikare wekî xwendekar {0} bi pêwendiya xwendekaran re girêdayî ye {1} | |
468 | Cannot convert Cost Center to ledger as it has child nodes | Nabe ku navendên zarokê heger zarokê lêgerînê bigirin | |
469 | Cannot covert to Group because Account Type is selected. | Giştî nikarin Koma Giştî ne ji ber ku Tîpa Hesabê hilbijartî ye. | |
470 | Cannot create Retention Bonus for left Employees | Bo karûbarên çepgir ên çepê nekarin nikare berevanîya berevanîya berxwedanê | |
471 | Cannot create a Delivery Trip from Draft documents. | Ji hêla belgeyên Draftê ve tête danûstandinên Draftê nabe. | |
472 | Cannot deactivate or cancel BOM as it is linked with other BOMs | BOM nikare nekin an BOM betal bike ku ew bi bi BOM re ve girêdayî ye | |
473 | Cannot declare as lost, because Quotation has been made. | Wateya winda ne, ji ber ku Quotation hatiye çêkirin. | |
474 | Cannot deduct when category is for 'Valuation' or 'Valuation and Total' | Dema ku kategoriya ji bo 'Nirxandina' yan 'Nirxandin û Giştî' ye | |
475 | Cannot deduct when category is for 'Valuation' or 'Vaulation and Total' | Dema ku kategoriya ji bo 'Nirxandin' an 'Vaulû û Total' | |
476 | Cannot delete Serial No {0}, as it is used in stock transactions | Nabe Serial No {0} jêbirin, wekî ku di danûstendinên bazirganî de tê bikaranîn | |
477 | Cannot enroll more than {0} students for this student group. | Ji bo xwendekaran ji vê xwendekaran re ji xwendekarên {0} zêdetir naxwazin. | |
478 | Cannot find Item with this barcode | Vê barcode bi vî rengî nabînin | |
479 | Cannot find active Leave Period | Dema vekêşanê ya Çalakî nayê dîtin | |
480 | Cannot produce more Item {0} than Sales Order quantity {1} | Nabe ku ji quantity 0} hê zêdetir quantity 0} ji Fermana Firotanê hilberîne | |
481 | Cannot promote Employee with status Left | Kes nikare karûbarê çepê çep nabe | |
482 | Cannot refer row number greater than or equal to current row number for this Charge type | Vê nimûneya pargalê ya ji hejmara hejmara hejmara hejmara hejmara hejmara an jî hejmarê hejmar nîne | |
483 | Cannot select charge type as 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'On Previous Row Total' for first row | Dibe ku bileya pêşîn ya 'Li ser Roweya Berê Berê' an 'Li Row Row Total' ye | |
484 | Cannot set a received RFQ to No Quote | Nabe ku bisekine RFQ qebûl nabe | |
485 | Cannot set as Lost as Sales Order is made. | Dibe ku wekî Biryara Sermonê winda dibe winda ne. | |
486 | Cannot set authorization on basis of Discount for {0} | Nabe ku destûrname li ser bingeha Discount ji bo {0 were danîn | |
487 | Cannot set multiple Item Defaults for a company. | Dibe ku ji bo şirketek pir jêderan pirtirkêmtirîn saz bikin. | |
488 | Cannot set quantity less than delivered quantity | Ji hêla kurtahî vekirî ji hêla kêmahiyê kêm nabe | |
489 | Cannot set quantity less than received quantity | Ji hêla mêjûya wergirtinê kêmtir nirx nabe | |
490 | Cannot set the field <b>{0}</b> for copying in variants | Ji bo kopîkirina variantê <b>{0}</b> zeviyê xilas nekin | |
491 | Cannot transfer Employee with status Left | Destûra bi Çepê Çep nayê veguherandin | |
492 | Cannot {0} {1} {2} without any negative outstanding invoice | Ne ku tu kesek negatîfek negatîf tune ne {0} {1} {2} | |
493 | Capital Equipments | Alavên Capital | |
494 | Capital Stock | Stock Capital | |
495 | Capital Work in Progress | Karê Kapîtaliyê di Pêşveçûnê de | |
496 | Cart | Ereboka destan | |
497 | Cart is Empty | Kart eşkere ye | |
498 | Case No(s) already in use. Try from Case No {0} | Case No (s) ku berê di karanîna. Ji Case No Try 0 Try Biceribînin | |
499 | Cash | Perê pêşîn | |
500 | Cash Flow Statement | Daxuyaniya Qanûna Krediyê | |
501 | Cash Flow from Financing | Flow Cash - from Financing | |
502 | Cash Flow from Investing | Flêwaya Kredê ji veberhênanê | |
503 | Cash Flow from Operations | Flêwaya Kredê ji Operasyonê | |
504 | Cash In Hand | Li Destê Kredê | |
505 | Cash or Bank Account is mandatory for making payment entry | Hesabê kredî yan bankê ye ku ji bo kirina dayîna dayîn | |
506 | Cashier Closing | Cashier Closing | |
507 | Casual Leave | Casual Leave | |
508 | Caution | Baldaynî | |
509 | Central Tax | Baca navendî | |
510 | Certification | Şehadet | |
511 | Cess | Cess | |
512 | Change Amount | Amûdê biguherîne | |
513 | Change Code | Kodê Guherandinê | |
514 | Change Item Code | Guherandinên Kodê biguherînin | |
515 | Change POS Profile | Guhertina POS Profîla | |
516 | Change Release Date | Guherandina Release Date | |
517 | Change Template Code | Koda Kodê biguherîne | |
518 | Changing Customer Group for the selected Customer is not allowed. | Guhertina Xerîdarê ji bo Mişterek bijartî nayê destûr kirin. | |
519 | Chapter | Beş | |
520 | Chapter information. | Şahidiya agahdariyê | |
521 | Charge of type 'Actual' in row {0} cannot be included in Item Rate | Charge of type 'Actual' li ser rûpela {0} nikarin di binirxa maddeyê de ne | |
522 | Chargeble | Chargeble | |
523 | Charges are updated in Purchase Receipt against each item | Tezmînata li ser her tiştê li peydanîna kirînê ya nû têne nûkirin | |
524 | Charges will be distributed proportionately based on item qty or amount, as per your selection | Tezmînata dê di çarçoveya hilbijartina we de qaîdeyê an qezenc an naveroka perçeyê belav kirin | |
525 | Chart Of Accounts | Karta Karûbar | |
526 | Chart of Cost Centers | Chart ya Navendên Krediyê | |
527 | Check all | Hemî kontrol bikin | |
528 | Checkout | Lêkolîn | |
529 | Chemical | Şîmyawî | |
530 | Cheque | Berçavkirinî | |
531 | Cheque/Reference No | Check / Reference No | |
532 | Cheques Required | Checks Required | |
533 | Cheques and Deposits incorrectly cleared | Checks and Deposits wrong | |
534 | Child Item should not be a Product Bundle. Please remove item `{0}` and save | Zarok Pêdivî ye ku Pêdivî ye ku Bundle Product. Ji kerema xwe veşêre `{0}` û jê biparêzin | |
535 | Child Task exists for this Task. You can not delete this Task. | Taskek Zarok ji bo vê Taskê heye. Hûn nikarin vê Taskê nadeve. | |
536 | Child nodes can be only created under 'Group' type nodes | Nodes zarokê tenê bi 'nîreyên grûb' tên afirandin | |
537 | Child warehouse exists for this warehouse. You can not delete this warehouse. | Ji bo vê barehouseê zarokê zarokan heye. Hûn nikarin vê pargîdaniyê nagire. | |
538 | Circular Reference Error | Çewtiya Rêjeya Çavkanî | |
539 | City | Bajar | |
540 | City/Town | Bajar / Bajarê | |
541 | Claimed Amount | Amûdê ya qedexekirin | |
542 | Clay | Herrî | |
543 | Clear filters | Fîlên zelal in | |
544 | Clear values | Nirxên paqij | |
545 | Clearance Date | Daxuyaniya Dîroka | |
546 | Clearance Date not mentioned | Daxuyaniya Dîrok nehatiye dayîn | |
547 | Clearance Date updated | Daxuyaniya Dîroka nûvekirî | |
548 | Clinical Procedure | Prosesa Clinical | |
549 | Clinical Procedure Template | Şablonê Clinical Procedure | |
550 | Close Balance Sheet and book Profit or Loss. | Balance Sheet Pirrjimar û Profit an Lossê. | |
551 | Close Loan | Loan Close | |
552 | Close the POS | POS vekin | |
553 | Closed | Girtî | |
554 | Closed order cannot be cancelled. Unclose to cancel. | Armanca vekirî nikare betal kirin. Ji ber betal bikin. | |
555 | Closing (Cr) | Closing (Cr) | |
556 | Closing (Dr) | Closing (Dr) | |
557 | Closing (Opening + Total) | Pevçûn | |
558 | Closing Account {0} must be of type Liability / Equity | Girtîgeha Hesabê {0} divê ji mûçeya berpirsiyariyê / yekîtiya be | |
559 | Closing Balance | Balance Closing | |
560 | Code {0} already exist | Code {0} already exists | |
561 | Collapse All | Hemû tomar bike | |
562 | Colour | Reng | |
563 | Combined invoice portion must equal 100% | Beşek pargîdaniya 100% | |
564 | Commercial | Bazirganî | |
565 | Commission | Simsarî | |
566 | Commission Rate % | Komîsyona% | |
567 | Commission on Sales | Komîsyona Firotanê | |
568 | Commission rate cannot be greater than 100 | Rêjeya komîsyonê ji 100 re zêdetir ne | |
569 | Community Forum | Forum | |
570 | Company (not Customer or Supplier) master. | Şirket (nexşterî an karmendê) masterê. | |
571 | Company Abbreviation | Şirketek Nirxandin | |
572 | Company Abbreviation cannot have more than 5 characters | Şirketek nirxandin nikare pênc 5 cûr hene | |
573 | Company Name | Navê Şîrket | |
574 | Company Name cannot be Company | Navekî Şirket nikare şirket nabe | |
575 | Company currencies of both the companies should match for Inter Company Transactions. | Fînansaziya şirketên herdu şîrketan divê ji bo Transfarkirina Inter Company peyda bikin. | |
576 | Company is manadatory for company account | Şirket ji bo hesabê şirket e | |
577 | Company name not same | Navekî şirket nayê | |
578 | Company {0} does not exist | Şirket {0} nîne | |
579 | Company, Payment Account, From Date and To Date is mandatory | Şirket, Hesabê dahat, Ji Dîrok û Dîroka Destûr e | |
580 | Compensatory Off | Off Compensatory | |
581 | Compensatory leave request days not in valid holidays | Demjimêrdana derveyî berdêla rojan ne di betlaneyên derbasdar de | |
582 | Complaint | Gilî | |
583 | Completed Qty can not be greater than 'Qty to Manufacture' | Qty Destpêk Ji "Qty To Manufacture" | |
584 | Completion Date | Dîroka Dagirtinê | |
585 | Computer | Komûter | |
586 | Configure | Configure | |
587 | Configure Item Fields like UOM, Item Group, Description and No of Hours. | Peldanka Girêdanê wekî UOM, Gelek Giştî, Pirtûka û Naveroka Niştecîh. | |
588 | Configure {0} | Configure {0} | |
589 | Confirmed orders from Customers. | Biryara ji kirrûbereyên pejirandin. | |
590 | Connect Amazon with ERPNext | Amazon bi ERPNext ve girêdayî bike | |
591 | Connect Shopify with ERPNext | Têkilî bi ERPNext Connect Shopify | |
592 | Connect to Quickbooks | Connect to Quickbooks | |
593 | Connected to QuickBooks | Girêdanên QuickBooks ve girêdayî ye | |
594 | Connecting to QuickBooks | Connecting to QuickBooks | |
595 | Consultation | Şêwir | |
596 | Consultations | Şêwirdarî | |
597 | Consulting | Şêwirmendî | |
598 | Consumable | Bawer | |
599 | Consumed | Tête kirin | |
600 | Consumed Amount | Amûrdayîna Amûdê | |
601 | Consumed Qty | Qut kirin | |
602 | Consumer Products | Berhemên Xerîdar | |
603 | Contact Number | Nimreya Têkilî | |
604 | Contact Us | Paqij bûn | |
605 | Content Masters | Mamoste | |
606 | Continue Configuration | Pêşveçûnê berdewam bikin | |
607 | Contract | Peyman | |
608 | Contract End Date must be greater than Date of Joining | Dîroka Peymana Dîroka Dîroka Tevlêbûnê mezintir be | |
609 | Contribution % | Serdan% | |
610 | Contribution Amount | Amûrkirina Serdanê | |
611 | Conversion factor for default Unit of Measure must be 1 in row {0} | Faktora guhertinê ji bo yekîneya Pîvana Divê 1 di nav rêza {0} | |
612 | Conversion rate cannot be 0 or 1 | Rêjeya danûstandinê nikare 0 an 1 | |
613 | Convert to Group | Vegere Group | |
614 | Convert to Non-Group | Vegere Ne-Group | |
615 | Cosmetics | Cosmetics | |
616 | Cost Center | Navenda Lêçûnê | |
617 | Cost Center Number | Hejmarê Navendê | |
618 | Cost Center and Budgeting | Navenda lêçûn û budçeyê | |
619 | Cost Center is required in row {0} in Taxes table for type {1} | Mesrefa Navenda Nirxê di rêza {0 de di sifra Bacan de ji bo celeb {1 required pêdivî ye | |
620 | Cost Center with existing transactions can not be converted to group | Navenda kredî ya ku veguherînên heyî yên vekirî ne ji bo komê veguherînin | |
621 | Cost Center with existing transactions can not be converted to ledger | Navenda kredî ya ku veguherînên heyî yên vekirî ne werin guhertin | |
622 | Cost Centers | Navendên bihayê | |
623 | Cost Updated | Cost Updated | |
624 | Cost as on | Lêbigere | |
625 | Cost center is required to book an expense claim | Navenda mesrefê mesref e ku hûn îdîaya dravaniyê bibînin | |
626 | Cost of Delivered Items | Lêberhênanên Hîndarkirin | |
627 | Cost of Goods Sold | Mesrefên Kirêdar Sot | |
628 | Cost of Issued Items | Mesrefên Dawî Hatîn | |
629 | Cost of New Purchase | Mesrefên Kirîna Nû | |
630 | Cost of Purchased Items | Buhayê Kirêdar kirin | |
631 | Cost of Scrapped Asset | Bihêleya Kirêdariya Niştimanî | |
632 | Cost of Sold Asset | Buhayê Bazara Saziyê | |
633 | Cost of various activities | Bihêle çalakiyên cûda | |
634 | Could not create Credit Note automatically, please uncheck 'Issue Credit Note' and submit again | Dikarim bixweberê Kontrolê nayê afirandin, ji kerema xwe 'Nerazîbûna Krediya Nîqaş' binivîse û dîsa careke din bişînin | |
635 | Could not generate Secret | Nekarî veşartî nehatiye çêkirin | |
636 | Could not retrieve information for {0}. | Agahdarî ji bo {0} agahdar nekir. | |
637 | Could not solve criteria score function for {0}. Make sure the formula is valid. | Ji bo {0} karûbarên nirxên nirxan nehatin çareser kirin. Bawer bikin ku formula derbasdar e. | |
638 | Could not solve weighted score function. Make sure the formula is valid. | Nikare karûbarên giran ên giran nekirin. Bawer bikin ku formula derbasdar e. | |
639 | Could not submit some Salary Slips | Nikarî çend salary slênan nekarin | |
640 | Could not update stock, invoice contains drop shipping item. | Dabeşkirina belgeyê, bargestiya dravîkirina şîfreyê nabe. | |
641 | Country wise default Address Templates | Navnîşan a Navnîşan Navnîşan Navnîşan Navnîşan | |
642 | Course | Kûrs | |
643 | Course Code: | Koda Kursê | |
644 | Course Enrollment {0} does not exists | Navnîşa enrollment {0} nîne | |
645 | Course Schedule | Derseya kursiyê | |
646 | Course: | Kûrs: | |
647 | Cr | Cr | |
648 | Create | Xûliqandin | |
649 | Create BOM | BOM | |
650 | Create Delivery Trip | Têkilî ya Hilbijêre | |
651 | Create Disbursement Entry | Entryment Entry Create Create | |
652 | Create Employee | Vebijêrk | |
653 | Create Employee Records | Vebijêrkên Karkerên Têkilî bikin | |
654 | Create Employee records to manage leaves, expense claims and payroll | Vebijêrkên karmendan ji bo pelên birêvebirin, îdîaya drav û payal | |
655 | Create Fee Schedule | Make Fee Schedule Create | |
656 | Create Fees | Daxwazin | |
657 | Create Inter Company Journal Entry | Entry Journal Journal Entry Creating | |
658 | Create Invoice | Vebijêrk çêbikin | |
659 | Create Invoices | Vebijêrin | |
660 | Create Job Card | Kartê karê xwe çêbikin | |
661 | Create Journal Entry | Navnîşana rojnamegeriyê biafirînin | |
662 | Create Lab Test | Test Lab test | |
663 | Create Lead | Rêberê Create | |
664 | Create Leads | Create Leads | |
665 | Create Maintenance Visit | Serdana Guhdariyê çêbikin | |
666 | Create Material Request | Request Request | |
667 | Create Multiple | Multiple Create | |
668 | Create Opening Sales and Purchase Invoices | Dabeşandina firotin û firotanê vekin vekin | |
669 | Create Payment Entries | Vebijêrkên Payment | |
670 | Create Payment Entry | Entry Payment Create | |
671 | Create Print Format | Forma çapkirinê hilbijêre | |
672 | Create Purchase Order | Daxuyaniya kirînê bikî | |
673 | Create Purchase Orders | Avakirina kirîna Orders | |
674 | Create Quotation | Create Quotation | |
675 | Create Salary Slip | Vebijêrîna Salaryê | |
676 | Create Salary Slips | Vebijêrkên Salaryan biafirînin | |
677 | Create Sales Invoice | Bargêrîna Bazirganiyê Bikin | |
678 | Create Sales Order | Daxuyaniya firotanê bikin | |
679 | Create Sales Orders to help you plan your work and deliver on-time | Ji bo ku hûn karê xwe kar bikin û wextê xwe bişînin alîkariya firotanê hilberînin | |
680 | Create Sample Retention Stock Entry | Stock Entry | |
681 | Create Student | Xwendekaran biafirînin | |
682 | Create Student Batch | Batch Student Student | |
683 | Create Student Groups | Komên Xwendekarên Pîroz bikin | |
684 | Create Supplier Quotation | Create Quotation | |
685 | Create Tax Template | Şablon | |
686 | Create Timesheet | Create Timesheet | |
687 | Create User | Create User | |
688 | Create Users | Bikarhêneran çêbikin | |
689 | Create Variant | Variant biafirîne | |
690 | Create Variants | Variants çêbike | |
691 | Create a new Customer | Kirêkêşek nû çêbikin | |
692 | Create and manage daily, weekly and monthly email digests. | Daxwazên rojane, heftane û mehên mehane damezirandin û rêveberiyê bikin. | |
693 | Create customer quotes | Bersivên bargiraniyê çêbikin | |
694 | Create rules to restrict transactions based on values. | Qanûnên ku ji hêla nirxên veguhestinê ve sînor bikin. | |
695 | Created {0} scorecards for {1} between: | {1} ji bo {1} scorecards { | |
696 | Creating Company and Importing Chart of Accounts | Creating Company and Importing Chart of Accounts | |
697 | Creating Fees | Pargîdanî | |
698 | Creating Payment Entries...... | Creating Payment Entries ...... | |
699 | Creating Salary Slips... | Creating Salary Slips ... | |
700 | Creating student groups | Creating groups groups | |
701 | Creating {0} Invoice | Creating {0} Invoice | |
702 | Credit | Krêdî | |
703 | Credit ({0}) | Kredê ({0}) | |
704 | Credit Account | Hesabê kredî | |
705 | Credit Balance | Balance Credit | |
706 | Credit Card | Li kû çûn | |
707 | Credit Days cannot be a negative number | Rojên Kredê nikare hejmarek neyînî ne | |
708 | Credit Limit | Sînoriya krediyê | |
709 | Credit Note | Têbînî | |
710 | Credit Note Amount | Pirtûka krediyê | |
711 | Credit Note Issued | Têbînî Têbînî | |
712 | Credit Note {0} has been created automatically | Têkiliya kredî {0} hate afirandin | |
713 | Credit To account must be a Balance Sheet account | Kredî divê hesabê hesabê be hesabê hebin | |
714 | Credit To account must be a Payable account | Kredê divê Hesabê hesab be | |
715 | Credit limit has been crossed for customer {0} ({1}/{2}) | Gelek kredî ji bo mişteriyan derbas dibe {0} ({1} / {2}) | |
716 | Creditors | Kredî | |
717 | Criteria weights must add up to 100% | Divê giravên nirxê 100% | |
718 | Crop Cycle | Çop Çap | |
719 | Crops & Lands | Crops & Lands | |
720 | Currency Exchange must be applicable for Buying or for Selling. | Pargîdaniya Pêdivî ye ku ji bo kirînê an kirîna firotanê be. | |
721 | Currency can not be changed after making entries using some other currency | Pêvek piştî ku navnîşên hinek pereyên din bikar tînin guhertin nikare guhertin | |
722 | Currency exchange rate master. | Rêjeya danûstandina diravê. | |
723 | Currency for {0} must be {1} | Pirtûka ji bo {0} divê {1} | |
724 | Currency is required for Price List {0} | Pêwîste ji bo bihayê bihayê {0} | |
725 | Currency of the Closing Account must be {0} | Pêwîsta Hesabiya Dawiyê Divê {0} | |
726 | Currency of the price list {0} must be {1} or {2} | Pirtûka lîsteya bihayê {0} divê {1} an jî {2} | |
727 | Currency should be same as Price List Currency: {0} | Pêwîste wekhev Lîsteya Bacê ye: {0} | |
728 | Current | Vêga | |
729 | Current Assets | Alîkarên heyî | |
730 | Current BOM and New BOM can not be same | BOM û BOM ya nû ne dikarin ne | |
731 | Current Job Openings | Vebijêrkên Karûbarên Rojane | |
732 | Current Liabilities | Deynên Bûyer | |
733 | Current Odometer reading entered should be greater than initial Vehicle Odometer {0} | Pêdivî ye ku Odometer-ê vekirî ye ku ji hêla Vehîkî Odometerê ve zêde mezintirîn {0} | |
734 | Current Qty | Qty ya heyî | |
735 | Current invoice {0} is missing | Daxuya heyî {0} winda ye | |
736 | Customer | Miştirî | |
737 | Customer Addresses And Contacts | Navnîşan û Têkiliyên Mişterî | |
