1 | (Half Day) | (Mezza Giornata) |
2 | against same operation | per la stessa operazione |
3 | already marked | già avviato |
4 | and year: | ed anno: |
5 | at warehouse: | in magazzino: |
6 | by Role | dal Ruolo |
7 | can not be made. | non può essere fatto. |
8 | cannot be 0 | non può essere 0 |
9 | cannot be deleted. | non può essere eliminata. |
10 | does not belong to the company | non appartiene alla società |
11 | has already been submitted. | già stato inviato. |
12 | has been freezed. | è stato congelato. |
13 | Only Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account | è stato congelato. |
14 | is less than equals to zero in the system | |
15 | is mandatory | è obbligatorio |
16 | is mandatory for GL Entry | è obbligatorio per GL Entry |
17 | is not a ledger | non è un libro mastro |
18 | is not active | non attivo |
19 | is not set | non è impostato |
20 | Please refresh your browser for the change to take effect. | ora è l'Anno Fiscale predefinito. |
21 | is present in one or many Active BOMs | è presente in una o più Di.Ba. attive |
22 | not active or does not exists in the system | non attiva o non esiste nel sistema |
23 | not submitted | non inviato |
24 | or the BOM is cancelled or inactive | o la Di.Ba è rimossa o disattivata |
25 | should be 'Yes'. As Item: | dovrebbe essere 'Si'. Come articolo: |
26 | should be same as that in | dovrebbe essere uguale a quello in |
27 | was on leave on | era in aspettativa per |
28 | will be over-billed against mentioned | saranno più di fatturato contro menzionato |
29 | will become | diventerà |
30 | Company History | Cronologia Azienda |
31 | % Delivered | % Consegnato |
32 | % Amount Billed | % Importo Fatturato |
33 | % Billed | % Fatturato |
34 | % Completed | % Completato |
35 | % Installed | % Installato |
36 | % Received | % Ricevuto |
37 | % of materials billed against this Purchase Order. | % di materiali fatturati su questo Ordine di Acquisto. |
38 | % of materials billed against this Sales Order | % di materiali fatturati su questo Ordine di Vendita |
39 | % of materials delivered against this Delivery Note | % dei materiali consegnati di questa Bolla di Consegna |
40 | % of materials delivered against this Sales Order | % dei materiali consegnati su questo Ordine di Vendita |
41 | % of materials ordered against this Material Request | % di materiali ordinati su questa Richiesta Materiale |
42 | % of materials received against this Purchase Order | di materiali ricevuti su questo Ordine di Acquisto |
43 | You can add/delete Serial No directly | |
44 | to modify stock of this item. | ' non può essere gestito tramite Archivio Riconciliazione. |
45 | Puoi aggiungere / eliminare Seriali direttamente | |
46 | ' in Company: | ' in Azienda: |
47 | 'To Case No.' cannot be less than 'From Case No.' | 'A Case N.' non puo essere minore di 'Da Case N.' |
48 | * Will be calculated in the transaction. | 'A Case N.' non puo essere minore di 'Da Case N.' |
49 | Per distribuire un budget usando questa distribuzione | impostare questa **Budget Distribuzione** a **Centro di costo** |
50 | **Currency** Master | **Valuta** Principale |
51 | **Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**. | **Anno fiscale** rappresenta un esercizio finanziario. Tutti i dati contabili e le altre principali operazioni sono tracciati per **anno fiscale**. |
52 | Please match exact outstanding. | . Straordinario non può essere inferiore a zero. |
53 | . Please set status of the employee as 'Left' | . Si prega di impostare lo stato del dipendente a 'left' |
54 | . You can not mark his attendance as 'Present' | . Non è possibile contrassegnare la sua partecipazione come 'Presente' |
55 | For e.g. 1 USD = 100 Cent | 1 Valuta = [?] Frazione |
56 | 1. To maintain the customer wise item code and to make them searchable based on their code use this option | 1.Per mantenere la voce codice cliente e renderli ricercabili in base al loro codice usare questa opzione |
57 | 12px | 12px |
58 | 13px | 13px |
59 | 14px | 14px |
60 | 15px | 15px |
61 | 16px | 16px |
62 | 2 days ago | 2 giorni fà |
63 | : Duplicate row from same | : Riga duplicata |
64 | : It is linked to other active BOM(s) | : Linkato su un altra Di.Ba. attiva |
65 | : Mandatory for a Recurring Invoice. | : Obbligatorio per una Fattura Ricorrente |
66 | <b>Cancel</b> allows you change Submitted documents by cancelling them and amending them. | <b>Annulla</b> consente di modificare i documenti inseriti cancellando o modificando. |
67 | A Customer exists with same name | Esiste un Cliente con lo stesso nome |
68 | A Lead with this email id should exist | Un Lead con questa e-mail dovrebbe esistere |
69 | A Supplier exists with same name | Esiste un Fornitore con lo stesso nome |
70 | A condition for a Shipping Rule | Una condizione per una regola di trasporto |
71 | A logical Warehouse against which stock entries are made. | Un Deposito logica contro cui sono fatte le entrate nelle scorte. |
72 | A new popup will open that will ask you to select further conditions. | Si aprirà un popup che vi chiederà di selezionare ulteriori condizioni. |
73 | A symbol for this currency. For e.g. $ | Un simbolo per questa valuta. Per esempio $ |
74 | A third party distributor / dealer / commission agent / affiliate / reseller who sells the companies products for a commission. | Un distributore di terzi / rivenditore / commissionario / affiliati / rivenditore che vende i prodotti di aziende per una commissione. |
75 | A user can have multiple values for a property. | Un utente può avere più valori per una proprietà. |
76 | A+ | A+ |
77 | A- | A- |
78 | AB+ | AB + |
79 | AB- | AB- |
80 | AMC Expiry Date | AMC Data Scadenza |
81 | ATT | ATT |
82 | Abbr | Abbr |
83 | About | About |
84 | About Us Settings | Chi siamo Impostazioni |
85 | About Us Team Member | Chi Siamo Membri Team |
86 | Above Value | Sopra Valore |
87 | Absent | Assente |
88 | Acceptance Criteria | Criterio Accettazione |
89 | Accepted | Accettato |
90 | Accepted Quantity | Quantità Accettata |
91 | Accepted Warehouse | Magazzino Accettato |
92 | Account | Conto |
93 | Account Balance | Bilancio Conto |
94 | Account Details | Dettagli conto |
95 | Account Head | Conto Capo |
96 | Account Id | ID Conto |
97 | Account Name | Nome Conto |
98 | Account Type | Tipo Conto |
99 | Account for this | Conto per questo |
100 | Accounting | Contabilità |
101 | Accounting Year. | Contabilità Anno |
102 | Accounting journal entries. | Diario scritture contabili. |
103 | Accounts | Conti |
104 | Accounts Frozen Upto | Conti congelati Fino |
105 | Accounts Payable | Conti pagabili |
106 | Accounts Receivable | Conti esigibili |
107 | Accounts Settings | Impostazioni Conti |
108 | Action | Azione |
109 | Active | Attivo |
110 | Active: Will extract emails from | Attivo: estrarre le email da |
111 | Activity | Attività |
112 | Activity Log | Log Attività |
113 | Activity Type | Tipo Attività |
114 | Actual | Attuale |
115 | Actual Budget | Budget Attuale |
116 | Actual Completion Date | Data Completamento Attuale |
117 | Actual Date | Stato Corrente |
118 | Actual End Date | Attuale Data Fine |
119 | Actual Invoice Date | Actual Data fattura |
120 | Actual Posting Date | Data di registrazione effettiva |
121 | Actual Qty | Q.tà Reale |
122 | Actual Qty (at source/target) | Q.tà Reale (sorgente/destinazione) |
123 | Actual Qty After Transaction | Q.tà Reale dopo la Transazione |
124 | Actual Quantity | Quantità Reale |
125 | Actual Start Date | Data Inizio Effettivo |
126 | Add | Aggiungi |
127 | Add / Edit Taxes and Charges | Aggiungere / Modificare Tasse e Costi |
128 | Add A New Rule | Aggiunge una nuova regola |
129 | Add A Property | Aggiungere una Proprietà |
130 | Add Attachments | Aggiungere Allegato |
131 | Add Bookmark | Aggiungere segnalibro |
132 | Add CSS | Aggiungere CSS |
133 | Add Column | Aggiungi colonna |
134 | Add Comment | Aggiungi commento |
135 | Add Google Analytics ID: eg. UA-89XXX57-1. Please search help on Google Analytics for more information. | Aggiungere ID Google Analytics : es. UA-89XXX57-1. Cerca aiuto su Google Analytics per altre informazioni. |
136 | Add Message | Aggiungere Messaggio |
137 | Add New Permission Rule | Aggiungere Nuova Autorizzazione |
138 | Add Reply | Aggiungi risposta |
139 | Add Terms and Conditions for the Material Request. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template | Aggiungere Termine e Condizione per Richiesta Materiale. Puoi preparare Termini e Condizioni ed usarlo come Modello |
140 | Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Receipt. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template. | Aggiungere Termine e Condizione per Ricevuta d'Acquisto. Puoi preparare Termini e Condizioni ed usarlo come Modello. |
141 | Add Total Row | Aggiungere Riga Totale |
142 | Add a banner to the site. (small banners are usually good) | Aggiungi Banner al sito. (banner piccoli sono migliori) |
143 | Add attachment | Aggiungere Allegato |
144 | Add code as <script> | Aggiungi codice allo script |
145 | Add new row | Aggiungi Una Nuova Riga |
146 | Add or Deduct | Aggiungere o dedurre |
147 | Add rows to set annual budgets on Accounts. | Aggiungere righe per impostare i budget annuali sui conti. |
148 | Add to To Do | Aggiungi a Cose da Fare |
149 | Add to To Do List of | Aggiungi a lista Cose da Fare di |
150 | Add/Remove Recipients | Aggiungere/Rimuovere Destinatario |
151 | Additional Info | Informazioni aggiuntive |
152 | Address | Indirizzo |
153 | Address & Contact | Indirizzo e Contatto |
154 | Address & Contacts | Indirizzi & Contatti |
155 | Address Desc | Desc. indirizzo |
156 | Address Details | Dettagli dell'indirizzo |
157 | Address HTML | Indirizzo HTML |
158 | Address Title | Titolo indirizzo |
159 | Address Type | Tipo di indirizzo |
160 | Address and other legal information you may want to put in the footer. | Indirizzo e altre informazioni legali che si intende visualizzare nel piè di pagina. |
161 | Address to be displayed on the Contact Page | Indirizzo da visualizzare nella pagina Contatti |
162 | Adds a custom field to a DocType | Aggiungi campo personalizzato a DocType |
163 | Adds a custom script (client or server) to a DocType | Aggiungi Script personalizzato (client o server) al DocType |
164 | Advance Amount | Importo Anticipo |
165 | Advance amount | Importo anticipo |
166 | Advanced Scripting | Scripting Avanzato |
167 | Advanced Settings | Impostazioni Avanzate |
168 | Advances | Avanzamenti |
169 | Advertisement | Pubblicità |
170 | After Sale Installations | Installazioni Post Vendita |
171 | Against | Previsione |
172 | Against Account | Previsione Conto |
173 | Against Docname | Per Nome Doc |
174 | Against Doctype | Per Doctype |
175 | Against Document Date | Per Data Documento |
176 | Against Document Detail No | Per Dettagli Documento N |
177 | Against Document No | Per Documento N |
178 | Against Expense Account | Per Spesa Conto |
179 | Against Income Account | Per Reddito Conto |
180 | Against Journal Voucher | Per Buono Acquisto |
181 | Against Purchase Invoice | Per Fattura Acquisto |
182 | Against Sales Invoice | Per Fattura Vendita |
183 | Against Voucher | Per Tagliando |
184 | Against Voucher Type | Per tipo Tagliando |
185 | Agent | Agente |
186 | For Example: If you are selling Laptops and Backpacks separately and have a special price if the customer buys both | then the Laptop + Backpack will be a new Sales BOM Item. |
187 | Note: BOM = Bill of Materials | Gruppo aggregato di elementi **Articoli** in un altro **articolo**. Questo è utile se in fase di installazione di un certo **Articoli** in un pacchetto e si mantiene magazzino delle confezionati **Voci** non e l'aggregato **lotto**. |
188 | Per esempio: Se metti in vendita computer portatili e zaini separatamente e dispone di un prezzo speciale se il cliente acquista entrambi | allora il Laptop + Zaino sarà un nuovo punto di vendita distinta |
189 | Aging Date | Data invecchiamento |
190 | All Addresses. | Tutti gli indirizzi. |
191 | All Contact | Tutti i contatti |
192 | All Contacts. | Tutti i contatti. |
193 | All Customer Contact | Tutti Contatti Clienti |
194 | All Day | Intera giornata |
195 | All Employee (Active) | Tutti Dipendenti (Attivi) |
196 | All Lead (Open) | Tutti LEAD (Aperto) |
197 | All Products or Services. | Tutti i Prodotti o Servizi. |
198 | All Sales Partner Contact | Tutte i contatti Partner vendite |
199 | All Sales Person | Tutti i Venditori |
200 | All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets. | Tutte le operazioni di vendita possono essere taggati per più **Venditori** in modo che è possibile impostare e monitorare gli obiettivi. |
201 | All Supplier Contact | Tutti i Contatti Fornitori |
202 | If you entered it properly | next probable reason |
203 | Please rectify it in the file and try again. | Tutte le colonne di conto dovrebbe essere dopo |
204 | Se è stato inserito correttamente | la probabile ragione |
205 | for this Production Order. | Tutti gli articoli sono già stati trasferiti |
206 | All posts by | Tutti i messaggi di |
207 | Allocate | Assegna |
208 | Allocate leaves for the year. | Assegnare le foglie per l' anno. |
209 | Allocated Amount | Assegna Importo |
210 | Allocated Budget | Assegna Budget |
211 | Allocated amount | Assegna importo |
212 | Allow Attach | Consentire Allegati |
213 | Allow Bill of Materials | Consentire Distinta di Base |
214 | Allow Dropbox Access | Consentire Accesso DropBox |
215 | Allow Editing of Frozen Accounts For | Consenti Modifica Account Congelati per |
