Antoine GIRARD 9fe4437bda Use vendored go-swagger (#8087)
* Use vendored go-swagger

* vendor go-swagger

* revert un wanteed change

* remove un-needed GO111MODULE

* Update Makefile

Co-Authored-By: techknowlogick <>
2019-09-04 22:53:54 +03:00

952 lines
25 KiB

// +build !go1.11
// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package scan
import (
goparser "go/parser"
yaml ""
const (
rxMethod = "(\\p{L}+)"
rxPath = "((?:/[\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{Pd}\\p{Pc}{}\\-\\.\\?_~%!$&'()*+,;=:@/]*)+/?)"
rxOpTags = "(\\p{L}[\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{Pd}\\.\\p{Pc}\\p{Zs}]+)"
rxOpID = "((?:\\p{L}[\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{Pd}\\p{Pc}]+)+)"
rxMaximumFmt = "%s[Mm]ax(?:imum)?\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*([\\<=])?\\p{Zs}*([\\+-]?(?:\\p{N}+\\.)?\\p{N}+)$"
rxMinimumFmt = "%s[Mm]in(?:imum)?\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*([\\>=])?\\p{Zs}*([\\+-]?(?:\\p{N}+\\.)?\\p{N}+)$"
rxMultipleOfFmt = "%s[Mm]ultiple\\p{Zs}*[Oo]f\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*([\\+-]?(?:\\p{N}+\\.)?\\p{N}+)$"
rxMaxLengthFmt = "%s[Mm]ax(?:imum)?(?:\\p{Zs}*[\\p{Pd}\\p{Pc}]?[Ll]en(?:gth)?)\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(\\p{N}+)$"
rxMinLengthFmt = "%s[Mm]in(?:imum)?(?:\\p{Zs}*[\\p{Pd}\\p{Pc}]?[Ll]en(?:gth)?)\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(\\p{N}+)$"
rxPatternFmt = "%s[Pp]attern\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(.*)$"
rxCollectionFormatFmt = "%s[Cc]ollection(?:\\p{Zs}*[\\p{Pd}\\p{Pc}]?[Ff]ormat)\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(.*)$"
rxEnumFmt = "%s[Ee]num\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(.*)$"
rxDefaultFmt = "%s[Dd]efault\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(.*)$"
rxExampleFmt = "%s[Ee]xample\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(.*)$"
rxMaxItemsFmt = "%s[Mm]ax(?:imum)?(?:\\p{Zs}*|[\\p{Pd}\\p{Pc}]|\\.)?[Ii]tems\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(\\p{N}+)$"
rxMinItemsFmt = "%s[Mm]in(?:imum)?(?:\\p{Zs}*|[\\p{Pd}\\p{Pc}]|\\.)?[Ii]tems\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(\\p{N}+)$"
rxUniqueFmt = "%s[Uu]nique\\p{Zs}*:\\p{Zs}*(true|false)$"
rxItemsPrefixFmt = "(?:[Ii]tems[\\.\\p{Zs}]*){%d}"
var (
rxSwaggerAnnotation = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:([\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+)`)
rxFileUpload = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:file`)
rxStrFmt = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:strfmt\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+)$`)
rxAlias = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:alias`)
rxName = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:name\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}\.]+)$`)
rxAllOf = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:allOf\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}\.]+)?$`)
rxModelOverride = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:model\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+)?$`)
rxResponseOverride = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:response\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+)?$`)
rxParametersOverride = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:parameters\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}\p{Zs}]+)$`)
rxEnum = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:enum\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+)$`)
rxIgnoreOverride = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:ignore\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+)?$`)
rxDefault = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:default\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+)$`)
