1 | Period Name | 期間名稱 |
2 | Salary Mode | 薪酬模式 |
3 | Divorced | 離婚 |
4 | Post Route Key | 郵政路線密鑰 |
5 | Allow Item to be added multiple times in a transaction | 允許項目在一個交易中被多次新增 |
6 | Cancel Material Visit {0} before cancelling this Warranty Claim | 材質訪問{0}之前取消此保修索賠取消 |
7 | Assessment Reports | 評估報告 |
8 | Consumer Products | 消費類產品 |
9 | Notify Supplier | 通知供應商 |
10 | Please select Party Type first | 請選擇黨第一型 |
11 | Customer Items | 客戶項目 |
12 | Costing and Billing | 成本核算和計費 |
13 | Advance account currency should be same as company currency {0} | 預付科目貨幣應與公司貨幣{0}相同 |
14 | Token Endpoint | 令牌端點 |
15 | Account {0}: Parent account {1} can not be a ledger | 科目{0}:上層科目{1}不能是總帳 |
16 | Cannot find active Leave Period | 找不到有效的休假期 |
17 | Evaluation | 評估 |
18 | Default Unit of Measure | 預設的計量單位 |
19 | All Sales Partner Contact | 所有的銷售合作夥伴聯絡 |
20 | Leave Approvers | 休假審批人 |
21 | Bio / Cover Letter | 自傳/求職信 |
22 | Investigations | 調查 |
23 | Click Enter To Add | 點擊輸入要添加 |
24 | Missing value for Password, API Key or Shopify URL | 缺少密碼,API密鑰或Shopify網址的值 |
25 | All Accounts | 所有科目 |
26 | Cannot transfer Employee with status Left | 無法轉移狀態為左的員工 |
27 | Stopped Production Order cannot be cancelled, Unstop it first to cancel | 停止生產訂單無法取消,首先Unstop它取消 |
28 | Do you really want to scrap this asset? | 難道你真的想放棄這項資產? |
29 | Update Schedule | 更新時間表 |
30 | Select Default Supplier | 選擇默認供應商 |
31 | Show Employee | 顯示員工 |
32 | New Exchange Rate | 新匯率 |
33 | Currency is required for Price List {0} | 價格表{0}需填入貨幣種類 |
34 | * Will be calculated in the transaction. | *將被計算在該交易。 |
35 | Customer Contact | 客戶聯絡 |
36 | Check availability | 檢查可用性 |
37 | Bonus Payment Date | 獎金支付日期 |
38 | Job Applicant | 求職者 |
39 | This is based on transactions against this Supplier. See timeline below for details | 這是基於對這種供應商的交易。詳情請參閱以下時間表 |
40 | Overproduction Percentage For Work Order | 工作訂單的生產率過高百分比 |
41 | Transport Receipt Date | 運輸收貨日期 |
42 | Sales Order Series | 銷售訂單系列 |
43 | More than one selection for {0} not \
allowed | 對{0}的多個選擇不是\允許的 |
44 | Actual type tax cannot be included in Item rate in row {0} | 實際類型稅不能被包含在商品率排{0} |
45 | Allowed To Transact With | 允許與 |
46 | Customer | 客戶 |
47 | Required By | 需求來自 |
48 | Return Against Delivery Note | 射向送貨單 |
49 | Finance Book Detail | 財務帳簿細節 |
50 | % Billed | %已開立帳單 |
51 | Exchange Rate must be same as {0} {1} ({2}) | 匯率必須一致{0} {1}({2}) |
52 | Customer Name | 客戶名稱 |
53 | Natural Gas | 天然氣 |
54 | Bank account cannot be named as {0} | 銀行科目不能命名為{0} |
55 | HRA as per Salary Structure | HRA根據薪資結構 |
56 | Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained. | 頭(或組)針對其會計分錄是由和平衡得以維持。 |
57 | Outstanding for {0} cannot be less than zero ({1}) | 傑出的{0}不能小於零( {1} ) |
58 | Service Stop Date cannot be before Service Start Date | 服務停止日期不能早於服務開始日期 |
59 | Default 10 mins | 預設為10分鐘 |
60 | Leave Type Name | 休假類型名稱 |
61 | Show open | 公開顯示 |
62 | Checkout | 查看 |
63 | Depreciation Start Date | 折舊開始日期 |
64 | Apply On | 適用於 |
65 | Multiple Item prices. | 多個項目的價格。 |
66 | Purchase Order Items To Be Received | 未到貨的採購訂單項目 |
67 | All Supplier Contact | 所有供應商聯絡 |
68 | Support Settings | 支持設置 |
69 | Expected End Date can not be less than Expected Start Date | 預計結束日期不能小於預期開始日期 |
70 | Amazon MWS Settings | 亞馬遜MWS設置 |
71 | Row #{0}: Rate must be same as {1}: {2} ({3} / {4}) | 行#{0}:速率必須與{1}:{2}({3} / {4}) |
72 | Batch Item Expiry Status | 批處理項到期狀態 |
73 | Bank Draft | 銀行匯票 |
74 | Mode of Payment Account | 支付帳戶模式 |
75 | Consultation | 會診 |
76 | Show Payment Schedule in Print | 在打印中顯示付款時間表 |
77 | Sales and Returns | 銷售和退貨 |
78 | Show Variants | 顯示變體 |
79 | Academic Term | 學期 |
80 | Employee Tax Exemption Sub Category | 員工免稅子類別 |
81 | Maximum benefit of employee {0} exceeds {1} by the sum {2} of benefit application pro-rata component\
amount and previous claimed amount | 員工{0}的最高福利超過{1},福利應用程序按比例分量\金額和上次索賠金額的總和{2} |
82 | Quantity | 數量 |
83 | Customers Without Any Sales Transactions | 沒有任何銷售交易的客戶 |
84 | Accounts table cannot be blank. | 賬表不能為空。 |
85 | Loans (Liabilities) | 借款(負債) |
86 | Encounter Time | 遇到時間 |
87 | Total Estimated Cost | 預計總成本 |
88 | Year of Passing | 路過的一年 |
89 | Routing Name | 路由名稱 |
90 | Country of Origin | 出生國家 |
91 | Soil Texture Criteria | 土壤質地標準 |
92 | In Stock | 庫存 |
93 | Primary Contact Details | 主要聯繫方式 |
94 | Open Issues | 開放式問題 |
95 | Production Plan Item | 生產計劃項目 |
96 | User {0} is already assigned to Employee {1} | 用戶{0}已經被分配給員工{1} |
97 | Health Care | 保健 |
98 | Delay in payment (Days) | 延遲支付(天) |
99 | Payment Terms Template Detail | 付款條款模板細節 |
100 | Issue Credit Note | 發行信用票據 |
101 | Lab Prescription | 實驗室處方 |
102 | Delay Days | 延遲天數 |
103 | Service Expense | 服務費用 |
104 | Serial Number: {0} is already referenced in Sales Invoice: {1} | 序號:{0}已在銷售發票中引用:{1} |
105 | Invoice | 發票 |
106 | Item Weight Details | 項目重量細節 |
107 | Periodicity | 週期性 |
108 | Fiscal Year {0} is required | 會計年度{0}是必需的 |
109 | The minimum distance between rows of plants for optimum growth | 植株之間的最小距離,以獲得最佳生長 |
110 | Defense | 防禦 |
111 | Abbr | 縮寫 |
112 | Total Costing Amount | 總成本計算金額 |
113 | Vehicle No | 車輛牌照號碼 |
114 | Please select Price List | 請選擇價格表 |
115 | Currency Exchange Settings | 貨幣兌換設置 |
116 | Work In Progress | 在製品 |
117 | Please select date | 請選擇日期 |
118 | Minimum Qty | 最低數量 |
119 | Finance Book | 金融書 |
120 | Holiday List | 假日列表 |
121 | Accountant | 會計人員 |
122 | Selling Price List | 賣價格表 |
123 | Tobacco Current Use | 煙草當前使用 |
124 | Selling Rate | 賣出率 |
125 | Stock User | 庫存用戶 |
126 | Contact Information | 聯繫信息 |
127 | Phone No | 電話號碼 |
128 | Initial Email Notification Sent | 初始電子郵件通知已發送 |
129 | Statement Header Mapping | 聲明標題映射 |
130 | Sales Partners Commission | 銷售合作夥伴佣金 |
131 | Rounding Adjustment | 舍入調整 |
132 | Abbreviation cannot have more than 5 characters | 縮寫不能有超過5個字符 |
133 | Payment Request | 付錢請求 |
134 | To view logs of Loyalty Points assigned to a Customer. | 查看分配給客戶的忠誠度積分的日誌。 |
135 | Value After Depreciation | 折舊後 |
136 | Related | 有關 |
137 | Attendance date can not be less than employee's joining date | 考勤日期不得少於員工的加盟日期 |
138 | Grading Scale Name | 分級標準名稱 |
139 | Add Users to Marketplace | 將用戶添加到市場 |
140 | This is a root account and cannot be edited. | 這是一個 root 科目,不能被編輯。 |
141 | Operations | 操作 |
142 | Cannot set authorization on basis of Discount for {0} | 不能在折扣的基礎上設置授權{0} |
143 | Subscription Start Date | 訂閱開始日期 |
144 | Default receivable accounts to be used if not set in Patient to book Appointment charges. | 如果未在患者中設置預約費用,則使用默認應收科目。 |
145 | Attach .csv file with two columns, one for the old name and one for the new name | 附加.csv文件有兩列,一為舊名稱,一個用於新名稱 |
146 | {0} {1} not in any active Fiscal Year. | {0} {1} 不在任何有效的會計年度 |
147 | Parent Detail docname | 家長可採用DocName細節 |
148 | Reference: {0}, Item Code: {1} and Customer: {2} | 參考:{0},商品編號:{1}和顧客:{2} |
149 | {0} {1} is not present in the parent company | 在母公司中不存在{0} {1} |
150 | Trial Period End Date Cannot be before Trial Period Start Date | 試用期結束日期不能在試用期開始日期之前 |
151 | Kg | 公斤 |
152 | Tax Withholding Category | 預扣稅類別 |
153 | Cancel the journal entry {0} first | 首先取消日記條目{0} |
154 | {0} Result submittted | {0}結果提交 |
155 | Timespan | 時間跨度 |
156 | Help Results for | 幫助結果 |
157 | Select Warehouse... | 選擇倉庫... |
158 | Advertising | 廣告 |
159 | Same Company is entered more than once | 同一家公司進入不止一次 |
160 | Not permitted for {0} | 不允許{0} |
161 | Get items from | 取得項目來源 |
162 | Apply Tax Withholding Amount | 申請預扣稅金額 |
163 | Stock cannot be updated against Delivery Note {0} | 送貨單{0}不能更新庫存 |
164 | Total Amount Credited | 總金額 |
165 | Product {0} | 產品{0} |
166 | No items listed | 沒有列出項目 |
167 | Error Description | 錯誤說明 |
168 | Reconcile | 調和 |
169 | Grocery | 雜貨 |
170 | Pension Funds | 養老基金 |
171 | Gain/Loss | 收益/損失 |
172 | Use Custom Cash Flow Format | 使用自定義現金流量格式 |
173 | All Sales Person | 所有的銷售人員 |
174 | **Monthly Distribution** helps you distribute the Budget/Target across months if you have seasonality in your business. | **月度分配**幫助你分配預算/目標跨越幾個月,如果你在你的業務有季節性。 |
175 | Not items found | 未找到項目 |
176 | Salary Structure Missing | 薪酬結構缺失 |
177 | Person Name | 人姓名 |
178 | Sales Invoice Item | 銷售發票項目 |
179 | Credit | 信用 |
180 | Write Off Cost Center | 沖銷成本中心 |
181 | e.g. "Primary School" or "University" | 如“小學”或“大學” |
182 | Stock Reports | 庫存報告 |
183 | Warehouse Detail | 倉庫的詳細資訊 |
184 | The Term End Date cannot be later than the Year End Date of the Academic Year to which the term is linked (Academic Year {}). Please correct the dates and try again. | 該期限結束日期不能晚於學年年終日期到這個詞聯繫在一起(學年{})。請更正日期,然後再試一次。 |
185 | "Is Fixed Asset" cannot be unchecked, as Asset record exists against the item | “是固定的資產”不能選中,作為資產記錄存在對項目 |
186 | Departure Time | 出發時間 |
187 | Brake Oil | 剎車油 |
188 | Tax Type | 稅收類型 |
189 | Completed Work Orders | 完成的工作訂單 |
190 | Forum Posts | 論壇帖子 |
191 | Taxable Amount | 應稅金額 |
192 | You are not authorized to add or update entries before {0} | 你無權添加或更新{0}之前的條目 |
193 | Leave Policy Details | 退出政策詳情 |
194 | Item Image (if not slideshow) | 產品圖片(如果不是幻燈片) |
195 | (Hour Rate / 60) * Actual Operation Time | (工時率/ 60)*實際操作時間 |
196 | Row #{0}: Reference Document Type must be one of Expense Claim or Journal Entry | 行#{0}:參考文檔類型必須是費用索賠或日記帳分錄之一 |
197 | SMS Log | 短信日誌 |
198 | Cost of Delivered Items | 交付項目成本 |
199 | The holiday on {0} is not between From Date and To Date | 在{0}這個節日之間沒有從日期和結束日期 |
200 | Admission Scheduled | 入學時間表 |
201 | Student Log | 學生登錄 |
202 | Templates of supplier standings. | 供應商榜單。 |
203 | Interested | 有興趣 |
204 | Opening | 開盤 |
205 | From {0} to {1} | 從{0} {1} |
206 | Failed to setup taxes | 無法設置稅收 |
207 | Copy From Item Group | 從項目群組複製 |
208 | Opening Entry | 開放報名 |
209 | Account Pay Only | 科目只需支付 |
210 | Repay Over Number of Periods | 償還期的超過數 |
211 | Additional Costs | 額外費用 |
212 | Account with existing transaction can not be converted to group. | 科目與現有的交易不能被轉換到群組。 |
213 | Product Enquiry | 產品查詢 |
214 | Validate Batch for Students in Student Group | 驗證學生組學生的批次 |
215 | No leave record found for employee {0} for {1} | 未找到員工的假期記錄{0} {1} |
216 | Unrealized Exchange Gain/Loss Account | 未實現的匯兌收益/損失科目 |
217 | Please enter company first | 請先輸入公司 |
218 | Please select Company first | 請首先選擇公司 |
219 | Under Graduate | 根據研究生 |
220 | Please set default template for Leave Status Notification in HR Settings. | 請在人力資源設置中設置離職狀態通知的默認模板。 |
221 | Target On | 目標在 |
222 | Total Cost | 總成本 |
223 | Employee Loan | 員工貸款 |
224 | Send Payment Request Email | 發送付款請求電子郵件 |
225 | Item {0} does not exist in the system or has expired | 項目{0}不存在於系統中或已過期 |
226 | Leave blank if the Supplier is blocked indefinitely | 如果供應商被無限期封鎖,請留空 |
227 | Real Estate | 房地產 |
228 | Statement of Account | 科目狀態 |
229 | Pharmaceuticals | 製藥 |
230 | Is Fixed Asset | 是固定的資產 |
231 | Available qty is {0}, you need {1} | 可用數量是{0},則需要{1} |
232 | Claim Amount | 索賠金額 |
233 | Work Order has been {0} | 工單已{0} |
234 | Applicable on Purchase Order | 適用於採購訂單 |
235 | Duplicate customer group found in the cutomer group table | 在CUTOMER組表中找到重複的客戶群 |
236 | Location Name | 地點名稱 |
237 | Event Location | 活動地點 |
238 | Asset Settings | 資產設置 |
239 | Grade | 年級 |
240 | No of Seats | 座位數 |
241 | Delivered By Supplier | 交付供應商 |
242 | Asset Maintenance Task | 資產維護任務 |
243 | All Contact | 所有聯絡 |
244 | Daily Work Summary | 每日工作總結 |
245 | Closing Fiscal Year | 截止會計年度 |
246 | {0} {1} is frozen | {0} {1}被凍結 |
247 | Please select Existing Company for creating Chart of Accounts | 請選擇現有的公司創建會計科目表 |
248 | Stock Expenses | 庫存費用 |
249 | Select Target Warehouse | 選擇目標倉庫 |
250 | Select Target Warehouse | 選擇目標倉庫 |
251 | Please enter Preferred Contact Email | 請輸入首選電子郵件聯繫 |
252 | Contra Entry | 魂斗羅進入 |
253 | Credit in Company Currency | 信用在公司貨幣 |
254 | Installation Status | 安裝狀態 |
255 | Quality Inspection Template | 質量檢驗模板 |
256 | Do you want to update attendance?<br>Present: {0}\
<br>Absent: {1} | 你想更新考勤? <br>現任:{0} \ <br>缺席:{1} |
257 | Accepted + Rejected Qty must be equal to Received quantity for Item {0} | 品項{0}的允收+批退的數量必須等於收到量 |
258 | Supply Raw Materials for Purchase | 供應原料採購 |
259 | Cannot ensure delivery by Serial No as \
Item {0} is added with and without Ensure Delivery by \
Serial No. | 無法通過序列號確保交貨,因為\項目{0}是否添加了確保交貨\序列號 |
260 | At least one mode of payment is required for POS invoice. | 付款中的至少一個模式需要POS發票。 |
261 | Bank Statement Transaction Invoice Item | 銀行對賬單交易發票項目 |
262 | Show Products as a List | 產品展示作為一個列表 |
263 | Tax on flexible benefit | 對靈活福利徵稅 |
264 | Item {0} is not active or end of life has been reached | 項目{0}不活躍或生命的盡頭已經達到 |
265 | Minimum Age | 最低年齡 |
266 | Example: Basic Mathematics | 例如:基礎數學 |
267 | Diff Qty | 差異數量 |
268 | Material Request Detail | 材料請求詳情 |
269 | Default Quotation Validity Days | 默認報價有效天數 |
270 | To include tax in row {0} in Item rate, taxes in rows {1} must also be included | 要包括稅款,行{0}項率,稅收行{1}也必須包括在內 |
271 | Validate Attendance | 驗證出席 |
272 | Change Amount | 變動金額 |
273 | Certificate Received | 已收到證書 |
274 | Set Invoice Value for B2C. B2CL and B2CS calculated based on this invoice value. | 設置B2C的發票值。 B2CL和B2CS根據此發票值計算。 |
275 | New BOM | 新的物料清單 |
276 | Prescribed Procedures | 規定程序 |
277 | Supplier Group Name | 供應商集團名稱 |
278 | Driving License Categories | 駕駛執照類別 |
279 | Please enter Delivery Date | 請輸入交貨日期 |
280 | Make Depreciation Entry | 計提折舊進入 |
281 | Closed Document | 關閉文件 |
282 | Leave Settings | 保留設置 |
283 | Number of positions cannot be less then current count of employees | 職位數量不能少於當前員工人數 |
284 | Request Type | 請求類型 |
285 | Purpose of Travel | 旅行目的 |
286 | Payroll Periods | 工資期間 |
287 | Make Employee | 使員工 |
288 | Broadcasting | 廣播 |
289 | Setup mode of POS (Online / Offline) | POS(在線/離線)的設置模式 |
290 | Disables creation of time logs against Work Orders. Operations shall not be tracked against Work Order | 禁止根據工作訂單創建時間日誌。不得根據工作指令跟踪操作 |
291 | Execution | 執行 |
292 | Details of the operations carried out. | 進行的作業細節。 |
293 | Maintenance Status | 維修狀態 |
294 | Membership Details | 會員資格 |
295 | {0} {1}: Supplier is required against Payable account {2} | {0} {1}:需要對供應商應付帳款{2} |
296 | Items and Pricing | 項目和定價 |
297 | Total hours: {0} | 總時間:{0} |
298 | From Date should be within the Fiscal Year. Assuming From Date = {0} | 從日期應該是在財政年度內。假設起始日期={0} |
299 | Interval | 間隔 |
300 | Preference | 偏愛 |
301 | Individual | 個人 |
302 | Academics User | 學術界用戶 |
303 | Amount In Figure | 量圖 |
304 | Loan Info | 貸款信息 |
305 | Plan for maintenance visits. | 規劃維護訪問。 |
306 | Supplier Scorecard Period | 供應商記分卡期 |
307 | Share Transfer | 股份轉讓 |
308 | Expiring Memberships | 即將到期的會員 |
309 | Customer Groups | 客戶群 |
310 | Financial Statements | 財務報表 |
311 | Students | 學生們 |
312 | Rules for applying pricing and discount. | 規則適用的定價和折扣。 |
313 | Daily Work Summary Group | 日常工作總結小組 |
314 | Time Slots | 時隙 |
315 | Price List must be applicable for Buying or Selling | 價格表必須適用於購買或出售 |
316 | Shift Request | 移位請求 |
317 | Installation date cannot be before delivery date for Item {0} | 品項{0}的安裝日期不能早於交貨日期 |
318 | Discount on Price List Rate (%) | 折扣價目表率(%) |
319 | Item Template | 項目模板 |
320 | Select Terms and Conditions | 選擇條款和條件 |
321 | Out Value | 輸出值 |
322 | Bank Statement Settings Item | 銀行對賬單設置項目 |
323 | Woocommerce Settings | Woocommerce設置 |
324 | Sales Orders | 銷售訂單 |
325 | Multiple Loyalty Program found for the Customer. Please select manually. | 為客戶找到多個忠誠度計劃。請手動選擇。 |
326 | Valuation | 計價 |
327 | Set as Default | 設為預設 |
328 | Purchase Order Trends | 採購訂單趨勢 |
329 | Go to Customers | 轉到客戶 |
330 | Late Checkin | 延遲入住 |
331 | The request for quotation can be accessed by clicking on the following link | 報價請求可以通過點擊以下鏈接進行訪問 |
332 | SG Creation Tool Course | SG創建工具課程 |
333 | Payment Description | 付款說明 |
334 | Insufficient Stock | 庫存不足 |
335 | Disable Capacity Planning and Time Tracking | 禁用產能規劃和時間跟踪 |
336 | New Sales Orders | 新的銷售訂單 |
337 | Bank Account | 銀行帳戶 |
338 | Check-out Date | 離開日期 |
339 | Allow Negative Balance | 允許負平衡 |
340 | You cannot delete Project Type 'External' | 您不能刪除項目類型“外部” |
341 | Select Alternate Item | 選擇備用項目 |
342 | Create User | 創建用戶 |
343 | Default Territory | 預設地域 |
344 | Television | 電視 |
345 | Updated via 'Time Log' | 經由“時間日誌”更新 |
346 | Select the customer or supplier. | 選擇客戶或供應商。 |
347 | Advance amount cannot be greater than {0} {1} | 提前量不能大於{0} {1} |
348 | Time slot skiped, the slot {0} to {1} overlap exisiting slot {2} to {3} | 時隙滑動,時隙{0}到{1}與現有時隙{2}重疊到{3} |
349 | Series List for this Transaction | 本交易系列表 |
350 | Enable Perpetual Inventory | 啟用永久庫存 |
351 | Charges Incurred | 收費發生 |
352 | Default Payroll Payable Account | 默認情況下,應付職工薪酬帳戶 |
353 | Update Email Group | 更新電子郵件組 |
354 | Is Opening Entry | 是開放登錄 |
355 | If unchecked, the item wont be appear in Sales Invoice, but can be used in group test creation. | 如果取消選中,該項目不會出現在銷售發票中,但可用於創建組測試。 |
356 | Mention if non-standard receivable account applicable | 何況,如果不規範應收帳款適用 |
357 | Instructor Name | 導師姓名 |
358 | Arrear Component | 欠費組件 |
359 | Criteria Setup | 條件設置 |
360 | For Warehouse is required before Submit | 對於倉庫之前,需要提交 |
361 | Medical Code | 醫療代號 |
362 | Connect Amazon with ERPNext | 將Amazon與ERPNext連接起來 |
