1 | (Half Day) | (Poludnevni) |
2 | .You can not assign / modify / remove Master Name | |
3 | Quantity should be greater than 0. | |
4 | after this transaction. | |
5 | against cost center | |
6 | against sales order | protiv prodajnog naloga |
7 | against same operation | protiv istog radu |
8 | already marked | Već obilježena |
9 | and fiscal year : | |
10 | and year: | i godina: |
11 | as it is stock Item or packing item | kao što je dionica artikla ili pakiranje stavku |
12 | at warehouse: | na skladištu: |
13 | budget | |
14 | can not be created/modified against stopped Sales Order | |
15 | can not be deleted | |
16 | can not be made. | ne može biti. |
17 | can not be received twice | |
18 | can only be debited/credited through Stock transactions | |
19 | created | |
20 | does not belong to | |
21 | does not belong to Warehouse | |
22 | does not belong to the company | ne pripadaju tvrtki |
23 | does not exists | |
24 | for account | |
25 | has been freezed. | je freezed. |
26 | is a frozen account. Either make the account active or assign role in Accounts Settings who can create / modify entries against this account | |
27 | is a frozen account. To create / edit transactions against this account, you need role | |
28 | is less than equals to zero in the system, valuation rate is mandatory for this item | |
29 | is mandatory | je obavezno |
30 | is mandatory for GL Entry | je obvezna za upis GL |
31 | is not a ledger | nije knjiga |
32 | is not active | nije aktivan |
33 | is not submitted document | |
34 | is now the default Fiscal Year. \
Please refresh your browser for the change to take effect. | |
35 | not active or does not exists in the system | Nije aktivan ili ne postoji u sustavu |
36 | or the BOM is cancelled or inactive | ili BOM je otkazan ili neaktivne |
37 | should be same as that in | bi trebao biti isti kao u |
38 | was on leave on | bio na dopustu na |
39 | will be | biti |
40 | will be created | |
41 | will be over-billed against mentioned | će biti više-naplaćeno protiv spomenuto |
42 | will become | će postati |
43 | will exceed by | |
44 | " does not exists | " Ne postoji |
45 | # ###.## | |
46 | #,### | |
47 | #,###.## | |
48 | #,###.### | |
49 | #,##,###.## | |
50 | #.### | |
51 | #.###,## | |
52 | % Delivered | Isporučena% |
53 | % Amount Billed | % Iznos Naplaćeno |
54 | % Billed | Naplaćeno% |
55 | % Completed | Završen% |
56 | % Delivered | % isporučeno |
57 | % Installed | Instalirani% |
58 | % Received | % Pozicija |
59 | % of materials billed against this Purchase Order. | % Materijala naplaćeno protiv ove narudžbenice. |
60 | % of materials billed against this Sales Order | % Materijala naplaćeno protiv ovog prodajnog naloga |
61 | % of materials delivered against this Delivery Note | % Materijala dostavljenih protiv ove otpremnici |
62 | % of materials delivered against this Sales Order | % Materijala dostavljenih od ovog prodajnog naloga |
63 | % of materials ordered against this Material Request | % Materijala naredio protiv ovog materijala Zahtjeva |
64 | % of materials received against this Purchase Order | % Materijala dobio protiv ove narudžbenice |
65 | %(conversion_rate_label)s is mandatory. Maybe Currency Exchange record is not created for %(from_currency)s to %(to_currency)s | % ( conversion_rate_label ) s je obavezno . Možda Mjenjačnica zapis nije stvoren za % ( from_currency ) s% ( to_currency ) s |
66 | ' in Company: | 'U tvrtki: |
67 | 'To Case No.' cannot be less than 'From Case No.' | 'Za Predmet br' ne može biti manja od 'Od Predmet br' |
68 | (Paid amount + Write Off Amount) can not be \
greater than Grand Total | |
69 | (Total) Net Weight value. Make sure that Net Weight of each item is | ( Ukupno ) Neto vrijednost težine . Uvjerite se da je neto težina svake stavke |
70 | * Will be calculated in the transaction. | * Hoće li biti izračunata u transakciji. |
71 | **Budget Distribution** helps you distribute your budget across months if you have seasonality in your business.
To distribute a budget using this distribution, set this **Budget Distribution** in the **Cost Center** | |
72 | **Currency** Master | Valuta ** ** Master |
73 | **Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**. | Fiskalna godina ** ** predstavlja financijsku godinu. Svi računovodstvene unose i druge glavne transakcije su praćeni od ** fiskalnu godinu **. |
74 | . Outstanding cannot be less than zero. \
Please match exact outstanding. | |
75 | . Please set status of the employee as 'Left' | . Molimo postavite status zaposlenika kao 'lijevi' |
76 | . You can not mark his attendance as 'Present' | . Ne možete označiti svoj dolazak kao "sadašnjost" |
77 | 01 | 01 |
78 | 02 | 02 |
79 | 03 | 03 |
80 | 04 | 04 |
81 | 05 | 05 |
82 | 06 | 06 |
83 | 07 | 07 |
84 | 08 | 08 |
85 | 09 | 09 |
86 | 1 Currency = [?] Fraction
For e.g. 1 USD = 100 Cent | |
87 | 1. To maintain the customer wise item code and to make them searchable based on their code use this option | 1. Za održavanje kupaca mudar Šifra i kako bi ih pretraživati na temelju svog koda koristiti ovu opciju |
88 | 10 | 10 |
89 | 11 | 11 |
90 | 12 | 12 |
91 | 2 | 2 |
92 | 3 | 3 |
93 | 4 | 4 |
94 | 5 | 5 |
95 | 6 | 6 |
96 | : Duplicate row from same | : Dvostruki red od istog |
97 | : It is linked to other active BOM(s) | : To je povezano s drugom aktivnom BOM (e) |
98 | : Mandatory for a Recurring Invoice. | : Obvezni za Ponavljajući fakture. |
99 | <a href="#Sales Browser/Customer Group">Add / Edit</a> | <a href="#Sales Browser/Customer Group"> Dodaj / Uredi < /> |
100 | <a href="#Sales Browser/Item Group">Add / Edit</a> | <a href="#Sales Browser/Item Group"> Dodaj / Uredi < /> |
101 | <a href="#Sales Browser/Territory">Add / Edit</a> | <a href="#Sales Browser/Territory"> Dodaj / Uredi < /> |
102 | <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security" target="_blank">[?]</a> | <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security" target"_blank"> [ ? ] < / a> |
