2013-02-27 17:36:23 +01:00

315 lines
12 KiB

"About Us Settings": "\u00dcber uns Settings",
"About Us Team Member": "\u00dcber uns Team Member",
"Account": "Konto",
"Accounts": "Konten",
"Activity": "Aktivit\u00e4t",
"Activity Type": "Art der T\u00e4tigkeit",
"Address": "Adresse",
"Answer": "Beantworten",
"Appraisal": "Bewertung",
"Appraisal Goal": "Bewertung Goal",
"Appraisal Template": "Bewertung Template",
"Appraisal Template Goal": "Bewertung Template Goal",
"Attendance": "Teilnahme",
"Attendance Control Panel": "Teilnahme Control Panel",
"Authorization Control": "Authorization Control",
"Authorization Rule": "Autorisierungsregel",
"BOM": "BOM",
"BOM Explosion Item": "St\u00fccklistenaufl\u00f6sung Artikel",
"BOM Item": "St\u00fccklistenposition",
"BOM Operation": "BOM Betrieb",
"BOM Replace Tool": "BOM Replace Tool",
"Bank Reconciliation": "Kontenabstimmung",
"Bank Reconciliation Detail": "Kontenabstimmung Details",
"Batch": "Stapel",
"Bin": "Kasten",
"Blog": "Blog",
"Blog Subscriber": "Blog Subscriber",
"Branch": "Zweig",
"Brand": "Marke",
"Budget Control": "Budget Control",
"Budget Detail": "Budget Detailansicht",
"Budget Distribution": "Budget Verteilung",
"Budget Distribution Detail": "Budget Verteilung Detailansicht",
"Bulk Email": "Bulk Email",
"Buying": "Kauf",
"C-Form": "C-Form",
"C-Form Invoice Detail": "C-Form Rechnungsdetails",
"Calendar": "Kalender",
"Campaign": "Kampagne",
"Comment": "Kommentar",
"Communication": "Kommunikation",
"Communication Log": "Communication Log",
"Company": "Firma",
"Company Control": "Firma Control",
"Company History": "Unternehmensgeschichte",
"Contact": "Kontakt",
"Contact Control": "Kontakt Kontrolle",
"Contact Us Settings": "Kontakt Settings",
"Control Panel": "Control Panel",
"Core": "Kern",
"Cost Center": "Kostenstellenrechnung",
"Country": "Land",
"Currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
"Custom Field": "Custom Field",
"Custom Script": "Custom Script",
"Customer": "Kunde",
"Customer Group": "Customer Group",
"Customer Issue": "Das Anliegen des Kunden",
"Customize Form": "Formular anpassen",
"Customize Form Field": "Passen Form Field",
"Deduction Type": "Abzug Typ",
"Default Home Page": "Standard Home Page",
"DefaultValue": "DefaultValue",
"Delivery Note": "Lieferschein",
"Delivery Note Item": "Lieferscheinposition",
"Delivery Note Packing Item": "Lieferschein Verpackung Artikel",
"Department": "Abteilung",
"Designation": "Bezeichnung",
"DocField": "DocField",
"DocPerm": "DocPerm",
"DocType": "DOCTYPE",
"DocType Label": "DocType Etikett",
"DocType Mapper": "DocType Mapper",
"Documentation": "Dokumentation",
"Earning Type": "Earning Typ",
"Email Digest": "Email Digest",
"Email Settings": "E-Mail-Einstellungen",
"Employee": "Mitarbeiter",
"Employee Education": "Mitarbeiterschulung",
"Employee External Work History": "Mitarbeiter Externe Arbeit Geschichte",
"Employee Internal Work History": "Mitarbeiter Interner Arbeitsbereich Geschichte",
"Employee Training": "Mitarbeiterschulung",
"Employment Type": "Besch\u00e4ftigungsart",
"Event": "Veranstaltung",
"Event Role": "Event Rolle",
"Event User": "Ereignis Benutzer",
"Expense Claim": "Expense Anspruch",
"Expense Claim Detail": "Expense Anspruch Details",
"Expense Claim Type": "Expense Anspruch Type",
"Featured Item": "Feature-Produkt",
"Features Setup": "Features Setup",
"Feed": "F\u00fcttern",
"Field Mapper Detail": "Feld Mapper Details",
"File Data": "File Data",
"Fiscal Year": "Gesch\u00e4ftsjahr",
"Forum": "Forum",
"GL Control": "GL Steuerung",
"GL Entry": "GL Eintrag",
"GL Mapper": "GL Mapper",
"GL Mapper Detail": "GL Mapper Details",
"Global Defaults": "Globale Defaults",
"Grade": "Klasse",
"HR": "HR",
"Help": "Hilfe",
"Holiday": "Urlaub",
"Holiday Block List": "Ferienwohnung Block List",
"Holiday Block List Allow": "Ferienwohnung Block List zulassen",
"Holiday Block List Date": "Ferienwohnung Block List Datum",
"Holiday List": "Ferienwohnung Liste",
"Home": "Zuhause",
"Home Control": "Home Control",
"Human Resources": "Human Resources",
"Industry Type": "Industry Typ",
"Installation Note": "Installation Hinweis",
