"branch_already_in_use":"This branch is already used by another application. Webhooks won't work in this case for both applications. Are you sure you want to use it?",
"no_repositories_configured":"No repositories configured for your Git Application.",
"select_a_repository":"Please select a repository",
"loading_branches":"Loading branches ...",
"select_a_repository_first":"Please select a repository first",
"select_a_branch":"Please select a branch",
"loading_groups":"Loading groups...",
"select_a_group":"Please select a group",
"loading_projects":"Loading projects...",
"select_a_project":"Please select a project",
"no_projects_found":"No projects found",
"no_branches_found":"No branches found",
"configure_build_pack":"Configure Build Pack",
"scanning_repository_suggest_build_pack":"Scanning repository to suggest a build pack for you...",
"found_lock_file":"Found lock file for <span class=\"font-bold text-orange-500 pl-1\">{packageManager}</span>. Using it for predefined commands commands.",