738 | Customer Contact | Têkilîna Mişterî | |
739 | Customer Database. | Database Database | |
740 | Customer Group | Koma Giştî | |
741 | Customer Group is Required in POS Profile | Giştî ya Giştî ya POS Profesor e | |
742 | Customer LPO | LPO | |
743 | Customer LPO No. | LPO Jimareya Giştî | |
744 | Customer Name | Navnîşankirî Navê | |
745 | Customer POS Id | POSê ya Mişterî | |
746 | Customer Service | Balkeş bûn | |
747 | Customer and Supplier | Xerîdar û Xerîdar | |
748 | Customer is required | Pêdivî ye | |
749 | Customer isn't enrolled in any Loyalty Program | Mişterî di bernameyek dilsoziyê de nayê navîn | |
750 | Customer required for 'Customerwise Discount' | Pêdivî ye Pêwîste ji bo 'Discount Customer Discount' | |
751 | Customer {0} does not belong to project {1} | Mirovan {0} ne girêdayî projeyê {1} | |
752 | Customer {0} is created. | Mirovan {0} tê afirandin. | |
753 | Customers in Queue | Customers in Queue | |
754 | Customize Homepage Sections | Beşên Serûpelê | |
755 | Customizing Forms | Formên Taybetkirinê | |
756 | Daily Project Summary for {0} | Dîroka Projeya Daily Daily Ji bo {0} | |
757 | Daily Reminders | Reminderers Daily | |
758 | Daily Work Summary | Karkerên Rojane | |
759 | Daily Work Summary Group | Koma Giştî ya Karkerên Rojane | |
760 | Data Import and Export | Import Import and Export | |
761 | Data Import and Settings | Import Import and Settings | |
762 | Database of potential customers. | Daneyên danûstendinê yên potanser | |
763 | Date Of Retirement must be greater than Date of Joining | Dîroka Servekirinê Divê Ji Dîroka Tevlêbûnê mezintir be | |
764 | Date is repeated | Dîroka dubare ye | |
765 | Date of Birth | Roja bûyînê | |
766 | Date of Birth cannot be greater than today. | Dîroka Jidayikbûnê ji îro îro mezintir be. | |
767 | Date of Commencement should be greater than Date of Incorporation | Dîroka Pêşniyetê Ji Dîroka Hevkariya Mezintir be | |
768 | Date of Joining | Dîroka Tevlêbûnê | |
769 | Date of Joining must be greater than Date of Birth | Dîroka Tevlêbûnê Ji Dîroka Jidayikbûnê mezintir be | |
770 | Date of Transaction | Dîroka Transaction | |
771 | Debit | Debit | |
772 | Debit ({0}) | Debit ({0} | |
773 | Debit A/C Number | Hejmara Debit / C | |
774 | Debit Account | Hesabê Debit | |
775 | Debit Note | Têkiliya Debit | |
776 | Debit Note Amount | Ameya Têkilî ya Debit | |
777 | Debit Note Issued | Dîroka Têkilî Debit | |
778 | Debit To account must be a Balance Sheet account | Debit Divê hesabê hesab be | |
779 | Debit To account must be a Receivable account | Debît divê hesabê hesab be | |
780 | Debit To is required | Dibe ku Pêdivî ye | |
781 | Debit and Credit not equal for {0} #{1}. Difference is {2}. | Debit û kredî ne ji bo {0} # {1} wekhev. Cûda {2} ye. | |
782 | Debtors | Debtors | |
783 | Debtors ({0}) | Debtors ({0}) | |
784 | Declare Lost | Winda kir | |
785 | Deduction | Jêkişî | |
786 | Default Activity Cost exists for Activity Type - {0} | Beralîkirina çalakiya krîza ji bo çalakiya cureyê heye - {0} | |
787 | Default BOM ({0}) must be active for this item or its template | Default BOM ({0}) ji bo vê item an jî pelê wê çalak be | |
788 | Default BOM for {0} not found | BOM ji bo {0} nayê dîtin | |
789 | Default BOM not found for Item {0} and Project {1} | Default BOM ne ji bo Peldanka {0} û Project {1} nehat dîtin. | |
790 | Default Tax Template | Şablon | |
791 | Default Unit of Measure for Item {0} cannot be changed directly because you have already made some transaction(s) with another UOM. You will need to create a new Item to use a different Default UOM. | Yekîneya Bingehê ya Pîvana Ji bo Peldanka {0} dikare rasterast nayê guhertin, ji ber ku hûn berê ji hin UOM-yê din re veguhastin kirin. Hûn ê hewce ne ku hûn tiştek nû çêbikin ku bikarhênerek cuda ya UOM bikar bînin. | |
792 | Default Unit of Measure for Variant '{0}' must be same as in Template '{1}' | Default Unit of Measurement Ji bo '{0}' variant divê wek 'Şablon' {1} 'be | |
793 | Default settings for buying transactions. | Ji bo kiryarên danûstandinên standard | |
794 | Default settings for selling transactions. | Guhertoya standard ji bo kiryarên veguherînê. | |
795 | Default tax templates for sales and purchase are created. | Saziyên bacê yên ji bo firotin û kirînê ji nû ve tên afirandin. | |
796 | Default warehouse is required for selected item | Ji bo hilbijartî ya peldankê ya standard warehouse heye | |
797 | Defense | Parastinî | |
798 | Define Project type. | Pergala projeyê de define. | |
799 | Define budget for a financial year. | Performansa budceyê ji bo salek fînansî. | |
800 | Define various loan types | Vebijêrkên cuda yên cuda | |
801 | Del | Del | |
802 | Delay in payment (Days) | Pawlos di dayîn de | |
803 | Delete all the Transactions for this Company | Ji bo vê Kompaniyê ji hemû Transactions veke jêbirin | |
804 | Delete permanently? | Bi dawî bimîne? | |
805 | Deletion is not permitted for country {0} | Deletion ji bo welat {0} | |
806 | Delivered | Radestkirin | |
807 | Delivered Amount | Amûdê | |
808 | Delivered Qty | Qty | |
809 | Delivered: {0} | Delivered: {0} | |
810 | Delivery | Şandinî | |
811 | Delivery Date | Dîroka Delivery | |
812 | Delivery Note | Têgihîştinê | |
813 | Delivery Note {0} is not submitted | Têkiliya şandina {0} ne pêşkêş kirin | |
814 | Delivery Note {0} must not be submitted | Têkiliya şandina {0} divê nayê pêşkêş kirin | |
815 | Delivery Notes {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales Order | Pêşniyarên danûstendinê {0} divê ji berî şandina kirîna firotanê betal bike | |
816 | Delivery Notes {0} updated | Daxuyaniya şandin {0} | |
817 | Delivery Status | Status Status | |
818 | Delivery Trip | Trip Trip | |
819 | Delivery warehouse required for stock item {0} | Warehouse ji bo stock item ji bo hilbijêre {0} | |
820 | Department | Liq | |
821 | Department Stores | Dargehan | |
822 | Depreciation | Bêguman | |
823 | Depreciation Amount | Ameya Dravê | |
824 | Depreciation Amount during the period | Di dema weqfa balkêşê de | |
825 | Depreciation Date | Dîroka Nirxan | |
826 | Depreciation Eliminated due to disposal of assets | Bersaziya hilweşandina hilberên sîgorteyê hilweşandin | |
827 | Depreciation Entry | Entrance Entry | |
828 | Depreciation Method | Mînakek Nerazîbûnê | |
829 | Depreciation Row {0}: Depreciation Start Date is entered as past date | Rêjeya Bexdayê {0} | |
830 | Depreciation Row {0}: Expected value after useful life must be greater than or equal to {1} | Depreciation Row {0}: Divê nirxa hêvîdar piştî jiyana kêrhatî ji {1} mezintir be an jî wekhev be | |
831 | Depreciation Row {0}: Next Depreciation Date cannot be before Available-for-use Date | Bersaziya Rêjeya {0}: Piştre Dîroka Nirxandina Beriya Berî Berî Berî Bikaranîna Dîrok-pey-be | |
832 | Depreciation Row {0}: Next Depreciation Date cannot be before Purchase Date | Bersaziya Rêjeya {0}: Piştre Dîroka Nirxandina Dîroka Berî Berê kirîna Dîroka | |
833 | Designer | Şikilda | |
834 | Detailed Reason | Reason | |
835 | Details | Agahî | |
836 | Details of Outward Supplies and inward supplies liable to reverse charge | Agahdariyên hilberên Derveyî Derveyî û Inward peyda dibe ku berpirsiyariya xwe vekişînin | |
837 | Details of the operations carried out. | Agahdariyên operasyonan pêk tê. | |
838 | Diagnosis | Teşhîs | |
839 | Did not find any item called {0} | Tu tiştek {0} nayê dîtin | |
840 | Diff Qty | Diff Qty | |
841 | Difference Account | Cûda Bikişîne | |
842 | Difference Account must be a Asset/Liability type account, since this Stock Reconciliation is an Opening Entry | Cûda Divê Hesabê hesabê hesabê sîgorteyê / hesabê berpirsiyariyê, ji ber ku ev Stock Refîqence veguhastina Entry ye | |
843 | Difference Amount | Amûdê | |
844 | Difference Amount must be zero | Divê Pirrjimar hebe hebe | |
845 | Different UOM for items will lead to incorrect (Total) Net Weight value. Make sure that Net Weight of each item is in the same UOM. | Ji bo hilberên UOM yên cuda dê dê nirxê nebat (Net) Net Net. Bawer bikin ku Net Weight ji her tiştê di heman demê de UOM e. | |
846 | Direct Expenses | Mesrefên rasterast | |
847 | Direct Income | Hatina Derhêner | |
848 | Disable | Disable | |
849 | Disable Template | Şablon | |
850 | Disabled template must not be default template | Peldanka Disabled-ê divê pejirandin navekî ne | |
851 | Disburse Loan | Dislse Loan | |
852 | Disbursed | Perçekirin | |
853 | Disc | Disc | |
854 | Discharge | Jêherrik | |
855 | Discount | Kêmkirinî | |
856 | Discount Percentage can be applied either against a Price List or for all Price List. | Perçeya Disc Discount dikare li dijî lîsteya bihayê yan ji bo hemî bihayê bihêlin. | |
857 | Discount amount cannot be greater than 100% | Mûçeya dîskêş ji 100% | |
858 | Discount must be less than 100 | Divê dîskêşî ji 100 kesan kêm be | |
859 | Diseases & Fertilizers | Derman û Fertilizer | |
860 | Dispatch | Dispatch | |
861 | Dispatch Notification | Daxistina Dispatchê | |
862 | Dispatch State | Dezgeha Dewletê | |
863 | Distance | Dûrî | |
864 | Distribution | Belavkirinî | |
865 | Distributor | Distributor | |
866 | Dividends Paid | Darmendiyên Darmendiyê | |
867 | Do you really want to restore this scrapped asset? | Ma hûn bi rastî dixwazî vê sermayeyê hilweşîne? | |
868 | Do you really want to scrap this asset? | Ma hûn bi rastî dixwazî vê belgeyê bişînin? | |
869 | Do you want to notify all the customers by email? | Ma hûn dixwazin ku hemî mişteriyan bi e-nameyê agahdar bikin? | |
870 | Doc Date | Doc Dîrok | |
871 | Doc Name | Navê Doc | |
872 | Doc Type | Tîpa Doc | |
873 | Docs Search | Dokumentên Lêgerîna | |
874 | Document Status | Status Document | |
875 | Document Type | Tîpa Belgeyê | |
876 | Documentation | Dokumentasyonê | |
877 | Domains | Domain | |
878 | Done | Done | |
879 | Donor | Donor | |
880 | Donor Type information. | Agahiya agahdariyê. | |
881 | Donor information. | Agahdariya donor | |
882 | Download JSON | JSON Download | |
883 | Draft | Draft | |
884 | Drop Ship | Drop Ship | |
885 | Drug | Tevazok | |
886 | Due / Reference Date cannot be after {0} | Dîroka / Rejirandinê Dibe ku piştî {0} | |
887 | Due Date cannot be before Posting / Supplier Invoice Date | Beriya Dîroka Beriya Beriya Şandina Postê / Desteya Mirovan Berê | |
888 | Due Date is mandatory | Dîroka Pêdivî ye | |
889 | Duplicate Entry. Please check Authorization Rule {0} | Entry Duplicate. Ji kerema xwe ji desthilatdariya destûra {0} | |
890 | Duplicate Serial No entered for Item {0} | No Serial No entered for Item {0} | |
891 | Duplicate Tax Declaration of {0} for period {1} | Daxuyaniya Daxuyaniya Bacê ya {0} ji bo {1} | |
892 | Duplicate customer group found in the cutomer group table | Koma kategoriya duplicateyê li ser sifrê kîtomerê dîtin | |
893 | Duplicate entry | Têketina Duplicate | |
894 | Duplicate item group found in the item group table | Duplicate item group di tabloya materyalê de hat dîtin | |
895 | Duplicate roll number for student {0} | Ji bo xwendekar number 0 number hejmar roller duplîke | |
896 | Duplicate row {0} with same {1} | Rêzika dubare {0} bi heman {1} | |
897 | Duplicate {0} found in the table | Di tableê de {2} dipejirîne | |
898 | Duration in Days | Dema Demjimêr | |
899 | Duties and Taxes | Ferman û Bacê | |
900 | E-Invoicing Information Missing | Agahdariya E-Invoicing Missing | |
901 | ERPNext Demo | ERPNext Demo | |
902 | ERPNext Settings | Sîhengên ERPNext | |
903 | Earliest | Yûhenna | |
904 | Earnest Money | Earnest Money | |
905 | Earning | Earning | |
906 | Edit | Weşandin | |
907 | Edit Publishing Details | Guherandinên çapkirinê | |
908 | Edit in full page for more options like assets, serial nos, batches etc. | Bi rûpela bêhtir bijartî ji bo sîgorteyên sîgorteyê, nîvên serial, batches etc. | |
909 | Education | Zanyarî | |
910 | Either location or employee must be required | Divê an cihê an karmend divê pêdivî ye | |
911 | Either target qty or target amount is mandatory | An jî heqê hedef an jî hedefa hedef e | |
912 | Either target qty or target amount is mandatory. | An jî heqê hedef an jî hedefa hedef e. | |
913 | Electrical | Electrical | |
914 | Electronic Equipments | Alavên elektrîkê | |
915 | Electronics | Electronics | |
916 | Eligible ITC | ITC | |
917 | Email Address must be unique, already exists for {0} | Divê Navnîşa Navnîşan eşkere be, divê ji bo {0} | |
918 | Email Digest: | Email Digest: | |
919 | Email Reminders will be sent to all parties with email contacts | Reminders ji bo hemû têkiliyên bi email re bi şandin | |
920 | Email not found in default contact | E-mail di navnîşa navekî nayê dîtin | |
921 | Email sent to supplier {0} | E-mail bişîne navendê {0} | |
922 | Email sent to {0} | Email şandin {0} | |
923 | Employee | Karker | |
924 | Employee A/C Number | Hejmarek A / C Jimarek | |
925 | Employee Advances | Pêşniyarên karker | |
926 | Employee Benefits | Xercên Karûbar | |
927 | Employee Grade | Giştî ya Karker | |
928 | Employee ID | Nasnameya karmendê | |
929 | Employee Lifecycle | Lifecycle | |
930 | Employee Name | Navê Karker | |
931 | Employee Promotion cannot be submitted before Promotion Date | Berhemên Pêşveçûnê Berî beriya Pêşveçûn Dîrok nikare nabe | |
932 | Employee Referral | Referralê | |
933 | Employee Transfer cannot be submitted before Transfer Date | Beriya Transfer Dîroka Veguhastinê ya Karûbarê nabe | |
934 | Employee cannot report to himself. | Karmend dikare nikarin xwe bikin. | |
935 | Employee relieved on {0} must be set as 'Left' | Karmendê li ser xilaskirina {0} divê divê 'Left' | |
936 | Employee status cannot be set to 'Left' as following employees are currently reporting to this employee: | Rewşa karmendê nikare 'Çep' binivîsin, wekî karmendên jêrîn ji vê karmendê re rapor dikin: | |
937 | Employee {0} already submited an apllication {1} for the payroll period {2} | Karmend {0} ji berê ve ji bo {3} ji bo paydayîna payroll {1} | |
938 | Employee {0} has already applied for {1} between {2} and {3} : | Karmend {0} ji berê ve ji {1} di navbera {2} û {3} de hatiye dayîn. | |
939 | Employee {0} has already applied for {1} on {2} : | Karmend {0} berê ji bo {1} li ser {2} hat dayîn: | |
940 | Employee {0} has no maximum benefit amount | Karmend {0} tune ye heqê herî zêde tune | |
941 | Employee {0} is not active or does not exist | Karmend {0} ne çalak e an jî tune | |
942 | Employee {0} is on Leave on {1} | Xebatkar {0} li Niştecîh {1} ye | |
943 | Employee {0} of grade {1} have no default leave policy | Karmend {0} ya grade {1} ne polîtîkayên derengî tune | |
944 | Employee {0} on Half day on {1} | Karmend {0} li roja nîv li ser {1} | |
945 | Enable | Bikêrkirin | |
946 | Enable / disable currencies. | Hîndavên çalak / veqetin. | |
947 | Enable Template | Şablon | |
948 | Enabling 'Use for Shopping Cart', as Shopping Cart is enabled and there should be at least one Tax Rule for Shopping Cart | Bi kar bikin 'Bikaranîna Kirîna kirîna Kartê', wekî Kart Shopping Shopping tête kirin û hema hema heya ku ji bo Karteya kirînê ya herî kêm ya bacê ye | |
949 | End Date | Dîroka Dawîn | |
950 | End Date can not be less than Start Date | Dîrok Dîroka Destpêk Destpêk Dibe | |
951 | End Date cannot be before Start Date. | Dîroka Dawîn nikare berî Destpêk Dîroka. | |
952 | End Year | Dîroka Dawî | |
953 | End Year cannot be before Start Year | Berî destpêka sala destpêkê nikare bête | |
954 | End on | Dawîn | |
955 | End time cannot be before start time | Dema dawîn nikare berî demê dest pê bikin | |
956 | Ends On date cannot be before Next Contact Date. | Di roja Dîroka Dawî de berî têkiliya paşîn ya paşî ne. | |
957 | Energy | Înercî | |
958 | Engineer | Hendese | |
959 | Enough Parts to Build | Gelek Pêwîstin Pêdivî ye | |
960 | Enroll | Nivîsîn | |
961 | Enrolling student | Xwendekarên navrollkirinê | |
962 | Enrolling students | Xwendekar xwendin | |
963 | Enter depreciation details | Agahdariya nirxandinê binivîse | |
964 | Enter the Bank Guarantee Number before submittting. | Berî şandina submissionttingê hejmara Qanûna Garantê binivîse. | |
965 | Enter the name of the Beneficiary before submittting. | Navê navê Xweseriya Berî berî radest bikin. | |
966 | Enter the name of the bank or lending institution before submittting. | Navê navnîşa bankê an saziya lînansê binivîse berî şandina belaş. | |
967 | Enter value betweeen {0} and {1} | Heqê valahiyê {0} û {1} binivîse | |
968 | Enter value must be positive | Divê nirxê erênî erê be | |
969 | Entertainment & Leisure | Entertainment & Leisure | |
970 | Entertainment Expenses | Mesrefên Entertainment | |
971 | Equity | Wekheviyê | |
972 | Error evaluating the criteria formula | Çewtiya nirxandina formula standard | |
973 | Error in formula or condition: {0} | Çewtiya formula an şertê: {0} | |
974 | Error while processing deferred accounting for {0} | Dema ku hesabkirina betalkirinê de ji bo {0} | |
975 | Error: Not a valid id? | Çewtiya: id idek nayê? | |
976 | Estimated Cost | Estimated Cost | |
977 | Evaluation | Nirxandin | |
978 | Even if there are multiple Pricing Rules with highest priority, then following internal priorities are applied: | Her weha heke hema ku piraniya pêşniyarên pirr girîng bi piraniya pêşîn re hene, paşê paşînên pêşîn ên jêrîn tê gotin: | |
979 | Event Location | Cihê bûyerê | |
980 | Event Name | Navê Navekî | |
981 | Exchange Gain/Loss | Gain Exchange / Damage Exchange | |
982 | Exchange Rate Revaluation master. | Exchange Rate Master of Revaluation. | |
983 | Exchange Rate must be same as {0} {1} ({2}) | Rêjeya danûstendinê divê wek {0} {1} ({2}) be | |
984 | Excise Invoice | Invoice Excise | |
985 | Execution | Birêverbirî | |
986 | Executive Search | Search Executive | |
987 | Expand All | Expand All | |
988 | Expected Delivery Date | Dîrok Delivery Expected | |
989 | Expected Delivery Date should be after Sales Order Date | Divê Dîroka Daxuyaniya Dîrokê Divê piştî Sermarkirina Dibistanê | |
990 | Expected End Date | Dîroka Dawîn Expected End | |
991 | Expected Hrs | Expected Hrs | |
992 | Expected Start Date | Dîroka Destpêk Hatîn | |
993 | Expense | Xercî | |
994 | Expense / Difference account ({0}) must be a 'Profit or Loss' account | Expense / Difference-difference ({0}) divê hesabek 'Profit an Loss' be | |
995 | Expense Account | Hesabê mesrefê | |
996 | Expense Claim | Deynê bihêle | |
997 | Expense Claim for Vehicle Log {0} | Ji bo Vehicle Log Log for Claim {0} | |
998 | Expense Claim {0} already exists for the Vehicle Log | Daxwaznameya Mêjû {0} ji ber ku ji bo Vehicle Log ve hatî heye | |
999 | Expense Claims | Deynên bihêle | |
1000 | Expense account is mandatory for item {0} | Hesabê hesab divê ji bo şîfre {0} | |
1001 | Expense or Difference account is mandatory for Item {0} as it impacts overall stock value | Lêçûnên hesab an cudahiyê ji bo maddeya {0} pêwîst e | |
1002 | Expenses | Mesrefan | |
1003 | Expenses Included In Asset Valuation | Mesrefên Têkilî Li Di binirxandina sîgorteyê de | |
1004 | Expenses Included In Valuation | Mesrefên Têkilî Di Têlêkirinê de | |
1005 | Expired Batches | Piçikên Expired | |
1006 | Expires On | Derbasbûnê li ser | |
1007 | Expiring On | Derbasbûnê Li ser | |
