{ "layout": { "update_done": "Update completed.", "wait_new_version_startup": "Waiting for the new version to start...", "new_version": "New version reachable. Reloading...", "switch_to_a_different_team": "Switch to a different team...", "update_available": "Update available" }, "error": { "you_can_find_your_way_back": "You can find your way back", "here": "here" }, "index": { "dashboard": "Dashboard", "applications": "Applications", "destinations": "Destinations", "git_sources": "Git Sources", "databases": "Databases", "services": "Services", "teams": "Teams" }, "login": { "already_logged_in": "Already logged in...", "authenticating": "Authenticating...", "login": "Login" }, "forms": { "password": "Password", "email": "Email", "passwords_not_match": "Passwords do not match.", "password_again": "Password again", "save": "Save", "saving": "Saving..." }, "register": { "register": "Register", "first_user": "You are registering the first user. It will be the administrator of your Coolify instance." }, "reset": { "reset_password": "Reset password" }, "application": { "configuration": { "buildpack": { "choose_this_one": "Choose this one..." }, "branch_already_in_use": "This branch is already used by another application. Webhooks won't work in this case for both applications. Are you sure you want to use it?", "no_repositories_configured": "No repositories configured for your Git Application.", "configure_it_now": "Configure it now", "loading_repositories": "Loading repositories ...", "select_a_repository": "Please select a repository", "loading_branches": "Loading branches ...", "select_a_repository_first": "Please select a repository first", "select_a_branch": "Please select a branch", "loading_groups": "Loading groups...", "select_a_group": "Please select a group", "loading_projects": "Loading projects...", "select_a_project": "Please select a project", "no_projects_found": "No projects found", "no_branches_found": "No branches found", "configure_build_pack": "Configure Build Pack", "scanning_repository_suggest_build_pack": "Scanning repository to suggest a build pack for you...", "found_lock_file": "Found lock file for {packageManager}. Using it for predefined commands commands.", "configure_destination": "Configure Destination", "no_configurable_destination": "No configurable Destination found", "select_a_repository_project": "Select a Repository / Project", "select_a_git_source": "Select a Git Source", "no_configurable_git": "No configurable Git Source found", "configuration_missing": "Configuration missing" } } }