216 | Allow Google Drive Access | Consentire Accesso Google Drive |
217 | Allow Import | Consentire Importa |
218 | Allow Import via Data Import Tool | Consentire Import tramite Strumento Importazione Dati |
219 | Allow Negative Balance | Consentire Bilancio Negativo |
220 | Allow Negative Stock | Consentire Magazzino Negativo |
221 | Allow Production Order | Consentire Ordine Produzione |
222 | Allow Rename | Consentire Rinominare |
223 | Allow Samples | Consentire Esempio |
224 | Allow User | Consentire Utente |
225 | Allow Users | Consentire Utenti |
226 | Allow on Submit | Consentire su Invio |
227 | Allow the following users to approve Leave Applications for block days. | Consentire i seguenti utenti per approvare le richieste per i giorni di blocco. |
228 | Allow user to login only after this hour (0-24) | Consentire Login Utente solo dopo questo orario (0-24) |
229 | Allow user to login only before this hour (0-24) | Consentire Login Utente solo prima di questo orario (0-24) |
230 | Allowance Percent | Tolleranza Percentuale |
231 | Allowed | Consenti |
232 | Already Registered | Già Registrato |
233 | Always use Login Id as sender | Usa sempre ID Login come mittente |
234 | Amend | Correggi |
235 | Amended From | Corretto da |
236 | Amount | Importo |
237 | Amount (Company Currency) | Importo (Valuta Azienda) |
238 | Amount <= | Importo <= |
239 | Amount >= | Importo >= |
240 | Analytics | Analytics |
241 | Annual Cost To Company | Costo annuo per azienda |
242 | Annual Cost To Company can not be less than 12 months of Total Earning | Costo annuo per azienda non può essere inferiore a 12 mesi di guadagno totale |
243 | Please make its status 'Inactive' to proceed. | Un'altra Struttura di Stipendio '%s' è attiva per il dipendente '%s'. |
244 | Applicable Holiday List | Lista Vacanze Applicabile |
245 | Applicable To (Designation) | Applicabile a (Designazione) |
246 | Applicable To (Employee) | Applicabile a (Dipendente) |
247 | Applicable To (Role) | Applicabile a (Ruolo) |
248 | Applicable To (User) | Applicabile a (Utente) |
249 | Applicant Name | Nome del Richiedente |
250 | Applicant for a Job | Richiedente per Lavoro |
251 | Applicant for a Job. | Richiedente per Lavoro. |
252 | Applications for leave. | Richieste di Ferie |
253 | Applies to Company | Applica ad Azienda |
254 | Apply / Approve Leaves | Applica / Approvare Ferie |
255 | Apply Shipping Rule | Applica Regole Spedizione |
256 | Apply Taxes and Charges Master | Applicare tasse e le spese master |
257 | Appraisal | Valutazione |
258 | Appraisal Goal | Obiettivo di Valutazione |
259 | Appraisal Goals | Obiettivi di Valutazione |
260 | Appraisal Template | Valutazione Modello |
261 | Appraisal Template Goal | Valutazione Modello Obiettivo |
262 | Appraisal Template Title | Valutazione Titolo Modello |
263 | Approval Status | Stato Approvazione |
264 | Approved | Approvato |
265 | Approver | Certificatore |
266 | Approving Role | Regola Approvazione |
267 | Approving User | Utente Certificatore |
268 | Are you sure you want to delete the attachment? | Eliminare Veramente questo Allegato? |
269 | Arial | Arial |
270 | Arrear Amount | Importo posticipata |
271 | As existing qty for item: | Q.tà residua dell' articolo: |
272 | As per Stock UOM | Per Stock UOM |
273 | 'Is Stock Item' and 'Valuation Method' | Ci sono movimenti di stock per questo |
274 | Ascending | Crescente |
275 | Assign To | Assegna a |
276 | Assigned By | Assegnato da |
277 | Assignment | Assegnazione |
278 | Assignments | Assegnazioni |
279 | Associate a DocType to the Print Format | Associare un DOCTYPE per il formato di stampa |
280 | Atleast one warehouse is mandatory | Almeno un Magazzino è obbligatorio |
281 | Attach | Allega |
282 | Attach Document Print | Allega documento Stampa |
283 | Attached To DocType | Allega aDocType |
284 | Attached To Name | Allega a Nome |
285 | Attachment | Allegato |
286 | Attachments | Allegati |
287 | Attempted to Contact | Tentativo di Contatto |
288 | Attendance | Presenze |
289 | Attendance Date | Data Presenza |
290 | Attendance Details | Dettagli presenze |
291 | Attendance From Date | Partecipazione Da Data |
292 | Attendance To Date | Partecipazione a Data |
293 | Attendance can not be marked for future dates | La Presenza non può essere inserita nel futuro |
294 | Attendance for the employee: | Presenze Dipendenti: |
295 | Attendance record. | Archivio Presenze |
296 | Attributions | Attribuzione |
297 | Authorization Control | Controllo Autorizzazioni |
298 | Authorization Rule | Ruolo Autorizzazione |
299 | Auto Email Id | Email ID Auto |
300 | Auto Inventory Accounting | Inventario Contabilità Auto |
301 | Auto Inventory Accounting Settings | Inventario Contabilità Impostazioni Auto |
302 | Auto Material Request | Richiesta Materiale Auto |
303 | Auto Name | Nome Auto |
304 | Auto generated | Auto generato |
305 | Auto-raise Material Request if quantity goes below re-order level in a warehouse | Auto aumenta Materiale Richiesta se la quantità scende sotto il livello di riordino in un magazzino |
306 | Automatically updated via Stock Entry of type Manufacture/Repack | Aggiornato automaticamente via Archivio Entrata di tipo Produzione / Repack |
307 | Autoreply when a new mail is received | Auto-Rispondi quando si riceve una nuova mail |
308 | Available Qty at Warehouse | Quantità Disponibile a magazzino |
309 | Available Stock for Packing Items | Disponibile Magazzino per imballaggio elementi |
310 | Avatar | Avatar |
311 | Average Discount | Sconto Medio |
312 | B+ | B+ |
313 | B- | B- |
314 | BILL | BILL |
315 | BILLJ | BILLJ |
316 | BOM | DIBA |
317 | BOM Detail No | DIBA Dettagli N. |
318 | BOM Explosion Item | DIBA Articolo Esploso |
319 | BOM Item | DIBA Articolo |
320 | BOM No | N. DiBa |
321 | BOM No. for a Finished Good Item | DiBa N. per un buon articolo finito |
322 | BOM Operation | DiBa Operazione |
323 | BOM Operations | DiBa Operazioni |
324 | BOM Replace Tool | DiBa Sostituire Strumento |
325 | BOM replaced | DiBa Sostituire |
326 | Background Color | Colore Sfondo |
327 | Background Image | Immagine Sfondo |
328 | Backup Manager | Gestione Backup |
329 | Backup Right Now | Backup ORA |
330 | Backups will be uploaded to | Backup verranno caricati su |
331 | Bank | Banca |
332 | Bank A/C No. | Bank A/C No. |
333 | Bank Account | Conto Banca |
334 | Bank Account No. | Conto Banca N. |
335 | Bank Clearance Summary | Sintesi Liquidazione Banca |
336 | Bank Name | Nome Banca |
337 | Bank Reconciliation | Conciliazione Banca |
338 | Bank Reconciliation Detail | Dettaglio Riconciliazione Banca |
339 | Bank Reconciliation Statement | Prospetto di Riconciliazione Banca |
340 | Bank Voucher | Buono Banca |
341 | Bank or Cash | Banca o Contante |
342 | Bank/Cash Balance | Banca/Contanti Saldo |
343 | Banner | Banner |
344 | Banner HTML | Banner HTML |
345 | Banner Image | Immagine Banner |
346 | Banner is above the Top Menu Bar. | Il Banner è sopra la Barra Menu Top |
347 | Barcode | Codice a barre |
348 | Based On | Basato su |
349 | Basic Info | Info Base |
350 | Basic Information | Informazioni di Base |
351 | Basic Rate | Tasso Base |
352 | Basic Rate (Company Currency) | Tasso Base (Valuta Azienda) |
353 | Batch | Lotto |
354 | Batch (lot) of an Item. | Lotto di un articolo |
355 | Batch Finished Date | Data Termine Lotto |
356 | Batch ID | ID Lotto |
357 | Batch No | Lotto N. |
358 | Batch Started Date | Data inizio Lotto |
359 | Batch Time Logs for Billing. | Registra Tempo Lotto per Fatturazione. |
360 | Batch Time Logs for billing. | Registra Tempo Lotto per fatturazione. |
361 | Batch-Wise Balance History | Cronologia Bilanciamento Lotti-Wise |
362 | Batched for Billing | Raggruppati per la Fatturazione |
363 | Be the first one to comment | Commenta per primo |
364 | Begin this page with a slideshow of images | Inizia la pagina con una slideshow di immagini |
365 | Better Prospects | Prospettive Migliori |
366 | Bill Date | Data Fattura |
367 | Bill No | Fattura N. |
368 | Bill of Material to be considered for manufacturing | Elenco dei materiali da considerare per la produzione |
369 | Bill of Materials | Distinta Materiali |
370 | Bill of Materials (BOM) | Distinta Materiali (DiBa) |
371 | Billable | Addebitabile |
372 | Billed | Addebbitato |
373 | Billed Amt | Adebbitato Amt |
374 | Billing | Fatturazione |
375 | Billing Address | Indirizzo Fatturazione |
376 | Billing Address Name | Nome Indirizzo Fatturazione |
377 | Billing Status | Stato Faturazione |
378 | Bills raised by Suppliers. | Fatture sollevate dai fornitori. |
379 | Bills raised to Customers. | Fatture sollevate dai Clienti. |
380 | Bin | Bin |
381 | Bio | Bio |
382 | Bio will be displayed in blog section etc. | Bio verrà inserita nella sezione blog etc. |
383 | Birth Date | Data di Nascita |
384 | Blob | Blob |
385 | Block Date | Data Blocco |
386 | Block Days | Giorno Blocco |
387 | Block Holidays on important days. | Blocco Vacanze in giorni importanti |
388 | Block leave applications by department. | Blocco domande uscita da ufficio. |
389 | Blog Category | Categoria Blog |
390 | Blog Intro | Intro Blog |
391 | Blog Introduction | Introduzione Blog |
392 | Blog Post | Articolo Blog |
393 | Blog Settings | Impostazioni Blog |
394 | Blog Subscriber | Abbonati Blog |
395 | Blog Title | Titolo Blog |
396 | Blogger | Blogger |
397 | Blood Group | Gruppo Discendenza |
398 | Bookmarks | Segnalibri |
399 | Branch | Ramo |
400 | Brand | Marca |
401 | Brand HTML | Marca HTML |
402 | Brand Name | Nome Marca |
403 | Brand is what appears on the top-right of the toolbar. If it is an image | make sure it |
404 | Brand master. | Marchio Originale. |
405 | Brands | Marche |
406 | Breakdown | Esaurimento |
407 | Budget | Budget |
408 | Budget Allocated | Budget Assegnato |
409 | Budget Control | Controllo Budget |
410 | Budget Detail | Dettaglio Budget |
411 | Budget Details | Dettaglii Budget |
412 | Budget Distribution | Distribuzione Budget |
413 | Budget Distribution Detail | Dettaglio Distribuzione Budget |
414 | Budget Distribution Details | Dettagli Distribuzione Budget |
415 | Budget Variance Report | Report Variazione Budget |
416 | Build Modules | Genera moduli |
417 | Build Pages | Genera Pagine |
418 | Build Server API | Genera Server API |
419 | Build Sitemap | Genera Sitemap |
420 | Bulk Email | Email di Massa |
421 | Bulk Email records. | Registra Email di Massa |
422 | Bundle items at time of sale. | Articoli Combinati e tempi di vendita. |
423 | Button | Pulsante |
424 | Buyer of Goods and Services. | Durante l'acquisto di beni e servizi. |
425 | Buying | Acquisto |
426 | Buying Amount | Importo Acquisto |
427 | Buying Settings | Impostazioni Acquisto |
428 | By | By |
429 | C-FORM/ | C-FORM/ |
430 | C-Form | C-Form |
431 | C-Form Applicable | C-Form Applicable |
432 | C-Form Invoice Detail | C-Form Detagli Fattura |
433 | C-Form No | C-Form N. |
434 | CI/2010-2011/ | CI/2010-2011/ |
435 | COMM- | COMM- |
436 | CSS | CSS |
437 | CUST | CUST |
439 | Calculate Based On | Calcola in base a |
440 | Calculate Total Score | Calcolare il punteggio totale |
441 | Calendar | Calendario |
442 | Calendar Events | Eventi del calendario |
443 | Call | Chiama |
444 | Campaign | Campagna |
445 | Campaign Name | Nome Campagna |
446 | Can only be exported by users with role 'Report Manager' | Può essere esportata slo da utenti con ruolo 'Report Manager' |
447 | Cancel | Annulla |
448 | Cancel permission also allows the user to delete a document (if it is not linked to any other document). | Annulla permessi abiliti utente ad eliminare un documento (se non è collegato a nessun altro documento). |
449 | Cancelled | Annullato |
450 | Cannot | Non è possibile |
451 | Cannot approve leave as you are not authorized to approve leaves on Block Dates. | Non può approvare lasciare come non si è autorizzati ad approvare le ferie sulle date di blocco. |
452 | Cannot change from | Non è possibile cambiare da |
453 | Cannot continue. | Non è possibile continuare. |
454 | Cannot have two prices for same Price List | Non può avere due prezzi per lo stesso Listino Prezzi |
455 | Cannot map because following condition fails: | Non può mappare perché fallisce la condizione: |
456 | Capacity | Capacità |
457 | Capacity Units | Unità Capacità |
458 | Carry Forward | Portare Avanti |
459 | Carry Forwarded Leaves | Portare Avanti Autorizzazione |
460 | Recommended <b>From Case No. = %s</b> | Caso N. già in uso. Si prega di correggere e riprovare. |
461 | Cash | Contante |
462 | Cash Voucher | Buono Contanti |
463 | Cash/Bank Account | Conto Contanti/Banca |
464 | Categorize blog posts. | Categorizzare i post sul blog. |
465 | Category | Categoria |
466 | Category Name | Nome Categoria |
467 | Category of customer as entered in Customer master | Categoria del cliente come inserita in master clienti |
468 | Cell Number | Numero di Telefono |
469 | Center | Centro |
470 | Change UOM for an Item. | Cambia UOM per l'articolo. |
471 | Change the starting / current sequence number of an existing series. | Cambia l'inizio/numero sequenza corrente per una serie esistente |
472 | Channel Partner | Canale Partner |
473 | Charge | Addebitare |
474 | Chargeable | Addebitabile |
475 | Chart of Accounts | Grafico dei Conti |
476 | Chart of Cost Centers | Grafico Centro di Costo |
477 | Chat | Chat |
478 | Check | Seleziona |
479 | Check / Uncheck roles assigned to the Profile. Click on the Role to find out what permissions that Role has. | Seleziona / Deseleziona ruoli assegnati al profilo. Fare clic sul ruolo per scoprire quali autorizzazioni ha il ruolo. |