rxType = regexp.MustCompile(`swagger:type\p{Zs}*(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+)$`)
rxRoute = regexp.MustCompile(
"swagger:route\\p{Zs}*" +
rxMethod +
"\\p{Zs}*" +
rxPath +
"(?:\\p{Zs}+" +
rxOpTags +
")?\\p{Zs}+" +
rxOpID + "\\p{Zs}*$")
rxBeginYAMLSpec = regexp.MustCompile(`---\p{Zs}*$`)
rxUncommentHeaders = regexp.MustCompile(`^[\p{Zs}\t/\*-]*\|?`)
rxUncommentYAML = regexp.MustCompile(`^[\p{Zs}\t]*/*`)
rxOperation = regexp.MustCompile(
"swagger:operation\\p{Zs}*" +
rxMethod +
"\\p{Zs}*" +
rxPath +
"(?:\\p{Zs}+" +
rxOpTags +
")?\\p{Zs}+" +
rxOpID + "\\p{Zs}*$")
rxSpace = regexp.MustCompile(`\p{Zs}+`)
rxIndent = regexp.MustCompile(`\p{Zs}*/*\p{Zs}*[^\p{Zs}]`)
rxPunctuationEnd = regexp.MustCompile(`\p{Po}$`)
rxStripComments = regexp.MustCompile(`^[^\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pd}\p{Pc}\+]*`)
rxStripTitleComments = regexp.MustCompile(`^[^\p{L}]*[Pp]ackage\p{Zs}+[^\p{Zs}]+\p{Zs}*`)
rxAllowedExtensions = regexp.MustCompile(`^[Xx]-`)
rxIn = regexp.MustCompile(`[Ii]n\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*(query|path|header|body|formData)$`)
rxRequired = regexp.MustCompile(`[Rr]equired\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*(true|false)$`)
rxDiscriminator = regexp.MustCompile(`[Dd]iscriminator\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*(true|false)$`)
rxReadOnly = regexp.MustCompile(`[Rr]ead(?:\p{Zs}*|[\p{Pd}\p{Pc}])?[Oo]nly\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*(true|false)$`)
rxConsumes = regexp.MustCompile(`[Cc]onsumes\p{Zs}*:`)
rxProduces = regexp.MustCompile(`[Pp]roduces\p{Zs}*:`)
rxSecuritySchemes = regexp.MustCompile(`[Ss]ecurity\p{Zs}*:`)
rxSecurity = regexp.MustCompile(`[Ss]ecurity\p{Zs}*[Dd]efinitions:`)
rxResponses = regexp.MustCompile(`[Rr]esponses\p{Zs}*:`)
rxParameters = regexp.MustCompile(`[Pp]arameters\p{Zs}*:`)
rxSchemes = regexp.MustCompile(`[Ss]chemes\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*((?:(?:https?|HTTPS?|wss?|WSS?)[\p{Zs},]*)+)$`)
rxVersion = regexp.MustCompile(`[Vv]ersion\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*(.+)$`)
rxHost = regexp.MustCompile(`[Hh]ost\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*(.+)$`)
rxBasePath = regexp.MustCompile(`[Bb]ase\p{Zs}*-*[Pp]ath\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*` + rxPath + "$")
rxLicense = regexp.MustCompile(`[Ll]icense\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*(.+)$`)
rxContact = regexp.MustCompile(`[Cc]ontact\p{Zs}*-?(?:[Ii]info\p{Zs}*)?:\p{Zs}*(.+)$`)
rxTOS = regexp.MustCompile(`[Tt](:?erms)?\p{Zs}*-?[Oo]f?\p{Zs}*-?[Ss](?:ervice)?\p{Zs}*:`)
rxExtensions = regexp.MustCompile(`[Ee]xtensions\p{Zs}*:`)
rxInfoExtensions = regexp.MustCompile(`[In]nfo\p{Zs}*[Ee]xtensions:`)
// currently unused: rxExample = regexp.MustCompile(`[Ex]ample\p{Zs}*:\p{Zs}*(.*)$`)
// Many thanks go to
// this is loosely based on that implementation but for swagger 2.0
func joinDropLast(lines []string) string {
l := len(lines)
lns := lines
if l > 0 && len(strings.TrimSpace(lines[l-1])) == 0 {
lns = lines[:l-1]
return strings.Join(lns, "\n")
func removeEmptyLines(lines []string) (notEmpty []string) {
for _, l := range lines {
if len(strings.TrimSpace(l)) > 0 {
notEmpty = append(notEmpty, l)
func rxf(rxp, ar string) *regexp.Regexp {
return regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(rxp, ar))
// The Opts for the application scanner.
type Opts struct {
BasePath string
Input *spec.Swagger
ScanModels bool
BuildTags string
Include []string
Exclude []string
IncludeTags []string
ExcludeTags []string
func safeConvert(str string) bool {
b, err := swag.ConvertBool(str)
if err != nil {
return false
return b
// Debug is true when process is run with DEBUG=1 env var
var Debug = safeConvert(os.Getenv("DEBUG"))
// Application scans the application and builds a swagger spec based on the information from the code files.