363 | Please enter Company | 請輸入公司名稱 |
364 | Against Sales Invoice Item | 對銷售發票項目 |
365 | Linked Doctype | 鏈接的文檔類型 |
366 | Net Cash from Financing | 從融資淨現金 |
367 | LocalStorage is full , did not save | localStorage的滿了,沒救 |
368 | Address & Contact | 地址及聯絡方式 |
369 | Add unused leaves from previous allocations | 從以前的分配添加未使用的休假 |
370 | Partner website | 合作夥伴網站 |
371 | Add Item | 新增項目 |
372 | Party Tax Withholding Config | 黨的預扣稅配置 |
373 | Custom Result | 自定義結果 |
374 | Contact Name | 聯絡人姓名 |
375 | Course Assessment Criteria | 課程評價標準 |
376 | Tax Id: | 稅號: |
377 | Student ID: | 學生卡: |
378 | POS Customer Group | POS客戶群 |
379 | Practitioner Schedules | 從業者時間表 |
380 | Additional Details | 額外細節 |
381 | Request for purchase. | 請求您的報價。 |
382 | Collected Amount | 收集金額 |
383 | This is based on the Time Sheets created against this project | 這是基於對這個項目產生的考勤表 |
384 | Open Work Orders | 打開工作訂單 |
385 | Out Patient Consulting Charge Item | 出患者諮詢費用項目 |
386 | Credit Months | 信貸月份 |
387 | Fulfilled | 達到 |
388 | Discharge Scheduled | 出院預定 |
389 | Relieving Date must be greater than Date of Joining | 解除日期必須大於加入的日期 |
390 | Cashier | 出納員 |
391 | Leaves per Year | 每年葉 |
392 | Row {0}: Please check 'Is Advance' against Account {1} if this is an advance entry. | 行{0}:請檢查'是進階'對科目{1},如果這是一個進階條目。 |
393 | Warehouse {0} does not belong to company {1} | 倉庫{0}不屬於公司{1} |
394 | Profit & Loss | 收益與損失 |
395 | Please setup Students under Student Groups | 請設置學生組的學生 |
396 | Item Website Specification | 項目網站規格 |
397 | Leave Blocked | 禁假的 |
398 | Item {0} has reached its end of life on {1} | 項{0}已達到其壽命結束於{1} |
399 | Bank Entries | 銀行條目 |
400 | Is Internal Customer | 是內部客戶 |
401 | If Auto Opt In is checked, then the customers will be automatically linked with the concerned Loyalty Program (on save) | 如果選中自動選擇,則客戶將自動與相關的忠誠度計劃鏈接(保存時) |
402 | Stock Reconciliation Item | 庫存調整項目 |
403 | Sales Invoice No | 銷售發票號碼 |
404 | Supply Type | 供應類型 |
405 | Min Order Qty | 最小訂貨量 |
406 | Student Group Creation Tool Course | 學生組創建工具課程 |
407 | Do Not Contact | 不要聯絡 |
408 | People who teach at your organisation | 誰在您的組織教人 |
409 | Software Developer | 軟件開發人員 |
410 | Minimum Order Qty | 最低起訂量 |
411 | Supplier Type | 供應商類型 |
412 | Course Start Date | 課程開始日期 |
413 | Student Batch-Wise Attendance | 學生分批出席 |
414 | Allow user to edit Rate | 允許用戶編輯率 |
415 | Publish in Hub | 在發布中心 |
416 | Student Admission | 學生入學 |
417 | Item {0} is cancelled | 項{0}將被取消 |
418 | Depreciation Row {0}: Depreciation Start Date is entered as past date | 折舊行{0}:折舊開始日期作為過去的日期輸入 |
419 | Fulfilment Terms and Conditions | 履行條款和條件 |
420 | Material Request | 物料需求 |
421 | Update Clearance Date | 更新日期間隙 |
422 | Item {0} not found in 'Raw Materials Supplied' table in Purchase Order {1} | 項目{0}未發現“原材料提供'表中的採購訂單{1} |
423 | Total Principal Amount | 本金總額 |
424 | Relation | 關係 |
425 | Mother | 母親 |
426 | Reservation End Time | 預訂結束時間 |
427 | Biennial | 雙年展 |
428 | BOM Variance Report | BOM差異報告 |
429 | Confirmed orders from Customers. | 確認客戶的訂單。 |
430 | Rejected Quantity | 拒絕數量 |
431 | Payment request {0} created | 已創建付款請求{0} |
432 | Admitted Datetime | 承認日期時間 |
433 | Backflush raw materials from work-in-progress warehouse | 從在製品庫中反沖原料 |
434 | Open Orders | 開放訂單 |
435 | Low Sensitivity | 低靈敏度 |
436 | Order rescheduled for sync | 訂單重新安排同步 |
437 | Please confirm once you have completed your training | 完成培訓後請確認 |
438 | Suggestions | 建議 |
439 | Set Item Group-wise budgets on this Territory. You can also include seasonality by setting the Distribution. | 在此地域設定跨群組項目間的預算。您還可以通過設定分配來包含季節性。 |
440 | Payment Term Name | 付款條款名稱 |
441 | Create documents for sample collection | 創建樣本收集文件 |
442 | Payment against {0} {1} cannot be greater than Outstanding Amount {2} | 對支付{0} {1}不能大於未償還{2} |
443 | All Healthcare Service Units | 所有醫療服務單位 |
444 | Mobile No. | 手機號碼 |
445 | Generate Schedule | 生成時間表 |
446 | Expense Head | 總支出 |
447 | Please select Charge Type first | 請先選擇付款類別 |
448 | You can define all the tasks which need to carried out for this crop here. The day field is used to mention the day on which the task needs to be carried out, 1 being the 1st day, etc.. | 你可以在這裡定義所有需要進行的作業。日場是用來提及任務需要執行的日子,1日是第一天等。 |
449 | Student Group Student | 學生組學生 |
450 | Education Settings | 教育設置 |
451 | Inspection | 檢查 |
452 | Balance In Base Currency | 平衡基礎貨幣 |
453 | Max Grade | 最高等級 |
454 | New Quotations | 新報價 |
455 | Attendance not submitted for {0} as {1} on leave. | 在{0}上沒有針對{1}上的考勤出席。 |
456 | Payment Order | 付款單 |
457 | Emails salary slip to employee based on preferred email selected in Employee | 電子郵件工資單員工根據員工選擇首選的電子郵件 |
458 | Shipping County | 航運縣 |
459 | Learn | 學習 |
460 | Enable Deferred Expense | 啟用延期費用 |
461 | Next Depreciation Date | 接下來折舊日期 |
462 | Activity Cost per Employee | 每個員工活動費用 |
463 | Settings for Accounts | 會計設定 |
464 | Supplier Invoice No exists in Purchase Invoice {0} | 供應商發票不存在採購發票{0} |
465 | Manage Sales Person Tree. | 管理銷售人員樹。 |
466 | Cannot process route, since Google Maps Settings is disabled. | 由於禁用了Google地圖設置,因此無法處理路線。 |
467 | Cover Letter | 求職信 |
468 | Outstanding Cheques and Deposits to clear | 傑出的支票及存款清除 |
469 | Synced With Hub | 同步轂 |
470 | Fleet Manager | 車隊經理 |
471 | Row #{0}: {1} can not be negative for item {2} | 行#{0}:{1}不能為負值對項{2} |
472 | Wrong Password | 密碼錯誤 |
473 | Variant Of | 變種 |
474 | Completed Qty can not be greater than 'Qty to Manufacture' | 完成數量不能大於“數量來製造” |
475 | Closing Account Head | 關閉帳戶頭 |
476 | External Work History | 外部工作經歷 |
477 | Circular Reference Error | 循環引用錯誤 |
478 | Student Report Card | 學生報告卡 |
479 | Guardian1 Name | Guardian1名稱 |
480 | In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Delivery Note. | 送貨單一被儲存,(Export)就會顯示出來。 |
481 | Distance from left edge | 從左側邊緣的距離 |
482 | {0} units of [{1}](#Form/Item/{1}) found in [{2}](#Form/Warehouse/{2}) | {0} [{1}]的單位(#窗體/項目/ {1})在[{2}]研究發現(#窗體/倉儲/ {2}) |
483 | Industry | 行業 |
484 | Rate & Amount | 價格和金額 |
485 | Transfer Material Against Job Card | 轉移材料反對工作卡 |
486 | Notify by Email on creation of automatic Material Request | 在建立自動材料需求時以電子郵件通知 |
487 | Please set Hotel Room Rate on {} | 請在{}上設置酒店房價 |
488 | Multi Currency | 多幣種 |
489 | Invoice Type | 發票類型 |
490 | Expense Proof | 費用證明 |
491 | Delivery Note | 送貨單 |
492 | Setting up Taxes | 建立稅 |
493 | Cost of Sold Asset | 出售資產的成本 |
494 | Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. Please pull it again. | 付款項被修改,你把它之後。請重新拉。 |
495 | New Student Batch | 新學生批次 |
496 | {0} entered twice in Item Tax | {0}輸入兩次項目稅 |
497 | Summary for this week and pending activities | 本週和待活動總結 |
498 | Admitted | 錄取 |
499 | Amount After Depreciation | 折舊金額後 |
500 | Upcoming Calendar Events | 即將到來的日曆事件 |
501 | Variant Attributes | 變量屬性 |
502 | Please select month and year | 請選擇年份和月份 |
503 | Company Email | 企業郵箱 |
504 | Debit Amount in Account Currency | 在科目幣種借記金額 |
505 | Order Value | 訂單價值 |
506 | Order Value | 訂單價值 |
507 | Certified Consultant | 認證顧問 |
508 | Bank/Cash transactions against party or for internal transfer | 銀行/現金對一方或內部轉讓交易 |
509 | Valid for Countries | 有效的國家 |
510 | This Item is a Template and cannot be used in transactions. Item attributes will be copied over into the variants unless 'No Copy' is set | 這個項目是一個模板,並且可以在交易不能使用。項目的屬性將被複製到變型,除非“不複製”設置 |
511 | Grant Application | 授予申請 |
512 | Total Order Considered | 總訂貨考慮 |
513 | Not Certified | 未認證 |
514 | New Asset Value | 新資產價值 |
515 | Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency | 公司貨幣被換算成客戶基礎貨幣的匯率 |
516 | Course Scheduling Tool | 排課工具 |
517 | Row #{0}: Purchase Invoice cannot be made against an existing asset {1} | 行#{0}:採購發票不能對現有資產進行{1} |
518 | LInked Analysis | LInked分析 |
519 | POS Closing Voucher | POS關閉憑證 |
520 | Lapsed | 失效 |
521 | Tax Rate | 稅率 |
522 | Application period cannot be across two allocation records | 申請期限不能跨越兩個分配記錄 |
523 | {0} already allocated for Employee {1} for period {2} to {3} | {0}已分配給員工{1}週期為{2}到{3} |
524 | Backflush Raw Materials of Subcontract Based On | 基於CRM的分包合同反向原材料 |
525 | Purchase Invoice {0} is already submitted | 採購發票{0}已經提交 |
526 | Row # {0}: Batch No must be same as {1} {2} | 行#{0}:批號必須與{1} {2} |
527 | Material Request Plan Item | 材料申請計劃項目 |
528 | Allow Encashment | 允許封裝 |
529 | Convert to non-Group | 轉換為非集團 |
530 | Good/Steady | 好/穩定 |
531 | Invoice Date | 發票日期 |
532 | Debit Amount | 借方金額 |
533 | There can only be 1 Account per Company in {0} {1} | 只能有每公司1科目{0} {1} |
534 | Response Result Key Path | 響應結果關鍵路徑 |
535 | Inter Company Journal Entry | Inter公司日記帳分錄 |
536 | For quantity {0} should not be grater than work order quantity {1} | 數量{0}不應超過工單數量{1} |
537 | Please see attachment | 請參閱附件 |
538 | % Received | % 已收 |
539 | Create Student Groups | 創建挺起胸 |
540 | Weekends | 週末 |
541 | Credit Note Amount | 信用額度 |
542 | Action Document | 行動文件 |
543 | Website URL | 網站網址 |
544 | Instructions | 說明 |
545 | Inspected By | 檢查 |
546 | Maintenance Type | 維護類型 |
547 | {0} - {1} is not enrolled in the Course {2} | {0} - {1} 未在課程中註冊 {2} |
548 | Student Name: | 學生姓名: |
549 | Difference | 區別 |
550 | Delay between Delivery Stops | 交貨停止之間的延遲 |
551 | Serial No {0} does not belong to Delivery Note {1} | 序列號{0}不屬於送貨單{1} |
552 | There seems to be an issue with the server's GoCardless configuration. Don't worry, in case of failure, the amount will get refunded to your account. | 服務器的GoCardless配置似乎存在問題。別擔心,如果失敗,這筆款項將退還給您的帳戶。 |
553 | Add Items | 添加項目 |
554 | Item Quality Inspection Parameter | 產品質量檢驗參數 |
555 | Leave Approver Name | 離開批准人姓名 |
556 | Schedule Date | 排定日期 |
557 | Packed Item | 盒裝產品 |
558 | Job Offer Term | 招聘條件 |
559 | Default settings for buying transactions. | 採購交易的預設設定。 |
560 | Activity Cost exists for Employee {0} against Activity Type - {1} | 存在活動費用為員工{0}對活動類型 - {1} |
561 | Mandatory field - Get Students From | 強制性領域 - 獲得學生 |
562 | Mandatory field - Get Students From | 強制性領域 - 獲得學生 |
563 | Enrolled courses | 入學課程 |
564 | Enrolled courses | 入學課程 |
565 | Currency Exchange | 外幣兌換 |
566 | Item Name | 項目名稱 |
567 | Approving User (above authorized value) | 批准的用戶(上述授權值) |
568 | Credit Balance | 貸方餘額 |
569 | Widowed | 寡 |
570 | Request for Quotation | 詢價 |
571 | Require Lab Test Approval | 需要實驗室測試批准 |
572 | Working Hours | 工作時間 |
573 | Total Outstanding | 總計傑出 |
574 | Change the starting / current sequence number of an existing series. | 更改現有系列的開始/當前的序列號。 |
575 | Strength | 強度 |
576 | Create a new Customer | 創建一個新的客戶 |
577 | Expiring On | 即將到期 |
578 | If multiple Pricing Rules continue to prevail, users are asked to set Priority manually to resolve conflict. | 如果有多個定價規則繼續有效,用戶將被要求手動設定優先順序來解決衝突。 |
579 | Create Purchase Orders | 創建採購訂單 |
580 | Purchase Register | 購買註冊 |
581 | Applicable Charges | 相關費用 |
582 | Vehicle Date | 車日期 |
583 | Medical | 醫療 |
584 | Reason for losing | 原因丟失 |
585 | Please select Drug | 請選擇藥物 |
586 | Lead Owner cannot be same as the Lead | 主導所有人不能等同於主導者 |
587 | Allocated amount can not greater than unadjusted amount | 分配的金額不能超過未調整的量更大 |
588 | Workstation is closed on the following dates as per Holiday List: {0} | 工作站在以下日期關閉按假日列表:{0} |
589 | Opportunities | 機會 |
590 | Single | 單 |
591 | Work From Date | 從日期開始工作 |
592 | Total Loan Repayment | 總貸款還款 |
593 | Cost of Goods Sold | 銷貨成本 |
594 | Please enter Cost Center | 請輸入成本中心 |
595 | Dosage | 劑量 |
596 | Sales Order | 銷售訂單 |
597 | Avg. Selling Rate | 平均。賣出價 |
598 | Examiner Name | 考官名稱 |
599 | No Result | 沒有結果 |
600 | Quantity and Rate | 數量和速率 |
601 | % Installed | %已安裝 |
602 | Classrooms/ Laboratories etc where lectures can be scheduled. | 教室/實驗室等在那裡的演講可以預定。 |
603 | Company currencies of both the companies should match for Inter Company Transactions. | 兩家公司的公司貨幣應該符合Inter公司交易。 |
604 | Please enter company name first | 請先輸入公司名稱 |
605 | Non-Vegetarian | 非素食主義者 |
606 | Supplier Name | 供應商名稱 |
607 | Read the ERPNext Manual | 閱讀ERPNext手冊 |
608 | Show Leaves Of All Department Members In Calendar | 在日曆中顯示所有部門成員的葉子 |
609 | 01-Sales Return | 01-銷售退貨 |
610 | Temporarily on Hold | 暫時擱置 |
611 | Is Group | 是集團 |
612 | Credit Note {0} has been created automatically | 信用票據{0}已自動創建 |
613 | Check Supplier Invoice Number Uniqueness | 檢查供應商發票編號唯一性 |
614 | Primary Address Details | 主要地址詳情 |
615 | Oil Change | 換油 |
616 | Leave Balance | 保持平衡 |
617 | Asset Maintenance Log | 資產維護日誌 |
618 | 'To Case No.' cannot be less than 'From Case No.' | “至案件編號”不能少於'從案件編號“ |
619 | Non Profit | 非營利 |
620 | Not Started | 未啟動 |
621 | Channel Partner | 渠道合作夥伴 |
622 | Old Parent | 舊上級 |
623 | Mandatory field - Academic Year | 必修課 - 學年 |
624 | Mandatory field - Academic Year | 必修課 - 學年 |
625 | {0} {1} is not associated with {2} {3} | {0} {1} 未與 {2} {3} 關聯 |
626 | Customize the introductory text that goes as a part of that email. Each transaction has a separate introductory text. | 自定義去作為郵件的一部分的介紹文字。每筆交易都有一個單獨的介紹性文字。 |
627 | Row {0} : Operation is required against the raw material item {1} | 行{0}:對原材料項{1}需要操作 |
628 | Please set default payable account for the company {0} | 請為公司{0}設置預設應付帳款 |
629 | Transaction not allowed against stopped Work Order {0} | 不允許對停止的工單{0}進行交易 |
630 | Min Doc Count | 最小文件計數 |
631 | Global settings for all manufacturing processes. | 所有製造過程中的全域設定。 |
632 | Accounts Frozen Upto | 科目被凍結到 |
633 | Sent On | 發送於 |
634 | Attribute {0} selected multiple times in Attributes Table | 屬性{0}多次選擇在屬性表 |
635 | Employee record is created using selected field. | 使用所選欄位創建員工記錄。 |
636 | Not Applicable | 不適用 |
637 | UK | 聯合王國 |
638 | Opening Invoice Item | 打開發票項目 |
639 | Required Date | 所需時間 |
640 | Billing Address | 帳單地址 |
641 | Statement Headers | 聲明標題 |
642 | Billing County | 開票縣 |
643 | If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount | 如果選中,稅額將被視為已包含在列印速率/列印數量 |
644 | Message for Supplier | 消息供應商 |
645 | Work Order | 工作指示 |
646 | Total Qty | 總數量 |
647 | Show in Website (Variant) | 展網站(變體) |
648 | Health Concerns | 健康問題 |
649 | Select Payroll Period | 選擇工資期 |
650 | Reserved for sale | 保留出售 |
651 | From Package No. | 從包裹編號 |
652 | To Range | 為了範圍 |
653 | Securities and Deposits | 證券及存款 |
654 | Can't change valuation method, as there are transactions against some items which does not have it's own valuation method | 不能改變估值方法,因為有一些項目沒有自己的估值方法的交易 |
655 | Attended by Parents | 由父母出席 |
656 | Employee {0} has already applied for {1} on {2} : | 員工{0}已在{2}上申請{1}: |
657 | AB Positive | AB積極 |
658 | Description of a Job Opening | 一個空缺職位的說明 |
659 | Pending activities for today | 今天待定活動 |
660 | Salary Component for timesheet based payroll. | 薪酬部分基於時間表工資。 |
661 | Applicable for external driver | 適用於外部驅動器 |
662 | Used for Production Plan | 用於生產計劃 |
663 | Total Payment | 總付款 |
664 | Cannot cancel transaction for Completed Work Order. | 無法取消已完成工單的交易。 |
665 | Time Between Operations (in mins) | 作業間隔時間(以分鐘計) |
666 | PO already created for all sales order items | 已為所有銷售訂單項創建採購訂單 |
667 | Occupied | 佔據 |
668 | {0} {1} is cancelled so the action cannot be completed | {0} {1} 被取消,因此無法完成操作 |
669 | Buyer of Goods and Services. | 買家商品和服務。 |
670 | Accounts Payable | 應付帳款 |
671 | The amount of {0} set in this payment request is different from the calculated amount of all payment plans: {1}. Make sure this is correct before submitting the document. | 此付款申請中設置的{0}金額與所有付款計劃的計算金額不同:{1}。在提交文檔之前確保這是正確的。 |
672 | Allergies | 過敏 |
673 | The selected BOMs are not for the same item | 所選的材料清單並不同樣項目 |
674 | Change Item Code | 更改物料代碼 |
675 | Blood Pressure (systolic) | 血壓(收縮期) |
676 | Valid Upto | 到...為止有效 |
677 | Workshop | 作坊 |
678 | Warn Purchase Orders | 警告採購訂單 |
679 | List a few of your customers. They could be organizations or individuals. | 列出一些你的客戶。他們可以是組織或個人。 |
680 | Rented From Date | 從日期租用 |
681 | Enough Parts to Build | 足夠的配件組裝 |
682 | POS Profile User | POS配置文件用戶 |
683 | Row {0}: Depreciation Start Date is required | 行{0}:折舊開始日期是必需的 |
684 | Service Start Date | 服務開始日期 |
685 | Subscription Invoice | 訂閱發票 |
686 | Direct Income | 直接收入 |
687 | Date TIme | 約會時間 |
688 | Can not filter based on Account, if grouped by Account | 7 。總計:累積總數達到了這一點。 |
689 | Administrative Officer | 政務主任 |
690 | Setting up company and taxes | 建立公司和稅收 |
691 | Please select Course | 請選擇課程 |
692 | Codification Table | 編纂表 |
693 | Hrs | 小時 |
694 | Please select Company | 請選擇公司 |
695 | Difference Account | 差異科目 |
696 | Cannot close task as its dependant task {0} is not closed. | 不能因為其依賴的任務{0}沒有關閉關閉任務。 |
697 | Please enter Warehouse for which Material Request will be raised | 請輸入物料需求欲增加的倉庫 |
698 | Additional Operating Cost | 額外的運營成本 |
699 | Lab Routine | 實驗室常規 |
700 | Cosmetics | 化妝品 |
701 | Please select Completion Date for Completed Asset Maintenance Log | 請選擇已完成資產維護日誌的完成日期 |
702 | To merge, following properties must be same for both items | 若要合併,以下屬性必須為這兩個項目是相同的 |
703 | Block Supplier | 塊供應商 |
704 | Net Weight | 淨重 |
705 | Planned number of Positions | 計劃的職位數量 |
706 | Emergency Phone | 緊急電話 |
707 | {0} {1} does not exist. | {0} {1} 不存在。 |
708 | Buy | 購買 |
709 | Serial No Warranty Expiry | 序列號保修到期 |
710 | Offline POS Name | 離線POS名稱 |
711 | Student Application | 學生申請 |
712 | Payment Reference | 付款憑據 |