480 | Check all the items below that you want to send in this digest. | Controllare tutti gli elementi qui di seguito che si desidera inviare in questo digest. |
481 | Check how the newsletter looks in an email by sending it to your email. | Verificare come la newsletter si vede in una e-mail inviandola alla tua e-mail. |
482 | Check this if you want to force the user to select a series before saving. There will be no default if you check this. | Seleziona se vuoi forzare l'utente a selezionare una serie prima di salvare. Altrimenti sarà NO di default. |
483 | Check this if you want to send emails as this id only (in case of restriction by your email provider). | Seleziona se vuoi inviare mail solo con questo ID (in caso di restrizione dal provider di posta elettronica). |
484 | Check this if you want to show in website | Seleziona se vuoi mostrare nel sito |
485 | Check this to disallow fractions. (for Nos) | Seleziona per disabilitare frazioni. (per NOS) |
486 | Check this to make this the default letter head in all prints | Seleziona per usare questa intestazione in tutte le stampe |
487 | Check this to pull emails from your mailbox | Seleziona per scaricare la posta dal tuo account |
488 | Check to activate | Seleziona per attivare |
489 | Check to make Shipping Address | Seleziona per fare Spedizione Indirizzo |
490 | Check to make primary address | Seleziona per impostare indirizzo principale |
491 | Checked | Selezionato |
492 | Cheque | Assegno |
493 | Cheque Date | Data Assegno |
494 | Cheque Number | Controllo Numero |
495 | Child Tables are shown as a Grid in other DocTypes. | Tabelle figlio sono mostrati come una griglia in altre DOCTYPE. |
496 | City | Città |
497 | City/Town | Città/Paese |
498 | Claim Amount | Importo Reclamo |
499 | Claims for company expense. | Reclami per spese dell'azienda. |
500 | Class / Percentage | Classe / Percentuale |
501 | Classic | Classico |
502 | Classification of Customers by region | Classificazione Clienti per Regione |
503 | Clear Cache & Refresh | Cancella cache & Ricarica |
504 | Clear Table | Pulisci Tabella |
505 | Clearance Date | Data Liquidazione |
506 | Click on 'Make Sales Invoice' button to create a new Sales Invoice. | Clicca sul pulsante 'Crea Fattura Vendita' per creare una nuova Fattura di Vendita |
507 | Click on button in the 'Condition' column and select the option 'User is the creator of the document' | Clicca sul pulsante nella colonna 'Condizioni' e seleziona 'Utente ha creato il documento' |
508 | Click to Expand / Collapse | Clicca per Espandere / Comprimere |
509 | Client | Intestatario |
510 | Close | Chiudi |
511 | Closed | Chiuso |
512 | Closing Account Head | Chiudere Conto Primario |
513 | Closing Date | Data Chiusura |
514 | Closing Fiscal Year | Chiusura Anno Fiscale |
515 | CoA Help | Aiuto CoA |
516 | Code | Codice |
517 | Cold Calling | Chiamata Fredda |
518 | Color | Colore |
519 | Column Break | Interruzione Colonna |
520 | Comma separated list of email addresses | Lista separata da virgola degli indirizzi email |
521 | Comment | Commento |
522 | Comment By | Commentato da |
523 | Comment By Fullname | Commento di Nome Completo |
524 | Comment Date | Data commento |
525 | Comment Docname | Commento Docname |
526 | Comment Doctype | Commento Doctype |
527 | Comment Time | Tempo Commento |
528 | Comments | Commenti |
529 | Commission Rate | Tasso Commissione |
530 | Commission Rate (%) | Tasso Commissione (%) |
531 | Commission partners and targets | Commissione Partner Obiettivi |
532 | Communication | Comunicazione |
533 | Communication HTML | Comunicazione HTML |
534 | Communication History | Storico Comunicazioni |
535 | Communication Medium | Mezzo di comunicazione |
536 | Communication log. | Log comunicazione |
537 | Company | Azienda |
538 | Company Details | Dettagli Azienda |
539 | Company History | Storico Azienda |
540 | Company History Heading | Cronologia Azienda Principale |
541 | Company Info | Info Azienda |
542 | Company Introduction | Introduzione Azienda |
543 | Company Master. | Propritario Azienda. |
544 | Company Name | Nome Azienda |
545 | Company Settings | Impostazioni Azienda |
546 | Company branches. | Rami Azienda. |
547 | Company departments. | Dipartimento dell'Azienda. |
548 | Company is missing or entered incorrect value | Azienda non esistente o valori inseriti errati |
549 | Company mismatch for Warehouse | Discordanza Azienda per Magazzino |
550 | Complaint | Reclamo |
551 | Complete By | Completato da |
552 | Completed | Completato |
553 | Completed Qty | Q.tà Completata |
554 | Completion Date | Data Completamento |
555 | Completion Status | Stato Completamento |
556 | Confirmed orders from Customers. | Ordini Confermati da Clienti. |
557 | Consider Tax or Charge for | Cnsidera Tasse o Cambio per |
558 | Considered as Opening Balance | Considerato come Apertura Saldo |
559 | Considered as an Opening Balance | Considerato come Apertura Saldo |
560 | Consultant | Consulente |
561 | Consumed Qty | Q.tà Consumata |
562 | Contact | Contatto |
563 | Contact Control | Controllo Contatto |
564 | Contact Desc | Desc Contatto |
565 | Contact Details | Dettagli Contatto |
566 | Contact Email | Email Contatto |
567 | Contact HTML | Contatto HTML |
568 | Contact Info | Info Contatto |
569 | Contact Mobile No | Cellulare Contatto |
570 | Contact Name | Nome Contatto |
571 | Contact No. | Contatto N. |
572 | Contact Person | Persona Contatto |
573 | Contact Type | Tipo Contatto |
574 | Contact Us Settings | Impostazioni Contattaci |
575 | Contact in Future | Contatta in Futuro |
576 | Contacted | Contattato |
577 | Content | Contenuto |
578 | Content Type | Tipo Contenuto |
579 | Content in markdown format that appears on the main side of your page | Contenuto sottolineato che appare sul lato principale della pagina |
580 | Content web page. | Contenuto Pagina Web. |
581 | Contra Voucher | Contra Voucher |
582 | Contract End Date | Data fine Contratto |
583 | Contribution (%) | Contributo (%) |
584 | Contribution to Net Total | Contributo sul totale netto |
585 | Control Panel | Pannello di Controllo |
586 | Conversion Factor | Fattore di Conversione |
587 | Conversion Rate | Tasso di Conversione |
588 | Convert into Recurring Invoice | Convertire in fattura ricorrente |
589 | Converted | Convertito |
590 | Copy | Copia |
591 | Copy From Item Group | Copiare da elemento Gruppo |
592 | Copyright | Copyright |
593 | Core | Core |
594 | Cost Center | Centro di Costo |
595 | Cost Center Details | Dettaglio Centro di Costo |
596 | Cost Center Name | Nome Centro di Costo |
597 | Cost Center is mandatory for item: | Centro di Costo obbligatorio per elemento: |
598 | Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: | Centro di Costo deve essere specificato per Conto PL |
599 | Cost to Company | Costo per l'Azienda |
600 | Costing | Valutazione Costi |
601 | Country | Nazione |
602 | Country Name | Nome Nazione |
603 | Create | Crea |
604 | Create Bank Voucher for the total salary paid for the above selected criteria | Crea Buono Bancario per il totale dello stipendio da pagare per i seguenti criteri |
605 | Create Production Orders | Crea Ordine Prodotto |
606 | Create Receiver List | Crea Elenco Ricezione |
607 | Create Salary Slip | Creare busta paga |
608 | Create Stock Ledger Entries when you submit a Sales Invoice | Creare scorta voci registro quando inserisci una fattura vendita |
609 | Create and Send Newsletters | Crea e Invia Newsletter |
610 | Created Account Head: | Creato Account Principale: |
611 | Created By | Creato da |
612 | Created Customer Issue | Creata Richiesta Cliente |
613 | Created Group | Gruppo Creato |
614 | Created Opportunity | Opportunità Creata |
615 | Created Support Ticket | Crea Ticket Assistenza |
616 | Creates salary slip for above mentioned criteria. | Crea busta paga per i criteri sopra menzionati. |
617 | Credentials | Credenziali |
618 | Credit | Credit |
619 | Credit Amt | Credit Amt |
620 | Credit Card Voucher | Carta Buono di credito |
621 | Credit Controller | Controllare Credito |
622 | Credit Days | Giorni Credito |
623 | Credit Limit | Limite Credito |
624 | Credit Note | Nota Credito |
625 | Credit To | Credito a |
626 | Cross Listing of Item in multiple groups | Attraversare Elenco di Articolo in più gruppi |
627 | Currency | Valuta |
628 | Currency Exchange | Cambio Valuta |
629 | Currency Format | Formato Valuta |
630 | Currency Name | Nome Valuta |
631 | Currency Settings | Impostazioni Valuta |
632 | Currency and Price List | Valuta e Lista Prezzi |
633 | Currency does not match Price List Currency for Price List | Valuta non corrisponde a Valuta Lista Prezzi per Lista Prezzi |
634 | Current Accommodation Type | Tipo di Alloggio Corrente |
635 | Current Address | Indirizzo Corrente |
636 | Current BOM | DiBa Corrente |
637 | Current Fiscal Year | Anno Fiscale Corrente |
638 | Current Stock | Scorta Corrente |
639 | Current Stock UOM | Scorta Corrente UOM |
640 | Current Value | Valore Corrente |
641 | Current status | Stato Corrente |
642 | Custom | Personalizzato |
643 | Custom Autoreply Message | Auto rispondi Messaggio Personalizzato |
644 | Custom CSS | CSS Personalizzato |
645 | Custom Field | Campo Personalizzato |
646 | Custom Message | Messaggio Personalizzato |
647 | Custom Reports | Report Personalizzato |
648 | Custom Script | Script Personalizzato |
649 | Custom Startup Code | Codice Avvio Personalizzato |
650 | Custom? | Personalizzato? |
651 | Customer | Cliente |
652 | Customer (Receivable) Account | Cliente (Ricevibile) Account |
653 | Customer / Item Name | Cliente / Nome voce |
654 | Customer Account | Conto Cliente |
655 | Customer Account Head | Conto Cliente Principale |
656 | Customer Address | Indirizzo Cliente |
657 | Customer Addresses And Contacts | Indirizzi e Contatti Cliente |
658 | Customer Code | Codice Cliente |
659 | Customer Codes | Codici Cliente |
660 | Customer Details | Dettagli Cliente |
661 | Customer Discount | Sconto Cliente |
662 | Customer Discounts | Sconti Cliente |
663 | Customer Feedback | Opinione Cliente |
664 | Customer Group | Gruppo Cliente |
665 | Customer Group Name | Nome Gruppo Cliente |
666 | Customer Intro | Intro Cliente |
667 | Customer Issue | Questione Cliente |
668 | Customer Issue against Serial No. | Questione Cliente per Seriale N. |
669 | Customer Name | Nome Cliente |
670 | Customer Naming By | Cliente nominato di |
671 | Customer Type | Tipo Cliente |
672 | Customer classification tree. | Albero classificazione Cliente |
673 | Customer database. | Database Cliente. |
674 | Customer's Currency | Valuta Cliente |
675 | Customer's Item Code | Codice elemento Cliente |
676 | Customer's Purchase Order Date | Data ordine acquisto Cliente |
677 | Customer's Purchase Order No | Ordine Acquisto Cliente N. |
678 | Customer's Vendor | Fornitore del Cliente |
679 | Customer's currency | Valuta del Cliente |
680 | Customers Not Buying Since Long Time | Clienti non acquisto da molto tempo |
681 | Customerwise Discount | Sconto Cliente saggio |
682 | Customize | Personalizza |
683 | Customize Form | Personalizzare modulo |
684 | Customize Form Field | Personalizzare Campo modulo |
685 | Customize the Notification | Personalizzare Notifica |
686 | Customize the introductory text that goes as a part of that email. Each transaction has a separate introductory text. | Personalizza testo di introduzione che andrà nell'email. Ogni transazione ha un introduzione distinta. |
687 | DN | DN |
688 | DN Detail | Dettaglio DN |
689 | Daily | Giornaliero |
690 | Daily Event Digest is sent for Calendar Events where reminders are set. | Coda di Evento Giornaliero è inviato per Eventi del calendario quando è impostata la notifica. |
691 | Daily Time Log Summary | Registro Giornaliero Tempo |
692 | Danger | Pericoloso |
693 | Data | Data |
694 | Data missing in table | Dati Mancanti nella tabella |
695 | Database | Database |
696 | Database Folder ID | ID Cartella Database |
697 | Database of potential customers. | Database Potenziali Clienti. |
698 | Date | Data |
699 | Date Format | Formato Data |
700 | Date Of Retirement | Data di Ritiro |
701 | Date and Number Settings | Impostazioni Data e Numeri |
702 | Date is repeated | La Data si Ripete |
703 | Date must be in format | Data nel formato |
704 | Date of Birth | Data Compleanno |
705 | Date of Issue | Data Pubblicazione |
706 | Date of Joining | Data Adesione |
707 | Date on which lorry started from supplier warehouse | Data in cui camion partito da magazzino fornitore |
708 | Date on which lorry started from your warehouse | Data in cui camion partito da nostro magazzino |
709 | Date on which the lead was last contacted | Data ultimo contatto LEAD |
710 | Dates | Date |
711 | Datetime | Orario |
712 | Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department. | Giorni per i quali le festività sono bloccati per questo reparto. |
713 | Dealer | Commerciante |
714 | Dear | Gentile |
715 | Debit | Debito |
716 | Debit Amt | Ammontare Debito |
717 | Debit Note | Nota Debito |
718 | Debit To | Addebito a |
719 | Debit or Credit | Debito o Credito |
720 | Deduct | Detrarre |
721 | Deduction | Deduzioni |
722 | Deduction Type | Tipo Deduzione |
723 | Deduction1 | Deduzione1 |
724 | Deductions | Deduzioni |
725 | Default | Predefinito |
726 | Default Account | Account Predefinito |
727 | Default BOM | BOM Predefinito |
