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#Depreciation for Fixed Asset Items
Depreciation is when you write off certain value of your assets as an expense. For example, office computer will be used for five years. Hence total value of computer should be booked as expense over the period of five years.
As per perpetual inventory valuation system (set by default), you should create Stock Reconciliation for depreciating value of fixed asset items. Check below steps to learn more.
Step 1: Depreciation Account
Depreciation account is auto-created, under Indirect Expenses account.

Step 2: Stock Reconciliation
To create new Stock Reconciliation, go to:
Stock > Setup > Stock Reconciliation > New
Set Posting Date and Time of Stock Reconciliation will when you wish depreciation entry to be posted in your accounts.
Step 3: Item
Select Fixed Asset Items in the item table. Update Warehouse of an item. For item valuation, update post-depreciation value. For example, item value was 100. Depreciation amount is 20. As per this post-depreciation valuation of an item will be 80. Hence 80 should be posted as valuation in the Stock Reconciliation.

Step 4: Depreciation Account
Select Depereciation Account in which depereciation amount will be booked.

Step 5: Submit
On submission of Stock Reconciliation, depreciation will booked for items asset items.

Click here for steps to be followed when making Stock Reconciliation entry.