mergify[bot] b3562bdb87
fix: asset depreciation ledger (backport #37991) (#37993)
fix: asset depreciation ledger (#37991)

* fix: include opening acc depr while calculating asset depr ledger report

* chore: include opening acc depr properly in acc depr amt

* chore: add cost_center in asset depr ledger report

* fix: handle finance books properly in asset depr ledger report

* chore: rename 'include default book entries' to 'include default FB entries'

(cherry picked from commit 9a171db97f67f88fad1589016afb4e808571d04c)

Co-authored-by: Anand Baburajan <>
2023-11-08 22:52:16 +05:30

529 KiB
Raw Blame History

1"Customer Provided Item" cannot be Purchase Item also&quot;Mişterî Daxuyaniya Xerîdar&quot; nikare Tiştê Kirînê jî be
2"Customer Provided Item" cannot have Valuation Rate&quot;Tişta peydakirî ya xerîdar&quot; nikare Rêjeya Valasyonê tune
3"Is Fixed Asset" cannot be unchecked, as Asset record exists against the item&quot;Ma Asset Fixed&quot; nikare bibe nedixwest, wek record Asset li dijî babete heye
4'Based On' and 'Group By' can not be same&#39;Li ser&#39; û &#39;Koma By&#39; nikare bibe heman
5'Days Since Last Order' must be greater than or equal to zero&#39;Rojên Ji Last Order&#39; Divê mezintir an wekhev ji sifir be
6'Entries' cannot be empty&#39;Arşîva&#39; ne vala be
7'From Date' is required&#39;Ji Date&#39; pêwîst e
8'From Date' must be after 'To Date'&#39;Ji Date&#39; Divê piştî &#39;To Date&#39; be
9'Has Serial No' can not be 'Yes' for non-stock item&#39;Has No Serial&#39; nikare bibe &#39;&#39; Erê &#39;&#39; ji bo non-stock babete
11'To Case No.' cannot be less than 'From Case No.'&#39;To No. Case&#39; nikare bibe kêmtir ji &#39;Ji No. Case&#39;
12'To Date' is required&#39;To Date&#39; pêwîst e
14'Update Stock' can not be checked because items are not delivered via {0}&#39;Update Stock&#39; nikarin werin kontrolkirin, ji ber tumar bi via teslîmî ne {0}
15'Update Stock' cannot be checked for fixed asset sale&#39;Update Stock&#39; dikarin for sale sermaye sabît nayê kontrolkirin
161 exact match.1 maçek rastîn.
18A Customer Group exists with same name please change the Customer name or rename the Customer GroupA Pol Mişterî ya bi heman navî heye ji kerema xwe biguherînin navê Mişterî li an rename Pol Mişterî ya
19A Default Service Level Agreement already exists.Berê Peymana Asta Xizmeta Berê heye.
20A Lead requires either a person's name or an organization's nameRêbertiyek hewce dike ku navek kesek an rêxistina navgîniyek hewce bike
21A customer with the same name already existsPêwendiyek bi heman navî heye
22A question must have more than one optionsPirsek divê ji yekê zêdetir vebijarkan hebe
23A qustion must have at least one correct optionsQusyonek divê bi kêmanî yek vebijarkên rast be
25API EndpointAPI Endpoint
26API KeyKey API
27Abbr can not be blank or spaceKurte nikare bibe vala an space
28Abbreviation already used for another companyKurtenivîsên SYR ji berê ve ji bo şîrketa din tê bikaranîn
29Abbreviation cannot have more than 5 charactersAbbreviation dikarin zêdetir ji 5 characters ne xwedî
30Abbreviation is mandatoryAbbreviation wêneke e
31About the CompanyDer barê şîrketê
32About your companyDer barê şirketa we
34Academic TermTerm (Ekadîmî)
35Academic Term: Termê Akademîk:
36Academic YearSala (Ekadîmî)
37Academic Year: Salê Akademîk:
38Accepted + Rejected Qty must be equal to Received quantity for Item {0}Qebûlkirin + Redkirin Qty, divê ji bo pêşwazî qasêsa wekhev de ji bo babet bê {0}
39Access TokenTêketinê Token
40Accessable ValueNirxdariya nirx
42Account NumberHejmara Hesabê
43Account Number {0} already used in account {1}Hejmara Hesabê {0} ji berê ve tê bikaranîn {1}
44Account Pay OnlyAccount Pay Tenê
45Account TypeType account
46Account Type for {0} must be {1}Type hesabekî ji {0} divê {1}
47Account balance already in Credit, you are not allowed to set 'Balance Must Be' as 'Debit'balance Account jixwe di Credit, hûn bi destûr ne ji bo danîna wek &#39;Debit&#39; &#39;Balance Must Be&#39;
48Account balance already in Debit, you are not allowed to set 'Balance Must Be' as 'Credit'balance Account jixwe di Debit, hûn bi destûr ne ji bo danîna wek &#39;Credit&#39; &#39;Balance Must Be&#39;
49Account number for account {0} is not available.<br> Please setup your Chart of Accounts correctly.Hejmarê hesabê {0} hesab nîne. <br> Ji kerema xwe kerema xwe ya kartên xwe rast bikin.
50Account with child nodes cannot be converted to ledgerAccount bi hucûma zarok nikare bê guhartina ji bo ledger
51Account with child nodes cannot be set as ledgerAccount bi hucûma zarok dikare wek ledger ne bê danîn
52Account with existing transaction can not be converted to group.Account bi mêjera yên heyî dikarin bi komeke ne bê guhertin.
53Account with existing transaction can not be deletedAccount bi mêjera heyî ne jêbirin
54Account with existing transaction cannot be converted to ledgerAccount bi mêjera heyî nikare bê guhartina ji bo ledger
55Account {0} does not belong to company: {1}Account {0} nayê ji şîrketa girêdayî ne: {1}
56Account {0} does not belongs to company {1}Account {0} nayê ji şîrketa endamê ne {1}
57Account {0} does not existAccount {0} tune
58Account {0} does not existsAccount {0} nayê heye ne
59Account {0} does not match with Company {1} in Mode of Account: {2}Account {0} nayê bi Company {1} li Mode of Account hev nagirin: {2}
60Account {0} has been entered multiple timesAccount {0} hatiye bicihkirin çend caran
61Account {0} is added in the child company {1}Hesabê {0} di şirketa zarokan de {1}
62Account {0} is frozenAccount {0} frozen e
63Account {0} is invalid. Account Currency must be {1}Account {0} ne derbasdar e. Account Exchange divê {1}
64Account {0}: Parent account {1} can not be a ledgerAccount {0}: account Parent {1} nikare bibe ledger
65Account {0}: Parent account {1} does not belong to company: {2}Account {0}: account Parent {1} ne aîdî ji şîrketa: {2}
66Account {0}: Parent account {1} does not existAccount {0}: account Parent {1} tune
67Account {0}: You can not assign itself as parent accountAccount {0}: Tu dikarî xwe wek account dê û bav bê peywirdarkirin ne
68Account: {0} can only be updated via Stock TransactionsAccount: {0} bi tenê dikare bi rêya Transactions Stock ve
69Account: {0} with currency: {1} can not be selectedAccount: {0} bi currency: {1} ne bên hilbijartin
72Accounting Entry for AssetEntry Entry for Asset
73Accounting Entry for StockPeyam Accounting bo Stock
74Accounting Entry for {0}: {1} can only be made in currency: {2}Peyam Accounting ji bo {0}: {1} dikarin tenê li pereyan kir: {2}
75Accounting LedgerAccounting Ledger
76Accounting journal entries.entries Accounting Kovara.
78Accounts ManagerManager bikarhênerên
79Accounts Payablebikarhênerên cîhde
80Accounts Payable SummaryBikarhênerên Nasname cîhde
81Accounts Receivablehesabê hilgirtinê
82Accounts Receivable SummaryBikarhênerên Nasname teleb
83Accounts Userhesabên bikarhêneran
84Accounts table cannot be blank.table Hesabên nikare bibe vala.
85Accumulated DepreciationFarhad. Accumulated
86Accumulated Depreciation AmountAccumulated Mîqdar Farhad.
87Accumulated Depreciation as onAccumulated Farhad ku li ser
88Accumulated MonthlyAccumulated Ayda
89Accumulated ValuesNirxên Accumulated
90Accumulated Values in Group CompanyGelek Nirxên li Kompaniya Giştî
91Achieved ({})Gihîştin ({})
93Action InitialisedActionalakî Initialised
96Activity Cost exists for Employee {0} against Activity Type - {1}Activity Cost ji bo karkirinê {0} heye li dijî Type Activity - {1}
97Activity Cost per EmployeeCost Activity per Employee
98Activity TypeType Activity
99Actual CostMesrefa rastîn
100Actual Delivery DateDîroka Daxuyaniya rastîn
101Actual Qtyrastî Qty
102Actual Qty is mandatoryRastî Qty wêneke e
103Actual Qty {0} / Waiting Qty {1}Actual Qty {0} / Waiting Qty {1}
104Actual Qty: Quantity available in the warehouse.Qûreya rastîn: Hêjmarek ku di wargehê de peyda dibe.
105Actual qty in stockqty Actual li stock
106Actual type tax cannot be included in Item rate in row {0}baca type rastî dikarin di rêjeya babetî di row ne bê beşdar kirin {0}
108Add / Edit PricesLê zêde bike / Edit Prices
109Add Commentlê zêde bike Comment
110Add Customerslê zêde muşteriyan
111Add Employeeslê zêde bike Karmendên
112Add Itemlê zêde bike babetî
113Add Itemslê zêde bike babetî
114Add LeadsAdd Leads
115Add Multiple TasksMultiple tasks
116Add Sales PartnersSales Partners
117Add Serial NoLê zêde bike No Serial
118Add Studentslê zêde bike Xwendekarên
119Add SuppliersAdd Suppliers
120Add Time SlotsAdd Time Slots
121Add Timesheetslê zêde bike timesheets
122Add TimeslotsAdd Timesots
123Add Users to MarketplaceBikarhênerên li Marketplace zêde bikin
124Add a new addressNavnîşek nû zêde bike
125Add cards or custom sections on homepageKarta an parçeyên xwerû li ser rûpelê malê zêde bikin
126Add more items or open full formLê zêde bike tomar zêdetir an form tije vekirî
127Add notesNîşan zêde bikin
128Add the rest of your organization as your users. You can also add invite Customers to your portal by adding them from ContactsZêde ji yên din rêxistina xwe wek bikarhênerên xwe. Tu dikarî gazî muşteriyan bi portal xwe lê zêde bike by got, wan ji Têkilî
129Add/Remove RecipientsZêde Bike / Rake Recipients
130AddedEv babete ji layê
131Added {0} usersBikarhênerên {0} zêde kirin
132Additional Salary Component Exists.Parzûna Salane ya Jêzêde jî heye.
134Address Line 2Line Address 2
135Address NameAddress Name
136Address TitleAddress Title
137Address TypeAddress Type
138Administrative ExpensesMesref îdarî
139Administrative OfficerBerpirsê kargêrî
142Admission and EnrollmentPejirandin û Tevlêbûn
143Admissions for {0}Admissions ji bo {0}
145Admittedxwe mikur
146Advance AmountAdvance Mîqdar
147Advance PaymentsAdvance Payments
148Advance account currency should be same as company currency {0}Divê hesabê pêşxistina diravê wekî wek diravê şirket {0}
149Advance amount cannot be greater than {0} {1}mîqdara Advance ne dikarin bibin mezintir {0} {1}
153Against Accountli dijî Account
154Against Journal Entry {0} does not have any unmatched {1} entryLi dijî Journal Peyam di {0} ti {1} entry berdar, ne xwedî
155Against Journal Entry {0} is already adjusted against some other voucherLi dijî Journal Peyam di {0} ji nuha ve li dijî hin fîşeke din hebę
156Against Supplier Invoice {0} dated {1}Li dijî Supplier bi fatûreyên {0} dîroka {1}
157Against Voucherli dijî Vienna
158Against Voucher TypeLi dijî Type Vienna
160Age (Days)Age (Days)
161Ageing Based OnAgeing li ser bingeha
162Ageing Range 1Range Ageing 1
163Ageing Range 2Range Ageing 2
164Ageing Range 3Range Ageing 3
166Agriculture (beta)Çandinî (beta)
167AirlineŞîrketa balafiran
168All AccountsHemû hesab
169All Addresses.Hemû Navnîşan.
170All Assessment GroupsHemû Groups Nirxandina
171All BOMsHemû dikeye
172All Contacts.Hemû Têkilî.
173All Customer GroupsHemû Groups Mişterî
174All DayAll Day
175All DepartmentsAll Departments
176All Healthcare Service UnitsHemû Yekîneyên Xizmeta Xizmetiyê
177All Item GroupsHemû Groups babetî
178All ProductsHemî Hilber
179All Products or Services.Hemû Products an Services.
180All Student AdmissionsHemû Admissions Student
181All Supplier GroupsAll Supplier Groups
182All Supplier scorecards.All Supplier Scorecards.
183All TerritoriesHemû Territories
184All WarehousesHemû enbar
185All communications including and above this shall be moved into the new IssueHemû ragihandin û herwiha vê yekê dê di mijara nû ya nû de derbas bibin
186All items have already been transferred for this Work Order.Hemû tiştên ku ji ber vê yekê ji bo Karê Karker ve hatibû veguhestin.
187All other ITCHemî ITC-yên din
188All the mandatory Task for employee creation hasn't been done yet.Hemî Taskek ji bo karkirina karmendê nehatiye kirin.
189Allocate Payment AmountVeqetandin, Mîqdar Payment
190Allocated Amountbutçe
191Allocating leaves...Pelên veguherî ...
192Already record exists for the item {0}Jixwe tomar tiştê li ser {0} heye
193Already set default in pos profile {0} for user {1}, kindly disabled defaultBerî berê yê default {0} ji bo bikarhênerê {1} navekî veguherîn,, navekî nermalav hate qedexekirin
194Alternate ItemPeldanka alternatîf
195Alternative item must not be same as item codeDivê şerta alternatîf e ku wekî koda kodê nayê
196Amended Fromde guherîn From
198Amount After DepreciationŞêwaz Piştî Farhad.
199Amount of Integrated TaxMîqdara baca hevgirtî
200Amount of TDS DeductedAmûreya TDS ya xerc kirin
201Amount should not be less than zero.Pêdivî ye ku pîvana kêmtir ji zêrê nebe.
202Amount to BillMîqdar ji bo Bill
203Amount {0} {1} against {2} {3}Şêwaz {0} {1} dijî {2} {3}
204Amount {0} {1} deducted against {2}Şêwaz {0} {1} dabirîn dijî {2}
205Amount {0} {1} transferred from {2} to {3}Şêwaz {0} {1} veguhestin ji {2} ji bo {3}
206Amount {0} {1} {2} {3}Şêwaz {0} {1} {2} {3}
208An Item Group exists with same name, please change the item name or rename the item groupAn Pol babet bi heman navî heye, ji kerema xwe biguherînin navê babete an jî datayê biguherîne koma babete de
209An academic term with this 'Academic Year' {0} and 'Term Name' {1} already exists. Please modify these entries and try again.An term akademîk bi vê &#39;Sala (Ekadîmî)&#39; {0} û &#39;Name Term&#39; {1} ji berê ve heye. Ji kerema xwe re van entries xeyrandin û careke din biceribîne.
210An error occurred during the update processDi dema pêvajoyê de çewtiyek çêbû
211An item exists with same name ({0}), please change the item group name or rename the itemAn babete bi heman navî heye ({0}), ji kerema xwe biguherînin li ser navê koma babete an navê babete
213Annual Billing: {0}Billing salane: {0}
214Another Budget record '{0}' already exists against {1} '{2}' and account '{3}' for fiscal year {4}Guhertina budceya din ya &#39;{0}&#39; ji ber ku {1} &#39;{2}&#39; hatibû qedexekirin û hesabê {{3} &#39;ji bo salek fiscal {4} heye.
215Another Period Closing Entry {0} has been made after {1}Din jî dema despêka Girtina {0} hatiye dîtin, piştî {1}
216Another Sales Person {0} exists with the same Employee idDin Person Sales {0} bi heman id karkirinê heye
218Apparel & AccessoriesApparel &amp; Accessories
219Applicable Forwergirtinê, çimkî
220Applicable if the company is SpA, SApA or SRLHeke ku pargîdaniya SpA, SApA an SRL ye serlêdan e
221Applicable if the company is a limited liability companyHeke ku pargîdan pargîdaniyek bi berpirsiyariya tixûbdar be, pêve dibe
222Applicable if the company is an Individual or a ProprietorshipHeke ku pargîdanek kesek kesek an Xwedîtiyê ye, pêkan e
223Application of Funds (Assets)Sepanê ji Funds (Maldarî)
225Appointment ConfirmationDaxuyaniya rûniştinê
226Appointment Duration (mins)Demjimardana Demjimêr (min)
227Appointment TypeTîpa rûniştinê
228Appointment {0} and Sales Invoice {1} cancelledDestnîşankirina {0} û vexwendina firotanê {1} betal kirin
229Appointments and EncountersDestnîşan û Encûmenan
230Appointments and Patient EncountersEncûmen û Niştecîhên Nexweş
231Appraisal {0} created for Employee {1} in the given date rangeAppraisal {0} ji bo karkirinê yên tên afirandin {1} di R‧ezkirina dema daye
232Approving Role cannot be same as role the rule is Applicable ToErêkirina Role ne dikarin heman rola desthilata To evin e
233Approving User cannot be same as user the rule is Applicable ToErêkirina User nikare bibe eynî wek user bi serweriya To evin e
234Apps using current key won't be able to access, are you sure?Vebijêrkên key-ê bikar bînin ku dê nikaribin gihîştin destûr, ma hûn rast bin?
235Are you sure you want to cancel this appointment?Ma hûn bawer dikin ku hûn bixwazin vê serdanê betal bikin?
237As ExaminerWekî Examiner
238As On DateWekî ku li ser Date
239As SupervisorWek Supervisor
240As per rules 42 & 43 of CGST RulesLi gorî rêgezên 42 &amp; 43 yên rêzikên CGST
241As per section 17(5)Li gorî beşê 17 (5)
243Assessment CriteriaKrîterên nirxandina
244Assessment GroupPol nirxandina
245Assessment Group: Koma Nirxandinê:
246Assessment PlanPlan nirxandina
247Assessment Plan NamePîlana Nirxandinê Navê
248Assessment ReportRapora Nirxandinê
249Assessment ReportsRaportên Nirxandinê
250Assessment ResultEncam nirxandina
251Assessment Result record {0} already exists.Nirxandina encamê {0} jixwe heye.
253Asset CategoryAsset Kategorî
254Asset Category is mandatory for Fixed Asset itemAsset Category bo em babete Asset Fixed wêneke e
255Asset MaintenanceBinesaziya Giştî
256Asset MovementTevgera Asset
257Asset Movement record {0} createdrecord Tevgera Asset {0} tên afirandin
258Asset NameNavê Asset
259Asset Received But Not BilledBêguman Received But Billed Not
260Asset Value AdjustmentBihejirandina Nirxê Sîgorteyê
261Asset cannot be cancelled, as it is already {0}Sermaye ne bi dikarin bên îptal kirin, wekî ku ji niha ve {0}
262Asset scrapped via Journal Entry {0}Asset belav via Peyam Journal {0}
263Asset {0} cannot be scrapped, as it is already {1}Asset {0} nikarin belav bibin, wekî ku ji niha ve {1}
264Asset {0} does not belong to company {1}Asset {0} nayê ji şîrketa girêdayî ne {1}
265Asset {0} must be submittedAsset {0} de divê bê şandin
267Assign ToAssign To
269At least one mode of payment is required for POS invoice.De bi kêmanî yek mode of tezmînat ji bo fatûra POS pêwîst e.
270Atleast one item should be entered with negative quantity in return documentLi Hindîstan û yek babete divê bi elemanekî negatîvî di belgeya vegera ketin
271Atleast one of the Selling or Buying must be selectedLi Hindîstan û yek ji Selling an Buying divê bên hilbijartin
272Atleast one warehouse is mandatoryLi Hindîstan û yek warehouse wêneke e
273Attach LogoAttach Logo
276Attendance can not be marked for future datesAmadebûna dikarin di dîrokên pêşeroja bo ne bên nîşankirin
277Attendance date can not be less than employee's joining datedate Beşdariyê nikare bibe kêmtir ji date tevlî karker ya
278Attendance for employee {0} is already markedAmadebûna ji bo karker {0} jixwe nîşankirin
279Attendance has been marked successfully.Amadebûna serkeftin nîşankirin.
280Attendance not submitted for {0} as {1} on leave.Tevlêbûnê ji bo derketina {0} wekî {1} nayê pêşkêş kirin.
