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Item Group is the classification category. Depending on the type of product, categorise it under its respective field. If the product is service oriented, name it under the group head - service. If the product is used as a raw-material, you have to name it under the Raw-material category. In case, your product is used only in trading, you can categorise it under Trading.
![Item Group Tree](/Shiloh/brotherton-erpnext/media/commit/ff2d5d8ad9bc7c636bb3ec52f09b156c84cad61b/erpnext/docs/user/manual/en/stock/setup/%7B%7Bdocs_base_url%7D%7D/assets/img/stock/item-group-tree.png)
Create a Item Group
Select an Item Group under which you wish to create the group.
Select 'Add Child'
![Add Item Group](/Shiloh/brotherton-erpnext/media/commit/ff2d5d8ad9bc7c636bb3ec52f09b156c84cad61b/erpnext/docs/user/manual/en/stock/setup/%7B%7Bdocs_base_url%7D%7D/assets/img/stock/item-group-new.gif)
Delete an Item Group
Select the Item Group you want to delete.
Select 'delete'
![Add Item Group](/Shiloh/brotherton-erpnext/media/commit/ff2d5d8ad9bc7c636bb3ec52f09b156c84cad61b/erpnext/docs/user/manual/en/stock/setup/%7B%7Bdocs_base_url%7D%7D/assets/img/stock/item-group-del.gif)