103 | A Customer exists with same name | Kupac postoji s istim imenom |
104 | A Lead with this email id should exist | Olovo s ovom e-mail id trebala postojati |
105 | A Product or a Service that is bought, sold or kept in stock. | Proizvod ili usluga koji je kupio, prodao ili čuva u skladištu. |
106 | A Supplier exists with same name | Dobavljač postoji s istim imenom |
107 | A condition for a Shipping Rule | Uvjet za otprema pravilu |
108 | A logical Warehouse against which stock entries are made. | Logično Skladište protiv kojih dionica unosi su napravili. |
109 | A symbol for this currency. For e.g. $ | Simbol za ovu valutu. Za npr. $ |
110 | A third party distributor / dealer / commission agent / affiliate / reseller who sells the companies products for a commission. | Treća strana distributer / prodavač / komisionar / suradnik / prodavač koji prodaje tvrtke proizvode za proviziju. |
111 | A+ | + |
112 | A- | - |
113 | AB+ | AB + |
114 | AB- | AB- |
115 | AMC Expiry Date | AMC Datum isteka |
116 | AMC expiry date and maintenance status mismatched | AMC datum isteka i status održavanje neprilagođeno |
117 | ATT | ATT |
118 | Abbr | Abbr |
119 | About ERPNext | O ERPNext |
120 | Above Value | Iznad Vrijednost |
121 | Absent | Odsutan |
122 | Acceptance Criteria | Kriterij prihvaćanja |
123 | Accepted | Primljen |
124 | Accepted Quantity | Prihvaćeno Količina |
125 | Accepted Warehouse | Prihvaćeno galerija |
126 | Account | račun |
127 | Account | |
128 | Account Balance | Stanje računa |
129 | Account Details | Account Details |
130 | Account Head | Račun voditelj |
131 | Account Name | Naziv računa |
132 | Account Type | Vrsta računa |
133 | Account expires on | Račun istječe |
134 | Account for the warehouse (Perpetual Inventory) will be created under this Account. | Račun za skladište ( Perpetual inventar) stvorit će se na temelju ovog računa . |
135 | Account for this | Račun za to |
136 | Accounting | Računovodstvo |
137 | Accounting Entries are not allowed against groups. | Računovodstvenih unosa nije dopušteno protiv skupine . |
138 | Accounting Entries can be made against leaf nodes, called | Računovodstvo Prijave se mogu podnijeti protiv lisnih čvorova , pozvao |
139 | Accounting Year. | Računovodstvo godina. |
140 | Accounting entry frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except role specified below. | Knjiženje zamrznuta do tog datuma, nitko ne može učiniti / mijenjati ulazak, osim uloge naveden u nastavku. |
141 | Accounting journal entries. | Računovodstvo unosi u dnevnik. |
142 | Accounts | Računi |
143 | Accounts Frozen Upto | Računi Frozen Upto |
144 | Accounts Payable | Računi naplativo |
145 | Accounts Receivable | Potraživanja |
146 | Accounts Settings | Računi Postavke |
147 | Action | Akcija |
148 | Active | Aktivan |
149 | Active: Will extract emails from | Aktivno: Hoće li izdvojiti e-pošte iz |
150 | Activity | Djelatnost |
151 | Activity Log | Aktivnost Prijava |
152 | Activity Log: | Aktivnost Prijavite: |
153 | Activity Type | Aktivnost Tip |
154 | Actual | Stvaran |
155 | Actual Budget | Stvarni proračun |
156 | Actual Completion Date | Stvarni datum dovršenja |
157 | Actual Date | Stvarni datum |
158 | Actual End Date | Stvarni Datum završetka |
159 | Actual Invoice Date | Stvarni Datum fakture |
160 | Actual Posting Date | Stvarni datum knjiženja |
161 | Actual Qty | Stvarni Kol |
162 | Actual Qty (at source/target) | Stvarni Kol (na izvoru / ciljne) |
163 | Actual Qty After Transaction | Stvarni Kol Nakon transakcije |
164 | Actual Qty: Quantity available in the warehouse. | Stvarni Količina : Količina dostupni u skladištu . |
165 | Actual Quantity | Stvarni Količina |
166 | Actual Start Date | Stvarni datum početka |
167 | Add | Dodati |
168 | Add / Edit Taxes and Charges | Dodaj / Uredi poreza i pristojbi |
169 | Add Child | Dodaj dijete |
170 | Add Serial No | Dodaj rednim brojem |
171 | Add Taxes | Dodaj Porezi |
172 | Add Taxes and Charges | Dodaj poreze i troškove |
173 | Add or Deduct | Dodavanje ili Oduzmite |
174 | Add rows to set annual budgets on Accounts. | Dodavanje redaka postaviti godišnje proračune na računima. |
175 | Add to calendar on this date | Dodaj u kalendar ovog datuma |
176 | Add/Remove Recipients | Dodaj / Ukloni primatelja |
177 | Additional Info | Dodatne informacije |
178 | Address | Adresa |
179 | Address & Contact | Adresa & Kontakt |
180 | Address & Contacts | Adresa i kontakti |
181 | Address Desc | Adresa Desc |
182 | Address Details | Adresa Detalji |
183 | Address HTML | Adresa HTML |
184 | Address Line 1 | Adresa Linija 1 |
185 | Address Line 2 | Adresa Linija 2 |
186 | Address Title | Adresa Naslov |
187 | Address Type | Adresa Tip |
188 | Advance Amount | Predujam Iznos |
189 | Advance amount | Predujam iznos |
190 | Advances | Napredak |
191 | Advertisement | Reklama |
192 | After Sale Installations | Nakon prodaje postrojenja |
193 | Against | Protiv |
194 | Against Account | Protiv računa |
195 | Against Docname | Protiv Docname |
196 | Against Doctype | Protiv DOCTYPE |
197 | Against Document Detail No | Protiv dokumenta Detalj No |
198 | Against Document No | Protiv dokumentu nema |
199 | Against Expense Account | Protiv Rashodi račun |
200 | Against Income Account | Protiv računu dohotka |
201 | Against Journal Voucher | Protiv Journal Voucheru |
202 | Against Purchase Invoice | Protiv Kupnja fakture |
203 | Against Sales Invoice | Protiv prodaje fakture |
204 | Against Sales Order | Protiv prodajnog naloga |
205 | Against Voucher | Protiv Voucheru |
206 | Against Voucher Type | Protiv voucher vrsti |
207 | Ageing Based On | Starenje temelju On |
208 | Agent | Agent |
209 | Aggregate group of **Items** into another **Item**. This is useful if you are bundling a certain **Items** into a package and you maintain stock of the packed **Items** and not the aggregate **Item**.