281Attribute table is mandatorytable taybetmendiyê de bivênevê ye
282Attribute {0} selected multiple times in Attributes TablePêşbîr {0} çend caran li Attributes Table hilbijartin
283Authorized Signatorymafdar
284Auto Material Requests GeneratedDaxwazên Auto Material Generated
285Auto RepeatAuto Repeat
286Auto repeat document updatedVebijêrkek belgekirinê nûve bike
289Available QtyAvailable Qty
290Available SellingBazirganiya Bazirganî
291Available for use date is requiredJi bo karanîna karanîna pêdivî ye
292Available slotsSlots
293Available {0}Available {0}
294Available-for-use Date should be after purchase dateJi bo bikaranîna Dîroka Dîroka kirînê be
295Average AgeAverage Age
296Average RateRêjeya navîn
297Avg Daily OutgoingAvg Daily Afganî
298Avg. Buying Price List RateAvg. Lîsteya bihayê bihayê bihêle
299Avg. Selling Price List RateAvg. Lîsteya bihayê bihayê firotinê
300Avg. Selling RateAvg. Rate firotin
302BOM BrowserBOM Browser
304BOM RateBOM Rate
305BOM Stock ReportBOM Stock Report
306BOM and Manufacturing Quantity are requiredBOM û Manufacturing Quantity pêwîst in
307BOM does not contain any stock itemBOM nade ti stock babete ne
308BOM {0} does not belong to Item {1}BOM {0} nayê to Babetê girêdayî ne {1}
309BOM {0} must be activeBOM {0} divê çalak be
310BOM {0} must be submittedBOM {0} de divê bê şandin
312Balance (Dr - Cr)Balance (Dr - Cr)
313Balance ({0})Balance ({0}
314Balance QtyBalance Qty
315Balance SheetBîlançoya
316Balance ValueNirx Balance
317Balance for Account {0} must always be {1}Balance bo Account {0} tim divê {1}
319Bank AccountHesabê bankê
320Bank AccountsHesaba Bankayê
321Bank Draftpêşnûmeya Bank
322Bank NameNavê Bank
323Bank Overdraft AccountAccount Overdraft Bank
324Bank ReconciliationBank Lihevkirinê
325Bank Reconciliation StatementDaxûyanîya Bank Lihevkirinê
326Bank StatementDanezana Banka
327Bank Statement SettingsSetup Settings
328Bank Statement balance as per General Ledgerbalance Statement Bank wek per General Ledger
329Bank account cannot be named as {0}hesabê bankê dikare wekî ne bê bi navê {0}
330Bank/Cash transactions against party or for internal transfermuamele Bank / Cash dijî partî an jî ji bo veguhestina navxweyî
332Banking and PaymentsBanking û Payments
333Barcode {0} already used in Item {1}Barcode {0} niha di vî babetî bikaranîn {1}
334Barcode {0} is not a valid {1} codeBarcode {0} navekî yekem {1} ne
335Base URLNavnîşa bingehîn
336Based OnÇi qewimî
337Based On Payment TermsLi ser bingeha şertên dayinê
339Batch EntriesNavnîşên Batch
340Batch ID is mandatoryBatch ID wêneke e
341Batch InventoryInventory batch
342Batch NameNavê Batch
343Batch NoBatch No
344Batch number is mandatory for Item {0}hejmara Batch ji bo babet wêneke e {0}
345Batch {0} of Item {1} has expired.Batch {0} yên babet {1} xelas bûye.
346Batch {0} of Item {1} is disabled.Batch {0} ya Jêder {1} qedexekirin.
347Batch: Batch:
349Become a SellerBazirgan bibin
351Bill DateBill Date
352Bill NoBill No
353Bill of MaterialsBill ji materyalên
354Bill of Materials (BOM)Bill ji Alav (BOM)
355Billable HoursDemjimêrên billable
357Billed AmountŞêwaz billed
358Billing AddressTelefona berîkan
359Billing Address is same as Shipping AddressNavnîşana billing heman navnîşa barkirinê ye
360Billing AmountŞêwaz Billing
361Billing StatusRewş Billing
362Billing currency must be equal to either default company's currency or party account currencyPêdivî ye ku pêdivî ye ku pêdivî ye ku ew an jî an jî kredî ya şîrketê an diravê hesabê partiyê be
363Bills raised by Suppliers.Fatoreyên rakir destê Suppliers.
364Bills raised to Customers.Fatûrayên xwe rakir, ji bo muşteriyan.
367Blanket Orders from Costumers.Fermanên Blanket ji Costumers.
368Block InvoiceInvoice Block
370Both Trial Period Start Date and Trial Period End Date must be setDema Dema Dibistana Dema Dîroka Destpêk û Dema Têkoşîna Trialê Divê Dîroka Destpêk Dabeş bikin
371Both Warehouse must belong to same CompanyHerdu Warehouse, divê ji bo eynî Company aîdî
375Browse BOMBrowse BOM
376Budget Againstbudceya dijî
377Budget ListLîsteya budceyê
378Budget Variance ReportBudceya Report Variance
379Budget cannot be assigned against Group Account {0}Budceya dikare li hember Account Pol ne bibin xwediyê rêdan û {0}
380Budget cannot be assigned against {0}, as it's not an Income or Expense accountBudceya dikare li hember {0} ne bên wezîfedarkirin, wek ku ev hesabê Hatinê an jî Expense ne
382Bundle items at time of sale.tomar boxçe, li dema sale.
383Business Development ManagerBusiness Development Manager
386Buying AmountAsta kirîn
387Buying Price ListLîsteya bihayê bihêlin
388Buying RateRêjeya Kirînê
389Buying must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0}Kirîn, divê werin kontrolkirin, eger Ji bo serlêdanê ya ku weke hilbijartî {0}
390By {0}By {0}
391Bypass credit check at Sales Order Check checks at Sales Order
392C-Form recordsrecords C-Form
393C-form is not applicable for Invoice: {0}C-form e pêkanîn, ji bo bi fatûreyên: {0}
395CESS AmountAmeya CESS
396CGST AmountAmeya CGST
398CWIP AccountHesabê CWIP
399Calculated Bank Statement balanceDi esasa balance Bank Statement
401Can be approved by {0}Nikare were pejirandin {0}
402Can not filter based on Account, if grouped by AccountDikarin li ser Account ne filter bingeha, eger destê Account komkirin
403Can not filter based on Voucher No, if grouped by VoucherCan filter li ser Voucher No bingeha ne, eger ji aliyê Vienna kom
404Can not mark Inpatient Record Discharged, there are Unbilled Invoices {0}Nabe ku Guhertoya Inpatient Discharged, Nîşaneyên Nenebûn hene {0}
405Can only make payment against unbilled {0}dikarin bi tenê peredayînê dijî make unbilled {0}
406Can refer row only if the charge type is 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'Previous Row Total'Can row têne tenê eger type belaş e &#39;li ser Previous Mîqdar Row&#39; an jî &#39;Previous Row Total&#39;
407Can't change valuation method, as there are transactions against some items which does not have it's own valuation methodCan rêbaza nirxandina ku nayê guhertin, çawa ku muamele li dijî hin tomar ku ev ne li wir rêbaza nirxandinê ya xwe ye
408Can't create standard criteria. Please rename the criteriaPîvana standard standard nikare. Ji kerema xwe pîvanên nû veguherînin
410Cancel Material Visit {0} before cancelling this Warranty ClaimBetal Material Visit {0} berî betalkirinê ev Îdîaya Warranty
411Cancel Material Visits {0} before cancelling this Maintenance VisitBetal Serdan Material {0} berî betalkirinê ev Maintenance Visit
412Cancel SubscriptionDaxistina Cancel
413Cancel the journal entry {0} firstPêwîstina yekem {0} navnîşa betal bike
415Cannot Submit, Employees left to mark attendanceNabe, Berhemên xwe ji bo tevlêbûna xwe vekişin
416Cannot be a fixed asset item as Stock Ledger is created.Dibe ku sîteya Ledger tête çêkirin nikare belgeyeke erê nabe.
417Cannot cancel because submitted Stock Entry {0} existsne dikarin betal bike ji ber ku nehatine şandin Stock Peyam di {0} heye
418Cannot cancel transaction for Completed Work Order.Ji bo Birêvebirina Karûbarê Karûbarê Karûbar qedexe nekin.
419Cannot cancel {0} {1} because Serial No {2} does not belong to the warehouse {3}Nabe ku ji {0} {1} nabe, ji ber ku Serial No {2} ne xwediyê warehouse {3}
420Cannot change Attributes after stock transaction. Make a new Item and transfer stock to the new ItemPiştre danûstandinên hilberê veguherînan nabe. Kurteya nû ya nû û veguherandina veguhestina nû ya nû
421Cannot change Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date once the Fiscal Year is saved.Can Date Fiscal Sal Start û Fiscal Sal End Date nayê guhertin carekê sala diravî xilas kirin.
422Cannot change Service Stop Date for item in row {0}Dibe ku xizmeta astengkirina astengkirina navdarê ji bo navnîşa rêzikê {0}
423Cannot change Variant properties after stock transaction. You will have to make a new Item to do this.Ji ber veguhastina veberhênanên variant veguherînin nikare guhertin. Divê hûn nifşek nû çêbikin ku ev bikin.
424Cannot change company's default currency, because there are existing transactions. Transactions must be cancelled to change the default currency.Can currency default şîrketê nayê guhertin, ji ber ku muamele heyî heye. Transactions bên îptal kirin, ji bo guhertina pereyan default.
425Cannot change status as student {0} is linked with student application {1}Dikare biguhere status wek xwendekarê bi {0} bi serlêdana xwendekaran ve girêdayî {1}
426Cannot convert Cost Center to ledger as it has child nodesCan Navenda Cost ji bo ledger bawermendê ne, wek ku hatiye hucûma zarok
427Cannot covert to Group because Account Type is dikarin bi Pol nepenî, ji ber Type Account hilbijartî ye.
428Cannot create Retention Bonus for left EmployeesBo karûbarên çepgir ên çepê nehate afirandin
429Cannot create a Delivery Trip from Draft documents.Nekare ku ji belgeyên pêşnûmeyê Rêwîtiyek Delivery biafirîne.
430Cannot deactivate or cancel BOM as it is linked with other BOMsne dikarin neçalak bikî an betal BOM wekî ku bi din dikeye girêdayî
431Cannot declare as lost, because Quotation has been dikare ragihîne wek wenda, ji ber ku Quotation hatiye çêkirin.
432Cannot deduct when category is for 'Valuation' or 'Valuation and Total'ne dikarin dadixînin dema kategoriyê e ji bo &#39;Valuation&#39; an jî &#39;Valuation û Total&#39;
433Cannot deduct when category is for 'Valuation' or 'Vaulation and Total'ne dikarin dadixînin dema kategoriyê e ji bo &#39;Valuation&#39; an jî &#39;Vaulation û Total&#39;
434Cannot delete Serial No {0}, as it is used in stock transactionsne dikarin jêbirin Serial No {0}, wekî ku di karbazarên stock bikaranîn
435Cannot enroll more than {0} students for this student dikarin zêdetir ji {0} xwendekar ji bo vê koma xwendekaran kul.
436Cannot produce more Item {0} than Sales Order quantity {1}Can babet zêdetir {0} ji Sales Order dorpêçê de hilberandina ne {1}
437Cannot promote Employee with status LeftKes nikare karûbarê çepê ya Çep bigirin
438Cannot refer row number greater than or equal to current row number for this Charge typeCan hejmara row mezintir an wekhev ji bo hejmara row niha ji bo vî cureyê Charge kirîza ne
439Cannot select charge type as 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'On Previous Row Total' for first rowCan type pere weke &#39;li ser Previous Mîqdar Row&#39; hilbijêre ne an &#39;li ser Previous Row Total&#39; ji bo rêza yekem
440Cannot set as Lost as Sales Order is dikarin set wek Lost wek Sales Order çêkirin.
441Cannot set authorization on basis of Discount for {0}Can destûr li ser bingeha Discount bo set ne {0}
442Cannot set multiple Item Defaults for a company.Dibe ku ji bo şirketek pir ji hêla şîfreyê veguherînin.
443Cannot set quantity less than delivered quantityNabe ku ji sifirê radestî hejmareke kêmtir
444Cannot set quantity less than received quantityNabe ku ji hejmarê wergirtî kêm zêde were diyar kirin
445Cannot set the field <b>{0}</b> for copying in variantsJi bo kopîkirina variantê <b>{0}</b> zeviyê xilas nekin
446Cannot transfer Employee with status LeftDestûra bi Siyaseta Çep nayê veguherandin
447Cannot {0} {1} {2} without any negative outstanding invoiceCan ne {0} {1} {2} bêyî ku fatûra hilawîstî neyînî
448Capital EquipmentsTeçxîzatên hatiye capital
449Capital Stockcapital Stock
450Capital Work in ProgressKarê Kapîtaliyê di Pêşveçûnê de
451CartEreboka destan
452Cart is EmptyTêxe vala ye
453Case No(s) already in use. Try from Case No {0}Case No (s) jixwe tê bikaranîn. Try ji Case No {0}
454CashPerê pêşîn
455Cash Flow StatementDaxûyanîya Flow Cash
456Cash Flow from FinancingFlow Cash ji Fînansa
457Cash Flow from InvestingFlow Cash ji Investing
458Cash Flow from OperationsFlow Cash ji operasyonên
459Cash In HandCash Li Hand
460Cash or Bank Account is mandatory for making payment entryCash an Bank Account ji bo çêkirina entry peredana wêneke e
461Cashier ClosingCashier Closing
463Category NameCategory Name
465Central TaxBaca navendî
468Change AmountChange Mîqdar
469Change Item CodeGuherandinên Kodê biguherînin
470Change Release DateGuherandina Release Date
471Change Template CodeKoda Kodê biguherîne
472Changing Customer Group for the selected Customer is not allowed.Guhertina Xerîdarê ji bo Mişterek bijartî nayê destûr kirin.
474Chapter information.Şahidiya agahdariyê
475Charge of type 'Actual' in row {0} cannot be included in Item RatePere ji type &#39;Actual&#39; li row {0} ne bi were di Rate babetî di nav de
477Charges are updated in Purchase Receipt against each itemLi dijî wan doz bi wergirtina Purchase dijî hev babete ve
478Charges will be distributed proportionately based on item qty or amount, as per your selectionLi dijî wan doz dê were belavkirin bibihure li ser QTY babete an miqdar bingeha, wek per selection te
479Chart of Cost CentersChart Navendên Cost
480Check allCheck hemû
484Cheque/Reference NoCheque / Çavkanî No
485Cheques RequiredChecks Required
486Cheques and Deposits incorrectly clearedCheques û meden bi şaşî kenîştê
487Child Task exists for this Task. You can not delete this Task.Taskek Zarok ji bo vê Taskê heye. Hûn nikarin vê Taskê nadeve.
488Child nodes can be only created under 'Group' type nodeshucûma zarok dikare bi tenê di bin &#39;Group&#39; type hucûma tên afirandin
489Child warehouse exists for this warehouse. You can not delete this warehouse.warehouse zarok ji bo vê warehouse heye. Tu dikarî vê warehouse jêbirin.
490Circular Reference ErrorError Reference bezandin
492City/TownCity / Town
494Clear filtersParzûnên zelal bikin
495Clear valuesNirxên zelal
496Clearance DateDate clearance
497Clearance Date not mentionedDate Clearance behsa ne
498Clearance Date updatedDate Clearance ve
500Client IDID Client
501Client SecretClient Secret
502Clinical ProcedureProsesa Clinical
503Clinical Procedure TemplateŞablonê Clinical Procedure
504Close Balance Sheet and book Profit or Loss.Close Bîlançoya û Profit pirtûka an Loss.
505Close LoanKredî nêzîk bikin
506Close the POSPOS vekin
508Closed order cannot be cancelled. Unclose to cancel.Ji Tîpa ne dikarin bên îptal kirin. Unclose bo betalkirina.
509Closing (Cr)Girtina (Cr)
510Closing (Dr)Girtina (Dr)
511Closing (Opening + Total)Pevçûn
512Closing Account {0} must be of type Liability / EquityGirtina Account {0} de divê ji type mesulîyetê / Sebra min be
513Closing BalanceBalankirina Girtina
514CodeNavê dizî
515Collapse Allhilweşe Hemû
518Combined invoice portion must equal 100%Beşek hevpeymaniya yekgirtî 100%
521Commission Rate %Komîsyona%
522Commission on SalesKomîsyona li ser Sales
523Commission rate cannot be greater than 100rêjeya Komîsyona ne dikarin bibin mezintir ji 100
524Community ForumForûma Civakî
525Company (not Customer or Supplier) master.Company (ne Mişterî an Supplier) master.
526Company AbbreviationAbbreviation Company
527Company Abbreviation cannot have more than 5 charactersŞirketek nirxandin nikare bêtir 5 karek hene
528Company NameNavê Company
529Company Name cannot be CompanyNavê Company nikare bibe Company
530Company currencies of both the companies should match for Inter Company Transactions.Fînansaziya şirketên herdu şîrketan divê ji bo Transfarkirina Navneteweyî ya Hevpeyivînê bi hev re bibin.
531Company is manadatory for company accountŞirket ji bo hesabê şirket e
532Company name not sameNavekî şirketê nayê
533Company {0} does not existCompany {0} tune
534Compensatory leave request days not in valid holidaysDaxwaza berdêla dayîna mûçûna dermanê ne di nav betlanên derbasdar de ne
536Completion DateDate cebîr
540Configure {0}Configure {0}
541Confirmed orders from Customers.emir Confirmed ji muşteriyan.
542Connect Amazon with ERPNextAmazon with ERPNext Connect
543Connect Shopify with ERPNextConnectPage with ERPNext Connect Connect
544Connect to QuickbooksGirêdana QuickBooks
545Connected to QuickBooksGirêdanên QuickBooks ve girêdayî ye
546Connecting to QuickBooksGirêdana QuickBooks
552Consumed AmountŞêwaz telef
553Consumed Qtytelef Qty
554Consumer ProductsProducts Serfkaran
556Contact UsPaqij bûn
558Content MastersMateryalên naverokê
559Content TypeContent Type
560Continue ConfigurationConfapkirin berdewam bikin
562Contract End Date must be greater than Date of JoiningHevpeymana End Date divê ji Date of bizaveka mezintir be
563Contribution %% Alîkarên
564Contribution AmountŞêwaz Alîkarên
565Conversion factor for default Unit of Measure must be 1 in row {0}faktora Converter ji bo default Unit ji pîvanê divê 1 li row be {0}
566Conversion rate cannot be 0 or 1rêjeya Converter nikare bibe 0 an 1
567Convert to GroupConvert to Group
568Convert to Non-GroupConvert to non-Group
570Cost CenterNavenda cost
571Cost Center NumberHejmarê Navendê
572Cost Center and BudgetingMesrefa Navenda û Budcekirina
573Cost Center is required in row {0} in Taxes table for type {1}Navenda Cost li row pêwîst e {0} Bac sifrê ji bo cureyê {1}
574Cost Center with existing transactions can not be converted to groupNavenda Cost bi muamele û yên heyî dikarin bi komeke ne venegerin
575Cost Center with existing transactions can not be converted to ledgerNavenda Cost bi muamele heyî nikare bê guhartina ji bo ledger
576Cost CentersNavendên cost
577Cost Updatedcost Demê
578Cost as onMesrefa ku li ser
579Cost of Delivered ItemsCost ji Nawy Çiyan
580Cost of Goods SoldCost mal Sold
581Cost of Issued ItemsCost ji Nawy Issued
582Cost of New PurchaseCost ji Buy New
583Cost of Purchased ItemsCost ji Nawy Purchased
584Cost of Scrapped AssetCost ji Asset belav
585Cost of Sold AssetCost ji Asset Sold
586Cost of various activitiesCost ji çalakiyên cuda
587Could not create Credit Note automatically, please uncheck 'Issue Credit Note' and submit againTêkiliya Xweseriya xwe bixweber nekarin, ji kerema xwe &#39;Nerazîbûna Krediya Nîqaş&#39; binivîse û dîsa dîsa bişînin
588Could not generate SecretNekarî veşartî nabe
589Could not retrieve information for {0}.Agahdarî ji bo {0} agahdar nekir.
590Could not solve criteria score function for {0}. Make sure the formula is valid.Ji bo {0} karûbarên nirxên nirxan nehatin çareser kirin. Bawer bikin ku formula derbasdar e.
591Could not solve weighted score function. Make sure the formula is valid.Nikare karûbarên giran ên giran nekirin. Bawer bikin ku formula derbasdar e.
592Could not submit some Salary SlipsNikarî çend salary slênan nekarin
593Could not update stock, invoice contains drop shipping item.Gelo stock update ne, fatûra dihewîne drop babete shipping.
594Country wise default Address TemplatesCountry default şehreza Şablonên Address
595Course Code: Koda Kursê
596Course Enrollment {0} does not existsNavnîşa enrollment {0} nîne
597Course ScheduleCedwela Kurs
598Course: Kûrs:
601Create BOMBOM-ê biafirînin
602Create Delivery TripRêwîtiya Delivery biafirîne
603Create EmployeeEmployee Afirandin
604Create Employee RecordsCreate a Karkeran, Records
605Create Employee records to manage leaves, expense claims and payrollQeydên a Karkeran, ji bo birêvebirina pelên, îdîaya k&#39;îsî û payroll
606Create Fee ScheduleBernameya Feqîrê Biafirîne
607Create FeesPêvek çêbikin
608Create Inter Company Journal EntryNavnîşa Kovara Navneteweyî ya Navneteweyî Afirînin
609Create InvoicePêşnûmayê biafirînin
610Create InvoicesInvoices biafirînin
611Create Job CardKarta Xebatê biafirînin
612Create Journal EntryPêşnûmeya Rojnameyê Bikin
613Create LeadRêbertiyê ava bikin
614Create LeadsCreate Leads
615Create Maintenance VisitSerdana Serkariyê Biafirînin
616Create Material RequestDaxwaza Materyalê biafirînin
617Create MultipleMultiple Create
618Create Opening Sales and Purchase InvoicesDravê Firotan û Kirîna Kirînê vebikin
619Create Payment EntriesNavnîşên Dravdanê biafirînin
620Create Payment EntryNavnîşa Dravê Afirînin
621Create Print FormatCreate Print Format
622Create Purchase OrderDaxuyaniya kirînê çêbikin
623Create Purchase OrdersCreate Orders Purchase
624Create QuotationQuotation Afirandin
625Create Sales InvoicePêşkêşkirina Firotanê Afirînin
626Create Sales OrderArmanca firotanê çêbikin
627Create Sales Orders to help you plan your work and deliver on-timeFermandarên Firotanê biafirînin da ku ji we re bibin alîkar ku hûn xebata xwe plansaz bikin û dema xwe radest bikin
628Create Sample Retention Stock EntryNavnîşa Stock Stargehkirina Sample bigirin
629Create StudentXwendekar biafirînin
630Create Student BatchBeşa Xwendekaran biafirînin
631Create Student GroupsCreate komên xwendekaran
632Create Supplier QuotationQumara peydakiranê biafirînin
633Create Tax TemplateModela bacê biafirînin
634Create TimesheetTimesheet biafirînin
635Create UserCreate Bikarhêner
636Create UsersCreate Users
637Create VariantVariant biafirîne
638Create VariantsVariantan biafirînin
639Create and manage daily, weekly and monthly email digests.Create û rêvebirin û digests email rojane, hefteyî û mehane.