// When there are includes provided, only those files are considered for the initial discovery.
// Similarly the excludes will exclude an item from initial discovery through scanning for annotations.
// When something in the discovered items requires a type that is contained in the includes or excludes it will still be
// in the spec.
func Application(opts Opts) (*spec.Swagger, error) {
parser, err := newAppScanner(&opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return parser.Parse()
// appScanner the global context for scanning a go application
// into a swagger specification
type appScanner struct {
loader *loader.Config
prog *loader.Program
classifier *programClassifier
discovered []schemaDecl
input *spec.Swagger
definitions map[string]spec.Schema
responses map[string]spec.Response
operations map[string]*spec.Operation
scanModels bool
includeTags map[string]bool
excludeTas map[string]bool
// MainPackage the path to find the main class in
MainPackage string
// newAppScanner creates a new api parser
func newAppScanner(opts *Opts) (*appScanner, error) {
if Debug {
log.Println("scanning packages discovered through entrypoint @ ", opts.BasePath)
var ldr loader.Config
ldr.ParserMode = goparser.ParseComments
if opts.BuildTags != "" {
ldr.Build = &build.Default
ldr.Build.BuildTags = strings.Split(opts.BuildTags, ",")
ldr.TypeChecker = types.Config{FakeImportC: true}
prog, err := ldr.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var includes, excludes packageFilters
if len(opts.Include) > 0 {
for _, include := range opts.Include {
includes = append(includes, packageFilter{Name: include})
if len(opts.Exclude) > 0 {
for _, exclude := range opts.Exclude {
excludes = append(excludes, packageFilter{Name: exclude})
includeTags := make(map[string]bool)
for _, includeTag := range opts.IncludeTags {
includeTags[includeTag] = true
excludeTags := make(map[string]bool)
for _, excludeTag := range opts.ExcludeTags {
excludeTags[excludeTag] = true
input := opts.Input
if input == nil {
input = new(spec.Swagger)
input.Swagger = "2.0"
if input.Paths == nil {
input.Paths = new(spec.Paths)
if input.Definitions == nil {
input.Definitions = make(map[string]spec.Schema)
if input.Responses == nil {
input.Responses = make(map[string]spec.Response)
if input.Extensions == nil {
input.Extensions = make(spec.Extensions)
return &appScanner{
MainPackage: opts.BasePath,
prog: prog,
input: input,
loader: &ldr,
operations: collectOperationsFromInput(input),
definitions: input.Definitions,
responses: input.Responses,
scanModels: opts.ScanModels,
classifier: &programClassifier{
Includes: includes,
Excludes: excludes,
includeTags: includeTags,
excludeTas: excludeTags,
}, nil
func collectOperationsFromInput(input *spec.Swagger) map[string]*spec.Operation {
operations := make(map[string]*spec.Operation)
if input != nil && input.Paths != nil {
for _, pth := range input.Paths.Paths {
if pth.Get != nil {
operations[pth.Get.ID] = pth.Get
if pth.Post != nil {
operations[pth.Post.ID] = pth.Post
if pth.Put != nil {
operations[pth.Put.ID] = pth.Put
if pth.Patch != nil {
operations[pth.Patch.ID] = pth.Patch
if pth.Delete != nil {
operations[pth.Delete.ID] = pth.Delete
if pth.Head != nil {
operations[pth.Head.ID] = pth.Head
if pth.Options != nil {
operations[pth.Options.ID] = pth.Options
return operations
// Parse produces a swagger object for an application
func (a *appScanner) Parse() (*spec.Swagger, error) {
// classification still includes files that are completely commented out
cp, err := a.classifier.Classify(a.prog)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// build models dictionary
if a.scanModels {
for _, modelsFile := range cp.Models {
if err := a.parseSchema(modelsFile); err != nil {
return nil, err
// build parameters dictionary
for _, paramsFile := range cp.Parameters {
if err := a.parseParameters(paramsFile); err != nil {
return nil, err
// build responses dictionary
for _, responseFile := range cp.Responses {
if err := a.parseResponses(responseFile); err != nil {
return nil, err
// build definitions dictionary
if err := a.processDiscovered(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// build paths dictionary
for _, routeFile := range cp.Routes {
if err := a.parseRoutes(routeFile); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, operationFile := range cp.Operations {
if err := a.parseOperations(operationFile); err != nil {
return nil, err
// build swagger object
for _, metaFile := range cp.Meta {
if err := a.parseMeta(metaFile); err != nil {
return nil, err
if a.input.Swagger == "" {
a.input.Swagger = "2.0"
return a.input, nil
func (a *appScanner) processDiscovered() error {
// loop over discovered until all the items are in definitions
keepGoing := len(a.discovered) > 0
for keepGoing {
var queue []schemaDecl
for _, d := range a.discovered {
if _, ok := a.definitions[d.Name]; !ok {
queue = append(queue, d)
a.discovered = nil
for _, sd := range queue {
if err := a.parseDiscoveredSchema(sd); err != nil {
return err
keepGoing = len(a.discovered) > 0
return nil
func (a *appScanner) parseSchema(file *ast.File) error {
sp := newSchemaParser(a.prog)
if err := sp.Parse(file, a.definitions); err != nil {
return err
a.discovered = append(a.discovered, sp.postDecls...)