"Installation Note Item": "Installation Hinweis Artikel",
"Item": "Artikel",
"Item Customer Detail": "Artikel Kundenrezensionen",
"Item Group": "Artikel-Gruppe",
"Item Price": "Artikel Preis",
"Item Quality Inspection Parameter": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung Artikel Parameter",
"Item Reorder": "Artikel Reorder",
"Item Supplier": "Artikel Lieferant",
"Item Tax": "MwSt. Artikel",
"Item Website Specification": "Artikelbeschreibung Webseite",
"Job Applicant": "Job Applicant",
"Job Opening": "Stellenangebot",
"Jobs Email Settings": "Jobs per E-Mail Einstellungen",
"Journal Voucher": "Journal Gutschein",
"Journal Voucher Detail": "Journal Voucher Detail",
"Knowledge Base": "Knowledge Base",
"Landed Cost Item": "Landed Cost Artikel",
"Landed Cost Purchase Receipt": "Landed Cost Kaufbeleg",
"Landed Cost Wizard": "Landed Cost Wizard",
"Lead": "F\u00fchren",
"Leave Allocation": "Lassen Allocation",
"Leave Application": "Lassen Anwendung",
"Leave Block List": "Lassen Block List",
"Leave Block List Allow": "Lassen Lassen Block List",
"Leave Block List Date": "Lassen Block List Datum",
"Leave Control Panel": "Lassen Sie Control Panel",
"Leave Type": "Lassen Typ",
"Letter Head": "Briefkopf",
"Live Chat": "Live-Chat",
"MIS Control": "MIS Kontrolle",
"Maintenance Schedule": "Wartungsplan",
"Maintenance Schedule Detail": "Wartungsplan Details",
"Maintenance Schedule Item": "Wartungsplan Artikel",
"Maintenance Visit": "Wartung Besuch",
"Maintenance Visit Purpose": "Wartung Visit Zweck",
"Manufacturing": "Herstellung",
"Market Segment": "Market Segment",
"Material Request": "Material anfordern",
"Material Request Item": "Material anfordern Artikel",
"Messages": "Nachrichten",
"Mode of Payment": "Zahlungsweise",
"Module Def": "Module Def",
"Modules": "Module",
"Multi Ledger Report Detail": "Multi Ledger Detail Report",
"My Settings": "Meine Einstellungen",
"Naming Series": "Benennen Series",
"Naming Series Options": "Benennen Optionen Series",
"Newsletter": "Mitteilungsblatt",
"Notification Control": "Meldungssteuervorrichtung",
"Opportunity": "Gelegenheit",
"Opportunity Item": "Gelegenheit Artikel",
"Other Income Detail": "Sonstige Ertr\u00e4ge Detailansicht",
"POS Setting": "POS Setting",
"Packing Slip": "Packzettel",
"Packing Slip Item": "Packzettel Artikel",
"Page": "Seite",
"Page Role": "Seite Role",
"Patch Log": "Anmelden Patch-",
"Payment to Invoice Matching Tool": "Zahlung an Rechnung Matching-Tool",
"Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail": "Zahlung an Rechnung Matching Werkzeug-Detail",
"Period Closing Voucher": "Periodenverschiebung Gutschein",
"Permission Control": "Permission Steuerung",
"Price List": "Preisliste",
"Print Format": "Drucken Format",
"Print Heading": "Unterwegs drucken",
"Product Group": "Product Group",
"Product Settings": "Produkt-Settings",
"Production Order": "Fertigungsauftrag",
"Production Plan Item": "Production Plan Artikel",
"Production Plan Sales Order": "Production Plan Sales Order",
"Production Planning Tool": "Production Planning-Tool",
"Products Settings": "Produkte Einstellungen",
"Profile": "Profil",
"Profile Control": "Profile Control",
"Project": "Projekt",
"Project Activity": "Projekt Activity",
"Project Activity Update": "Projekt Activity aktualisieren",
"Project Control": "Project Control",
"Project Milestone": "Projekt Milestone",
"Projects": "Projekte",
"Property Setter": "Property Setter",
"Purchase Common": "Erwerb Eigener",
"Purchase Invoice": "Kaufrechnung",
"Purchase Invoice Advance": "Advance Purchase Rechnung",
"Purchase Invoice Item": "Kaufrechnung Artikel",
"Purchase Order": "Auftragsbest\u00e4tigung",
"Purchase Order Item": "Bestellposition",
"Purchase Order Item Supplied": "Bestellposition geliefert",
"Purchase Receipt": "Kaufbeleg",
"Purchase Receipt Item": "Kaufbeleg Artikel",
"Purchase Receipt Item Supplied": "Kaufbeleg Liefergegenstand",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges": "Purchase Steuern und Abgaben",
"Purchase Taxes and Charges Master": "Steuern und Geb\u00fchren Meister Kauf",