640Create customer quotesCreate quotes mişterî
641Create rules to restrict transactions based on values.Create qaîdeyên ji bo bisînorkirina muamele li ser bingeha nirxên.
642Created {0} scorecards for {1} between: {1} ji bo {1} scorecards {
643Creating Company and Importing Chart of AccountsAfirandina Pargîdaniyê û Danûstendina Damezrênerê
644Creating FeesPargîdanî
645Creating student groupsAfirandina komên xwendekaran
646Creating {0} InvoiceCreating {0} Invoice
648Credit ({0})Kredê ({0})
649Credit AccountAccount Credit
650Credit BalanceBalance Credit
651Credit CardLi kû çûn
652Credit Days cannot be a negative numberRojên Kredê nikare hejmareke neyînî ne
653Credit LimitSînora Credit
654Credit NoteCredit Note
655Credit Note AmountCredit Têbînî Mîqdar
656Credit Note IssuedCredit Têbînî Issued
657Credit Note {0} has been created automaticallyTêkiliya kredî {0} hate afirandin
658Credit limit has been crossed for customer {0} ({1}/{2})Gelek kredî ji bo mişteriyan derbas dibe {0} ({1} / {2})
660Criteria weights must add up to 100%Divê giravên nirxê 100%
661Crop CycleÇop Çap
662Crops & LandsCrops &amp; Lands
663Currency Exchange must be applicable for Buying or for Selling.Pargîdaniya Pêdivî ye ku ji bo kirînê an kirîna firotanê be.
664Currency can not be changed after making entries using some other currencyExchange dikarin piştî çêkirina entries bikaranîna hinek dî ne bê guhertin
665Currency exchange rate master.rêjeya qotîk master.
666Currency for {0} must be {1}Pereyan ji bo {0} divê {1}
667Currency is required for Price List {0}Pereyan ji bo List Price pêwîst e {0}
668Currency of the Closing Account must be {0}Pereyan ji Account Girtina divê {0}
669Currency of the price list {0} must be {1} or {2}Pirtûka lîsteya bihayê {0} divê {1} an jî {2}
670Currency should be same as Price List Currency: {0}Pêwîste wekhev Lîsteya Bacê ye: {0}
671Current Assetsheyînên vegeryayî
672Current BOM and New BOM can not be sameBOM û niha New BOM ne dikarin heman
673Current LiabilitiesDeynên niha:
674Current QtyQty niha:
675Current invoice {0} is missingDaxuya heyî {0} wenda ye
676Custom HTMLHTML Custom
679Customer Addresses And ContactsNavnîşan Mişterî û Têkilî
680Customer Contactmişterî Contact
681Customer Database.heye Mişterî.
682Customer Groupmişterî Group
683Customer LPOLPO
684Customer LPO No.LPO Jimareya Giştî
685Customer NameNavê mişterî
686Customer POS IdMişterî POS Id
687Customer ServiceBalkeş bûn
688Customer and SupplierMişterî û Supplier
689Customer is requiredMişterî pêwîst e
690Customer isn't enrolled in any Loyalty ProgramMişterî di bernameyek dilsoziyê de nabe
691Customer required for 'Customerwise Discount'Mişterî ya pêwîst ji bo &#39;Discount Customerwise&#39;
692Customer {0} does not belong to project {1}Mişterî {0} ne aîdî raxe {1}
693Customer {0} is created.Têkilî {0} hatiye afirandin.
694Customers in QueueMuşteriyan li Dorê
695Customize Homepage SectionsBeşên Malperê Veşar bikin
696Customizing FormsCureyên Customizing
697Daily Project Summary for {0}Dîroka Projeya Daily Daily Ji bo {0}
698Daily RemindersReminders rojane
699Data Import and ExportData Import û Export
700Data Import and SettingsDanasîn û Mîhengên Daneyê
701Database of potential customers.Database yên mişterî.
702Date FormatDate Format
703Date Of Retirement must be greater than Date of JoiningDate Of Teqawîdiyê, divê mezintir Date of bizaveka be
704Date of BirthRojbûn
705Date of Birth cannot be greater than today.Roja bûyînê ne dikarin bibin mezintir îro.
706Date of Commencement should be greater than Date of IncorporationDîroka Pêşniyetê Ji Dîroka Hevkariya Mezintir be
707Date of JoiningDate of bizaveka
708Date of Joining must be greater than Date of BirthDate of bizaveka divê mezintir Date jidayikbûnê be
709Date of TransactionDîroka Transaction
712Debit ({0})Debit ({0})
713Debit AccountAccount Debit
714Debit NoteDebit Note
715Debit Note AmountDebit Têbînî Mîqdar
716Debit Note IssuedDebit Têbînî Issued
717Debit To is requiredDebit To pêwîst e
718Debit and Credit not equal for {0} #{1}. Difference is {2}.Debit û Credit ji bo {0} # wekhev ne {1}. Cudahiya e {2}.
720Debtors ({0})Deyndarên ({0})
721Declare LostLost winda kir
722Default Activity Cost exists for Activity Type - {0}Default Activity Cost bo Type Activity heye - {0}
723Default BOM ({0}) must be active for this item or its templateDefault BOM ({0}), divê ji bo em babete an şablonê xwe çalak be
724Default BOM for {0} not foundBOM Default ji bo {0} nehate dîtin
725Default BOM not found for Item {0} and Project {1}Default BOM ji bo babet dîtin ne {0} û Project {1}
726Default Letter HeadDefault Letter Head
727Default Tax TemplateŞablon
728Default Unit of Measure for Item {0} cannot be changed directly because you have already made some transaction(s) with another UOM. You will need to create a new Item to use a different Default UOM.Default Unit ji pîvanê ji bo babet {0} rasterast nikarin bên guhertin ji ber ku te berê kirin hin muameleyan (s) bi UOM din. Ji we re lazim ê ji bo afirandina a babet nû bi kar Default UOM cuda.
729Default Unit of Measure for Variant '{0}' must be same as in Template '{1}'Default Unit ji pîvanê ji bo Variant &#39;{0}&#39;, divê wekî li Şablon be &#39;{1}&#39;
730Default settings for buying transactions.mîhengên standard ji bo kirîna muamele.
731Default settings for selling transactions.mîhengên standard ji bo firotina muamele.
732Default tax templates for sales and purchase are created.Saziyên bacê yên ji bo firotin û kirînê ji nû ve tên afirandin.
735Define Project type.Pergala projeyê define.
736Define budget for a financial year.Define budceya ji bo salekê aborî.
737Define various loan typesDefine cureyên cuda yên deyn
739Delay in payment (Days)Delay di peredana (Days)
740Delete all the Transactions for this CompanyVemirandina hemû Transactions ji bo vê Company
741Deletion is not permitted for country {0}Deletion ji bo welatekî destûr nabe {0}
743Delivered AmountŞêwaz teslîmî
744Delivered Qtyteslîmî Qty
745Delivered: {0}Teslîmî: {0}
747Delivery DateDate Delivery
748Delivery NoteDelivery Note
749Delivery Note {0} is not submittedDelivery Têbînî {0} tê şandin ne
750Delivery Note {0} must not be submittedDelivery Têbînî {0} divê şandin ne bê
751Delivery Notes {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales OrderNotes Delivery {0} divê berî betalkirinê ev Sales Order were betalkirin
752Delivery Notes {0} updatedDaxuyaniya şandin {0}
753Delivery StatusRewş Delivery
754Delivery TripTrip Trip
755Delivery warehouse required for stock item {0}warehouse Delivery pêwîst bo em babete stock {0}
757Department Storesdikanên
759Depreciation AmountŞêwaz Farhad.
760Depreciation Amount during the periodŞêwaz qereçî di dema
761Depreciation DateDate Farhad.
762Depreciation Eliminated due to disposal of assetsFarhad. Eliminated ber destê medane hebûnên
763Depreciation EntryPeyam Farhad.
764Depreciation MethodMethod Farhad.
765Depreciation Row {0}: Depreciation Start Date is entered as past dateRêjeya Bexşandina Rûber {0}:: Bersaziya Destpêk Dîrok wek roja ku paşîn çû
766Depreciation Row {0}: Expected value after useful life must be greater than or equal to {1}Rêjeya Rêjeya {0}: Piştî ku jiyanê kêrhatî divê hêvîdar be hêvîkirin ji bilî an jî wekhevî {1}
767Depreciation Row {0}: Next Depreciation Date cannot be before Available-for-use DateBerê Nerazîbûnê Rûber {0}: Piştre Dîroka Nirxandina Berî Berî Berî Berî Bikaranîna Dîrok-pey-be
768Depreciation Row {0}: Next Depreciation Date cannot be before Purchase DateBerê Nerazîbûnê Rûber {0}: Piştre Dîroka Nirxandina Dîroka Berî Berê kirîna Dîroka
770Detailed ReasonSedema berfireh
772Details of Outward Supplies and inward supplies liable to reverse chargeHûrguliyên Materyalên Derveyî û amûrên hundirîn ên ku ji berdêla berevajî dibin hene
773Details of the operations carried out.Details ji operasyonên hatiye lidarxistin.
775Did not find any item called {0}Ma tu babete bi navê nedît {0}
776Diff QtyDiff Qty
777Difference AccountAccount Cudahiya
778Difference Account must be a Asset/Liability type account, since this Stock Reconciliation is an Opening EntryAccount Cudahiya, divê hesabekî type Asset / mesulîyetê be, ji ber ku ev Stock Lihevkirinê an Peyam Opening e
779Difference AmountŞêwaz Cudahiya
780Difference Amount must be zeroŞêwaz Cudahiya divê sifir be
781Different UOM for items will lead to incorrect (Total) Net Weight value. Make sure that Net Weight of each item is in the same UOM.UOM cuda ji bo tomar dê ji bo Şaşî (Total) nirxa Loss Net rê. Bawer bî ku Loss Net ji hev babete di UOM heman e.
782Direct ExpensesMesref direct
783Direct IncomeDahata rasterast
784Disableneçalak bike
785Disabled template must not be default templateşablonê seqet ne divê şablonê default
786Disburse LoanKredî davêjin
791Discount Percentage can be applied either against a Price List or for all Price List.Rêjeya Discount jî yan li dijî List Price an jî ji bo hemû List Price sepandin.
792Discount must be less than 100Discount gerek kêmtir ji 100 be
793Diseases & FertilizersDerman û Fertilizer
795Dispatch NotificationDaxistina Dispatchê
796Dispatch StateDezgeha Dispatchê
800Dividends Paiddestkeftineke Paid
801Do you really want to restore this scrapped asset?Ma tu bi rastî dixwazî ji bo restorekirina vê hebûnê belav buye?
802Do you really want to scrap this asset?Ma tu bi rastî dixwazî bibit vê hebûnê?
803Do you want to notify all the customers by email?Ma hûn dixwazin ku hemî mişteriyan bi e-nameyê agahdar bikin?
804Doc DateDoc Dîrok
805Doc NameNavê Doc
806Doc TypeTîpa Doc
807Docs SearchDocs Search
808Document NameName belgeya
809Document TypeCorî dokumênt
811DomainsDomain ji
814Donor Type information.Agahiya agahdariyê.
815Donor information.Agahdariya donor
816Download JSONJSON dakêşin
818Drop ShipDrop Ship
820Due / Reference Date cannot be after {0}Date ji ber / Çavkanî ne dikarin piştî be {0}
821Due Date cannot be before Posting / Supplier Invoice DateDîroka Dibe ku nekare Beriya Dîroka Daxistina / Pêşkêşvanê Pêşandanê
822Due Date is mandatoryDate ji ber wêneke e
823Duplicate Entry. Please check Authorization Rule {0}Curenivîsên Peyam. Ji kerema xwe Authorization Rule {0}
824Duplicate Serial No entered for Item {0}Curenivîsên Serial No bo Babetê ketin {0}
825Duplicate customer group found in the cutomer group tablekoma mişterî hate dîtin li ser sifrê koma cutomer
826Duplicate entryentry Pekana
827Duplicate item group found in the item group tablekoma babete hate dîtin li ser sifrê koma babete
828Duplicate roll number for student {0}hejmara roll Pekana ji bo xwendekarê {0}
829Duplicate row {0} with same {1}Pekana row {0} bi heman {1}
830Duplicate {0} found in the tableDi tableê de {2} dipejirîne
831Duration in DaysDema Demjimêr
832Duties and TaxesErk û Baca
833E-Invoicing Information MissingAgahdariya E-Nirxandina winda
834ERPNext DemoERPNext Demo
835ERPNext SettingsMîhengên ERPNext
837Earnest MoneyMoney bi xîret
839Edit Publishing DetailsGuherandinên çapkirinê
840Edit in full page for more options like assets, serial nos, batches etc.Bi rûpela bêhtir bijartî ji bo malperê, nirxên serial, batches etc.
842Either location or employee must be requiredDivê an cihê an karmend divê pêdivî ye
843Either target qty or target amount is mandatoryAn QTY hedef an miqdar hedef diyarkirî e
844Either target qty or target amount is mandatory.An QTY hedef an target mîqdara bivênevê ye.
846Electronic EquipmentsTeçxîzatên hatiye Electronic
848Eligible ITCITC têrkirî
849Email AccountAccount Email
850Email AddressNavnîşana emailê
851Email Address must be unique, already exists for {0}Email Address divê yekta be, ji niha ve ji bo heye {0}
852Email Digest: Email Digest:
853Email Reminders will be sent to all parties with email contactsReminders ji bo hemû têkiliyên bi email re bi şandin
854Email SentEmail Sent
855Email TemplateŞablon
856Email not found in default contactE-mail di navnîşa navekî nayê dîtin
857Email sent to {0}Email bişîne {0}
859Employee AdvancesXizmetên Xweser
860Employee IDNasnameya kardêr
861Employee LifecycleLifecycle
862Employee NameNavê xebatkara
863Employee Promotion cannot be submitted before Promotion Date Berhemên Pêşveçûnê Berî beriya Pêşveçûn Dîrok nikare nabe
864Employee Transfer cannot be submitted before Transfer Date Beriya Transfer Dîroka Veguhastinê ya Xweser nikare nabe
865Employee cannot report to himself.Xebatkarê ne dikarin ji xwe re rapor.
866Employee {0} has already applied for {1} between {2} and {3} : Karmend {0} ji berê ve ji {1} di navbera {2} û {3} de hatiye dayîn.
867Employee {0} of grade {1} have no default leave policyKarmend {0} ya grade {1} ne polîtîkaya derengî tune
868Enable / disable currencies.Çalak / currencies astengkirin.
870Enabling 'Use for Shopping Cart', as Shopping Cart is enabled and there should be at least one Tax Rule for Shopping CartNe bitenê &#39;bi kar bîne ji bo Têxe selikê&#39;, wek Têxe selikê pêk tê û divê bi kêmanî yek Rule Bacê ji bo Têxe selikê li wir be
871End DateDate End
872End Date can not be less than Start DateDîrok Dîroka Destpêk Destpêk Dibe
873End Date cannot be before Start Date.Dîroka Dawîn nikare berî Destpêk Dîroka.
874End YearEnd Sal
875End Year cannot be before Start YearEnd Sal nikarim li ber Serî Sal be
876End onDawîn
877Ends On date cannot be before Next Contact Date.Dîroka Dawî dawî dibe ku beriya têkiliya paşîn ya paşê bê.
880Enough Parts to BuildParts bes ji bo Build
882Enrolling studentxwendekarê qeyîtkirine
883Enrolling studentsXwendekar xwendin
884Enter depreciation detailsAgahdariya nirxandinê binivîse
885Enter the Bank Guarantee Number before submittting.Berî şandina submissiontting hejmara Qanûna Garantiyê binivîse.
886Enter the name of the Beneficiary before submittting.Navê navê Xweseriya Berî berî radest bikin.
887Enter the name of the bank or lending institution before submittting.Navê navnîşa bankê an saziya lînansê binivîse berî şandin.
888Enter value betweeen {0} and {1}Heqê valahiyê {0} û {1} binivîse
889Entertainment & LeisureMusic &amp; Leisure
890Entertainment ExpensesMesref Entertainment
891EquitySebra min
892Error LogTêkeve Error
893Error evaluating the criteria formulaÇewtiya nirxandina formula standard
894Error in formula or condition: {0}Çewtî di formula an rewşa: {0}
895Error: Not a valid id?Çewtî: Not a id derbasdar e?
896Estimated CostCost texmînkirin
897Even if there are multiple Pricing Rules with highest priority, then following internal priorities are applied:Heta eger ne Rules Pricing multiple bi Girîngiya herî bilind heye, pêşengiyê navxweyî ye, wê li jêr tên sepandin:
898Exchange Gain/LossExchange Gain / Loss
899Exchange Rate Revaluation master.Master Rêjeya Guhertina Ragihandinê.
900Exchange Rate must be same as {0} {1} ({2})Exchange Rate divê eynî wek {0} {1} ({2})
901Excise Invoicebaca bi fatûreyên
903Executive SearchRêveber Search
904Expand AllExpand Hemû
905Expected Delivery DateHêvîkirin Date Delivery
906Expected Delivery Date should be after Sales Order DateDivê Dîroka Daxuyaniya Dîrokê Divê piştî Sermarkirina Darmendê
907Expected End DateHêvîkirin Date End
908Expected HrsExpected Hrs
909Expected Start DateHêvîkirin Date Start
911Expense / Difference account ({0}) must be a 'Profit or Loss' accountaccount Expense / Cudahiya ({0}), divê hesabekî &#39;Profit an Loss&#39; be
912Expense AccountAccount Expense
913Expense Claimmesrefan
914Expense ClaimsÎdîayên Expense
915Expense account is mandatory for item {0}account Expense bo em babete wêneke e {0}
917Expenses Included In Asset ValuationMesrefên Têkilî Li Di binirxandina sîgorteyê de
918Expenses Included In ValuationMesrefên di nav Valuation
919Expired BatchesBileyên Expired
920Expires Onketin ser
921Expiring OnDerbasbûnê Li ser
922Expiry (In Days)Expiry (Di Days)
924Export E-InvoicesE-Fatûrên Elektronîkî derxînin
925Extra LargeExtra Large
926Extra SmallExtra Small
928Failedbi ser neket
929Failed to create websiteFailed to malperê
930Failed to install presetsJi bo pêşniyazên sazkirinê nekin
931Failed to loginTêketin têkevin
932Failed to setup companyJi bo kompaniya sazkirinê neket
933Failed to setup defaultsSazkirinên mîhengan neçar bûn
934Failed to setup post company fixturesJi bo sazkirina kompaniya posta peyda neket
937Fee CreatedFee afirandin
938Fee Creation FailedCreating Fee Failed
939Fee Creation PendingPending Creation Pending
940Fee Records Created - {0}Records Fee Created - {0}
944Fetch DataFetch Data
945Fetch Subscription UpdatesFetch Subscription Updates
946Fetch exploded BOM (including sub-assemblies)Fetch BOM teqiya (di nav wan de sub-meclîs)
947Fetching records......Fetching records ......
948Field NameNavê Field
951Filter Fields Row #{0}: Fieldname <b>{1}</b> must be of type "Link" or "Table MultiSelect"Filter Fields Row # {0}: Navê Qada <b>{1}</b> divê bi rengek &quot;Link&quot; an &quot;Table MultiSelect&quot; be
952Filter Total Zero QtyFilter Total Zero Qty
953Finance BookBook Book
954Financial / accounting year.Financial / salê.
955Financial ServicesFinancial Services
956Financial StatementsRageyendrawekanî Financial
957Financial YearSala Fînansê
959Finished GoodBaş çêbû
960Finished Good Item CodeKodê Tiştê Başkirî qedand
961Finished GoodsGoods qedand
962Finished Item {0} must be entered for Manufacture type entryXilas babet {0} kirin, divê ji bo cureyê Manufacture entry ketin
963Finished product quantity <b>{0}</b> and For Quantity <b>{1}</b> cannot be differentHilberîna hilberê <b>{0}</b> û Ji bo Hejmar <b>{1}</b> nikarin cûda ne
964First NameNav
965Fiscal Regime is mandatory, kindly set the fiscal regime in the company {0}Rejîma darayî mecbûrî ye, bi kerema xwe rejîmê fînanse li pargîdanî set 0 set bicîh bikin
966Fiscal Yearsala diravî ya
967Fiscal Year End Date should be one year after Fiscal Year Start DateDîroka Dawiya Salê ya Fasîkî divê yek sal piştî Mêjûya Destpêka Sala Fasîkî
968Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date are already set in Fiscal Year {0}Malî Sal Date Start û malî Sal End Date bi xwe di sala diravî set {0}
969Fiscal Year Start Date should be one year earlier than Fiscal Year End DateDîroka Destpêka Salê Fasîkî divê salek berê ji Dîroka Dawiya Salê ya Fasîkal be
970Fiscal Year {0} does not existSal malî {0} tune
971Fiscal Year {0} is requiredSal malî {0} pêwîst e
972Fixed AssetAsset Fixed
973Fixed Asset Item must be a non-stock item.Babetê Asset Fixed, divê babete non-stock be.