1008 | Expiry (In Days) | Pîrozbahiyê | |
1009 | Explore | Lêkolîn | |
1010 | Export E-Invoices | Export E-Invoices | |
1011 | Extra Large | Extra Large | |
1012 | Extra Small | Extra Small | |
1013 | Failed | Têkçûn | |
1014 | Failed to create website | Failed to malperê | |
1015 | Failed to install presets | Ji bo pêşniyazên sazkirinê nekin | |
1016 | Failed to login | Têketin têkevin | |
1017 | Failed to setup company | Ji bo şîrketê saz kir | |
1018 | Failed to setup defaults | Failed to defaults | |
1019 | Failed to setup post company fixtures | Ji bo sazkirina şîrketên postê peyda neket | |
1020 | Fee | Xerc | |
1021 | Fee Created | Fee afirandin | |
1022 | Fee Creation Failed | Creating Fee Failed | |
1023 | Fee Creation Pending | Pending Creation Pending | |
1024 | Fee Records Created - {0} | Records Records - {0} | |
1025 | Feedback | Bersiv | |
1026 | Fees | Fees | |
1027 | Fetch Data | Fetch Data | |
1028 | Fetch Subscription Updates | Fetch Subscription Updates | |
1029 | Fetch based on FIFO | Fetch li ser FIFO ye | |
1030 | Fetch exploded BOM (including sub-assemblies) | Bûçek BOM (teqezî yên civîn) | |
1031 | Fetching records...... | Records Fetching ... | |
1032 | Fill the form and save it | Forma xwe binivîse û jê biparêze | |
1033 | Filter Employees By (Optional) | Xebatkarên Fîlsaziyê Bi (Bijare) | |
1034 | Filter Fields Row #{0}: Fieldname <b>{1}</b> must be of type "Link" or "Table MultiSelect" | Pelên Peldanka Pelê # {0}: Fieldname <b>{1}</b> divê ji cure "Link" an "Table MultiSelect" | |
1035 | Filter Total Zero Qty | Filter Total Zero Qty | |
1036 | Finance Book | Book Book | |
1037 | Financial / accounting year. | Salê / hesabê hesabê. | |
1038 | Financial Services | Xizmetên Darayî | |
1039 | Financial Statements | Gotarên fînansî | |
1040 | Financial Year | Sala Financial | |
1041 | Finish | Qedandin | |
1042 | Finished Good | Baş çêbû | |
1043 | Finished Good Item Code | Kodê baş e | |
1044 | Finished Goods | Finished Goods | |
1045 | Finished Item {0} must be entered for Manufacture type entry | Pêwîste Pelê {0} divê ji bo çêkirina şîfreya çêkirinê | |
1046 | Finished product quantity <b>{0}</b> and For Quantity <b>{1}</b> cannot be different | Pîvana hilberînê <b>{0}</b> û Ji bo Hejmar <b>{1}</b> nikare cûda ne | |
1047 | Fiscal Regime is mandatory, kindly set the fiscal regime in the company {0} | Rejîma darayî mecbûrî ye, bi kerema xwe rejîmê fînanse li pargîdanî set 0 set bicîh bikin | |
1048 | Fiscal Year | Sala Fiscal | |
1049 | Fiscal Year End Date should be one year after Fiscal Year Start Date | Dîroka Destpêk Dîroka Destpêk Dîroka Destpêkê Destpêk Dibe | |
1050 | Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date are already set in Fiscal Year {0} | Dîroka Destpêka Destpêk û Dîroka Dawî ya Dawî niha ji hêla fiscal Year {0} | |
1051 | Fiscal Year Start Date should be one year earlier than Fiscal Year End Date | Dîroka Destpêk Dîroka Dîroka Berî Dîroka Fîreya Salê ya Berî yek sal e | |
1052 | Fiscal Year {0} does not exist | Salê Fiscal {0} nîne | |
1053 | Fiscal Year {0} is required | Pêdivî ye sala {0} | |
1054 | Fiscal Year {0} not found | Salê Fiscal Year {0} nehat dîtin | |
1055 | Fiscal Year: {0} does not exists | Salê Fiscal: {0} nayê | |
1056 | Fixed Asset | Assisted Asset | |
1057 | Fixed Asset Item must be a non-stock item. | Pêdivî ya Pêdivî ye Divê şertek ne-stock be. | |
1058 | Fixed Assets | Alîkarî | |
1059 | Following Material Requests have been raised automatically based on Item's re-order level | Daxuyanîya Pêwîstnamên jêrîn bi otomatîk li ser asta re-armanca li ser rakirin | |
1060 | Following accounts might be selected in GST Settings: | Di nav deverên jêrîn de di nav GST de bên hilbijartin: | |
1061 | Following course schedules were created | Di çarçoveyek rêbazan de werin çêkirin | |
1062 | Following item {0} is not marked as {1} item. You can enable them as {1} item from its Item master | Babetê {0 wekî tişt {1} nayê nîşankirin. Hûn dikarin wan wekî {1} tiştê ku ji mastera wê ya gotarê bikêr bikin | |
1063 | Following items {0} are not marked as {1} item. You can enable them as {1} item from its Item master | Pirsên jêrîn {0} ne wekî wekî {1} nîşankirin. Hûn dikarin ji wan pirtûkê ji {1} tiştê ji masterê wê ve bikaribin | |
1064 | Food | Xûrek | |
1065 | Food, Beverage & Tobacco | Xwarin, Beverage & Tobacco | |
1066 | For | Bo | |
1067 | For 'Product Bundle' items, Warehouse, Serial No and Batch No will be considered from the 'Packing List' table. If Warehouse and Batch No are same for all packing items for any 'Product Bundle' item, those values can be entered in the main Item table, values will be copied to 'Packing List' table. | Ji bo pirtûkên 'Bundle Product', Warehouse, Serial No û Batch No-ê ji sifrê 'Lîsteya Packing' tê nirxandin. Heke Warehouse û Batch ji bo her tiştê pakêtî ji bo 'Bundle', tu nirxên li ser maseya sereke ya navnîşê tête navnîşandin, ne ku hûn li maseya 'Packing List' binirxînin. | |
1068 | For Employee | Ji bo karmendê | |
1069 | For Quantity (Manufactured Qty) is mandatory | Ji bo Kuştî (Qty Bawerî) pêwîst e | |
1070 | For Supplier | For Supplier | |
1071 | For Warehouse | Ji bo Warehouse | |
1072 | For Warehouse is required before Submit | Ji bo Berî Berî Warehouse hewce ye | |
1073 | For an item {0}, quantity must be negative number | Ji bo an item {0}, hejmar divê hejmareke neyînî be | |
1074 | For an item {0}, quantity must be positive number | Ji bo an item {0}, hejmar divê hejmareke erênî ye | |
1075 | For job card {0}, you can only make the 'Material Transfer for Manufacture' type stock entry | Ji bo karta kar {0, hûn tenê dikarin têketina depoyê ya celebê Trans Veguhastina Materyalê ji bo çêkirinê ’çêbikin | |
1076 | For row {0} in {1}. To include {2} in Item rate, rows {3} must also be included | Ji bo row {0} in {1. Di nav rêjeya Babetê de include 2 include di nav de, divê rows {3} jî bêne nav kirin | |
1077 | For row {0}: Enter Planned Qty | Ji bo row {0}: Qty Planned Enter | |
1078 | For {0}, only credit accounts can be linked against another debit entry | Ji bo {0}, tenê hesabên kredî dikare li dijî ketina dî deynek ve girêdayî ye | |
1079 | For {0}, only debit accounts can be linked against another credit entry | Ji bo {0}, tenê hesabên dakit dikare li dijî derê krediyek din ve girêdayî ye | |
1080 | Form View | Form View | |
1081 | Forum Activity | Çalakiya Forum | |
1082 | Free item code is not selected | Koda kodê ya belaş nayê hilbijartin | |
1083 | Freight and Forwarding Charges | Tezmînata Bêguman û Pêşveçûnê | |
1084 | Friday | Roja Înê | |
1085 | From | Ji | |
1086 | From Address 1 | Ji Navnîşana 1 | |
1087 | From Address 2 | Ji Navnîşana 2 | |
1088 | From Currency and To Currency cannot be same | Ji Zîndanê û To Currency To do it | |
1089 | From Date and To Date lie in different Fiscal Year | Ji Dîroka û Dîroka Dîroka Di Salê Fînansê de cuda ye | |
1090 | From Date cannot be greater than To Date | Ji Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka Mezin nikare | |
1091 | From Date must be before To Date | Dîroka Berî Berî Dîroka Dîroka | |
1092 | From Date should be within the Fiscal Year. Assuming From Date = {0} | Ji Dîroka Divê di salê Fînansê de be. Daxuyanî Ji Date = {0} | |
1093 | From Date {0} cannot be after employee's relieving Date {1} | Ji Dîroka {0} nikare piştî karûbarê karmendê karker {1} | |
1094 | From Date {0} cannot be before employee's joining Date {1} | Ji Dîroka {0} berî tevlêbûna karmendê Dîrok {1} | |
1095 | From Datetime | Ji Datetime | |
1096 | From Delivery Note | Ji Têgihîştinê ve | |
1097 | From Fiscal Year | Ji Salê Fiscal | |
1098 | From GSTIN | Ji GSTIN | |
1099 | From Party Name | Ji navê Partiyê | |
1100 | From Pin Code | Kodê ji | |
1101 | From Place | Ji Cihê | |
1102 | From Range has to be less than To Range | Ji Range ku ji Rêjeya Rêjeyê kêmtir be | |
1103 | From State | Ji Dewletê | |
1104 | From Time | Ji Saet | |
1105 | From Time Should Be Less Than To Time | Ji Dem Ji Dem Dem Dema Ji Ber Dêmtir be | |
1106 | From Time cannot be greater than To Time. | Ji Saetê Ji Roja Demjimêrtirîn mezintirîn. | |
1107 | From a supplier under composition scheme, Exempt and Nil rated | Ji ji pisporek jêrîn Schema Komelê, Xeletî û Nil ne | |
1108 | From and To dates required | Ji Ji dûr ve | |
1109 | From date can not be less than employee's joining date | Ji dîrokê nikare bêhtir rojnamevanê karmendê ne | |
1110 | From value must be less than to value in row {0} | Ji nirxê ji bila valahiyê di nav rêzê de {0} | |
1111 | From {0} | {1} {2} | Ji {0} | {1} {2} | |
1112 | Fuel Price | Buhayê Fuel | |
1113 | Fuel Qty | Fuel Qty | |
1114 | Fulfillment | Bicihanînî | |
1115 | Full Name | Navê tam | |
1116 | Full-time | Dijwar lîstin | |
1117 | Fully Depreciated | Bi temamî nirxandin | |
1118 | Furnitures and Fixtures | Furnitures and Fixtures | |
1119 | Further accounts can be made under Groups, but entries can be made against non-Groups | Di heman demê de bêhtir hesabên di bin koman de têne çêkirin, lê navnîşan dikarin li dijî ne-Groups bêne çêkirin | |
1120 | Further cost centers can be made under Groups but entries can be made against non-Groups | Navendên mesrefên bêtir dikarin ji hêla koman têne çêkirin lê lêgerîn dikarin li dijî ne-Groups bêne çêkirin | |
1121 | Further nodes can be only created under 'Group' type nodes | Neynikên din bêtir tenê binavên 'Group' li jêr tên afirandin | |
1122 | Future dates not allowed | Rojên pêşeroj nayê destûr kirin | |
1123 | GSTIN | GSTIN | |
1124 | GSTR3B-Form | GSTR3B-Form | |
1125 | Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal | Gain / Zerar Li Li Bendava Bêguman | |
1126 | Gantt Chart | Gantt Chart | |
1127 | Gantt chart of all tasks. | Danezana Gantt ji hemû karan. | |
1128 | Gender | Cinsî | |
1129 | General | Giştî | |
1130 | General Ledger | General Ledger | |
1131 | Generate Material Requests (MRP) and Work Orders. | Daxuyaniya Materyalên Niştimanî (MRP) û Karên Karkeran. | |
1132 | Generate Secret | Secret secret | |
1133 | Get Details From Declaration | Agahî Ji Danezanê | |
1134 | Get Employees | Karker bibin | |
1135 | Get Invocies | Daxistin | |
1136 | Get Invoices | Bawer bibin | |
1137 | Get Invoices based on Filters | Invoices Li ser Filters li ser bingehîn bistînin | |
1138 | Get Items from BOM | BOM ji BOM | |
1139 | Get Items from Healthcare Services | Xizmetên ji Xizmetên Tenduristiyê Bistînin | |
1140 | Get Items from Prescriptions | Ji hêla nivîsandinê ve bistînin | |
1141 | Get Items from Product Bundle | Ji Bundlêda Hilberîn Bistînin | |
1142 | Get Suppliers | Harmend bibin | |
1143 | Get Suppliers By | Bi Dirîkariyê Bişînin | |
1144 | Get Updates | Daxistin | |
1145 | Get customers from | Ji mişteran bistînin | |
1146 | Get from | Ji xwe bigirin | |
1147 | Get from Patient Encounter | Ji Pevçûnê Nexweşiyê bibînin | |
1148 | Getting Started | Getting Started | |
1149 | Global settings for all manufacturing processes. | Guherandinên Globalî ji bo hemû pêvajoyên hilberînê | |
1150 | Go to the Desktop and start using ERPNext | Herin Desktop-ê û bi karanîna ERPNext dest pê bikin | |
1151 | GoCardless SEPA Mandate | Rêveberiya SEPA GoCardless | |
1152 | GoCardless payment gateway settings | Mîhengên gateway yên Goştê | |
1153 | Goal and Procedure | Armanc û Prosesa | |
1154 | Goals cannot be empty | Armanc nikarin vala nebin | |
1155 | Goods In Transit | Li Transit | |
1156 | Goods Transferred | Goods Transferred | |
1157 | Goods and Services Tax (GST India) | Xizmet û Xizmetên Giştî (GST Hindistan) | |
1158 | Goods are already received against the outward entry {0} | Pêwîstiyên li dijî derveyî derveyî serkeftî tête {0} | |
1159 | Government | Rêvebir | |
1160 | Grand Total | Grand Total | |
1161 | Grant | Pişgirî | |
1162 | Grant Application | Serîlêdana Grant | |
1163 | Grant Leaves | Grant Leaves | |
1164 | Grant information. | Agahdariya grant | |
1165 | Grocery | Grocery | |
1166 | Gross Pay | Gross Pay | |
1167 | Gross Profit | Gross Profit | |
1168 | Gross Profit % | Gross Profit% | |
1169 | Gross Profit / Loss | Gross Profit / Zerarê | |
1170 | Gross Purchase Amount | Amûdê Gross Purchase | |
1171 | Gross Purchase Amount is mandatory | Giştî Kirîna Grossê ye | |
1172 | Group by Account | Koma Hesabê | |
1173 | Group by Party | Koma Partiyê | |
1174 | Group by Voucher | Koma Voucher | |
1175 | Group by Voucher (Consolidated) | Koma alîyê Voucher (Consolidated) | |
1176 | Group node warehouse is not allowed to select for transactions | Node barehouse nabe ku ji bo ji bo veguhastinê hilbijêrin | |
1177 | Group to Non-Group | Koma Bi Non-Group | |
1178 | Group your students in batches | Li xwendekarên xwe di komên xwe de | |
1179 | Groups | Komên | |
1180 | Guardian1 Email ID | Guardian1 Nasnameya Îmêlê | |
1181 | Guardian1 Mobile No | Guardian1 Mobile Na | |
1182 | Guardian1 Name | Guardian1 Navê | |
1183 | Guardian2 Email ID | ID-yê Guardian2 | |
1184 | Guardian2 Mobile No | Guardian2 Mobile No | |
1185 | Guardian2 Name | Guardian2 Navê | |
1186 | HR Manager | Rêveberê HR | |
1187 | HSN | HSN | |
1188 | HSN/SAC | HSN / SAC | |
1189 | Half Day Date is mandatory | Dîroka Nîv Dîv e | |
1190 | Half Day Date should be between From Date and To Date | Dîrok Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka | |
1191 | Half Day Date should be in between Work From Date and Work End Date | Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka Dîroka Navend û Dîroka Dawî be | |
1192 | Half day date should be in between from date and to date | Dîroka roja roja nîv û rojan de be | |
1193 | Half-Yearly | Nîv salî | |
1194 | Hardware | Hardware | |
1195 | Head of Marketing and Sales | Berpirsê Bazirganî û Sales | |
1196 | Health Care | Parastina saxlemîyê | |
1197 | Healthcare | Parastina saxlemîyê | |
1198 | Healthcare (beta) | Tenduristiyê (beta) | |
1199 | Healthcare Practitioner | Pratîsyona Tenduristiyê | |
1200 | Healthcare Practitioner not available on {0} | Projekteya tendurustiyê ya tenduristiyê ne li ser {0} | |
1201 | Healthcare Practitioner {0} not available on {1} | Projeya tendurustiyê ya tenduristiyê {0} ne li ser {1} | |
1202 | Healthcare Service Unit | Yekîneya Xizmetiya Tenduristiyê | |
1203 | Healthcare Service Unit Tree | Tree Tree Service | |
1204 | Healthcare Service Unit Type | Tenduristiya Yekîneya Tenduristiyê ya tenduristiyê | |
1205 | Healthcare Services | Xizmetên tenduristiyê | |
1206 | Healthcare Settings | Mîhengên tenduristiyê | |
1207 | Hello | slav | |
1208 | Help Results for | Alîkariya Alîkariya ji bo | |
1209 | High | Bilind | |
1210 | High Sensitivity | Sensîteya Bilind | |
1211 | Hold | Rawestan | |
1212 | Hold Invoice | Rêbaza bisekinin | |
1213 | Holiday | Karbetalî | |
1214 | Holiday List | Lîsteya Lênêrînê | |
1215 | Hotel Rooms of type {0} are unavailable on {1} | Rooms Rooms of type {0} {1} | |
1216 | Hotels | Hotel | |
1217 | Hours | Saet | |
1218 | House rent paid days overlapping with {0} | Roja kirêya rojan bi zêdekirina bila {0} | |
1219 | House rented dates required for exemption calculation | Malbata ku ji bo hesabkirina rizgarkirina pêwîstiya xanî kir | |
1220 | House rented dates should be atleast 15 days apart | Malên xanî yên xanî divê 15 rojan dûr bikin | |
1221 | How Pricing Rule is applied? | Çiqas Rêjeya Prensîpa Çêdikî ye? | |
1222 | Hub Category | Kategorî | |
1223 | Human Resource | Çavkaniya Mirovan | |
1224 | Human Resources | Çavkaniyên Mirovan | |
1225 | IFSC Code | Kodê IFSC | |
1226 | IGST Amount | Amûr IGST | |
1227 | ITC Available (whether in full op part) | ITC peyda (çi ye ku beşek tevlî beşê ye) | |
1228 | ITC Reversed | ITC Reversed | |
1229 | Identifying Decision Makers | Nasnameyên Biryara Nasnameyê | |
1230 | If Auto Opt In is checked, then the customers will be automatically linked with the concerned Loyalty Program (on save) | Heke Opt Opt In kontrol kirin, wê paşê dê mişterî dê bixweber bi bernameya Loyalty re têkildar bibin (li ser parastinê) | |
1231 | If multiple Pricing Rules continue to prevail, users are asked to set Priority manually to resolve conflict. | Heke ku Pirrjimar Pirrjimar berdewam dibin, bikarhêneran ji bo pêşniyazkirina pêşniyazkirina diyarkirina çareserkirina nakokiya çareseriyê. | |
1232 | If selected Pricing Rule is made for 'Rate', it will overwrite Price List. Pricing Rule rate is the final rate, so no further discount should be applied. Hence, in transactions like Sales Order, Purchase Order etc, it will be fetched in 'Rate' field, rather than 'Price List Rate' field. | Heke ku Hilbijartina Nirxandina Rêjeya ji bo 'Rêjeya' ji bo hilbijartin, wê dê lîsteya bihayê binivîse. Rêjeya rêjeya rêjeya rêjeya dawîn e, ji ber ku bêtir dîsketê bê bikaranîn. Ji ber vê yekê, di bazaran de wek Biryara Bargiraniyê, Birêvebirinê û hûrdûrên din, ew dê li qada 'Rêjeya' li ser qada 'Li Lîsteya Bêjeya Bêjeya' ya berevajî. | |
1233 | If two or more Pricing Rules are found based on the above conditions, Priority is applied. Priority is a number between 0 to 20 while default value is zero (blank). Higher number means it will take precedence if there are multiple Pricing Rules with same conditions. | Heke du yan bêtir Qanûnên Barkirina Bingehan li ser mercên jorîn li ser bingehê têne dîtin, Pêşdibî tê bikaranîn. Berî hejmarek di nav 0 heta 20 de hejmarek eynî nifş e (blank). Numreya Bilind wê wateya ku ew rêbazên Pirrjimar Pirrjimar bi heman rewşan re hebin wê pêşî bibin. | |
1234 | If unlimited expiry for the Loyalty Points, keep the Expiry Duration empty or 0. | Ger hejmara betalîfên ji bo Loyalty Pêwîste hebe, Dema vekêşana demjimêr vala an jî 0. | |
1235 | If you have any questions, please get back to us. | Heke pirsên we hene, ji kerema xwe ji me re bişînin. | |
1236 | Ignore Existing Ordered Qty | Vebijêrîna Qutiyeke Berbiçav bibînin | |
1237 | Import Data | Daneyên Import | |
1238 | Import Day Book Data | Data Data Import Import | |
1239 | Import Master Data | Import Master Data | |
1240 | Import Successfull | Import Successfull | |
1241 | Import in Bulk | Import in Bulk | |
1242 | Import of goods | Import Imports | |
1243 | Import of services | Import Import | |
1244 | Importing Items and UOMs | Import Items and UOMs | |
1245 | Importing Parties and Addresses | Imported Parties and Addresses | |
1246 | In Maintenance | Di Tenduristiyê de | |
1247 | In Production | Di Hilberînê de | |
1248 | In Qty | Li Qty | |
1249 | In Stock Qty | Li Stock Qty | |
1250 | In Stock: | Ez bêzarim: | |
1251 | In Value | In Value | |
1252 | In the case of multi-tier program, Customers will be auto assigned to the concerned tier as per their spent | Di rewşeke bernameya pir-tier de, kargêrkar dê bi xercê xwe ve girêdayî xerîbê otomatî bibin | |
1253 | Incentives | Kişandin | |
1254 | Include Default Book Entries | Navnîşan Default Book Entries | |
1255 | Include Exploded Items | Included Dead Items | |
1256 | Include POS Transactions | Têkiliyên POSê de | |
1257 | Include UOM | UOM | |
1258 | Included in Gross Profit | Di Gross Profitê de | |
1259 | Income | Hatin | |
1260 | Income Account | Hesabê dahatiyê | |
1261 | Income Tax | Baca bacê | |
1262 | Incoming | Dihatin | |
1263 | Incoming Rate | Rêjeya Têkilî | |