The package **Item** will have "Is Stock Item" as "No" and "Is Sales Item" as "Yes".
For Example: If you are selling Laptops and Backpacks separately and have a special price if the customer buys both, then the Laptop + Backpack will be a new Sales BOM Item.
Note: BOM = Bill of Materials | |
210 | Aging Date | Starenje Datum |
211 | All Addresses. | Sve adrese. |
212 | All Contact | Sve Kontakt |
213 | All Contacts. | Svi kontakti. |
214 | All Customer Contact | Sve Kupac Kontakt |
215 | All Day | All Day |
216 | All Employee (Active) | Sve zaposlenika (aktivna) |
217 | All Lead (Open) | Sve Olovo (Otvoreno) |
218 | All Products or Services. | Svi proizvodi i usluge. |
219 | All Sales Partner Contact | Sve Kontakt Prodaja partner |
220 | All Sales Person | Sve Prodaje Osoba |
221 | All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets. | Sve transakcije prodaje mogu biti označene protiv više osoba ** prodajnim **, tako da možete postaviti i pratiti ciljeve. |
222 | All Supplier Contact | Sve Dobavljač Kontakt |
223 | All Supplier Types | Sve vrste Supplier |
224 | All export related fields like currency, conversion rate, export total, export grand total etc are available in <br>
Delivery Note, POS, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order etc. | |
225 | All import related fields like currency, conversion rate, import total, import grand total etc are available in <br>
Purchase Receipt, Supplier Quotation, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Order etc. | |
226 | Allocate | Dodijeliti |
227 | Allocate leaves for the year. | Dodjela lišće za godinu dana. |
228 | Allocated Amount | Dodijeljeni iznos |
229 | Allocated Budget | Dodijeljeni proračuna |
230 | Allocated amount | Dodijeljeni iznos |
231 | Allow Bill of Materials | Dopustite Bill materijala |
232 | Allow Dropbox Access | Dopusti pristup Dropbox |
233 | Allow For Users | Dopustite Za korisnike |
234 | Allow Google Drive Access | Dopusti pristup Google Drive |
235 | Allow Negative Balance | Dopustite negativan saldo |
236 | Allow Negative Stock | Dopustite negativnu Stock |
237 | Allow Production Order | Dopustite proizvodnom nalogu |
238 | Allow User | Dopusti korisnika |
239 | Allow Users | Omogućiti korisnicima |
240 | Allow the following users to approve Leave Applications for block days. | Dopusti sljedeći korisnici odobriti ostavite aplikacije za blok dana. |
241 | Allow user to edit Price List Rate in transactions | Dopustite korisniku da uredite Ocijenite cjeniku u prometu |
242 | Allowance Percent | Dodatak posto |
243 | Allowed Role to Edit Entries Before Frozen Date | Dopuštenih uloga za uređivanje upise Prije Frozen Datum |
244 | Always use above Login Id as sender | Uvijek koristite iznad Id Prijava kao pošiljatelja |
245 | Amended From | Izmijenjena Od |
246 | Amount | Iznos |
247 | Amount (Company Currency) | Iznos (Društvo valuta) |
248 | Amount <= | Iznos <= |
249 | Amount >= | Iznos> = |
250 | Amount to Bill | Iznositi Billa |
251 | Analytics | Analitika |
252 | Another Period Closing Entry | Drugi period Zatvaranje Stupanje |
253 | Another Salary Structure '%s' is active for employee '%s'. Please make its status 'Inactive' to proceed. | Drugi Plaća Struktura ' % s ' je aktivan zaposlenik ' % s ' . Molimo da svoj status ' Neaktivan ' za nastavak . |
254 | Any other comments, noteworthy effort that should go in the records. | Svi ostali komentari, značajan napor da bi trebao ići u evidenciji. |
255 | Applicable Holiday List | Primjenjivo odmor Popis |
256 | Applicable Territory | primjenjivo teritorij |
257 | Applicable To (Designation) | Odnosi se na (Oznaka) |
258 | Applicable To (Employee) | Odnosi se na (Radnik) |
259 | Applicable To (Role) | Odnosi se na (uloga) |
260 | Applicable To (User) | Odnosi se na (Upute) |
261 | Applicant Name | Podnositelj zahtjeva Ime |
262 | Applicant for a Job | Podnositelj zahtjeva za posao |
263 | Applicant for a Job. | Podnositelj prijave za posao. |
264 | Applications for leave. | Prijave za odmor. |
265 | Applies to Company | Odnosi se na Društvo |
266 | Apply / Approve Leaves | Nanesite / Odobri lišće |
267 | Appraisal | Procjena |
268 | Appraisal Goal | Procjena gol |
269 | Appraisal Goals | Ocjenjivanje Golovi |
270 | Appraisal Template | Procjena Predložak |
271 | Appraisal Template Goal | Procjena Predložak cilja |
272 | Appraisal Template Title | Procjena Predložak Naslov |
273 | Approval Status | Status odobrenja |
274 | Approved | Odobren |
275 | Approver | Odobritelj |
276 | Approving Role | Odobravanje ulogu |
277 | Approving User | Odobravanje korisnika |
278 | Are you sure you want to STOP | |
279 | Are you sure you want to UNSTOP | |
280 | Arrear Amount | Iznos unatrag |
281 | As Production Order can be made for this item, \
it must be a stock item. | |
282 | As existing qty for item: | Kao postojeće Qty za stavke: |
283 | As per Stock UOM | Kao po burzi UOM |
284 | As there are existing stock transactions for this item, you can not change the values of 'Has Serial No', 'Is Stock Item' and 'Valuation Method' | Kao što već postoje dionica transakcije za ovu stavku , ne možete mijenjati vrijednosti ' Je rednim brojem ' , ' Je Stock točka "i" Vrednovanje metoda' |
285 | Atleast one warehouse is mandatory | Atleast jednom skladištu je obavezno |
286 | Attendance | Pohađanje |