974Fixed AssetsMaldarî Fixed
975Following Material Requests have been raised automatically based on Item's re-order levelPiştî Requests Material hatine automatically li ser asta re-da babete rabûye
976Following accounts might be selected in GST Settings:Di hesabên GST de bêne hilbijartin:
977Following course schedules were createdDi çarçoveyek kursên rêbazan de hatine afirandin
978Following item {0} is not marked as {1} item. You can enable them as {1} item from its Item masterBabetê {0 wekî tişt {1} nayê nîşankirin. Hûn dikarin wan wekî {1} tiştê ku ji mastera wê ya gotarê bikêr bikin
979Following items {0} are not marked as {1} item. You can enable them as {1} item from its Item masterPirsên jêrîn {0} ne wekî wekî {1} nîşankirin. Hûn dikarin ji wan re xuya bikin ku ji {1} tiştê ji masterê xwe ve
980Food, Beverage & TobaccoFood, Beverage &amp; tutunê
982For 'Product Bundle' items, Warehouse, Serial No and Batch No will be considered from the 'Packing List' table. If Warehouse and Batch No are same for all packing items for any 'Product Bundle' item, those values can be entered in the main Item table, values will be copied to 'Packing List' table.Ji bo tomar &#39;Product Bundle&#39;, Warehouse, Serial No û Batch No wê ji ser sifrê &#39;Lîsteya Packing&#39; nirxandin. Ger Warehouse û Batch No bo hemû tomar bo barkirinê bo em babete ti &#39;Bundle Product&#39; eynî ne, wan nirxan dikare li ser sifrê Babetê serekî ketin, nirxên wê bê kopîkirin to &#39;tê de Lîsteya&#39; sifrê.
983For Quantity (Manufactured Qty) is mandatoryJi bo Diravan (Manufactured Qty) wêneke e
984For Supplierji bo Supplier
985For WarehouseJi bo Warehouse
986For Warehouse is required before SubmitJi bo Warehouse berî pêwîst e Submit
987For an item {0}, quantity must be negative numberJi bo an item {0}, hejmar divê hejmareke neyînî be
988For an item {0}, quantity must be positive numberJi bo tiştek {0}, hejmar hejmara hejmara erênî ye
989For job card {0}, you can only make the 'Material Transfer for Manufacture' type stock entryJi bo karta kar {0, hûn tenê dikarin têketina depoyê ya celebê Trans Veguhastina Materyalê ji bo çêkirinê çêbikin
990For row {0} in {1}. To include {2} in Item rate, rows {3} must also be includedJi bo row {0} li {1}. To de {2} di rêjeya Babetê, rêzikan {3} jî, divê di nav de bê
991For row {0}: Enter Planned QtyJi bo row {0}
992For {0}, only credit accounts can be linked against another debit entryJi bo {0}, tenê bikarhênerên credit dikare li dijî entry debit din ve girêdayî
993For {0}, only debit accounts can be linked against another credit entryJi bo {0}, tenê bikarhênerên debit dikare li dijî entry credit din ve girêdayî
994Forum ActivityÇalakiya Forum
995Free item code is not selectedKoda belaş belaş nayê hilbijartin
996Freight and Forwarding ChargesKoçberên êşkencebûyî tê û şandinê de doz li
998FridayRoja Înê
1000From Address 1Ji Navnîşana 1
1001From Address 2Ji Navnîşana 2
1002From Currency and To Currency cannot be sameJi Exchange û To Exchange ne dikarin heman
1003From Date and To Date lie in different Fiscal YearJi Dîrok û Dîroka Dîroka Di Salê Fînansê de cuda ye
1004From Date cannot be greater than To DateJi Date ne dikarin bibin mezintir To Date
1005From Date must be before To DateJi Date divê berî To Date be
1006From Date should be within the Fiscal Year. Assuming From Date = {0}Ji Date divê di nava sala diravî be. Bihesibînin Ji Date = {0}
1007From DatetimeJi Datetime
1008From Delivery NoteJi Delivery Note
1009From Fiscal YearJi Sala Fiscal
1011From Party NameJi navê Partiyê
1012From Pin CodeKodê ji
1013From PlaceJi Cihê
1014From Range has to be less than To RangeJi Range ev be ku kêmtir ji To Range
1015From StateJi Dewletê
1016From Timeji Time
1017From Time Should Be Less Than To TimeJi Roja Dem Ji Demjimêr Dibe Ji Bikin
1018From Time cannot be greater than To Time.Ji Time ne dikarin bibin mezintir To Time.
1019From a supplier under composition scheme, Exempt and Nil ratedJi peydakirinek re di binê pilana berhevokê de, Exempt û Nil pîvandin
1020From and To dates requiredFrom û To dîrokên pêwîst
1021From value must be less than to value in row {0}Ji nirxê gerek kêmtir ji bo nirxê di rêza be {0}
1022From {0} | {1} {2}Ji {0} | {1} {2}
1024Full NameNavê tam
1025Fully Depreciatedbi temamî bicūkkirin
1026Furnitures and FixturesNavmal û Fixtures
1027Further accounts can be made under Groups, but entries can be made against non-Groupsbikarhênerên berfireh dikarin di bin Groups kirin, di heman demê de entries dikare li dijî non-Groups kirin
1028Further cost centers can be made under Groups but entries can be made against non-Groupsnavendên mesrefa berfireh dikarin di bin Groups made di heman demê de entries dikare li dijî non-Groups kirin
1029Further nodes can be only created under 'Group' type nodeshucûma berfireh dikarin bi tenê di bin &#39;Group&#39; type hucûma tên afirandin
1032Gain/Loss on Asset DisposalQezenc / Loss li ser çespandina Asset
1033Gantt ChartChart Gantt
1034Gantt chart of all tasks.Gantt chart ji hemû erkên.
1037General LedgerLedger giştî
1038Generate Material Requests (MRP) and Work Orders.Daxuyaniya Materyalên Niştimanî (MRP) û Karên Karkeran.
1039Generate SecretSecret secret
1040Get InvociesBeşdarbûnan bistînin
1041Get InvoicesInertan Bikin
1042Get Invoices based on FiltersLi Filters-ê li ser binê Fatûreyan bistînin
1043Get Items from BOMGet Nawy ji BOM
1044Get Items from Healthcare ServicesXizmetên ji Xizmetên Tenduristiyê Bistînin
1045Get Items from PrescriptionsJi bo pêşniyarên peyda bibin
1046Get Items from Product BundleGet Nawy ji Bundle Product
1047Get SuppliersHarmend bibin
1048Get Suppliers ByBi Dirîkariyê Bişînin
1049Get UpdatesGet rojanekirî
1050Get customers fromJi mişterî bibin
1051Get from Patient EncounterJi Pevçûnê Nexweşiyê bibînin
1052Getting StartedDestpêkirin
1053GitHub Sync IDNasnameya GitHub
1054Global settings for all manufacturing processes.settings Global ji bo hemû pêvajoyên bi aktîvîteyên.
1055Go to the Desktop and start using ERPNextGo to the desktop û dest bi bikaranîna ERPNext
1056GoCardless SEPA MandateRêveberiya SEPA GoCardless
1057GoCardless payment gateway settingsMîhengên gateway ya GoCardless
1058Goal and ProcedureArmanc û pêkanîn
1059Goals cannot be emptyArmancên ne vala be
1060Goods In TransitTiştên Di Veguhestinê de
1061Goods TransferredTiştên hatin veguhestin
1062Goods and Services Tax (GST India)Mal û xizmetan Bacê (gst India)
1063Goods are already received against the outward entry {0}Pêwîstiyên li dijî derveyî derveyî serkeftî tête {0}
1065Grand TotalÃƒÆ Bi tevahî
1067Grant ApplicationSerîlêdana Grant
1068Grant LeavesGrant Leaves
1069Grant information.Agahdariyê bide
1071Gross ProfitProfit Gross
1072Gross Profit %Profit% Gross
1073Gross Profit / LossProfit Gross / Loss
1074Gross Purchase AmountŞêwaz Purchase Gross
1075Gross Purchase Amount is mandatoryŞêwaz Purchase Gross wêneke e
1076Group by AccountPol destê Account
1077Group by PartyKoma ji hêla Partiyê ve
1078Group by VoucherPol destê Vienna
1079Group by Voucher (Consolidated)Koma ji hêla Voucher (vehevkirî)
1080Group node warehouse is not allowed to select for transactionswarehouse node Pol nayê ne bi destûr ji bo muameleyên hilbijêre
1081Group to Non-GroupPol to non-Group
1082Group your students in batchesPol xwendekarên xwe li lekerên
1084Guardian1 Email IDGuardian1 ID Email
1085Guardian1 Mobile NoGuardian1 Mobile No
1086Guardian1 NameNavê Guardian1
1087Guardian2 Email IDGuardian2 ID Email
1088Guardian2 Mobile NoGuardian2 Mobile No
1089Guardian2 NameNavê Guardian2
1090HR ManagerManager HR
1093Half Yearlynîv Hit
1094Half-YearlyNîvsal carekî pişkinînên didanan
1096Head of Marketing and SalesHead of Marketing û Nest
1097Health CareParastina saxlemîyê
1098HealthcareParastina saxlemîyê
1099Healthcare (beta)Tenduristiyê (beta)
1100Healthcare PractitionerBijîşkdariya Tenduristiyê
1101Healthcare Practitioner not available on {0}Projektiya tenduristiyê ya tendurustiyê ne li ser {0}
1102Healthcare Practitioner {0} not available on {1}Projeya tendurustiyê ya tendurustiyê {0} ne li ser {1}
1103Healthcare Service UnitYekîneya Xizmetiya Tenduristiyê
1104Healthcare Service Unit TreeTree Tree Service
1105Healthcare Service Unit TypeTenduristiya Yekîneya Tenduristiyê ya tenduristiyê
1106Healthcare ServicesXizmetên tenduristiyê
1107Healthcare SettingsMîhengên tenduristiyê
1108Help Results forAlîkariya Alîkariya ji bo
1110High SensitivitySensîteya Bilind
1112Hold InvoiceRêbaza bisekinin
1114Holiday ListLîsteya Holiday
1115Hotel Rooms of type {0} are unavailable on {1}Rooms Rooms of type {0} li ser {1}
1119How Pricing Rule is applied?Çawa Pricing Rule sepandin?
1120Hub CategoryKategorî
1121Hub Sync IDNasnameya Hub Sync
1122Human Resourceçavkaniyê binirxîne mirovan
1123Human ResourcesÇavkaniyên Mirovî
1124IGST AmountAmûr IGST
1125IP AddressNavnîşana IP&#39;yê
1126ITC Available (whether in full op part)Danûstandinên ITC (gelo di beşa tevahiya opoyê de)
1127ITC ReversedITC berevajî kir
1128Identifying Decision MakersDaxuyaniya biryara nasnameyê
1129If Auto Opt In is checked, then the customers will be automatically linked with the concerned Loyalty Program (on save)Heke Opt Opt In kontrol kirin, dê paşê dê mişterî bi otomatîkê têkildarî têkildarî têkildarî têkildarî têkildarî têkevin (li ser parastinê)
1130If multiple Pricing Rules continue to prevail, users are asked to set Priority manually to resolve conflict.Ger Rules Pricing multiple berdewam bi ser keve, bikarhênerên pirsî danîna Priority bi destan ji bo çareserkirina pevçûnan.
1131If selected Pricing Rule is made for 'Rate', it will overwrite Price List. Pricing Rule rate is the final rate, so no further discount should be applied. Hence, in transactions like Sales Order, Purchase Order etc, it will be fetched in 'Rate' field, rather than 'Price List Rate' field.Gava ku Rêjeya Nirxandinê hilbijartî ji bo &#39;Rêjeya&#39; ji bo hilbijartin, wê dê lîsteya bihayê bidomîne. Rêjeya rêjeya rêjeya rêjeya dawîn e, ji ber vê yekê bila bêbawer bê bikaranîn. Ji ber vê yekê, di veguherandina mîna Biryara Sermê, Biryara Kirê û Niştimanî, dê di qada &#39;Rêjeya&#39; de, ji bilî &#39;Field List Lîsteya Bêjeya&#39;.
1132If two or more Pricing Rules are found based on the above conditions, Priority is applied. Priority is a number between 0 to 20 while default value is zero (blank). Higher number means it will take precedence if there are multiple Pricing Rules with same conditions.Eger du an jî zêdetir Rules Pricing dîtin li ser şert û mercên li jor li, Priority sepandin. Girîngî hejmareke di navbera 0 to 20 e dema ku nirxa standard zero (vala) e. hejmara Bilind tê wê wateyê ku ew dê sertir eger ne Rules Pricing multiple bi eynî şert û li wir bigirin.
1133If unlimited expiry for the Loyalty Points, keep the Expiry Duration empty or 0.Ger hejmara betalîfên ji bo Hevpeymaniya bêkêmasî nebe, bidawîbûna demdêriya vala an jî 0.
1134If you have any questions, please get back to us.Eger pirsên te hebin, ji kerema xwe ve dîsa ji me re bistînin.
1135Ignore Existing Ordered QtyFermandariya Qederê ya heyî ya nezanîn
1137Image ViewWêne View
1138Import DataDaneyên Import
1139Import Day Book DataDaneyên Pirtûka Rojê Import bikin
1140Import LogImport bike Têkeve Têkeve
1141Import Master DataDaneyên Master-ê Import bikin
1142Import in BulkImport li Gir
1143Import of goodsImportxrac xistin
1144Import of servicesKarûbarên barkirinê
1145Importing Items and UOMsItemsêkirina Tişt û UOM-ê
1146Importing Parties and AddressesPartî û Navnîşanên ingêkirin
1147In MaintenanceDi Tenduristiyê de
1148In ProductionDi Hilberînê de
1149In QtyLi Qty
1150In Stock QtyIn Stock Qty
1151In Stock: Ez bêzarim:
1152In Valuedi Nirx
1153In the case of multi-tier program, Customers will be auto assigned to the concerned tier as per their spentDi rewşê de bernameya pir-tier, Ewrûpa dê ji hêla xercê xwe ve girêdayî xerîb be
1156Include Default FB EntriesNavnîşanên Pirtûka Pêvek Bawer bikin
1157Include Exploded ItemsIncluded Dead Items
1158Include POS TransactionsTêkiliyên POSê de
1159Include UOMUOM
1160Included in Gross ProfitDi Profitiya Mezin de tête kirin
1162Income AccountAccount hatina
1163Income TaxBacê hatina
1165Incoming RateRate Incoming
1166Incorrect number of General Ledger Entries found. You might have selected a wrong Account in the transaction.hejmara şaş ya Giştî Ledger berheman dîtin. Hûn a Account nerast di mêjera hilbijart.
1167Increment cannot be 0Increment nikare bibe 0
1168Increment for Attribute {0} cannot be 0Increment bo Pêşbîr {0} nikare bibe 0
1169Indirect ExpensesMesref nerasterast di
1170Indirect IncomeDahata nerasterast di
1172Ineligible ITCITC bêserûber
1174Inpatient RecordQeydkirî ya Nexweş
1175Installation Noteinstallation Note
1176Installation Note {0} has already been submittedInstallation Têbînî {0} ji niha ve hatine radestkirin
1177Installation date cannot be before delivery date for Item {0}date Installation nikarim li ber roja çêbûna ji bo babet bê {0}
1178Installing presetsPêşniyarên sazkirinê
1179Institute AbbreviationAbbreviation Enstîtuya
1180Institute NameNavê Enstîtuya
1182Insufficient StockStock Têrê nake
1183Insurance Start date should be less than Insurance End datedate Insurance Serî divê kêmtir ji date Insurance End be
1184Integrated TaxBacê hevgirtî
1185Inter-State SuppliesAlavên Dewleta Navîn
1186Internet PublishingPublishing Internet
1187Intra-State SuppliesAmûrên intra-Dewlet
1189Invalid AttributePêşbîr Invalid
1190Invalid Blanket Order for the selected Customer and ItemBiryareke çewt ya ji bo kirrûbirr û hilberê hilbijartî
1191Invalid Company for Inter Company Transaction.Pargîdaniya Navgîn a ji bo veguhestina pargîdaniya Inter.
1192Invalid GSTIN! A GSTIN must have 15 characters.GSTIN nederbasdar e! GSTIN divê 15 tîp hebe.
1193Invalid GSTIN! First 2 digits of GSTIN should match with State number {0}.GSTIN çewt Yekem 2 hejmarên GSTIN divê bi hejmarek dewleta {0} bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re bi hev re re hevkar bikin
1194Invalid GSTIN! The input you've entered doesn't match the format of GSTIN.GSTIN nederbasdar e! Vîzyona ku we têkevî bi formata GSTIN re hevber nabe.
1195Invalid Posting TimeWexta Posteyê çewt
1196Invalid attribute {0} {1}taybetmendiyê de çewt {0} {1}
1197Invalid quantity specified for item {0}. Quantity should be greater than 0.dorpêçê de derbasdar e ji bo em babete {0}. Quantity divê mezintir 0 be.
1198Invalid reference {0} {1}Referansa çewt {0} {1}
1199Invalid {0}Invalid {0}
1200Invalid {0} for Inter Company Transaction.Ji bo Veguhestina Pargîdaniya Inter {0 In betal e.
1201Invalid {0}: {1}Invalid {0}: {1}
1203Investment BankingBanking Investment
1206Invoice CreatedInvoice afirandin
1207Invoice DiscountingPêşkêşkirina Pêşkêşvanê
1208Invoice Patient RegistrationPêwîstiya Nexweşê
1209Invoice Posting DateBi fatûreyên Mesaj Date
1210Invoice Typebi fatûreyên Type
1211Invoice already created for all billing hoursDaxistina ji bo hemû demjimêrên hemî damezrandin
1212Invoice can't be made for zero billing hourBêguman nikare saet ji bo sisiyan bêdeng nabe
1213Invoice {0} no longer existsInvoice {0} no longer exists
1215Invoiced AmountŞêwaz fatore
1217Invoices for Costumers.Bersivên ji bo Xerîdar.
1218Inward supplies from ISDNavçeyên hundir ji ISD radigirin
1219Inward supplies liable to reverse charge (other than 1 & 2 above)Materyalên hundur ên ku mûçeya berevajî hene (ji bilî 1 &amp; 2 li jor)
1220Is Activeçalak e
1221Is Defaulte Default
1222Is Existing AssetMa karpêkirî Asset
1223Is Frozene Frozen
1224Is GroupIs Group
1226Issue MaterialDoza Material
1229It is needed to fetch Item Details.Ev pêwîst e ji bo pędivî Details Babetê.
1231Item 1Babetê 1
1232Item 2Babetê 2
1233Item 3Babetê 3
1234Item 4Babetê 4
1235Item 5Babetê 5
1236Item CartTêxe vî babetî
1237Item CodeCode babetî
1238Item Code cannot be changed for Serial No.Code babete dikarin ji bo No. Serial ne bê guhertin
1239Item Code required at Row No {0}Code babete pêwîst li Row No {0}
1240Item DescriptionBabetê Description
1241Item GroupBabetê Group
1242Item Group TreeBabetê Pol Tree
1243Item Group not mentioned in item master for item {0}Babetê Pol di master babete bo em babete behsa ne {0}
1244Item NameNavê Navekî
1245Item Price added for {0} in Price List {1}Babetê Price added for {0} li List Price {1}
1246Item Price appears multiple times based on Price List, Supplier/Customer, Currency, Item, UOM, Qty and Dates.Barkirina Barkirina çend caran tête navnîşan Lîsteyê, Berpirsiyar / Mişterî, Pirtûka Giştî, UOM, Qty û Dates.
1247Item Price updated for {0} in Price List {1}Babetê Price ve ji bo {0} li List Price {1}
1248Item Row {0}: {1} {2} does not exist in above '{1}' tableRow {0}: {1} {2} ya sîteya li jorê &#39;{1}&#39; nîne
1249Item Tax Row {0} must have account of type Tax or Income or Expense or ChargeableRow Bacê babete {0} de divê hesabê type Bacê an Hatinê an jî Expense an Chargeable hene
1250Item TemplateŞablon Şablon
1251Item Variant SettingsPeldanka Variant
1252Item Variant {0} already exists with same attributesBabetê Variant {0} ji xwe bi taybetmendiyên xwe heman heye
1253Item VariantsVariants babetî
1254Item Variants updatedBabetê Variant nûve kir
1255Item has variants.Em babete Guhertoyên.
1256Item must be added using 'Get Items from Purchase Receipts' buttonBabetê, divê bikaranîna &#39;Get Nawy ji Purchase Receipts&#39; button bê zêdekirin
1257Item valuation rate is recalculated considering landed cost voucher amountrêjeya muhletan babete ji nuh ve ji ber kefte mesrefa mîqdara fîşeke
1258Item variant {0} exists with same attributesvariant babete {0} bi taybetmendiyên xwe heman heye
1259Item {0} does not existBabetê {0} tune
1260Item {0} does not exist in the system or has expiredBabetê {0} nayê di sîstema tune ne, an jî xelas bûye
1261Item {0} has already been returnedBabetê {0} ji niha ve hatine vegerandin
1262Item {0} has been disabledBabetê {0} neçalakirin
1263Item {0} has reached its end of life on {1}Babetê {0} dawiya wê ya jiyanê li ser gihîşt {1}
1264Item {0} ignored since it is not a stock itemBabetê {0} hesibandin ji ber ku ew e ku em babete stock ne
1265Item {0} is a template, please select one of its variantsBabetê {0} a şablonê ye, ji kerema xwe ve yek ji Guhertoyên xwe hilbijêre
1266Item {0} is cancelledBabetê {0} betal e
1267Item {0} is disabledBabetê {0} neçalak e
1268Item {0} is not a serialized ItemBabetê {0} e a babete weşandin ne
1269Item {0} is not a stock ItemBabetê {0} e a stock babete ne
1270Item {0} is not active or end of life has been reachedBabetê {0} e çalak ne jî dawiya jiyana gihîştiye
1271Item {0} is not setup for Serial Nos. Check Item masterBabetê {0} e setup bo Serial Nos ne. Kontrol bike master babetî
1272Item {0} is not setup for Serial Nos. Column must be blankBabetê {0} e setup bo Serial Nos ne. Stûna divê vala be
1273Item {0} must be a Fixed Asset ItemBabetê {0}, divê babete Asset Fixed be
1274Item {0} must be a Sub-contracted ItemBabetê {0}, divê babete-bînrawe bi peyman be
1275Item {0} must be a non-stock itemBabetê {0}, divê babete non-stock be
1276Item {0} must be a stock ItemBabetê {0} divê stock babete be
1277Item {0} not foundBabetê {0} nehate dîtin
1278Item {0} not found in 'Raw Materials Supplied' table in Purchase Order {1}Babetê {0} di &#39;Delîlên Raw Supplied&#39; sifrê li Purchase Kom nehate dîtin {1}
1279Item {0}: Ordered qty {1} cannot be less than minimum order qty {2} (defined in Item).Babetê {0}: QTY fermana {1} nikare were kêmî ji kêm QTY da {2} (danasîn li babete).