1264 | Incorrect number of General Ledger Entries found. You might have selected a wrong Account in the transaction. | Navnîşên çewt ên General Ledger Entries dîtin. Hûn dikarin di nav veguhestineke çewt de bijartin. | |
1265 | Increment cannot be 0 | Zêdetir dibe 0 | |
1266 | Increment for Attribute {0} cannot be 0 | Ji bo zêdekirina taybetmendiyê {0} nikare 0 | |
1267 | Indirect Expenses | Lêçûnên rasterast | |
1268 | Indirect Income | Hatina Bexdayê | |
1269 | Individual | Şexsî | |
1270 | Ineligible ITC | ITC | |
1271 | Initiated | Destpêkirin | |
1272 | Inpatient Record | Qeydkirî ya Nexweş | |
1273 | Insert | Lêzêdekirin | |
1274 | Installation Note | Têkilkirinê | |
1275 | Installation Note {0} has already been submitted | Têgihîştinê Têkilî {0} hatibû şandin | |
1276 | Installation date cannot be before delivery date for Item {0} | Dîroka sazkirinê ji beriya danûstandinê ya berî {0} | |
1277 | Installing presets | Pêşdebirina sazkirinê | |
1278 | Institute Abbreviation | Enstîtuya Navekî | |
1279 | Institute Name | Navenda Enstîtuya | |
1280 | Instructor | Dersda | |
1281 | Insufficient Stock | Stock Stock | |
1282 | Insurance Start date should be less than Insurance End date | Sîgorteya destpêka sîgorteyê ji roja sîgorteya dawî ya kêmtir be | |
1283 | Integrated Tax | Baca Navnetewî | |
1284 | Inter-State Supplies | Berpirsiyarên Navnetewî | |
1285 | Interest Amount | Ameya Balkêş | |
1286 | Intern | Pizişka destpêker | |
1287 | Internet Publishing | Înternetê Înternetê | |
1288 | Intra-State Supplies | Barkirina Navneteweyî | |
1289 | Invalid Attribute | Att Attt | |
1290 | Invalid Blanket Order for the selected Customer and Item | Biryareke çewt ya ji bo kirrûbirr û hilberê hilbijartî | |
1291 | Invalid Company for Inter Company Transaction. | Kompaniya nexşeya ji bo Transfona Navnetewî ya Navnetewî | |
1292 | Invalid GSTIN! A GSTIN must have 15 characters. | GSTIN çewt A GSTIN 15 cûr be. | |
1293 | Invalid GSTIN! First 2 digits of GSTIN should match with State number {0}. | GSTIN çewt Yekem 2 hejmarên GSTIN divê bi hejmarek dewleta {0} bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re re hevkar bikin | |
1294 | Invalid GSTIN! The input you've entered doesn't match the format of GSTIN. | GSTIN çewt Di navnîşanê de tête nivîsandin ku forma GSTIN naxwaze. | |
1295 | Invalid Posting Time | Wexta Posteyê çewt | |
1296 | Invalid attribute {0} {1} | Taybetmendiya çewt {0} {1} | |
1297 | Invalid quantity specified for item {0}. Quantity should be greater than 0. | Naveroka nirxa nirx ji bo materyalê {0}. Hêjeya bêtir 0. | |
1298 | Invalid reference {0} {1} | Referansek çewt {0} {1} | |
1299 | Invalid {0} | Çewt {0} | |
1300 | Invalid {0} for Inter Company Transaction. | Ji bo Veguhestina Pargîdaniya Inter {0 In betal e. | |
1301 | Invalid {0}: {1} | Çewt {0}: {1} | |
1302 | Inventory | Agahdariyê | |
1303 | Investment Banking | Banking Investment | |
1304 | Investments | Veberhênanê | |
1305 | Invoice | Biha | |
1306 | Invoice Created | Invoice afirandin | |
1307 | Invoice Discounting | Discount Discounting | |
1308 | Invoice Patient Registration | Qeydkirina Mirovan | |
1309 | Invoice Posting Date | Daxuyaniya Postê | |
1310 | Invoice Type | Tîpa Şaxa | |
1311 | Invoice already created for all billing hours | Daxistina ji bo hemû demjimêrên hemî biseket hate afirandin | |
1312 | Invoice can't be made for zero billing hour | Bêguman nikare saet ji bo sisiyan bistîne | |
1313 | Invoice {0} no longer exists | Invoice {0} no longer exists | |
1314 | Invoiced | Invoiced | |
1315 | Invoiced Amount | Amûdê Amount | |
1316 | Invoices | Daxistin | |
1317 | Invoices for Costumers. | Invoices for Costumers. | |
1318 | Inward Supplies(liable to reverse charge | Berpirsiyarên Inward (ji berpirsiyariya berbiçav | |
1319 | Inward supplies from ISD | Inward supplies from ISD | |
1320 | Inward supplies liable to reverse charge (other than 1 & 2 above) | Berpirsê Înwardê ji bo vegerandina berevajî (ji 1 û 2 above) | |
1321 | Is Existing Asset | Is Assisting Current | |
1322 | Is Frozen | Rastî ye | |
1323 | Is Group | Group e | |
1324 | Issue | Pirs | |
1325 | Issue Material | Material issue | |
1326 | Issued | Dîrok | |
1327 | Issues | Pirsgirêkên | |
1328 | It is needed to fetch Item Details. | Pêdivî ye ku ji bo agahdariya tiştên tomar bike. | |
1329 | Item | Şanî | |
1330 | Item 1 | Pêl 1 | |
1331 | Item 2 | Peyv 2 | |
1332 | Item 3 | Pirtûka 3 | |
1333 | Item 4 | Peyv 4 | |
1334 | Item 5 | Item 5 | |
1335 | Item Cart | Car Hire | |
1336 | Item Code | Koda Kodê | |
1337 | Item Code cannot be changed for Serial No. | Kodê Kodê ji bo Serial No. | |
1338 | Item Code required at Row No {0} | Koda Kodê li ser Row Na {0} | |
1339 | Item Description | Pîşandanî | |
1340 | Item Group | Giştî ya Giştî | |
1341 | Item Group Tree | Tree Tree Tree | |
1342 | Item Group not mentioned in item master for item {0} | Gelek Giştî ya ku di nav babetê mîvanê de navekî nirxandin {0} | |
1343 | Item Name | Navê Navekî | |
1344 | Item Price added for {0} in Price List {1} | Pirtûka bihayê zêdekirin ji bo {0} Li Lîsteya Lînans {1} | |
1345 | Item Price appears multiple times based on Price List, Supplier/Customer, Currency, Item, UOM, Qty and Dates. | Barkirina Barkirina çend caran tête navnîşan Lîsteyê, Berpirsiyar / Mişterî, Pirtûka Giştî, UOM, Qty û Dates. | |
1346 | Item Price updated for {0} in Price List {1} | Pirtûka bihayê ya ji bo {0} Li Lîsteya Lînans {1} | |
1347 | Item Row {0}: {1} {2} does not exist in above '{1}' table | Row {0}: {1} {2} ya sîteyê li ser jorê '{1}' nîne | |
1348 | Item Tax Row {0} must have account of type Tax or Income or Expense or Chargeable | Divê Rêjeya Bacê {0} xwediyê bacê ye an dahat an dahat an jî lêçûyîn an jî Chargeable heye | |
1349 | Item Template | Şablon Şablon | |
1350 | Item Variant Settings | Peldanka Variant | |
1351 | Item Variant {0} already exists with same attributes | Variant Variant {0} ji ber heman taybetmendiyê heye | |
1352 | Item Variants | Variant Vîdeo | |
1353 | Item Variants updated | Variant Variants updated | |
1354 | Item has variants. | Peyvên variant hene. | |
1355 | Item must be added using 'Get Items from Purchase Receipts' button | Pêdivî ye ku pirtûkê bi karanîna 'Bişkojk ji tiştên ji kirînê ve bistînin' bikar bînin | |
1356 | Item or Warehouse for row {0} does not match Material Request | Pirtûka an Warehouse ji bo row {0} materyalên materyalê nake | |
1357 | Item valuation rate is recalculated considering landed cost voucher amount | Rêjeya nirxê nirxê li gorî nirxê xerca kirê ya xemgîniyê ye | |
1358 | Item variant {0} exists with same attributes | Variant {0} bi heman taybetmendiyê heye | |
1359 | Item {0} does not exist | Item {0} nîne | |
1360 | Item {0} does not exist in the system or has expired | Peyva {0} di pergalê de tune ye an dest pê kir | |
1361 | Item {0} has already been returned | Peldanka {0} hatibû vegerandin | |
1362 | Item {0} has been disabled | Item {0} hate qedexekirin | |
1363 | Item {0} has reached its end of life on {1} | Item {0} li dawiya jiyanê li ser {1} | |
1364 | Item {0} ignored since it is not a stock item | Peyvên {0} ji ber ku ji hêla veguhestinê ve nebînin | |
1365 | Item {0} is a template, please select one of its variants | Peyva {0} tîmek e, ji kerema xwe yek ji her cûreyan hilbijêrin | |
1366 | Item {0} is cancelled | Item {0} betal kirin | |
1367 | Item {0} is disabled | Item {0} qedexekirin | |
1368 | Item {0} is not a serialized Item | Item {0} Naveroka nexşeya ne | |
1369 | Item {0} is not a stock Item | Item {0} Naveroka ne | |
1370 | Item {0} is not active or end of life has been reached | Item {0} ne çalak e an dawiya jiyanê ye | |
1371 | Item {0} is not setup for Serial Nos. Check Item master | Item {0} ji bo Serial Nos saz nake | |
1372 | Item {0} is not setup for Serial Nos. Column must be blank | Item {0} ji bo Serial Nos saz nakin. Column must be blank | |
1373 | Item {0} must be a Fixed Asset Item | Mijarek {0} divê pirtûkek maqûl be | |
1374 | Item {0} must be a Sub-contracted Item | Mijarek {0} divê belekî Sub-Contracted be | |
1375 | Item {0} must be a non-stock item | Mijarek {0} divê pirtûkek ne-stock be | |
1376 | Item {0} must be a stock Item | Mijarek {0} divê şîfreyê be | |
1377 | Item {0} not found | Peldanka {0} nehat dîtin | |
1378 | Item {0} not found in 'Raw Materials Supplied' table in Purchase Order {1} | Peyva {0} ne li Qanaxa Kirê ya Parastina Bacê ya Raw 'Rawameyê Rawestandin {1} | |
1379 | Item {0}: Ordered qty {1} cannot be less than minimum order qty {2} (defined in Item). | Peyva {0}: Qty {1} birêvebirin ku ji kêmtirî nermana qty {2} ve (nifşek di navnîşan de) nabe. | |
1380 | Item: {0} does not exist in the system | Peyv: {0} di pergalê de tune | |
1381 | Items | Babet | |
1382 | Items Filter | Filter Filter | |
1383 | Items and Pricing | Giştî û Pricing | |
1384 | Items for Raw Material Request | Ji bo Raw Material Request for Items | |
1385 | Job Card | Karta Karê | |
1386 | Job Description | Job Description | |
1387 | Job Offer | Pêşniyarê kar | |
1388 | Job card {0} created | Karta karta {0} hat afirandin | |
1389 | Jobs | Kar | |
1390 | Join | Bihevgirêdan | |
1391 | Journal Entries {0} are un-linked | Navnîşên rojnamevan {0} ne girêdayî ne | |
1392 | Journal Entry | Rojname Entry | |
1393 | Journal Entry {0} does not have account {1} or already matched against other voucher | Navnîşana rojnamevan {0} an hesabê {1} nîne an jî ji berî li dijî vîdyoyê din | |
1394 | Kanban Board | Desteya Kanban | |
1395 | Key Reports | Raportên Key | |
1396 | LMS Activity | Çalakiya LMS | |
1397 | Lab Test | Test test | |
1398 | Lab Test Prescriptions | Lab Test Prescriptions | |
1399 | Lab Test Report | Raporta Lab Lab | |
1400 | Lab Test Sample | Sample Lab Lab | |
1401 | Lab Test Template | Template Test Lab | |
1402 | Lab Test UOM | UOM Lab Lab | |
1403 | Lab Tests and Vital Signs | Lîsteyên Tebûr û Nîşaneyên Navneteweyî | |
1404 | Lab result datetime cannot be before testing datetime | Di encama datetime de ji ber encamên Labê nikarin berî datemê didin | |
1405 | Lab testing datetime cannot be before collection datetime | Datetime lab testê ji beriya datetime berdin | |
1406 | Laboratory | Lêkolînxane | |
1407 | Large | Mezin | |
1408 | Last Communication | Peywendiya Dawîn | |
1409 | Last Communication Date | Dîroka Peywendiya Dawîn | |
1410 | Last Order Amount | Ameya Dawîn | |
1411 | Last Order Date | Daxuyaniya Dawîn | |
1412 | Last Purchase Price | Pargîdaniya Dawîn | |
1413 | Last Purchase Rate | Rêjeya Kirîna Dawîn | |
1414 | Latest | Dawîtirîn | |
1415 | Latest price updated in all BOMs | Buhayê herî dawî li BOM | |
1416 | Lead | Birêvebirin | |
1417 | Lead Count | Lead Count | |
1418 | Lead Owner | Owner Leader | |
1419 | Lead Owner cannot be same as the Lead | Xwedayê Rêberê Rêberê Rêveberiya Rêberê Rêberê Rêberê Gelê Kurd | |
1420 | Lead Time Days | Rojên Demokrasî | |
1421 | Lead to Quotation | Lead to Quotation | |
1422 | Leads help you get business, add all your contacts and more as your leads | Alîkariya ku hûn karsaziyê bistînin alîkarî, hemî têkiliyên xwe û hem jî wekî rêberiya we zêde bikin | |
1423 | Learn | Fêrbûn | |
1424 | Leave Approval Notification | Daxuyaniya Şandina Baweriyê | |
1425 | Leave Blocked | Daxistin | |
1426 | Leave Encashment | Pevçûnê bistînin | |
1427 | Leave Management | Rêveberiya Rêvebirinê | |
1428 | Leave Status Notification | Şerta Rewşa Çepê | |
1429 | Leave Type | Tiştek bistînin | |
1430 | Leave Type is madatory | Tîpa vekin | |
1431 | Leave Type {0} cannot be allocated since it is leave without pay | Tîpa vekişînê {0} ji bo ku bêyî dayîn bêyî vexwendin nayê vexwendin | |
1432 | Leave Type {0} cannot be carry-forwarded | Vebijêrk {0} nikare bistînin | |
1433 | Leave Type {0} is not encashable | Vebijêrk {0} nehêle ye | |
1434 | Leave Without Pay | Bêyî dayîn | |
1435 | Leave Without Pay does not match with approved Leave Application records | Bêyî Bêyî Pêwîstin bi qeydên Daxwaza Destûra Pêdivî ye | |
1436 | Leave and Attendance | Bilî û tevlêbûnê | |
1437 | Leave application {0} already exists against the student {1} | Ji bo xwendekaran {0} ji ber ku ji xwendekaran ve hat berdan heye {1} | |
1438 | Leave cannot be allocated before {0}, as leave balance has already been carry-forwarded in the future leave allocation record {1} | Ji bilî vekişînê neyê vebigere {0}, ji ber ku bertengiya derketina di dema paşerojê ya paşeroja paşerojê de derbas dibe {1} | |
1439 | Leave cannot be applied/cancelled before {0}, as leave balance has already been carry-forwarded in the future leave allocation record {1} | Berî ku balance 0 Leave bisekinin, betalkirin nikare were sepandin / betalkirin, ji ber ku balyozê berdanê di paşeroja dabeşkirina betlaneya pêşerojê de jixwe ve hatî veguhestin {1 | |
1440 | Leave of type {0} cannot be longer than {1} | Ji bo derketina cure {0} dirêjtir ji {1} | |
1441 | Leave the field empty to make purchase orders for all suppliers | Destûra vala vala bihêlin ku emrê kirina hemî pargîdaniyan bikirin | |
1442 | Leaves | Leaves | |
1443 | Leaves Allocated Successfully for {0} | Ji bo {0} bi serkeftî | |
1444 | Leaves has been granted sucessfully | Leaves bi destûra xwe hatine dayîn | |
1445 | Leaves must be allocated in multiples of 0.5 | Pêdivî ye ku di nav elaleta 0.5-ê de dabeş kirin | |
1446 | Leaves per Year | Per Year | |
1447 | Ledger | Ledger | |
1448 | Legal | Mafî | |
1449 | Legal Expenses | Mesrefên hiqûqî | |
1450 | Letter Heads for print templates. | Nîşaneyên çapkirinê yên çapemeniyê. | |
1451 | Liability | Bar | |
1452 | License | Îcaze | |
1453 | Lifecycle | Lifecycle | |
1454 | Limit Crossed | Sînor | |
1455 | Link to Material Request | Link to Material Request | |
1456 | List of all share transactions | Lîsteya danûstandinên hemî parve bikin | |
1457 | List of available Shareholders with folio numbers | Lîsteya lîsansên peywendîdar bi bi hejmarên folio re | |
1458 | Loading Payment System | Pergala Paydayê | |
1459 | Loan | Sened | |
1460 | Loan Amount cannot exceed Maximum Loan Amount of {0} | Buhayê krediyê nikare exceed 0} | |
1461 | Loan Application | Serlêdanê deyn | |
1462 | Loan Management | Rêveberiya Lînan | |
1463 | Loan Repayment | Deynkirina Lînansê | |
1464 | Loan Start Date and Loan Period are mandatory to save the Invoice Discounting | Dema Destûra Destpêk Dest û Lînan divê ji bo rizgarkirina Invoice rizgar bikin | |
1465 | Loans (Liabilities) | Lînans | |
1466 | Loans and Advances (Assets) | Lînans û Pêşniyaz (Assets) | |
1467 | Local | Herêmî | |
1468 | LocalStorage is full , did not save | LocalStorage tije ye, ne rizgar kirin | |
1469 | LocalStorage is full, did not save | LocalStorage tije ye, ne rizgar kirin | |
1470 | Log | Rojname | |
1471 | Logs for maintaining sms delivery status | Logs for maintaining sms supply delivery | |
1472 | Lost | Windabû | |
1473 | Lost Reasons | Reasons Lost | |
1474 | Low | Nizm | |
1475 | Low Sensitivity | Sensiyatîfa kêm | |
1476 | Lower Income | Hatina Hûrgelê | |
1477 | Loyalty Amount | Amûdê | |
1478 | Loyalty Point Entry | Entity Entity Entry | |
1479 | Loyalty Points | Points | |
1480 | Loyalty Points will be calculated from the spent done (via the Sales Invoice), based on collection factor mentioned. | Nîşeyên Loyalty dê ji karûbarên kirînê (bi rêya Sales Sales), ji hêla faktora kolektîfê ve tê hesab kirin. | |
1481 | Loyalty Points: {0} | Point of loyalty: {0} | |
1482 | Loyalty Program | Program | |
1483 | Main | Ser | |
1484 | Maintenance | Lênerrînî | |
1485 | Maintenance Log | Log-Maintenance | |
1486 | Maintenance Schedule | Schedule maintenance | |
1487 | Maintenance Schedule is not generated for all the items. Please click on 'Generate Schedule' | Tiştek parastinê ji bo hemî tiştên ji bo hilberînê ne. Ji kerema xwe re li ser 'Schedule Generate' | |
1488 | Maintenance Schedule {0} exists against {1} | Guhertoya Guhertina {0} li dijî {1} | |
1489 | Maintenance Schedule {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales Order | Divê şerta lênêrînê {0} ji berî şandina kirîna firotanê bête betal kirin | |
1490 | Maintenance Status has to be Cancelled or Completed to Submit | Rewşa Girtîgehê divê ku betalkirin an temam kirin | |
1491 | Maintenance Visit | Serdana Guhertin | |
1492 | Maintenance Visit {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales Order | Serdana Serdan {0} divê ji berî şandina kirîna firotanê bête betal kirin | |
1493 | Maintenance start date can not be before delivery date for Serial No {0} | Dîroka destpêkê ya destpêkê nikare beriya danûstandinê ji bo Serial No {0} | |
1494 | Make | Kirin | |
1495 | Make Payment | Payment | |
1496 | Make project from a template. | Projeya ji pelê çêbike. | |
1497 | Making Stock Entries | Têketina Stock Stockings | |
1498 | Manage Customer Group Tree. | Tree Tree Tree Group | |
1499 | Manage Sales Partners. | Parastina Hevkarên Rêveberiyê | |
1500 | Manage Sales Person Tree. | Tree Tree Person Sales | |
1501 | Manage Territory Tree. | Tree Tree Tree Manage | |
1502 | Manage your orders | Armanca xwe bigirin | |
1503 | Management | Serekî | |
1504 | Manager | Rêvebir | |
1505 | Managing Projects | Projeyên Rêveberiyê | |
1506 | Managing Subcontracting | Birêvebirina Subcontracting | |
1507 | Mandatory field - Academic Year | Zeviya mandatorî - Salê akademîk | |
1508 | Mandatory field - Get Students From | Zeviya mandatory - Ji xwendekaran ji xwe re bibin | |
1509 | Mandatory field - Program | Zeviya Koçber - Programa | |
1510 | Manufacture | Çêkirin | |
1511 | Manufacturer | Çêker | |
1512 | Manufacturer Part Number | Pêwirînerê Part Number | |
1513 | Manufacturing | Hilberîn | |
1514 | Manufacturing Quantity is mandatory | Pîvana Hilberîner pêwîst e | |
1515 | Mark Absent | Mark Absent | |
1516 | Mark Attendance | Beşdariya Mark | |
1517 | Mark Half Day | Mark Half Day | |
1518 | Mark Present | Mark Present | |
1519 | Marketing | Bazirganî | |
1520 | Marketing Expenses | Mesrefên bazirganiyê | |
1521 | Marketplace | Marketplace | |
1522 | Marketplace Error | Çewtiya Marketplace | |
1523 | Master data syncing, it might take some time | Daneyên danûstendina Mamosteyê, dibe ku hinek demekê bigirin | |
1524 | Masters | Masters | |
1525 | Match Payments with Invoices | Pevçûnan Bi Tevavên Bikin | |
1526 | Match non-linked Invoices and Payments. | Daxistin û Tezmînata ne-girêdan peyda bikin. | |
1527 | Material | Mal | |
1528 | Material Consumption | Serdanîna Materyalê | |
1529 | Material Consumption is not set in Manufacturing Settings. | Deynkirina Materyalê di Guhertoya Manufacturing Setup de ne. | |
1530 | Material Receipt | Daxwaza materyalê | |
1531 | Material Request | Request Request | |
1532 | Material Request Date | Request Request | |
1533 | Material Request No | Naveroka Materyalê Na | |
1534 | Material Request not created, as quantity for Raw Materials already available. | Pêwîstiya materyalê nehatiye afirandin, wekî ku ji hêla Raw Material ji berî vekirî ye. | |
1535 | Material Request of maximum {0} can be made for Item {1} against Sales Order {2} | Pêwîstiya materyalê herî zêde {0} dikare ji bo {1} li hemberî Biryara Bazirganî {2} | |
1536 | Material Request to Purchase Order | Request Request To Purchase Order | |
1537 | Material Request {0} is cancelled or stopped | Request Request {0} betal kirin an rawestandin | |