return nil
func (a *appScanner) parseDiscoveredSchema(sd schemaDecl) error {
sp := newSchemaParser(a.prog)
sp.discovered = &sd
if err := sp.Parse(sd.File, a.definitions); err != nil {
return err
a.discovered = append(a.discovered, sp.postDecls...)
return nil
func (a *appScanner) parseRoutes(file *ast.File) error {
rp := newRoutesParser(a.prog)
rp.operations = a.operations
rp.definitions = a.definitions
rp.responses = a.responses
return rp.Parse(file, a.input.Paths, a.includeTags, a.excludeTas)
func (a *appScanner) parseOperations(file *ast.File) error {
op := newOperationsParser(a.prog)
op.operations = a.operations
op.definitions = a.definitions
op.responses = a.responses
return op.Parse(file, a.input.Paths, a.includeTags, a.excludeTas)
func (a *appScanner) parseParameters(file *ast.File) error {
rp := newParameterParser(a.prog)
if err := rp.Parse(file, a.operations); err != nil {
return err
a.discovered = append(a.discovered, rp.postDecls...)
a.discovered = append(a.discovered, rp.scp.postDecls...)
return nil
func (a *appScanner) parseResponses(file *ast.File) error {
rp := newResponseParser(a.prog)
if err := rp.Parse(file, a.responses); err != nil {
return err
a.discovered = append(a.discovered, rp.postDecls...)
a.discovered = append(a.discovered, rp.scp.postDecls...)
return nil
func (a *appScanner) parseMeta(file *ast.File) error {
return newMetaParser(a.input).Parse(file.Doc)
// MustExpandPackagePath gets the real package path on disk
func (a *appScanner) MustExpandPackagePath(packagePath string) string {
pkgRealpath := swag.FindInGoSearchPath(packagePath)
if pkgRealpath == "" {
log.Fatalf("Can't find package %s \n", packagePath)
return pkgRealpath
type swaggerTypable interface {
Typed(string, string)
Items() swaggerTypable
Schema() *spec.Schema
Level() int
// Map all Go builtin types that have Json representation to Swagger/Json types.