1280Item: {0} does not exist in the systemBabet: {0} nayê di sîstema tune
1282Items FilterFilter Filter
1283Items and PricingNawy û Pricing
1284Items for Raw Material RequestTiştên ji bo Daxwaza Raweya Raw
1285Job CardKartê kar
1286Job card {0} createdKarta karta {0} hat afirandin
1288Journal Entries {0} are un-linkedJournal Arşîva {0} un-girêdayî ne
1289Journal EntryPeyam di Journal
1290Journal Entry {0} does not have account {1} or already matched against other voucherPeyam di kovara {0} nayê Hesabê te nîne {1} an ji niha ve bi rêk û pêk li dijî din fîşeke
1291Kanban BoardKanban Board
1292Key ReportsRaporên sereke
1293LMS ActivityAlakiya LMS
1294Lab TestTest test
1295Lab Test ReportReport Report Lab
1296Lab Test SampleSample Lab Lab
1297Lab Test TemplateTemplate Test Lab
1298Lab Test UOMUOM Lab Lab
1299Lab Tests and Vital SignsLîsteyên Tebûr û Nîşaneyên Navneteweyî
1300Lab result datetime cannot be before testing datetimeDi encama datemê de ji ber encamên labehê vebigere pêşî nabe
1301Lab testing datetime cannot be before collection datetimeDatetime lab testê ji beriya datetime berdin
1305Last CommunicationRagihandina dawî
1306Last Communication DateLast Date Ragihandin
1307Last NamePaşnav
1308Last Order AmountLast Order Mîqdar
1309Last Order DateLast Order Date
1310Last Purchase PriceBargêrîna Dawîn
1311Last Purchase RateLast Rate Purchase
1313Latest price updated in all BOMsBuhayê herî dawî ya BOM di nû de nûvekirin
1315Lead CountView Lead
1316Lead OwnerXwedîyê Lead
1317Lead Owner cannot be same as the LeadXwedîyê Lead nikare bibe wek beşa Komedî de
1318Lead Time DaysRê Time Rojan
1319Lead to QuotationRê ji bo Quotation
1320Leads help you get business, add all your contacts and more as your leadsRêça te alîkarîya te bike business, lê zêde bike hemû têkiliyên xwe û zêdetir wek rêça te
1322Leave ManagementDev ji Management
1323Leave and AttendanceDev û Beşdariyê
1324Leave application {0} already exists against the student {1}Ji bo xwendekaran {0} ji ber ku ji xwendekaran ve hat berdan heye {1}
1325Leaves has been granted sucessfullyGelek destûr dan
1326Leaves must be allocated in multiples of 0.5Pelên divê li mamoste ji 0.5 terxan kirin
1329Legal ExpensesMesref Yasayî
1330Letter Headnameya Serokê
1331Letter Heads for print templates.Serên nameyek ji bo şablonan print.
1334Limit CrossedSînora Crossed
1335Link to Material RequestLink to Material Request
1336List of all share transactionsLîsteya danûstandinên hemî parve bikin
1337List of available Shareholders with folio numbersLîsteya parvekirî yên bi bi hejmarên folio re hene
1338Loading Payment SystemPergala Paydayê
1340Loan Start Date and Loan Period are mandatory to save the Invoice DiscountingDîroka Destpêkê û Kevana Dravê Barkirina Dravê Dagirkirinê mecbûr in
1341Loans (Liabilities)Deyn (Deynên)
1342Loans and Advances (Assets)Deynan û pêşketina (Maldarî)
1344Logs for maintaining sms delivery statusTêketin ji bo parastina statûya delivery sms
1346Lost ReasonsSedemên winda
1348Low SensitivitySensiyatîfa kêm
1349Lower IncomeDahata Lower
1350Loyalty AmountAmûdê
1351Loyalty Point EntryEntity Entity Entry
1352Loyalty PointsPoints of loyalty
1353Loyalty Points will be calculated from the spent done (via the Sales Invoice), based on collection factor mentioned.Points of loyalty will be calculated ((via via Sales Invoice), ji hêla faktora kolektîfê re behsa kirê ye.
1354Loyalty Points: {0}Pîvanên Baweriyê: {0}
1355Loyalty ProgramProgram
1358Maintenance LogLog-Maintenance
1359Maintenance ManagerManager Maintenance
1360Maintenance ScheduleCedwela Maintenance
1361Maintenance Schedule is not generated for all the items. Please click on 'Generate Schedule'Maintenance nehatî ji bo hemû tomar bi giştî ne. Ji kerema xwe re li ser &#39;Çêneke Cedwela&#39; klîk bike
1362Maintenance Schedule {0} exists against {1}Maintenance Cedwela {0} dijî heye {1}
1363Maintenance Schedule {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales OrderMaintenance Cedwela {0} divê berî betalkirinê ev Sales Order were betalkirin
1364Maintenance Status has to be Cancelled or Completed to SubmitRewşa Tenduristiyê divê betal bike an qedexekirinê
1365Maintenance UserMaintenance Bikarhêner
1366Maintenance VisitMaintenance Visit
1367Maintenance Visit {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales OrderMaintenance Visit {0} divê berî betalkirinê ev Sales Order were betalkirin
1368Maintenance start date can not be before delivery date for Serial No {0}date destpêka Maintenance nikarim li ber roja çêbûna ji bo Serial No be {0}
1370Make Paymentazaran
1371Make project from a template.Projeyek ji pêlavekê çêbikin.
1372Making Stock EntriesMaking Stock Arşîva
1374Manage Customer Group Tree.Manage Mişterî Pol Tree.
1375Manage Sales Partners.Manage Partners Sales.
1376Manage Sales Person Tree.Manage Sales Person Tree.
1377Manage Territory Tree.Manage Tree Herêmê.
1378Manage your ordersManage fermana xwe
1381Managing Projectsbirêvebirina Projeyên
1382Managing Subcontractingbirêvebirina îhaleya
1384Mandatory field - Academic Yearwarê Mandatory - Year (Ekadîmî)
1385Mandatory field - Get Students Fromwarê Mandatory - Get Xwendekarên From
1386Mandatory field - Programwarê Mandatory - Program
1389Manufacturer Part NumberManufacturer Hejmara Part
1391Manufacturing Quantity is mandatoryManufacturing Quantity wêneke e
1393Mapping TypeTîpa Mapping
1394Mark AbsentMark Absent
1395Mark Half DayDay Mark Half
1396Mark PresentPresent Mark
1398Marketing ExpensesMesref marketing
1400Marketplace ErrorÇewtiya Marketplace
1402Match Payments with InvoicesPayments Match bi fatûreyên
1403Match non-linked Invoices and Payments.Hev hisab ne-girêdayî û Payments.
1405Material ConsumptionKişandina materyalê
1406Material Consumption is not set in Manufacturing Settings.Serdanîna Amûdê di Guhertoya Manufacturing Setup de ne.
1407Material ReceiptMeqbûz maddî
1408Material RequestDaxwaza maddî
1409Material Request DateMaddî Date Daxwaza
1410Material Request NoDaxwaza Material na
1411Material Request not created, as quantity for Raw Materials already available.Daxwaza Materyalê nehatiye afirandin, wekî ku hebên ji bo Raw Rawên ku jixwe ve tê de hene.
1412Material Request of maximum {0} can be made for Item {1} against Sales Order {2}Daxwaza maddî yên herî zêde {0} de ji bo babet {1} dijî Sales Order kirin {2}
1413Material Request to Purchase OrderDaxwaza madî ji bo Buy Order
1414Material Request {0} is cancelled or stoppedDaxwaza maddî {0} betal e an sekinî
1415Material Request {0} submitted.Daxwaza Material {0} şandin.
1416Material TransferTransfer maddî
1417Material TransferredMateryal veguhestin
1418Material to SupplierMadî ji bo Supplier
1419Max discount allowed for item: {0} is {1}%Max discount destûr bo em babete: {0} {1}% e
1420Max: {0}Max: {0}
1421Maximum Samples - {0} can be retained for Batch {1} and Item {2}.Nimûneyên herî zêde - {0} dikare ji bo Batch {1} û Peldanka {2} tê parastin.
1422Maximum Samples - {0} have already been retained for Batch {1} and Item {2} in Batch {3}.Nimûneyên Nêzîkî - {0} jixwe ji bo Batch {1} û Tişta {2} di Batch {3 already de hatine girtin.
1423Maximum discount for Item {0} is {1}%Daxwaza herî zêde ji bo Item 0} tê 1}%
1424Medical CodeKodê bijîşk
1425Medical Code StandardStandard Code
1426Medical DepartmentDaîreya lênêrînê
1427Medical RecordRadyoya Tenduristiyê
1429Member ActivityÇalakiya Endamê
1430Member IDNasnameya Endamê
1431Member NameNavê Navê
1432Member information.Agahdariya Endamê.
1434Membership DetailsAgahdariya Agahdariyê
1435Membership IDNasnameya endam
1436Membership TypeTîpa Endamê
1437Memebership DetailsAgahdariya Memêber
1438Memebership Type DetailsAgahdariyên Şertên Memêkirinê
1440Merge AccountAccount Account
1441Merge with Existing AccountBi Hesabê heyî ve girêdayî ye
1442Merging is only possible if following properties are same in both records. Is Group, Root Type, CompanyYedega tenê mimkun e, eger taybetiyên jêrîn heman in hem records in. E Group, Type Root, Company
1443Message ExamplesNimûne Message
1444Message SentPeyam nehat şandin
1446Middle IncomeDahata Navîn
1447Middle NameNavê navbendî
1448Middle Name (Optional)Navê Navîn (Li gorî daxwazê)
1449Min Amt can not be greater than Max AmtMin Amt nikare ji Max Amt mezintir be
1450Min Qty can not be greater than Max QtyMin Qty ne dikarin bibin mezintir Max Qty
1451Minimum Lead Age (Days)Siparîşa hindiktirîn Lead Age (Days)
1452Miscellaneous ExpensesMesref Hemecore
1453Missing Currency Exchange Rates for {0}Exchange wenda Exchange ji bo {0}
1454Missing email template for dispatch. Please set one in Delivery Settings.Şîfreya emailê ji bo belavkirinê. Ji kerema xwe veguhastin li Settings Settings.
1455Missing value for Password, API Key or Shopify URLJi bo Nasnavê Nasnav, API Key or Shopify URL
1456Mode of PaymentMode Kredî
1457Mode of PaymentsMode Serê
1458Mode of TransportModeya veguherînê
1459Mode of TransportationMode Veguhestinê
1461Moderate SensitivitySensîteya Navendî ya Navendî
1464Monthly DistributionBelavkariya mehane
1466More InformationInformation More
1468Motion Picture & VideoMotion Picture &amp; Video
1470Move ItemBabetê move
1471Multi CurrencyMulti Exchange
1472Multiple Item prices.bihayê babet Multiple.
1473Multiple Loyalty Program found for the Customer. Please select manually.Bernameya Bila Loyalty ya ji bo Mişteriyê dît. Ji kerema xwe bi destane hilbijêrin.
1474Multiple Price Rules exists with same criteria, please resolve conflict by assigning priority. Price Rules: {0}Rules Price Multiple bi pîvanên heman heye, ji kerema xwe ve çareser şer ji aliyê hêzeke pêşanî. Rules Biha: {0}
1475Multiple VariantsPirrjimar Pirrjimar
1476Multiple fiscal years exist for the date {0}. Please set company in Fiscal Yearsalan malî Multiple ji bo roja {0} hene. Ji kerema xwe ve şîrketa ku di sala diravî
1478Name error: {0}error Name: {0}
1479Name of new Account. Note: Please don't create accounts for Customers and SuppliersName ji Account nû. Not: Ji kerema xwe, hesabên ji bo muşteriyan û Bed biafirîne
1480Name or Email is mandatoryNavê an Email wêneke e
1481Nature Of SuppliesXweseriya Xwezayî
1483Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis
1484Negative Quantity is not allowedElemanekî negatîvî nayê ne bi destûr
1485Negative Valuation Rate is not allowedRate Valuation neyînî nayê ne bi destûr
1486Negotiation/ReviewDaxuyanî / Çavdêriya
1487Net Asset value as onnirxa Asset Net ku li ser
1488Net Cash from FinancingCash Net ji Fînansa
1489Net Cash from InvestingCash Net ji Investing
1490Net Cash from OperationsCash Net ji operasyonên
1491Net Change in Accounts PayableChange Net di Accounts cîhde
1492Net Change in Accounts ReceivableChange Net li hesabê hilgirtinê
1493Net Change in CashChange Net di Cash
1494Net Change in EquityChange Net di Sebra min
1495Net Change in Fixed AssetChange Net di Asset Fixed
1496Net Change in InventoryChange Net di Inventory
1497Net ITC Available(A) - (B)Net ITC ITapkirî (A) - (B)
1498Net ProfitProfitiya Netewe
1499Net TotalTotal net
1500New Account NameNew Name Account
1501New AddressNew Address
1502New BOMNew BOM
1503New Batch ID (Optional)Batch ID New (Li gorî daxwazê)
1504New Batch QtyBatch New Qty
1505New CompanyNew Company
1506New Cost Center NameNew Name Navenda Cost
1507New Customer RevenueHatiniyên Mişterî New
1508New Customersmuşteriyan New
1509New DepartmentWezareta Nû
1510New EmployeeKarmendê Nû
1511New LocationCihê nû
1512New Quality ProcedureProcedura nû ya kalîteyê
1513New Sales InvoiceNew bi fatûreyên Sales
1514New Sales Person NameNavê New Person Sales
1515New Serial No cannot have Warehouse. Warehouse must be set by Stock Entry or Purchase ReceiptNo New Serial ne dikarin Warehouse hene. Warehouse kirin, divê ji aliyê Stock Peyam an Meqbûz Purchase danîn
1516New Warehouse NameNew Name Warehouse
1517New credit limit is less than current outstanding amount for the customer. Credit limit has to be atleast {0}limit credit New kêmtir ji yê mayî niha ji bo mişterî e. limit Credit heye Hindîstan be {0}
1518New taskerka New
1519New {0} pricing rules are createdQanûna nirxên nû ya {0} têne afirandin
1520Newspaper PublishersWeşanxane rojnameya
1522Next Contact By cannot be same as the Lead Email AddressNext Contact By nikare bibe wek Email Address Lead
1523Next Contact Date cannot be in the pastNext Contact Date ne di dema borî de be
1524Next StepsSteps Next
1525No ActionActionalakî tune
1526No Customers yet!No muşteriyan yet!
1527No DataNo Data
1528No Delivery Note selected for Customer {}Naveroka Hilbijartinê Na ku ji bo Meriv {}
1529No Item with Barcode {0}No babet bi Barcode {0}
1530No Item with Serial No {0}No babet bi Serial No {0}
1531No Items available for transferNaveroka ku ji bo veguhestinê nîne
1532No Items selected for transferNaveroka hilbijartinê ji bo veguhastinê tune
1533No Items to packNo babet to pack
1534No Items with Bill of Materials to ManufactureNo babet bi Bill ji materyalên ji bo Manufacture
1535No Items with Bill of Materials.No madeyên bi Bill of Material.
1536No PermissionNo Destûr
1537No RemarksNo têbînî
1538No Result to submitNe encam nabe ku şandin
1539No Student Groups created.No komên xwendekaran tên afirandin.
1540No Students inNo Xwendekarên li
1541No Tax Withholding data found for the current Fiscal Year.Naveroka Danûbarên Bexdayê ji bo Salê Fînansê ve hat dîtin.
1542No Work Orders createdNaveroka Karkeran nehat afirandin
1543No accounting entries for the following warehousesNo entries hisêba ji bo wargehan de li jêr
1544No contacts with email IDs found.Têkilî bi nasnameyên email-ê nehat dîtin.
1545No data for this periodDaneyên vê ji bo vê demê
1546No description givenNo description dayîn
1547No employees for the mentioned criteriaJi bo krîterên nirxên ne karmendan tune
1548No gain or loss in the exchange rateNe rêjeya neheqiyê an winda tune
1549No items listedNo tomar di lîsteyê de
1550No items to be received are overdueTi tiştên ku bêne qebûlkirin tune ne
1551No material request createdNaveroka maddî tune ne
1552No of InteractionsNaverokî tune
1553No of SharesNaveroka ne
1554No pending Material Requests found to link for the given items.Naveroka Daxuyaniya Pêdivî nîne ku ji bo daneyên peywendîdar ve girêdayî.
1555No products foundTi hilber nehat dîtin
1556No products found.No berhemên dîtin.
1557No record foundNo rekor hate dîtin
1558No records found in the Invoice tableNo records dîtin li ser sifrê bi fatûreyên
1559No records found in the Payment tableNo records dîtin li ser sifrê (DGD)
1560No tasksNo erkên
1561No time sheetsNo sheets dem
1562No valuesNirxên
1563No {0} found for Inter Company Transactions.No {0} ji bo Kompaniya Navnetewî ve tê dîtin.
1564Non GST Inward SuppliesAmûrên hundur ên ne GST
1565Non ProfitProfit non
1566Non Profit (beta)Non Profit (beta)
1567Non-GST outward suppliesMateryalên derveyî yên ne-GST
1568Non-Group to GroupNon-Pol to Group
1570None of the items have any change in quantity or value.Ne yek ji tomar ti guhertinê di dorpêçê de an nirxê.
1572Not AvailableNot Available
1573Not MarkedMarked ne
1574Not Paid and Not DeliveredPaid ne û Delivered ne
1575Not Permitteddestûrdayî ne
1576Not StartedDestpêkirin ne
1577Not activeçalak ne
1578Not allow to set alternative item for the item {0}Ne destûrê ji bo tiştek alternatîf hilbijêre {0}
1579Not allowed to update stock transactions older than {0}destûra te ya rojanekirina muameleyên borsayê yên kevintir ji {0}
1580Not authorized to edit frozen Account {0}destûr ne ji bo weşînertiya frozen Account {0}
1581Not authroized since {0} exceeds limitsauthroized ne ji ber ku {0} dibuhure ji sînorên
1582Not permitted for {0}ji bo destûr ne {0}
1583Not permitted, configure Lab Test Template as requiredNayê destnîşankirin, wekî pêwîst be
1584Not permitted. Please disable the Service Unit TypeNayê destûr kirin. Ji kerema xwe binivîse navenda yekîneyê
1585Note: Due / Reference Date exceeds allowed customer credit days by {0} day(s)Têbînî: Ji ber / Date: Çavkanî qat bi destûr rojan credit mişterî destê {0} roj (s)
1586Note: Item {0} entered multiple timesTêbînî: em babet {0} ketin çend caran
1587Note: Payment Entry will not be created since 'Cash or Bank Account' was not specifiedTêbînî: em Peyam Pere dê ji ber ku tên afirandin, ne bê &#39;Cash an Account Bank&#39; ne diyar bû
1588Note: System will not check over-delivery and over-booking for Item {0} as quantity or amount is 0Têbînî: em System bi wê jî li ser-teslîmkirinê û ser-booking ji bo babet {0} wek dikele, an miqdar 0 e
1589Note: There is not enough leave balance for Leave Type {0}Têbînî: e balance îzna bes ji bo Leave Type tune ne {0}
1590Note: This Cost Center is a Group. Cannot make accounting entries against groups.Nîşe: Ev Navenda Cost a Group e. Can entries, hesabgirê li dijî komên ku ne.
1591Note: {0}Têbînî: {0}
1593Nothing is included in grossNu tişt di grûpê de ne tête kirin
1594Nothing more to show.Tiştek din nîşan bidin.
1595Notify Customers via EmailBi rêya Peywendîdarên Îmêlê agahdar bikin
1597Number of Depreciations Booked cannot be greater than Total Number of DepreciationsHejmara Depreciations civanan ne dikarin bibin mezintir Hejmara Depreciations
1598Number of InteractionHejmara Nimite
1599Number of OrderHejmara Order
1600Number of new Account, it will be included in the account name as a prefixGelek hesabê nû, ew ê nav navê navnîşê wek pêşnivîsa tête
1601Number of new Cost Center, it will be included in the cost center name as a prefixHejmara navenda lêçûnên nû, dê navendê navendê navendê navendê ya nîqaşê bibin
1602Number of root accounts cannot be less than 4Hejmara hesabên root nikare ji 4 kêmtir be
1604Office EquipmentsTeçxîzatên hatiye Office
1605Office Maintenance ExpensesMesref Maintenance Office
1606Office RentOffice Rent
1607On HoldLi Hold
1608On Net TotalLi ser Net Total
1609One customer can be part of only single Loyalty Program.Mirov dikare bibe beşdariya bernameya yekdewletiya yekane.
1610Online AuctionsAuctions bike
1611Only the Student Applicant with the status "Approved" will be selected in the table below.Tenê Serdana Xwendekaran bi statuya &quot;pejirandî&quot; ê dê di binê jêrîn de bê hilbijartin.