713 | Hold Type | 保持類型 |
714 | Please define grade for Threshold 0% | 請定義等級為閾值0% |
715 | Please define grade for Threshold 0% | 請定義等級為閾值0% |
716 | Bank Statement Transaction Payment Item | 銀行對賬單交易付款項目 |
717 | To Deliver | 為了提供 |
718 | Item | 項目 |
719 | High Sensitivity | 高靈敏度 |
720 | Volunteer Type information. | 志願者類型信息。 |
721 | Cash Flow Mapping Template | 現金流量映射模板 |
722 | Costing Details | 成本計算詳情 |
723 | Show Return Entries | 顯示返回條目 |
724 | Serial no item cannot be a fraction | 序號項目不能是一個分數 |
725 | Difference (Dr - Cr) | 差異(Dr - Cr) |
726 | Profit and Loss | 損益 |
727 | Not permitted, configure Lab Test Template as required | 不允許,根據需要配置實驗室測試模板 |
728 | Risk Factors | 風險因素 |
729 | Occupational Hazards and Environmental Factors | 職業危害與環境因素 |
730 | Stock Entries already created for Work Order | 已為工單創建的庫存條目 |
731 | Respiratory rate | 呼吸頻率 |
732 | Managing Subcontracting | 管理轉包 |
733 | Body Temperature | 體溫 |
734 | Project will be accessible on the website to these users | 項目將在網站向這些用戶上訪問 |
735 | Cannot cancel {0} {1} because Serial No {2} does not belong to the warehouse {3} | 無法取消{0} {1},因為序列號{2}不屬於倉庫{3} |
736 | Default Deferred Expense Account | 默認遞延費用科目 |
737 | Define Project type. | 定義項目類型。 |
738 | Weighting Function | 加權函數 |
739 | OP Consulting Charge | OP諮詢費 |
740 | Setup your | 設置你的 |
741 | Show Marks | 顯示標記 |
742 | Get Latest Query | 獲取最新查詢 |
743 | Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency | 價目表貨幣被換算成公司基礎貨幣的匯率 |
744 | Account {0} does not belong to company: {1} | 科目{0}不屬於公司:{1} |
745 | Abbreviation already used for another company | 另一家公司已使用此縮寫 |
746 | Default Customer Group | 預設客戶群組 |
747 | IFSC Code | IFSC代碼 |
748 | If disable, 'Rounded Total' field will not be visible in any transaction | 如果禁用,“圓角總計”字段將不可見的任何交易 |
749 | Operating Cost | 營業成本 |
750 | Produced Items | 生產物品 |
751 | Match Transaction to Invoices | 將交易與發票匹配 |
752 | Unblock Invoice | 取消屏蔽發票 |
753 | Delete Company Transactions | 刪除公司事務 |
754 | Reference No and Reference Date is mandatory for Bank transaction | 參考編號和參考日期是強制性的銀行交易 |
755 | Add / Edit Taxes and Charges | 新增 / 編輯稅金及費用 |
756 | Supplier Invoice No | 供應商發票號碼 |
757 | For reference | 供參考 |
758 | Appointment Confirmation | 預約確認 |
759 | Cannot delete Serial No {0}, as it is used in stock transactions | 無法刪除序列號{0},因為它採用的是現貨交易 |
760 | Closing (Cr) | 關閉(Cr) |
761 | Move Item | 移動項目 |
762 | Incentive Amount | 激勵金額 |
763 | Warranty Period (Days) | 保修期限(天數) |
764 | Total Credit/ Debit Amount should be same as linked Journal Entry | 總信用/借方金額應與鏈接的日記帳分錄相同 |
765 | Installation Note Item | 安裝注意項 |
766 | Pending Qty | 待定數量 |
767 | {0} {1} is not active | {0} {1}是不活動 |
768 | Freight and Forwarding Account | 貨運和轉運科目 |
769 | Setup cheque dimensions for printing | 設置檢查尺寸打印 |
770 | Create Salary Slips | 創建工資單 |
771 | Bloated | 脹 |
772 | Salary Slip Timesheet | 工資單時間表 |
773 | Supplier Warehouse mandatory for sub-contracted Purchase Receipt | 對於轉包的採購入庫單,供應商倉庫是強制性輸入的。 |
774 | Total Commission | 佣金總計 |
775 | Tax Withholding Account | 扣繳稅款科目 |
776 | Sales Partner | 銷售合作夥伴 |
777 | All Supplier scorecards. | 所有供應商記分卡。 |
778 | Purchase Receipt Required | 需要採購入庫單 |
779 | Rail | 軌 |
780 | Target warehouse in row {0} must be same as Work Order | 行{0}中的目標倉庫必須與工單相同 |
781 | Valuation Rate is mandatory if Opening Stock entered | 估價費用是強制性的,如果打開庫存進入 |
782 | No records found in the Invoice table | 沒有在發票表中找到記錄 |
783 | Please select Company and Party Type first | 請選擇公司和黨的第一型 |
784 | Already set default in pos profile {0} for user {1}, kindly disabled default | 已經在用戶{1}的pos配置文件{0}中設置了默認值,請禁用默認值 |
785 | Financial / accounting year. | 財務/會計年度。 |
786 | Accumulated Values | 累積值 |
787 | Sorry, Serial Nos cannot be merged | 對不起,序列號無法合併 |
788 | Customer Group will set to selected group while syncing customers from Shopify | 客戶組將在同步Shopify客戶的同時設置為選定的組 |
789 | Territory is Required in POS Profile | POS Profile中需要領域 |
790 | Hub User | 中心用戶 |
791 | Make Sales Order | 製作銷售訂單 |
792 | Salary Slip submitted for period from {0} to {1} | 從{0}到{1} |
793 | Project Task | 項目任務 |
794 | Redeemed Points | 兌換積分 |
795 | Lead Id | 潛在客戶標識 |
796 | Grand Total | 累計 |
797 | Course | 課程 |
798 | Section Code | 部分代碼 |
799 | Payslip | 工資單 |
800 | Half day date should be in between from date and to date | 半天的日期應該在從日期到日期之間 |
801 | Item Cart | 項目車 |
802 | Fiscal Year Start Date should not be greater than Fiscal Year End Date | 會計年度開始日期應不大於財政年度結束日期 |
803 | Resolution | 決議 |
804 | Personal Bio | 個人自傳 |
805 | Delivered: {0} | 交貨:{0} |
806 | Payable Account | 應付帳款 |
807 | Type of Payment | 付款類型 |
808 | Half Day Date is mandatory | 半天日期是強制性的 |
809 | Billing and Delivery Status | 結算和交貨狀態 |
810 | Resume Attachment | 簡歷附 |
811 | Repeat Customers | 回頭客 |
812 | Create Variant | 創建變體 |
813 | Shipping Bill Date | 運費單日期 |
814 | Production Plan | 生產計劃 |
815 | Opening Invoice Creation Tool | 打開發票創建工具 |
816 | Sales Return | 銷貨退回 |
817 | Note: Total allocated leaves {0} shouldn't be less than already approved leaves {1} for the period | 注:總分配葉{0}應不低於已核定葉{1}期間 |
818 | Set Qty in Transactions based on Serial No Input | 根據序列號輸入設置交易數量 |
819 | Total Stock Summary | 總庫存總結 |
820 | You can only plan for upto {0} vacancies and budget {1} \
for {2} as per staffing plan {3} for parent company {4}. | 根據母公司{4}的人員配置計劃{3},您只能針對{2}計劃最多{0}個職位空缺和預算{1} \。 |
821 | Posted By | 發布者 |
822 | Delivered by Supplier (Drop Ship) | 由供應商交貨(直接發運) |
823 | Confirmation Message | 確認訊息 |
824 | Database of potential customers. | 數據庫的潛在客戶。 |
825 | Customer or Item | 客戶或項目 |
826 | Customer database. | 客戶數據庫。 |
827 | Quotation To | 報價到 |
828 | Opening (Cr) | 開啟(Cr ) |
829 | Default Unit of Measure for Item {0} cannot be changed directly because you have already made some transaction(s) with another UOM. You will need to create a new Item to use a different Default UOM. | 測度項目的默認單位{0}不能直接改變,因為你已經做了一些交易(S)與其他計量單位。您將需要創建一個新的項目,以使用不同的默認計量單位。 |
830 | Allocated amount can not be negative | 分配金額不能為負 |
831 | Please set the Company | 請設定公司 |
832 | Share Balance | 份額平衡 |
833 | Billed Amt | 已結算額 |
834 | Training Result Employee | 訓練結果員工 |
835 | A logical Warehouse against which stock entries are made. | 對這些庫存分錄帳進行的邏輯倉庫。 |
836 | Total Payable Interest | 合計應付利息 |
837 | Total Outstanding: {0} | 總計:{0} |
838 | Sales Invoice Timesheet | 銷售發票時間表 |
839 | Reference No & Reference Date is required for {0} | 參考號與參考日期須為{0} |
840 | Select Payment Account to make Bank Entry | 選擇付款科目,使銀行進入 |
841 | Default Invoice Naming Series | 默認發票命名系列 |
842 | Create Employee records to manage leaves, expense claims and payroll | 建立員工檔案管理葉,報銷和工資 |
843 | An error occurred during the update process | 更新過程中發生錯誤 |
844 | Restaurant Reservation | 餐廳預訂 |
845 | Proposal Writing | 提案寫作 |
846 | Payment Entry Deduction | 輸入付款扣除 |
847 | Wrapping up | 包起來 |
848 | Notify Customers via Email | 通過電子郵件通知客戶 |
849 | Batch Number Series | 批號系列 |
850 | Claimed Amount | 聲明金額 |
851 | Authorization Settings | 授權設置 |
852 | Departure Datetime | 離開日期時間 |
853 | Travel Request Costing | 旅行請求成本計算 |
854 | Masters | 資料主檔 |
855 | Employee Onboarding Template | 員工入職模板 |
856 | Maximum Assessment Score | 最大考核評分 |
857 | Update Bank Transaction Dates | 更新銀行交易日期 |
858 | Time Tracking | 時間跟踪 |
860 | Row {0}# Paid Amount cannot be greater than requested advance amount | 行{0}#付費金額不能大於請求的提前金額 |
861 | Fiscal Year Company | 會計年度公司 |
862 | DN Detail | DN詳細 |
863 | Conference | 會議 |
864 | Default Salary Structure | 默認工資結構 |
865 | Billed | 計費 |
866 | Batch Description | 批次說明 |
867 | Creating student groups | 創建學生組 |
868 | Creating student groups | 創建學生組 |
869 | Payment Gateway Account not created, please create one manually. | 支付閘道科目沒有創建,請手動創建一個。 |
870 | Not eligible for the admission in this program as per DOB | 按照DOB的規定,沒有資格參加本計劃 |
871 | Sales Taxes and Charges | 銷售稅金及費用 |
872 | Sibling Details | 兄弟姐妹詳情 |
873 | Vehicle Service | 汽車服務 |
874 | Automatically triggers the feedback request based on conditions. | 自動觸發基於條件的反饋請求。 |
875 | Reason for Resignation | 辭退原因 |
876 | Credit Note Issued | 信用票據發行 |
877 | Invoice/Journal Entry Details | 發票/日記帳分錄詳細資訊 |
878 | {0} '{1}' not in Fiscal Year {2} | {0}“ {1}”不在財政年度{2} |
879 | Settings for Buying Module | 設置購買模塊 |
880 | Asset {0} does not belong to company {1} | 資產{0}不屬於公司{1} |
881 | Please enter Purchase Receipt first | 請先輸入採購入庫單 |
882 | Supplier Naming By | 供應商命名 |
883 | Default Costing Rate | 默認成本核算率 |
884 | Maintenance Schedule | 維護計劃 |
885 | Then Pricing Rules are filtered out based on Customer, Customer Group, Territory, Supplier, Supplier Type, Campaign, Sales Partner etc. | 然後定價規則將被過濾掉基於客戶,客戶群組,領地,供應商,供應商類型,活動,銷售合作夥伴等。 |
886 | Employee Promotion Details | 員工促銷詳情 |
887 | Net Change in Inventory | 在庫存淨變動 |
888 | Passport Number | 護照號碼 |
889 | Manager | 經理 |
890 | From Fiscal Year | 從財政年度開始 |
891 | New credit limit is less than current outstanding amount for the customer. Credit limit has to be atleast {0} | 新的信用額度小於當前餘額為客戶著想。信用額度是ATLEAST {0} |
892 | Please set account in Warehouse {0} | 請在倉庫{0}中設置會計科目 |
893 | 'Based On' and 'Group By' can not be same | “根據”和“分組依據”不能相同 |
894 | Sales Person Targets | 銷售人員目標 |
895 | In minutes | 在幾分鐘內 |
896 | Resolution Date | 決議日期 |
897 | Compound | 複合 |
898 | Dispatch Notification | 發貨通知 |
899 | Select Property | 選擇屬性 |
900 | Max number of visit | 最大訪問次數 |
901 | Timesheet created: | 創建時間表: |
902 | Please set default Cash or Bank account in Mode of Payment {0} | 請設定現金或銀行帳戶的預設付款方式{0} |
903 | Enroll | 註冊 |
904 | GST Settings | GST設置 |
905 | Currency should be same as Price List Currency: {0} | 貨幣應與價目表貨幣相同:{0} |
906 | Customer Naming By | 客戶命名由 |
907 | Will show the student as Present in Student Monthly Attendance Report | 將顯示學生每月學生出勤記錄報告為存在 |
908 | Depreciation Amount | 折舊額 |
909 | Convert to Group | 轉換為集團 |
910 | Activity Type | 活動類型 |
911 | For individual supplier | 對於個別供應商 |
912 | Base Hour Rate(Company Currency) | 基數小時率(公司貨幣) |
913 | Delivered Amount | 交付金額 |
914 | Redemption Date | 贖回日期 |
915 | Item Balance | 項目平衡 |
916 | Packing List | 包裝清單 |
917 | Purchase Orders given to Suppliers. | 購買給供應商的訂單。 |
918 | Transfer Qty | 轉移數量 |
919 | Asset Location | 資產位置 |
920 | Shipping Zipcode | 運輸郵編 |
921 | Report Settings | 報告設置 |
922 | Projects User | 項目用戶 |
923 | Consumed | 消費 |
924 | {0}: {1} not found in Invoice Details table | {0}:在發票明細表中找不到{1} |
925 | Asset Owner Company | 資產所有者公司 |
926 | Round Off Cost Center | 四捨五入成本中心 |
927 | Maintenance Visit {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales Order | 維護訪問{0}必須取消這個銷售訂單之前被取消 |
928 | Material Transfer | 物料轉倉 |
929 | Cost Center Number | 成本中心編號 |
930 | Could not find path for | 找不到路徑 |
931 | Opening (Dr) | 開啟(Dr) |
932 | Work End Date | 工作結束日期 |
933 | Applicant | 申請人 |
934 | Posting timestamp must be after {0} | 登錄時間戳記必須晚於{0} |
935 | To make recurring documents | 複製文件 |
936 | GST Itemised Purchase Register | GST成品採購登記冊 |
937 | Total Interest Payable | 合計應付利息 |
938 | Landed Cost Taxes and Charges | 到岸成本稅費 |
939 | Actual Start Time | 實際開始時間 |
940 | Deferred Expense Account | 遞延費用科目 |
941 | Operation Time | 操作時間 |
942 | Finish | 完 |
943 | Base | 基礎 |
944 | Total Billed Hours | 帳單總時間 |
945 | Travel To | 前往 |
946 | Write Off Amount | 核銷金額 |
947 | Allow User | 允許用戶 |
948 | Bill No | 帳單號碼 |
949 | Gain/Loss Account on Asset Disposal | 在資產處置收益/損失科目 |
950 | Service Details | 服務細節 |
951 | Service Details | 服務細節 |
952 | Grouped | 分組 |
953 | Delivery Note Required | 要求送貨單 |
954 | Submitting Salary Slips... | 提交工資單...... |
955 | Bank Guarantee Number | 銀行擔保編號 |
956 | Bank Guarantee Number | 銀行擔保編號 |
957 | Assessment Criteria | 評估標準 |
958 | Basic Rate (Company Currency) | 基礎匯率(公司貨幣) |
959 | Split Issue | 拆分問題 |
960 | Student Attendance | 學生出勤 |
961 | Time Sheet | 時間表 |
962 | Backflush Raw Materials Based On | 倒沖原物料基於 |
963 | Port Code | 港口代碼 |
964 | Reserve Warehouse | 儲備倉庫 |
965 | Lead is an Organization | 領導是一個組織 |
966 | Other Details | 其他詳細資訊 |
967 | Test Template | 測試模板 |
968 | Chapter information. | 章節信息。 |
969 | Accounts | 會計 |
970 | Odometer Value (Last) | 里程表值(最後) |
971 | Templates of supplier scorecard criteria. | 供應商計分卡標準模板。 |
972 | Marketing | 市場營銷 |
973 | Redeem Loyalty Points | 兌換忠誠度積分 |
974 | Payment Entry is already created | 已創建付款輸入 |
975 | Get Suppliers | 獲取供應商 |
976 | Current Stock | 當前庫存 |
977 | Row #{0}: Asset {1} does not linked to Item {2} | 行#{0}:資產{1}不掛項目{2} |
978 | Preview Salary Slip | 預覽工資單 |
979 | Account {0} has been entered multiple times | 帳戶{0}已多次輸入 |
980 | Expenses Included In Valuation | 支出計入估值 |
981 | You can only renew if your membership expires within 30 days | 如果您的會員資格在30天內到期,您只能續訂 |
982 | Show Stock Availability | 顯示庫存可用性 |
983 | Set {0} in asset category {1} or company {2} | 在資產類別{1}或公司{2}中設置{0} |
984 | Longitude | 經度 |
985 | Absent Student Report | 缺席學生報告 |
986 | Single Tier Program | 單層計劃 |
987 | Only select if you have setup Cash Flow Mapper documents | 只有在設置了“現金流量映射器”文檔時才能選擇 |
988 | Next email will be sent on: | 接下來的電子郵件將被發送: |
989 | Per Week | 每個星期 |
990 | Item has variants. | 項目已變種。 |
991 | Total Student | 學生總數 |
992 | Item {0} not found | 項{0}未找到 |
993 | Stock Value | 庫存價值 |
994 | Tree Type | 樹類型 |
995 | Qty Consumed Per Unit | 數量消耗每單位 |
996 | IGST Account | IGST帳戶 |
997 | Warranty Expiry Date | 保證期到期日 |
998 | Quantity and Warehouse | 數量和倉庫 |
999 | Commission Rate (%) | 佣金比率(%) |
1000 | Please select Program | 請選擇程序 |
1001 | Please select Program | 請選擇程序 |
1002 | Estimated Cost | 估計成本 |
1003 | Link to material requests | 鏈接到材料請求 |
1004 | Credit Card Entry | 信用卡進入 |
1005 | Company and Accounts | 公司與科目 |
1006 | In Value | 在數值 |
1007 | Depreciation Options | 折舊選項 |
1008 | Either location or employee must be required | 必須要求地點或員工 |
1009 | Invalid Posting Time | 發佈時間無效 |
1010 | Condition and Formula | 條件和公式 |
1011 | Campaign Name | 活動名稱 |
1012 | There is no leave period in between {0} and {1} | {0}和{1}之間沒有休假期限 |
1013 | Healthcare Practitioner | 醫療從業者 |
1014 | Expense Type | 費用類型 |
1015 | Close Opportunity After Days | 關閉機會後日 |
1016 | License Details | 許可證詳情 |
1017 | The field From Shareholder cannot be blank | 來自股東的字段不能為空 |
1018 | Supply Raw Materials | 供應原料 |
1019 | Current Assets | 流動資產 |
1020 | {0} is not a stock Item | {0}不是庫存項目 |
1021 | Please share your feedback to the training by clicking on 'Training Feedback' and then 'New' | 請通過點擊“培訓反饋”,然後點擊“新建” |
1022 | Default Account | 預設科目 |
1023 | Please select Sample Retention Warehouse in Stock Settings first | 請先在庫存設置中選擇樣品保留倉庫 |
1024 | Please select the Multiple Tier Program type for more than one collection rules. | 請為多個收集規則選擇多層程序類型。 |
1025 | Received Amount (Company Currency) | 收到的款項(公司幣種) |
1026 | Lead must be set if Opportunity is made from Lead | 如果機會是由前導而來,前導必須被設定 |
1027 | Payment Cancelled. Please check your GoCardless Account for more details | 付款已取消。請檢查您的GoCardless帳戶以了解更多詳情 |
1028 | Send with Attachment | 發送附件 |
1029 | Please select weekly off day | 請選擇每週休息日 |
1030 | O Negative | O負面 |
1031 | Planned End Time | 計劃結束時間 |
1032 | Sales Person Target Variance Item Group-Wise | 銷售人員跨項目群組間的目標差異 |
1033 | Account with existing transaction cannot be converted to ledger | 帳戶與現有的交易不能被轉換為總賬 |
1034 | Memebership Type Details | Memebership類型詳細信息 |
1035 | Customer's Purchase Order No | 客戶的採購訂單編號 |
1036 | Consume Stock | 消費庫存 |
1037 | Budget Against | 反對財政預算案 |
1038 | Auto Material Requests Generated | 汽車材料的要求生成 |
1039 | Lost | 丟失 |
1040 | You can not enter current voucher in 'Against Journal Entry' column | 在您不能輸入電流券“對日記帳分錄”專欄 |
1041 | Max Benefit Amount | 最大福利金額 |
1042 | Reserved for manufacturing | 預留製造 |
1043 | Opportunity From | 機會從 |
1044 | Row {0}: {1} Serial numbers required for Item {2}. You have provided {3}. | 行{0}:{1}項目{2}所需的序列號。你已經提供{3}。 |
1045 | Please select a table | 請選擇一張桌子 |
1046 | Website Specifications | 網站規格 |
1047 | Particulars | 細節 |
1048 | {0}: From {0} of type {1} | {0}:從{0}類型{1} |
1049 | Row {0}: Conversion Factor is mandatory | 列#{0}:轉換係數是強制性的 |
1050 | Multiple Price Rules exists with same criteria, please resolve conflict by assigning priority. Price Rules: {0} | 海報價格規則,同樣的標準存在,請通過分配優先解決衝突。價格規則:{0} |
1051 | Exchange Rate Revaluation Account | 匯率重估科目 |
1052 | Cannot deactivate or cancel BOM as it is linked with other BOMs | 無法關閉或取消BOM,因為它是與其他材料明細表鏈接 |
1053 | Please select Company and Posting Date to getting entries | 請選擇公司和發布日期以獲取條目 |
1054 | Maintenance | 維護 |
1055 | Get from Patient Encounter | 從患者遭遇中獲取 |
1056 | Subscriber | 訂戶 |
1057 | Item Attribute Value | 項目屬性值 |
1058 | Please Update your Project Status | 請更新您的項目狀態 |
1059 | Currency Exchange must be applicable for Buying or for Selling. | 貨幣兌換必須適用於買入或賣出。 |
1060 | Maximum sample quantity that can be retained | 可以保留的最大樣品數量 |
1061 | How is the Project Progressing Right Now? | 項目現在進展如何? |
1062 | Row {0}# Item {1} cannot be transferred more than {2} against Purchase Order {3} | 對於採購訂單{3},行{0}#項目{1}不能超過{2} |
1063 | Sales campaigns. | 銷售活動。 |
1064 | Make Timesheet | 製作時間表 |
1065 | Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like "Shipping", "Insurance", "Handling" etc.