287 | Attendance Date | Gledatelja Datum |
288 | Attendance Details | Gledatelja Detalji |
289 | Attendance From Date | Gledatelja Od datuma |
290 | Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date is mandatory | Gledatelja Od datuma i posjećenost do sada je obvezno |
291 | Attendance To Date | Gledatelja do danas |
292 | Attendance can not be marked for future dates | Gledatelji ne može biti označena za budući datum |
293 | Attendance for the employee: | Gledatelja za zaposlenika: |
294 | Attendance record. | Gledatelja rekord. |
295 | Authorization Control | Odobrenje kontrole |
296 | Authorization Rule | Autorizacija Pravilo |
297 | Auto Accounting For Stock Settings | Auto Računovodstvo za dionice Settings |
298 | Auto Email Id | Auto E-mail ID |
299 | Auto Material Request | Auto Materijal Zahtjev |
300 | Auto-raise Material Request if quantity goes below re-order level in a warehouse | Auto-podizanje Materijal zahtjev ako se količina ide ispod ponovno bi razinu u skladištu |
301 | Automatically extract Job Applicants from a mail box | |
302 | Automatically extract Leads from a mail box e.g. | Automatski ekstrakt vodi iz mail box pr |
303 | Automatically updated via Stock Entry of type Manufacture/Repack | Automatski ažurira putem burze Unos tipa Proizvodnja / prepakirati |
304 | Autoreply when a new mail is received | Automatski kad nova pošta je dobila |
305 | Available | dostupan |
306 | Available Qty at Warehouse | Dostupno Kol na galeriju |
307 | Available Stock for Packing Items | Dostupno Stock za pakiranje artikle |
308 | Available in
BOM, Delivery Note, Purchase Invoice, Production Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Stock Entry, Timesheet | |
309 | Average Age | Prosječna starost |
310 | Average Commission Rate | Prosječna stopa komisija |
311 | Average Discount | Prosječna Popust |
312 | B+ | B + |
313 | B- | B- |
314 | BILL | Bill |
315 | BILLJ | BILLJ |
316 | BOM | BOM |
317 | BOM Detail No | BOM Detalj Ne |
318 | BOM Explosion Item | BOM eksplozije artikla |
319 | BOM Item | BOM artikla |
320 | BOM No | BOM Ne |
321 | BOM No. for a Finished Good Item | BOM broj za Gotovi Dobar točki |
322 | BOM Operation | BOM Operacija |
323 | BOM Operations | BOM operacije |
324 | BOM Replace Tool | BOM Zamijenite alat |
325 | BOM replaced | BOM zamijeniti |
326 | Backup Manager | Backup Manager |
327 | Backup Right Now | Backup Right Now |
328 | Backups will be uploaded to | Sigurnosne kopije će biti učitane |
329 | Balance Qty | Bilanca Kol |
330 | Balance Value | Bilanca Vrijednost |
331 | Balances of Accounts of type "Bank or Cash" | Sredstva računi tipa "banke ili u gotovini" |
332 | Bank | Banka |
333 | Bank A/C No. | Banka / C br |
334 | Bank Account | Žiro račun |
335 | Bank Account No. | Žiro račun broj |
336 | Bank Accounts | bankovni računi |
337 | Bank Clearance Summary | Razmak banka Sažetak |
338 | Bank Name | Ime banke |
339 | Bank Reconciliation | Banka pomirenje |
340 | Bank Reconciliation Detail | Banka Pomirenje Detalj |
341 | Bank Reconciliation Statement | Izjava banka pomirenja |
342 | Bank Voucher | Banka bon |
343 | Bank or Cash | Banka ili gotovina |
344 | Bank/Cash Balance | Banka / saldo |
345 | Barcode | Barkod |
346 | Based On | Na temelju |
347 | Basic Info | Osnovne informacije |
348 | Basic Information | Osnovne informacije |
349 | Basic Rate | Osnovna stopa |
350 | Basic Rate (Company Currency) | Osnovna stopa (Društvo valuta) |
351 | Batch | Serija |
352 | Batch (lot) of an Item. | Hrpa (puno) od točke. |
353 | Batch Finished Date | Hrpa Završio Datum |
354 | Batch ID | Hrpa ID |
355 | Batch No | Hrpa Ne |
356 | Batch Started Date | Hrpa Autor Date |
357 | Batch Time Logs for Billing. | Hrpa Vrijeme Trupci za naplatu. |
358 | Batch Time Logs for billing. | Hrpa Vrijeme Trupci za naplatu. |
359 | Batch-Wise Balance History | Batch-Wise bilanca Povijest |
360 | Batched for Billing | Izmiješane za naplatu |
361 | Before proceeding, please create Customer from Lead | Prije nego što nastavite , molim te stvoriti kupac iz Olovo |
362 | Better Prospects | Bolji izgledi |
363 | Bill Date | Bill Datum |
364 | Bill No | Bill Ne |
365 | Bill of Material to be considered for manufacturing | Bill of material treba uzeti u obzir za proizvodnju |
366 | Bill of Materials | Bill materijala |
367 | Bill of Materials (BOM) | Bill materijala (BOM) |
368 | Billable | Naplatu |
369 | Billed | Naplaćeno |
370 | Billed Amount | naplaćeno Iznos |
371 | Billed Amt | Naplaćeno Amt |
372 | Billing | Naplata |
373 | Billing Address | Adresa za naplatu |
374 | Billing Address Name | Adresa za naplatu Ime |
375 | Billing Status | Naplata Status |
376 | Bills raised by Suppliers. | Mjenice podigao dobavljače. |
377 | Bills raised to Customers. | Mjenice podignuta na kupce. |
378 | Bin | Kanta |
379 | Bio | Bio |
380 | Birthday | rođendan |
381 | Block Date | Blok Datum |
382 | Block Days | Blok Dani |
383 | Block Holidays on important days. | Blok Odmor o važnim dana. |
384 | Block leave applications by department. | Blok ostaviti aplikacija odjelu. |
385 | Blog Post | Blog post |
386 | Blog Subscriber | Blog Pretplatnik |
387 | Blood Group | Krv Grupa |
388 | Both Income and Expense balances are zero. No Need to make Period Closing Entry. | Oba Prihodi i rashodi sredstva su nula . Nema potrebe da se Zatvaranje razdoblja unos . |