728 | Default Bank / Cash account will be automatically updated in POS Invoice when this mode is selected. | Conto predefinito Banca / Contante aggiornato automaticamente in Fatture POS quando selezioni questo metodo |
729 | Default Bank Account | Conto Banca Predefinito |
730 | Default Cash Account | Conto Monete predefinito |
731 | Default Commission Rate | tasso commissione predefinito |
732 | Default Company | Azienda Predefinita |
733 | Default Cost Center | Centro di Costi Predefinito |
734 | Default Cost Center for tracking expense for this item. | Centro di Costo Predefinito di Gestione spese per questo articolo |
735 | Default Currency | Valuta Predefinito |
736 | Default Customer Group | Gruppo Clienti Predefinito |
737 | Default Expense Account | Account Spese Predefinito |
738 | Default Home Page | Home page Predefinito |
739 | Default Home Pages | Home page Predefinita |
740 | Default Income Account | Conto Predefinito Entrate |
741 | Default Item Group | Gruppo elemento Predefinito |
742 | Default Price List | Listino Prezzi Predefinito |
743 | Default Print Format | Formato Stampa Predefinito |
744 | Default Purchase Account in which cost of the item will be debited. | Conto acquisto Predefinito dove addebitare i costi. |
745 | Default Sales Partner | Partner di Vendita Predefinito |
746 | Default Settings | Impostazioni Predefinite |
747 | Default Source Warehouse | Magazzino Origine Predefinito |
748 | Default Stock UOM | Scorta UOM predefinita |
749 | Default Supplier Type | Tipo Fornitore Predefinito |
750 | Default Target Warehouse | Magazzino Destinazione Predefinito |
751 | Default Territory | Territorio Predefinito |
752 | Default Unit of Measure | Unità di Misura Predefinito |
753 | Default Valuation Method | Metodo Valutazione Predefinito |
754 | Default Value | Valore Predefinito |
755 | Default Warehouse | Magazzino Predefinito |
756 | Default Warehouse is mandatory for Stock Item. | Magazzino Predefinito Obbligatorio per Articolo Stock. |
757 | Default settings for Shopping Cart | Impostazioni Predefinito per Carrello Spesa |
758 | DefaultValue | ValorePredefinito |
759 | Defaults | Predefiniti |
760 | Defines actions on states and the next step and allowed roles. | Definisce le azioni su stati e il passo successivo e ruoli consentiti. |
761 | Defines workflow states and rules for a document. | Definisci stati Workflow e regole per il documento. |
762 | Delete | Elimina |
763 | Delete Row | Elimina Riga |
764 | Delivered | Consegnato |
765 | Delivered Items To Be Billed | Gli Articoli consegnati da Fatturare |
766 | Delivered Qty | Q.tà Consegnata |
767 | Delivery Address | Indirizzo Consegna |
768 | Delivery Date | Data Consegna |
769 | Delivery Details | Dettagli Consegna |
770 | Delivery Document No | Documento Consegna N. |
771 | Delivery Document Type | Tipo Documento Consegna |
772 | Delivery Note | Nota Consegna |
773 | Delivery Note Item | Nota articolo Consegna |
774 | Delivery Note Items | Nota Articoli Consegna |
775 | Delivery Note Message | Nota Messaggio Consegna |
776 | Delivery Note No | Nota Consegna N. |
777 | Delivery Note Packing Item | Nota Consegna Imballaggio articolo |
778 | Delivery Note Required | Nota Consegna Richiesta |
779 | Delivery Note Trends | Nota Consegna Tendenza |
780 | Delivery Status | Stato Consegna |
781 | Delivery Time | Tempo Consegna |
782 | Delivery To | Consegna a |
783 | Department | Dipartimento |
784 | Depend on LWP | Affidati a LWP |
785 | Depends On | Dipende da |
786 | Depends on LWP | Dipende da LWP |
787 | Descending | Decrescente |
788 | Description | Descrizione |
789 | Description HTML | Descrizione HTML |
790 | Description for page header. | Descrizione Intestazione Pagina |
791 | Description of a Job Opening | Descrizione Offerta Lavoro |
792 | Designation | Designazione |
793 | Desktop | Desktop |
794 | Detailed Breakup of the totals | |
795 | Details | Dettagli |
796 | Deutsch | Tedesco |
797 | Did not add. | Non aggiungere. |
798 | Did not cancel | Non cancellare |
799 | Did not save | Non salvare |
800 | Difference | Differenza |
801 | Disable Customer Signup link in Login page | Disabilita Link Iscrizione Clienti nella pagina di Login |
802 | Disable Rounded Total | Disabilita Arrotondamento su Totale |
803 | Disable Signup | Disabilita Iscrizione |
804 | Disabled | Disabilitato |
805 | Discount % | Sconto % |
806 | Discount % | % sconto |
807 | Discount (%) | (%) Sconto |
808 | Discount(%) | Sconto(%) |
809 | Display | Visualizzazione |
810 | Display Settings | Impostazioni Visualizzazione |
811 | Display all the individual items delivered with the main items | Visualizzare tutti gli elementi singoli spediti con articoli principali |
812 | Distinct unit of an Item | Distingui unità di un articolo |
813 | Distribute transport overhead across items. | Distribuire in testa trasporto attraverso articoli. |
814 | Distribution | Distribuzione |
815 | Distribution Id | ID Distribuzione |
816 | Distribution Name | Nome Distribuzione |
817 | Distributor | Distributore |
818 | Divorced | Divorced |
819 | Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies. | Non visualizzare nessun simbolo tipo € dopo le Valute. |
820 | Doc Name | Nome Doc |
821 | Doc Status | Stato Doc |
822 | Doc Type | Tipo Doc |
823 | DocField | CampoDoc |
824 | DocPerm | PermessiDoc |
825 | DocType | TipoDoc |
826 | DocType Details | Dettaglio DocType |
827 | DocType is a Table / Form in the application. | DocType è una Tabella / Modulo nell'applicazione |
828 | DocType on which this Workflow is applicable. | DocType su cui questo flusso di lavoro è applicabile |
829 | DocType or Field | |
830 | Document | |
831 | Document Description | |
832 | Document Status transition from | |
833 | Document Type | |
834 | Document is only editable by users of role | |
835 | Documentation | Documentazione |
836 | Documentation Generator Console | Console Generatore Documentazione |
837 | Documentation Tool | Strumento Documento |
838 | Documents | Documenti |
839 | Domain | Dominio |
840 | Download Backup | Scarica Backup |
841 | Download Materials Required | Scaricare Materiali Richiesti |
842 | Download Template | Scarica Modello |
843 | Download a report containing all raw materials with their latest inventory status | Scaricare un report contenete tutte le materie prime con il loro recente stato di inventario |
844 | Download the Template | fill appropriate data and attach the modified file. |
845 | Tutte le date e le combinazioni dei dipendenti nel periodo selezionato entreranno nel modello | con il record di presenze esistenti |
846 | Draft | Bozza |
847 | Drafts | Bozze |
848 | Drag to sort columns | Trascina per ordinare le colonne |
849 | Dropbox | Dropbox |
850 | Dropbox Access Allowed | Consentire accesso Dropbox |
851 | Dropbox Access Key | Chiave Accesso Dropbox |
852 | Dropbox Access Secret | Accesso Segreto Dropbox |
853 | Due Date | Data di scadenza |
854 | EMP/ | EMP/ |
856 | ESIC No. | ESIC No. |
857 | Earning | Rendimento |
858 | Earning & Deduction | Guadagno & Detrazione |
859 | Earning Type | Tipo Rendimento |
860 | Earning1 | Rendimento1 |
861 | Edit | Modifica |
862 | Editable | Modificabile |
863 | Educational Qualification | |
864 | Educational Qualification Details | |
865 | Eg. smsgateway.com/api/send_sms.cgi | |
866 | Email | Email |
867 | Email (By company) | Email (per azienda) |
868 | Email Digest | Email di massa |
869 | Email Digest Settings | Impostazioni Email di Massa |
870 | Email Host | Host Email |
871 | Email Id | ID Email |
872 | Email Login | Login Email |
873 | Email Password | Password Email |
874 | Email Sent | Invia Mail |
875 | Email Sent? | Invio Email? |
876 | Email Settings | Impostazioni email |
877 | Email Settings for Outgoing and Incoming Emails. | Impostazioni email per Messaggi in Ingresso e in Uscita |
878 | Email Signature | Firma Email |
879 | Email Use SSL | Email usa SSL |
880 | Email ids separated by commas. | ID Email separati da virgole. |
881 | Email... | Email... |
882 | Embed image slideshows in website pages. | Includi slideshow di immagin nellae pagine del sito. |
883 | Emergency Contact Details | Dettagli Contatto Emergenza |
884 | Emergency Phone Number | Numero di Telefono Emergenze |
885 | Employee | Dipendenti |
886 | Employee Birthday | Compleanno Dipendente |
887 | Employee Designation. | Nomina Dipendente. |
888 | Employee Details | Dettagli Dipendente |
889 | Employee Education | Istruzione Dipendente |
890 | Employee External Work History | Cronologia Lavoro Esterno Dipendente |
891 | Employee Information | Informazioni Dipendente |
892 | Employee Internal Work History | Cronologia Lavoro Interno Dipendente |
893 | Employee Internal Work Historys | Cronologia Lavoro Interno Dipendente |
894 | Employee Leave Approver | Dipendente Lascia Approvatore |
895 | Employee Leave Balance | Approvazione Bilancio Dipendete |
896 | Employee Name | Nome Dipendete |
897 | Employee Number | Numero Dipendenti |
898 | Employee Records to be created by | Record dei Dipendenti creati da |
899 | Employee Setup | Configurazione Dipendenti |
900 | Employee Type | Tipo Dipendenti |
901 | Employee grades | Grado dipendenti |
902 | Employee record is created using selected field. | Record Dipendenti creati usando i campi selezionati. |
903 | Employee records. | Registrazione Dipendente. |
904 | Employee: | Dipendente: |
905 | Employees Email Id | Email Dipendente |
906 | Employment Details | Dettagli Dipendente |
907 | Employment Type | Tipo Dipendente |
908 | Enable Auto Inventory Accounting | Abilita inventario contabile Auto |
909 | Enable Shopping Cart | Abilita Carello Acquisti |
910 | Enabled | Attivo |
911 | Enables <b>More Info.</b> in all documents | Abilita <b>Ulteriori Info.</b> in tutti i documenti |
912 | Encashment Date | Data Incasso |
913 | End Date | Data di Fine |
914 | End date of current invoice's period | Data di fine del periodo di fatturazione corrente |
915 | End of Life | Fine Vita |
916 | Ends on | Termina il |
917 | E.g.: support@iwebnotes.com | Inserisci la tua mail per ricevere Report Errori inviati dagli utenti. |
918 | Enter Form Type | Inserisci Tipo Modulo |
919 | Enter Row | Inserisci riga |
920 | Enter Verification Code | Inserire codice Verifica |
921 | Enter campaign name if the source of lead is campaign. | Inserisci nome Campagna se la sorgente del LEAD e una campagna. |
922 | Enter department to which this Contact belongs | Inserisci reparto a cui appartiene questo contatto |
923 | Enter designation of this Contact | Inserisci designazione di questo contatto |
924 | Enter items and planned qty for which you want to raise production orders or download raw materials for analysis. | Inserisci articoli e q.tà programmate per i quali si desidera raccogliere gli ordini di produzione o scaricare materie prime per l'analisi. |
925 | Enter name of campaign if source of enquiry is campaign | Inserisci il nome della Campagna se la sorgente di indagine è la campagna |
926 | Enter the company name under which Account Head will be created for this Supplier | Immettere il nome della società in cui Conto Principale sarà creato per questo Fornitore |
927 | Enter the date by which payments from customer is expected against this invoice. | Immettere la data entro la quale i pagamenti da clienti è previsto contro questa fattura. |
928 | Enter url parameter for message | Inserisci parametri url per il messaggio |
929 | Enter url parameter for receiver nos | Inserisci parametri url per NOS ricevuti |
930 | Entries | Voci |
931 | Entries are not allowed against this Fiscal Year if the year is closed. | Voci non permesse in confronto ad un Anno Fiscale già chiuso. |
932 | Error | Errore |
933 | Error for | Errore per |
934 | Error: Document has been modified after you have opened it | Errore: Il Documento è stato modificato dopo averlo aperto |
935 | Estimated Material Cost | Stima costo materiale |
936 | Event | Evento |
937 | Event Individuals | Eventi Personali |
938 | Event Role | Ruolo Evento |
939 | Event Roles | Ruoli Evento |
940 | Event Start must be after End | Inizio Evento dovrà essere dopo la Fine |
941 | Event Type | Tipo Evento |
942 | Event User | Evento Utente |
943 | Events In Today's Calendar | Eventi nel Calendario di Oggi |
944 | Every Day | Tutti i Giorni |
945 | Every Month | Ogni mese |
946 | Every Week | Ogni settimana |
947 | Every Year | Ogni anno |
948 | Everyone can read | Tutti possono leggere |
949 | Example: | Esempio: |
950 | Exchange Rate | Tasso di cambio: |
951 | Excise Page Number | Accise Numero Pagina |
952 | Excise Voucher | Buono Accise |
953 | Exemption Limit | Limite Esenzione |
954 | Exhibition | Esposizione |
955 | Existing Customer | Cliente Esistente |
956 | Exit | Esci |
957 | Exit Interview Details | |
958 | Expected | |
959 | Expected Delivery Date | |
960 | Expected End Date | |
961 | Expected Start Date | |
962 | Expense Account | |
963 | Expense Account is mandatory | Conto spese è obbligatorio |
964 | Expense Claim | Rimborso Spese |
965 | Expense Claim Approved | Rimborso Spese Approvato |
966 | Expense Claim Approved Message | Messaggio Rimborso Spese Approvato |
967 | Expense Claim Detail | Dettaglio Rimborso Spese |
968 | Expense Claim Details | Dettagli Rimborso Spese |
969 | Expense Claim Rejected | Rimborso Spese Rifiutato |
970 | Expense Claim Rejected Message | Messaggio Rimborso Spese Rifiutato |
971 | Expense Claim Type | Tipo Rimborso Spese |
972 | Expense Date | |
973 | Expense Details | |
974 | Expense Head | |