1538 | Material Request {0} submitted. | Request Request {0}. | |
1539 | Material Transfer | Transfer Material | |
1540 | Material Transferred | Material Transferred | |
1541 | Material to Supplier | Material to Supplier | |
1542 | Max Exemption Amount cannot be greater than maximum exemption amount {0} of Tax Exemption Category {1} | Naveroka Xweşandina Max Maximum ji mûçeya herî zêde ya xemgîniyê xuya dibe {0} Daxistina Xweseriya Bacê {1} | |
1543 | Max benefits should be greater than zero to dispense benefits | Divê xerciyên Mezin ji sifir mezintir bibe ku ji bo berjewendiyên xwe bigirin | |
1544 | Max discount allowed for item: {0} is {1}% | Daxuyaniya Max Maxî ji bo pirtûkê: {0} ye {1}% | |
1545 | Max: {0} | Max: {0} | |
1546 | Maximum Samples - {0} can be retained for Batch {1} and Item {2}. | Nimûneyên herî zêde - {0} dikare ji bo Batch {1} û Peldanka {2} tê parastin. | |
1547 | Maximum Samples - {0} have already been retained for Batch {1} and Item {2} in Batch {3}. | Nimûneyên Nêzîkî - {0} jixwe ji bo Batch {1} û Tişta {2} di Batch {3 already de hatine girtin. | |
1548 | Maximum amount eligible for the component {0} exceeds {1} | Mîqdara herî maqûl ya jibo component 0} derbasdar e | |
1549 | Maximum benefit amount of component {0} exceeds {1} | Gelek mûçeya nirxê {0} ji zêdebûna {1} | |
1550 | Maximum benefit amount of employee {0} exceeds {1} | Gelek xercê karmendê {0} zêde dike {1} | |
1551 | Maximum discount for Item {0} is {1}% | Daxwaza herî zêde ji bo Item 0} tê 1}% | |
1552 | Maximum leave allowed in the leave type {0} is {1} | Destûra herî zêde destûra di nav vala vala {0} de {1} | |
1553 | Medical | Pizişkî | |
1554 | Medical Code | Kodê bijîşk | |
1555 | Medical Code Standard | Standard Code | |
1556 | Medical Department | Wezareta tenduristiyê | |
1557 | Medical Record | Radyoya Tenduristiyê | |
1558 | Medium | Medya | |
1559 | Meeting | Hevdîtinî | |
1560 | Member Activity | Çalakiya Endamê | |
1561 | Member ID | Nasnameya Endamê | |
1562 | Member Name | Navê Navê | |
1563 | Member information. | Agahdariya Endamê. | |
1564 | Membership | Endamî | |
1565 | Membership Details | Agahiya Dîrok | |
1566 | Membership ID | Nasnameya endam | |
1567 | Membership Type | Tîpa Endamê | |
1568 | Memebership Details | Agahdariya Memêber | |
1569 | Memebership Type Details | Agahdariyên Navîn | |
1570 | Merge | Bihevkelyan | |
1571 | Merge Account | Account Account | |
1572 | Merge with Existing Account | Bi Hesabê heyî ve girêdayî ye | |
1573 | Merging is only possible if following properties are same in both records. Is Group, Root Type, Company | Muxaleq tenê tenê dibe ku eger taybetmendiyên jêrîn di herdu qeydan de heman. Komê, Şerta Root, Kompaniyê ye | |
1574 | Message Sent | Peyam şandin | |
1575 | Middle Income | Hatina Navîn | |
1576 | Min Amt can not be greater than Max Amt | Min Amt ji Max Amt re mezintir be | |
1577 | Min Qty can not be greater than Max Qty | Min Qty nikare Max Qty nikare mezintir be | |
1578 | Minimum Lead Age (Days) | Dîroka Minimum Age Age | |
1579 | Miscellaneous Expenses | Mesrefên Miscellaneous | |
1580 | Missing Currency Exchange Rates for {0} | Rêjeyên Parastina Valê ya Currency 0} | |
1581 | Missing email template for dispatch. Please set one in Delivery Settings. | Şîfreya emailê ji bo belavkirinê. Ji kerema xwe veguhastin li Settings Settings. | |
1582 | Missing value for Password, API Key or Shopify URL | Ji bo Nasnavê Nasnav, API Key or Shopify URL | |
1583 | Mode of Payment | Mode Kredî | |
1584 | Mode of Payments | Mode Serê | |
1585 | Mode of Transport | Modeya veguherînê | |
1586 | Mode of Transportation | Modeya Veguhastinê | |
1587 | Mode of payment is required to make a payment | Modeya pêdivî ye ku pêdivî ye | |
1588 | Model | Cins | |
1589 | Moderate Sensitivity | Sensîteya Navendî ya Navendî | |
1590 | Monday | Duşem | |
1591 | Monthly | Mehane | |
1592 | Monthly Distribution | Belavkirina mehane | |
1593 | Monthly Repayment Amount cannot be greater than Loan Amount | Amûr Daxistina Mehane Mûçeyê ji bila Lînansê mezintir be | |
1594 | More | Zêde | |
1595 | More Information | Agahî | |
1596 | More than one selection for {0} not allowed | Ji bilî yek ji hilbijartinê ji bo {0} ne | |
1597 | More... | Zêde... | |
1598 | Motion Picture & Video | Motion Picture & Video | |
1599 | Move | Barkirin | |
1600 | Move Item | Vegere Têkilî | |
1601 | Multi Currency | Pirrjimar Pirrjimar | |
1602 | Multiple Item prices. | Gelek tiştên bihayê. | |
1603 | Multiple Loyalty Program found for the Customer. Please select manually. | Bernameya Bila Welatiya Mirovan ji bo Mişteriyê dît. Ji kerema xwe bi destê xwe hilbijêrin. | |
1604 | Multiple Price Rules exists with same criteria, please resolve conflict by assigning priority. Price Rules: {0} | Rêbazên Pirrjimar Pirrjimar bi heman pîvanê heye, ji kerema xwe re pevçûn bi pêşniyara bicîh bikin. Rêzên Bacê: {0} | |
1605 | Multiple Variants | Pirrjimar Pirrjimar | |
1606 | Multiple default mode of payment is not allowed | Modeya piralî ya pêdivî ye ku pêdivî ye | |
1607 | Multiple fiscal years exist for the date {0}. Please set company in Fiscal Year | Dîroka fiscal pir ji roja {0} heye. Ji kerema xwe re şirket di sala Fiscal Year de | |
1608 | Music | Mûzîk | |
1609 | Name error: {0} | Sernav Navê: {0} | |
1610 | Name of new Account. Note: Please don't create accounts for Customers and Suppliers | Navnîşa nû ya nû. Têbînî: Ji kerema xwe ji bo karsaz û karmendên hesab naxwazin | |
1611 | Name or Email is mandatory | Nav û nameyê pêwîst e | |
1612 | Nature Of Supplies | Xweseriya Xwezayî | |
1613 | Navigating | Navîgasyon | |
1614 | Needs Analysis | Needs Analysis | |
1615 | Negative Quantity is not allowed | Hêjeya negatîf ne nayê | |
1616 | Negative Valuation Rate is not allowed | Rêjeya nirxandina negatîf tune ye | |
1617 | Negotiation/Review | Nîqaşkirin / Çavdêriya | |
1618 | Net Asset value as on | Nirxê Net Asset wekî | |
1619 | Net Cash from Financing | Kredê Net Ji Xerca Neteweyî | |
1620 | Net Cash from Investing | Kredê Net ji veberhênanê | |
1621 | Net Cash from Operations | Krediyên Net ji Operasyonê | |
1622 | Net Change in Accounts Payable | Guhertoya Net Neteweyek Payable | |
1623 | Net Change in Accounts Receivable | Guhertoya Netê li Accounts Receivable | |
1624 | Net Change in Cash | Guhertina Netê ya Net | |
1625 | Net Change in Equity | Guhertina Neteweya Yekbûyî | |
1626 | Net Change in Fixed Asset | Guhertoya Net Neteweyek Neteweya Neteweyî | |
1627 | Net Change in Inventory | Guhertina Navnetewî ya Netewî | |
1628 | Net ITC Available(A) - (B) | Neteweya Net Neteweyek (A) - (B) | |
1629 | Net Pay | Net Pay | |
1630 | Net Pay cannot be less than 0 | Paya Net ne ji 0 kêmtir e | |
1631 | Net Profit | Net Profit | |
1632 | Net Salary Amount | Amînê ya Net Salary | |
1633 | Net Total | Net Total | |
1634 | Net pay cannot be negative | Paya Net nikare neyînî | |
1635 | New Account Name | Navê Hesabê nû | |
1636 | New Address | Navnîşana Nû | |
1637 | New BOM | BOM ya nû | |
1638 | New Batch ID (Optional) | Nasnameya Batchê ya Nû (Bijarte) | |
1639 | New Batch Qty | Qanûna Nû ya Qty | |
1640 | New Cart | Karteya Nû | |
1641 | New Company | Kompaniya Nû | |
1642 | New Contact | Têkiliya Nû | |
1643 | New Cost Center Name | Navenda Navenda Nû ya Navîn | |
1644 | New Customer Revenue | Darmendiya Kirêdariya Nû | |
1645 | New Customers | Xerîdarên nû | |
1646 | New Department | Wezareta Nû | |
1647 | New Employee | Karmendê Nû | |
1648 | New Location | Cihê nû | |
1649 | New Quality Procedure | Prosesa Qalîteya Nû | |
1650 | New Sales Invoice | Îro Sales Invoice | |
1651 | New Sales Person Name | Navê Kesê Navmalê Nû | |
1652 | New Serial No cannot have Warehouse. Warehouse must be set by Stock Entry or Purchase Receipt | No Serial Na No Warehouse tune. Warehouse divê ji hêla Stock Entry an Rice Purchase | |
1653 | New Warehouse Name | Navnîşa Nû Warehouse | |
1654 | New credit limit is less than current outstanding amount for the customer. Credit limit has to be atleast {0} | Gelek kredî ya ku ji bo mêvandariyê ya niha ya berbiçav kêmtir e. Rêjeya krediyê hebe ku xilas bike {0} | |
1655 | New task | Karê nû | |
1656 | New {0} pricing rules are created | Qanûna nirxên nû ya {0} têne afirandin | |
1657 | Newsletters | Nûçeyan | |
1658 | Newspaper Publishers | Publishers Newspaper | |
1659 | Next | Piştî | |
1660 | Next Contact By cannot be same as the Lead Email Address | Têkilî Piştre Bi Navnîşana Navnîşana Navnîşana Rêberê Rêveberiya Navnîşan Nabe | |
1661 | Next Contact Date cannot be in the past | Dîroka Peywendê Pêşîn Dibe ku di demek berê de ne | |
1662 | Next Steps | Dersên din | |
1663 | No Action | No Action | |
1664 | No Customers yet! | Pirsgirêk kesan tune! | |
1665 | No Data | Agahdarî tune | |
1666 | No Delivery Note selected for Customer {} | Naveroka Hilbijartinê Na ku ji bo Meriv {} | |
1667 | No Employee Found | Karkerek nehat dîtin | |
1668 | No Item with Barcode {0} | Naverokê bi Barcode {0} | |
1669 | No Item with Serial No {0} | No Item with Serial No {0} | |
1670 | No Items added to cart | Ti tiştên ku li kartê nehatiye zêdekirin | |
1671 | No Items available for transfer | Naveroka ku ji bo veguherînê nîne | |
1672 | No Items selected for transfer | Naveroka hilbijartinê ji bo veguhastinê tune | |
1673 | No Items to pack | Naveroka pakêtê nîne | |
1674 | No Items with Bill of Materials to Manufacture | Naveroka bi Bill Bizarrên Pêwîste Bazirganî tune | |
1675 | No Items with Bill of Materials. | Naveroka bi Bill of Material. | |
1676 | No Lab Test created | Testê Tebûr tune | |
1677 | No Permission | Tu destûr nabe | |
1678 | No Quote | No Quote | |
1679 | No Remarks | Şîrove tune | |
1680 | No Result to submit | Ne encam nabe ku şandin | |
1681 | No Salary Structure assigned for Employee {0} on given date {1} | Pêvek Pûçeya No Salary ji bo {1} roja xuyakirin {1} | |
1682 | No Staffing Plans found for this Designation | No Plansing Staffing for this Designation | |
1683 | No Student Groups created. | Koma Komên No Student nehat afirandin. | |
1684 | No Students in | Na xwendekaran ne | |
1685 | No Tax Withholding data found for the current Fiscal Year. | Naveroka Danûbarên Bexdayê ji bo Salê Fînansê ve hat dîtin. | |
1686 | No Work Orders created | Naveroka Karkeran nehat afirandin | |
1687 | No accounting entries for the following warehouses | Navnîşên hesabên ji bo van bargayên jêrîn tune | |
1688 | No active or default Salary Structure found for employee {0} for the given dates | Ne ku çalak û nexşeya paşnavê ya paşnav ji bo karkerên {0} ji bo dayîn hatine dayîn dîtin | |
1689 | No address added yet. | No web synthesis added yet. | |
1690 | No contacts added yet. | No contact yet. | |
1691 | No contacts with email IDs found. | Têkilî bi nasnameyên email-ê nehat dîtin. | |
1692 | No data for this period | Daneyên vê ji bo vê demê | |
1693 | No description given | Tu şîrove nehatiye dayîn | |
1694 | No employees for the mentioned criteria | Ji bo krîterên nirxên ne karmendan tune | |
1695 | No gain or loss in the exchange rate | Ne rêjeya neheqiyê an winda tune | |
1696 | No items listed | Naverok nehatiye lîstandin | |
1697 | No items to be received are overdue | Ti tiştên ku bêne qebûlkirin tune ne | |
1698 | No leave record found for employee {0} for {1} | Naveroka ku ji bo karmend {0} ji bo {1} nehatiye nivîsandin. | |
1699 | No material request created | Naveroka maddî tune | |
1700 | No more updates | No updates | |
1701 | No of Interactions | Naverokî tune | |
1702 | No of Shares | Naveroka ne | |
1703 | No pending Material Requests found to link for the given items. | Naverokên Daxuyaniya Pîroz nehat dîtin ku ji bo peyda tiştên girêdanê. | |
1704 | No products found | Berhem nehat dîtin | |
1705 | No products found. | Berhem nehat dîtin. | |
1706 | No record found | No record found | |
1707 | No records found in the Invoice table | Ti qeydên di tabloya Invoice de nehatiye dîtin | |
1708 | No records found in the Payment table | No records found in table of payment | |
1709 | No replies from | Bersiv nîne | |
1710 | No salary slip found to submit for the above selected criteria OR salary slip already submitted | Pûçek pûçek nehatiye dayîn ku ji bo pîvanên jorîn hejmar an jî heqê heqê heqê xwe vekirî dide | |
1711 | No tasks | Na karan tune | |
1712 | No time sheets | Heta demên pirtûka | |
1713 | No values | Nirx nîne | |
1714 | No {0} found for Inter Company Transactions. | No {0} ji bo Kompaniya Navnetewî ve tê dîtin. | |
1715 | Non GST Inward Supplies | Berpirsiyarên Internetê ya GST Nehf | |
1716 | Non Profit | Non Profit | |
1717 | Non Profit (beta) | Non Profit (beta) | |
1718 | Non-GST outward supplies | Nexşeyên ne-GST vekirî | |
1719 | Non-Group to Group | Bi Group-Non-Group | |
1720 | None of the items have any change in quantity or value. | Ne tu tiştek guhertin an jî hejmar an jî nirxê xwe tune. | |
1721 | Nos | Nos | |
1722 | Not Available | Not Available | |
1723 | Not Expired | Ne Dibe | |
1724 | Not Marked | Not Marked | |
1725 | Not Paid and Not Delivered | Not Payed and Not Delivered | |
1726 | Not Permitted | Nayê destûrkirin | |
1727 | Not Started | Destpêk | |
1728 | Not active | Ne çalak e | |
1729 | Not allow to set alternative item for the item {0} | Ne destûrê ji bo tiştek alternatîf hilbijêre {0} | |
1730 | Not allowed to update stock transactions older than {0} | Nabe ku nûvekirina danûstendinên stock kevntir ji {0 update were pejirandin. | |
1731 | Not authorized to edit frozen Account {0} | Mafdar nabe ku Hesabê nûvekirî biguherîne {0} | |
1732 | Not authroized since {0} exceeds limits | Ji ber ku {0} sînor derbas dibe nayê nivîsandin | |
1733 | Not eligible for the admission in this program as per DOB | Li ser vê bernameyê ya ku DOB bi destnîşankirina nirxandinê ne | |
1734 | Not items found | Ne pirtûk nehat dîtin | |
1735 | Not permitted for {0} | Ji bo {0} | |
1736 | Not permitted, configure Lab Test Template as required | Nayê destnîşankirin, as required as Template Test Lab | |
1737 | Not permitted. Please disable the Service Unit Type | Nayê destûr kirin. Ji kerema xwe binivîse navenda yekîneyê | |
1738 | Note: Due / Reference Date exceeds allowed customer credit days by {0} day(s) | Têbînî: Berê / Rejirandina Dîroka ku ji rojên {0} sîreyên kredî de derbas dibe. | |
1739 | Note: Item {0} entered multiple times | Têbînî: Mijarek {0} gelek caran derbas kir | |
1740 | Note: Payment Entry will not be created since 'Cash or Bank Account' was not specified | Têgihîştinê: Ji ber ku 'Hesab an kredî ya bankê' nehatiye avakirin | |
1741 | Note: System will not check over-delivery and over-booking for Item {0} as quantity or amount is 0 | Têkilî: Pergalê dê li ser-hilweşandinê û bêtir lêgerînê binirxînin Ji bo materyal {0} wekî ku hejmar an jî hejmar 0 e | |
1742 | Note: There is not enough leave balance for Leave Type {0} | Têgihîştinê: Ji bo vala vebigereya vala berbiçav tune ye {0} | |
1743 | Note: This Cost Center is a Group. Cannot make accounting entries against groups. | Têbînî: Navenda vê Costê Giştî ye. Li hemberî komên hesabê hesab nekin. | |
1744 | Note: {0} | Têbînî: {0} | |
1745 | Notes | Notes | |
1746 | Nothing is included in gross | Hin tiştek tevlîhev e | |
1747 | Nothing more to show. | Ne ku bêtir nîşan bide. | |
1748 | Nothing to change | Tiştek guhartin | |
1749 | Notice Period | Weqfa Navnîşan | |
1750 | Notify Customers via Email | Bi rêya Înternetê agahdar bike | |
1751 | Number of Depreciations Booked cannot be greater than Total Number of Depreciations | Gelek Nirxên Têkilî Nabe ku Hêjeya Gelek Nirxên Hêjayî mezintir be | |
1752 | Number of Interaction | Hejmara Têkilî | |
1753 | Number of Order | Hejmar | |
1754 | Number of new Account, it will be included in the account name as a prefix | Hejmareke nû ya nû, ew ê nav navê navnîşê wekî pêşnivîsa tête kirin | |
1755 | Number of new Cost Center, it will be included in the cost center name as a prefix | Hejmara navenda lêçûnên nû, dê navendê navendê navendê navendê ya mesrefê bibin | |
1756 | Number of root accounts cannot be less than 4 | Gelek hesabên root root nikare kêmtir 4 | |
1757 | Odometer | Odometer | |
1758 | Office Equipments | Amûrên Karûbar | |
1759 | Office Maintenance Expenses | Mesrefên lênêrînê ya Navîn | |
1760 | Office Rent | Xanî ya kirê | |
1761 | On Hold | On Hold | |
1762 | On Net Total | Li Net Net | |
1763 | One customer can be part of only single Loyalty Program. | Mirov dikare yek ji beşdarî bernameyek dilsoz be. | |
1764 | Online | Liserxetê | |
1765 | Online Auctions | Auctions | |
1766 | Only Leave Applications with status 'Approved' and 'Rejected' can be submitted | Tenê Serdanêd Hilbijêre bi statuya 'Approved' û 'Rejected' tê nîşandan | |
1767 | Only the Student Applicant with the status "Approved" will be selected in the table below. | Tenê Serdanek Xwendekarê ku "Rewşa" pejirandî "dê di binê sîteyê de dê bê hilbijartin. | |
1768 | Only users with {0} role can register on Marketplace | Tenê bikarhênerên bi {0} rola dikare li ser bazarê Marketplace bikin | |
1769 | Only {0} in stock for item {1} | Tenê {0} li stock ji bo şîfre {1} | |
1770 | Open BOM {0} | Open BOM {0} | |
1771 | Open Item {0} | Open Item {0} | |
1772 | Open Notifications | Şertên vekirî | |
1773 | Open Orders | Rêvebirên vekirî | |
1774 | Open a new ticket | Firotineke nû vekin | |
1775 | Opening | Dergeh | |
1776 | Opening (Cr) | Opening (Cr) | |
1777 | Opening (Dr) | Opening (Dr) | |
1778 | Opening Accounting Balance | Vejirandina Baldariya Hesabkirinê | |
1779 | Opening Accumulated Depreciation | Vebijandina Nerazîbûnê Barkirin | |
1780 | Opening Accumulated Depreciation must be less than equal to {0} | Vebijandina veguhestina zevî Divê bêtir ji bilî {0} | |
1781 | Opening Balance | Balance Opening | |
1782 | Opening Balance Equity | Destûra Balance Balance | |
1783 | Opening Date and Closing Date should be within same Fiscal Year | Dîroka vekirî û Dîroka Dawîn divê di heman salê de be | |
1784 | Opening Date should be before Closing Date | Dîroka vekirî divê beriya Dîroka Dawîn be | |
1785 | Opening Entry Journal | Vebijêrtina Navnîşana Çandî | |
1786 | Opening Invoice Creation Tool | Di Vebijandina Destûra Tevûvanê de vekin | |
1787 | Opening Invoice Item | Di veguhestina Şîfreyê de vekin | |
1788 | Opening Invoices | Daxuyaniya vekirî | |
1789 | Opening Invoices Summary | Vebijêrk Barkirina Hilbijartinê | |
1790 | Opening Qty | Qty vekirî | |
1791 | Opening Stock | Stock Stock Opening | |
1792 | Opening Stock Balance | Balance Stock Stock | |
1793 | Opening Value | Value Opening | |
1794 | Opening {0} Invoice created | Daxuyaniya {0} ve ve hatî çêkirin | |
1795 | Operation | Emelî | |
1796 | Operation Time must be greater than 0 for Operation {0} | Ji bo Operasyon divê Demjimêrê Operasyonê ji 0 greater 0 greater mezintir be | |
1797 | Operation {0} longer than any available working hours in workstation {1}, break down the operation into multiple operations | Operasyon {0} dirêjtirîn demjimêrên xebatê yên li karkeriyê {1} bêtir, operasyonê di çalakiyê de gelek operasyonan bike | |
1798 | Operations | Operasyon | |
1799 | Operations cannot be left blank | Operasyon nikare vala nehêle | |