389 | Both Warehouse must belong to same Company | Oba Skladište mora pripadati istoj tvrtki |
390 | Branch | Grana |
391 | Brand | Marka |
392 | Brand Name | Brand Name |
393 | Brand master. | Marka majstor. |
394 | Brands | Marke |
395 | Breakdown | Slom |
396 | Budget | Budžet |
397 | Budget Allocated | Proračun Dodijeljeni |
398 | Budget Detail | Proračun Detalj |
399 | Budget Details | Proračunski Detalji |
400 | Budget Distribution | Proračun Distribucija |
401 | Budget Distribution Detail | Proračun Distribucija Detalj |
402 | Budget Distribution Details | Proračun raspodjele Detalji |
403 | Budget Variance Report | Proračun varijance Prijavi |
404 | Build Report | Izgradite Prijavite |
405 | Bulk Rename | Bulk Rename |
406 | Bummer! There are more holidays than working days this month. | Sori! Postoji više od blagdana radnih dana ovog mjeseca. |
407 | Bundle items at time of sale. | Bala stavke na vrijeme prodaje. |
408 | Buyer of Goods and Services. | Kupac robe i usluga. |
409 | Buying | Kupovina |
410 | Buying Amount | Kupnja Iznos |
411 | Buying Settings | Kupnja postavki |
412 | By | Po |
413 | C-FORM/ | C-FORM / |
414 | C-Form | C-Form |
415 | C-Form Applicable | C-obrascu |
416 | C-Form Invoice Detail | C-Obrazac Račun Detalj |
417 | C-Form No | C-Obrazac br |
418 | C-Form records | C - Form zapisi |
419 | CI/2010-2011/ | CI/2010-2011 / |
420 | COMM- | COMM- |
421 | CUST | Cust |
423 | Calculate Based On | Izračunajte Na temelju |
424 | Calculate Total Score | Izračunajte ukupni rezultat |
425 | Calendar Events | Kalendar događanja |
426 | Call | Nazvati |
427 | Campaign | Kampanja |
428 | Campaign Name | Naziv kampanje |
429 | Can not filter based on Account, if grouped by Account | Ne možete filtrirati na temelju računa , ako grupirani po računu |
430 | Can not filter based on Voucher No, if grouped by Voucher | Ne možete filtrirati na temelju vaučer No , ako grupirani po vaučer |
431 | Cancelled | Otkazan |
432 | Cancelling this Stock Reconciliation will nullify its effect. | Otkazivanje Ove obavijesti pomirenja će poništiti svoj učinak . |
433 | Cannot | Ne mogu |
434 | Cannot Cancel Opportunity as Quotation Exists | Ne mogu otkazati prilika kao kotacija Exist |
435 | Cannot approve leave as you are not authorized to approve leaves on Block Dates. | Ne može odobriti ostaviti kao što nisu ovlašteni za odobravanje ostavlja na Block Datumi. |
436 | Cannot change Year Start Date and Year End Date once the Fiscal Year is saved. | Ne mogu promijeniti godina datum početka i datum završetka Godina jednomFiskalna godina se sprema . |
437 | Cannot continue. | Ne može se nastaviti. |
438 | Cannot declare as lost, because Quotation has been made. | Ne može proglasiti izgubili , jer citat je napravio . |
439 | Cannot delete Serial No in warehouse. \
First remove from warehouse, then delete. | |
440 | Cannot set as Lost as Sales Order is made. | Ne mogu se postaviti kao izgubljen kao prodajnog naloga je napravio . |
441 | Capacity | Kapacitet |
442 | Capacity Units | Kapacitet jedinice |
443 | Carry Forward | Prenijeti |
444 | Carry Forwarded Leaves | Nosi proslijeđen lišće |
445 | Case No. cannot be 0 | Slučaj broj ne može biti 0 |
446 | Cash | Gotovina |
447 | Cash Voucher | Novac bon |
448 | Cash/Bank Account | Novac / bankovni račun |
449 | Category | Kategorija |
450 | Cell Number | Mobitel Broj |
451 | Change UOM for an Item. | Promjena UOM za predmet. |
452 | Change the starting / current sequence number of an existing series. | Promjena polaznu / tekući redni broj postojeće serije. |
453 | Channel Partner | Channel Partner |
454 | Charge | Naboj |
455 | Chargeable | Naplativ |
456 | Chart of Accounts | Kontnog |
457 | Chart of Cost Centers | Grafikon troškovnih centara |
458 | Chat | Razgovor |
459 | Check all the items below that you want to send in this digest. | Provjerite sve stavke u nastavku koje želite poslati u ovom svariti. |
460 | Check for Duplicates | Provjerite duplikata |
461 | Check how the newsletter looks in an email by sending it to your email. | Pogledajte kako izgleda newsletter u e-mail tako da ga šalju na e-mail. |
462 | Check if recurring invoice, uncheck to stop recurring or put proper End Date | Provjerite je li ponavljajući fakture, poništite zaustaviti ponavljajući ili staviti odgovarajući datum završetka |
463 | Check if you need automatic recurring invoices. After submitting any sales invoice, Recurring section will be visible. | Provjerite ako trebate automatske ponavljajuće fakture. Nakon odavanja prodaje fakturu, ponavljajućih sekcija će biti vidljiv. |
464 | Check if you want to send salary slip in mail to each employee while submitting salary slip | Provjerite ako želite poslati plaće slip u pošti svakom zaposleniku, dok podnošenje plaće slip |
465 | Check this if you want to force the user to select a series before saving. There will be no default if you check this. | Označite ovo ako želite prisiliti korisniku odabir seriju prije spremanja. Tu će biti zadana ako to provjerili. |
466 | Check this if you want to send emails as this id only (in case of restriction by your email provider). | Provjerite to, ako želite poslati e-mail, jer to samo ID (u slučaju ograničenja po vašem e-mail usluga). |
467 | Check this if you want to show in website | Označite ovo ako želite pokazati u web |