975 | Expense account is mandatory for item: | Conto spese è obbligatoria per voce: |
976 | Expense/Adjustment Account | Spese/Adeguamento Conto |
977 | Expenses Booked | Spese Prenotazione |
978 | Expenses Included In Valuation | Spese incluse nella Valutazione |
979 | Expenses booked for the digest period | Spese Prenotazione per periodo di smistamento |
980 | Expiry Date | Data Scadenza |
981 | Export | Esporta |
982 | Exports | Esportazioni |
983 | External | Esterno |
984 | Extract Emails | Estrarre email |
985 | FCFS Rate | FCFS Rate |
986 | FIFO | FIFO |
987 | Facebook Share | Condividi su Facebook |
988 | Failed: | Fallito: |
989 | Family Background | Sfondo Famiglia |
990 | FavIcon | FavIcon |
991 | Fax | Fax |
992 | Features Setup | Configurazione Funzioni |
993 | Feed | Fonte |
994 | Feed Type | Tipo Fonte |
995 | Feedback | Riscontri |
996 | Female | Femmina |
997 | Fetch lead which will be converted into customer. | Preleva LEAD che sarà convertito in cliente. |
998 | Field Description | Descrizione Campo |
999 | Field Name | Nome Campo |
1000 | Field Type | Tipo Campo |
1001 | Fieldname | Nomecampo |
1002 | Fields | Campi |
1003 | File | File |
1004 | File Data | Dati File |
1005 | File Name | Nome del file |
1006 | File Size | Dimensione File |
1007 | File URL | URL del file |
1008 | File size exceeded the maximum allowed size | La dimensione del file eccede il massimo permesso |
1009 | Files Folder ID | ID Cartella File |
1010 | Filing in Additional Information about the Opportunity will help you analyze your data better. | Archiviazione in Ulteriori informazioni su l'opportunità vi aiuterà ad analizzare meglio i dati. |
1011 | Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Receipt will help you analyze your data better. | Archiviazione in Ulteriori informazioni su la ricevuta di acquisto vi aiuterà ad analizzare i dati meglio. |
1012 | Filling in Additional Information about the Delivery Note will help you analyze your data better. | Archiviazione in Ulteriori informazioni su la Nota di Consegna vi aiuterà ad analizzare i dati meglio. |
1013 | Filling in additional information about the Quotation will help you analyze your data better. | Archiviazione in Ulteriori informazioni su la Quotazione vi aiuterà ad analizzare i dati meglio. |
1014 | Filling in additional information about the Sales Order will help you analyze your data better. | Compilando ulteriori informazioni su l'ordine di vendita vi aiuterà ad analizzare meglio i dati. |
1015 | Filter | Filtra |
1016 | Filter By Amount | Filtra per Importo |
1017 | Filter By Date | Filtra per Data |
1018 | Filter based on customer | Filtro basato sul cliente |
1019 | Filter based on item | Filtro basato sul articolo |
1020 | Final Confirmation Date | Data Conferma Definitiva |
1021 | Financial Analytics | Analisi Finanziaria |
1022 | Financial Statements | Dichiarazione Bilancio |
1023 | First Name | Nome |
1024 | First Responded On | Ha risposto prima su |
1025 | Fiscal Year | Anno Fiscale |
1026 | Fixed Asset Account | Conto Patrimoniale Fisso |
1027 | Float | |
1028 | Float Precision | |
1029 | Follow via Email | |
1030 | Following Journal Vouchers have been created automatically | |
1031 | Font (Heading) | |
1032 | Font (Text) | Carattere (Testo) |
1033 | Font Size (Text) | Dimensione Carattere (Testo) |
1034 | Fonts | Caratteri |
1035 | Footer | Piè di pagina |
1036 | Footer Items | elementi Piè di pagina |
1037 | For All Users | Per tutti gli Utenti |
1038 | For Company | Per Azienda |
1039 | For Employee | Per Dipendente |
1040 | For Employee Name | Per Nome Dipendente |
1041 | For Item | |
1042 | For Links | enter the DocType as range |
1043 | For Production | |
1044 | For Reference Only. | Solo di Riferimento |
1045 | For Sales Invoice | Per Fattura di Vendita |
1046 | For Server Side Print Formats | Per Formato Stampa lato Server |
1047 | For Territory | Per Territorio |
1048 | For UOM | Per UOM |
1049 | For Warehouse | Per Magazzino |
1050 | For example if you cancel and amend 'INV004' it will become a new document 'INV004-1'. This helps you to keep track of each amendment. | Ad esempio in caso di annullamento e modifica 'INV004' diventerà un nuovo documento 'INV004-1'. Questo vi aiuta a tenere traccia di ogni modifica. |
1051 | For example: You want to restrict users to transactions marked with a certain property called 'Territory' | Per esempio: si vuole limitare gli utenti a transazioni contrassegnate con una certa proprietà chiamata 'Territorio' |
1052 | For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account | Per l'apertura di conto dell'entrata equilibrio non può essere un account di PL |
1053 | For ranges | Per Intervallo |
1054 | For reference | Per riferimento |
1055 | For reference only. | Solo per riferimento. |
1056 | For row | Per righa |
1057 | Form | Modulo |
1058 | Max expiry will be 72 hours. Default is 24 hours | Formato: hh:mm esempio per un ora scadenza a 01:00. |
1059 | Forum | Forum |
1060 | Fraction | Frazione |
1061 | Fraction Units | Unità Frazione |
1062 | Freeze Stock Entries | Congela scorta voci |
1063 | Friday | Venerdì |
1064 | From | Da |
1065 | From Company | Da Azienda |
1066 | From Currency | Da Valuta |
1067 | From Currency and To Currency cannot be same | Da Valuta e A Valuta non possono essere gli stessi |
1068 | From Customer | Da Cliente |
1069 | From Date | Da Data |
1070 | From Date must be before To Date | Da Data deve essere prima di A Data |
1071 | From Delivery Note | Nota di Consegna |
1072 | From Employee | Da Dipendente |
1073 | From Lead | Da LEAD |
1074 | From PR Date | Da PR Data |
1075 | From Package No. | Da Pacchetto N. |
1076 | From Purchase Order | Da Ordine di Acquisto |
1077 | From Purchase Receipt | Da Ricevuta di Acquisto |
1078 | From Sales Order | Da Ordine di Vendita |
1079 | From Time | Da Periodo |
1080 | From Value | Da Valore |
1081 | From Value should be less than To Value | Da Valore non può essere minori di Al Valore |
1082 | Frozen | Congelato |
1083 | Fulfilled | Adempiuto |
1084 | Full Name | Nome Completo |
1085 | Fully Completed | Debitamente compilato |
1086 | GL Entry | GL Entry |
1087 | GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for | GL Entry: Importo Debito o Credito obbligatorio per |
1088 | GRN | GRN |
1089 | Gantt Chart | Diagramma di Gantt |
1090 | Gantt chart of all tasks. | Diagramma di Gantt di tutte le attività. |
1091 | Gender | Genere |
1092 | General | Generale |
1093 | General Ledger | Libro mastro generale |
1094 | Generate Description HTML | Genera descrizione HTML |
1095 | Generate Material Requests (MRP) and Production Orders. | |
1096 | Generate Salary Slips | |
1097 | Generate Schedule | |
1098 | Generates HTML to include selected image in the description | |
1099 | Georgia | |
1100 | Get | Ottieni |
1101 | Get Advances Paid | Ottenere anticipo pagamento |
1102 | Get Advances Received | ottenere anticipo Ricevuto |
1103 | Get Current Stock | Richiedi Disponibilità |
1104 | Get From | Ottieni da |
1105 | Get Items | Ottieni articoli |
1106 | Get Last Purchase Rate | Ottieni ultima quotazione acquisto |
1107 | Get Non Reconciled Entries | Prendi le voci non riconciliate |
1108 | Get Outstanding Invoices | Ottieni fatture non saldate |
1109 | Get Purchase Receipt | Ottieni Ricevuta di Acquisto |
1110 | Get Sales Orders | Ottieni Ordini di Vendita |
1111 | Get Specification Details | Ottieni Specifiche Dettagli |
1112 | Get Stock and Rate | Ottieni Residui e Tassi |
1113 | Get Template | Ottieni Modulo |
1114 | Get Terms and Conditions | Ottieni Termini e Condizioni |
1115 | Get Weekly Off Dates | |
1116 | Give additional details about the indent. | Fornire ulteriori dettagli sul rientro. |
1117 | Global Defaults | Predefiniti Globali |
1118 | Go back to home | Torna alla home |
1119 | 'territory' for diffent Users. | Vai su Setup > <a href='#user-properties'>Proprietà Utente</a> per settare |
1120 | Goal | Obiettivo |
1121 | Goals | Obiettivi |
1122 | Goods received from Suppliers. | Merci ricevute dai fornitori. |
1123 | Google Analytics ID | ID Google Analytics |
1124 | Google Drive | |
1125 | Google Drive Access Allowed | |
1126 | Google Plus One | Google+ One |
1127 | Google Web Font (Heading) | Google Web Font (Intestazione) |
1128 | Google Web Font (Text) | Google Web Font (Testo) |
1129 | Grade | Qualità |
1130 | Graduate | Laureato: |
1131 | Grand Total | Totale Generale |
1132 | Grand Total (Company Currency) | Totale generale (valuta Azienda) |
1133 | Gratuity LIC ID | Gratuità ID LIC |
1134 | Gross Margin % | Margine Lordo % |
1135 | Gross Margin Value | Valore Margine Lordo |
1136 | Gross Pay | Retribuzione lorda |
1137 | Gross Pay + Arrear Amount +Encashment Amount - Total Deduction | retribuzione lorda + Importo posticipata + Importo incasso - Deduzione totale |
1138 | Gross Profit | Utile lordo |
1139 | Gross Profit (%) | Utile Lordo (%) |
1140 | Gross Weight | Peso Lordo |
1141 | Gross Weight UOM | Peso Lordo UOM |
1142 | Group | Gruppo |
1143 | Group or Ledger | Gruppo o Registro |
1144 | Groups | Gruppi |
1145 | HR | HR |
1146 | HR Settings | Impostazioni HR |
1147 | HTML | HTML |
1148 | HTML / Banner that will show on the top of product list. | HTML / Banner verrà mostrato sulla parte superiore della lista dei prodotti. |
1149 | Half Day | Mezza Giornata |
1150 | Half Yearly | Semestrale |
1151 | Half-yearly | Seme-strale |
1152 | Has Batch No | Ha Lotto N. |
1153 | Has Child Node | Ha un Nodo Figlio |
1154 | Has Serial No | |
1155 | Header | |
1156 | Heading | |
1157 | Heading Text As | |
1158 | Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained. | |
1159 | Health Concerns | |
1160 | Health Details | |
1161 | Held On | |
1162 | Help | |
1163 | Help HTML | Aiuto HTML |
1164 | Helvetica Neue | Helvetica Neue |
1165 | the item table. | Hey lì! Hai bisogno di mettere almeno un elemento nella |
1166 | Hey! There should remain at least one System Manager | Hey! Si dovrebbe mantenere almeno un Gestore di sistema |
1167 | Hidden | Nascosto |
1168 | Hide Actions | Nascondi Azioni |
1169 | Hide Copy | Nascondi Copia |
1170 | Hide Currency Symbol | Nascondi Simbolo Valuta |
1171 | Hide Email | Nascondi Email |
1172 | Hide Heading | Nascondi Intestazione |
1173 | Hide Print | Nascondi Stampa |
1174 | Hide Toolbar | Nascondi la Barra degli strumenti |
1175 | High | Alto |
1176 | Highlight | Mettere in luce |
1177 | History | Cronologia |
1178 | History In Company | Cronologia Aziendale |
1179 | Hold | Trattieni |
1180 | Holiday | Vacanza |
1181 | Holiday List | Elenco Vacanza |
1182 | Holiday List Name | Nome Elenco Vacanza |
1183 | Holidays | Vacanze |
1184 | Home | Home |
1185 | Home Page | Home Page |
1186 | Home Page is Products | |
1187 | Home Pages | |
1188 | Host | |
1189 | Hour Rate | |
1190 | Hour Rate Consumable | |
1191 | Hour Rate Electricity | |
1192 | Hour Rate Labour | |
1193 | Hour Rate Rent | |
1194 | Hours | Ore |
1195 | How frequently? | Con quale frequenza? |
1196 | How to upload | Come caricare |
1197 | Human Resources | Risorse Umane |
1198 | coincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave. | Evviva! Il giorno in cui stai richiedendo un permesso |
1199 | I | I |
1200 | ID (name) of the entity whose property is to be set | ID (nome) del soggetto la cui proprietà deve essere impostata |
1201 | IDT | IDT |
1202 | II | II |
1203 | III | |
1204 | IN | |
1205 | INV | |
1206 | INV/10-11/ | |
1207 | ITEM | |
1208 | IV | |
1209 | Icon | |
1210 | Icon will appear on the button | |
1211 | Id of the profile will be the email. | ID del profilo sarà l'email. |
1212 | Identification of the package for the delivery (for print) | |
1213 | If Income or Expense | |
1214 | If Monthly Budget Exceeded | |
1215 | If Sale BOM is defined | the actual BOM of the Pack is displayed as table. |
1216 | Available in Delivery Note and Sales Order | |
1217 | If Yearly Budget Exceeded | |
1218 | If more than one package of the same type (for print) | |
1219 | If non standard port (e.g. 587) | |
1220 | If not applicable please enter: NA | |
1221 | Enables item QA Required and QA No in Purchase Receipt | |
1222 | If you have Sales Team and Sale Partners (Channel Partners) they can be tagged and maintain their contribution in the sales activity | |
1223 | Enables item <b>Is Manufactured</b> | |
1224 | Ignore | |
1225 | Ignored: | |
1226 | Image | |
1227 | Image Link | |
1228 | Image View | |
1229 | Implementation Partner | |
1230 | Import | |
1231 | Import Attendance | |
1232 | Import Log | |
1233 | Important dates and commitments in your project life cycle | |
1234 | Imports | |
1235 | In Dialog | |
1236 | In Filter | |
1237 | In Hours | |
1238 | In List View | |
1239 | In Process | |
1240 | In Report Filter | |
1241 | In Row | |
1242 | In Store | |
1243 | In Words | |
1244 | In Words (Company Currency) | |
1245 | In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Delivery Note. | |
1246 | In Words will be visible once you save the Delivery Note. | |
1247 | In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Invoice. | |
1248 | In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order. | |
1249 | In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Receipt. | |
1250 | In Words will be visible once you save the Quotation. | |
1251 | In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Invoice. | |
1252 | In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Order. | |
1253 | In response to | |
1254 | Incentives | |
1255 | Incharge Name | |
1256 | Income / Expense | |
1257 | Income Account | |
1258 | Income Booked | |