"Quality Inspection": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung",
"Quality Inspection Reading": "Qualit\u00e4tspr\u00fcfung Lesen",
"Question": "Frage",
"Quotation": "Zitat",
"Quotation Item": "Zitat Artikel",
"Quotation Lost Reason": "Zitat Passwort Reason",
"Related Page": "Verwandte Seite",
"Rename Tool": "Umbenennen-Tool",
"Report": "Bericht",
"Role": "Rolle",
"SMS Center": "SMS Center",
"SMS Control": "SMS Control",
"SMS Log": "SMS Log",
"SMS Parameter": "SMS Parameter",
"SMS Receiver": "SMS-Empf\u00e4nger",
"SMS Settings": "SMS-Einstellungen",
"Salary Manager": "Manager Gehalt",
"Salary Slip": "Gehaltsabrechnung",
"Salary Slip Deduction": "Lohnabzug Rutsch",
"Salary Slip Earning": "Earning Gehaltsabrechnung",
"Salary Structure": "Gehaltsstruktur",
"Salary Structure Deduction": "Gehaltsstruktur Abzug",
"Salary Structure Earning": "Earning Gehaltsstruktur",
"Sales BOM": "Vertrieb BOM",
"Sales BOM Item": "Vertrieb St\u00fccklistenposition",
"Sales Browser Control": "Vertrieb Browser Control",
"Sales Common": "Vertrieb Gemeinsame",
"Sales Email Settings": "Vertrieb E-Mail-Einstellungen",
"Sales Invoice": "Sales Invoice",
"Sales Invoice Advance": "Sales Invoice Geleistete",
"Sales Invoice Item": "Sales Invoice Artikel",
"Sales Order": "Sales Order",
"Sales Order Item": "Auftragsposition",
"Sales Partner": "Vertriebspartner",
"Sales Person": "Sales Person",
"Sales Taxes and Charges": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben",
"Sales Taxes and Charges Master": "Vertrieb Steuern und Abgaben Meister",
"Sales Team": "Sales Team",
"Sales and Purchase Return Item": "Sales and Purchase Zur\u00fcck Artikel",
"Sales and Purchase Return Tool": "Sales and Purchase Return-Tool",
"Sandbox": "Sandkasten",
"Scheduler Log": "Scheduler Log",
"Search Criteria": "Suchkriterien",
"Selling": "Verkauf",
"Serial No": "Serial In",
"Series Detail": "Series Detailansicht",
"Setup": "Setup",
"Setup Control": "Setup Control",
"Shipping Address": "Versandadresse",
"State": "Zustand",
"Stock": "Lager",
"Stock Entry": "Lager Eintrag",
"Stock Entry Detail": "Lager Eintrag Details",
"Stock Ledger": "Lager Ledger",
"Stock Ledger Entry": "Lager Ledger Eintrag",
"Stock Reconciliation": "Lager Vers\u00f6hnung",
"Stock UOM Replace Utility": "Lager UOM ersetzen Dienstprogramm",
"Style Settings": "Style Einstellungen",
"Supplier": "Lieferant",
"Supplier Quotation": "Lieferant Angebot",
"Supplier Quotation Item": "Lieferant Angebotsposition",
"Supplier Type": "Lieferant Typ",
"Support": "Unterst\u00fctzen",
"Support Ticket": "Support Ticket",
"System Console": "System Console",
"Table Mapper Detail": "Tabelle Mapper Details",
"Tag": "Anh\u00e4nger",
"Target Detail": "Ziel Detailansicht",
"Task": "Aufgabe",
"Terms and Conditions": "AGB",
"Territory": "Gebiet",
"Timesheet": "Timesheet",
"Timesheet Detail": "Timesheet Details",
"To Do": "To Do",
"ToDo": "ToDo",
"Top Bar Item": "Top Bar Artikel",
"Trash Control": "Trash Steuerung",
"Trend Analyzer Control": "Trend Analyzer Steuerung",
"UOM": "UOM",
"UOM Conversion Detail": "UOM Conversion Details",
"Unread Messages": "Ungelesene Nachrichten",
"Update Delivery Date": "Aktualisieren Lieferdatum",
"UserRole": "UserRole",
"Utilities": "Dienstprogramme",
"Valuation Control": "Valuation Control-",
"Warehouse": "Lager",
"Warehouse Type": "Warehouse Typ",
"Warehouse User": "Warehouse Benutzer",
"Web Page": "Web Page",
"Website": "Webseite",
"Website Item Group": "Website-Elementgruppe",
"Website Product Category": "Website Produktkategorie",
"Website Script": "Website Script",
"Website Settings": "Website-Einstellungen",
"Website Slideshow": "Website Slideshow",
"Website Slideshow Item": "Website Slideshow Artikel",
"Workflow": "Workflow",
"Workflow Action": "Workflow-Aktion",
"Workflow Action Detail": "Workflow-Aktion Details",
"Workflow Document State": "Workflow Document Staat",
"Workflow Engine": "Workflow Engine",
"Workflow Rule": "Workflow-Regel",
"Workflow Rule Detail": "Workflow Rule Details",
"Workflow State": "Workflow-Status",
"Workflow Transition": "Workflow Transition",
"Workstation": "Arbeitsplatz"