#### Note,
The tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.
#### Description of Columns,
1. Calculation Type:
- This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount).
- **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total.
- **Actual** (as mentioned).
2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked,
3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.
4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).
5. Rate: Tax rate.
6. Amount: Tax amount.
7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.
8. Enter Row: If based on "Previous Row Total" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).
9. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers. | 可應用到所有銷售交易稅的標準模板。這個模板可以包含稅收元首和像“送貨”,“保險”還包括其他費用/收入頭列表中,“處理”等
稅率您定義,這裡將是標準稅率對所有** **的項目。如果有** **物品具有不同的速率,就必須在**項計稅添加**表中的** **項目主。
- 這可以是在淨** **總(即基本量的總和)。
- **以前的行總計/金額**(對於累計稅費)。如果選擇此選項,稅收將與前行的百分比(在稅率表)量或總被應用。
- ** **實際(如前所述)。
9。這是含稅的基本速率?:如果你檢查這一點,就意味著這個稅不會顯示在項目表中,但在你的主項表將被納入基本速率。你想要給一個單位的價格(包括所有稅費)的價格為顧客這是非常有用的。 |
1066 | Bank A/C No. | 銀行A/C No. |
1067 | Reading 7 | 7閱讀 |
1068 | Lab Test | 實驗室測試 |
1069 | Student Report Generation Tool | 學生報告生成工具 |
1070 | Healthcare Schedule Time Slot | 醫療保健計劃時間槽 |
1071 | Doc Name | 文件名稱 |
1072 | Expense Claim Type | 費用報銷型 |
1073 | Default settings for Shopping Cart | 對購物車的預設設定 |
1074 | Add Timeslots | 添加時代 |
1075 | Please set Account in Warehouse {0} or Default Inventory Account in Company {1} | 請在倉庫{0}中設科目或在公司{1}中設置默認庫存科目 |
1076 | Asset scrapped via Journal Entry {0} | 通過資產日記帳分錄報廢{0} |
1077 | Interest Income Account | 利息收入科目 |
1078 | Max benefits should be greater than zero to dispense benefits | 最大的好處應該大於零來分配好處 |
1079 | Review Invitation Sent | 審核邀請已發送 |
1080 | Shift Assignment | 班次分配 |
1081 | Employee Transfer Property | 員工轉移財產 |
1082 | From Time Should Be Less Than To Time | 從時間應該少於時間 |
1083 | Biotechnology | 生物技術 |
1084 | Item {0} (Serial No: {1}) cannot be consumed as is reserverd\
to fullfill Sales Order {2}. | 無法將項目{0}(序列號:{1})用作reserverd \以完成銷售訂單{2}。 |
1085 | Office Maintenance Expenses | Office維護費用 |
1086 | Go to | 去 |
1087 | Update Price from Shopify To ERPNext Price List | 將Shopify更新到ERPNext價目表 |
1088 | Setting up Email Account | 設置電子郵件帳戶 |
1089 | Please enter Item first | 請先輸入品項 |
1090 | Downtime | 停機 |
1091 | Liability | 責任 |
1092 | Sanctioned Amount cannot be greater than Claim Amount in Row {0}. | 制裁金額不能大於索賠額行{0}。 |
1093 | Academic Term: | 學術期限: |
1094 | Do not include in total | 不包括在內 |
1095 | Default Cost of Goods Sold Account | 銷貨成本科目 |
1096 | Sample quantity {0} cannot be more than received quantity {1} | 採樣數量{0}不能超過接收數量{1} |
1097 | Price List not selected | 未選擇價格列表 |
1098 | Send Email | 發送電子郵件 |
1099 | Warning: Invalid Attachment {0} | 警告:無效的附件{0} |
1100 | Max Sample Quantity | 最大樣品量 |
1101 | No Permission | 無權限 |
1102 | Contract Fulfilment Checklist | 合同履行清單 |
1103 | Heart Rate / Pulse | 心率/脈搏 |
1104 | Default Bank Account | 預設銀行會計科目 |
1105 | To filter based on Party, select Party Type first | 要根據黨的篩選,選擇黨第一類型 |
1106 | 'Update Stock' can not be checked because items are not delivered via {0} | 不能勾選`更新庫存',因為項目未交付{0} |
1107 | Acquisition Date | 採集日期 |
1108 | Items with higher weightage will be shown higher | 具有較高權重的項目將顯示更高的可 |
1109 | Lab Tests and Vital Signs | 實驗室測試和重要標誌 |
1110 | Bank Reconciliation Detail | 銀行對帳詳細 |
1111 | Row #{0}: Asset {1} must be submitted | 行#{0}:資產{1}必須提交 |
1112 | No employee found | 無發現任何員工 |
1113 | If subcontracted to a vendor | 如果分包給供應商 |
1114 | Student Group is already updated. | 學生組已經更新。 |
1115 | Student Group is already updated. | 學生組已經更新。 |
1116 | Project Update. | 項目更新。 |
1117 | All Customer Contact | 所有的客戶聯絡 |
1118 | Tree Details | 樹詳細信息 |
1119 | Registered | 註冊 |
1120 | Event Status | 事件狀態 |
1121 | Availability Timeslot | 可用時間段 |
1122 | Support Analytics | 支援分析 |
1123 | If you have any questions, please get back to us. | 如果您有任何疑問,請再次與我們聯繫。 |
1124 | Cash Flow Mapper | 現金流量映射器 |
1125 | Website Warehouse | 網站倉庫 |
1126 | Minimum Invoice Amount | 最小發票金額 |
1127 | {0} {1}: Cost Center {2} does not belong to Company {3} | {0} {1}:成本中心{2}不屬於公司{3} |
1128 | Upload your letter head (Keep it web friendly as 900px by 100px) | 上傳你的信頭(保持網頁友好,900px乘100px) |
1129 | {0} {1}: Account {2} cannot be a Group | {0} {1}科目{2}不能是一個群組科目 |
1130 | Timesheet {0} is already completed or cancelled | 時間表{0}已完成或取消 |
1131 | No tasks | 沒有任務 |
1132 | Sales Invoice {0} created as paid | 銷售發票{0}已創建為已付款 |
1133 | Copy Fields to Variant | 將字段複製到變式 |
1134 | Opening Accumulated Depreciation | 打開累計折舊 |
1135 | Program Enrollment Tool | 計劃註冊工具 |
1136 | C-Form records | C-往績紀錄 |
1137 | The shares already exist | 股份已經存在 |
1138 | Customer and Supplier | 客戶和供應商 |
1139 | Email Digest Settings | 電子郵件摘要設定 |
1140 | Thank you for your business! | 感謝您的業務! |
1141 | Support queries from customers. | 客戶支持查詢。 |
1142 | Employee Property History | 員工財產歷史 |
1143 | Retirement Age | 退休年齡 |
1144 | Moving Average Rate | 移動平均房價 |
1145 | Select Items | 選擇項目 |
1146 | To Shareholder | 給股東 |
1147 | {0} against Bill {1} dated {2} | {0}針對帳單{1}日期{2} |
1148 | From State | 來自州 |
1149 | Setup Institution | 設置機構 |
1150 | Allocating leaves... | 分配葉子...... |
1151 | Vehicle/Bus Number | 車輛/巴士號碼 |
1152 | Course Schedule | 課程表 |
1153 | You have to Deduct Tax for Unsubmitted Tax Exemption Proof and Unclaimed \
Employee Benefits in the last Salary Slip of Payroll Period | 您必須在工資核算期的最後一個工資單上扣除未提交的免稅證明和無人認領的\員工福利稅 |
1154 | Quote Status | 報價狀態 |
1155 | Completion Status | 完成狀態 |
1156 | Select Users | 選擇用戶 |
1157 | Hotel Room Pricing Item | 酒店房間定價項目 |
1158 | Tier Name | 等級名稱 |
1159 | Enter retirement age in years | 在年內進入退休年齡 |
1160 | Target Warehouse | 目標倉庫 |
1161 | Payroll Employee Detail | 薪資員工詳細信息 |
1162 | Please select a warehouse | 請選擇一個倉庫 |
1163 | Starting location from left edge | 從左邊起始位置 |
1164 | Allow over delivery or receipt upto this percent | 允許在交付或接收高達百分之這 |
1165 | Import Attendance | 進口出席 |
1166 | All Item Groups | 所有項目群組 |
1167 | Item To Manufacture | 產品製造 |
1168 | {0} {1} status is {2} | {0} {1}的狀態為{2} |
1169 | Collection Temperature | 收集溫度 |
1170 | Provide Email Address registered in company | 提供公司註冊郵箱地址 |
1171 | Enable Checkout | 啟用結帳 |
1172 | Purchase Order to Payment | 採購訂單到付款 |
1173 | Projected Qty | 預計數量 |
1174 | Reselect, if the chosen address is edited after save | 重新選擇,如果所選地址在保存後被編輯 |
1175 | Item Variant {0} already exists with same attributes | 項目變種{0}已經具有相同屬性的存在 |
1176 | Hub Publishing Details | Hub發布細節 |
1177 | 'Opening' | “開放” |
1178 | Open To Do | 開做 |
1179 | Via Customer Portal | 通過客戶門戶 |
1180 | Delivery Note Message | 送貨單留言 |
1181 | SGST Amount | SGST金額 |
1182 | Result Format | 結果格式 |
1183 | Expenses | 開支 |
1184 | Item Variant Attribute | 產品規格屬性 |
1185 | Purchase Receipt Trends | 採購入庫趨勢 |
1186 | Brake Pad | 剎車片 |
1187 | Research & Development | 研究與發展 |
1188 | Amount to Bill | 帳單數額 |
1189 | Registration Details | 註冊細節 |
1190 | Total Billed Amount | 總開單金額 |
1191 | Re-Order Qty | 重新排序數量 |
1192 | Leave Block List Date | 休假區塊清單日期表 |
1193 | BOM #{0}: Raw material cannot be same as main Item | 物料清單#{0}:原始材料與主要項目不能相同 |
1194 | Total Applicable Charges in Purchase Receipt Items table must be same as Total Taxes and Charges | 在外購入庫單項目表總的相關費用必須是相同的總稅費 |
1195 | Incentives | 獎勵 |
1196 | Requested Numbers | 請求號碼 |
1197 | Evening | 晚間 |
1198 | Bypass credit limit check at Sales Order | 在銷售訂單旁邊繞過信貸限額檢查 |
1199 | Enabling 'Use for Shopping Cart', as Shopping Cart is enabled and there should be at least one Tax Rule for Shopping Cart | 作為啟用的購物車已啟用“使用購物車”,而應該有購物車至少有一個稅務規則 |
1200 | Stock Details | 庫存詳細訊息 |
1201 | Project Value | 專案值 |
1202 | Point-of-Sale | 銷售點 |
1203 | Fee Creation Status | 費用創建狀態 |
1204 | Odometer Reading | 里程表讀數 |
1205 | Account balance already in Credit, you are not allowed to set 'Balance Must Be' as 'Debit' | 科目餘額已歸為貸方,不允許設為借方 |
1206 | Balance must be | 餘額必須 |
1207 | Expense Claim Rejected Message | 報銷回絕訊息 |
1208 | Available Qty | 可用數量 |
1209 | Default Warehouse to to create Sales Order and Delivery Note | 默認倉庫到創建銷售訂單和交貨單 |
1210 | On Previous Row Total | 在上一行共 |
1211 | Rejected Qty | 被拒絕的數量 |
1212 | Action Field | 行動領域 |
1213 | Manage Customer | 管理客戶 |
1214 | Always synch your products from Amazon MWS before synching the Orders details | 在同步訂單詳細信息之前,始終從亞馬遜MWS同步您的產品 |
1215 | Delivery Stops | 交貨停止 |
1216 | Cannot change Service Stop Date for item in row {0} | 無法更改行{0}中項目的服務停止日期 |
1217 | Incoming Rate | 傳入速率 |
1218 | Encashment Threshold Days | 封存閾值天數 |
1219 | Final Assessment Grades | 最終評估等級 |
1220 | The name of your company for which you are setting up this system. | 您的公司要為其設立這個系統的名稱。 |
1221 | Include holidays in Total no. of Working Days | 包括節假日的總數。工作日 |
1222 | Setup your Institute in ERPNext | 在ERPNext中設置您的研究所 |
1223 | Hold | 持有 |
1224 | Alternate Item | 替代項目 |
1225 | Progress Details | 進度細節 |
1226 | Request Data | 請求數據 |
1227 | Date of Joining | 加入日期 |
1228 | Is Subcontracted | 轉包 |
1229 | Item Attribute Values | 項目屬性值 |
1230 | Examination Result | 考試成績 |
1231 | Purchase Receipt | 採購入庫單 |
1232 | Received Items To Be Billed | 待付款的收受品項 |
1233 | Currency exchange rate master. | 貨幣匯率的主人。 |
1234 | Reference Doctype must be one of {0} | 參考文檔類型必須是一個{0} |
1235 | Filter Total Zero Qty | 過濾器總計零數量 |
1236 | Unable to find Time Slot in the next {0} days for Operation {1} | 找不到時隙在未來{0}天操作{1} |
1237 | Plan material for sub-assemblies | 計劃材料為子組件 |
1238 | Sales Partners and Territory | 銷售合作夥伴和地區 |
1239 | BOM {0} must be active | BOM {0}必須是積極的 |
1240 | No Items available for transfer | 沒有可用於傳輸的項目 |
1241 | Activity Name | 活動名稱 |
1242 | Change Release Date | 更改發布日期 |
1243 | Finished product quantity <b>{0}</b> and For Quantity <b>{1}</b> cannot be different | 成品數量<b>{0}</b>和數量<b>{1}</b>不能不同 |
1244 | Closing (Opening + Total) | 閉幕(開幕+總計) |
1245 | Dispatch Notification Attachment | 發貨通知附件 |
1246 | Number Of Employees | 在職員工人數 |
1247 | Depreciation Entry | 折舊分錄 |
1248 | Please select the document type first | 請先選擇文檔類型 |
1249 | Cancel Material Visits {0} before cancelling this Maintenance Visit | 取消取消此保養訪問之前,材質訪問{0} |
1250 | Rate or Discount | 價格或折扣 |
1251 | One Sided | 單面 |
1252 | Serial No {0} does not belong to Item {1} | 序列號{0}不屬於項目{1} |
1253 | Required Qty | 所需數量 |
1254 | Custom Data | 自定義數據 |
1255 | Warehouses with existing transaction can not be converted to ledger. | 與現有的交易倉庫不能轉換到總帳。 |
1256 | Serial no is mandatory for the item {0} | 序列號對於項目{0}是強制性的 |
1257 | Total Amount | 總金額 |
1258 | From Date and To Date lie in different Fiscal Year | 從日期和到期日位於不同的財政年度 |
1259 | The Patient {0} do not have customer refrence to invoice | 患者{0}沒有客戶參考發票 |
1260 | Internet Publishing | 互聯網出版 |
1261 | Number | 數 |
1262 | Creating {0} Invoice | 創建{0}發票 |
1263 | Medical Code Standard | 醫療代碼標準 |
1264 | Item Group Defaults | 項目組默認值 |
1265 | Please save before assigning task. | 在分配任務之前請保存。 |
1266 | Balance Value | 餘額 |
1267 | Lab Technician | 實驗室技術員 |
1268 | Sales Price List | 銷售價格表 |
1269 | If checked, a customer will be created, mapped to Patient.
Patient Invoices will be created against this Customer. You can also select existing Customer while creating Patient. | 如果選中,將創建一個客戶,映射到患者。將針對該客戶創建病人發票。您也可以在創建患者時選擇現有客戶。 |
1270 | Customer isn't enrolled in any Loyalty Program | 客戶未加入任何忠誠度計劃 |
1271 | Account Currency | 科目幣種 |
1272 | Sample ID | 樣品編號 |
1273 | Please mention Round Off Account in Company | 請註明舍入科目的公司 |
1274 | Range | 範圍 |
1275 | Default Payable Accounts | 預設應付帳款 |
1276 | Employee {0} is not active or does not exist | 員工{0}不活躍或不存在 |
1277 | Components | 組件 |
1278 | Item Barcode | 商品條碼 |
1279 | Endpoints | 端點 |
1280 | Item Variants {0} updated | 項目變種{0}更新 |
1281 | Reading 6 | 6閱讀 |
1282 | Cannot {0} {1} {2} without any negative outstanding invoice | 無法{0} {1} {2}沒有任何負面的優秀發票 |
1283 | Purchase Invoice Advance | 購買發票提前 |
1284 | Row {0}: Credit entry can not be linked with a {1} | 行{0}:信用記錄無法被鏈接的{1} |
1285 | Define budget for a financial year. | 定義預算財政年度。 |
1286 | ERPNext Account | ERPNext帳戶 |
1287 | {0} is blocked so this transaction cannot proceed | {0}被阻止,所以此事務無法繼續 |
1288 | Action if Accumulated Monthly Budget Exceeded on MR | 如果累計每月預算超過MR,則採取行動 |
1289 | Operation completed for how many finished goods? | 操作完成多少成品? |
1290 | Healthcare Practitioner {0} not available on {1} | {1}上沒有醫療從業者{0} |
1291 | Payment Terms Template | 付款條款模板 |
1292 | The Brand | 品牌 |
1293 | Allow Multiple Material Consumption | 允許多種材料消耗 |
1294 | Exit Interview Details | 退出面試細節 |
1295 | Is Purchase Item | 是購買項目 |
1296 | Purchase Invoice | 採購發票 |
1297 | Allow multiple Material Consumption against a Work Order | 針對工作單允許多種材料消耗 |
1298 | Voucher Detail No | 券詳細說明暫無 |
1299 | New Sales Invoice | 新的銷售發票 |
1300 | Total Outgoing Value | 出貨總計值 |
1301 | Appointments | 約會 |
1302 | Opening Date and Closing Date should be within same Fiscal Year | 開幕日期和截止日期應在同一會計年度 |
1303 | Request for Information | 索取資料 |
1304 | LeaderBoard | 排行榜 |
1305 | Rate With Margin (Company Currency) | 利率保證金(公司貨幣) |
1306 | Sync Offline Invoices | 同步離線發票 |
1307 | Paid | 付費 |
1308 | Program Fee | 課程費用 |
1309 | Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate "BOM Explosion Item" table as per new BOM.