1800 | Opp Count | Count Opp | |
1801 | Opp/Lead % | Opp / Lead% | |
1802 | Opportunities | Derfetê | |
1803 | Opportunities by lead source | Opportunities by lead source | |
1804 | Opportunity | Fersend | |
1805 | Opportunity Amount | Amûdê Dike | |
1806 | Optional Holiday List not set for leave period {0} | Lîsteya betalên niştecihan nayê destnîşankirin {0} | |
1807 | Optional. Sets company's default currency, if not specified. | Bixwe. Dema ku diyar nekiriye pargîdanîya pêşdibistanê. | |
1808 | Optional. This setting will be used to filter in various transactions. | Bixwe. Vê sazkirinê dê bikar bînin ku ji bo veguhastinên celebê yên felije. | |
1809 | Order Count | Nimreya Giştî | |
1810 | Order Entry | Entry Order | |
1811 | Order Value | Order Value | |
1812 | Order rescheduled for sync | Fermana ji bo syncê veguhestin | |
1813 | Order/Quot % | Order / Quot% | |
1814 | Ordered | Birêvekirin | |
1815 | Ordered Qty | Qut kirin | |
1816 | Ordered Qty: Quantity ordered for purchase, but not received. | Qeqkirî Qty: Hêjeya kirînê ji bo kirînê kir, lê ne. | |
1817 | Orders | Orders | |
1818 | Orders released for production. | Derhênan ji bo berhemên serbest berdan. | |
1819 | Organization | Sazûman | |
1820 | Organization Name | Navê Navekî | |
1821 | Other Reports | Raportên din | |
1822 | Other outward supplies(Nil rated,Exempted) | Derheqên din yên derveyî (Nil nirxandin, qedexekirin) | |
1823 | Others | Din | |
1824 | Out Qty | Qty | |
1825 | Out Value | Value Value | |
1826 | Out of Order | Xirab | |
1827 | Outgoing | Outgoing | |
1828 | Outstanding | Mayî | |
1829 | Outstanding Amount | Amount Outstanding | |
1830 | Outstanding Amt | Amt | |
1831 | Outstanding Cheques and Deposits to clear | Check Checks and Deposits to clear | |
1832 | Outstanding for {0} cannot be less than zero ({1}) | Ji bo {0} bêheq ji sifir ({1} kêmtir be | |
1833 | Outward taxable supplies(other than zero rated, nil rated and exempted | Derfetên bacê yên derveyî (ji bilî rêjeya xurek, nil û şaş kirin | |
1834 | Outward taxable supplies(zero rated) | Derveyî bacê ya bacê | |
1835 | Overdue | Demhatî | |
1836 | Overlap in scoring between {0} and {1} | Di navbêna {0} û {1 de tê qewirandin. | |
1837 | Overlapping conditions found between: | Gelek mercên pêkanîna di navbera: | |
1838 | Owner | Xwedî | |
1839 | PAN | TAWE | |
1840 | PO already created for all sales order items | PO ji bo tiştên ku ji bo hemî firotina firotanê ve hat afirandin | |
1841 | POS | POS | |
1842 | POS Closing Voucher alreday exists for {0} between date {1} and {2} | POS Closing Voucher ji bo {0} di dîroka {1} û {2} de heye. | |
1843 | POS Profile | POS Profîl | |
1844 | POS Profile is required to use Point-of-Sale | POS Profê pêwîst e ku ji bo Point-of-Sale bikar bînin | |
1845 | POS Profile required to make POS Entry | POS Profîl divê hewce dike POS Entry | |
1846 | POS Settings | POS Settings | |
1847 | Packed quantity must equal quantity for Item {0} in row {1} | Pîvana pakkirî divê ji hêja {0} di rêza {1} | |
1848 | Packing Slip | Packing Packing | |
1849 | Packing Slip(s) cancelled | Packing Slip (s) tê betal kirin | |
1850 | Paid | Dayîn | |
1851 | Paid Amount | Amûdê | |
1852 | Paid Amount cannot be greater than total negative outstanding amount {0} | Paid Amûre ji zêdebûna nirxên negatîv ên negatîf ji hêla mezintir {0} | |
1853 | Paid amount + Write Off Amount can not be greater than Grand Total | Heqê Paidê + Nîşan Bixwe Amûr ji Big Grand Ji mezintirîn mezintir be | |
1854 | Paid and Not Delivered | Paid û Not Delivered | |
1855 | Parent Item {0} must not be a Stock Item | Pêvek dêûbav {0} ne pirtûkek Stocka ne | |
1856 | Parents Teacher Meeting Attendance | Beşdariya Mamosteyê Mamoste | |
1857 | Part-time | Nîvdem | |
1858 | Partially Depreciated | Bi awayek bifikirin | |
1859 | Partially Received | Bi awayekî gihîştiye | |
1860 | Party | Partî | |
1861 | Party Name | Partiya Partiyê | |
1862 | Party Type | Tîpa Partiya | |
1863 | Party Type and Party is mandatory for {0} account | Partiya Partiya Partiyê û Partiya {0} hesab e | |
1864 | Party Type is mandatory | Tîpa partiyê ne | |
1865 | Party is mandatory | Partî ye | |
1866 | Password policy for Salary Slips is not set | Polîtîkaya şîfreya ji bo Salary Slips ne diyar kirin | |
1867 | Past Due Date | Dîroka Past Past | |
1868 | Patient | Nexweş | |
1869 | Patient Appointment | Serdanek Nexweş | |
1870 | Patient Encounter | Pevçûna Nexweş | |
1871 | Patient not found | Nexweş nayê dîtin | |
1872 | Pay Remaining | Bawer | |
1873 | Pay {0} {1} | Pay {0} {1} | |
1874 | Payable | Erzan | |
1875 | Payable Account | Accountable Payment | |
1876 | Payable Amount | Amount Payable | |
1877 | Payment | Diravdanî | |
1878 | Payment Cancelled. Please check your GoCardless Account for more details | Payment Cancel. Ji kerema xwe ji berfirehtir ji bo Agahdariya GoCardless binihêre | |
1879 | Payment Confirmation | Daxuyaniya Weqfa | |
1880 | Payment Date | Dîroka Paydayê | |
1881 | Payment Days | Rojên Payan | |
1882 | Payment Document | Dokumenta Paya | |
1883 | Payment Due Date | Dîroka Serdariya Dawîn | |
1884 | Payment Entries {0} are un-linked | Navnîşên Payment {0} ne girêdayî ne | |
1885 | Payment Entry | Entry Entry | |
1886 | Payment Entry already exists | Entry Entry already exists | |
1887 | Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. Please pull it again. | Piştî ku we jê vekişandin Ji kerema xwe veguhestin. | |
1888 | Payment Entry is already created | Entry Entry already created | |
1889 | Payment Failed. Please check your GoCardless Account for more details | Payment failed. Ji kerema xwe ji berfirehtir ji bo Agahdariya GoCardless binihêre | |
1890 | Payment Gateway Account not created, please create one manually. | Hesabê Gateway Account nehatiye afirandin, ji kerema xwe bi destê xwe biafirîne. | |
1891 | Payment Mode | Mode Peyrê | |
1892 | Payment Mode is not configured. Please check, whether account has been set on Mode of Payments or on POS Profile. | Modeya Peymana nayê saz kirin. Ji kerema xwe bigihînin, ka hesab li ser Mode Of Mode yan li POS Profîre hatiye dayîn. | |
1893 | Payment Receipt Note | Têkiliya Payment | |
1894 | Payment Request | Request Request | |
1895 | Payment Request for {0} | Request for {0} | |
1896 | Payment Tems | Temsên Tezmînatê | |
1897 | Payment Term | Termê dayîn | |
1898 | Payment Terms | Şertên Payan | |
1899 | Payment Terms Template | Şablon | |
1900 | Payment Terms based on conditions | Li ser mercên mercên bingehîn | |
1901 | Payment Type | Tîpa Serê | |
1902 | Payment Type must be one of Receive, Pay and Internal Transfer | Divê Tenduristiya Yek ji Mirovan, Pay û Navendê Navxweyî ye | |
1903 | Payment against {0} {1} cannot be greater than Outstanding Amount {2} | Tezmînatê li dijî {0} {1} bêtir ji hêla bêbaweriya pirrjimar {2} | |
1904 | Payment of {0} from {1} to {2} | Payment ji {0} ji {1} heta {2} | |
1905 | Payment request {0} created | Daxwaza tezmînatê {0} hat afirandin | |
1906 | Payments | Payment | |
1907 | Payroll | Rêza yomîya | |
1908 | Payroll Number | Hejmara Payroll | |
1909 | Payroll Payable | Payroll Payable | |
1910 | Payroll date can not be less than employee's joining date | Dîroka Payroll nikare bêhtir karûbarê karmendê karker nabe | |
1911 | Payslip | Payslip | |
1912 | Pending Activities | Çalakiyên Pending | |
1913 | Pending Amount | Ameya Pending | |
1914 | Pending Leaves | Leşkerên Pending | |
1915 | Pending Qty | Pending Qty | |
1916 | Pending Quantity | Hêza Pending | |
1917 | Pending Review | Pending Review | |
1918 | Pending activities for today | Çalakiyên Pending îro ji bo | |
1919 | Pension Funds | Fundên Pînansê | |
1920 | Percentage Allocation should be equal to 100% | Tevlêbûna Tevlêbûnê divê bi 100% | |
1921 | Perception Analysis | Analysis Analysis | |
1922 | Period | Nixte | |
1923 | Period Closing Entry | Demjimara Daxistinê Closing | |
1924 | Period Closing Voucher | Wexta Dawiyê Vûda | |
1925 | Periodicity | Demjimêr | |
1926 | Personal Details | Agahiyên kesane | |
1927 | Pharmaceutical | Dermankirinê | |
1928 | Pharmaceuticals | Dermanan | |
1929 | Physician | Bijîşk | |
1930 | Piecework | Piecework | |
1931 | Pin Code | Kodê | |
1932 | Place Of Supply (State/UT) | Cihê Xwerû (Dewleta / UT) | |
1933 | Place Order | Armanca Cih | |
1934 | Plan for maintenance visits. | Plana serdanên parastinê. | |
1935 | Planned Qty | Qty Plankirî | |
1936 | Planned Qty: Quantity, for which, Work Order has been raised, but is pending to be manufactured. | Qanek plankirî: Qanûna, ji bo ku kîjan Biryara Biryara rabûye, lê tête amadekirin. | |
1937 | Planning | Pîlankirinî | |
1938 | Plants and Machineries | Plants û Machineries | |
1939 | Please Set Supplier Group in Buying Settings. | Ji kerema xwe ji Saziya Saziyê Setup di Kiryarên Kirînê. | |
1940 | Please add a Temporary Opening account in Chart of Accounts | Ji kerema xwe re di karta Hesabê de veguhestina demkî vekin | |
1941 | Please add the account to root level Company - | Ji kerema xwe ji hesabê şirketa Navîn ya Rûsyayê add- | |
1942 | Please add the remaining benefits {0} to any of the existing component | Ji kerema xwe ji berjewendiyên mayîn {0} ji her yek ji beşa heyî de zêde bikin | |
1943 | Please check Multi Currency option to allow accounts with other currency | Ji kerema xwe veguherînek peldanka Pirrûpa kontrol bikin ku destûrê bide ku bi hesabên din re | |
1944 | Please click on 'Generate Schedule' | Ji kerema xwe re li ser 'Schedule Generate' | |
1945 | Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to fetch Serial No added for Item {0} | Ji kerema xwe li ser 'Schedule bike' bike ku ji bo Serial No Add to Item {0} | |
1946 | Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to get schedule | Ji kerema xwe li ser 'Schedule hilber bike' bike ku hûn bernameyê bibin | |
1947 | Please confirm once you have completed your training | Ji kerema xwe hûn perwerdehiya xwe temam kirî piştrast bikin | |
1948 | Please contact to the user who have Sales Master Manager {0} role | Ji kerema xwe bi bikarhênerê re têkilî bikin ku xwediyê rola master manager {0} | |
1949 | Please create Customer from Lead {0} | Ji kerema xwe Custom 0} | |
1950 | Please create purchase receipt or purchase invoice for the item {0} | Ji kerema xwe ji şîfreya kirînê an şîfreyek bikirî anî bikî {0} | |
1951 | Please define grade for Threshold 0% | Ji kerema xwe ji bo Pîvana Girêdanê define 0% | |
1952 | Please enable Applicable on Booking Actual Expenses | Ji kerema xwe re li ser bihayên ku li ser lêçûnên bihêzkirina bicîhkirinê bicih bikin | |
1953 | Please enable Applicable on Purchase Order and Applicable on Booking Actual Expenses | Ji kerema xwe li ser Kirêdariya Serastkirina Birêvebirina Li Biryara Bargirînê û Serdanîna Kirêdar bikî | |
1954 | Please enable default incoming account before creating Daily Work Summary Group | Ji kerema xwe ji paşiya paşîn ya default default group Koma Giştî ya Rojane | |
1955 | Please enable pop-ups | Ji kerema xwe hilbijêre | |
1956 | Please enter 'Is Subcontracted' as Yes or No | Ji kerema xwe re binivîse ku 'Hûn an Nîşanek vekirî tête' binivîse | |
1957 | Please enter API Consumer Key | Ji kerema xwe kerema API Consumer Key | |
1958 | Please enter API Consumer Secret | Ji kerema xwe kerema API Consumer | |
1959 | Please enter Account for Change Amount | Ji kerema xwe, ji kerema xwe ji hesabê hesabê hesab bike | |
1960 | Please enter Approving Role or Approving User | Ji kerema xwe veguherîna Role an Destnîşankirina Bikaranîna navnîşanê binivîse | |
1961 | Please enter Cost Center | Ji kerema xwe ji Navenda Krediyê | |
1962 | Please enter Delivery Date | Ji kerema xwe, Dîroka Deliveryê bike | |
1963 | Please enter Employee Id of this sales person | Ji kerema xwe kesê xerîdarê Îdamê karmendê xwe bistînin | |
1964 | Please enter Expense Account | Ji kerema xwe re hesabê hesabê bistînin | |
1965 | Please enter Item Code to get Batch Number | Ji kerema xwe Koda Kodê binivîse ku ji hejmara Batchê bigirin | |
1966 | Please enter Item Code to get batch no | Ji kerema xwe koda kodê binivîse ku bile no | |
1967 | Please enter Item first | Ji kerema xwe ya yekem binivîse | |
1968 | Please enter Maintaince Details first | Ji kerema xwe pêşniyarên berfireh binirxînin | |
1969 | Please enter Material Requests in the above table | Ji kerema xwe li Serê rûniştinê li Serdanên Pêdivî ye | |
1970 | Please enter Planned Qty for Item {0} at row {1} | Ji kerema xwe ty 0} li row {1 li Qty Qeydkirî Planned binivîse. | |
1971 | Please enter Preferred Contact Email | Ji kerema xwe Têkilî Têkilî ya Navnîşan bişînin | |
1972 | Please enter Production Item first | Ji kerema xwe yekem hilberê hilberê bike | |
1973 | Please enter Purchase Receipt first | Ji kerema xwe re yekem yekîneya kirînê qeyd bike | |
1974 | Please enter Receipt Document | Ji kerema xwe belgeya belgeyê bike | |
1975 | Please enter Reference date | Ji kerema xwe dîroka referansa xwe bike | |
1976 | Please enter Repayment Periods | Ji kerema xwe demê veqetandinê | |
1977 | Please enter Reqd by Date | Ji kerema xwe re Reqd bi dahatinê binivîse | |
1978 | Please enter Sales Orders in the above table | Ji kerema xwe li serdema firotanê ya li firotanê binivîse | |
1979 | Please enter Woocommerce Server URL | Ji kerema xwe pêveka Woocommerce Server URL | |
1980 | Please enter Write Off Account | Ji kerema xwe re Hesabê Şîfreya Bixwe bike | |
1981 | Please enter atleast 1 invoice in the table | Ji kerema xwe re di sifrê de 1 bargestê binivîse | |
1982 | Please enter company first | Ji kerema xwe re yekem şirket bike | |
1983 | Please enter company name first | Ji kerema xwe re navê yekem şirket bike | |
1984 | Please enter default currency in Company Master | Ji kerema xwe li Fermandarê Mamosteyê pereyê default default bike | |
1985 | Please enter message before sending | Ji kerema xwe bişîne berî peyama xwe bişînin | |
1986 | Please enter parent cost center | Ji kerema xwe navenda navenda mesrefê dêûbav bike | |
1987 | Please enter quantity for Item {0} | Ji kerema xwe ji bo maddeya navnîşan {0} | |
1988 | Please enter relieving date. | Ji kerema xwe roja danê xweş bike. | |
1989 | Please enter repayment Amount | Ji kerema xwe veqetandin | |
1990 | Please enter valid Financial Year Start and End Dates | Ji kerema xwe, Dîroka Destpêk Dest û Dîroka Bacê ya Navnetewî binirxînin | |
1991 | Please enter valid email address | Ji kerema xwe ji navnîşana e-nameyê bijartî | |
1992 | Please enter {0} first | Ji kerema xwe yekem {0} binivîse | |
1993 | Please fill in all the details to generate Assessment Result. | Ji kerema xwe hemî agahdariyê tije bikin ku hilbijêre Nirxandina hilbijêre. | |
1994 | Please identify/create Account (Group) for type - {0} | Ji kerema xwe ji bo celebê - Hesabek (Grûp) nas bikin / biafirînin - {0 | |
1995 | Please identify/create Account (Ledger) for type - {0} | Ji kerema xwe ji bo cureyê - Hesabê (Ledger) çêbikin / {0} | |
1996 | Please input all required Result Value(s) | Ji kerema xwe hemû hemî hewceyên nirxên nirxî | |
1997 | Please login as another user to register on Marketplace | Ji kerema xwe re wek bikarhênerek din bikar bînin ku ji bo qeydkirina Marketplace | |
1998 | Please make sure you really want to delete all the transactions for this company. Your master data will remain as it is. This action cannot be undone. | Ji kerema xwe bawer bikin ku hûn ji bo vê şîrketê ji bo hemî veguhastin jêbirin. Daneya we ya masterê wek ku ew e. Ev çalakiyê nikare were vegerandin. | |
1999 | Please mention Basic and HRA component in Company | Ji kerema xwe re şirketa bingehîn û HRA beşdarî şîrketê | |
2000 | Please mention Round Off Account in Company | Ji kerema xwe re Daîreya Karûbarê Kurt Off-a | |
2001 | Please mention Round Off Cost Center in Company | Ji kerema xwe li Navenda Şiroveya Navenda Bendê ya Bexdayê bêje | |
2002 | Please mention no of visits required | Ji kerema xwe tu mêvanan nerazî bikin | |
2003 | Please mention the Lead Name in Lead {0} | Ji kerema xwe Di Serokatiyê de Navê Bawer {0 | |
2004 | Please pull items from Delivery Note | Ji kerema xwe ji tomarbarkirina şîfreyê vekin | |
2005 | Please re-type company name to confirm | Ji kerema xwe navê navnîşê şirketa şopandina şîfreyê bikin | |
2006 | Please register the SIREN number in the company information file | Ji kerema xwe di nav pelê agahdariya şirketa SIREN de tomar bike | |
2007 | Please remove this Invoice {0} from C-Form {1} | Ji kerema xwe vexwendina vî awayî {0} ji C-Form {1} | |
2008 | Please save before assigning task. | Ji kerema xwe berî karûbarê xwe biparêze. | |
2009 | Please save the patient first | Ji kerema xwe yekem nexweş bexşin | |
2010 | Please save the report again to rebuild or update | Ji kerema xwe re rapor biceribînin ku ji nûvekirina nûvekirin an nûvekirina nûve bike | |
2011 | Please select Allocated Amount, Invoice Type and Invoice Number in atleast one row | Ji kerema xwe, heya yekem yek yek rêzek amûreyê, Hejmara Destûra Bargê û Heftê Daxwazin hilbijêrin | |
2012 | Please select Apply Discount On | Ji kerema xwe vebigere Serlêdana Disqusê bikî | |
2013 | Please select BOM against item {0} | Ji kerema xwe BOM ê li dijî hilbijêre {0} | |
2014 | Please select BOM for Item in Row {0} | Ji kerema xwe BOM ji bo Peldanka Row {0} hilbijêre. | |
2015 | Please select BOM in BOM field for Item {0} | Ji kerema xwe ji BOM li BOMê hilbijêrin ji bo Peldanka {0} | |
2016 | Please select Category first | Ji kerema xwe ya yekem | |
2017 | Please select Charge Type first | Ji kerema xwe veşartî ya yekem hilbijêre | |
2018 | Please select Company | Ji kerema xwe şirket hilbijêre | |
2019 | Please select Company and Designation | Ji kerema xwe şirket û şirove hilbijêrin | |
2020 | Please select Company and Party Type first | Ji kerema xwe yekem şirket û partiya partiyê hilbijêre | |
2021 | Please select Company and Posting Date to getting entries | Ji kerema xwe şîrket û Dîroka Navnîş hilbijêrî û têkevin navnîşan | |
2022 | Please select Company first | Ji kerema xwe re yekem kompaniya hilbijêre | |
2023 | Please select Completion Date for Completed Asset Maintenance Log | Ji kerema xwe ji bo temamkirina Dîroka Dawîn hilbijêre Ji bo Endamên Hêza Navîn Log | |
2024 | Please select Completion Date for Completed Repair | Ji kerema xwe veguhastina Dîroka Daxuyaniya Dibistanê ya temamî hilbijêr | |
2025 | Please select Course | Ji kerema xwe Kurs | |
2026 | Please select Drug | Ji kerema xwe vexwarinê hilbijêre | |
2027 | Please select Employee | Ji kerema xwe karker hilbijêrin | |
2028 | Please select Employee Record first. | Ji kerema xwe ya yekem karkerê hilbijêre. | |
2029 | Please select Existing Company for creating Chart of Accounts | Ji kerema xwe ji şirketa heyî ya hilbijêre ji bo Hilberên Hesabê hilbijêre | |
2030 | Please select Healthcare Service | Ji kerema xwe xizmetguzariya tenduristiyê hilbijêr | |
2031 | Please select Item where "Is Stock Item" is "No" and "Is Sales Item" is "Yes" and there is no other Product Bundle | Ji kerema xwe veşêre hilbijêre ku "Jibo Stock Stock" ye "Na" û "Hîndarkirina Ewrûpa" ye "Erê" ye û li Bundle Productê tune ye | |