1259 | Income Year to Date | |
1260 | Income booked for the digest period | |
1261 | Incoming | |
1262 | Incoming / Support Mail Setting | |
1263 | Incoming Rate | |
1264 | Incoming Time | |
1265 | Incoming quality inspection. | |
1266 | Index | |
1267 | Indicates that the package is a part of this delivery | |
1268 | Individual | |
1269 | Individuals | |
1270 | Industry | |
1271 | Industry Type | |
1272 | Info | |
1273 | Insert After | |
1274 | Insert Code | |
1275 | Insert Row | |
1276 | Insert Style | |
1277 | Inspected By | |
1278 | Inspection Criteria | |
1279 | Inspection Required | |
1280 | Inspection Type | |
1281 | Installation Date | |
1282 | Installation Note | |
1283 | Installation Note Item | |
1284 | Installation Status | |
1285 | Installation Time | |
1286 | Installation record for a Serial No. | |
1287 | Installed Qty | |
1288 | Instructions | |
1289 | Int | |
1290 | Integrations | |
1291 | Interested | |
1292 | Internal | |
1293 | Introduce your company to the website visitor. | |
1294 | Introduction | |
1295 | Introductory information for the Contact Us Page | |
1296 | draft state. Please rectify and try again. | |
1297 | Invalid Email | |
1298 | Invalid Email Address | |
1299 | Invalid Leave Approver | |
1300 | Inventory | |
1301 | Inverse | |
1302 | Invoice Date | |
1303 | Invoice Details | |
1304 | Invoice No | |
1305 | Invoice Period From Date | |
1306 | Invoice Period To Date | |
1307 | Is Active | |
1308 | Is Advance | |
1309 | Is Asset Item | |
1310 | Is Cancelled | |
1311 | Is Carry Forward | |
1312 | Is Child Table | |
1313 | Is Default | |
1314 | Is Encash | |
1315 | Is LWP | |
1316 | Is Mandatory Field | |
1317 | Is Opening | |
1318 | Is Opening Entry | |
1319 | Is PL Account | |
1320 | Is POS | |
1321 | Is Primary Contact | |
1322 | Is Purchase Item | |
1323 | Is Sales Item | |
1324 | Is Service Item | |
1325 | Is Single | |
1326 | Is Standard | |
1327 | Is Stock Item | |
1328 | Is Sub Contracted Item | |
1329 | Is Subcontracted | |
1330 | Is Submittable | |
1331 | Is it a Custom DocType created by you? | |
1332 | Is this Tax included in Basic Rate? | |
1333 | Issue | |
1334 | Issue Date | |
1335 | Issue Details | |
1336 | Issued Items Against Production Order | |
1337 | It is needed to fetch Item Details. | |
1338 | quantity reaches re-order level when the following record was created | |
1339 | Italiano | |
1340 | Item | |
1341 | Item Advanced | |
1342 | Item Barcode | |
1343 | Item Batch Nos | |
1344 | Item Classification | |
1345 | Item Code | |
1346 | Item Code (item_code) is mandatory because Item naming is not sequential. | |
1347 | Item Customer Detail | |
1348 | Item Description | |
1349 | Item Desription | |
1350 | Item Details | |
1351 | Item Group | |
1352 | Item Group Name | |
1353 | Item Groups in Details | |
1354 | Item Image (if not slideshow) | |
1355 | Item Name | |
1356 | Item Naming By | |
1357 | Item Price | |
1358 | Item Prices | |
1359 | Item Quality Inspection Parameter | |
1360 | Item Reorder | |
1361 | Item Serial No | |
1362 | Item Serial Nos | |
1363 | Item Supplier | |
1364 | Item Supplier Details | |
1365 | Item Tax | |
1366 | Item Tax Amount | |
1367 | Item Tax Rate | |
1368 | Item Tax1 | |
1369 | Item To Manufacture | |
1370 | Item UOM | |
1371 | Item Website Specification | |
1372 | Item Website Specifications | |
1373 | Item Wise Tax Detail | |
1374 | Item classification. | |
1375 | Item to be manufactured or repacked | |
1376 | Item will be saved by this name in the data base. | |
1377 | Item-Wise Price List | |
1378 | Item-wise Last Purchase Rate | |
1379 | Item-wise Purchase History | |
1380 | Item-wise Purchase Register | |
1381 | Item-wise Sales History | |
1382 | Item-wise Sales Register | |
1383 | Items | |
1384 | Items which do not exist in Item master can also be entered on customer's request | |
1385 | Itemwise Discount | |
1386 | Itemwise Recommended Reorder Level | |
1387 | JSON | |
1388 | JV | |
1389 | Javascript | |
1390 | Javascript to append to the head section of the page. | |
1391 | Job Applicant | |
1392 | Job Opening | |
1393 | Job Profile | |
1394 | Job Title | |
1395 | Jobs Email Settings | Impostazioni email Lavoro |
1396 | Journal Entries | |
1397 | Journal Entry | |
1398 | Journal Entry for inventory that is received but not yet invoiced | |
1399 | Journal Voucher | |
1400 | Journal Voucher Detail | |
1401 | Journal Voucher Detail No | |
1402 | KRA | |
1403 | Keep a track of all communications | |
1404 | Keep a track of communication related to this enquiry which will help for future reference. | |
1405 | Key | |
1406 | Key Performance Area | |
1407 | Key Responsibility Area | |
1408 | LEAD | |
1409 | LEAD/10-11/ | |
1410 | LEAD/MUMBAI/ | |
1411 | LR Date | |
1412 | LR No | |
1413 | Label | |
1414 | Label Help | |
1415 | Lacs | |
1416 | Landed Cost Item | |
1417 | Landed Cost Items | |
1418 | Landed Cost Purchase Receipt | |
1419 | Landed Cost Purchase Receipts | |
1420 | Landed Cost Wizard | |
1421 | Landing Page | |
1422 | Language | Lingua |
1423 | Language preference for user interface (only if available). | Lingua preferita per l'interfaccia (se disponibile) |
1424 | Last Contact Date | |
1425 | Last IP | |
1426 | Last Login | |
1427 | Last Name | Cognome |
1428 | Last Purchase Rate | |
1429 | Lato | |
1430 | Lead | |
1431 | Lead Details | |
1432 | Lead Lost | |
1433 | Lead Name | |
1434 | Lead Owner | |
1435 | Lead Source | |
1436 | Lead Status | |
1437 | Lead Time Date | |
1438 | Lead Time Days | |
1439 | Lead Time days is number of days by which this item is expected in your warehouse. This days is fetched in Material Request when you select this item. | |
1440 | Lead Type | |
1441 | Leave Allocation | |
1442 | Leave Allocation Tool | |
1443 | Leave Application | |
1444 | Leave Approver | |
1445 | Leave Approver can be one of | |
1446 | Leave Approvers | |
1447 | Leave Balance Before Application | |
1448 | Leave Block List | |
1449 | Leave Block List Allow | |
1450 | Leave Block List Allowed | |
1451 | Leave Block List Date | |
1452 | Leave Block List Dates | |
1453 | Leave Block List Name | |
1454 | Leave Blocked | |
1455 | Leave Control Panel | |
1456 | Leave Encashed? | |
1457 | Leave Encashment Amount | |
1458 | Leave Setup | |
1459 | Leave Type | |
1460 | Leave Type Name | |
1461 | Leave Without Pay | |
1462 | Leave allocations. | |
1463 | Leave blank if considered for all branches | |
1464 | Leave blank if considered for all departments | |
1465 | Leave blank if considered for all designations | |
1466 | Leave blank if considered for all employee types | |
1467 | Leave blank if considered for all grades | |
1468 | Leave blank if you have not decided the end date. | |
1469 | Leave by | |
1470 | Ledger | |
1471 | Left | |
1472 | Legal Entity / Subsidiary with a separate Chart of Accounts belonging to the Organization. | |
1473 | Letter Head | |
1474 | Letter Head Image | |
1475 | Letter Head Name | |
1476 | Level | |
1477 | Lft | |
1478 | Link | |
1479 | Link to other pages in the side bar and next section | |
1480 | Linked In Share | |
1481 | Linked With | |
1482 | List | |
1483 | List items that form the package. | |
1484 | List of holidays. | |
1485 | List of patches executed | |
1486 | List of records in which this document is linked | |
1487 | List of users who can edit a particular Note | |
1488 | List this Item in multiple groups on the website. | |
1489 | Live Chat | |
1490 | Load Print View on opening of an existing form | |
1491 | Loading | |
1492 | Loading Report | |
1493 | Log | |
1494 | Log of Scheduler Errors | |
1495 | Login After | |
1496 | Login Before | |
1497 | Login Id | |
1498 | Logo | |
1499 | Logout | |
1500 | Long Text | |
1501 | Lost Reason | |
1502 | Low | |
1503 | Lower Income | |
1504 | Lucida Grande | |
1505 | MIS Control | |
1506 | MREQ- | |
1507 | MTN Details | |
1508 | Mail Footer | |
1509 | Mail Password | |
1510 | Mail Port | |
1511 | Mail Server | |
1512 | Main Reports | |
1513 | Main Section | |
1514 | Maintain Same Rate Throughout Sales Cycle | |
1515 | Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle | |
1516 | Maintenance | |
1517 | Maintenance Date | |
1518 | Maintenance Details | |
1519 | Maintenance Schedule | |
1520 | Maintenance Schedule Detail | |
1521 | Maintenance Schedule Item | |
1522 | Maintenance Schedules | |
1523 | Maintenance Status | |
1524 | Maintenance Time | |
1525 | Maintenance Type | |
1526 | Maintenance Visit | |
1527 | Maintenance Visit Purpose | |
1528 | Major/Optional Subjects | |
1529 | Make Bank Voucher | |
1530 | Make Difference Entry | |
1531 | Make Time Log Batch | |
1532 | Make a new | |
1533 | Make sure that the transactions you want to restrict have a Link field 'territory' that maps to a 'Territory' master. | |
1534 | Male | |
1535 | Manage cost of operations | |
1536 | Manage exchange rates for currency conversion | |
1537 | Mandatory | |
1538 | Manufacture against Sales Order | |
1539 | Manufacture/Repack | |
1540 | Manufactured Qty | |
1541 | Manufactured quantity will be updated in this warehouse | |
1542 | Manufacturer | |
1543 | Manufacturer Part Number | |
1544 | Manufacturing | |
1545 | Manufacturing Quantity | |
1546 | Margin | |
1547 | Marital Status | |
1548 | Market Segment | |
1549 | Married | |
1550 | Mass Mailing | |
1551 | Master | |
1552 | Master Name | |
1553 | Master Type | |
1554 | Masters | |
1555 | Match | |
1556 | Match non-linked Invoices and Payments. | |
1557 | Material Issue | |
1558 | Material Receipt | |
1559 | Material Request | |
1560 | Material Request Date | |
1561 | Material Request Detail No | |
1562 | Material Request For Warehouse | |
1563 | Material Request Item | |
1564 | Material Request Items | |
1565 | Material Request No | |
1566 | Material Request Type | |
1567 | Material Request used to make this Stock Entry | |
1568 | Material Transfer | |
1569 | Materials | |
1570 | Materials Required (Exploded) | |
1571 | Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) | |
1572 | Max 500 rows only. | |
1573 | Max Attachments | |
1574 | Max Days Leave Allowed | |
1575 | Max Discount (%) | |
1576 | Medium | |
1577 | Merge | |
1578 | Merge Into | |
1579 | Merge Warehouses | |
1580 | Ledger-to-Ledger | |
1581 | Message | |
1582 | Message Parameter | |
1583 | Message greater than 160 character will be splitted into multiple mesage | |
1584 | Messages | |
1585 | Method | |
1586 | Middle Income | |
1587 | Middle Name (Optional) | |
1588 | Milestone | |
1589 | Milestone Date | |
1590 | Milestones | |
1591 | Milestones will be added as Events in the Calendar | |
1592 | Millions | |
1593 | Min Order Qty | |
1594 | Minimum Order Qty | |
1595 | Misc | |
1596 | Misc Details | |
1597 | Miscellaneous | |
1598 | Miscelleneous | |
1599 | Mobile No | |
1600 | Mobile No. | |
1601 | Mode of Payment | |
1602 | Modern | |
1603 | Modified Amount | |
1604 | Modified by | |
1605 | Module | |
1606 | Module Def | |
1607 | Module Name | |
1608 | Modules | |
1609 | Monday | |
1610 | Month | |
1611 | Monthly | |
1612 | Monthly Attendance Sheet | |
1613 | Monthly Salary Register | |
1614 | Monthly salary statement. | |
1615 | Monthly salary template. | |
1616 | More | |
1617 | More Details | |
1618 | More Info | |
1619 | More content for the bottom of the page. | |
1620 | Moving Average | |
1621 | Moving Average Rate | |
1622 | Mr | |
1623 | Ms | |
1624 | Multiple Item Prices | |
1625 | Mupltiple Item prices. | |
1626 | Must be Whole Number | |
1627 | Must have report permission to access this report. | |
1628 | Must specify a Query to run | |
1629 | My Settings | |
1630 | NL- | |
1631 | Name | |
1632 | Name Case | |
1633 | Name and Description | |
1634 | Name and Employee ID | |
1635 | Name as entered in Sales Partner master | |
1636 | Name is required | |
1637 | Name of organization from where lead has come | |
1638 | Name of person or organization that this address belongs to. | |
1639 | Name of the Budget Distribution | |
1640 | Name of the entity who has requested for the Material Request | |
1641 | Naming | |
1642 | Naming Series | |
1643 | Naming Series mandatory | |
1644 | Negative balance is not allowed for account | |
1645 | Net Pay | |
1646 | Net Pay (in words) will be visible once you save the Salary Slip. | |
1647 | Net Total | |
1648 | Net Total (Company Currency) | |
1649 | Net Weight | |
1650 | Net Weight UOM | |
1651 | Net Weight of each Item | |
1652 | Net pay can not be greater than 1/12th of Annual Cost To Company | |
1653 | Net pay can not be negative | |
1654 | Never | |
1655 | New | |
1656 | New BOM | |
1657 | New Communications | |
1658 | New Delivery Notes | |
1659 | New Enquiries | |
1660 | New Leads | |
1661 | New Leave Application | |
1662 | New Leaves Allocated | |
1663 | New Leaves Allocated (In Days) | |
1664 | New Material Requests | |
1665 | New Password | |
1666 | New Projects | |
1667 | New Purchase Orders | |
1668 | New Purchase Receipts | |
1669 | New Quotations | |
1670 | New Record | |
1671 | New Sales Orders | |
1672 | New Stock Entries | |
1673 | New Stock UOM | |
1674 | New Supplier Quotations | |
1675 | New Support Tickets | |
1676 | New Workplace | |
1677 | New value to be set | |
1678 | Newsletter | |
1679 | Newsletter Content | |
1680 | Newsletter Status | |
1681 | Next Communcation On | |
1682 | Next Contact By | |
1683 | Next Contact Date | |
1684 | Next Date | |
1685 | Next State | |
1686 | Next actions | |
1687 | Next email will be sent on: | |
1688 | No | |
1689 | No Account found in csv file | |
1690 | May be company abbreviation is not correct | |
1691 | No Action | |