It also updates latest price in all the BOMs. | 替換使用所有其他BOM的特定BOM。它將替換舊的BOM鏈接,更新成本,並按照新的BOM重新生成“BOM爆炸項目”表。它還更新了所有BOM中的最新價格。 |
1310 | The following Work Orders were created: | 以下工作訂單已創建: |
1311 | Total in words | 總計大寫 |
1312 | Discharged | 出院 |
1313 | Lead Time Date | 交貨時間日期 |
1314 | Employee Advance Summary | 員工提前總結 |
1315 | Guardian Name | 監護人姓名 |
1316 | Has Print Format | 擁有打印格式 |
1317 | Get Started Sections | 入門部分 |
1318 | Sanctioned | 制裁 |
1319 | Total Contribution Amount: {0} | 總貢獻金額:{0} |
1320 | Row #{0}: Please specify Serial No for Item {1} | 列#{0}:請為項目{1}指定序號 |
1321 | Salary Slips Submitted | 提交工資單 |
1322 | Crop Cycle | 作物週期 |
1323 | For 'Product Bundle' items, Warehouse, Serial No and Batch No will be considered from the 'Packing List' table. If Warehouse and Batch No are same for all packing items for any 'Product Bundle' item, those values can be entered in the main Item table, values will be copied to 'Packing List' table. | 對於“產品包”的物品,倉庫,序列號和批號將被從“裝箱單”表考慮。如果倉庫和批次號是相同的任何“產品包”項目的所有包裝物品,這些值可以在主項表中輸入,值將被複製到“裝箱單”表。 |
1324 | From Place | 從地方 |
1325 | Net Pay cannnot be negative | 淨薪酬不能為負 |
1326 | Publish on website | 發布在網站上 |
1327 | Supplier Invoice Date cannot be greater than Posting Date | 供應商發票的日期不能超過過帳日期更大 |
1328 | Purchase Order Item | 採購訂單項目 |
1329 | Agriculture Task | 農業任務 |
1330 | Indirect Income | 間接收入 |
1331 | Student Attendance Tool | 學生考勤工具 |
1332 | Price List (Auto created) | 價目表(自動創建) |
1333 | Date Settings | 日期設定 |
1334 | Employee Promotion Detail | 員工促銷細節 |
1335 | Company Name | 公司名稱 |
1336 | Total Message(s) | 訊息總和(s ) |
1337 | Purchased | 購買 |
1338 | Rename Attribute Value in Item Attribute. | 在項目屬性中重命名屬性值。 |
1339 | Additional Discount Percentage | 額外折扣百分比 |
1340 | View a list of all the help videos | 查看所有幫助影片名單 |
1341 | Soil Texture | 土壤紋理 |
1342 | Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited. | 選取支票存入該銀行帳戶的頭。 |
1343 | Allow user to edit Price List Rate in transactions | 允許用戶編輯價目表率的交易 |
1344 | Max Qty | 最大數量 |
1345 | Print Report Card | 打印報告卡 |
1346 | Row {0}: Invoice {1} is invalid, it might be cancelled / does not exist. \
Please enter a valid Invoice | 行{0}:發票{1}是無效的,它可能會被取消/不存在。 \請輸入有效的發票 |
1347 | Row {0}: Payment against Sales/Purchase Order should always be marked as advance | 行{0}:付款方式對銷售/採購訂單應始終被標記為提前 |
1348 | Chemical | 化學藥品 |
1349 | Default Bank / Cash account will be automatically updated in Salary Journal Entry when this mode is selected. | 默認銀行/現金帳戶時,會選擇此模式可以自動在工資日記條目更新。 |
1350 | Total leaves allocated is mandatory for Leave Type {0} | 為假期類型{0}分配的總分配數是強制性的 |
1351 | Raw Material Cost(Company Currency) | 原料成本(公司貨幣) |
1352 | Row # {0}: Rate cannot be greater than the rate used in {1} {2} | 行#{0}:速率不能大於{1} {2}中使用的速率 |
1353 | Row # {0}: Rate cannot be greater than the rate used in {1} {2} | 行#{0}:速率不能大於{1} {2}中使用的速率 |
1354 | Meter | 儀表 |
1355 | Electricity Cost | 電力成本 |
1356 | Amount should be greater than zero. | 金額應該大於零。 |
1357 | Lab testing datetime cannot be before collection datetime | 實驗室測試日期時間不能在收集日期時間之前 |
1358 | Don't send Employee Birthday Reminders | 不要送員工生日提醒 |
1359 | Total Advance Amount | 總預付金額 |
1360 | Estimated Arrival | 預計抵達時間 |
1361 | Walk In | 走在 |
1362 | Inspection Criteria | 檢驗標準 |
1363 | Transfered | 轉移 |
1364 | BOM Website Item | BOM網站項目 |
1365 | Upload your letter head and logo. (you can edit them later). | 上傳你的信頭和標誌。 (您可以在以後對其進行編輯)。 |
1366 | Bill | 法案 |
1367 | All Lead (Open) | 所有鉛(開放) |
1368 | Row {0}: Qty not available for {4} in warehouse {1} at posting time of the entry ({2} {3}) | 行{0}:數量不適用於{4}在倉庫{1}在發布條目的時間({2} {3}) |
1369 | You can only select a maximum of one option from the list of check boxes. | 您只能從復選框列表中選擇最多一個選項。 |
1370 | Get Advances Paid | 獲取有償進展 |
1371 | Automatically Create New Batch | 自動創建新批 |
1372 | Automatically Create New Batch | 自動創建新批 |
1373 | Admission Start Date | 入學開始日期 |
1374 | Total Amount in Words | 總金額大寫 |
1375 | New Employee | 新員工 |
1376 | There was an error. One probable reason could be that you haven't saved the form. Please contact support@erpnext.com if the problem persists. | 有一個錯誤。一個可能的原因可能是因為您沒有保存的形式。請聯繫support@erpnext.com如果問題仍然存在。 |
1377 | My Cart | 我的購物車 |
1378 | Order Type must be one of {0} | 訂單類型必須是一個{0} |
1379 | Next Contact Date | 下次聯絡日期 |
1380 | Opening Qty | 開放數量 |
1381 | Appointment Reminder | 預約提醒 |
1382 | Please enter Account for Change Amount | 對於漲跌額請輸入帳號 |
1383 | Student Batch Name | 學生批名 |
1384 | Holiday List Name | 假日列表名稱 |
1385 | Balance Loan Amount | 平衡貸款額 |
1386 | Added to details | 添加到細節 |
1387 | Schedule Course | 課程時間表 |
1388 | Applicable on Material Request | 適用於材料請求 |
1389 | Stock Options | 庫存期權 |
1390 | No Items added to cart | 沒有項目已添加到購物車 |
1391 | Expense Claim | 報銷 |
1392 | Do you really want to restore this scrapped asset? | 難道你真的想恢復這個報廢的資產? |
1393 | Qty for {0} | 數量為{0} |
1394 | Leave Application | 休假申請 |
1395 | Patient Relation | 患者關係 |
1396 | Hub Category to Publish | 集線器類別發布 |
1397 | Leave Block List Dates | 休假區塊清單日期表 |
1398 | Sales Order {0} has reservation for item {1}, you can,
only deliver reserved {1} against {0}. Serial No {2} cannot,
be delivered | 銷售訂單{0}對項目{1}有預留,您只能對{0}提供保留的{1}。序列號{2}無法發送 |
1399 | Total Eligible HRA Exemption | 合格的HRA豁免總數 |
1400 | Evaluate | 評估 |
1401 | Net Hour Rate | 淨小時率 |
1402 | Landed Cost Purchase Receipt | 到岸成本採購入庫單 |
1403 | Default Terms | 默認條款 |
1404 | Criteria | 標準 |
1405 | Packing Slip Item | 包裝單項目 |
1406 | Cash/Bank Account | 現金/銀行會計科目 |
1407 | Train | 培養 |
1408 | Please specify a {0} | 請指定{0} |
1409 | Removed items with no change in quantity or value. | 刪除的項目在數量或價值沒有變化。 |
1410 | Delivery To | 交貨給 |
1411 | Variant creation has been queued. | 變體創建已經排隊。 |
1412 | The first Leave Approver in the list will be set as the default Leave Approver. | 列表中的第一個請假批准者將被設置為默認的批准批准者。 |
1413 | Attribute table is mandatory | 屬性表是強制性的 |
1414 | Get Sales Orders | 獲取銷售訂單 |
1415 | {0} can not be negative | {0}不能為負數 |
1416 | Self-Study | 自習 |
1417 | Period End Date | 期末結束日期 |
1418 | Row {0}: {1} is required to create the Opening {2} Invoices | 行{0}:{1}是創建開始{2}發票所必需的 |
1419 | Membership | 籍 |
1420 | Total Number of Depreciations | 折舊總數 |
1421 | Rate With Margin | 利率保證金 |
1422 | Rate With Margin | 利率保證金 |
1423 | Is Return (Debit Note) | 是退貨(借記卡) |
1424 | Wages | 工資 |
1425 | Maintenance Manager Name | 維護經理姓名 |
1426 | Urgent | 緊急 |
1427 | Please specify a valid Row ID for row {0} in table {1} | 請指定行{0}在表中的有效行ID {1} |
1428 | Unable to find variable: | 無法找到變量: |
1429 | Please select a field to edit from numpad | 請選擇要從數字鍵盤編輯的字段 |
1430 | Cannot be a fixed asset item as Stock Ledger is created. | 不能成為庫存分類賬創建的固定資產項目。 |
1431 | Admit | 承認 |
1432 | Pay Remaining | 支付剩餘 |
1433 | Manufacturer | 生產廠家 |
1434 | Purchase Receipt Item | 採購入庫項目 |
1435 | Total Leaves Encashed | 總葉子被掩飾 |
1436 | Sales Invoice Payment | 銷售發票付款 |
1437 | Quality Inspection Template Name | 質量檢驗模板名稱 |
1438 | First Email | 第一郵件 |
1439 | Exception Budget Approver Role | 例外預算審批人角色 |
1440 | Once set, this invoice will be on hold till the set date | 一旦設置,該發票將被保留至設定的日期 |
1441 | Reserved Warehouse in Sales Order / Finished Goods Warehouse | 在銷售訂單/成品倉庫保留倉庫 |
1442 | Selling Amount | 銷售金額 |
1443 | Interest Amount | 利息金額 |
1444 | Loyalty Amount | 忠誠金額 |
1445 | Employee Transfer Detail | 員工轉移詳情 |
1446 | Creation Document No | 文檔創建編號 |
1447 | Location Details | 位置詳情 |
1448 | Issue | 問題 |
1449 | Records | 記錄 |
1450 | Scrapped | 報廢 |
1451 | Item Defaults | 項目默認值 |
1452 | Returns | 返回 |
1453 | WIP Warehouse | WIP倉庫 |
1454 | Serial No {0} is under maintenance contract upto {1} | 序列號{0}在維護合約期間內直到{1} |
1455 | Organization Name | 組織名稱 |
1456 | Show Latest Forum Posts | 顯示最新的論壇帖子 |
1457 | Shipping State | 運輸狀態 |
1458 | Projected Quantity as Source | 預計庫存量的來源 |
1459 | Item must be added using 'Get Items from Purchase Receipts' button | 項目必須使用'從採購入庫“按鈕進行新增 |
1460 | Delivery Trip | 送貨之旅 |
1461 | A- | 一個- |
1462 | Transfer Type | 轉移類型 |
1463 | Sales Expenses | 銷售費用 |
1464 | Diagnosis | 診斷 |
1465 | Standard Buying | 標準採購 |
1466 | Explanation | 說明 |
1467 | Against | 針對 |
1468 | Sales Defaults | 銷售默認值 |
1469 | Work Order Qty | 工作訂單數量 |
1470 | Default Selling Cost Center | 預設銷售成本中心 |
1471 | Disc | 圓盤 |
1472 | Material Transferred for Subcontract | 轉包材料轉讓 |
1473 | Purchase Orders Items Overdue | 採購訂單項目逾期 |
1474 | ZIP Code | 郵政編碼 |
1475 | Sales Order {0} is {1} | 銷售訂單{0} {1} |
1476 | Select interest income account in loan {0} | 選擇貸款{0}中的利息收入科目 |
1477 | Contact Info | 聯絡方式 |
1478 | Making Stock Entries | 製作Stock條目 |
1479 | Cannot promote Employee with status Left | 無法提升狀態為Left的員工 |
1480 | Net Weight UOM | 淨重計量單位 |
1481 | Default Supplier | 預設的供應商 |
1482 | Repayment Schedule | 還款計劃 |
1483 | Shipping Rule Condition | 送貨規則條件 |
1484 | End Date can not be less than Start Date | 結束日期不能小於開始日期 |
1485 | Invoice can't be made for zero billing hour | 在零計費時間內無法開具發票 |
1486 | Date of Commencement | 開始日期 |
1487 | Select company name first. | 先選擇公司名稱。 |
1488 | Email sent to {0} | 電子郵件發送到{0} |
1489 | Quotations received from Suppliers. | 從供應商收到的報價。 |
1490 | Replace BOM and update latest price in all BOMs | 更換BOM並更新所有BOM中的最新價格 |
1491 | This is a root supplier group and cannot be edited. | 這是一個根源供應商組,無法編輯。 |
1492 | Driver Name | 司機姓名 |
1493 | Average Age | 平均年齡 |
1494 | Attendance Freeze Date | 出勤凍結日期 |
1495 | Attendance Freeze Date | 出勤凍結日期 |
1496 | Inward | 向內的 |
1497 | List a few of your suppliers. They could be organizations or individuals. | 列出一些你的供應商。他們可以是組織或個人。 |
1498 | View All Products | 查看所有產品 |
1499 | Minimum Lead Age (Days) | 最低鉛年齡(天) |
1500 | Minimum Lead Age (Days) | 最低鉛年齡(天) |
1501 | All BOMs | 所有的材料明細表 |
1502 | Hotel Rooms of type {0} are unavailable on {1} | {0}類型的酒店客房不適用於{1} |
1503 | Default Currency | 預設貨幣 |
1504 | Maximum discount for Item {0} is {1}% | 第{0}項的最大折扣為{1}% |
1505 | From Employee | 從員工 |
1506 | Cellphone Number | 手機號碼 |
1507 | Monitor Progress | 監視進度 |
1508 | Warning: System will not check overbilling since amount for Item {0} in {1} is zero | 警告: {0} {1}為零,系統將不檢查超收因為金額項目 |
1509 | Make Difference Entry | 使不同入口 |
1510 | Auto Repeat Section | 自動重複部分 |
1511 | Key Performance Area | 關鍵績效區 |
1512 | Transportation | 運輸 |
1513 | Invalid Attribute | 無效屬性 |
1514 | {0} {1} must be submitted | {0} {1}必須提交 |
1515 | Default Supplier Group | 默認供應商組 |
1516 | Quantity must be less than or equal to {0} | 量必須小於或等於{0} |
1517 | Maximum amount eligible for the component {0} exceeds {1} | 符合組件{0}的最高金額超過{1} |
1518 | Department Approver | 部門批准人 |
1519 | Application Settings | 應用程序設置 |
1520 | Total Characters | 總字元數 |
1521 | Claimed | 聲稱 |
1522 | Row Spacing | 行間距 |
1523 | Please select BOM in BOM field for Item {0} | 請BOM字段中選擇BOM的項目{0} |
1524 | There isn't any item variant for the selected item | 所選項目沒有任何項目變體 |
1525 | C-Form Invoice Detail | C-表 發票詳細資訊 |
1526 | Payment Reconciliation Invoice | 付款發票對帳 |
1527 | Contribution % | 貢獻% |
1528 | As per the Buying Settings if Purchase Order Required == 'YES', then for creating Purchase Invoice, user need to create Purchase Order first for item {0} | 根據購買設置,如果需要採購訂單=='是',那麼為了創建採購發票,用戶需要首先為項目{0}創建採購訂單 |
1529 | HSN-wise-summary of outward supplies | HSN明智的向外供應摘要 |
1530 | Company registration numbers for your reference. Tax numbers etc. | 公司註冊號碼,供大家參考。稅務號碼等 |
1531 | To State | 國家 |
1532 | Distributor | 經銷商 |
1533 | Asset Finance Book | 資產融資書 |
1534 | Shopping Cart Shipping Rule | 購物車運輸規則 |
1535 | Please set 'Apply Additional Discount On' | 請設置“收取額外折扣” |
1536 | Applicable Percent | 適用百分比 |
1537 | Ordered Items To Be Billed | 預付款的訂購物品 |
1538 | From Range has to be less than To Range | 從範圍必須小於要範圍 |
1539 | Global Defaults | 全域預設值 |
1540 | Project Collaboration Invitation | 項目合作邀請 |
1541 | Deductions | 扣除 |
1542 | Action Name | 動作名稱 |
1543 | Start Year | 開始年份 |
1544 | First 2 digits of GSTIN should match with State number {0} | GSTIN的前2位數字應與狀態號{0}匹配 |
1545 | Start date of current invoice's period | 當前發票期間內的開始日期 |
1546 | Leave Without Pay | 無薪假 |
1547 | Capacity Planning Error | 產能規劃錯誤 |
1548 | Trial Balance for Party | 試算表的派對 |
1549 | Consultant | 顧問 |
1550 | Parents Teacher Meeting Attendance | 家長老師見面會 |
1551 | Earnings | 收益 |
1552 | Finished Item {0} must be entered for Manufacture type entry | 完成項目{0}必須為製造類條目進入 |
1553 | Opening Accounting Balance | 打開會計平衡 |
1554 | GST Sales Register | 消費稅銷售登記冊 |
1555 | Sales Invoice Advance | 銷售發票提前 |
1556 | Nothing to request | 無需求 |
1557 | Default Return Warehouse | 默認退貨倉庫 |
1558 | Select your Domains | 選擇您的域名 |
1559 | Shopify Supplier | Shopify供應商 |
1560 | Payment Invoice Items | 付款發票項目 |
1561 | Employee Details | 員工詳細信息 |
1562 | Fields will be copied over only at time of creation. | 字段將僅在創建時復制。 |
1563 | 'Actual Start Date' can not be greater than 'Actual End Date' | “實際開始日期”不能大於“實際結束日期' |
1564 | Management | 管理 |
1565 | Payer Settings | 付款人設置 |
1566 | No pending Material Requests found to link for the given items. | 找不到針對給定項目鏈接的待處理物料請求。 |
1567 | Select company first | 首先選擇公司 |
1568 | This will be appended to the Item Code of the variant. For example, if your abbreviation is "SM", and the item code is "T-SHIRT", the item code of the variant will be "T-SHIRT-SM" | 這將追加到變異的項目代碼。例如,如果你的英文縮寫為“SM”,而該項目的代碼是“T-SHIRT”,該變種的項目代碼將是“T-SHIRT-SM” |
1569 | Net Pay (in words) will be visible once you save the Salary Slip. | 薪資單一被儲存,淨付款就會被顯示出來。 |
1570 | Is Return | 退貨 |
1571 | Start day is greater than end day in task '{0}' | 開始日期大於任務“{0}”的結束日期 |
1572 | Return / Debit Note | 返回/借記注 |
1573 | Price List Country | 價目表國家 |
1574 | UOMs | 計量單位 |
1575 | {0} valid serial nos for Item {1} | {0}項目{1}的有效的序號 |
1576 | Item Code cannot be changed for Serial No. | 產品編號不能為序列號改變 |
1577 | UOM Conversion Factor | 計量單位換算係數 |
1578 | Please enter Item Code to get Batch Number | 請輸入產品代碼來獲得批號 |
1579 | Loyalty Point Entry | 忠誠度積分 |
1580 | Default Item Group | 預設項目群組 |
1581 | Time In Mins | 分鐘時間 |
1582 | Supplier database. | 供應商數據庫。 |
1583 | Contract Terms and Conditions | 合同條款和條件 |
1584 | You cannot restart a Subscription that is not cancelled. | 您無法重新啟動未取消的訂閱。 |
1585 | Balance Sheet | 資產負債表 |
1586 | Is Earned Leave | 獲得休假 |
1587 | Cost Center For Item with Item Code ' | 成本中心與項目代碼“項目 |
1588 | Total Parents Teacher Meeting | 總計家長教師會議 |
1589 | Payment Mode is not configured. Please check, whether account has been set on Mode of Payments or on POS Profile. | 付款方式未配置。請檢查是否帳戶已就付款方式或POS機配置文件中設置。 |
1590 | Same item cannot be entered multiple times. | 同一項目不能輸入多次。 |
1591 | Further accounts can be made under Groups, but entries can be made against non-Groups | 進一步帳戶可以根據組進行,但條目可針對非組進行 |
1592 | Lead | 潛在客戶 |
1593 | Payables | 應付帳款 |
1594 | Course Intro | 課程介紹 |
1595 | Stock Entry {0} created | 庫存輸入{0}創建 |
1596 | You don't have enought Loyalty Points to redeem | 您沒有獲得忠誠度積分兌換 |
1597 | Please set associated account in Tax Withholding Category {0} against Company {1} | 請在針對公司{1}的預扣稅分類{0}中設置關聯帳戶 |
1598 | Row #{0}: Rejected Qty can not be entered in Purchase Return | 行#{0}:駁回採購退貨數量不能進入 |
1599 | Changing Customer Group for the selected Customer is not allowed. | 不允許更改所選客戶的客戶組。 |
1600 | Purchase Order Items To Be Billed | 欲付款的採購訂單品項 |
1601 | Updating estimated arrival times. | 更新預計到達時間。 |
1602 | Enrollment Details | 註冊詳情 |
1603 | Cannot set multiple Item Defaults for a company. | 無法為公司設置多個項目默認值。 |
1604 | Net Rate | 淨費率 |
1605 | Please select a customer | 請選擇一個客戶 |
1606 | Leave Allocations | 離開分配 |
1607 | Purchase Invoice Item | 採購發票項目 |
1608 | Stock Ledger Entries and GL Entries are reposted for the selected Purchase Receipts | 針對所選的採購入庫單,存貨帳分錄和總帳分錄已經重新登錄。 |