1612Only users with {0} role can register on MarketplaceTenê bikarhênerên ku bi {0} role dikare dikarin li ser Marketplace qeyd bikin
1613Open BOM {0}Open BOM {0}
1614Open Item {0}Babetê Open {0}
1615Open NotificationsOpen Notifications
1616Open OrdersRêvebirên vekirî
1617Open a new ticketFirotineke nû vekin
1619Opening (Cr)Opening (Cr)
1620Opening (Dr)Opening (Dr)
1621Opening Accounting BalanceVekirina Balance Accounting
1622Opening Accumulated DepreciationVekirina Farhad. Accumulated
1623Opening Accumulated Depreciation must be less than equal to {0}Vekirina Farhad. Accumulated gerek kêmtir ji bo ku bibe yeksan û {0}
1624Opening BalanceBal kişandin
1625Opening Balance EquityOpening Sebra Balance
1626Opening Date and Closing Date should be within same Fiscal YearVekirina Date û roja dawî divê di heman sala diravî be
1627Opening Date should be before Closing DateVekirina Date divê berî Girtina Date be
1628Opening Entry JournalVebijêrtina Navnîşana Çandî
1629Opening Invoice Creation ToolDi Vebijandina Destûra Rêkeftinê de vekin
1630Opening Invoice ItemDi veguhestina Şîfreyê de vekin
1631Opening InvoicesDaxuyaniya vekirî
1632Opening Invoices SummaryVebijêrk Barkirina Vegerînê
1633Opening Qtyvekirina Qty
1634Opening Stockvekirina Stock
1635Opening Stock BalanceVekirina Balance Stock
1636Opening ValueNirx vekirinê
1637Opening {0} Invoice createdDi vekişînê de {0} vekirî ye
1639Operation Time must be greater than 0 for Operation {0}Operasyona Time divê mezintir 0 bo operasyonê bibin {0}
1640Operation {0} longer than any available working hours in workstation {1}, break down the operation into multiple operationsOperasyona {0} êdî ji hemû dema xebatê di linux {1}, birûxîne operasyona nav operasyonên piralî
1642Operations cannot be left blankOperasyonên bi vala neyê hiştin
1643Opp CountView opp
1644Opp/Lead %Opp /% Lead
1646Opportunities by lead sourceOpportunities by lead source
1648Opportunity AmountAmûdê Dike
1649Optional. Sets company's default currency, if not specified.Bixwe. Sets currency default şîrketê, eger xwe dişinî ne.
1650Optional. This setting will be used to filter in various transactions.Bixwe. Vê mîhengê wê were bikaranîn ji bo palavtina karê cuda cuda.
1652Order CountOrder View
1653Order EntryEntry Order
1654Order ValueOrder Nirx
1655Order rescheduled for syncFermana ji bo syncê veguhestin
1656Order/Quot %Kom / quot%
1657Orderedemir kir
1658Ordered Qtyemir kir Qty
1659Ordered Qty: Quantity ordered for purchase, but not received.Fermandar Qty: Hêjmar ji bo kirînê ferman da, lê negirtî.
1661Orders released for production.Emir ji bo hilberîna berdan.
1663Organization NameNavê rêxistina
1664OtherYên din
1665Other Reportsdin Reports
1666Other outward supplies(Nil rated,Exempted)Materyalên din ên derveyî (Nil nirxandin, Pezakirin)
1667Out Qtyout Qty
1668Out ValueNirx out
1669Out of OrderXirab
1672Outstanding Amountmayî
1673Outstanding AmtOutstanding Amt
1674Outstanding Cheques and Deposits to clearCheques Outstanding û meden ji bo paqijkirina
1675Outstanding for {0} cannot be less than zero ({1})Outstanding ji bo {0} nikare were kêmî ji sifir ({1})
1676Outward taxable supplies(zero rated)Pêdivîyên baca baca derve (bi rêjeya zero)
1678Overlap in scoring between {0} and {1}Overlap di navbera {0} û {1}
1679Overlapping conditions found between:şert û mercên gihîjte dîtin navbera:
1683POS ProfileProfile POS
1684POS Profile is required to use Point-of-SalePOS Profê pêwîst e ku ji bo Point-of-Sale bikar bînin
1685POS Profile required to make POS EntryPOS Profile pêwîst ji bo Peyam POS
1686POS SettingsPOS Settings
1687Packed quantity must equal quantity for Item {0} in row {1}dorpêçê de bi timamî, divê dorpêçê de ji bo babet {0} li row pêşya {1}
1688Packing SlipPacking Slip
1689Packing Slip(s) cancelledPacking Slip (s) betalkirin
1690Paidtê dayin
1691Paid AmountŞêwaz pere
1692Paid Amount cannot be greater than total negative outstanding amount {0}Şêwaz pere ne dikarin bibin mezintir total mayî neyînî {0}
1693Paid amount + Write Off Amount can not be greater than Grand Totalpereyan + hewe Off Mîqdar ne dikarin bibin mezintir Grand Total
1694Paid and Not DeliveredPere û bidana
1696Parent Item {0} must not be a Stock ItemDê û bav babet {0} ne, divê bibe babeta Stock
1697Parents Teacher Meeting AttendanceBeşdariya Mamosteyê Mamoste
1698Partially DepreciatedQismen bicūkkirin
1699Partially ReceivedBeşdarî wergirtiye
1701Party NameName Partiya
1702Party TypeType Partiya
1703Party Type and Party is mandatory for {0} accountPartiya Partiya Partiyê û Partiya {0} hesab e
1704Party Type is mandatoryType Partiya wêneke e
1705Party is mandatoryPartiya wêneke e
1706Past Due DateDîroka Past Past
1708Patient AppointmentSerdanek Nexweş
1709Patient EncounterPevçûna Nexweş
1710Patient not foundNexweş nayê dîtin
1711Pay RemainingPêdivî ye
1712Pay {0} {1}Pay {0} {1}
1714Payable AccountAccount cîhde
1716Payment Cancelled. Please check your GoCardless Account for more detailsPayment Cancel. Ji kerema xwe ji berfirehtir ji bo Agahdariya GoCardless binihêre
1717Payment ConfirmationDaxuyaniya Tezmînatê
1718Payment DocumentDokumentê Payment
1719Payment Due DatePayment Date ji ber
1720Payment Entries {0} are un-linkedArşîva Payment {0} un-girêdayî ne
1721Payment EntryPeyam di peredana
1722Payment Entry already existsPeyam di peredana ji berê ve heye
1723Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. Please pull it again.Peyam di peredana hatiye guherandin, piştî ku we paş de vekişiyaye. Ji kerema xwe re dîsa ew vekişîne.
1724Payment Entry is already createdPeyam di peredana ji nuha ve tên afirandin
1725Payment Failed. Please check your GoCardless Account for more detailsPayment failed. Ji kerema xwe ji berfirehtir ji bo Agahdariya GoCardless binihêre
1726Payment GatewayGateway Payment
1727Payment Gateway Account not created, please create one manually.Payment Account Gateway tên afirandin ne, ji kerema xwe ve yek bi destan biafirîne.
1728Payment Gateway NameNavnîşana Gatewayê
1729Payment ModeMode Payment
1730Payment Receipt NotePayment Meqbûz Note
1731Payment RequestDaxwaza Payment
1732Payment Request for {0}Request for {0}
1733Payment TemsTîmên Dravê
1734Payment TermTermê dayîn
1735Payment TermsŞertên Payan
1736Payment Terms TemplateŞablon
1737Payment Terms based on conditionsLi gorî şertan mercên dayinê
1738Payment TypeType Payment
1739Payment Type must be one of Receive, Pay and Internal TransferType pereyî, divê yek ji peyamek be, Pay û Şandina Hundirîn
1740Payment against {0} {1} cannot be greater than Outstanding Amount {2}Payment dijî {0} {1} nikare were mezintir Outstanding Mîqdar {2}
1741Payment request {0} createdDaxwaza tezmînatê {0} hat afirandin
1743Payroll Payablepayroll cîhde
1745Pending ActivitiesÇalakî hîn
1746Pending Amounthîn Mîqdar
1747Pending LeavesLeşkerên Pending
1748Pending QtyPending Qty
1749Pending QuantityLi benda Quantity
1750Pending Reviewhîn Review
1751Pending activities for todayçalakiyên hîn ji bo îro
1752Pension Fundskalîyê
1753Percentage Allocation should be equal to 100%Kodek rêjeya divê ji% 100 wekhev be
1754Perception AnalysisAnalysis Analysis
1756Period Closing EntryPeyam di dema Girtina
1757Period Closing VoucherDema Voucher Girtina
1759Personal DetailsDetails şexsî
1763Place Of Supply (State/UT)Cihê plyêkirinê (Dewlet / UT)
1764Place Ordercihê Order
1765Plan NamePlan Navê
1766Plan for maintenance visits.Plan ji bo serdanên maintenance.
1767Planned Qtybi plan Qty
1768Planned Qty: Quantity, for which, Work Order has been raised, but is pending to be manufactured.Qediya Plankirî: Hêjmar, ji bo we, Fermana Kar hate bilind kirin, lê li benda çêkirinê ye.
1770Plants and MachineriesSantralên û Machineries
1771Please Set Supplier Group in Buying Settings.Ji kerema xwe ji Saziya Saziyê Setup di Kiryarên Kirînê.
1772Please add a Temporary Opening account in Chart of AccountsJi kerema xwe re li karta Hesabê ya vekirî ya vekirî vekin
1773Please add the account to root level Company - Ji kerema xwe hesabê di asta root de Pargîdaniyê zêde bikin -
1774Please check Multi Currency option to allow accounts with other currencyJi kerema xwe ve vebijêrk Exchange Multi bi rê bikarhênerên bi pereyê din jî
1775Please click on 'Generate Schedule'Ji kerema xwe re li ser &#39;Çêneke Cedwela&#39; klîk bike
1776Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to fetch Serial No added for Item {0}Ji kerema xwe re li ser &#39;Çêneke Cedwela&#39; click to pędivî Serial No bo Babetê added {0}
1777Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to get scheduleJi kerema xwe re li ser &#39;Çêneke Cedwela&#39; click to get schedule
1778Please create purchase receipt or purchase invoice for the item {0}Ji kerema xwe ji şîfreya kirînê an şîfreyek kirînê bikî {0}
1779Please define grade for Threshold 0%Tikaye pola bo Qeyrana 0% define
1780Please enable Applicable on Booking Actual ExpensesJi kerema xwe re li ser bihayên ku li ser lêçûnên bihistina bicîhkirinê bicih bikin
1781Please enable Applicable on Purchase Order and Applicable on Booking Actual ExpensesJi kerema xwe re li ser bihayê bihayê kirînê û serîlêdanê kirina ser lêçûnên bihêzkirinê
1782Please enable pop-upsJi kerema xwe ve pop-ups çalak
1783Please enter 'Is Subcontracted' as Yes or NoJi kerema xwe re têkevin &#39;Ma Subcontracted&#39; wek Yes an No
1784Please enter API Consumer KeyJi kerema xwe kerema API Consumer Key
1785Please enter API Consumer SecretJi kerema xwe kerema API Consumer
1786Please enter Account for Change AmountJi kerema xwe ve Account ji bo Guhertina Mîqdar binivîse
1787Please enter Approving Role or Approving UserJi kerema xwe re têkevin Erêkirina Role an Erêkirina Bikarhêner
1788Please enter Cost CenterJi kerema xwe ve Navenda Cost binivîse
1789Please enter Delivery DateJi kerema xwe, Dîroka Deliveryê bike
1790Please enter Employee Id of this sales personJi kerema xwe ve Employee Id bikevin vî kesî yên firotina
1791Please enter Expense AccountJi kerema xwe ve Expense Account binivîse
1792Please enter Item Code to get Batch NumberTikaye kodî babet bikeve to get Hejmara Batch
1793Please enter Item Code to get batch noTikaye kodî babet bikeve ji bo hevîrê tune
1794Please enter Item firstJi kerema xwe ve yekem babetî bikevin
1795Please enter Maintaince Details firstJi kerema xwe ve yekem Maintaince Details binivîse
1796Please enter Planned Qty for Item {0} at row {1}Ji kerema xwe ve Plankirî Qty ji bo babet {0} at row binivîse {1}
1797Please enter Preferred Contact EmailJi kerema xwe re têkevin Preferred Contact Email
1798Please enter Production Item firstJi kerema xwe ve yekemîn babet Production binivîse
1799Please enter Purchase Receipt firstJi kerema xwe ve yekem Meqbûz Purchase binivîse
1800Please enter Receipt DocumentJi kerema xwe ve dokumênt Meqbûz binivîse
1801Please enter Reference dateJi kerema xwe ve date Çavkanî binivîse
1802Please enter Reqd by DateJi kerema xwe re Reqd bi dahatinê binivîse
1803Please enter Woocommerce Server URLJi kerema xwe kerema xwe ya Woocommerce Server URL
1804Please enter Write Off AccountJi kerema xwe re têkevin hewe Off Account
1805Please enter atleast 1 invoice in the tableJi kerema xwe ve Hindîstan û 1 fatûra li ser sifrê binivîse
1806Please enter company firstJi kerema xwe ve yekemîn şîrketa binivîse
1807Please enter company name firstJi kerema xwe re navê şîrketa binivîse
1808Please enter default currency in Company MasterJi kerema xwe ve currency default li Company Master binivîse
1809Please enter message before sendingJi kerema xwe re berî şandina peyamek binivîse
1810Please enter parent cost centerJi kerema xwe ve navenda mesrefa bav binivîse
1811Please enter quantity for Item {0}Ji kerema xwe ve dorpêçê de ji bo babet binivîse {0}
1812Please enter relieving date.Ji kerema xwe ve date ûjdanê xwe binivîse.
1813Please enter valid Financial Year Start and End DatesJi kerema xwe ve derbas dibe Financial Sal destpêkirin û dawîlêanîna binivîse
1814Please enter valid email addressKerema xwe, navnîşana email derbasdar têkeve ji
1815Please enter {0} firstJi kerema xwe {0} yekem binivîse
1816Please fill in all the details to generate Assessment Result.Ji kerema xwe hemî hûrguliyan dagirtin ku Encamê Nirxandina ateareseriyê bikin.
1817Please identify/create Account (Group) for type - {0}Ji kerema xwe ji bo celebê - Hesabek (Grûp) nas bikin / biafirînin - {0
1818Please identify/create Account (Ledger) for type - {0}Ji kerema xwe ji bo cureyê - Hesabê (Ledger) çêbikin / {0}
1819Please login as another user to register on MarketplaceJi kerema xwe re wekî bikarhênerek din bikar bînin ku hûn qeyd bikin Marketplace
1820Please make sure you really want to delete all the transactions for this company. Your master data will remain as it is. This action cannot be undone.Kerema xwe binêre ka tu bi rastî dixwazî jê bibî hemû muamele û ji bo vê şirketê. Daneyên axayê te dê pevê wekî xwe ye. Ev çalakî nayê vegerandin.
1821Please mention Basic and HRA component in CompanyJi kerema xwe Pargîdaniya bingehîn û HRA li Company
1822Please mention Round Off Account in CompanyJi kerema xwe re qala Round Account Off li Company
1823Please mention Round Off Cost Center in CompanyJi kerema xwe ve Round Off Navenda Cost li Company behsa
1824Please mention no of visits requiredJi kerema xwe re tu ji serdanên pêwîst behsa
1825Please mention the Lead Name in Lead {0}Ji kerema xwe Di Serokatiyê de Navê Bawer {0
1826Please pull items from Delivery NoteJi kerema xwe tomar ji Delivery Têbînî vekişîne
1827Please register the SIREN number in the company information fileJi kerema xwe di nav pelê agahdariya şirketa SIREN de tomar bike
1828Please remove this Invoice {0} from C-Form {1}Ji kerema xwe re vê bi fatûreyên {0} ji C-Form jê {1}
1829Please save the patient firstJi kerema xwe pêşî nexweşê xwe biparêze
1830Please save the report again to rebuild or updateJi kerema xwe ji bo ji nû ve nûvekirin an nûvekirinê ji nû ve raporê hilînin
1831Please select Allocated Amount, Invoice Type and Invoice Number in atleast one rowJi kerema xwe ve butçe, Type bi fatûreyên û Number bi fatûreyên li Hindîstan û yek row hilbijêre
1832Please select Apply Discount OnJi kerema xwe ve Apply Discount Li ser hilbijêre
1833Please select BOM against item {0}Ji kerema xwe BOM li dijî item hilbijêre {0}
1834Please select BOM for Item in Row {0}Ji kerema xwe ve BOM li Row hilbijêre ji bo babet {0}
1835Please select BOM in BOM field for Item {0}Ji kerema xwe ve BOM di warê BOM hilbijêre ji bo babet {0}
1836Please select Category firstJi kerema xwe ve yekem Kategorî hilbijêre
1837Please select Charge Type firstJi kerema xwe ve yekem Charge Type hilbijêre
1838Please select CompanyJi kerema xwe ve Company hilbijêre
1839Please select Company and Posting Date to getting entriesJi kerema xwe şîrket û Dîroka Navnîşê hilbijêre ku têkevin navnîşan
1840Please select Company firstJi kerema xwe ve yekem Company hilbijêre
1841Please select Completion Date for Completed Asset Maintenance LogJi kerema xwe ji bo temamkirina Dîroka Dawîn hilbijêre Ji bo Endamiya Hêza Navîn ya Têketinê hilbijêre
1842Please select Completion Date for Completed RepairJi kerema xwe veguhastina Dîroka Daxuyaniya Dibistanê ya temamî hilbijêr
1843Please select CourseTikaye Kurs hilbijêre
1844Please select DrugJi kerema xwe vexwarinê hilbijêre
1845Please select Existing Company for creating Chart of AccountsJi kerema xwe ve û taybet de Company ji bo afirandina Chart Dageriyê hilbijêre
1846Please select Healthcare ServiceJi kerema xwe xizmetguzariya tendurustiyê hilbijêr
1847Please select Item where "Is Stock Item" is "No" and "Is Sales Item" is "Yes" and there is no other Product BundleJi kerema xwe ve Babetê hilbijêre ku &quot;Ma Stock Babetî&quot; e &quot;No&quot; û &quot;Gelo babetî Nest&quot; e &quot;Erê&quot; e û tu Bundle Product din li wê derê
1848Please select Maintenance Status as Completed or remove Completion DateJi kerema xwe ya Rewşa Saziyê ya ku Hin bihatin an hilbijêre an hilbijêre Dîroka hilbijêre
1849Please select Party Type firstJi kerema xwe re pêşî Partiya Type hilbijêre
1850Please select PatientJi kerema xwe veşêre hilbijêrin
1851Please select Patient to get Lab TestsJi kerema xwe ji nexweşiya hilbijêrin ku ji bo ceribandinên Labê bibînin
1852Please select Posting Date before selecting PartyJi kerema xwe ve Mesaj Date Beriya hilbijartina Partiya hilbijêre
1853Please select Posting Date firstJi kerema xwe ve yekem Mesaj Date hilbijêre
1854Please select Price ListJi kerema xwe ve List Price hilbijêre
1855Please select ProgramPlease select Program
1856Please select Qty against item {0}Ji kerema xwe Qty li dijî hilbijêre {0}
1857Please select Sample Retention Warehouse in Stock Settings firstJi kerema xwe li Sazên Stock-ê li First Stock Stock-
1858Please select Start Date and End Date for Item {0}Ji kerema xwe ve Date Start û End Date ji bo babet hilbijêre {0}
1859Please select Student Admission which is mandatory for the paid student applicantJi kerema xwe bigihîjin Xwendekarê Xwendekarê hilbijêre ku ji bo daxwaznameya xwendekarê drav anî ye
1860Please select a BOMJi kerema xwe BOM hilbijêre
1861Please select a Batch for Item {0}. Unable to find a single batch that fulfills this requirementJi kerema xwe re Batch ji bo babet hilbijêre {0}. Nikare bibînin hevîrê single ku vê daxwazê ji cî û
1862Please select a CompanyJi kerema xwe re Company hilbijêre
1863Please select a batchTikaye hevîrê hilbijêre
1864Please select a field to edit from numpadJi kerema xwe qadek hilbijêre ji bo numpadê biguherînin
1865Please select a tableJi kerema xwe sifrê hilbijêrin
1866Please select a valid DateJi kerema xwe Dîrokek rastîn hilbijêre
1867Please select a value for {0} quotation_to {1}Ji kerema xwe re nirx ji bo {0} quotation_to hilbijêre {1}
1868Please select a warehouseJi kerema xwe re warehouse hilbijêre
1869Please select at least one domain.Ji kerema xwe herî kêm yek domain hilbijêrin.
1870Please select correct accountJi kerema xwe ve hesabê xwe rast hilbijêre
1871Please select dateJi kerema xwe ve date hilbijêre
1872Please select item codeTikaye kodî babete hilbijêre
1873Please select month and yearJi kerema xwe re meha û sala hilbijêre
1874Please select the CompanyJi kerema xwe şirket hilbijêre
1875Please select the Multiple Tier Program type for more than one collection rules.Ji kerema xwe ji bernameyek bernameya Multiple Tier ji bo qaîdeyên kolektîf hilbijêre.
1876Please select the assessment group other than 'All Assessment Groups'Kerema xwe re koma nirxandina ya din jî ji bilî &#39;Hemû Groups Nirxandina&#39; hilbijêrî
1877Please select the document type firstJi kerema xwe re ji cureyê pelgeyê hilbijêre
1878Please select weekly off dayJi kerema xwe re bi roj off heftane hilbijêre
1879Please select {0}{0} ji kerema xwe hilbijêre
1880Please select {0} firstJi kerema xwe {0} hilbijêre yekem
1881Please set 'Apply Additional Discount On'Ji kerema xwe ve set &#39;Bisepîne Discount Additional Li ser&#39; &#39;
1882Please set 'Asset Depreciation Cost Center' in Company {0}Ji kerema xwe ve &#39;Asset Navenda Farhad. Cost&#39; li Company set {0}
1883Please set 'Gain/Loss Account on Asset Disposal' in Company {0}Ji kerema xwe ve &#39;Gain Account / Loss li ser çespandina Asset&#39; set li Company {0}
1884Please set Account in Warehouse {0} or Default Inventory Account in Company {1}Ji kerema xwe re li Hesabê Warehouse {0} an Hesabê Navnîşa Navîn li Kompaniyê {1}
1885Please set B2C Limit in GST Settings.Ji kerema xwe ji BSK-BS-ê di GST-ê de saz bike.