2032 | Please select Maintenance Status as Completed or remove Completion Date | Ji kerema xwe ya Rewşa Saziyê ya ku tevahî qedexe an hilbijêre hilbijêre an hilweşandina Dîrok hilbijêre | |
2033 | Please select Party Type first | Ji kerema xwe ya yekem partiyê hilbijêre | |
2034 | Please select Patient | Ji kerema xwe veşêre hilbijêrin | |
2035 | Please select Patient to get Lab Tests | Ji kerema xwe ji nexweşiya hilbijêrin ku ji bo ceribandinên Labê bibînin | |
2036 | Please select Posting Date before selecting Party | Ji kerema xwe paşî hilbijartina Partiya Dîrokê hilbijêre | |
2037 | Please select Posting Date first | Ji kerema xwe pêşîn Dîroka Dîroka Pêşîn hilbijêre | |
2038 | Please select Price List | Ji kerema xwe lîsteya bihayê hilbijêrin | |
2039 | Please select Program | Ji kerema bernameyê hilbijêrin | |
2040 | Please select Qty against item {0} | Ji kerema xwe Qty li dijî hilbijêre {0} | |
2041 | Please select Sample Retention Warehouse in Stock Settings first | Ji kerema xwe li Sazên Stock-ê ya li Stockholmê ya Sample Retention de hilbijêre | |
2042 | Please select Start Date and End Date for Item {0} | Ji kerema xwe Pirtûka Dawîn û Dawiyê hilbijêre Ji bo Mijarek {0} | |
2043 | Please select Student Admission which is mandatory for the paid student applicant | Ji kerema xwe bigihîjin Xwendekarê Xwendekaran hilbijêre ku ji bo daxwaznameya xwendekarê drav anîn e | |
2044 | Please select a BOM | Ji kerema xwe BOM hilbijêre | |
2045 | Please select a Batch for Item {0}. Unable to find a single batch that fulfills this requirement | Ji kerema xwe Bişkokek ji bo Nirx {0 hilbijêrin. Nabe ku çuçeyek yek ku ev hewcedariyê pêk tîne bibîne | |
2046 | Please select a Company | Ji kerema xwe şîrketek hilbijêrin | |
2047 | Please select a batch | Ji kerema xwe veşartî hilbijêre | |
2048 | Please select a csv file | Ji kerema xwe pelê csv hilbijêre | |
2049 | Please select a customer | Ji kerema xwe mişterek hilbijêrin | |
2050 | Please select a field to edit from numpad | Ji kerema xwe qadek hilbijêre ji bo numpadê biguherînin | |
2051 | Please select a table | Ji kerema xwe sifrê hilbijêre | |
2052 | Please select a valid Date | Ji kerema xwe Dîroka derbasdar hilbijêre | |
2053 | Please select a value for {0} quotation_to {1} | Ji kerema xwe ji hêla {0} quotation_to {1} | |
2054 | Please select a warehouse | Ji kerema xwe warehouse hilbijêrin | |
2055 | Please select an item in the cart | Ji kerema xwe di kartê de tiştek hilbijêrin | |
2056 | Please select at least one domain. | Ji kerema xwe herî kêm yek domain hilbijêre. | |
2057 | Please select correct account | Ji kerema xwe hesabê rast binivîse | |
2058 | Please select customer | Ji kerema xwe bargêrin hilbijêr | |
2059 | Please select date | Ji kerema xwe hilbijêre | |
2060 | Please select item code | Ji kerema xwe kodê hilbijêre | |
2061 | Please select month and year | Ji kerema xwe meha û salê hilbijêrin | |
2062 | Please select prefix first | Ji kerema xwe pêşnavê pêşî hilbijêre | |
2063 | Please select the Company | Ji kerema xwe şirket hilbijêre | |
2064 | Please select the Company first | Ji kerema xwe ya şîrketa yekem hilbijêre | |
2065 | Please select the Multiple Tier Program type for more than one collection rules. | Ji kerema xwe ji bernameyek bernameya Multiple Tier ji bo qaîdeyên kolektîf hilbijêre. | |
2066 | Please select the assessment group other than 'All Assessment Groups' | Ji kerema xwe ji koma 'Nirxandina All-Groups' | |
2067 | Please select the document type first | Ji kerema xwe ya yekem belgeyê hilbijêrin | |
2068 | Please select weekly off day | Ji kerema xwe roja rojane hilbijêre | |
2069 | Please select {0} | Ji kerema xwe {0} | |
2070 | Please select {0} first | Ji kerema xwe ya yekem {0} hilbijêrin | |
2071 | Please set 'Apply Additional Discount On' | Ji kerema xwe re bimeşînin 'Li Bersaziya Pirtûka Pêdivîve' | |
2072 | Please set 'Asset Depreciation Cost Center' in Company {0} | Ji kerema xwe 'Navenda Krediya Bexdayê' li Kompaniyê binivîse {0} | |
2073 | Please set 'Gain/Loss Account on Asset Disposal' in Company {0} | Ji kerema xwe Company 0 li pos Hesabê Gain / Loss li ser Dabeşkirina Asset set bicîh bikin. | |
2074 | Please set Account in Warehouse {0} or Default Inventory Account in Company {1} | Ji kerema xwe re li Hesabê Warehouse {0} an Hesabê Gerînendeya Navîn li Company Company {1} | |
2075 | Please set B2C Limit in GST Settings. | Ji kerema xwe ji BSK-BS-GST-ê veguherîne saz bike. | |
2076 | Please set Company | Ji kerema xwe şirket bike | |
2077 | Please set Company filter blank if Group By is 'Company' | Ji kerema xwe ji barkirina pelê paqij bike eger ger ji 'Company' | |
2078 | Please set Default Payroll Payable Account in Company {0} | Ji kerema xwe kerema xwe ya Default Payroll Payable Account li Company {0} | |
2079 | Please set Depreciation related Accounts in Asset Category {0} or Company {1} | Ji kerema xwe ji hesabên têkildarî yên li Asset Category {0} an şîrket {1} | |
2080 | Please set Email Address | Ji kerema xwe ji Navnîşana Îmêlê bişîne | |
2081 | Please set GST Accounts in GST Settings | Ji kerema xwe, GST Hesabên GST-ê di Guhertoya Giştî de bikin | |
2082 | Please set Hotel Room Rate on {} | Ji kerema xwe ji odeya otêlê li ser xuyakirinê {} | |
2083 | Please set Number of Depreciations Booked | Ji kerema xwe hejmara hejmarên nirxandinê binivîsin | |
2084 | Please set Unrealized Exchange Gain/Loss Account in Company {0} | Ji kerema xwe re Peymana Navnetewî ya Destûra / Destûra Laşê ya Navxweyî li Company {0} | |
2085 | Please set User ID field in an Employee record to set Employee Role | Ji kerema xwe qada nasnameyê ya bikarhêner di karmendê karmendê da ku ji bo karmendê karmendê kar bikin | |
2086 | Please set a default Holiday List for Employee {0} or Company {1} | Ji kerema xwe lîsteya lîsteya betlaneyê ya ji bo karmend {0} an şîrket {1} | |
2087 | Please set account in Warehouse {0} | Ji kerema xwe li Warehouse hesab bike. {0} | |
2088 | Please set an active menu for Restaurant {0} | Ji kerema xwe ji mîhengek çalak a xweya restaurant {0} | |
2089 | Please set associated account in Tax Withholding Category {0} against Company {1} | Ji kerema xwe li hesabê têkildar de li kategoriya bacê ya girêdayî {0} li dijî şîrket {1} | |
2090 | Please set at least one row in the Taxes and Charges Table | Ji kerema xwe re bi kêmanî yek qeq di di bacên bacê û bargehan de bicîh bikin | |
2091 | Please set default Cash or Bank account in Mode of Payment {0} | Ji kerema xwe re hesabê kredî an hesabê bankê de li Mode-Peyrê {0} | |
2092 | Please set default account in Expense Claim Type {0} | Ji kerema xwe hesabê xwerû li Bûyera Lêgerînê ya Bixêrê set 0 bicîh bikin | |
2093 | Please set default account in Salary Component {0} | Ji kerema xwe re li hesabê salixê li Salary Component veke bitikîne {0} | |
2094 | Please set default customer group and territory in Selling Settings | Ji kerema xwe veguhestin û komek xerîdarên li ser Sermaseyên Kirêdar bikî | |
2095 | Please set default customer in Restaurant Settings | Ji kerema xwe ji pisporên xweya Xweserî veguherînin | |
2096 | Please set default template for Leave Approval Notification in HR Settings. | Ji kerema xwe ya şîfreyê ji bo HR Şerta ji bo şandina dagirkirinê veguherîne. | |
2097 | Please set default template for Leave Status Notification in HR Settings. | Ji kerema xwe ya şîfreyê ji bo HR Setupê ji bo Şerta Dewleta Çepê veke. | |
2098 | Please set default {0} in Company {1} | Ji kerema xwe pargîdaniya default 0} li Company {1 {bicîh bikin | |
2099 | Please set filter based on Item or Warehouse | Ji kerema xwe re peldanka li ser naveroka an jî Warehouse hilbijêre | |
2100 | Please set leave policy for employee {0} in Employee / Grade record | Ji kerema xwe re polîtîkaya ji bo karmendê {0} di karmendê / qeydkirina Girtîgehê de hilbijêre | |
2101 | Please set recurring after saving | Ji kerema xwe veguhestina paşde veguherîne | |
2102 | Please set the Company | Ji kerema xwe şirket bike | |
2103 | Please set the Customer Address | Ji kerema xwe Navnîşana Giştî | |
2104 | Please set the Date Of Joining for employee {0} | Ji kerema xwe Pîrovekirina Tevlêbûna karmendê {0} | |
2105 | Please set the Default Cost Center in {0} company. | Ji kerema xwe şîrketa navendê ya navendê ya {0} ya Navendê ya Navnîşan bike | |
2106 | Please set the Email ID for the Student to send the Payment Request | Ji kerema xwe ji bo Xwendekarên Îmêlê şîfre bike ku ji bo daxwaznameya Paya bişînin | |
2107 | Please set the Item Code first | Ji kerema xwe kodê yekem hilbijêre | |
2108 | Please set the Payment Schedule | Ji kerema xwe ji tezmînata dayinê ve bistînin | |
2109 | Please set the series to be used. | Ji kerema xwe rêza rêzikê ku bikar bînin bikar bînin. | |
2110 | Please set {0} for address {1} | Ji kerema xwe ji navnîşana {0} ji bo navnîşan {1} | |
2111 | Please setup Students under Student Groups | Ji kerema xwe xwendekar ji hêla Komên Xwendekaran re saz bikin | |
2112 | Please share your feedback to the training by clicking on 'Training Feedback' and then 'New' | Ji kerema xwe re bersiva we re bisekinin ji hêla 'Feedback Perwerde' bitikîne û paşê 'Nû' | |
2113 | Please specify Company | Ji kerema xwe şîrketê şirove bikin | |
2114 | Please specify Company to proceed | Ji kerema xwe re şirket bikişînin | |
2115 | Please specify a valid 'From Case No.' | Ji kerema xwe ji 'Qanûna Naveroka' derbasdar e. | |
2116 | Please specify a valid Row ID for row {0} in table {1} | Ji kerema xwe di tabloya {1} de ji bo row {0 ID ID Row a derbasdar diyar bikin. | |
2117 | Please specify at least one attribute in the Attributes table | Ji kerema xwe re di bin sîteyê de kêmtirîn yek taybetmendî bike | |
2118 | Please specify currency in Company | Ji kerema xwe re li firotanê li firotin | |
2119 | Please specify either Quantity or Valuation Rate or both | Ji kerema xwe heqê an Nirx an Nirxkirin an jî herduyan diyar bikin | |
2120 | Please specify from/to range | Ji kerema xwe / ji rêjeyê re diyar bikin | |
2121 | Please supply the specified items at the best possible rates | Ji kerema xwe rêjeya taybetmendiyên li ser rêjeyên herî baş çêbikin | |
2122 | Please update your status for this training event | Ji kerema xwe ji bo çalakiya vê perwerdehiya xwe nû bike | |
2123 | Please wait 3 days before resending the reminder. | Ji kerema xwe 3 rojan berî veguhestina şîrove bikin. | |
2124 | Point of Sale | Point Point | |
2125 | Point-of-Sale | Point-of-Sale | |
2126 | Point-of-Sale Profile | Profîla Point-of-Sale | |
2127 | Portal | Portal | |
2128 | Possible Supplier | Pargîdanek Pispor | |
2129 | Postal Expenses | Mesrefên posteyê | |
2130 | Posting Date | Posting Date | |
2131 | Posting Date cannot be future date | Dîroka Peyama Dîroka paşerojê nikare | |
2132 | Posting Time | Posting Time | |
2133 | Posting date and posting time is mandatory | Dîroka paşîn û dema dema postê de pêwîst e | |
2134 | Posting timestamp must be after {0} | Post-timestamp divê piştî {0} | |
2135 | Potential opportunities for selling. | Derfetên derheqê firotanê. | |
2136 | Practitioner Schedule | Dema pratîsyonê | |
2137 | Pre Sales | Pêşkêşin Pêş | |
2138 | Preference | Hezî | |
2139 | Prescribed Procedures | Pêvajûkirinên Qeydkirî | |
2140 | Prescription | Reçete | |
2141 | Prescription Dosage | Dosage Dosage | |
2142 | Prescription Duration | Daxuyaniya Dema | |
2143 | Prescriptions | Daxistin | |
2144 | Present | Amade | |
2145 | Prev | Prev | |
2146 | Preview Salary Slip | Pêşdîtina Salary Slip | |
2147 | Previous Financial Year is not closed | Salê Berî Fînansî nayê girtin | |
2148 | Price | Biha | |
2149 | Price List | Lîsteya bihayan | |
2150 | Price List Currency not selected | Lîsteya bihayê Dabeş nehatiye hilbijartin | |
2151 | Price List Rate | Lîsteya bihayê bihêle | |
2152 | Price List master. | Mamosteyê bihayê bihayê | |
2153 | Price List must be applicable for Buying or Selling | Lîsteya bihayê divê ji bo Kirîna Kirînê yan Kirrûbelê be | |
2154 | Price List not found or disabled | Lîsteya bihayê nayê dîtin an jî qedexekirin | |
2155 | Price List {0} is disabled or does not exist | Lîsteya bihayê {0} neçalak e an jî tune | |
2156 | Price or product discount slabs are required | Slabs buhav û hilberên hilberê hewce ne | |
2157 | Pricing | Pricing | |
2158 | Pricing Rule | Rule Pricing | |
2159 | Pricing Rule is first selected based on 'Apply On' field, which can be Item, Item Group or Brand. | Qanûna Nirxandina yekem yekemîn li ser qada 'Apply On', hilbijêre, ku dibe ku Pêvek, Gelek Giştî yan Brand. | |
2160 | Pricing Rule is made to overwrite Price List / define discount percentage, based on some criteria. | Rêjeya Prensîpkirinê ji bo ku li ser hinek pîvanan de li ser Lîsteya bihayê bihayê binivîsin / ji sedî rêjeya erê bike. | |
2161 | Pricing Rule {0} is updated | Rule Pricing {0} hate nûkirin | |
2162 | Pricing Rules are further filtered based on quantity. | Qanûna Amûrên Bêhtir li ser hejmareke nifşkirî ne. | |
2163 | Primary | Bingehîn | |
2164 | Primary Address Details | Agahdarî Navnîşan | |
2165 | Primary Contact Details | Agahdariyên Têkilî yên Pêşîn | |
2166 | Principal Amount | Ameya Serûpel | |
2167 | Print IRS 1099 Forms | IRS 1099 Formên çapkirinê | |
2168 | Print Report Card | Card Card Print | |
2169 | Print and Stationery | Print & Stationery | |
2170 | Print settings updated in respective print format | Guherandinên çapkirinê di navnîşa çapkirinê de | |
2171 | Print taxes with zero amount | Bacê bi mûzek zûtirîn çap bikin | |
2172 | Printing and Branding | Print û Branding | |
2173 | Private Equity | Yekîtiya Xweser | |
2174 | Privilege Leave | Destûra Hilbijartinê | |
2175 | Probation | Dema cerribandinê | |
2176 | Probationary Period | Dema Probationary | |
2177 | Procedure | Doz | |
2178 | Process Day Book Data | Daneyên Danûstandinê ya Dayikê | |
2179 | Process Master Data | Pêvajoya Master Data | |
2180 | Processing Chart of Accounts and Parties | Projeya Karûbarên Hesab û Partiyan | |
2181 | Processing Items and UOMs | Proseskirin û UOMs | |
2182 | Processing Party Addresses | Navnîşên Partiya Pêşveçûnê | |
2183 | Processing Vouchers | Vouchers Processing | |
2184 | Procurement | Pawlos | |
2185 | Produced Qty | Qîde Hilberîn | |
2186 | Product | Mal | |
2187 | Product Bundle | Product Bundle | |
2188 | Product Search | Lêgerîna Lêkolînê | |
2189 | Production | Çêkerî | |
2190 | Production Item | Berhemên Hilberîn | |
2191 | Productions Orders cannot be raised for: | Productions Orders ji bo ku bêne avakirin ne: | |
2192 | Products | Berhemên | |
2193 | Profit and Loss | Profit û Zerarê | |
2194 | Profit for the year | Ji bo salê | |
2195 | Program | Bername | |
2196 | Program in the Fee Structure and Student Group {0} are different. | Bernameya di Structural Fee and Group The Student {0} cuda cuda ye. | |
2197 | Program {0} does not exist. | Bernameya {0} nîne. | |
2198 | Program: | Bername: | |
2199 | Progress % for a task cannot be more than 100. | Pêşveçûn% ji bo karê karker ji 100 re zêdetir nabe. | |
2200 | Project Collaboration Invitation | Hevkariya Projeya Rêveberiyê | |
2201 | Project Id | Project Id | |
2202 | Project Manager | Project Manager | |
2203 | Project Name | Navê Pelê | |
2204 | Project Start Date | Proje Dîroka Destpêk | |
2205 | Project Status | Status Status | |
2206 | Project Summary for {0} | Project Summary for {0} | |
2207 | Project Update. | Update Update. | |
2208 | Project Value | Project Value | |
2209 | Project activity / task. | Xebata çalak / kar | |
2210 | Project master. | Master master | |
2211 | Project-wise data is not available for Quotation | Data-wise-wise data for quotation is not available | |
2212 | Projected | Pêşniyar kirin | |
2213 | Projected Qty | Qediyek Proje | |
2214 | Projected Quantity Formula | Formula hilberê | |
2215 | Projects | Projeyên | |
2216 | Property already added | Xanî hilbijêrin | |
2217 | Proposal Writing | Pêşniyarên nivîsandinê | |
2218 | Proposal/Price Quote | Proposal / Quote Quote | |
2219 | Prospecting | Pêşniyazkirin | |
2220 | Provisional Profit / Loss (Credit) | Profit / Zehfî (Credit) | |
2221 | Publications | Weşanên | |
2222 | Publish Items on Website | Agahdarî li ser malperê çap bikin | |
2223 | Publishing | Çapemendî | |
2224 | Purchase | Kirrîn | |
2225 | Purchase Amount | Ameya Kirînê | |
2226 | Purchase Date | Dîroka kirînê | |
2227 | Purchase Invoice | Invoice Purchase | |
2228 | Purchase Invoice {0} is already submitted | Alîkariya veguhestinê {0} ve hatî şandin | |
2229 | Purchase Order | Order Order | |
2230 | Purchase Order Amount | Ameya Kirînê ya Kirînê | |
2231 | Purchase Order Amount(Company Currency) | Ameya Kirînê ya Kirînê | |
2232 | Purchase Order Date | Dîroka Kirînê Kirînê | |
2233 | Purchase Order Items not received on time | Li ser wextê nexşirandin Biryara kirînê | |
2234 | Purchase Order number required for Item {0} | Numreya kirînê ya hejmara pêwîstî ji bo Item {0} | |
2235 | Purchase Order to Payment | Birêvebirina Daîreya Kirê | |
2236 | Purchase Order {0} is not submitted | Order Order {0} nayê pejirandin | |
2237 | Purchase Orders are not allowed for {0} due to a scorecard standing of {1}. | Birêvebirina kirînê ji bo {1} ji bila {0} ji bo karta karta kardariyê ne. | |
2238 | Purchase Orders given to Suppliers. | Rêvebirên kirînê ji bo veberhênanê. | |
2239 | Purchase Price List | Lîsteya bihayê bihêle | |
2240 | Purchase Receipt | Reya kirînê | |
2241 | Purchase Receipt {0} is not submitted | Rafeya kirînê {0} nayê pejirandin | |
2242 | Purchase Tax Template | Şablon | |
2243 | Purchase orders help you plan and follow up on your purchases | Biryara kirîna kirîna we bi kirîna kirêdarên xwe biparêzin û peyda bikin | |
2244 | Purchasing | Kirînê | |
2245 | Purpose must be one of {0} | Purpose divê ji yek ji {0} | |
2246 | Qty | Qty | |
2247 | Qty To Manufacture | Qty To Manufacture | |
2248 | Qty Total | Qty Jim | |
2249 | Qty for {0} | Qty ji bo {0} | |
2250 | Qty per BOM Line | Qty per BOM Line | |
2251 | Qualification | Zanyarî | |
2252 | Quality | Çêwe | |
2253 | Quality Action | Çalakiya Kalîteyê | |
2254 | Quality Goal. | Goaliya Kalîteyê. | |
2255 | Quality Inspection | Teftîşa Kalîteyê | |
2256 | Quality Inspection: {0} is not submitted for the item: {1} in row {2} | Kişandina Kalîteya: {0} ji bo naverokê ne: {1} di rêza {2} | |
2257 | Quality Management | Management Management | |
2258 | Quality Meeting | Civîna Kalîteya | |
2259 | Quality Procedure | Prosesa Kalîteyê | |
2260 | Quality Procedure. | Prosesa Kalîteyê | |
2261 | Quality Review | Nirxandina Kalîteya | |
2262 | Quantity | Jimarî | |
2263 | Quantity ({0}) cannot be a fraction in row {1} | Hejmar ({0} nikare di nav rêzê de {1} | |
2264 | Quantity for Item {0} must be less than {1} | Pîvana ji bo {0} Tiştek ji bilî {1} | |
2265 | Quantity in row {0} ({1}) must be same as manufactured quantity {2} | Hejmarê di rêza {0} ({1}) de hema wek nirxa çêkirî {2} | |
2266 | Quantity must be less than or equal to {0} | Hêjeya ji hêla {0} kêmtir be | |
2267 | Quantity must be positive | Hejmar divê erênî ye | |
2268 | Quantity must not be more than {0} | Hejmar divê ji {0} | |
2269 | Quantity required for Item {0} in row {1} | Pêwîstiya ji bo pelê {0} di rêza {1} | |
2270 | Quantity should be greater than 0 | Hêjeya bêtir 0 | |