1609 | Assessment Terms | 評估條款 |
1610 | Holiday | 節日 |
1611 | Leave Type is madatory | 離開類型是瘋狂的 |
1612 | Close Issue After Days | 關閉問題天后 |
1613 | You need to be a user with System Manager and Item Manager roles to add users to Marketplace. | 您需要是具有System Manager和Item Manager角色的用戶才能將用戶添加到Marketplace。 |
1614 | Leave blank if considered for all branches | 保持空白如果考慮到全部分支機構 |
1615 | Staffing Plan | 人員配備計劃 |
1616 | Validity in Days | 天數有效 |
1617 | Validity in Days | 天數有效 |
1618 | C-form is not applicable for Invoice: {0} | C-形式不適用發票:{0} |
1619 | Name of Consultant | 顧問的名字 |
1620 | Unreconciled Payment Details | 未核銷付款明細 |
1621 | Member Activity | 會員活動 |
1622 | Order Count | 訂單數量 |
1623 | Order Count | 訂單數量 |
1624 | Current Fiscal Year | 當前會計年度 |
1625 | Group same items | 組相同的項目 |
1626 | Disable Rounded Total | 禁用圓角總 |
1627 | Sync in Progress | 同步進行中 |
1628 | Parent Department | 家長部門 |
1629 | Repayment Info | 還款信息 |
1630 | 'Entries' cannot be empty | “分錄”不能是空的 |
1631 | Maintenance Role | 維護角色 |
1632 | Duplicate row {0} with same {1} | 重複的行{0}同{1} |
1633 | Disable Marketplace | 禁用市場 |
1634 | Trial Balance | 試算表 |
1635 | Fiscal Year {0} not found | 會計年度{0}未找到 |
1636 | Setting up Employees | 建立職工 |
1637 | Hotel Reservation User | 酒店預訂用戶 |
1638 | Please select prefix first | 請先選擇前綴稱號 |
1639 | Subscription Settings | 訂閱設置 |
1640 | Update Auto Repeat Reference | 更新自動重複參考 |
1641 | Optional Holiday List not set for leave period {0} | 可選假期列表未設置為假期{0} |
1642 | Work Done | 工作完成 |
1643 | Please specify at least one attribute in the Attributes table | 請指定屬性表中的至少一個屬性 |
1644 | All Students | 所有學生 |
1645 | Item {0} must be a non-stock item | 項{0}必須是一個非庫存項目 |
1646 | View Ledger | 查看總帳 |
1647 | Intervals | 間隔 |
1648 | Reconciled Transactions | 協調的事務 |
1649 | Linked Location | 鏈接位置 |
1650 | An Item Group exists with same name, please change the item name or rename the item group | 具有具有相同名稱的項目群組存在,請更改項目名稱或重新命名該項目群組 |
1651 | Student Mobile No. | 學生手機號碼 |
1652 | Rest Of The World | 世界其他地區 |
1653 | The Item {0} cannot have Batch | 該項目{0}不能有批 |
1654 | Budget Variance Report | 預算差異報告 |
1655 | Gross Pay | 工資總額 |
1656 | Get Items from Healthcare Services | 從醫療保健服務獲取項目 |
1657 | Row {0}: Activity Type is mandatory. | 行{0}:活動類型是強制性的。 |
1658 | Accounting Ledger | 會計總帳 |
1659 | Difference Amount | 差額 |
1660 | Reverse Charge | 反向充電 |
1661 | Timing Detail | 時間細節 |
1662 | Service Detail | 服務細節 |
1663 | Item Description | 項目說明 |
1664 | Student Sibling | 學生兄弟 |
1665 | Supplied Items | 提供的物品 |
1666 | Please set an active menu for Restaurant {0} | 請設置餐館{0}的有效菜單 |
1667 | Qty To Manufacture | 製造數量 |
1668 | Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle | 在整個採購週期價格保持一致 |
1669 | Opportunity Item | 項目的機會 |
1670 | Student and Guardian Contact Details | 學生和監護人聯繫方式 |
1671 | Merge Account | 合併科目 |
1672 | Row {0}: For supplier {0} Email Address is required to send email | 行{0}:對於供應商{0}的電郵地址發送電子郵件 |
1673 | Temporary Opening | 臨時開通 |
1674 | Employee Leave Balance | 員工休假餘額 |
1675 | Balance for Account {0} must always be {1} | 科目{0}的餘額必須始終為{1} |
1676 | More Info | 更多訊息 |
1677 | Valuation Rate required for Item in row {0} | 行對項目所需的估值速率{0} |
1678 | Scorecard Actions | 記分卡操作 |
1679 | Example: Masters in Computer Science | 舉例:碩士計算機科學 |
1680 | Supplier {0} not found in {1} | 在{1}中找不到供應商{0} |
1681 | Rejected Warehouse | 拒絕倉庫 |
1682 | Against Voucher | 對傳票 |
1683 | Default Buying Cost Center | 預設採購成本中心 |
1684 | To get the best out of ERPNext, we recommend that you take some time and watch these help videos. | 為得到最好的 ERPNext 教學,我們建議您花一些時間和觀看這些說明影片。 |
1685 | For Default Supplier (optional) | 對於默認供應商(可選) |
1686 | Lead Time in days | 交貨天期 |
1687 | Accounts Payable Summary | 應付帳款摘要 |
1688 | Not authorized to edit frozen Account {0} | 無權修改凍結帳戶{0} |
1689 | Get Outstanding Invoices | 獲取未付發票 |
1690 | Sales Order {0} is not valid | 銷售訂單{0}無效 |
1691 | Warn for new Request for Quotations | 警告新的報價請求 |
1692 | Purchase orders help you plan and follow up on your purchases | 採購訂單幫助您規劃和跟進您的購買 |
1693 | Lab Test Prescriptions | 實驗室測試處方 |
1694 | The total Issue / Transfer quantity {0} in Material Request {1} \
cannot be greater than requested quantity {2} for Item {3} | 在材質要求總發行/傳輸量{0} {1} \不能超過請求的數量{2}的項目更大的{3} |
1695 | If Shopify not contains a customer in Order, then while syncing Orders, the system will consider default customer for order | 如果Shopify不包含訂單中的客戶,則在同步訂單時,系統會考慮默認客戶訂單 |
1696 | Opening Invoice Creation Tool Item | 打開發票創建工具項目 |
1697 | Cashier Closing Payments | 收銀員結算付款 |
1698 | Employee Number | 員工人數 |
1699 | Cancel Invoice After Grace Period | 在寬限期後取消發票 |
1700 | Case No(s) already in use. Try from Case No {0} | 案例編號已在使用中( S) 。從案例沒有嘗試{0} |
1701 | % Completed | %已完成 |
1702 | Invoiced Amount (Exculsive Tax) | 發票金額(Exculsive稅) |
1703 | Authorization Endpoint | 授權端點 |
1704 | International | 國際 |
1705 | Training Event | 培訓活動 |
1706 | Auto re-order | 自動重新排序 |
1707 | Total Achieved | 實現總計 |
1708 | Place of Issue | 簽發地點 |
1709 | Laboratory Testing Datetime | 實驗室測試日期時間 |
1710 | Add Quote | 添加報價 |
1711 | UOM coversion factor required for UOM: {0} in Item: {1} | 所需的計量單位計量單位:丁文因素:{0}項:{1} |
1712 | Indirect Expenses | 間接費用 |
1713 | Row {0}: Qty is mandatory | 列#{0}:數量是強制性的 |
1714 | Agriculture | 農業 |
1715 | Create Sales Order | 創建銷售訂單 |
1716 | Accounting Entry for Asset | 資產會計分錄 |
1717 | Block Invoice | 阻止發票 |
1718 | Quantity to Make | 數量 |
1719 | Sync Master Data | 同步主數據 |
1720 | Repair Cost | 修理費用 |
1721 | Your Products or Services | 您的產品或服務 |
1722 | Failed to login | 登錄失敗 |
1723 | Asset {0} created | 資產{0}已創建 |
1724 | Special Test Items | 特殊測試項目 |
1725 | You need to be a user with System Manager and Item Manager roles to register on Marketplace. | 您需要是具有System Manager和Item Manager角色的用戶才能在Marketplace上註冊。 |
1726 | As per your assigned Salary Structure you cannot apply for benefits | 根據您指定的薪資結構,您無法申請福利 |
1727 | Website Image should be a public file or website URL | 網站形象應該是一個公共文件或網站網址 |
1728 | This is a root item group and cannot be edited. | 這是個根項目群組,且無法被編輯。 |
1729 | Merge | 合併 |
1730 | Purchase Order | 採購訂單 |
1731 | Fuel UOM | 燃油計量單位 |
1732 | Warehouse Contact Info | 倉庫聯絡方式 |
1733 | Write Off Difference Amount | 核銷金額差異 |
1734 | Volunteer Name | 志願者姓名 |
1735 | Rows with duplicate due dates in other rows were found: {0} | 發現其他行中具有重複截止日期的行:{0} |
1736 | {0}: Employee email not found, hence email not sent | {0}:未發現員工的電子郵件,因此,電子郵件未發 |
1737 | No Salary Structure assigned for Employee {0} on given date {1} | 給定日期{1}的員工{0}沒有分配薪金結構 |
1738 | Shipping rule not applicable for country {0} | 運費規則不適用於國家/地區{0} |
1739 | Foreign Trade Details | 外貿詳細 |
1740 | Assessment Plan Status | 評估計劃狀態 |
1741 | Serial No Details | 序列號詳細資訊 |
1742 | Item Tax Rate | 項目稅率 |
1743 | From Party Name | 來自黨名 |
1744 | Group Roll Number | 組卷編號 |
1745 | Group Roll Number | 組卷編號 |
1746 | For {0}, only credit accounts can be linked against another debit entry | {0},只有貸方科目可以連接另一個借方分錄 |
1747 | Delivery Note {0} is not submitted | 送貨單{0}未提交 |
1748 | Item {0} must be a Sub-contracted Item | 項{0}必須是一個小項目簽約 |
1749 | Capital Equipments | 資本設備 |
1750 | Pricing Rule is first selected based on 'Apply On' field, which can be Item, Item Group or Brand. | 基於“適用於”欄位是「項目」,「項目群組」或「品牌」,而選擇定價規則。 |
1751 | Please set the Item Code first | 請先設定商品代碼 |
1752 | Doc Type | 文件類型 |
1753 | Billing Interval Count | 計費間隔計數 |
1754 | Appointments and Patient Encounters | 預約和患者遭遇 |
1755 | Value missing | 價值缺失 |
1756 | Department and Grade | 部門和年級 |
1757 | Edit Description | 編輯說明 |
1758 | Team Updates | 團隊更新 |
1759 | For Supplier | 對供應商 |
1760 | Setting Account Type helps in selecting this Account in transactions. | 設置會計科目類型有助於在交易中選擇該科目。 |
1761 | Grand Total (Company Currency) | 總計(公司貨幣) |
1762 | Create Print Format | 創建打印格式 |
1763 | Fee Created | 創建費用 |
1764 | Did not find any item called {0} | 沒有找到所謂的任何項目{0} |
1765 | Items Filter | 物品過濾 |
1766 | Criteria Formula | 標準配方 |
1767 | Total Outgoing | 出貨總計 |
1768 | There can only be one Shipping Rule Condition with 0 or blank value for "To Value" | 只能有一個運輸規則條件為0或空值“ To值” |
1769 | Duration | 持續時間 |
1770 | For an item {0}, quantity must be positive number | 對於商品{0},數量必須是正數 |
1771 | Note: This Cost Center is a Group. Cannot make accounting entries against groups. | 注:該成本中心是一個集團。不能讓反對團體的會計分錄。 |
1772 | Compensatory leave request days not in valid holidays | 補休請求天不在有效假期 |
1773 | Child warehouse exists for this warehouse. You can not delete this warehouse. | 兒童倉庫存在這個倉庫。您不能刪除這個倉庫。 |
1774 | Website Item Groups | 網站項目群組 |
1775 | Total (Company Currency) | 總計(公司貨幣) |
1776 | Reminder | 提醒 |
1777 | Accessable Value | 可訪問的價值 |
1778 | Serial number {0} entered more than once | 序號{0}多次輸入 |
1779 | Journal Entry | 日記帳分錄 |
1780 | Unclaimed amount | 無人認領的金額 |
1781 | {0} items in progress | 正在進行{0}項目 |
1782 | Workstation Name | 工作站名稱 |
1783 | Grade Code | 等級代碼 |
1784 | POS Item Group | POS項目組 |
1785 | Email Digest: | 電子郵件摘要: |
1786 | Alternative item must not be same as item code | 替代項目不能與項目代碼相同 |
1787 | BOM {0} does not belong to Item {1} | BOM {0}不屬於項目{1} |
1788 | Target Distribution | 目標分佈 |
1789 | 06-Finalization of Provisional assessment | 06-定期評估 |
1790 | Bank Account No. | 銀行賬號 |
1791 | This is the number of the last created transaction with this prefix | 這就是以這個前綴的最後一個創建的事務數 |
1792 | Scorecard variables can be used, as well as:
{total_score} (the total score from that period),
{period_number} (the number of periods to present day)
| 可以使用記分卡變量,以及:{total_score}(該期間的總分數),{period_number}(到當前時間段的數量) |
1793 | Collapse All | 全部收縮 |
1794 | Create Purchase Order | 創建採購訂單 |
1795 | Discharge Note | 卸貨說明 |
1796 | Taxes and Charges Calculation | 稅費計算 |
1797 | Book Asset Depreciation Entry Automatically | 自動存入資產折舊條目 |
1798 | Book Asset Depreciation Entry Automatically | 自動存入資產折舊條目 |
1799 | Request for Quotation Supplier | 詢價供應商 |
1800 | Registration Message | 註冊信息 |
1801 | Prescription Dosage | 處方用量 |
1802 | HR Manager | 人力資源經理 |
1803 | Please select a Company | 請選擇一個公司 |
1804 | Privilege Leave | 特權休假 |
1805 | Supplier Invoice Date | 供應商發票日期 |
1806 | This value is used for pro-rata temporis calculation | 該值用於按比例計算 |
1807 | You need to enable Shopping Cart | 您需要啟用購物車 |
1808 | Writeoff | 註銷 |
1809 | Naming Series Prefix | 命名系列前綴 |
1810 | Appraisal Template Goal | 考核目標模板 |
1811 | Earning | 盈利 |
1812 | Scoring Criteria | 評分標準 |
1813 | Party Account Currency | 黨的科目幣種 |
1814 | Total Estimated Distance | 總估計距離 |
1815 | BOM Browser | BOM瀏覽器 |
1816 | Please update your status for this training event | 請更新此培訓活動的狀態 |
1817 | Overlapping conditions found between: | 存在重疊的條件: |
1818 | Against Journal Entry {0} is already adjusted against some other voucher | 對日記條目{0}已經調整一些其他的優惠券 |
1819 | Total Order Value | 總訂單價值 |
1820 | Food | 食物 |
1821 | POS Closing Voucher Details | POS關閉憑證詳細信息 |
1822 | Shopify Log | Shopify日誌 |
1823 | Check In | 報到 |
1824 | No of Visits | 沒有訪問量的 |
1825 | Maintenance Schedule {0} exists against {1} | 針對{1}存在維護計劃{0} |
1826 | Enrolling student | 招生學生 |
1827 | Currency of the Closing Account must be {0} | 關閉科目的貨幣必須是{0} |
1828 | Sum of points for all goals should be 100. It is {0} | 對所有目標點的總和應該是100。{0} |
1829 | Start and End Dates | 開始和結束日期 |
1830 | Contract Template Fulfilment Terms | 合同模板履行條款 |
1831 | Delivered Items To Be Billed | 交付項目要被收取 |
1832 | Open BOM {0} | 開放BOM {0} |
1833 | Warehouse cannot be changed for Serial No. | 倉庫不能改變序列號 |
1834 | Utilities | 公用事業 |
1835 | Accounting | 會計 |
1836 | Purchase Receipt Amount | 採購收據金額 |
1837 | Exit Interview Summary | 退出面試摘要 |
1838 | Please select batches for batched item | 請為批量選擇批次 |
1839 | Depreciation Schedules | 折舊計劃 |
1840 | Support for public app is deprecated. Please setup private app, for more details refer user manual | 對公共應用程序的支持已被棄用。請設置私人應用程序,更多詳細信息請參閱用戶手冊 |
1841 | Following accounts might be selected in GST Settings: | 以下帳戶可能在GST設置中選擇: |
1842 | Application period cannot be outside leave allocation period | 申請期間不能請假外分配週期 |
1843 | Projects | 專案 |
1844 | Transaction Currency | 交易貨幣 |
1845 | From {0} | {1} {2} | 從{0} | {1} {2} |
1846 | Some emails are invalid | 有些電子郵件無效 |
1847 | Operation Description | 操作說明 |
1848 | Cannot change Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date once the Fiscal Year is saved. | 不能更改財政年度開始日期和財政年度結束日期,一旦會計年度被保存。 |
1849 | Shopping Cart | 購物車 |
1850 | Avg Daily Outgoing | 平均每日傳出 |
1851 | Campaign | 競賽 |
1852 | Name and Type | 名稱和類型 |
1853 | Approval Status must be 'Approved' or 'Rejected' | 審批狀態必須被“批准”或“拒絕” |
1854 | Contacts and Address | 聯繫人和地址 |
1855 | Max Benefits (Amount) | 最大收益(金額) |
1856 | Contact Person | 聯絡人 |
1857 | 'Expected Start Date' can not be greater than 'Expected End Date' | “預計開始日期”不能大於“預計結束日期' |
1858 | No data for this period | 此期間沒有數據 |
1859 | Course End Date | 課程結束日期 |
1860 | Planned Quantity | 計劃數量 |
1861 | Item Tax Amount | 項目稅額 |
1862 | Water Analysis Criteria | 水分析標準 |
1863 | Maintain Stock | 維護庫存資料 |
1864 | Prefered Email | 首選電子郵件 |
1865 | Eligibility and Details | 資格和細節 |
1866 | Net Change in Fixed Asset | 在固定資產淨變動 |
1867 | Reqd Qty | 需要數量 |
1868 | Leave blank if considered for all designations | 離開,如果考慮所有指定空白 |
1869 | Charge of type 'Actual' in row {0} cannot be included in Item Rate | 類型'實際'行{0}的計費,不能被包含在項目單價 |
1870 | Max: {0} | 最大數量:{0} |
1871 | From Datetime | 從日期時間 |
1872 | For Company | 對於公司 |
1873 | Communication log. | 通信日誌。 |
1874 | Request for Quotation is disabled to access from portal, for more check portal settings. | 詢價被禁止訪問門脈,為更多的檢查門戶設置。 |
1875 | Supplier Scorecard Scoring Variable | 供應商記分卡評分變量 |
1876 | Buying Amount | 購買金額 |
1877 | Shipping Address Name | 送貨地址名稱 |
1878 | Terms and Conditions Content | 條款及細則內容 |
1879 | There were errors creating Course Schedule | 創建課程表時出現錯誤 |
1880 | The first Expense Approver in the list will be set as the default Expense Approver. | 列表中的第一個費用審批人將被設置為默認的費用審批人。 |
1881 | You need to be a user other than Administrator with System Manager and Item Manager roles to register on Marketplace. | 您需要是具有System Manager和Item Manager角色的Administrator以外的用戶才能在Marketplace上註冊。 |
1882 | Item {0} is not a stock Item | 項{0}不是缺貨登記 |
1883 | Unscheduled | 計劃外 |
1884 | Owned | 擁有的 |
1885 | Depends on Leave Without Pay | 依賴於無薪休假 |
1886 | Higher the number, higher the priority | 數字越大,優先級越高 |
1887 | Purchase Invoice Trends | 購買發票趨勢 |
1888 | Gluten Free | 不含麩質 |
1889 | Minimum Total Spent | 最低總支出 |
1890 | Row #{0}: The batch {1} has only {2} qty. Please select another batch which has {3} qty available or split the row into multiple rows, to deliver/issue from multiple batches | 行#{0}:批次{1}只有{2}數量。請選擇具有{3}數量的其他批次,或將該行拆分成多個行,以便從多個批次中傳遞/發布 |
1891 | Expiry Duration (in days) | 到期時間(天) |
1892 | Price Determination | 價格確定 |
1893 | New Department | 新部門 |
1894 | Worked On Holiday | 在度假工作 |
1895 | Goals | 目標 |
1896 | Select POS Profile | 選擇POS配置文件 |
1897 | Warranty / AMC Status | 保修/ AMC狀態 |
1898 | Accounts Browser | 帳戶瀏覽器 |
1899 | Referral | 推薦 |
1900 | Payment Entry Reference | 付款輸入參考 |
1901 | GL Entry | GL報名 |
1902 | Response Options | 響應選項 |
1903 | Employee Settings | 員工設置 |
1904 | Loading Payment System | 加載支付系統 |
1905 | Batch-Wise Balance History | 間歇式平衡歷史 |
1906 | Row #{0}: Cannot set Rate if amount is greater than billed amount for Item {1}. | 行#{0}:如果金額大於項目{1}的開帳單金額,則無法設置費率。 |
1907 | Print settings updated in respective print format | 打印設置在相應的打印格式更新 |
1908 | Package Code | 封裝代碼 |
1909 | Apprentice | 學徒 |
1910 | Negative Quantity is not allowed | 負數量是不允許 |
1911 | Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.