468 | Check this to disallow fractions. (for Nos) | Provjerite to da ne dopušta frakcija. (Za br) |
469 | Check this to pull emails from your mailbox | Provjerite to povući e-pošte iz poštanskog sandučića |
470 | Check to activate | Provjerite za aktiviranje |
471 | Check to make Shipping Address | Provjerite otprema adresu |
472 | Check to make primary address | Provjerite primarnu adresu |
473 | Cheque | Ček |
474 | Cheque Date | Ček Datum |
475 | Cheque Number | Ček Broj |
476 | City | Grad |
477 | City/Town | Grad / Mjesto |
478 | Claim Amount | Iznos štete |
479 | Claims for company expense. | Potraživanja za tvrtke trošak. |
480 | Class / Percentage | Klasa / Postotak |
481 | Classic | Klasik |
482 | Classification of Customers by region | Klasifikacija kupaca po regiji |
483 | Clear Table | Jasno Tablica |
484 | Clearance Date | Razmak Datum |
485 | Click here to buy subscription. | Kliknite ovdje za kupiti pretplatu . |
486 | Click on 'Make Sales Invoice' button to create a new Sales Invoice. | Kliknite na "Make prodaje Račun 'gumb za stvaranje nove prodaje fakture. |
487 | Click on a link to get options to expand get options | |
488 | Client | Klijent |
489 | Close Balance Sheet and book Profit or Loss. | Zatvori bilanca i knjiga dobit ili gubitak . |
490 | Closed | Zatvoreno |
491 | Closing Account Head | Zatvaranje računa šefa |
492 | Closing Date | Datum zatvaranja |
493 | Closing Fiscal Year | Zatvaranje Fiskalna godina |
494 | Closing Qty | zatvaranje Kol |
495 | Closing Value | zatvaranje vrijednost |
496 | CoA Help | CoA Pomoć |
497 | Cold Calling | Hladno pozivanje |
498 | Color | Boja |
499 | Comma separated list of email addresses | Zarez odvojen popis e-mail adrese |
500 | Comments | Komentari |
501 | Commission Rate | Komisija Stopa |
502 | Commission Rate (%) | Komisija stopa (%) |
503 | Commission partners and targets | Komisija partneri i ciljevi |
504 | Commit Log | obvezati Prijava |
505 | Communication | Komunikacija |
506 | Communication HTML | Komunikacija HTML |
507 | Communication History | Komunikacija Povijest |
508 | Communication Medium | Komunikacija srednje |
509 | Communication log. | Komunikacija dnevnik. |
510 | Communications | Communications |
511 | Company | Društvo |
512 | Company Abbreviation | Kratica Društvo |
513 | Company Details | Tvrtka Detalji |
514 | Company Email | tvrtka E-mail |
515 | Company Info | Podaci o tvrtki |
516 | Company Master. | Tvrtka Master. |
517 | Company Name | Ime tvrtke |
518 | Company Settings | Tvrtka Postavke |
519 | Company branches. | Tvrtka grane. |
520 | Company departments. | Tvrtka odjeli. |
521 | Company is missing in following warehouses | Tvrtka je nestalo u sljedećim skladišta |
522 | Company registration numbers for your reference. Example: VAT Registration Numbers etc. | Tvrtka registracijski brojevi za svoju referencu. Primjer: PDV registracijski brojevi i sl. |
523 | Company registration numbers for your reference. Tax numbers etc. | Tvrtka registracijski brojevi za svoju referencu. Porezni brojevi itd. |
524 | Company, Month and Fiscal Year is mandatory | Tvrtka , Mjesec i Fiskalna godina je obvezno |
525 | Complaint | Prigovor |
526 | Complete | Dovršiti |
527 | Completed | Dovršen |
528 | Completed Production Orders | Završeni Radni nalozi |
529 | Completed Qty | Završen Kol |
530 | Completion Date | Završetak Datum |
531 | Completion Status | Završetak Status |
532 | Confirmation Date | potvrda Datum |
533 | Confirmed orders from Customers. | Potvrđeno narudžbe od kupaca. |
534 | Consider Tax or Charge for | Razmislite poreza ili pristojbi za |
535 | Considered as Opening Balance | Smatra početnog stanja |
536 | Considered as an Opening Balance | Smatra se kao početno stanje |
537 | Consultant | Konzultant |
538 | Consumable Cost | potrošni cost |
539 | Consumable cost per hour | Potrošni cijena po satu |
540 | Consumed Qty | Potrošeno Kol |
541 | Contact | Kontaktirati |
542 | Contact Control | Kontaktirajte kontrolu |
543 | Contact Desc | Kontakt ukratko |
544 | Contact Details | Kontakt podaci |
545 | Contact Email | Kontakt e |
546 | Contact HTML | Kontakt HTML |
547 | Contact Info | Kontakt Informacije |
548 | Contact Mobile No | Kontaktirajte Mobile Nema |
549 | Contact Name | Kontakt Naziv |
550 | Contact No. | Kontakt broj |
551 | Contact Person | Kontakt osoba |
552 | Contact Type | Vrsta kontakta |
553 | Content | Sadržaj |
554 | Content Type | Vrsta sadržaja |
555 | Contra Voucher | Contra bon |
556 | Contract End Date | Ugovor Datum završetka |
557 | Contribution (%) | Doprinos (%) |
558 | Contribution to Net Total | Doprinos neto Ukupno |
559 | Conversion Factor | Konverzijski faktor |
560 | Conversion Factor of UOM: %s should be equal to 1. As UOM: %s is Stock UOM of Item: %s. | Pretvorba čimbenik UOM : % s treba biti jednak 1 . Kao UOM : % s je Stock UOM točke : % s . |
561 | Convert into Recurring Invoice | Pretvori u Ponavljajući fakture |
562 | Convert to Group | Pretvori u Grupi |
563 | Convert to Ledger | Pretvori u knjizi |
564 | Converted | Pretvoreno |
565 | Copy From Item Group | Primjerak iz točke Group |
566 | Cost Center | Troška |
567 | Cost Center Details | Troška Detalji |
568 | Cost Center Name | Troška Name |
