3.1 KiB
#Setting up PayPal
A payment gateway is an e-commerce application service provider service that authorizes credit card payments for e-businesses, online retailers, bricks and clicks, or traditional brick and mortar.
A payment gateway facilitates the transfer of information between a payment portal (such as a website, mobile phone or interactive voice response service) and the Front End Processor or acquiring bank.
####Step 1: Create PayPal service
Explore > Setup > Integration Service
Make a new Integration Service and select PayPal
as a service from dropdown then save the document.
After saving a document, click on PayPal Settings
button, to setup service.
####Step 2: Setup payment service
To enable PayPal payment service, you need to configure parameters like API Username, API Password and Signature.

You also can set test payment environment, by settings Use Sandbox
####Step 3: Enable Service After setting up credentials on PayPal Settings, go back to PayPal Service record and enable it. On enabling service, the system will create Payment Gateway record and Account head in chart of account with account type as Bank.

Also it will create Payment Gateway Account entry. Payment Gateway Account is configuration hub from this you can set account head from existing COA, default Payment Request email body template.

After enabling service and configuring Payment Gateway Account your system is able to accept online payments.
####Supporting transaction currencies AUD, BRL, CAD, CZK, DKK, EUR, HKD, HUF, ILS, JPY, MYR, MXN, TWD, NZD, NOK, PHP, PLN, GBP, RUB, SGD, SEK, CHF, THB, TRY, USD
##Get PayPal credentials
Paypal Sanbox API Signature
Login to paypal developer account, PayPal Developer Account
From this account profile you will get your sandbox api credentials