Used for Taxes and Charges | 從項目主檔獲取的稅務詳細資訊表,成為字串並存儲在這欄位。用於稅賦及費用 |
1912 | Employee cannot report to himself. | 員工不能報告自己。 |
1913 | Max Leaves Allowed | 允許最大葉子 |
1914 | If the account is frozen, entries are allowed to restricted users. | 如果帳戶被凍結,條目被允許受限制的用戶。 |
1915 | Bank Balance | 銀行結餘 |
1916 | Accounting Entry for {0}: {1} can only be made in currency: {2} | 會計分錄為{0}:{1}只能在貨幣做:{2} |
1917 | Leave Approver Mandatory In Leave Application | 在離職申請中允許Approver為強制性 |
1918 | Job profile, qualifications required etc. | 所需的工作概況,學歷等。 |
1919 | Account Balance | 帳戶餘額 |
1920 | Tax Rule for transactions. | 稅收規則進行的交易。 |
1921 | Type of document to rename. | 的文件類型進行重命名。 |
1922 | {0} {1}: Customer is required against Receivable account {2} | {0} {1}:需要客戶對應收帳款{2} |
1923 | Total Taxes and Charges (Company Currency) | 總稅費和費用(公司貨幣) |
1924 | Weather Parameter | 天氣參數 |
1925 | Show unclosed fiscal year's P&L balances | 顯示未關閉的會計年度的盈虧平衡 |
1926 | Asset Naming Series | 資產命名系列 |
1927 | House rented dates should be atleast 15 days apart | 出租房屋的日期應至少相隔15天 |
1928 | Collection Details | 收集細節 |
1929 | Allow Print Before Pay | 付款前允許打印 |
1930 | Linked Soil Texture | 連接的土壤紋理 |
1931 | Shipping Account | 送貨科目 |
1932 | {0} {1}: Account {2} is inactive | {0} {1}科目{2}無效 |
1933 | Make Sales Orders to help you plan your work and deliver on-time | 製作銷售訂單,以幫助你計劃你的工作和按時交付 |
1934 | Bank Transaction Entries | 銀行交易分錄 |
1935 | Readings | 閱讀 |
1936 | Total Additional Costs | 總額外費用 |
1937 | No of Interactions | 沒有相互作用 |
1938 | Scrap Material Cost(Company Currency) | 廢料成本(公司貨幣) |
1939 | Sub Assemblies | 子組件 |
1940 | Asset Name | 資產名稱 |
1941 | Task Weight | 任務重 |
1942 | Loyalty Program Type | 忠誠度計劃類型 |
1943 | Stock Manager | 庫存管理 |
1944 | Source warehouse is mandatory for row {0} | 列{0}的來源倉是必要的 |
1945 | The Payment Term at row {0} is possibly a duplicate. | 第{0}行的支付條款可能是重複的。 |
1946 | Agriculture (beta) | 農業(測試版) |
1947 | Packing Slip | 包裝單 |
1948 | Office Rent | 辦公室租金 |
1949 | Setup SMS gateway settings | 設置短信閘道設置 |
1950 | Common Name | 通用名稱 |
1951 | Employee Boarding Activity | 員工寄宿活動 |
1952 | Import Failed! | 導入失敗! |
1953 | No address added yet. | 尚未新增地址。 |
1954 | Workstation Working Hour | 工作站工作時間 |
1955 | Blood Pressure | 血壓 |
1956 | Analyst | 分析人士 |
1957 | {0} is not in a valid Payroll Period | {0}不在有效的工資核算期間 |
1958 | Inventory | 庫存 |
1959 | Sales Details | 銷售詳細資訊 |
1960 | With Items | 隨著項目 |
1961 | Maintenance Team | 維修隊 |
1962 | Is Additional Component | 是附加組件 |
1963 | In Qty | 在數量 |
1964 | Validate Enrolled Course for Students in Student Group | 驗證學生組學生入學課程 |
1965 | Expense Claim Rejected | 費用索賠被拒絕 |
1966 | Item Attribute | 項目屬性 |
1967 | Expense Claim {0} already exists for the Vehicle Log | 報銷{0}已經存在車輛日誌 |
1968 | Source Location | 來源地點 |
1969 | Institute Name | 學院名稱 |
1970 | Please enter repayment Amount | 請輸入還款金額 |
1971 | There can be multiple tiered collection factor based on the total spent. But the conversion factor for redemption will always be same for all the tier. | 根據總花費可以有多個分層收集因子。但兌換的兌換係數對於所有等級總是相同的。 |
1972 | Item Variants | 項目變體 |
1973 | Services | 服務 |
1974 | Email Salary Slip to Employee | 電子郵件工資單給員工 |
1975 | Select Possible Supplier | 選擇潛在供應商 |
1976 | Select, to make the customer searchable with these fields | 選擇,使客戶可以使用這些字段進行搜索 |
1977 | Import Delivery Notes from Shopify on Shipment | 在發貨時從Shopify導入交貨單 |
1978 | Show closed | 顯示關閉 |
1979 | Is Leave Without Pay | 是無薪休假 |
1980 | Asset Category is mandatory for Fixed Asset item | 資產類別是強制性的固定資產項目 |
1981 | Fee Validity | 費用有效期 |
1982 | No records found in the Payment table | 沒有在支付表中找到記錄 |
1983 | This {0} conflicts with {1} for {2} {3} | 此{0}衝突{1}在{2} {3} |
1984 | GST HSN Code | GST HSN代碼 |
1985 | Total Experience | 總經驗 |
1986 | Open Projects | 打開項目 |
1987 | Packing Slip(s) cancelled | 包裝單( S)已取消 |
1988 | Cash Flow from Investing | 從投資現金流 |
1989 | Program Course | 課程計劃 |
1990 | Allow Appointments | 允許約會 |
1991 | Freight and Forwarding Charges | 貨運代理費 |
1992 | Company Tagline for website homepage | 公司標語的網站主頁 |
1993 | Item Group Name | 項目群組名稱 |
1994 | Taken | 拍攝 |
1995 | Date of Leaving | 離開日期 |
1996 | For Price List | 對於價格表 |
1997 | Executive Search | 獵頭 |
1998 | Setting defaults | 設置默認值 |
1999 | Auto Opt In (For all customers) | 自動選擇(適用於所有客戶) |
2000 | Create Leads | 建立潛在客戶 |
2001 | Schedules | 時間表 |
2002 | POS Profile is required to use Point-of-Sale | POS配置文件需要使用銷售點 |
2003 | Net Amount | 淨額 |
2004 | {0} {1} has not been submitted so the action cannot be completed | {0} {1} 尚未提交, 因此無法完成操作 |
2005 | BOM Detail No | BOM表詳細編號 |
2006 | Additional Charges | 附加費用 |
2007 | Result Route Field | 結果路由字段 |
2008 | Additional Discount Amount (Company Currency) | 額外的優惠金額(公司貨幣) |
2009 | Supplier Scorecard | 供應商記分卡 |
2010 | Result Datetime | 結果日期時間 |
2011 | Support Hour Distribution | 支持小時分配 |
2012 | Maintenance Visit | 維護訪問 |
2013 | Leaving Certificate Number | 畢業證書號碼 |
2014 | Appointment cancelled, Please review and cancel the invoice {0} | 預約已取消,請查看並取消發票{0} |
2015 | Available Batch Qty at Warehouse | 可用的批次數量在倉庫 |
2016 | Is Company Account | 是公司帳戶 |
2017 | Leave Type {0} is not encashable | 離開類型{0}不可放置 |
2018 | Landed Cost Help | 到岸成本幫助 |
2019 | Select Shipping Address | 選擇送貨地址 |
2020 | Expected Hrs | 預計的小時數 |
2021 | Memebership Details | Memebership細節 |
2022 | Block Holidays on important days. | 重要的日子中封鎖假期。 |
2023 | Please input all required Result Value(s) | 請輸入所有必需的結果值(s) |
2024 | Accounts Receivable Summary | 應收帳款匯總 |
2025 | Linked Invoices | 鏈接的發票 |
2026 | Monthly Repayment Amount | 每月還款額 |
2027 | Opening Invoices | 打開發票 |
2028 | Contract Details | 合同細節 |
2029 | Leave Details | 留下細節 |
2030 | Please set User ID field in an Employee record to set Employee Role | 請在員工記錄設定員工角色設置用戶ID字段 |
2031 | UOM Name | 計量單位名稱 |
2032 | HSN Code | HSN代碼 |
2033 | Contribution Amount | 貢獻金額 |
2034 | Shipping Address | 送貨地址 |
2035 | This tool helps you to update or fix the quantity and valuation of stock in the system. It is typically used to synchronise the system values and what actually exists in your warehouses. | 此工具可幫助您更新或修復系統中的庫存數量和價值。它通常被用於同步系統值和實際存在於您的倉庫。 |
2036 | In Words will be visible once you save the Delivery Note. | 送貨單一被儲存,就會顯示出來。 |
2037 | Unverified Webhook Data | 未經驗證的Webhook數據 |
2038 | Student {0} - {1} appears Multiple times in row {2} & {3} | 學生{0} - {1}出現連續中多次{2}和{3} |
2039 | Two-way | 雙向 |
2040 | Day to Send | 發送日 |
2041 | Manage Sample Collection | 管理樣品收集 |
2042 | Ignore Existing Ordered Quantity | 忽略現有的訂購數量 |
2043 | Please set the series to be used. | 請設置要使用的系列。 |
2044 | Tobacco Past Use | 煙草過去使用 |
2045 | Mode of Travel | 旅行模式 |
2046 | Brand Name | 商標名稱 |
2047 | Transporter Details | 貨運公司細節 |
2048 | Default warehouse is required for selected item | 默認倉庫需要選中的項目 |
2049 | Possible Supplier | 可能的供應商 |
2050 | Monthly Distribution | 月度分佈 |
2051 | Receiver List is empty. Please create Receiver List | 收受方列表為空。請創建收受方列表 |
2052 | Healthcare (beta) | 醫療保健(beta) |
2053 | Production Plan Sales Order | 生產計劃銷售訂單 |
2054 | No active BOM found for item {0}. Delivery by \
Serial No cannot be ensured | 未找到項{0}的有效BOM。無法確保交貨\串口號 |
2055 | Sales Partner Target | 銷售合作夥伴目標 |
2056 | Maximum Loan Amount | 最高貸款額度 |
2057 | Pricing Rule | 定價規則 |
2058 | Duplicate roll number for student {0} | 學生{0}的重複卷號 |
2059 | Duplicate roll number for student {0} | 學生{0}的重複卷號 |
2060 | Material Request to Purchase Order | 材料要求採購訂單 |
2061 | Row # {0}: Returned Item {1} does not exists in {2} {3} | 行#{0}:返回的項目{1}不存在{2} {3} |
2062 | Bank Accounts | 銀行帳戶 |
2063 | Bank Reconciliation Statement | 銀行對帳表 |
2064 | Medical Coding | 醫學編碼 |
2065 | Lead Name | 主導者名稱 |
2066 | Opening Stock Balance | 期初存貨餘額 |
2067 | Capital Work In Progress Account | 資本工作進行中的帳戶 |
2068 | Asset Value Adjustment | 資產價值調整 |
2069 | Payroll Date | 工資日期 |
2070 | {0} must appear only once | {0}必須只出現一次 |
2071 | Leaves Allocated Successfully for {0} | {0}的排假成功 |
2072 | No Items to pack | 無項目包裝 |
2073 | From Value | 從價值 |
2074 | Manufacturing Quantity is mandatory | 生產數量是必填的 |
2075 | Repayment Method | 還款方式 |
2076 | If checked, the Home page will be the default Item Group for the website | 如果選中,主頁將是網站的默認項目組 |
2077 | Reading 4 | 4閱讀 |
2078 | Students are at the heart of the system, add all your students | 學生在系統的心臟,添加所有的學生 |
2079 | Monthly Eligible Amount | 每月合格金額 |
2080 | Row #{0}: Clearance date {1} cannot be before Cheque Date {2} | 行#{0}:清除日期{1}無法支票日期前{2} |
2081 | Certificate Required | 證書要求 |
2082 | Default Holiday List | 預設假日表列 |
2083 | Supplier Group | 供應商集團 |
2084 | Row {0}: From Time and To Time of {1} is overlapping with {2} | 行{0}:從時間和結束時間{1}是具有重疊{2} |
2085 | Stock Liabilities | 現貨負債 |
2086 | Supplier Warehouse | 供應商倉庫 |
2087 | Contact Mobile No | 聯絡手機號碼 |
2088 | Select Company | 選擇公司 |
2089 | Material Requests for which Supplier Quotations are not created | 尚未建立供應商報價的材料需求 |
2090 | Estimated Cost Per Position | 估計的每位成本 |
2091 | User {0} doesn't have any default POS Profile. Check Default at Row {1} for this User. | 用戶{0}沒有任何默認的POS配置文件。檢查此用戶的行{1}處的默認值。 |
2092 | Employee Referral | 員工推薦 |
2093 | The day(s) on which you are applying for leave are holidays. You need not apply for leave. | 這一天(S)對你所申請休假的假期。你不需要申請許可。 |
2094 | Primary Address and Contact Detail | 主要地址和聯繫人詳情 |
2095 | Resend Payment Email | 重新發送付款電子郵件 |
2096 | New task | 新任務 |
2097 | Appointment | 約定 |
2098 | Make Quotation | 請報價 |
2099 | Other Reports | 其他報告 |
2100 | Please select at least one domain. | 請選擇至少一個域名。 |
2101 | Dependent Task | 相關任務 |
2102 | Shopify Tax Account | Shopify稅收帳戶 |
2103 | Conversion factor for default Unit of Measure must be 1 in row {0} | 預設計量單位的轉換因子必須是1在行{0} |
2104 | Leave of type {0} cannot be longer than {1} | 請假類型{0}不能長於{1} |
2105 | Optimize Route | 優化路線 |
2106 | Try planning operations for X days in advance. | 嘗試提前X天規劃作業。 |
2107 | {0} vacancies and {1} budget for {2} already planned for subsidiary companies of {3}. \
You can only plan for upto {4} vacancies and and budget {5} as per staffing plan {6} for parent company {3}. | 已為{3}的子公司計劃{2}的{0}空缺和{1}預算。 \根據母公司{3}的員工計劃{6},您只能計劃最多{4}個職位空缺和預算{5}。 |
2108 | Please set Default Payroll Payable Account in Company {0} | 請公司設定默認應付職工薪酬帳戶{0} |
2109 | Get financial breakup of Taxes and charges data by Amazon | 通過亞馬遜獲取稅收和收費數據的財務分解 |
2110 | Receiver List | 收受方列表 |
2111 | Search Item | 搜索項目 |
2112 | Payment Amount | 付款金額 |
2113 | Half Day Date should be in between Work From Date and Work End Date | 半天日期應在工作日期和工作結束日期之間 |
2114 | Healthcare Service Items | 醫療服務項目 |
2115 | Net Change in Cash | 現金淨變動 |
2116 | Grading Scale | 分級量表 |
2117 | Unit of Measure {0} has been entered more than once in Conversion Factor Table | 計量單位{0}已經進入不止一次在轉換係數表 |
2118 | Already completed | 已經完成 |
2119 | Stock In Hand | 庫存在手 |
2120 | Please add the remaining benefits {0} to the application as \
pro-rata component | 請將剩餘的權益{0}作為\ pro-rata組件添加到應用程序中 |
2121 | Import Successful! | 導入成功! |
2122 | Payment Request already exists {0} | 付款申請已經存在{0} |
2123 | Cost of Issued Items | 發布項目成本 |
2124 | Hospital | 醫院 |
2125 | Quantity must not be more than {0} | 數量必須不超過{0} |
2126 | Funded Amount | 資助金額 |
2127 | Previous Financial Year is not closed | 上一財政年度未關閉 |
2128 | Practitioner Schedule | 從業者時間表 |
2129 | Age (Days) | 時間(天) |
2130 | Additional Salary | 額外的薪水 |
2131 | Quotation Item | 產品報價 |
2132 | Account Name | 帳戶名稱 |
2133 | From Date cannot be greater than To Date | 起始日期不能大於結束日期 |
2134 | Serial No {0} quantity {1} cannot be a fraction | 序列號{0}的數量量{1}不能是分數 |
2135 | Please enter Woocommerce Server URL | 請輸入Woocommerce服務器網址 |
2136 | Supplier Part Number | 供應商零件編號 |
2137 | All the mandatory Task for employee creation hasn't been done yet. | 所有員工創建的強制性任務尚未完成。 |
2138 | Credit Controller | 信用控制器 |
2139 | Applicant Type | 申請人類型 |
2140 | 03-Deficiency in services | 03-服務不足 |
2141 | Default Medical Code Standard | 默認醫療代碼標準 |
2142 | Purchase Receipt {0} is not submitted | 採購入庫單{0}未提交 |
2143 | Default Payable Account | 預設應付帳款科目 |
2144 | Settings for online shopping cart such as shipping rules, price list etc. | 設定線上購物車,如航運規則,價格表等 |
2145 | {0}% Billed | {0}%已開立帳單 |
2146 | Reserved Qty | 保留數量 |
2147 | Party Account | 參與者科目 |
2148 | Please select Company and Designation | 請選擇公司和指定 |
2149 | Human Resources | 人力資源 |
2150 | Reject | 拒絕 |
2151 | Debit in Company Currency | 借記卡在公司貨幣 |
2152 | BOM Item | BOM項目 |
2153 | For Employee | 對於員工 |
2154 | Make Disbursement Entry | 請輸入支付 |
2155 | Row {0}: Advance against Supplier must be debit | 行{0}:提前對供應商必須扣除 |
2156 | Default Values | 默認值 |
2157 | Total Amount Reimbursed | 報銷金額合計 |
2158 | This is based on logs against this Vehicle. See timeline below for details | 這是基於對本車輛的日誌。詳情請參閱以下時間表 |
2159 | Payroll date can not be less than employee's joining date | 工資日期不能低於員工的加入日期 |
2160 | {0} {1} created | 已創建{0} {1} |
2161 | Job Openings for designation {0} already open \
or hiring completed as per Staffing Plan {1} | 指定{0}的職位空缺已根據人員配置計劃{1}已打開或正在招聘 |
2162 | Constipated | 大便乾燥 |
2163 | Against Supplier Invoice {0} dated {1} | 對供應商發票{0}日期{1} |
2164 | Default Price List | 預設價格表 |
2165 | Asset Movement record {0} created | 資產運動記錄{0}創建 |
2166 | No items found. | 未找到任何項目。 |
2167 | You cannot delete Fiscal Year {0}. Fiscal Year {0} is set as default in Global Settings | 您不能刪除會計年度{0}。會計年度{0}設置為默認的全局設置 |
2168 | Equity/Liability Account | 庫存/負債科目 |
2169 | A customer with the same name already exists | 一個同名的客戶已經存在 |
2170 | Inactive | 待用 |
2171 | This will submit Salary Slips and create accrual Journal Entry. Do you want to proceed? | 這將提交工資單,並創建權責發生製日記賬分錄。你想繼續嗎? |
2172 | Total Net Weight | 總淨重 |
2173 | Order Confirmation No | 訂單確認號 |
2174 | Eligibility For ITC | 適用於ITC的資格 |
2175 | Entry Type | 條目類型 |
2176 | Customer Credit Balance | 客戶信用平衡 |
2177 | Net Change in Accounts Payable | 應付帳款淨額變化 |
2178 | Credit limit has been crossed for customer {0} ({1}/{2}) | 客戶{0}({1} / {2})的信用額度已超過 |
2179 | Customer required for 'Customerwise Discount' | 需要' Customerwise折扣“客戶 |
2180 | Update bank payment dates with journals. | 更新與日記帳之銀行付款日期。 |
2181 | Pricing | 價錢 |
2182 | Term Details | 長期詳情 |
2183 | Employee Incentive | 員工激勵 |
2184 | Cannot enroll more than {0} students for this student group. | 不能註冊超過{0}學生該學生群體更多。 |
2185 | Total (Without Tax) | 總計(不含稅) |
2186 | Lead Count | 鉛計數 |
2187 | Lead Count | 鉛計數 |
2188 | Stock Available | 現貨供應 |
2189 | Capacity Planning For (Days) | 產能規劃的範圍(天) |
2190 | Procurement | 採購 |
2191 | None of the items have any change in quantity or value. | 沒有一個項目無論在數量或價值的任何變化。 |
2192 | Mandatory field - Program | 強制性領域 - 計劃 |
2193 | Mandatory field - Program | 強制性領域 - 計劃 |
2194 | Result Component | 結果組件 |
2195 | Warranty Claim | 保修索賠 |
2196 | Lead Details | 潛在客戶詳情 |
2197 | Loan repayment | 償還借款 |
2198 | Asset Account | 資產科目 |
2199 | End date of current invoice's period | 當前發票的期限的最後一天 |
2200 | Applicable For | 適用 |
2201 | Technician Name | 技術員姓名 |
2202 | Cannot ensure delivery by Serial No as \
Item {0} is added with and without Ensure Delivery by \
Serial No. | 無法通過序列號確保交貨,因為\項目{0}是否添加了確保交貨\序列號 |
2203 | Unlink Payment on Cancellation of Invoice | 取消鏈接在發票上的取消付款 |
2204 | Current Odometer reading entered should be greater than initial Vehicle Odometer {0} | 進入當前的里程表讀數應該比最初的車輛里程表更大的{0} |
2205 | No Show | 沒有出現 |
2206 | Shipping Rule Country | 航運規則國家 |
2207 | Leave and Attendance | 假離和缺勤 |
2208 | Comprehensive Insurance | 綜合保險 |
2209 | Loyalty Point: {0} | 忠誠度積分:{0} |
2210 | Add Leads | 添加潛在客戶 |
2211 | Include holidays within leaves as leaves | 休假中包含節日做休假 |