1692 | No Communication tagged with this | |
1693 | No Copy | |
1694 | 'Master Type' value in account record. | |
1695 | No Item found with Barcode | |
1696 | No Items to Pack | |
1697 | No Leave Approvers. Please assign 'Leave Approver' Role to atleast one user. | |
1698 | No Permission | |
1699 | No Permission to | |
1700 | No Permissions set for this criteria. | |
1701 | No Report Loaded. Please use query-report/[Report Name] to run a report. | |
1702 | 'Master Type' value in account record. | |
1703 | No User Properties found. | |
1704 | No default BOM exists for item: | |
1705 | No further records | |
1706 | No of Requested SMS | |
1707 | No of Sent SMS | |
1708 | No of Visits | |
1709 | No one | |
1710 | No permission to write / remove. | |
1711 | No record found | |
1712 | No records tagged. | |
1713 | No salary slip found for month: | |
1714 | None | |
1715 | None: End of Workflow | |
1716 | Not | |
1717 | Not Active | |
1718 | Not Applicable | |
1719 | Not Billed | |
1720 | Not Delivered | |
1721 | Not Found | |
1722 | Not Linked to any record. | |
1723 | Not Permitted | |
1724 | Not allowed for: | |
1725 | Not enough permission to see links. | |
1726 | Not in Use | |
1727 | Not interested | |
1728 | Not linked | |
1729 | Note | |
1730 | Note User | |
1731 | Note is a free page where users can share documents / notes | |
1732 | Note: Email will not be sent to disabled users | |
1733 | Note: Other permission rules may also apply | |
1734 | Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts | |
1735 | Note: maximum attachment size = 1mb | |
1736 | Notes | |
1737 | Nothing to show | |
1738 | Notice - Number of Days | |
1739 | Notification Control | |
1740 | Notification Email Address | |
1741 | Notify By Email | |
1742 | Notify by Email on creation of automatic Material Request | |
1743 | Number Format | |
1744 | O+ | |
1745 | O- | |
1746 | OPPT | |
1747 | Office | |
1748 | Old Parent | |
1749 | On | |
1750 | On Net Total | |
1751 | On Previous Row Amount | |
1752 | On Previous Row Total | |
1753 | Only Administrator allowed to create Query / Script Reports | |
1754 | Only Administrator can save a standard report. Please rename and save. | |
1755 | Only Allow Edit For | |
1756 | Only Stock Items are allowed for Stock Entry | |
1757 | Only System Manager can create / edit reports | |
1758 | Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction | |
1759 | Open | |
1760 | Open Sans | |
1761 | Open Tickets | |
1762 | Opening Date | |
1763 | Opening Entry | |
1764 | Opening Time | |
1765 | Opening for a Job. | |
1766 | Operating Cost | |
1767 | Operation Description | |
1768 | Operation No | |
1769 | Operation Time (mins) | |
1770 | Operations | |
1771 | Opportunity | |
1772 | Opportunity Date | |
1773 | Opportunity From | |
1774 | Opportunity Item | |
1775 | Opportunity Items | |
1776 | Opportunity Lost | |
1777 | Opportunity Type | |
1778 | Options | |
1779 | Options Help | |
1780 | Order Confirmed | |
1781 | Order Lost | |
1782 | Order Type | |
1783 | Ordered Items To Be Billed | |
1784 | Ordered Items To Be Delivered | |
1785 | Ordered Quantity | |
1786 | Orders released for production. | |
1787 | Organization Profile | |
1788 | Original Message | |
1789 | Other | |
1790 | Other Details | |
1791 | Out | |
1792 | Out of AMC | |
1793 | Out of Warranty | |
1794 | Outgoing | |
1795 | Outgoing Mail Server | |
1796 | Outgoing Mails | |
1797 | Outstanding Amount | |
1798 | Outstanding for Voucher | |
1799 | Over Heads | |
1800 | Overhead | |
1801 | Overlapping Conditions found between | |
1802 | Owned | |
1803 | PAN Number | |
1804 | PF No. | |
1805 | PF Number | |
1806 | PI/2011/ | |
1807 | PIN | |
1808 | PO | |
1809 | POP3 Mail Server | |
1810 | POP3 Mail Server (e.g. pop.gmail.com) | |
1811 | POP3 Mail Settings | |
1812 | POP3 mail server (e.g. pop.gmail.com) | |
1813 | POP3 server e.g. (pop.gmail.com) | |
1814 | POS Setting | |
1815 | PR Detail | |
1816 | PRO | |
1817 | PS | |
1818 | Package Item Details | |
1819 | Package Items | |
1820 | Package Weight Details | |
1821 | Packing Details | |
1822 | Packing Detials | |
1823 | Packing List | |
1824 | Packing Slip | |
1825 | Packing Slip Item | |
1826 | Packing Slip Items | |
1827 | Packing Slip(s) Cancelled | |
1828 | Page | |
1829 | Page Background | |
1830 | Page Border | |
1831 | Page Break | |
1832 | Page HTML | |
1833 | Page Headings | |
1834 | Page Links | |
1835 | Page Name | |
1836 | Page Role | |
1837 | Page Text | |
1838 | Page content | |
1839 | Page not found | |
1840 | Page text and background is same color. Please change. | |
1841 | | |
1842 | Paid Amount | |
1843 | Parameter | |
1844 | Parent Account | |
1845 | Parent Cost Center | |
1846 | Parent Customer Group | |
1847 | Parent Detail docname | |
1848 | Parent Item | |
1849 | Parent Item Group | |
1850 | Parent Label | |
1851 | Parent Sales Person | |
1852 | Parent Territory | |
1853 | Parent is required. | |
1854 | Parenttype | |
1855 | Partially Completed | |
1856 | Participants | |
1857 | Partly Billed | |
1858 | Partly Delivered | |
1859 | Partner Target Detail | |
1860 | Partner Type | |
1861 | Partner's Website | |
1862 | Passport Number | |
1863 | Password | |
1864 | Password Expires in (days) | |
1865 | Patch | |
1866 | Patch Log | |
1867 | Pay To / Recd From | |
1868 | Payables | |
1869 | Payables Group | |
1870 | Payment Collection With Ageing | |
1871 | Payment Entries | |
1872 | Please pull it again. | |
1873 | Payment Made With Ageing | |
1874 | Payment Reconciliation | |
1875 | Payment Terms | |
1876 | Payment days | |
1877 | Payment to Invoice Matching Tool | |
1878 | Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail | |
1879 | Payments | |
1880 | Payments Made | |
1881 | Payments Received | |
1882 | Payments made during the digest period | |
1883 | Payments received during the digest period | |
1884 | Payroll Setup | |
1885 | Pending | |
1886 | Pending Review | |
1887 | Pending SO Items For Purchase Request | |
1888 | Percent | |
1889 | Percent Complete | |
1890 | Percentage Allocation | |
1891 | Percentage Allocation should be equal to | |
1892 | Percentage variation in quantity to be allowed while receiving or delivering this item. | |
1893 | Percentage you are allowed to receive or deliver more against the quantity ordered. For example: If you have ordered 100 units. and your Allowance is 10% then you are allowed to receive 110 units. | |
1894 | Performance appraisal. | |
1895 | Period Closing Voucher | |
1896 | Periodicity | |
1897 | Perm Level | |
1898 | Permanent Accommodation Type | |
1899 | Permanent Address | |
1900 | Permission | |
1901 | Permission Level | |
1902 | Permission Levels | |
1903 | Permission Manager | |
1904 | Permission Rules | |
1905 | Permissions | |
1906 | Permissions Settings | |
1907 | Permissions are automatically translated to Standard Reports and Searches | |
1908 | Permissions at higher levels are 'Field Level' permissions. All Fields have a 'Permission Level' set against them and the rules defined at that permissions apply to the field. This is useful incase you want to hide or make certain field read-only. | |
1909 | Permissions translate to Users based on what Role they are assigned | |
1910 | Person | |
1911 | Person To Be Contacted | |
1912 | Personal | |
1913 | Personal Details | |
1914 | Personal Email | |
1915 | Phone | |
1916 | Phone No | |
1917 | Phone No. | |
1918 | Pick Columns | |
1919 | Pincode | |
1920 | Place of Issue | |
1921 | Plan for maintenance visits. | |
1922 | Planned Qty | |
1923 | Planned Quantity | |
1924 | Plant | |
1925 | Please Enter Abbreviation or Short Name properly as it will be added as Suffix to all Account Heads. | |
1926 | Please Update Stock UOM with the help of Stock UOM Replace Utility. | |
1927 | Please attach a file first. | |
1928 | Please attach a file or set a URL | |
1929 | Please check | |
1930 | Please enter Default Unit of Measure | |
1931 | Please enter Delivery Note No or Sales Invoice No to proceed | |
1932 | Please enter Expense Account | |
1933 | Please enter Expense/Adjustment Account | |
1934 | Please enter Purchase Receipt No to proceed | |
1935 | Please enter valid | |
1936 | Please enter valid | |
1937 | Please install dropbox python module | |
1938 | Please make sure that there are no empty columns in the file. | |
1939 | Please mention default value for ' | |
1940 | Please refresh to get the latest document. | |
1941 | Please save the Newsletter before sending. | |
1942 | Please select Bank Account | |
1943 | Please select Carry Forward if you also want to include previous fiscal year's balance leaves to this fiscal year | |
1944 | Please select Date on which you want to run the report | |
1945 | Please select Time Logs. | |
1946 | Please select a | |
1947 | Please select a csv file | |
1948 | Please select a file or url | |
1949 | Please select a service item or change the order type to Sales. | |
1950 | Please select a sub-contracted item or do not sub-contract the transaction. | |
1951 | Please select a valid csv file with data. | |
1952 | Please select month and year | |
1953 | Please select the document type first | |
1954 | Please select: | |
1955 | Please set Dropbox access keys in | |
1956 | Please set Google Drive access keys in | |
1957 | Please specify | |
1958 | Please specify Company | |
1959 | Please specify Company to proceed | |
1960 | and Global Defaults | |
1961 | Please specify a | |
1962 | Please specify a Price List which is valid for Territory | |
1963 | Please specify a valid | |
1964 | Please specify a valid 'From Case No.' | |
1965 | Please specify currency in Company | |
1966 | Point of Sale | |
1967 | Point-of-Sale Setting | |
1968 | Post Graduate | |
1969 | Post Topic | |
1970 | Postal | |
1971 | Posting Date | |
1972 | Posting Date Time cannot be before | |
1973 | Posting Time | |
1974 | Posts | |
1975 | Potential Sales Deal | |
1976 | Potential opportunities for selling. | |
1977 | Preferred Billing Address | |
1978 | Preferred Shipping Address | |
1979 | Prefix | |
1980 | Present | |
1981 | Prevdoc DocType | |
1982 | Prevdoc Doctype | |
1983 | Preview | |
1984 | Previous Work Experience | |
1985 | Price | |
1986 | Price List | |
1987 | Price List Country | |
1988 | Price List Currency | |
1989 | Price List Currency Conversion Rate | |
1990 | Price List Exchange Rate | |
1991 | Price List Master | |
1992 | Price List Name | |
1993 | Price List Rate | |
1994 | Price List Rate (Company Currency) | |
1995 | Price Lists and Rates | |
1996 | Primary | |
1997 | Print Format | |
1998 | Print Format Style | |
1999 | Print Format Type | |
2000 | Print Heading | |
2001 | Print Hide | |
2002 | Print Width | |
2003 | Print Without Amount | |
2004 | Print... | |
2005 | Priority | |
2006 | Private | |
2007 | Proceed to Setup | |
2008 | Process | |
2009 | Process Payroll | |
2010 | Produced Quantity | |
2011 | Product Enquiry | |
2012 | Production Order | |
2013 | Production Plan Item | |
2014 | Production Plan Items | |
2015 | Production Plan Sales Order | |
2016 | Production Plan Sales Orders | |
2017 | Production Planning (MRP) | |
2018 | Production Planning Tool | |
2019 | Profile | |
2020 | Profile Defaults | |
2021 | Profile Represents a User in the system. | |
2022 | Profile of a Blogger | |
2023 | Profile of a blog writer. | |
2024 | Project | |
2025 | Project Costing | |
2026 | Project Details | |
2027 | Project Milestone | |
2028 | Project Milestones | |
2029 | Project Name | |
2030 | Project Start Date | |
2031 | Project Type | |
2032 | Project Value | |
2033 | Project activity / task. | |
2034 | Project master. | |
2035 | Project will get saved and will be searchable with project name given | |
2036 | Project wise Stock Tracking | |
2037 | Projected Qty | |
2038 | Projects | |
2039 | Prompt for Email on Submission of | |
2040 | Properties | |
2041 | Property | |
2042 | Property Setter | |
2043 | Property Setter overrides a standard DocType or Field property | |
2044 | Property Type | |
2045 | Provide email id registered in company | |
2046 | Public | |
2047 | Published | |
2048 | Published On | |
2049 | Pull Emails from the Inbox and attach them as Communication records (for known contacts). | |
2050 | Pull Payment Entries | |
2051 | Pull items from Sales Order mentioned in the above table. | |
2052 | Pull sales orders (pending to deliver) based on the above criteria | |
2053 | Purchase | |
2054 | Purchase Analytics | |
2055 | Purchase Common | |
2056 | Purchase Date | |
2057 | Purchase Details | |
2058 | Purchase Discounts | |
2059 | Purchase Document No | |
2060 | Purchase Document Type | |
2061 | Purchase In Transit | |
2062 | Purchase Invoice | |
2063 | Purchase Invoice Advance | |
2064 | Purchase Invoice Advances | |
2065 | Purchase Invoice Item | |
2066 | Purchase Invoice Trends | |
2067 | Purchase Order | |
2068 | Purchase Order Date | |
2069 | Purchase Order Item | |
2070 | Purchase Order Item No | |
2071 | Purchase Order Item Supplied | |
2072 | Purchase Order Items | |
2073 | Purchase Order Items Supplied | |
2074 | Purchase Order Items To Be Billed | |
2075 | Purchase Order Items To Be Received | |
2076 | Purchase Order Message | |
2077 | Purchase Order Required | |
2078 | Purchase Order Trends | |
2079 | Purchase Order sent by customer | |
2080 | Purchase Orders given to Suppliers. | |
2081 | Purchase Receipt | |
2082 | Purchase Receipt Item | |
2083 | Purchase Receipt Item Supplied | |
2084 | Purchase Receipt Item Supplieds | |
2085 | Purchase Receipt Items | |
2086 | Purchase Receipt Message | |
2087 | Purchase Receipt No | |