// See and
func swaggerSchemaForType(typeName string, prop swaggerTypable) error {
switch typeName {
case "bool":
prop.Typed("boolean", "")
case "byte":
prop.Typed("integer", "uint8")
case "complex128", "complex64":
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported builtin %q (no JSON marshaller)", typeName)
case "error":
// TODO: error is often marshalled into a string but not always (e.g. errors package creates
// errors that are marshalled into an empty object), this could be handled the same way
// custom JSON marshallers are handled (in future)
prop.Typed("string", "")
case "float32":
prop.Typed("number", "float")
case "float64":
prop.Typed("number", "double")
case "int":
prop.Typed("integer", "int64")
case "int16":
prop.Typed("integer", "int16")
case "int32":
prop.Typed("integer", "int32")
case "int64":
prop.Typed("integer", "int64")
case "int8":
prop.Typed("integer", "int8")
case "rune":
prop.Typed("integer", "int32")
case "string":
prop.Typed("string", "")
case "uint":
prop.Typed("integer", "uint64")
case "uint16":
prop.Typed("integer", "uint16")
case "uint32":
prop.Typed("integer", "uint32")
case "uint64":
prop.Typed("integer", "uint64")
case "uint8":
prop.Typed("integer", "uint8")
case "uintptr":
prop.Typed("integer", "uint64")
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %q", typeName)
return nil
func newMultiLineTagParser(name string, parser valueParser, skipCleanUp bool) tagParser {
return tagParser{
Name: name,
MultiLine: true,
SkipCleanUp: skipCleanUp,
Parser: parser,
func newSingleLineTagParser(name string, parser valueParser) tagParser {
return tagParser{
Name: name,
MultiLine: false,
SkipCleanUp: false,
Parser: parser,
type tagParser struct {
Name string
MultiLine bool
SkipCleanUp bool
Lines []string
Parser valueParser
func (st *tagParser) Matches(line string) bool {
return st.Parser.Matches(line)
func (st *tagParser) Parse(lines []string) error {
return st.Parser.Parse(lines)
func newYamlParser(rx *regexp.Regexp, setter func(json.RawMessage) error) valueParser {
return &yamlParser{
set: setter,
rx: rx,
type yamlParser struct {
set func(json.RawMessage) error
rx *regexp.Regexp
func (y *yamlParser) Parse(lines []string) error {
if len(lines) == 0 || (len(lines) == 1 && len(lines[0]) == 0) {
return nil
var uncommented []string
uncommented = append(uncommented, removeYamlIndent(lines)...)
yamlContent := strings.Join(uncommented, "\n")
var yamlValue interface{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(yamlContent), &yamlValue)
if err != nil {
return err
var jsonValue json.RawMessage
jsonValue, err = fmts.YAMLToJSON(yamlValue)
if err != nil {
return err
return y.set(jsonValue)
func (y *yamlParser) Matches(line string) bool {
return y.rx.MatchString(line)
// aggregates lines in header until it sees `---`,
// the beginning of a YAML spec
type yamlSpecScanner struct {
header []string
yamlSpec []string
setTitle func([]string)
setDescription func([]string)
workedOutTitle bool
title []string
skipHeader bool
func cleanupScannerLines(lines []string, ur *regexp.Regexp, yamlBlock *regexp.Regexp) []string {
// bail early when there is nothing to parse
if len(lines) == 0 {
return lines
seenLine := -1
var lastContent int
var uncommented []string
var startBlock bool
var yaml []string
for i, v := range lines {
if yamlBlock != nil && yamlBlock.MatchString(v) && !startBlock {
startBlock = true
if seenLine < 0 {
seenLine = i
if startBlock {
if yamlBlock.MatchString(v) {
startBlock = false
uncommented = append(uncommented, removeIndent(yaml)...)
yaml = append(yaml, v)
if v != "" {
if seenLine < 0 {
seenLine = i
lastContent = i
str := ur.ReplaceAllString(v, "")
uncommented = append(uncommented, str)
if str != "" {
if seenLine < 0 {
seenLine = i
lastContent = i
// fixes issue #50
if seenLine == -1 {
return nil
return uncommented[seenLine : lastContent+1]
// a shared function that can be used to split given headers
// into a title and description
func collectScannerTitleDescription(headers []string) (title, desc []string) {
hdrs := cleanupScannerLines(headers, rxUncommentHeaders, nil)
idx := -1
for i, line := range hdrs {
if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
idx = i
if idx > -1 {
title = hdrs[:idx]
if len(hdrs) > idx+1 {
desc = hdrs[idx+1:]
} else {
desc = nil
if len(hdrs) > 0 {
line := hdrs[0]
if rxPunctuationEnd.MatchString(line) {
title = []string{line}
desc = hdrs[1:]
} else {
desc = hdrs
func (sp *yamlSpecScanner) collectTitleDescription() {
if sp.workedOutTitle {