1886Please set CompanyXêra xwe Company
1887Please set Company filter blank if Group By is 'Company'Xêra xwe Company wêr&#39;a vala eger Pol By e &#39;Company&#39;
1888Please set Default Payroll Payable Account in Company {0}Ji kerema xwe ve Default payroll cîhde Account set li Company {0}
1889Please set Depreciation related Accounts in Asset Category {0} or Company {1}Ji kerema xwe ve set Accounts related Farhad li Asset Category {0} an Company {1}
1890Please set GST Accounts in GST SettingsJi kerema xwe ji GST Hesabên GST-ê di navnîşan de saz bikin
1891Please set Hotel Room Rate on {}Ji kerema xwe ji odeya otêlê li ser xuyakirinê {}
1892Please set Number of Depreciations BookedJi kerema xwe ve set Hejmara Depreciations civanan
1893Please set Unrealized Exchange Gain/Loss Account in Company {0}Ji kerema xwe re Peymana Navnetewî ya Giştî / Girtîgeha Navdewletî ya Navxweyî li Company {0}
1894Please set User ID field in an Employee record to set Employee RoleJi kerema xwe ve warê ID&#39;ya bikarhêner set di qeyda Employee ji bo danîna Employee Role
1895Please set a default Holiday List for Employee {0} or Company {1}Ji kerema xwe ve set a default Lîsteya Holiday ji bo karkirinê {0} an Company {1}
1896Please set account in Warehouse {0}Ji kerema xwe li Warehouse hesab bike. {0}
1897Please set an active menu for Restaurant {0}Ji kerema xwe veguherîna çalak a çalakiyê ji bo Restaurant {0}
1898Please set associated account in Tax Withholding Category {0} against Company {1}Ji kerema xwe li hesabê têkildar de li kategoriya bacê ya girêdayî {0} li dijî şîrket {1}
1899Please set at least one row in the Taxes and Charges TableJi kerema xwe di Tabloya Bac û Mûçeyan de herî kêm yek rêzek bicîh bînin
1900Please set default Cash or Bank account in Mode of Payment {0}Ji kerema xwe ve Cash default an account Bank set li Mode of Payment {0}
1901Please set default account in Salary Component {0}Ji kerema xwe ve account default set li Salary Component {0}
1902Please set default customer in Restaurant SettingsJi kerema xwe ya mişterî ya li Restaurant Settings
1903Please set default {0} in Company {1}Ji kerema xwe ve set default {0} li Company {1}
1904Please set filter based on Item or WarehouseJi kerema xwe ve filter li ser Babetî an Warehouse danîn
1905Please set leave policy for employee {0} in Employee / Grade recordJi kerema xwe re polîtîkayê ji bo karmendê {0} di karker / qeydeya karker de bisekinin
1906Please set recurring after savingJi kerema xwe ve set dubare piştî tomarkirinê
1907Please set the Customer AddressJi kerema xwe Navnîşa Xerîdar bicîh bikin
1908Please set the Default Cost Center in {0} company.Ji kerema xwe şîrketa navendê ya navendê ya {0} li Navenda Navendê binivîse
1909Please set the Email ID for the Student to send the Payment RequestJi kerema xwe ji bo Xwendekarên E-nameyê bişînin ku daxwaza Serrêvekirinê bişînin
1910Please set the Item Code firstJi kerema xwe kodê yekem hilbijêre
1911Please set the Payment ScheduleJi kerema xwe Bernameya Xizmetkirinê bidin
1912Please set {0} for address {1}Ji kerema xwe ji navnîşana {0} ji bo navnîşan {1}
1913Please setup Students under Student GroupsJi kerema xwe xwendekarên Xwendekar ji Komên Xwendekar re saz bikin
1914Please specify CompanyJi kerema xwe ve Company diyar
1915Please specify Company to proceedJi kerema xwe ve Company diyar bike ji bo berdewamiyê
1916Please specify a valid 'From Case No.'Ji kerema xwe binivîsin derbasbar a &#39;Ji Case Na&#39;
1917Please specify a valid Row ID for row {0} in table {1}Ji kerema xwe re ID Row derbasdar bo row {0} li ser sifrê diyar {1}
1918Please specify at least one attribute in the Attributes tableJi kerema xwe re bi kêmanî yek taybetmendiyê de li ser sifrê, taybetiyên xwe diyar bike
1919Please specify currency in CompanyJi kerema xwe ve pereyan li Company diyar
1920Please specify either Quantity or Valuation Rate or bothJi kerema xwe, yan Quantity an Rate Valuation an hem diyar bike
1921Please specify from/to rangeJi kerema xwe ve ji xwe diyar bike / ji bo maweyên
1922Please supply the specified items at the best possible ratesJi kerema xwe wan tedarîk bikin ji tomar xwe bişinî at the best, rêjeya muhtemel
1923Please wait 3 days before resending the reminder.Ji kerema xwe 3 roj berî veguhestina bîranînê.
1924Point of SalePoint of Sale
1926Point-of-Sale ProfilePoint-ji-Sale Profile
1928Possible SupplierSupplier gengaz
1929Postal ExpensesMesref postal
1930Posting Datedeaktîv bike Date
1931Posting Date cannot be future dateDeaktîv bike Date nikare bibe dîroka pêşerojê de
1932Posting Timedeaktîv bike Time
1933Posting date and posting time is mandatorydate mesaj û dem bi mesaj û wêneke e
1934Posting timestamp must be after {0}Deaktîv bike û demxeya divê piştî be {0}
1935Potential opportunities for selling.derfetên Potential ji bo firotina.
1936Practitioner ScheduleDema pratîsyonê
1937Pre SalesSales Pre
1939Prescribed ProceduresPêvajûkirinên Qeydkirî
1941Prescription DosageDosage Dosage
1942Prescription DurationDaxistina Dawîn
1946Previous Financial Year is not closedPrevious Financial Sal is girtî ne
1948Price ListLîsteya bihayan
1949Price List Currency not selectedList Price Exchange hilbijartî ne
1950Price List RatePrice List Rate
1951Price List master.List Price master.
1952Price List must be applicable for Buying or SellingList Price, divê pêkanîn, ji bo Kirîna an Firotina be
1953Price List {0} is disabled or does not existList Price {0} kêmendam e yan jî tune
1954Price or product discount slabs are requiredPaqijên dakêşanê yên bihayê an hilberê hewce ne
1956Pricing RuleRule Pricing
1957Pricing Rule is first selected based on 'Apply On' field, which can be Item, Item Group or Brand.Rule Pricing is yekem li ser esasê hilbijartin &#39;Bisepîne Li ser&#39; qada, ku dikare bê Babetê, Babetê Pol an Brand.
1958Pricing Rule is made to overwrite Price List / define discount percentage, based on some criteria.Rule Pricing çêkirin ji bo binivîsî List Price / define rêjeya discount, li ser bingeha hinek pîvanên.
1959Pricing Rule {0} is updatedRule Pricing {0} hate nûkirin
1960Pricing Rules are further filtered based on quantity.Rules Pricing bi zêdetir li ser bingeha dorpêçê de tê fîltrekirin.
1961Primary Address DetailsAgahdarî Navnîşan
1962Primary Contact DetailsAgahdarî Têkiliyên Serûpel
1963Print FormatPrint Format
1964Print IRS 1099 FormsFormên IRS 1099 çap bikin
1965Print Report CardKarta Raporta Print
1966Print SettingsSettings bo çapkirinê
1967Print and StationeryPrint û Stationery
1968Print settings updated in respective print formatmîhengên çaperê ve di formata print respective
1969Print taxes with zero amountBacê bi mûzek zûtirîn çap bikin
1970Printing and BrandingPrinting û Branding
1971Private EquitySebra taybet
1973Process Day Book DataData Data Book Book
1974Process Master DataDaneyên Master Master pêvajoyê
1975Processing Chart of Accounts and PartiesDanûstendina Chartina hesab û partiyan
1976Processing Items and UOMsPêvekêşkirina Tişt û UOM
1977Processing Party AddressesNavnîşanên Partiyê Pêşve xistin
1978Processing VouchersDanasîna Vouchers
1980Produced QtyQutkirî Qty
1982Product BundleBundle Product
1983Product SearchSearch Product
1985Production ItemBabetê Production
1987Profit and LossQezenc û Loss
1988Profit for the yearJi bo salê
1990Program in the Fee Structure and Student Group {0} are different.Bername di Navbera Hûneran û Koma Xwendekaran de {0} cuda ne.
1991Program {0} does not exist.Bernameya {0} nîne.
1992Program: Bername:
1993Progress % for a task cannot be more than 100.Terakkî% ji bo karekî ne dikarin zêdetir ji 100.
1994Project Collaboration InvitationProject Dawetname Tevkarî
1995Project IdProject Id
1996Project ManagerProject Manager
1997Project NameNavê Project
1998Project Start DateProject Serî Date
1999Project StatusRewş Project
2000Project Summary for {0}Project Summary for {0}
2001Project Update.Update Update.
2002Project ValueProject Nirx
2003Project activity / task.çalakiyên Project / erka.
2004Project master.master Project.
2005Project-wise data is not available for QuotationDaneyên Project-aqil e ji bo Quotation ne amade ne
2007Projected QtyQediyek Proje
2008Projected Quantity FormulaFormula Mêjûya Dabeşandî
2010Proposal WritingWriting Pêşniyarek
2011Proposal/Price QuoteProposal / Quote Quote
2013Provisional Profit / Loss (Credit)Wextî Profit / Loss (Credit)
2015Publish Items on WebsiteWeşana Nawy li ser Website
2019Purchase AmountAsta kirîn
2020Purchase DateDate kirîn
2021Purchase InvoiceBuy bi fatûreyên
2022Purchase Invoice {0} is already submittedBikirin bi fatûreyên {0} ji xwe şandin
2023Purchase ManagerManager kirîn
2024Purchase Master ManagerBuy Master Manager
2025Purchase OrderBuy Order
2026Purchase Order AmountBuhayê Fermî ya Kirînê
2027Purchase Order Amount(Company Currency)Mîqdara Buhayê Bihayê (Pargîdaniya Pargîdanî)
2028Purchase Order DateDîroka Fermana Kirînê
2029Purchase Order Items not received on timeLi ser wextê nexşirandin Biryara kirînê
2030Purchase Order number required for Item {0}Bikirin siparîşê pêwîst ji bo vî babetî {0}
2031Purchase Order to PaymentBikirin, ji bo Payment
2032Purchase Order {0} is not submittedBikirin Order {0} tê şandin ne
2033Purchase Orders are not allowed for {0} due to a scorecard standing of {1}.Birêvebirina kirînê ji ber ku {1} stand scorecard ji {0} ne têne destnîşankirin.
2034Purchase Orders given to Suppliers.Ordênên kirînê ji bo Bed dayîn.
2035Purchase Price ListBuy List Price
2036Purchase ReceiptMeqbûz kirîn
2037Purchase Receipt {0} is not submittedBuy Meqbûz {0} tê şandin ne
2038Purchase Tax TemplateBikirin Şablon Bacê
2039Purchase UserBuy Bikarhêner
2040Purchase orders help you plan and follow up on your purchasesemir kirînê alîkariya we û plankirina û li pey xwe li ser kirînên te
2042Purpose must be one of {0}Armanca divê yek ji yên bê {0}
2044Qty To ManufactureQty To Manufacture
2045Qty TotalQty Jim
2046Qty for {0}Qty ji bo {0}
2049Quality ActionQualityalakiya Qalîteyê
2050Quality Goal.Armanca Qalîteyê.
2051Quality InspectionSerperiştiya Quality
2052Quality Inspection: {0} is not submitted for the item: {1} in row {2}Kişandina Kalîteya: {0} ji bo naverokê ne: {1} di rêza {2}
2053Quality ManagementManagement Quality
2054Quality MeetingCivîna Quality
2055Quality ProcedureProsedûra kalîteyê
2056Quality Procedure.Prosedûra kalîteyê.
2057Quality ReviewReview Quality
2059Quantity for Item {0} must be less than {1}Dorpêçê de ji bo babet {0} gerek kêmtir be {1}
2060Quantity in row {0} ({1}) must be same as manufactured quantity {2}Quantity li row {0} ({1}), divê di heman wek quantity çêkirin be {2}
2061Quantity must be less than or equal to {0}Quantity gerek kêmtir an jî wekhev be {0}
2062Quantity must not be more than {0}Dorpêçê de ne, divê bêhtir ji {0}
2063Quantity required for Item {0} in row {1}Quantity pêwîst ji bo vî babetî {0} li row {1}
2064Quantity should be greater than 0Quantity divê mezintir 0 be
2065Quantity to MakeHêjeya Make Up
2066Quantity to Manufacture must be greater than 0.Diravan ji bo Manufacture divê mezintir 0 be.
2067Quantity to ProduceKêmasiya hilberînê
2068Quantity to Produce can not be less than ZeroHebûna areseriyê nikare ji Zero kêm be
2069Query OptionsVebijêrkên Lęgerîn
2070Queued for replacing the BOM. It may take a few minutes.Ji bo guhertina BOM. Ew dikare çend deqeyan bistînin.
2071Queued for updating latest price in all Bill of Materials. It may take a few minutes.Ji bo hemî bereya Tenduristî ya bihayê nûçeyê nûjen kirin. Ew dikare çend deqeyan bistînin.
2072Quick Journal EntryPeyam di Journal Quick
2073Quot CountView quot
2074Quot/Lead %Quot / Lead%
2076Quotation {0} is cancelledQuotation {0} betal e
2077Quotation {0} not of type {1}Quotation {0} ne ji type {1}
2079Quotations are proposals, bids you have sent to your customersQuotations pêşniyarên in, bids ku hûn û mişterîyên xwe şandin
2080Quotations received from Suppliers.Quotations ji Suppliers wergirt.
2081Quotations: Çavkanî:
2082Quotes to Leads or Customers.Quotes and Leads an muşteriyan.
2083RFQs are not allowed for {0} due to a scorecard standing of {1}RFQ ji bo {1} ji bila {0} ji bo karmendek ji
2088Raw MaterialRaw
2089Raw MaterialsRaw Materials
2090Raw Materials cannot be blank.Madeyên xav nikare bibe vala.
2092Read blogBlogê bixwînin
2093Read the ERPNext ManualXandinê Manual ERPNext
2094Reading Uploaded FilePelê Uploaded-ê xwendin
2095Real EstateEmlak
2096Reason For Putting On HoldReason for Putting On Hold
2097Reason for HoldSedema Hold
2098Reason for hold: Sedema girtin:
2100Receipt document must be submittedbelgeya wergirtina divê bê şandin
2102Receivable AccountAccount teleb
2104Received Onpêşwazî li
2105Received QuantityHêjmarek wergirt
2106Received Stock EntriesNavnîşanên Stock gihiştin
2107Receiver List is empty. Please create Receiver ListLîsteya Receiver vala ye. Ji kerema Lîsteya Receiver
2109Reconcileli hev
2110Record of all communications of type email, phone, chat, visit, etc.Record hemû ragihandinê de ji MIME-mail, telefon, chat, serdana, û hwd.
2112Redirect URLBeralîkirina URL
2114Ref DateDate Ref
2116Reference #{0} dated {1}Çavkanî # {0} dîroka {1}
2117Reference DateDate: Çavkanî
2118Reference Doctype must be one of {0}Çavkanî Doctype, divê yek ji yên bê {0}
2119Reference DocumentDokumentê Reference
2120Reference Document TypeDokumenta Belgeyê
2121Reference No & Reference Date is required for {0}Çavkanî No &amp; Date: Çavkanî pêwîst e ji bo {0}
2122Reference No and Reference Date is mandatory for Bank transactionÇavkanî No û Date: Çavkanî ji bo muameleyan Bank wêneke e
2123Reference No is mandatory if you entered Reference DateÇavkanî No diyarkirî ye, eger tu ketin Date Reference
2124Reference No.Navnîşa nimreya
2125Reference NumberHejmara Reference
2126Reference TypeType Reference
2127Reference: {0}, Item Code: {1} and Customer: {2}World: Kurdî: {0}, Code babet: {1} û Mişterî: {2}
2129Refresh TokenRefresh Token
2133Relation with Guardian1Peywendiya bi Guardian1
2134Relation with Guardian2Peywendiya bi Guardian2
2135Release DateDîroka Release
2136Reload Linked AnalysisRûpelê nû bike Linked Analysis
2138Remaining BalanceBalance Balance
2140Reminder to update GSTIN SentReminder to update GSTIN
2141Remove item if charges is not applicable to that itemJê babete eger doz e ji bo ku em babete ne
2142Removed items with no change in quantity or value.tomar rakirin bi ti guhertinek di dorpêçê de an nirxê.
2144Reorder LevelLevel DIRTYHERTZ
2145Reorder QtyDIRTYHERTZ Qty
2146Repeat Customer RevenueHatiniyên Mişterî Repeat
2147Repeat Customersmuşteriyan repeat
2148Replace BOM and update latest price in all BOMsBOM re biguherînin û buhayên herî dawî yên li BOMs nû bikin
2149Repliedvegerand û got:
2151Report TypeReport Type
2152Report Type is mandatoryReport Type wêneke e
2154Reqd By DateQuery By Date
2155Reqd QtyReqd Qty
2156Request for QuotationDaxwaza ji bo Quotation
2157Request for QuotationsDaxwaza ji bo Quotations
2158Request for Raw MaterialsDaxwaza Xwezayên Raw
2159Request for purchase.ji bo kirînê bixwaze.
2160Request for quotation.ji bo gotinên li bixwaze.
2161Requested QtyQty xwestin
2162Requested Qty: Quantity requested for purchase, but not ordered.Dahat Dûre: Hêjahî ji bo kirînê xwestiye, lê nehatiye ferman kirin.
2163Requesting SiteDaxwaza Malperê
2164Requesting payment against {0} {1} for amount {2}Ku daxwaz dikin tezmînat li dijî {0} {1} ji bo mîktarê {2}
2166Required Onrequired ser
2167Required Qtyrequired Qty
2168Required QuantityQuantity pêwîst
2169RescheduleDemanî tarloqkirin
2171Research & DevelopmentLêkolîn &amp; Development
2173Resend Payment EmailJi nûve Payment Email
2174Reserve WarehouseReserve Warehouse
2175Reserved QtyReserved Qty
2176Reserved Qty for ProductionQty Reserved bo Production
2177Reserved Qty for Production: Raw materials quantity to make manufacturing items.Qty Ji bo Hilberînê Qedandî: Kêmasiya madeyên xav ji bo çêkirina tiştên çêker.
2178Reserved Qty: Quantity ordered for sale, but not delivered.Qty Reserve: Quantity ferman da firotanê, lê nehatiye radest kirin.
2179Reserved Warehouse is mandatory for Item {0} in Raw Materials suppliedWarehouse razî ye ku ji bo materyalê rawestîne {0} di materyal Rawa
2180Reserved for manufacturingReserved bo febrîkayan
2181Reserved for saleReserved for sale
2182Reserved for sub contractingJi bo peymana dabeşkirî vekirî ye
2184Resolve error and upload again.Errorewtî çareser bikin û dîsa barkirin.
2185Rest Of The WorldDin ên cîhanê
2186Restart SubscriptionAlîkariya Veşêre
2188Result DateResult Date
2189Result already SubmittedResult jixwe veguhestin
2190ResumeDîsa vekirin
2192Retail & WholesaleRetail &amp; Wholesale
2193Retail OperationsOperasyonên Retail
2194Retained EarningsEarnings û çûyîne,
2195Retention Stock EntryEntry Stock Entry
2196Retention Stock Entry already created or Sample Quantity not providedEntry Stock Entry already created or Quantity Sample not provided
2198Return / Credit NoteReturn / Credit Têbînî
2199Return / Debit NoteReturn / Debit Têbînî
2201Reverse Journal EntryNavnîşana rojnamevanê veguhestin
2202Review Invitation SentDaxuyaniya Şandina Dîtinê
2203Review and ActionReview û Action
2204Rooms BookedOdeyên pirtûkan
2205Root CompanyCompany Root
2206Root TypeType root
2207Root Type is mandatoryType Root wêneke e
2208Root cannot be edited.Root bi dikarin di dahatûyê de were.
2209Root cannot have a parent cost centerRoot ne dikare navenda mesrefa dê û bav hene
2210Round Offli dora Off
2211Rounded TotalRounded Total
2213Row # {0}: Row # {0}:
2214Row # {0}: Batch No must be same as {1} {2}Row # {0}: Batch No divê eynî wek {1} {2}
2215Row # {0}: Cannot return more than {1} for Item {2}Row # {0}: Nikare zêdetir vegerin {1} ji bo babet {2}
2216Row # {0}: Rate cannot be greater than the rate used in {1} {2}Row # {0}: Rate ne dikarin bibin mezintir rêjeya bikaranîn di {1} {2}
2217Row # {0}: Serial No is mandatoryRow # {0}: No Serial wêneke e
2218Row # {0}: Serial No {1} does not match with {2} {3}Row # {0}: Serial No {1} nayê bi hev nagirin {2} {3}
2219Row #{0} (Payment Table): Amount must be negativeRow # {0} (Payment Table): Divê gerek nerazî be
2220Row #{0} (Payment Table): Amount must be positiveRow # {0} (Payment Table): Divê heqê girîng be
2221Row #{0}: Account {1} does not belong to company {2}Row # {0}: Hesabê {1} ji pargîdaniya {2} re nabe
2222Row #{0}: Allocated Amount cannot be greater than outstanding amount.Row # {0}: butçe ne dikarin bibin mezintir mayî bidin.
2223Row #{0}: Asset {1} cannot be submitted, it is already {2}Row # {0}: Asset {1} ne dikarin bên şandin, ev e jixwe {2}
2224Row #{0}: Cannot set Rate if amount is greater than billed amount for Item {1}.Row # {0}: Ger hejmar ji mesref {1} ji mûçeyê mezintir e.