2088 | Purchase Receipt Required | |
2089 | Purchase Receipt Trends | |
2090 | Purchase Register | |
2091 | Purchase Return | |
2092 | Purchase Returned | |
2093 | Purchase Taxes and Charges | |
2094 | Purchase Taxes and Charges Master | |
2095 | Purpose | |
2096 | Purpose must be one of | |
2097 | Python Module Name | |
2098 | QA Inspection | |
2099 | QAI/11-12/ | |
2100 | QTN | |
2101 | Qty | |
2102 | Qty Consumed Per Unit | |
2103 | Qty To Manufacture | |
2104 | Qty as per Stock UOM | |
2105 | Qualification | |
2106 | Quality | |
2107 | Quality Inspection | |
2108 | Quality Inspection Parameters | |
2109 | Quality Inspection Reading | |
2110 | Quality Inspection Readings | |
2111 | Quantity | |
2112 | Quantity Requested for Purchase | |
2113 | Quantity already manufactured | |
2114 | Quantity and Rate | |
2115 | Quantity and Warehouse | |
2116 | Quantity cannot be a fraction. | |
2117 | Quantity of item obtained after manufacturing / repacking from given quantities of raw materials | |
2118 | Quantity should be equal to Manufacturing Quantity. | |
2119 | Quarter | |
2120 | Quarterly | |
2121 | Query | |
2122 | Query Options | |
2123 | Query Report | |
2124 | Query must be a SELECT | |
2125 | Quick Help for Setting Permissions | |
2126 | Quick Help for User Properties | |
2127 | Quotation | |
2128 | Quotation Date | |
2129 | Quotation Item | |
2130 | Quotation Items | |
2131 | Quotation Lost Reason | |
2132 | Quotation Message | |
2133 | Quotation Sent | |
2134 | Quotation Series | |
2135 | Quotation To | |
2136 | Quotation Trend | |
2137 | Quotations received from Suppliers. | |
2138 | Quotes to Leads or Customers. | |
2139 | Raise Material Request | |
2140 | Raise Material Request when stock reaches re-order level | |
2141 | Raise Production Order | |
2142 | Raised By | |
2143 | Raised By (Email) | |
2144 | Random | |
2145 | Range | |
2146 | Rate | |
2147 | Rate | |
2148 | Rate (Company Currency) | |
2149 | Rate Of Materials Based On | |
2150 | Rate and Amount | |
2151 | Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency | |
2152 | Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency | |
2153 | Rate at which Price list currency is converted to customer's base currency | |
2154 | Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency | |
2155 | Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency | |
2156 | Rate at which this tax is applied | |
2157 | Raw Material Item Code | |
2158 | Raw Materials Supplied | |
2159 | Raw Materials Supplied Cost | |
2160 | Re-Order Level | |
2161 | Re-Order Qty | |
2162 | Re-order | |
2163 | Re-order Level | |
2164 | Re-order Qty | |
2165 | Read | |
2166 | Read Only | |
2167 | Reading 1 | |
2168 | Reading 10 | |
2169 | Reading 2 | |
2170 | Reading 3 | |
2171 | Reading 4 | |
2172 | Reading 5 | |
2173 | Reading 6 | |
2174 | Reading 7 | |
2175 | Reading 8 | |
2176 | Reading 9 | |
2177 | Reason | |
2178 | Reason for Leaving | |
2179 | Reason for Resignation | |
2180 | Recd Quantity | |
2181 | Receivable / Payable account will be identified based on the field Master Type | |
2182 | Receivables | |
2183 | Receivables / Payables | |
2184 | Receivables Group | |
2185 | Received Date | |
2186 | Received Items To Be Billed | |
2187 | Received Qty | |
2188 | Received and Accepted | |
2189 | Receiver List | |
2190 | Receiver Parameter | |
2191 | Recipient | |
2192 | Recipients | |
2193 | Reconciliation Data | |
2194 | Reconciliation HTML | |
2195 | Reconciliation JSON | |
2196 | Record item movement. | |
2197 | Recurring Id | |
2198 | Recurring Invoice | |
2199 | Recurring Type | |
2200 | Ref Code | |
2201 | Ref Date is Mandatory if Ref Number is specified | |
2202 | Ref DocType | |
2203 | Ref Name | |
2204 | Ref Rate | |
2205 | Ref SQ | |
2206 | Ref Type | |
2207 | Reference | |
2208 | Reference Date | |
2209 | Reference Name | |
2210 | Reference Number | |
2211 | Reference Type | |
2212 | Refresh | |
2213 | Registered but disabled. | |
2214 | Registration Details | |
2215 | Registration Details Emailed. | |
2216 | Registration Info | |
2217 | Rejected | |
2218 | Rejected Quantity | |
2219 | Rejected Serial No | |
2220 | Rejected Warehouse | |
2221 | Relation | |
2222 | Relieving Date | |
2223 | Relieving Date of employee is | |
2224 | Remark | |
2225 | Remarks | |
2226 | Remove Bookmark | |
2227 | Rename Log | |
2228 | Rename Tool | |
2229 | Rename... | |
2230 | Rented | |
2231 | Repeat On | |
2232 | Repeat Till | |
2233 | Repeat on Day of Month | |
2234 | Repeat this Event | |
2235 | Replace | |
2236 | Replace Item / BOM in all BOMs | |
2237 | Replied | |
2238 | Report | |
2239 | Report Builder | Crea Report |
2240 | Report Builder reports are managed directly by the report builder. Nothing to do. | |
2241 | Report Date | I Report del Creatore di report sono gestiti dal creatore di report. Niente altro |
2242 | Report Hide | |
2243 | Report Name | |
2244 | Report Type | |
2245 | Report was not saved (there were errors) | |
2246 | Reports | |
2247 | Reports to | |
2248 | Represents the states allowed in one document and role assigned to change the state. | |
2249 | Reqd | |
2250 | Reqd By Date | |
2251 | Request Type | |
2252 | Request for Information | |
2253 | Request for purchase. | |
2254 | Requested By | |
2255 | Requested Items To Be Ordered | |
2256 | Requested Items To Be Transferred | |
2257 | Requests for items. | |
2258 | Required By | |
2259 | Required Date | |
2260 | Required Qty | |
2261 | Required only for sample item. | |
2262 | Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item. | |
2263 | Reseller | |
2264 | Reserved Quantity | |
2265 | Reserved Warehouse | |
2266 | Resignation Letter Date | |
2267 | Resolution | |
2268 | Resolution Date | |
2269 | Resolution Details | |
2270 | Resolved By | |
2271 | Restrict IP | |
2272 | Restrict user from this IP address only. Multiple IP addresses can be added by separating with commas. Also accepts partial IP addresses like (111.111.111) | |
2273 | Restricting By User | |
2274 | Retail | |
2275 | Retailer | |
2276 | Review Date | |
2277 | Rgt | |
2278 | Right | |
2279 | Role | |
2280 | Role Allowed to edit frozen stock | |
2281 | Role Name | |
2282 | Role that is allowed to submit transactions that exceed credit limits set. | |
2283 | Roles | |
2284 | Roles Assigned | |
2285 | Roles Assigned To User | |
2286 | Roles HTML | |
2287 | Root | |
2288 | Root cannot have a parent cost center | |
2289 | Rounded Total | |
2290 | Rounded Total (Company Currency) | |
2291 | Row | |
2292 | Row | |
2293 | Row # | |
2294 | Row # | |
2295 | Rules defining transition of state in the workflow. | |
2296 | Rules to calculate shipping amount for a sale | |
2297 | SLE Exists | |
2298 | SMS | |
2299 | SMS Center | |
2300 | SMS Control | |
2301 | SMS Gateway URL | |
2302 | SMS Log | |
2303 | SMS Parameter | |
2304 | SMS Parameters | |
2305 | SMS Sender Name | |
2306 | SMS Settings | |
2307 | SMTP Server (e.g. smtp.gmail.com) | |
2308 | SO | |
2309 | SO Date | |
2310 | SO Pending Qty | |
2311 | SO/10-11/ | |
2312 | SO1112 | |
2313 | SQTN | |
2314 | STE | |
2315 | SUP | |
2316 | SUPP | |
2317 | SUPP/10-11/ | |
2318 | Salary | |
2319 | Salary Information | |
2320 | Salary Manager | |
2321 | Salary Mode | |
2322 | Salary Slip | |
2323 | Salary Slip Deduction | |
2324 | Salary Slip Earning | |
2325 | Salary Structure | |
2326 | Salary Structure Deduction | |
2327 | Salary Structure Earning | |
2328 | Salary Structure Earnings | |
2329 | Salary components. | |
2330 | Sales | |
2331 | Sales Analytics | |
2332 | Sales BOM | |
2333 | Sales BOM Help | |
2334 | Sales BOM Item | |
2335 | Sales BOM Items | |
2336 | Sales Common | |
2337 | Sales Details | |
2338 | Sales Discounts | |
2339 | Sales Email Settings | |
2340 | Sales Extras | |
2341 | Sales Invoice | |
2342 | Sales Invoice Advance | |
2343 | Sales Invoice Item | |
2344 | Sales Invoice Items | |
2345 | Sales Invoice Message | |
2346 | Sales Invoice No | |
2347 | Sales Invoice Trends | |
2348 | Sales Order | |
2349 | Sales Order Date | |
2350 | Sales Order Item | |
2351 | Sales Order Items | |
2352 | Sales Order Message | |
2353 | Sales Order No | |
2354 | Sales Order Required | |
2355 | Sales Order Trend | |
2356 | Sales Partner | |
2357 | Sales Partner Name | |
2358 | Sales Partner Target | |
2359 | Sales Partners Commission | |
2360 | Sales Person | |
2361 | Sales Person Incharge | |
2362 | Sales Person Name | |
2363 | Sales Person Target Variance (Item Group-Wise) | |
2364 | Sales Person Targets | |
2365 | Sales Person-wise Transaction Summary | |
2366 | Sales Rate | |
2367 | Sales Register | |
2368 | Sales Return | |
2369 | Sales Taxes and Charges | |
2370 | Sales Taxes and Charges Master | |
2371 | Sales Team | |
2372 | Sales Team Details | |
2373 | Sales Team1 | |
2374 | Sales and Purchase | |
2375 | Sales campaigns | |
2376 | Sales persons and targets | |
2377 | Sales taxes template. | |
2378 | Sales territories. | |
2379 | Salutation | |
2380 | Same file has already been attached to the record | |
2381 | Sample Size | |
2382 | Sanctioned Amount | |
2383 | Saturday | |
2384 | Save | |
2385 | Schedule | |
2386 | Schedule Details | |
2387 | Scheduled | |
2388 | Scheduled Confirmation Date | |
2389 | Scheduled Date | |
2390 | Scheduler Log | |
2391 | School/University | |
2392 | Score (0-5) | |
2393 | Score Earned | |
2394 | Scrap % | |
2395 | Script | |
2396 | Script Report | |
2397 | Script Type | |
2398 | Script to attach to all web pages. | |
2399 | Search | |
2400 | Search Fields | |
2401 | Seasonality for setting budgets. | |
2402 | Section Break | |
2403 | Security Settings | Impostazioni Sicurezza |
2404 | Select | |
2405 | Select All | |
2406 | Select Attachments | |
2407 | Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months. | |
2408 | Select Customer | |
2409 | Select Digest Content | |
2410 | Select DocType | |
2411 | Select Document Type | |
2412 | Select Document Type or Role to start. | |
2413 | Select PR | |
2414 | Select Print Format | |
2415 | Select Print Heading | |
2416 | Select Report Name | |
2417 | Select Role | |
2418 | Select Sales Orders | |
2419 | Select Sales Orders from which you want to create Production Orders. | |
2420 | Select Terms and Conditions | |
2421 | Select Time Logs and Submit to create a new Sales Invoice. | |
2422 | Select Transaction | |
2423 | Select Type | |
2424 | Select User or Property to start. | |
2425 | Select a Banner Image first. | |
2426 | Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited. | |
2427 | Select an image of approx width 150px with a transparent background for best results. | |
2428 | Select company name first. | |
2429 | Select dates to create a new | |
2430 | Select name of Customer to whom project belongs | |
2431 | Select or drag across time slots to create a new event. | |
2432 | Select template from which you want to get the Goals | |
2433 | Select the Employee for whom you are creating the Appraisal. | |
2434 | Select the currency in which price list is maintained | |
2435 | Select the label after which you want to insert new field. | |
2436 | Select the period when the invoice will be generated automatically | |
2437 | Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies | |
2438 | Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies. | |
2439 | Select who you want to send this newsletter to | |
2440 | Selling | |
2441 | Selling Settings | |
2442 | Send | |
2443 | Send Autoreply | |
2444 | Send Email | |
2445 | Send From | |
2446 | Send Invite Email | |
2447 | Send Me A Copy | |
2448 | Send Notifications To | |
2449 | Send Print in Body and Attachment | |
2450 | Send SMS | |
2451 | Send To | |
2452 | Send To Type | |
2453 | Send an email reminder in the morning | |
2454 | Send automatic emails to Contacts on Submitting transactions. | |
2455 | Send mass SMS to your contacts | |
2456 | Send regular summary reports via Email. | |
2457 | Send to this list | |
2458 | Sender | |
2459 | Sender Name | |
2460 | Sending newsletters is not allowed for Trial users | |
2461 | to prevent abuse of this feature. | |
2462 | Sent Mail | |
2463 | Sent On | |
2464 | Sent Quotation | |
2465 | Separate production order will be created for each finished good item. | |
2466 | Serial No | |
2467 | Serial No Details | |
2468 | Serial No Service Contract Expiry | |
2469 | Serial No Status | |
2470 | Serial No Warranty Expiry | |
2471 | Serialized Item: ' | |
2472 | Series | |
2473 | Series List for this Transaction | |
2474 | Server | |
2475 | Service Address | |
2476 | Services | |
2477 | Session Expired. Logging you out | |
2478 | Session Expires in (time) | |
2479 | Session Expiry | |
2480 | Session Expiry in Hours e.g. 06:00 | |
2481 | Set Banner from Image | |
2482 | Set Item Group-wise budgets on this Territory. You can also include seasonality by setting the Distribution. | |
2483 | Set Login and Password if authentication is required. | |
2484 | Set New Password | Imposta la password |
2485 | Set Value | |
2486 | Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions | |
2487 | Set targets Item Group-wise for this Sales Person. | |
2488 | Setting Account Type helps in selecting this Account in transactions. | |
2489 | Settings | |
2490 | Settings for About Us Page. | |
2491 | Settings for Accounts | |
2492 | Settings for Buying Module | |
2493 | Settings for Contact Us Page | |
2494 | Settings for Contact Us Page. | |
2495 | Settings for Selling Module | |
2496 | Settings for the About Us Page | |
2497 | Setup | |
2498 | Setup Control | |
2499 | Setup Series | |
2500 | Setup of Shopping Cart. | |