2212 | Redemption | 贖回 |
2213 | Packed Items | 盒裝項目 |
2214 | Tax Withholding Rates | 預扣稅率 |
2215 | Warranty Claim against Serial No. | 針對序列號保修索賠 |
2216 | 'Total' | '總數' |
2217 | Collection Tier | 收集層 |
2218 | From date can not be less than employee's joining date | 起始日期不得少於員工的加入日期 |
2219 | Advance paid against {0} {1} cannot be greater \
than Grand Total {2} | 推動打擊{0} {1}不能大於付出\超過總計{2} |
2220 | Medication | 藥物治療 |
2221 | Include Non Stock Items | 包括非庫存項目 |
2222 | Challenging/Slow | 具有挑戰性/慢 |
2223 | Please select item code | 請選擇商品代碼 |
2224 | Studying in Same Institute | 就讀於同一研究所 |
2225 | Earned Leave | 獲得休假 |
2226 | Salary Details | 薪資明細 |
2227 | Territory Manager | 區域經理 |
2228 | To Warehouse (Optional) | 倉庫(可選) |
2229 | GST Accounts | GST科目 |
2230 | Paid Amount (Company Currency) | 支付的金額(公司貨幣) |
2231 | Additional Discount | 更多優惠 |
2232 | Selling Settings | 銷售設置 |
2233 | Online Auctions | 網上拍賣 |
2234 | Please specify either Quantity or Valuation Rate or both | 請註明無論是數量或估價率或兩者 |
2235 | Fulfillment | 履行 |
2236 | View in Cart | 查看你的購物車 |
2237 | Marketing Expenses | 市場推廣開支 |
2238 | Item Shortage Report | 商品短缺報告 |
2239 | Can't create standard criteria. Please rename the criteria | 無法創建標準條件。請重命名標準 |
2240 | Weight is mentioned,\nPlease mention "Weight UOM" too | 重量被提及,請同時註明“重量計量單位” |
2241 | Material Request used to make this Stock Entry | 做此存貨分錄所需之物料需求 |
2242 | Hub Password | 集線器密碼 |
2243 | Separate course based Group for every Batch | 為每個批次分離基於課程的組 |
2244 | Separate course based Group for every Batch | 為每個批次分離基於課程的組 |
2245 | Single unit of an Item. | 該產品的一個單元。 |
2246 | Fee Category | 收費類別 |
2247 | Next Business Day | 下一個營業日 |
2248 | Allocated Leaves | 分配的葉子 |
2249 | Dosage by time interval | 劑量按時間間隔 |
2250 | Section Header | 章節標題 |
2251 | Student Fee Collection | 學生費徵收 |
2252 | Appointment Duration (mins) | 預約時間(分鐘) |
2253 | Make Accounting Entry For Every Stock Movement | 為每股份轉移做會計分錄 |
2254 | Total Leaves Allocated | 已安排的休假總計 |
2255 | Please enter valid Financial Year Start and End Dates | 請輸入有效的財政年度開始和結束日期 |
2256 | Date Of Retirement | 退休日 |
2257 | Get Template | 獲取模板 |
2258 | Sales Person Commission Summary | 銷售人員委員會摘要 |
2259 | Additional Salary Component | 額外的薪資組件 |
2260 | Transferred | 轉入 |
2261 | Doors | 門 |
2262 | ERPNext Setup Complete! | ERPNext設定完成! |
2263 | Collect Fee for Patient Registration | 收取病人登記費 |
2264 | Cannot change Attributes after stock transaction. Make a new Item and transfer stock to the new Item | 庫存交易後不能更改屬性。創建一個新項目並將庫存轉移到新項目 |
2265 | Weightage | 權重 |
2266 | Tax Breakup | 稅收分解 |
2267 | Joining Details | 加入詳情 |
2268 | Non Profit Member | 非盈利會員 |
2269 | {0} {1}: Cost Center is required for 'Profit and Loss' account {2}. Please set up a default Cost Center for the Company. | {0} {1}:需要的損益“科目成本中心{2}。請設置為公司默認的成本中心。 |
2270 | A Customer Group exists with same name please change the Customer name or rename the Customer Group | 客戶群組存在相同名稱,請更改客戶名稱或重新命名客戶群組 |
2271 | Area | 區 |
2272 | New Contact | 新建聯絡人 |
2273 | Company Description | 公司介紹 |
2274 | Parent Territory | 家長領地 |
2275 | Place of Supply | 供貨地點 |
2276 | Employee {0} already submited an apllication {1} for the payroll period {2} | 員工{0}已經在工資期間{2}提交了申請{1} |
2277 | Material Receipt | 收料 |
2278 | Submit/Reconcile Payments | 提交/協調付款 |
2279 | Products | 產品 |
2280 | Instructor | 講師 |
2281 | Select Item (optional) | 選擇項目(可選) |
2282 | The Loyalty Program isn't valid for the selected company | 忠誠度計劃對所選公司無效 |
2283 | Fee Schedule Student Group | 費用計劃學生組 |
2284 | If this item has variants, then it cannot be selected in sales orders etc. | 如果此項目已變種,那麼它不能在銷售訂單等選擇 |
2285 | Next Contact By | 下一個聯絡人由 |
2286 | Compensatory Leave Request | 補償請假 |
2287 | Quantity required for Item {0} in row {1} | 列{1}項目{0}必須有數量 |
2288 | Warehouse {0} can not be deleted as quantity exists for Item {1} | 倉庫{0} 不能被刪除因為項目{1}還有庫存 |
2289 | Order Type | 訂單類型 |
2290 | Item-wise Sales Register | 項目明智的銷售登記 |
2291 | Gross Purchase Amount | 總購買金額 |
2292 | Opening Balances | 期初餘額 |
2293 | Depreciation Method | 折舊方法 |
2294 | Is this Tax included in Basic Rate? | 包括在基本速率此稅? |
2295 | Total Target | 總目標 |
2296 | Applicant for a Job | 申請人作業 |
2297 | Production Plan Material Request | 生產計劃申請材料 |
2298 | Release Date | 發布日期 |
2299 | Reconciliation JSON | JSON對賬 |
2300 | Too many columns. Export the report and print it using a spreadsheet application. | 過多的列數。請導出報表,並使用試算表程式進行列印。 |
2301 | Batch No | 批號 |
2302 | Hub Seller Name | 集線器賣家名稱 |
2303 | Employee Advances | 員工發展 |
2304 | Allow multiple Sales Orders against a Customer's Purchase Order | 允許多個銷售訂單對客戶的採購訂單 |
2305 | Student Group Instructor | 學生組教練 |
2306 | Student Group Instructor | 學生組教練 |
2307 | Assessment Mark (Out of 10) | 評估標記(滿分10分) |
2308 | Guardian2 Mobile No | Guardian2手機號碼 |
2309 | Main | 主頁 |
2310 | Following item {0} is not marked as {1} item. You can enable them as {1} item from its Item master | 項目{0}之後未標記為{1}項目。您可以從項目主文件中將它們作為{1}項啟用 |
2311 | Variant | 變種 |
2312 | For an item {0}, quantity must be negative number | 對於商品{0},數量必須是負數 |
2313 | Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions | 為你的交易編號序列設置的前綴 |
2314 | Default BOM ({0}) must be active for this item or its template | 預設BOM({0})必須是活動的這個項目或者其模板 |
2315 | Leave Encashed? | 離開兌現? |
2316 | Opportunity From field is mandatory | 機會從字段是強制性的 |
2317 | Variants | 變種 |
2318 | Make Purchase Order | 製作採購訂單 |
2319 | Send To | 發送到 |
2320 | There is not enough leave balance for Leave Type {0} | 沒有足夠的餘額休假請假類型{0} |
2321 | Allocated amount | 分配量 |
2322 | Contribution to Net Total | 貢獻淨合計 |
2323 | Customer's Item Code | 客戶的產品編號 |
2324 | Stock Reconciliation | 庫存調整 |
2325 | Territory Name | 地區名稱 |
2326 | Purchase Orders to Receive | 要收貨的採購訂單 |
2327 | Work-in-Progress Warehouse is required before Submit | 提交之前,需要填入在製品倉庫 |
2328 | You can only have Plans with the same billing cycle in a Subscription | 您只能在訂閱中擁有相同結算週期的計劃 |
2329 | Mapped Data | 映射數據 |
2330 | Warehouse and Reference | 倉庫及參考 |
2331 | Payroll Period Date | 工資期間日期 |
2332 | Statutory info and other general information about your Supplier | 供應商的法定資訊和其他一般資料 |
2333 | Serial Nos and Batches | 序列號和批號 |
2334 | Serial Nos and Batches | 序列號和批號 |
2335 | Student Group Strength | 學生群體力量 |
2336 | Student Group Strength | 學生群體力量 |
2337 | Against Journal Entry {0} does not have any unmatched {1} entry | 對日記條目{0}沒有任何無與倫比{1}進入 |
2338 | Subsidiary companies have already planned for {1} vacancies at a budget of {2}. \
Staffing Plan for {0} should allocate more vacancies and budget for {3} than planned for its subsidiary companies | 子公司已經計劃{2}的預算{1}空缺。 \ {0}的人員配備計劃應為其子公司分配更多空缺和預算{3} |
2339 | Appraisals | 估價 |
2340 | Training Events | 培訓活動 |
2341 | Duplicate Serial No entered for Item {0} | 重複的序列號輸入的項目{0} |
2342 | Track Leads by Lead Source. | 通過鉛源追踪潛在客戶。 |
2343 | A condition for a Shipping Rule | 為運輸規則的條件 |
2344 | Please enter | 請輸入 |
2345 | Maintenance Log | 維護日誌 |
2346 | Please set filter based on Item or Warehouse | 根據項目或倉庫請設置過濾器 |
2347 | The net weight of this package. (calculated automatically as sum of net weight of items) | 淨重這個包。 (當項目的淨重量總和自動計算) |
2348 | Make Inter Company Journal Entry | 使公司日記帳分錄 |
2349 | Discount amount cannot be greater than 100% | 折扣金額不能大於100% |
2350 | Number of new Cost Center, it will be included in the cost center name as a prefix | 新成本中心的數量,它將作為前綴包含在成本中心名稱中 |
2351 | To Deliver and Bill | 準備交貨及開立發票 |
2352 | Instructors | 教師 |
2353 | Credit Amount in Account Currency | 在科目幣金額 |
2354 | BOM {0} must be submitted | BOM {0}必須提交 |
2355 | Authorization Control | 授權控制 |
2356 | Row #{0}: Rejected Warehouse is mandatory against rejected Item {1} | 行#{0}:拒絕倉庫是強制性的反對否決項{1} |
2357 | Warehouse {0} is not linked to any account, please mention the account in the warehouse record or set default inventory account in company {1}. | 倉庫{0}未與任何科目關聯,請在倉庫記錄中設定科目,或在公司{1}中設置默認庫存科目。 |
2358 | Manage your orders | 管理您的訂單 |
2359 | Actual Time and Cost | 實際時間和成本 |
2360 | Material Request of maximum {0} can be made for Item {1} against Sales Order {2} | 針對銷售訂單{2}的項目{1},最多可以有 {0} 被完成。 |
2361 | Crop Spacing | 作物間距 |
2362 | Course Abbreviation | 當然縮寫 |
2363 | Action if Annual Budget Exceeded on PO | 年度預算超出採購訂單時採取的行動 |
2364 | Student Leave Application | 學生請假申請 |
2365 | Will also apply for variants | 同時將申請變種 |
2366 | Asset cannot be cancelled, as it is already {0} | 資產不能被取消,因為它已經是{0} |
2367 | Employee {0} on Half day on {1} | 員工{0}上半天{1} |
2368 | Total working hours should not be greater than max working hours {0} | 總的工作時間不應超過最高工時更大{0} |
2369 | On | 開啟 |
2370 | Bundle items at time of sale. | 在銷售時捆綁項目。 |
2371 | Dispatch Settings | 發貨設置 |
2372 | Actual Qty | 實際數量 |
2373 | References | 參考 |
2374 | Serial nos {0} does not belongs to the location {1} | 序列號{0}不屬於位置{1} |
2375 | Barcodes | 條形碼 |
2376 | Hub Node | 樞紐節點 |
2377 | You have entered duplicate items. Please rectify and try again. | 您輸入重複的項目。請糾正,然後再試一次。 |
2378 | Associate | 關聯 |
2379 | Asset Movement | 資產運動 |
2380 | Work Order {0} must be submitted | 必須提交工單{0} |
2381 | New Cart | 新的車 |
2382 | From Amount | 從金額 |
2383 | Item {0} is not a serialized Item | 項{0}不是一個序列化的項目 |
2384 | Encashment | 兌現 |
2385 | Delivery Settings | 交貨設置 |
2386 | Fetch Data | 獲取數據 |
2387 | Maximum leave allowed in the leave type {0} is {1} | 假期類型{0}允許的最大休假是{1} |
2388 | Create Receiver List | 創建接收器列表 |
2389 | Available-for-use Date should be after purchase date | 可供使用的日期應在購買日期之後 |
2390 | Wheels | 車輪 |
2391 | To Package No. | 以包號 |
2392 | Deferred Revenue Account | 遞延收入科目 |
2393 | Material Requests | 材料要求 |
2394 | Issue Date | 發行日期 |
2395 | Activity Cost | 項目成本 |
2396 | Timesheet Detail | 詳細時間表 |
2397 | Consumed Qty | 消耗的數量 |
2398 | Telecommunications | 電信 |
2399 | Billing currency must be equal to either default company's currency or party account currency | 帳單貨幣必須等於默認公司的貨幣或科目幣種 |
2400 | Indicates that the package is a part of this delivery (Only Draft) | 表示該包是這個交付的一部分(僅草案) |
2401 | Row {0}: Due Date cannot be before posting date | 行{0}:到期日期不能在發布日期之前 |
2402 | Make Payment Entry | 製作付款分錄 |
2403 | Quantity for Item {0} must be less than {1} | 項目{0}的數量必須小於{1} |
2404 | Sales Invoice Trends | 銷售發票趨勢 |
2405 | Apply / Approve Leaves | 申請/審批葉 |
2406 | Can refer row only if the charge type is 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'Previous Row Total' | 可以參考的行只有在充電類型是“在上一行量'或'前行總計” |
2407 | Delivery Warehouse | 交貨倉庫 |
2408 | Earned Leave Frequency | 獲得休假頻率 |
2409 | Tree of financial Cost Centers. | 財務成本中心的樹。 |
2410 | Sub Type | 子類型 |
2411 | Delivery Document No | 交貨證明文件號碼 |
2412 | Ensure Delivery Based on Produced Serial No | 確保基於生產的序列號的交貨 |
2413 | Please set 'Gain/Loss Account on Asset Disposal' in Company {0} | 請公司制定“關於資產處置收益/損失科目”{0} |
2414 | Get Items From Purchase Receipts | 從採購入庫單取得項目 |
2415 | Creation Date | 創建日期 |
2416 | Target Location is required for the asset {0} | 目標位置是資產{0}所必需的 |
2417 | Selling must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0} | 銷售必須進行檢查,如果適用於被選擇為{0} |
2418 | Material Request Date | 材料申請日期 |
2419 | Supplier Quotation Item | 供應商報價項目 |
2420 | Material Consumption is not set in Manufacturing Settings. | 材料消耗未在生產設置中設置。 |
2421 | Visit the forums | 訪問論壇 |
2422 | Student Mobile Number | 學生手機號碼 |
2423 | Has Variants | 有變種 |
2424 | Claim Benefit For | 索賠利益 |
2425 | Update Response | 更新響應 |
2426 | You have already selected items from {0} {1} | 您已經選擇從項目{0} {1} |
2427 | Name of the Monthly Distribution | 每月分配的名稱 |
2428 | Batch ID is mandatory | 批號是必需的 |
2429 | Batch ID is mandatory | 批號是必需的 |
2430 | Parent Sales Person | 母公司銷售人員 |
2431 | No items to be received are overdue | 沒有收到的物品已逾期 |
2432 | The seller and the buyer cannot be the same | 賣方和買方不能相同 |
2433 | Collect Progress | 收集進度 |
2434 | Select the program first | 首先選擇程序 |
2435 | Patient Age | 患者年齡 |
2436 | Managing Projects | 項目管理 |
2437 | Serial no {0} has been already returned | 序列號{0}已被返回 |
2438 | Supplier of Goods or Services. | 供應商的商品或服務。 |
2439 | Fiscal Year | 財政年度 |
2440 | Planned | 計劃 |
2441 | A {0} exists between {1} and {2} ( | {1}和{2}之間存在{0}( |
2442 | Fuel Price | 燃油價格 |
2443 | Margin Money | 保證金 |
2444 | Budget | 預算 |
2445 | Set Open | 設置打開 |
2446 | Fixed Asset Item must be a non-stock item. | 固定資產項目必須是一個非庫存項目。 |
2447 | Budget cannot be assigned against {0}, as it's not an Income or Expense account | 財政預算案不能對{0}指定的,因為它不是一個收入或支出科目 |
2448 | Max exemption amount for {0} is {1} | {0}的最大免除金額為{1} |
2449 | Achieved | 已實現 |
2450 | Application Form Route | 申請表路線 |
2451 | Leave Type {0} cannot be allocated since it is leave without pay | 休假類型{0},因為它是停薪留職無法分配 |
2452 | Row {0}: Allocated amount {1} must be less than or equals to invoice outstanding amount {2} | 行{0}:已分配量{1}必須小於或等於發票餘額{2} |
2453 | In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Invoice. | 銷售發票一被儲存,就會顯示出來。 |
2454 | Follow Up | 跟進 |
2455 | Is Sales Item | 是銷售項目 |
2456 | Item Group Tree | 項目群組的樹狀結構 |
2457 | Item {0} is not setup for Serial Nos. Check Item master | 項目{0}的序列號未設定,請檢查項目主檔 |
2458 | Maintenance Time | 維護時間 |
2459 | Amount to Deliver | 量交付 |
2460 | Insurance Start Date | 保險開始日期 |
2461 | Flexible Benefits | 靈活的好處 |
2462 | Same item has been entered multiple times. {0} | 相同的物品已被多次輸入。 {0} |
2463 | The Term Start Date cannot be earlier than the Year Start Date of the Academic Year to which the term is linked (Academic Year {}). Please correct the dates and try again. | 這個詞開始日期不能超過哪個術語鏈接學年的開學日期較早(學年{})。請更正日期,然後再試一次。 |
2464 | There were errors. | 有錯誤。 |
2465 | Employee {0} has already applied for {1} between {2} and {3} : | 員工{0}已在{2}和{3}之間申請{1}: |
2466 | Guardian Interests | 守護興趣 |
2467 | Update Account Name / Number | 更新帳戶名稱/號碼 |
2468 | Current Value | 當前值 |
2469 | Multiple fiscal years exist for the date {0}. Please set company in Fiscal Year | 多個會計年度的日期{0}存在。請設置公司財年 |
2470 | Instructor Records to be created by | 導師記錄由 |
2471 | {0} created | {0}已新增 |
2472 | GST Account | GST帳戶 |
2473 | Against Sales Order | 對銷售訂單 |
2474 | Serial No Status | 序列號狀態 |
2475 | Outstanding | 優秀 |
2476 | Daily Timesheet Summary | 每日時間表摘要 |
2477 | Row {0}: To set {1} periodicity, difference between from and to date \
must be greater than or equal to {2} | 行{0}:設置{1}的週期性,從和到日期\
之間差必須大於或等於{2} |
2478 | This is based on stock movement. See {0} for details | 這是基於庫存移動。見{0}詳情 |
2479 | Selling | 銷售 |
2480 | Amount {0} {1} deducted against {2} | 金額{0} {1}抵扣{2} |
2481 | Website Item Group | 網站項目群組 |
2482 | No salary slip found to submit for the above selected criteria OR salary slip already submitted | 沒有發現提交上述選定標准或已提交工資單的工資單 |
2483 | Duties and Taxes | 關稅和稅款 |
2484 | Projects Settings | 項目設置 |
2485 | Please enter Reference date | 參考日期請輸入 |
2486 | {0} payment entries can not be filtered by {1} | {0}付款分錄不能由{1}過濾 |
2487 | Table for Item that will be shown in Web Site | 表項,將在網站顯示出來 |
2488 | Supplied Qty | 附送數量 |
2489 | Material Request Item | 物料需求項目 |
2490 | Please cancel Purchase Receipt {0} first | 請先取消購買收據{0} |
2491 | Tree of Item Groups. | 項目群組樹。 |
2492 | Total Produced Qty | 總生產數量 |
2493 | Cannot refer row number greater than or equal to current row number for this Charge type | 不能引用的行號大於或等於當前行號碼提供給充電式 |
2494 | Item-wise Purchase History | 全部項目的購買歷史 |
2495 | Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to fetch Serial No added for Item {0} | 請點擊“生成表”來獲取序列號增加了對項目{0} |
2496 | Frozen | 凍結的 |
2497 | Vehicle Type | 車輛類型 |
2498 | Base Amount (Company Currency) | 基本金額(公司幣種) |
2499 | Raw Materials | 原料 |
2500 | Installation Time | 安裝時間 |