2271 | Quantity to Make | Hêjeya Make Up | |
2272 | Quantity to Manufacture must be greater than 0. | Hêjeya ji bo çêkirina avahiyê divê ji 0 re mezintir be. | |
2273 | Quantity to Produce | Hînbûna hilberînê | |
2274 | Quantity to Produce can not be less than Zero | Gelek hilberîna hilberê Zero ji hêla Zero ne | |
2275 | Queued for replacing the BOM. It may take a few minutes. | Ji bo guhertina BOM. Ew dikare çend deqeyan bistînin. | |
2276 | Queued for updating latest price in all Bill of Materials. It may take a few minutes. | Ji bo hemî bereya Materyalên buhayê nûçeyê nûjen bikin. Ew dikare çend deqeyan bistînin. | |
2277 | Quick Journal Entry | Entry Journal Entry | |
2278 | Quot Count | Quot Count | |
2279 | Quot/Lead % | Quot / Lead% | |
2280 | Quotation | Girtebêje | |
2281 | Quotation {0} is cancelled | Quotation {0} betal kirin | |
2282 | Quotation {0} not of type {1} | Quotation {0} ne cure {1} | |
2283 | Quotations | Quotations | |
2284 | Quotations are proposals, bids you have sent to your customers | Quotations pêşniyarên we, bihayên ku we şandin ku kirrên xwe | |
2285 | Quotations received from Suppliers. | Quotations ji alîkarî wergirtin. | |
2286 | Quotations: | Quotations: | |
2287 | Quotes to Leads or Customers. | Quotes to Leads or Customers. | |
2288 | RFQs are not allowed for {0} due to a scorecard standing of {1} | RFQ ji bo standing 0} ji ber stokbûna kartekek of 1 allowed nayê destûr kirin. | |
2289 | Range | Dirêjahî | |
2290 | Rate | Qûrs | |
2291 | Rate: | Qûrs: | |
2292 | Raw Material | Raw Material | |
2293 | Raw Materials | Raw Materials | |
2294 | Raw Materials cannot be blank. | Raw Material | |
2295 | Re-open | Re-open | |
2296 | Read blog | Blogê bixwîne | |
2297 | Read the ERPNext Manual | BİXWÎNE ERPNext | |
2298 | Reading Uploaded File | Vebijêrk Uploaded File | |
2299 | Real Estate | Emlak | |
2300 | Reason For Putting On Hold | Reason for Putting On Hold | |
2301 | Reason for Hold | Reason for Hold | |
2302 | Reason for hold: | Reason for holding: | |
2303 | Receipt | Meqbûz | |
2304 | Receipt document must be submitted | Divê belge belgeyê bişînin | |
2305 | Receivable | Qebûlkirin | |
2306 | Receivable Account | Hesabê Nasîn | |
2307 | Receive at Warehouse Entry | Li Navenda Warehouse | |
2308 | Received | Qebûl kirin | |
2309 | Received On | Serdan | |
2310 | Received Quantity | Hêjeya Pirtûyê | |
2311 | Received Stock Entries | Endamên Stock Stocks | |
2312 | Receiver List is empty. Please create Receiver List | Lîsteya Receiver vala ye. Ji kerema xwe ji lîsteya peyda re biaxînin | |
2313 | Reconcile | Reconcile | |
2314 | Record Patient Vitals | Vîtalsên Têkilî yên Têkilî | |
2315 | Record of all communications of type email, phone, chat, visit, etc. | Guhertoya hemî peywendiyên şîfreyê, email, telefon, serdan, etc. | |
2316 | Records | Radyo | |
2317 | Ref | Ref | |
2318 | Ref Date | Ref Date | |
2319 | Reference | Balkêşî | |
2320 | Reference #{0} dated {1} | Referans # {0} dated {1} | |
2321 | Reference Date | Dîroka Dîroka | |
2322 | Reference Doctype must be one of {0} | Doctype Reference divê yek ji {0} be | |
2323 | Reference Document | Belgeya Dokumentê | |
2324 | Reference No & Reference Date is required for {0} | Navnîşan No & Reference Dîrok ji bo {0} | |
2325 | Reference No and Reference Date is mandatory for Bank transaction | Navnîşa Naverok û Dîroka Navneteweyî ji bo veguhestina bankê ye | |
2326 | Reference No is mandatory if you entered Reference Date | Rêjeya ku hûn tête navnîşê da ku tu tête navnîşan nîne | |
2327 | Reference No. | Navnîşa nimreya | |
2328 | Reference Number | Hejmara Navnîşan | |
2329 | Reference: {0}, Item Code: {1} and Customer: {2} | Referans: {0}, Kodê Kodê: {1} û Pargîdaniyê: {2} | |
2330 | References | References | |
2331 | Register | Fêhrist | |
2332 | Registration fee can not be Zero | Heqê qeydkirinê nikare Zero | |
2333 | Reject | Refzkirin | |
2334 | Rejected | Rejected | |
2335 | Related | Peywendîdar | |
2336 | Relation with Guardian1 | Têkilî bi Guardian1 | |
2337 | Relation with Guardian2 | Têkilî bi Guardian2 | |
2338 | Release Date | Dîroka Release | |
2339 | Reload Linked Analysis | Rûpelê nû bike Linked Analysis | |
2340 | Remaining | Jiberma | |
2341 | Remaining Balance | Balance Baldar | |
2342 | Remarks | Remarks | |
2343 | Reminder to update GSTIN Sent | Reminder to update GSTIN | |
2344 | Remove item if charges is not applicable to that item | Heger hilweşînin eger heger li ser vê tiştê nayê derbas kirin | |
2345 | Removed items with no change in quantity or value. | Guherandinên ku ne guhartina nebêjî an jî nirxên jêbirin. | |
2346 | Reopen | Vekin | |
2347 | Reorder Level | Reorder | |
2348 | Reorder Qty | Qty | |
2349 | Repeat Customer Revenue | Revenue Repeatue Repeat | |
2350 | Repeat Customers | Vebijêrk Bersiv bikin | |
2351 | Replace BOM and update latest price in all BOMs | BOM BIG û buhayên herî dawî yên BOM li nûve bikin | |
2352 | Replies | Bersiv | |
2353 | Report | Nûçe | |
2354 | Report Builder | Builder Report | |
2355 | Report Type is mandatory | Tîpa Raport e | |
2356 | Report an Issue | Raporta rapor bikin | |
2357 | Reports | Rapor | |
2358 | Reqd By Date | Reqd Bi Dîroka | |
2359 | Reqd Qty | Reqd Qty | |
2360 | Request for Quotation | Serdana Quotation | |
2361 | Request for Quotation is disabled to access from portal, for more check portal settings. | Pêşniyar ji bo Quotation hate qedexekirin ku ji portal re bigihîne, ji bo pergalên portal kontrol bikin. | |
2362 | Request for Quotations | Daxuyaniya ji bo Quotations | |
2363 | Request for Raw Materials | Serdana Rawêjiya Rawayî | |
2364 | Request for purchase. | Serdana kirînê. | |
2365 | Request for quotation. | Daxuyaniya ji bo kurskirinê | |
2366 | Requested Qty | Qutkirin Qty | |
2367 | Requested Qty: Quantity requested for purchase, but not ordered. | Pirsgirêk Qty: Kuştî ji bo kirînê kir, lê belê emir nekir. | |
2368 | Requesting Site | Malperê Request | |
2369 | Requesting payment against {0} {1} for amount {2} | Daxwazkirina mûçûna dijî {0} {1} {2} | |
2370 | Requestor | Requester | |
2371 | Required On | Pêdivî ye | |
2372 | Required Qty | Pêdivî ye Qty | |
2373 | Required Quantity | Pîvana hewce ye | |
2374 | Reschedule | Demanî tarloqkirin | |
2375 | Research | Lêkolîn | |
2376 | Research & Development | Lêkolînê û Pêşveçûn | |
2377 | Researcher | Lêkolîner | |
2378 | Resend Payment Email | Daxwaza Şandina Îmêlê | |
2379 | Reserve Warehouse | Reserve Warehouse | |
2380 | Reserved Qty | Qty Reserved | |
2381 | Reserved Qty for Production | Qty ji bo hilberînê hilbijêre | |
2382 | Reserved Qty for Production: Raw materials quantity to make manufacturing items. | Qty ji bo hilberîna hilberê: Hêjeya materyalê rawestîne ji bo tiştên pîşesaziyê çêbike. | |
2383 | Reserved Qty: Quantity ordered for sale, but not delivered. | Qty Reserved: Hêjeya ji bo firotanê ji bo firotanê, lê ne diyar kir. | |
2384 | Reserved Warehouse is mandatory for Item {0} in Raw Materials supplied | Raya Warehouse ji bo peydakirina Raw Materials {0} ye | |
2385 | Reserved for manufacturing | Ji bo hilberînê | |
2386 | Reserved for sale | Ji bo firotanê | |
2387 | Reserved for sub contracting | Ji bo peymana dabeşkirî vekirî ye | |
2388 | Resistant | Berxwedana | |
2389 | Resolve error and upload again. | Çewtiyê vekin û dîsa dîsa barkirin. | |
2390 | Responsibilities | Berpirsiyariyên | |
2391 | Rest Of The World | Rast Ji Cîhanê | |
2392 | Restart Subscription | Alîkariya Veşêre | |
2393 | Restaurant | Aşxane | |
2394 | Result Date | Result Date | |
2395 | Result already Submitted | Result jixwe veguhestin | |
2396 | Resume | Dîsa vekirin | |
2397 | Retail | Yektacirî | |
2398 | Retail & Wholesale | Retail & Wholesale | |
2399 | Retail Operations | Operasyonên Retail | |
2400 | Retained Earnings | Earnings | |
2401 | Retention Stock Entry | Entry Stock Entry | |
2402 | Retention Stock Entry already created or Sample Quantity not provided | Entry Stock Entry already created or Quantity Sample not provided | |
2403 | Return | Vegerr | |
2404 | Return / Credit Note | Vegere / Qerta Kredî | |
2405 | Return / Debit Note | Vegere / Debit Têkilî | |
2406 | Returns | Vegerîn | |
2407 | Reverse Journal Entry | Navnîşana rojnamevanê veguhestin | |
2408 | Review Invitation Sent | Daxuyaniya Şandina Dîtinê | |
2409 | Review and Action | Dîtin û Çalakiyê | |
2410 | Rooms Booked | Rooms | |
2411 | Root Account must be a group | Divê Root Roja grûpek be | |
2412 | Root Company | Şirketek Root | |
2413 | Root Type | Tîpa Root | |
2414 | Root Type is mandatory | Tîpa Root pêwîst e | |
2415 | Root cannot be edited. | Root nikare guherandinê. | |
2416 | Root cannot have a parent cost center | Root nikare navenda mesrefê dêûbavan | |
2417 | Round Off | Round Round | |
2418 | Rounded Total | Tevahî Tevahî | |
2419 | Row # {0}: | Row # {0}: | |
2420 | Row # {0}: Batch No must be same as {1} {2} | Row # {0}: Batch Ne wek {1} {2} | |
2421 | Row # {0}: Cannot return more than {1} for Item {2} | Row # {0}: Ji hêla {2} ve ji hêla {1} ve vegerîne { | |
2422 | Row # {0}: Rate cannot be greater than the rate used in {1} {2} | Row # {0}: Rêjeya bêtir ji hêla {1} {2} | |
2423 | Row # {0}: Returned Item {1} does not exists in {2} {3} | Row # {0}: Vegere Xwe {1} di nav {2} {3} de tune ye | |
2424 | Row # {0}: Serial No is mandatory | Row # {0}: Naveroka Serial e | |
2425 | Row # {0}: Serial No {1} does not match with {2} {3} | Row # {0}: No Serial No {1} {2} {3} | |
2426 | Row #{0} (Payment Table): Amount must be negative | Row # {0} (Payment Table): Divê gerek nerazî be | |
2427 | Row #{0} (Payment Table): Amount must be positive | Row # {0} (Payment Table): Divê heqê girîng be | |
2428 | Row #{0}: Account {1} does not belong to company {2} | Row # {0}: Hesabê {1} ji pargîdaniya {2} re nabe | |
2429 | Row #{0}: Allocated Amount cannot be greater than outstanding amount. | Row # {0}: Amûrkirî vekirî nikare hejmareke bêhtir hebe. | |
2430 | Row #{0}: Asset {1} cannot be submitted, it is already {2} | Row # {0}: Asset {1} nikare pêşkêş kirin, ew yek ji {2} | |
2431 | Row #{0}: Cannot set Rate if amount is greater than billed amount for Item {1}. | Row # {0}: Ger hejmar ji mesref {1} ji mûçeyê mezintir e. | |
2432 | Row #{0}: Clearance date {1} cannot be before Cheque Date {2} | Row # {0}: Dîroka Daxuyaniya {1} nikare beriya dahatinê {2} | |
2433 | Row #{0}: Duplicate entry in References {1} {2} | Row # {0}: Di navnîşên têketinê de tête navnîşan {1} {2} | |
2434 | Row #{0}: Expected Delivery Date cannot be before Purchase Order Date | Row # {0}: Dîroka Dabeşkirina Expired Dîroka Berê Dîroka Kirînê Dike | |
2435 | Row #{0}: Item added | Row # {0}: Tiştek zêdekirin | |
2436 | Row #{0}: Journal Entry {1} does not have account {2} or already matched against another voucher | Row # {0}: Navnîşana rojnameger {1} tune ye {2} an jî berê xwe li dijî vîdyek din | |
2437 | Row #{0}: Not allowed to change Supplier as Purchase Order already exists | Ron # {0} | |
2438 | Row #{0}: Please set reorder quantity | Row # {0}: Ji kerema xwe heya hilberînê | |
2439 | Row #{0}: Please specify Serial No for Item {1} | Row # {0}: Ji kerema xwe ya Serial Na ji bo Mijarek {1} | |
2440 | Row #{0}: Qty increased by 1 | Row # {0}: Qty zêdebûna 1 | |
2441 | Row #{0}: Rate must be same as {1}: {2} ({3} / {4}) | Row # {0}: Rêjeya divê wek {1} be:} 2 {({3} / {4}) | |
2442 | Row #{0}: Reference Document Type must be one of Expense Claim or Journal Entry | Row # {0}: Divê Divê Daxuyaniya Dokumenta Bingehek Yek ji Deynê Çapemeniyê an Çîroka Çandî be | |
2443 | Row #{0}: Reference Document Type must be one of Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice or Journal Entry | Row # {0}: Divê Divê Daxuyaniya Dokumenta Pêdivî ye yek ji Birêvebirina Kirê, Bûxandina Bûxanê an Endama Navnetewî | |
2444 | Row #{0}: Reference Document Type must be one of Sales Order, Sales Invoice or Journal Entry | Row # {0}: Divê Daxuyaniya Dokumenta Divê yek ji ji Birêvebirinê, Peywira Firotin an Navnîşana Çandî be | |
2445 | Row #{0}: Rejected Qty can not be entered in Purchase Return | Row # {0}: Li Qty Reqê Qty Qeyd nekin nekare | |
2446 | Row #{0}: Rejected Warehouse is mandatory against rejected Item {1} | Row # {0}: Warehouse Rejected li dijî şîfreyê {1} | |
2447 | Row #{0}: Reqd by Date cannot be before Transaction Date | Row # {0}: Reqd Beriya Dîroka Berî Beriya Transfer Dîroka | |
2448 | Row #{0}: Set Supplier for item {1} | Row # {0}: Set Supplier for item {1} | |
2449 | Row #{0}: Status must be {1} for Invoice Discounting {2} | Row # {0}: Rewşa Divê {1} Divê Daxistina Daxuyaniya {2} | |
2450 | Row #{0}: The batch {1} has only {2} qty. Please select another batch which has {3} qty available or split the row into multiple rows, to deliver/issue from multiple batches | Row # {0}: Bûka {1} xwedî qasî {2 heye. Ji kerema xwe re hevalek din hilbijêrin ku heye has 3 ty heye an jî row di pir rêzikan de parve bikin, da ku ji pirçikên pirjimar radest / derxin | |
2451 | Row #{0}: Timings conflicts with row {1} | Row # {0}: Pevçûnan bi pileya {1} | |
2452 | Row #{0}: {1} can not be negative for item {2} | Row # {0}: {1} ji bo nifşek nerazî ne {2} | |
2453 | Row No {0}: Amount cannot be greater than Pending Amount against Expense Claim {1}. Pending Amount is {2} | Row No {0}: Amûr nikare ji bila mûçeya Pendûyê ya li dijî Derheqê Mafê {1}. Amending Pending {2} | |
2454 | Row {0} : Operation is required against the raw material item {1} | Row {0}: Operasyona li dijî materyalê raweya gerek pêwîst e {1} | |
2455 | Row {0}# Allocated amount {1} cannot be greater than unclaimed amount {2} | Row {0} # Hejmara rûniştinê {1} nikare ji hejmarê bêhûreyî bêhtir {2} | |
2456 | Row {0}# Item {1} cannot be transferred more than {2} against Purchase Order {3} | Row {0} # Babet {1} li hember Fermana Kirînê} 3} nikare were veguheztin | |
2457 | Row {0}# Paid Amount cannot be greater than requested advance amount | Row {0} # Paid Pêdivî ye ku ji naveroka pêşniyarî xwestina mezintir be | |
2458 | Row {0}: Activity Type is mandatory. | Row {0}: Mijarek çalakiyê pêwîst e. | |
2459 | Row {0}: Advance against Customer must be credit | Row {0}: Agahdariya Bexdayê divê kredî be | |
2460 | Row {0}: Advance against Supplier must be debit | Row {0}: Divê Pêşveçûnê Agahdarê Divê Debit bibe | |
2461 | Row {0}: Allocated amount {1} must be less than or equals to Payment Entry amount {2} | Row {0}: Dravê dravandî {1 be divê ji to 2 Ent Belê kêmkirina an jî wekhev be | |
2462 | Row {0}: Allocated amount {1} must be less than or equals to invoice outstanding amount {2} | Row {0}: Divê hejmara rûniştinê {1} ji bila hejmar an heqê mûçeya balkêşê ye {2} | |
2463 | Row {0}: An Reorder entry already exists for this warehouse {1} | Row {0}: Ji bo vê vegereyê ya veguhestina navnîşê ji berî {1} | |
2464 | Row {0}: Bill of Materials not found for the Item {1} | Row {0}: Bila Materyalên ji bo Peldanka {1} | |
2465 | Row {0}: Conversion Factor is mandatory | Row {0}: Faktorê Guhertina Pêdivî ye | |
2466 | Row {0}: Cost center is required for an item {1} | Row {0}: Navenda kredê pêwîst e ku {1} | |
2467 | Row {0}: Credit entry can not be linked with a {1} | Row {0}: Navnîşana krediyê nikare bi {1} | |
2468 | Row {0}: Currency of the BOM #{1} should be equal to the selected currency {2} | Row {0}: Pêveka BOM # {1} divê di heman demê de bihevhatina hilbijartinê ya {2} | |
2469 | Row {0}: Debit entry can not be linked with a {1} | Row {0}: Destnîşana Debit nikare bi {1} | |
2470 | Row {0}: Depreciation Start Date is required | Row {0}: Bersala Destpêk Dîrok pêwîst e | |
2471 | Row {0}: Due Date cannot be before posting date | Row {0}: Beriya Dîroka Berî beriya paşînkirina posteyê | |
2472 | Row {0}: Enter location for the asset item {1} | Row {0}: Ji bo mihrîcana materyalê hilbijêre {1} | |
2473 | Row {0}: Exchange Rate is mandatory | Row {0}: Rêjeya pevçûnê pêwîst e | |
2474 | Row {0}: Expected Value After Useful Life must be less than Gross Purchase Amount | Row {0}: Hêjeya Expected Value Ji Pêwîstina Jiyana Bikaranîna Divê Ji Komara Gross Kirêdar kêmtir be | |
2475 | Row {0}: For supplier {0} Email Address is required to send email | Row {0}: Ji bo peywenddarê {0} Navnîşa e-nameya pêwîst e-nameyê bişînin | |
2476 | Row {0}: From Time and To Time is mandatory. | Row {0}: Ji Ji Dem û Dema Demjimêr e. | |
2477 | Row {0}: From Time and To Time of {1} is overlapping with {2} | Rêz {0}: Ji Tarîx To Dema Bi {1} re hevbeş têne bi {2 | |
2478 | Row {0}: From time must be less than to time | Row {0}: Ji wextê demê ji dem ve kêmtir e | |
2479 | Row {0}: Hours value must be greater than zero. | Row {0}: Hêjeya nirxên ku ji sîvanê mezintir be. | |
2480 | Row {0}: Invalid reference {1} | Row {0}: Referansa çewt {1} | |
2481 | Row {0}: Party / Account does not match with {1} / {2} in {3} {4} | Row {0}: Partî / Hesab bi {1} / {2} bi match 3} {4 match re nabe. | |
2482 | Row {0}: Party Type and Party is required for Receivable / Payable account {1} | Row {0}: Ji bo Partiya Partiya Partiya Partiya Giştî ya Hesabê / Payable ya pêwîst e {1} | |
2483 | Row {0}: Payment against Sales/Purchase Order should always be marked as advance | Row {0}: Li dijî dagirkirina firotanê / Destûra Biryara her dem herdem her wekî pêşîn tê kirin | |
2484 | Row {0}: Please check 'Is Advance' against Account {1} if this is an advance entry. | Row {0}: Heke ku ev têkeftinek berbiçav be, ji kerema xwe 'Heke Pêşemîn e ’li dijî Account {1 check binihêrin. | |
2485 | Row {0}: Please set at Tax Exemption Reason in Sales Taxes and Charges | Row {0}: Ji kerema xwe re Sedema Xweşandina Baca Qanûna Baca Bacgiran û Bargiranan dan | |
2486 | Row {0}: Please set the Mode of Payment in Payment Schedule | Row {0}: Ji kerema xwe re Mode ya Tezmînatê di Di nav deynê deynê de hilbijêre | |
2487 | Row {0}: Please set the correct code on Mode of Payment {1} | Row {0}: Ji kerema xwe koda rastê li ser Mode-ya Peymana {1} | |
2488 | Row {0}: Qty is mandatory | Row {0}: Qty e | |
2489 | Row {0}: Quality Inspection rejected for item {1} | Row {0}: Teftîşa Kalîteya ji bo hilbijêre {1} | |
2490 | Row {0}: UOM Conversion Factor is mandatory | Row {0}: Faktorê UOM Guhertina Pêdivî ye | |
2491 | Row {0}: select the workstation against the operation {1} | Row {0}: Li dijî xebatê {1} | |
2492 | Row {0}: {1} Serial numbers required for Item {2}. You have provided {3}. | Row {0}: {1} Hejmarên serial ji bo Mijar {2}. Te destnîşankirî {3}. | |
2493 | Row {0}: {1} is required to create the Opening {2} Invoices | Row {0}: {1} hewce ye ku ji bo veguherandina {2} vekirî ve ava bike | |
2494 | Row {0}: {1} must be greater than 0 | Row {0}: {1} ji 0 re mezintir be | |
2495 | Row {0}: {1} {2} does not match with {3} | Row {0}: {1} {2} bi 3 {3} | |
2496 | Row {0}:Start Date must be before End Date | Row {0}: Destpêk Dîroka Beriya Berî Dawî Dawîn be | |
2497 | Rows with duplicate due dates in other rows were found: {0} | Rows with duplicates dates in other rows found in: {0} | |
2498 | Rules for adding shipping costs. | Rêbazên ji bo mesrefên kirînê ve zêde bikin. | |
2499 | Rules for applying pricing and discount. | Qanûnên ji bo bihayê bihayê bihayê bihayê kirin. | |
2500 | S.O. No. | SO | |