569 | Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: | Troška mora biti navedeno za PL račun: |
570 | Costing | Koštanje |
571 | Country | Zemlja |
572 | Country Name | Država Ime |
573 | Country, Timezone and Currency | Država , vremenske zone i valute |
574 | Create | Stvoriti |
575 | Create Bank Voucher for the total salary paid for the above selected criteria | Stvaranje Bank bon za ukupne plaće isplaćene za gore odabranih kriterija |
576 | Create Customer | izraditi korisnika |
577 | Create Material Requests | Stvaranje materijalni zahtijevi |
578 | Create New | Stvori novo |
579 | Create Opportunity | Stvaranje prilika |
580 | Create Production Orders | Stvaranje radne naloge |
581 | Create Quotation | stvaranje citata |
582 | Create Receiver List | Stvaranje Receiver popis |
583 | Create Salary Slip | Stvaranje plaće Slip |
584 | Create Stock Ledger Entries when you submit a Sales Invoice | Otvori Stock stavke knjige kada podnijeti prodaje fakture |
585 | Create and Send Newsletters | Stvaranje i slati newslettere |
586 | Created Account Head: | Objavljeno račun Voditelj: |
587 | Created By | Stvorio |
588 | Created Customer Issue | Objavljeno Kupac Issue |
589 | Created Group | Objavljeno Group |
590 | Created Opportunity | Objavljeno Opportunity |
591 | Created Support Ticket | Objavljeno Podrška karata |
592 | Creates salary slip for above mentioned criteria. | Stvara plaće slip za gore navedene kriterije. |
593 | Creation Date | Datum stvaranja |
594 | Creation Document No | Stvaranje dokumenata nema |
595 | Creation Document Type | Tip stvaranje dokumenata |
596 | Creation Time | vrijeme kreiranja |
597 | Credentials | Svjedodžba |
598 | Credit | Kredit |
599 | Credit Amt | Kreditne Amt |
600 | Credit Card Voucher | Kreditne kartice bon |
601 | Credit Controller | Kreditne kontroler |
602 | Credit Days | Kreditne Dani |
603 | Credit Limit | Kreditni limit |
604 | Credit Note | Kreditne Napomena |
605 | Credit To | Kreditne Da |
606 | Credited account (Customer) is not matching with Sales Invoice | U korist računa ( Customer ) ne odgovara s prodajne fakture |
607 | Cross Listing of Item in multiple groups | Križ Oglas stavke u više grupa |
608 | Currency | Valuta |
609 | Currency Exchange | Mjenjačnica |
610 | Currency Name | Valuta Ime |
611 | Currency Settings | Valuta Postavke |
612 | Currency and Price List | Valuta i cjenik |
613 | Currency is missing for Price List | Valuta nedostaje za Cjeniku |
614 | Current Address | Trenutna adresa |
615 | Current Address Is | Trenutni Adresa je |
616 | Current BOM | Trenutni BOM |
617 | Current Fiscal Year | Tekuće fiskalne godine |
618 | Current Stock | Trenutni Stock |
619 | Current Stock UOM | Trenutni kataloški UOM |
620 | Current Value | Trenutna vrijednost |
621 | Custom | Običaj |
622 | Custom Autoreply Message | Prilagođena Automatski Poruka |
623 | Custom Message | Prilagođena poruka |
624 | Customer | Kupac |
625 | Customer (Receivable) Account | Kupac (Potraživanja) račun |
626 | Customer / Item Name | Kupac / Stavka Ime |
627 | Customer / Lead Address | Kupac / Olovo Adresa |
628 | Customer Account Head | Kupac račun Head |
629 | Customer Acquisition and Loyalty | Stjecanje kupaca i lojalnost |
630 | Customer Address | Kupac Adresa |
631 | Customer Addresses And Contacts | Kupac adrese i kontakti |
632 | Customer Code | Kupac Šifra |
633 | Customer Codes | Kupac Kodovi |
634 | Customer Details | Korisnički podaci |
635 | Customer Discount | Kupac Popust |
636 | Customer Discounts | Kupac Popusti |
637 | Customer Feedback | Kupac Ocjena |
638 | Customer Group | Kupac Grupa |
639 | Customer Group / Customer | Kupac Group / kupaca |
640 | Customer Group Name | Kupac Grupa Ime |
641 | Customer Intro | Kupac Uvod |
642 | Customer Issue | Kupac Issue |
643 | Customer Issue against Serial No. | Kupac izdavanja protiv serijski broj |
644 | Customer Name | Naziv klijenta |
645 | Customer Naming By | Kupac Imenovanje By |
646 | Customer classification tree. | Kupac klasifikacija stablo. |
647 | Customer database. | Kupac baze. |
648 | Customer's Item Code | Kupca Stavka Šifra |
649 | Customer's Purchase Order Date | Kupca narudžbenice Datum |
650 | Customer's Purchase Order No | Kupca Narudžbenica br |
651 | Customer's Purchase Order Number | Kupac je broj narudžbenice |
652 | Customer's Vendor | Kupca Prodavatelj |
653 | Customers Not Buying Since Long Time | Kupci ne kupuju jer dugo vremena |
654 | Customerwise Discount | Customerwise Popust |
655 | Customization | Prilagođavanje |
656 | Customize the Notification | Prilagodite Obavijest |
657 | Customize the introductory text that goes as a part of that email. Each transaction has a separate introductory text. | Prilagodite uvodni tekst koji ide kao dio tog e-maila. Svaka transakcija ima zaseban uvodni tekst. |
658 | DN | DN |
659 | DN Detail | DN Detalj |
660 | Daily | Svakodnevno |
661 | Daily Time Log Summary | Dnevno vrijeme Log Profila |
662 | Data Import | Uvoz podataka |
663 | Database Folder ID | Baza mapa ID |
664 | Database of potential customers. | Baza potencijalnih kupaca. |
665 | Date | Datum |
666 | Date Format | Datum Format |
667 | Date Of Retirement | Datum odlaska u mirovinu |
668 | Date and Number Settings | Datum i broj Postavke |
669 | Date is repeated | Datum se ponavlja |
670 | Date of Birth | Datum rođenja |
671 | Date of Issue | Datum izdavanja |