2225Row #{0}: Clearance date {1} cannot be before Cheque Date {2}Row # {0}: date Clearance {1} ne berî Date Cheque be {2}
2226Row #{0}: Duplicate entry in References {1} {2}Row # {0}: Curenivîsên entry di Çavkanî {1} {2}
2227Row #{0}: Expected Delivery Date cannot be before Purchase Order DateRow # {0}: Dîroka Dabeşkirina Expired Berî Berê Daxuyaniya Kirîna Dîroka
2228Row #{0}: Item addedRow # {0}: Babetê lê zêde kirin
2229Row #{0}: Journal Entry {1} does not have account {2} or already matched against another voucherRow # {0}: Journal Peyam {1} nayê Hesabê te nîne {2} an ji niha ve bi rêk û pêk li dijî fîşeke din
2230Row #{0}: Not allowed to change Supplier as Purchase Order already existsRow # {0}: destûr Not bo guherandina Supplier wek Purchase Order jixwe heye
2231Row #{0}: Please set reorder quantityRow # {0}: Hêvîye set dorpêçê de DIRTYHERTZ
2232Row #{0}: Please specify Serial No for Item {1}Row # {0}: kerema xwe diyar bike Serial No bo Babetê {1}
2233Row #{0}: Qty increased by 1Row # {0}: Qty bi 1 zêde bû
2234Row #{0}: Rate must be same as {1}: {2} ({3} / {4}) Row # {0} ye: Pûan bide, divê heman be {1}: {2} ({3} / {4})
2235Row #{0}: Reference Document Type must be one of Expense Claim or Journal EntryRow # {0}: Divê Daxuyaniya Dokumenta Pêdivî ye Yek ji Mirova Claim an Çîroka Çandî be
2236Row #{0}: Reference Document Type must be one of Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice or Journal EntryRow # {0}: World: Kurdî: Corî dokumênt, divê yek ji Purchase Order, Buy bi fatûreyên an Peyam Journal be
2237Row #{0}: Rejected Qty can not be entered in Purchase ReturnRow # {0}: Redkirin Qty ne dikarin li Purchase Return ketin were
2238Row #{0}: Rejected Warehouse is mandatory against rejected Item {1}Row # {0}: Redkirin Warehouse dijî babet red wêneke e {1}
2239Row #{0}: Reqd by Date cannot be before Transaction DateRow # {0}: Reqd Beriya Dîroka Berî Beriya Transfer Dîroka
2240Row #{0}: Set Supplier for item {1}Row # {0}: Set Supplier bo em babete {1}
2241Row #{0}: Status must be {1} for Invoice Discounting {2}Row # {0}: Rewşa Divê {1} Divê Daxistina Daxuyaniya {2}
2242Row #{0}: The batch {1} has only {2} qty. Please select another batch which has {3} qty available or split the row into multiple rows, to deliver/issue from multiple batchesRow # {0}: The hevîrê {1} tenê {2} qty. Tikaye Demîralp, ku {3} qty License de hilbijêre yan parçekirina row nav rêzên multiple, bi azadkirina / pirsa ji lekerên multiple
2243Row #{0}: Timings conflicts with row {1}Row # {0}: Nakokiyên Timings bi row {1}
2244Row #{0}: {1} can not be negative for item {2}Row # {0}: {1} nikare were ji bo em babete neyînî {2}
2245Row No {0}: Amount cannot be greater than Pending Amount against Expense Claim {1}. Pending Amount is {2}Row No {0}: Mîqdar ne mezintir Pending Mîqdar dijî {1} mesrefan. Hîn Mîqdar e {2}
2246Row {0} : Operation is required against the raw material item {1}Row {0}: Operasyona li dijî materyalên raweya gerek pêwîst e {1}
2247Row {0}# Item {1} cannot be transferred more than {2} against Purchase Order {3}Row {0} # Babet {1} li hember Fermana Kirînê} 3} nikare were veguheztin
2248Row {0}: Activity Type is mandatory.Row {0}: Type Activity bivênevê ye.
2249Row {0}: Advance against Customer must be creditRow {0}: Advance dijî Mişterî, divê credit be
2250Row {0}: Advance against Supplier must be debitRow {0}: Advance dijî Supplier divê kom kirin
2251Row {0}: Allocated amount {1} must be less than or equals to Payment Entry amount {2}Row {0}: veqetandin mîqdara {1} gerek kêmtir be an jî li beramberî bi mîqdara Peyam Payment {2}
2252Row {0}: Allocated amount {1} must be less than or equals to invoice outstanding amount {2}Row {0}: veqetandin mîqdara {1} gerek kêmtir be an jî li beramberî bo Fatûreya mayî {2}
2253Row {0}: An Reorder entry already exists for this warehouse {1}Row {0}: An entry DIRTYHERTZ berê ve ji bo vê warehouse heye {1}
2254Row {0}: Bill of Materials not found for the Item {1}Row {0}: Bill of material ji bo babet dîtin ne {1}
2255Row {0}: Conversion Factor is mandatoryRow {0}: Factor Converter wêneke e
2256Row {0}: Cost center is required for an item {1}Row {0}: Navenda kredê pêwîst e ku {1}
2257Row {0}: Credit entry can not be linked with a {1}Row {0}: entry Credit ne bi were bi girêdayî a {1}
2258Row {0}: Currency of the BOM #{1} should be equal to the selected currency {2}Row {0}: Exchange ji BOM # di {1} de divê ji bo pereyê hilbijartin wekhev be {2}
2259Row {0}: Debit entry can not be linked with a {1}Row {0}: Debît entry dikarin bi ne bê lînkkirî a {1}
2260Row {0}: Depreciation Start Date is requiredRow {0}: Bêguman Destpêk Dîrok pêwîst e
2261Row {0}: Enter location for the asset item {1}Row {0}: Ji bo mihrîcana materyalê hilbijêre {1}
2262Row {0}: Exchange Rate is mandatoryRow {0}: Exchange Rate wêneke e
2263Row {0}: Expected Value After Useful Life must be less than Gross Purchase AmountRow {0}: Hêjeya Expected Value Piştî Piştî Jiyana Karên Bikaranîna Divê Ji Gelek Kirîna Grossê kêmtir be
2264Row {0}: From Time and To Time is mandatory.Row {0}: Ji Time û To Time de bivênevê ye.
2265Row {0}: From Time and To Time of {1} is overlapping with {2}Row {0}: Ji Time û To Time of {1} bi gihîjte {2}
2266Row {0}: From time must be less than to timeRêz {0}: Ji demên pêdivî ye ku ji demê kêmtir be
2267Row {0}: Hours value must be greater than zero.Row {0}: value Hours divê ji sifirê mezintir be.
2268Row {0}: Invalid reference {1}Row {0}: Referansa çewt {1}
2269Row {0}: Party / Account does not match with {1} / {2} in {3} {4}Row {0}: Partiya / Account nayê bi hev nagirin {1} / {2} li {3} {4}
2270Row {0}: Party Type and Party is required for Receivable / Payable account {1}Row {0}: Partiya Type û Partiya bo teleb / account cîhde pêwîst e {1}
2271Row {0}: Payment against Sales/Purchase Order should always be marked as advanceRow {0}: Payment dijî Sales / Purchase Order, divê her tim wek krêdî nîşankirin bê
2272Row {0}: Please check 'Is Advance' against Account {1} if this is an advance entry.Row {0}: Hêvîye &#39;de venêrî Is Advance&#39; li dijî Account {1} eger ev an entry pêşwext e.
2273Row {0}: Please set at Tax Exemption Reason in Sales Taxes and ChargesRow {0}: Ji kerema xwe Sedemek Tişta Qebûlkirina Bacê Li Bac û Firotên Firotanê
2274Row {0}: Please set the Mode of Payment in Payment ScheduleRow {0}: Ji kerema xwe Modela Pêvekirinê di Pêveka Pevçûnê de bicîh bikin
2275Row {0}: Please set the correct code on Mode of Payment {1}Row {0}: Ji kerema xwe koda rastê li ser Mode-ya Peymana {1}
2276Row {0}: Qty is mandatoryRow {0}: Qty wêneke e
2277Row {0}: Quality Inspection rejected for item {1}Row {0}: Teftîşa Kalîteya ji bo hilbijêre {1}
2278Row {0}: UOM Conversion Factor is mandatoryRow {0}: UOM Factor Converter wêneke e
2279Row {0}: select the workstation against the operation {1}Row {0}: Li dijî xebatê {1}
2280Row {0}: {1} Serial numbers required for Item {2}. You have provided {3}.Row {0}: {1} Hejmarên Serial Ji bo {2} Pêdivî ye. Te destnîşan kir {3}.
2281Row {0}: {1} must be greater than 0Row {0}: {1} ji 0 re mezintir be
2282Row {0}: {1} {2} does not match with {3}Row {0}: {1} {2} nayê bi hev nagirin {3}
2283Row {0}:Start Date must be before End DateRow {0}: Destpêk Date divê berî End Date be
2284Rows with duplicate due dates in other rows were found: {0}Rows with duplicates dates in other rows found in: {0}
2285Rules for adding shipping costs.Qaîdeyên ji bo got, heqê şandinê.
2286Rules for applying pricing and discount.Qaîdeyên ji bo hukm û sewqiyata û discount.
2287S.O. No.SO No.
2288SGST AmountGiştî ya SGG
2289SO QtySO Qty
2290Safety StockStock Safety
2292Salary Slip submitted for period from {0} to {1}Salary Slip ji bo demjimêr ji {0} heta {1}
2293Salary Structure must be submitted before submission of Tax Ememption DeclarationPêdivî ye ku Pêvek Navdêr berî danasandina Daxuyaniya Mezinahiya Bacê were şandin
2295Sales AccountHesabê firotanê
2296Sales ExpensesMesref Sales
2297Sales Funnelgovekeke Sales
2298Sales Invoicebi fatûreyên Sales
2299Sales Invoice {0} has already been submittedSales bi fatûreyên {0} ji niha ve hatine radestkirin
2300Sales Invoice {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales OrderSales berî betalkirinê ev Sales Order bi fatûreyên {0} bên îptal kirin,
2301Sales ManagerManager Sales
2302Sales Master ManagerManager firotina Master
2303Sales OrderSales Order
2304Sales Order ItemSales Order babetî
2305Sales Order required for Item {0}Sales Order pêwîst ji bo vî babetî {0}
2306Sales Order to PaymentFirotina ji bo Payment
2307Sales Order {0} is not submittedSales Order {0} tê şandin ne
2308Sales Order {0} is not validSales Order {0} ne derbasdar e
2309Sales Order {0} is {1}Sales Order {0} e {1}
2310Sales Ordersordênên Sales
2311Sales PartnerPartner Sales
2312Sales PipelinePipeline Sales
2313Sales Price ListLîsteya firotina Price
2314Sales ReturnReturn Sales
2315Sales SummaryKurteya Bazirganiyê
2316Sales Tax TemplateŞablon firotina Bacê
2317Sales TeamTeam Sales
2318Sales UserSales Bikarhêner
2319Sales and ReturnsSales and Returns
2320Sales campaigns.kampanyayên firotina.
2321Sales orders are not available for productionFermanên firotanê ji ber hilberê ne
2323Same Company is entered more than onceDi heman şirketê de ye ketin, ji carekê zêdetir
2324Same item cannot be entered multiple times.babete eynî ne dikarin ketin bê çend caran.
2325Same supplier has been entered multiple timesdabînkerê heman hatiye bicihkirin çend caran
2326Sample CollectionCollection Collection
2327Sample quantity {0} cannot be more than received quantity {1}Kêmeya nimûne {0} dikare ji hêla mêjûya wergirtiye {1}
2331Saving {0}Saving {0}
2332Scan BarcodeBarcode kişandin
2334Schedule AdmissionDestnîşankirina Schedule
2335Schedule CourseKurs de Cedwela
2336Schedule DateDate de Cedwela
2337Schedule DischargeDischarge schedule
2339Scheduled UptoDema Scheduled Up
2340Schedules for {0} overlaps, do you want to proceed after skiping overlaped slots ?Schedule ji bo {0} overlaps, tu dixwazî piştî ku paqijkirina slotên bêhtir diçin?
2341Score cannot be greater than Maximum ScoreScore ne dikarin bibin mezintir Maximum Score
2345Search ResultsSearch Results
2346Search Sub AssembliesMeclîsên Search bînrawe
2347Search by item code, serial number, batch no or barcodeBi kodê kodê, serial no, batch no or barcode
2348Seasonality for setting budgets, targets etc.Seasonality ji bo avakirin, budceyên, armancên hwd.
2349Secret KeyKey Secret
2351Section CodeKodê
2352Secured LoansLoans temînatê,
2353Securities & Commodity ExchangesEwlehiya &amp; Borsayên Tirkiyeyê
2354Securities and DepositsBirûmet û meden
2355See All ArticlesHemî Gotarên Binêra
2356See all open ticketsHemû bilêtên vekirî bibînin
2357See past ordersFermanên paşîn bibînin
2358See past quotationsGotinên paşîn bibînin
2360Select Alternate ItemHilbijartina Alternatîf hilbijêrin
2361Select Attribute ValuesNirxên taybetmendiyê hilbijêrin
2362Select BOMHilbijêre BOM
2363Select BOM and Qty for ProductionSelect BOM û Qty bo Production
2364Select BOM, Qty and For WarehouseBOM, Qty û Ji bo Warehouse hilbijêrin
2365Select BatchHilbijêre Batch
2366Select Batch NumbersNumbers Batch Hilbijêre
2367Select Brand...Hilbijêre Brand ...
2368Select CompanyŞirket hilbijêre
2369Select Company...Select Company ...
2370Select CustomerVebijêrk hilbijêrin
2371Select DaysRojên Hilbijêre
2372Select Default SupplierSupplier Default Hilbijêre
2373Select DocTypeHilbijêre DocType
2374Select Fiscal Year...Select Fiscal Sal ...
2375Select Item (optional)Item (Hilbijêre) hilbijêre
2376Select Items based on Delivery DateLi gor danûstandinên Navnîşê li ser hilbijêre
2377Select Items to ManufactureSelect Nawy ji bo Manufacture
2378Select Loyalty ProgramBername Bernameya Hilbijartinê hilbijêre
2379Select PatientNexşêre hilbijêre
2380Select Possible SupplierSelect Supplier muhtemel
2381Select QuantityHilbijêre Diravan
2382Select Serial NumbersSelect Numbers Serial
2383Select Target WarehouseSelect Target Warehouse
2384Select Warehouse...Select Warehouse ...
2385Select an account to print in account currencyHesabek hilbijêre ku ji bo kaxeza hesabê çap bike
2386Select at least one value from each of the attributes.Ji hêla her taybetmendiyên herî kêm nirxek hilbijêre.
2387Select change amount accountHilbijêre guhertina account mîqdara
2388Select company firstYekemîn yekemîn hilbijêre
2389Select students manually for the Activity based Groupxwendekarên bi destan ji bo Activity bingeha Pol Hilbijêre
2390Select the customer or supplier.Hilbijêre yan xerîdarê hilbijêrin.
2391Select the nature of your business.xwezaya business xwe hilbijêrin.
2392Select the program firstBernameya yekem hilbijêre
2393Select to add Serial Number.Hilbijêrin ku Hejmara Serialê zêde bikin.
2394Select your DomainsDomainên xwe hilbijêrin
2395Selected Price List should have buying and selling fields checked.Lîsteya bihayê bijartî divê pêdiviyên kirîna firotanê û firotanê kontrol bikin
2398Selling AmountŞêwaz firotin
2399Selling Price ListLîsteya bihayê bihayê
2400Selling RateRêjeya firotanê
2401Selling must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0}Firotin, divê werin kontrolkirin, eger Ji bo serlêdanê ya ku weke hilbijartî {0}
2402Send Grant Review EmailE-mail bişîne Send Review
2403Send NowSend Now
2404Send SMSSend SMS
2405Send mass SMS to your contactsSend SMS girseyî ji bo têkiliyên xwe
2406SensitivityHisê nazik
2408Serial No and BatchSerial No û Batch
2409Serial No is mandatory for Item {0}No Serial ji bo babet wêneke e {0}
2410Serial No {0} does not belong to Batch {1}No Serial No {0} ne girêdayî ye {1}
2411Serial No {0} does not belong to Delivery Note {1}Serial No {0} nayê to Delivery Têbînî girêdayî ne {1}
2412Serial No {0} does not belong to Item {1}Serial No {0} nayê to Babetê girêdayî ne {1}
2413Serial No {0} does not belong to Warehouse {1}Serial No {0} nayê to Warehouse girêdayî ne {1}
2414Serial No {0} does not belong to any WarehouseSerial No {0} nayê bi tu Warehouse girêdayî ne
2415Serial No {0} does not existSerial No {0} tune
2416Serial No {0} has already been receivedSerial No {0} ji niha ve wergirtin
2417Serial No {0} is under maintenance contract upto {1}Serial No {0} e di bin peymana parastina upto {1}
2418Serial No {0} is under warranty upto {1}Serial No {0} e bin garantiya upto {1}
2419Serial No {0} not foundSerial No {0} nehate dîtin
2420Serial No {0} not in stockSerial No {0} ne li stock
2421Serial No {0} quantity {1} cannot be a fractionSerial No {0} dorpêçê de {1} ne dikare bibe perçeyeke
2422Serial Nos Required for Serialized Item {0}Serial Nos pêwîst ji bo vî babetî weşandin {0}
2423Serial Number: {0} is already referenced in Sales Invoice: {1}Hejmara Serial: {0} jixwe li Sales bi fatûreyên referans: {1}
2424Serial NumbersHejmarên Serial
2425Serial Numbers in row {0} does not match with Delivery NoteNumbers Serial li row {0} nayê bi Delivery Têbînî hev nagirin
2426Serial no {0} has been already returnedSerial no {0} nehatiye vegerandin
2427Serial number {0} entered more than oncehejmara Serial {0} ketin, ji carekê zêdetir
2428Serialized InventoryInventory weşandin
2429Series UpdatedSeries Demê
2430Series Updated SuccessfullySeries Demê serket
2431Series is mandatorySeries wêneke e
2433Service Level AgreementPeymana asta karûbarê karûbarê
2434Service Level Agreement.Peymana asta karûbarê karûbarê.
2435Service Level.Asta Karûbarê.
2436Service Stop Date cannot be after Service End DateDîroka Pêdivî ya Pêdivî ye ku piştî Dîroka End-Endê ye
2437Service Stop Date cannot be before Service Start DateDîroka Pêdivî ya Destûra Berî Berî Berî Service Service Destpêk Dibe
2439Set Default Values like Company, Currency, Current Fiscal Year, etc.Set Nirxên Default wek Company, Exchange, niha: Sala diravî, û hwd.
2440Set DetailsAgahdarî bikin
2441Set New Release DateDîroka Nû Nûvekirinê Hilbijêre
2442Set Project and all Tasks to status {0}?Projeya Set-up û Hemû Tasksê ji bo statuya {0}?
2443Set StatusRewşa Set
2444Set Tax Rule for shopping cartSet Rule Bacê ji bo Têxe selikê
2445Set as ClosedSet as girtî ye
2446Set as CompletedWekî Bijarte danîn
2447Set as LostSet as Lost
2448Set as OpenSet as Open
2449Set default inventory account for perpetual inventorySet account ambaran de default bo ambaran de perpetual
2450Set this if the customer is a Public Administration company.Vê bikirin eger xerîdar pargîdaniyek Rêveberiya Giştî ye.
2451Set {0} in asset category {1} or company {2}Set in {0} li kategoriya {1} de an şîrket {2}
2452Setting Events to {0}, since the Employee attached to the below Sales Persons does not have a User ID{1}Bikin Events {0}, ji ber ku Employee girêdayî jêr Persons Sales nade a ID&#39;ya bikarhêner heye ne {1}
2453Setting defaultsGuherandinên Guherandin
2454Setting up EmailAvakirina Email
2455Setting up Email AccountAvakirina Account Email
2456Setting up EmployeesAvakirina Karmendên
2457Setting up TaxesAvakirina Baca
2458Setting up companyPargîdanî saz kirin
2460Settings for online shopping cart such as shipping rules, price list etc.Mîhengên ji bo Têxe selikê bike wek qaîdeyên shipping, lîsteya buhayên hwd.
2461Settings for website homepageMîhengên ji bo homepage malpera
2462Settings for website product listingMîhengên ji bo navnîşa hilberê malpera malperê
2463SettledBi cî kirin
2464Setup Gateway accounts.Setup bikarhênerên Gateway.
2465Setup SMS gateway settingssettings deryek Setup SMS
2466Setup cheque dimensions for printingaliyên check Setup ji bo çapkirinê
2467Setup default values for POS InvoicesNirxên default default Setup for POS
2468Setup mode of POS (Online / Offline)Modela Setup ya POS (Online / Offline)
2469Setup your Institute in ERPNextEnstîtuya xwe ya di ERPNext de saz bike
2470Share BalanceBalance Share
2471Share LedgerShare Ledger
2472Share ManagementShare Management
2473Share TransferTransfer Share
2474Share TypeTîpa Share
2476Ship To StateShip To State
2478Shipping AddressNavnîşana Şandinê
2479Shipping Address does not have country, which is required for this Shipping RuleNavnîşa Kirînê Navnîşan nîne, ku ji bo Rêzeya Rêwîtiyê pêwîst e
2480Shipping rule only applicable for BuyingQanûna Rêvebirin tenê tenê ji bo Kirîna Kirînê
2481Shipping rule only applicable for SellingQanûna Rêvebirin tenê tenê ji bo firotina kirînê
2482Shopify SupplierShopify Supplier
2483Shopping CartTêxe selikê
2484Shopping Cart SettingsSettings Têxe selikê
2485Short NameNavê Short
2486Shortage Qtykêmbûna Qty
2487Show CompletedShow Complete
2488Show Cumulative AmountAmûdê Amûdê bide
2489Show Opennîşan vekirî
2490Show Opening EntriesVebijarkên Vekirina nîşan bide
2491Show Payment DetailsAgahdariyên Tezmînatê nîşan bide
2492Show Return EntriesEndamên Vegerîn Vegere
2493Show Variant AttributesHûrgelan nîşan bide
2494Show VariantsShow Variants
2495Show closedShow girtî
2496Show exploded viewÇavdêriya teqawîtiyê nîşan bide
2497Show only POSPOS tenê nîşan bide
2498Show unclosed fiscal year's P&L balancesNîşan P &amp; hevsengiyên L sala diravî ya negirtî ya
2499Show zero valuesNîşan bide nirxên zero
The file is too large to be shown. View Raw