if sp.setTitle == nil {
sp.header = cleanupScannerLines(sp.header, rxUncommentHeaders, nil)
sp.workedOutTitle = true
sp.title, sp.header = collectScannerTitleDescription(sp.header)
func (sp *yamlSpecScanner) Title() []string {
return sp.title
func (sp *yamlSpecScanner) Description() []string {
return sp.header
func (sp *yamlSpecScanner) Parse(doc *ast.CommentGroup) error {
if doc == nil {
return nil
var startedYAMLSpec bool
for _, c := range doc.List {
for _, line := range strings.Split(c.Text, "\n") {
if rxSwaggerAnnotation.MatchString(line) {
break COMMENTS // a new swagger: annotation terminates this parser
if !startedYAMLSpec {
if rxBeginYAMLSpec.MatchString(line) {
startedYAMLSpec = true
sp.yamlSpec = append(sp.yamlSpec, line)
if !sp.skipHeader {
sp.header = append(sp.header, line)
// no YAML spec yet, moving on
sp.yamlSpec = append(sp.yamlSpec, line)
if sp.setTitle != nil {
if sp.setDescription != nil {
return nil
func (sp *yamlSpecScanner) UnmarshalSpec(u func([]byte) error) (err error) {
spec := cleanupScannerLines(sp.yamlSpec, rxUncommentYAML, nil)
if len(spec) == 0 {
return errors.New("no spec available to unmarshal")
if !strings.Contains(spec[0], "---") {
return errors.New("yaml spec has to start with `---`")
// remove indentation
spec = removeIndent(spec)
// 1. parse yaml lines
yamlValue := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
yamlContent := strings.Join(spec, "\n")
err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(yamlContent), &yamlValue)
if err != nil {
// 2. convert to json
var jsonValue json.RawMessage
jsonValue, err = fmts.YAMLToJSON(yamlValue)
if err != nil {
// 3. unmarshal the json into an interface
var data []byte
data, err = jsonValue.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
err = u(data)
if err != nil {
// all parsed, returning...
sp.yamlSpec = nil // spec is now consumed, so let's erase the parsed lines
// removes indent base on the first line
func removeIndent(spec []string) []string {
loc := rxIndent.FindStringIndex(spec[0])
if loc[1] > 0 {
for i := range spec {
if len(spec[i]) >= loc[1] {
spec[i] = spec[i][loc[1]-1:]
return spec
// removes indent base on the first line
func removeYamlIndent(spec []string) []string {
loc := rxIndent.FindStringIndex(spec[0])
var s []string
if loc[1] > 0 {
for i := range spec {
if len(spec[i]) >= loc[1] {
s = append(s, spec[i][loc[1]-1:])
return s
// aggregates lines in header until it sees a tag.
type sectionedParser struct {
header []string
matched map[string]tagParser
annotation valueParser
seenTag bool
skipHeader bool
setTitle func([]string)
setDescription func([]string)
workedOutTitle bool
taggers []tagParser
currentTagger *tagParser
title []string
ignored bool
func (st *sectionedParser) collectTitleDescription() {
if st.workedOutTitle {
if st.setTitle == nil {
st.header = cleanupScannerLines(st.header, rxUncommentHeaders, nil)
st.workedOutTitle = true
st.title, st.header = collectScannerTitleDescription(st.header)
func (st *sectionedParser) Title() []string {
return st.title
func (st *sectionedParser) Description() []string {
return st.header
func (st *sectionedParser) Parse(doc *ast.CommentGroup) error {
if doc == nil {
return nil
for _, c := range doc.List {
for _, line := range strings.Split(c.Text, "\n") {
if rxSwaggerAnnotation.MatchString(line) {
if rxIgnoreOverride.MatchString(line) {
st.ignored = true
break COMMENTS // an explicit ignore terminates this parser
if st.annotation == nil || !st.annotation.Matches(line) {
break COMMENTS // a new swagger: annotation terminates this parser
_ = st.annotation.Parse([]string{line})
if len(st.header) > 0 {
st.seenTag = true
var matched bool
for _, tagger := range st.taggers {
if tagger.Matches(line) {
st.seenTag = true
st.currentTagger = &tagger
matched = true
if st.currentTagger == nil {
if !st.skipHeader && !st.seenTag {
st.header = append(st.header, line)
// didn't match a tag, moving on
if st.currentTagger.MultiLine && matched {
// the first line of a multiline tagger doesn't count
ts, ok := st.matched[st.currentTagger.Name]
if !ok {
ts = *st.currentTagger
ts.Lines = append(ts.Lines, line)
if st.matched == nil {
st.matched = make(map[string]tagParser)
st.matched[st.currentTagger.Name] = ts
if !st.currentTagger.MultiLine {
st.currentTagger = nil
if st.setTitle != nil {
if st.setDescription != nil {
for _, mt := range st.matched {
if !mt.SkipCleanUp {
mt.Lines = cleanupScannerLines(mt.Lines, rxUncommentHeaders, nil)
if err := mt.Parse(mt.Lines); err != nil {
return err
return nil