672 | Date of Joining | Datum Ulazak |
673 | Date on which lorry started from supplier warehouse | Datum na koji je kamion počeo od dobavljača skladištu |
674 | Date on which lorry started from your warehouse | Datum na koji je kamion počeo iz skladišta |
675 | Dates | Termini |
676 | Days Since Last Order | Dana od posljednjeg reda |
677 | Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department. | Dani za koje Praznici su blokirane za ovaj odjel. |
678 | Dealer | Trgovac |
679 | Debit | Zaduženje |
680 | Debit Amt | Rashodi Amt |
681 | Debit Note | Rashodi Napomena |
682 | Debit To | Rashodi za |
683 | Debit and Credit not equal for this voucher: Diff (Debit) is | |
684 | Debit or Credit | Itnim |
685 | Debited account (Supplier) is not matching with Purchase Invoice | Terećen račun ( dobavljač ) ne odgovara s kupnje proizvoda |
686 | Deduct | Odbiti |
687 | Deduction | Odbitak |
688 | Deduction Type | Odbitak Tip |
689 | Deduction1 | Deduction1 |
690 | Deductions | Odbici |
691 | Default | Zadani |
692 | Default Account | Zadani račun |
693 | Default BOM | Zadani BOM |
694 | Default Bank / Cash account will be automatically updated in POS Invoice when this mode is selected. | Zadani banka / Novčani račun će se automatski ažuriraju u POS računu, kada je ovaj mod odabran. |
695 | Default Bank Account | Zadani bankovni račun |
696 | Default Buying Price List | Default Kupnja Cjenik |
697 | Default Cash Account | Default Novac račun |
698 | Default Company | Zadani Tvrtka |
699 | Default Cost Center | Zadani troška |
700 | Default Cost Center for tracking expense for this item. | Zadani troška za praćenje trošak za tu stavku. |
701 | Default Currency | Zadani valuta |
702 | Default Customer Group | Zadani Korisnik Grupa |
703 | Default Expense Account | Zadani Rashodi račun |
704 | Default Income Account | Zadani Prihodi račun |
705 | Default Item Group | Zadani artikla Grupa |
706 | Default Price List | Zadani Cjenik |
707 | Default Purchase Account in which cost of the item will be debited. | Zadani Kupnja računa na koji trošak stavke će biti terećen. |
708 | Default Settings | Tvorničke postavke |
709 | Default Source Warehouse | Zadani Izvor galerija |
710 | Default Stock UOM | Zadani kataloški UOM |
711 | Default Supplier | Default Dobavljač |
712 | Default Supplier Type | Zadani Dobavljač Tip |
713 | Default Target Warehouse | Zadani Ciljana galerija |
714 | Default Territory | Zadani Regija |
715 | Default UOM updated in item | |
716 | Default Unit of Measure | Zadani Jedinica mjere |
717 | Default Unit of Measure can not be changed directly because you have already made some transaction(s) with another UOM. To change default UOM, use 'UOM Replace Utility' tool under Stock module. | Default Jedinica mjere ne mogu se mijenjati izravno, jer ste već napravili neku transakciju (e) s drugim UOM . Za promjenu zadanog UOM , koristite ' UOM zamijeni Utility ' alat pod burzi modula . |
718 | Default Valuation Method | Zadani metoda vrednovanja |
719 | Default Warehouse | Default Warehouse |
720 | Default Warehouse is mandatory for Stock Item. | Default skladišta obvezan je za Stock točke. |
721 | Default settings for Shopping Cart | Zadane postavke za Košarica |
722 | Define Budget for this Cost Center. To set budget action, see <a href="#!List/Company">Company Master</a> | Odredite proračun za ovu troška. Da biste postavili proračuna akciju, vidi <a href="#!List/Company">Tvrtka Master</a> |
723 | Delete | Izbrisati |
724 | Delivered | Isporučena |
725 | Delivered Items To Be Billed | Isporučena Proizvodi se naplaćuje |
726 | Delivered Qty | Isporučena Kol |
727 | Delivered Serial No | |
728 | Delivery Date | Dostava Datum |
729 | Delivery Details | Detalji o isporuci |
730 | Delivery Document No | Dostava Dokument br |
731 | Delivery Document Type | Dostava Document Type |
732 | Delivery Note | Obavještenje o primanji pošiljke |
733 | Delivery Note Item | Otpremnica artikla |
734 | Delivery Note Items | Način Napomena Stavke |
735 | Delivery Note Message | Otpremnica Poruka |
736 | Delivery Note No | Dostava Napomena Ne |
737 | Delivery Note Required | Dostava Napomena Obavezno |
738 | Delivery Note Trends | Otpremnici trendovi |
739 | Delivery Status | Status isporuke |
740 | Delivery Time | Vrijeme isporuke |
741 | Delivery To | Dostava na |
742 | Department | Odsjek |
743 | Depends on LWP | Ovisi o lwp |
744 | Description | Opis |
745 | Description HTML | Opis HTML |
746 | Description of a Job Opening | Opis posla otvorenje |
747 | Designation | Oznaka |
748 | Detailed Breakup of the totals | Detaljni raspada ukupnim |
749 | Details | Detalji |
750 | Difference | Razlika |
751 | Difference Account | Razlika račun |
752 | Different UOM for items will lead to incorrect | Različite UOM za stavke će dovesti do pogrešne |
753 | Disable Rounded Total | Bez Zaobljeni Ukupno |
754 | Discount % | Popust% |
755 | Discount % | Popust% |
756 | Discount (%) | Popust (%) |
757 | Discount Fields will be available in Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice | Popust Polja će biti dostupan u narudžbenice, Otkup primitka, Otkup fakturu |
758 | Discount(%) | Popust (%) |
759 | Display all the individual items delivered with the main items | Prikaži sve pojedinačne stavke isporučuju s glavnim stavkama |
760 | