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ERPNext for Distributors
Distrobutors have large part of their net worth is invested in the stock in hand. With ERPNext, you can always keep a birds eye view on your stock availability, replineshment, procurement and sales.

Distributors need to be on the top of their game always. From procuring the products to providing after-sales support for the same, they are an important part of the supply-chain.
Material Flow
There are three main types of entries
- Purchase Receipt: Items received from Suppliers against Purchase Orders.
- Stock Entry: Items transferred from one Warehouse to another.
- Delivery Note: Items shipped to Customers.

A Distributor on ERPNext Implementation
When Tarun Gupta's security services startup Neural Integrated Services started growing, his ERP could not keep pace and was full of bugs in spite of spending a lot of money. Thats when Tarun decided he wanted to move to something better and discovered ERPNext.
User Manual
A distributor needs lots more than sales and purchase module to operate efficiently. ERPNext has all of it available built-in.
- You track your books of accounts using Accounts module.
- Manage payroll, leaves and claims of your support staff in the HR module.
- Attend customer's support queries better with Support module of ERPNext.
Here is the stepwise guide on the functionalities of ERPNext Stock / inventory module.