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Timer in Timesheet
Timesheets can be tracked against Project and Tasks along with a Timer.

Steps to start a Timer:
- On clicking, Start Timer, a dialog pops up and starts the timer for already present activity for which checkbox
is unchecked.

If no activities are present, fill up the activity details, i.e. activity type, expected hours or project in the dialog itself, on clicking Start, a new row is added into the Timesheet Details child table and timer begins.
On clicking, Complete, the
fields are updated for that particular activity.

At any point of time, if the dialog is closed without completing the activity, on opening the dialog again, the timer resumes by calculating how much time has elapsed since
of the activity. -
If any activities are already present in the Timesheet with completed unchecked, clicking on Resume Timer fetches the activity and starts its timer.
If the time exceeds the
, an alert box appears.