# Summary The repo information such as description, stats and topics are getting displayed in the top-bar when viewing a file. This has been fixed to display the repo information only while navigating the repo and not while viewing or blaming a file from the repo ## Before fix Screenshot from the issue  ## After the fix - **Repo homepage** The repo description, topics and summary will be displayed  - **When opening a file** The repo description, topic and summary has been conditionally hidden from the view <img width="1311" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/47709856/195278964-9479231c-62ad-4c0e-b438-2018f22289db.png"> - **When running blame on a file** > This was originally not part of the issue #21406. However the fix seems relevant for the blame view as well. <img width="1312" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/47709856/195279619-02010775-aec3-4c8d-a184-d2d838c797e8.png"> - **From within a directory** The repo description, topics and summary will not be displayed  Supporting integration tests have also been added.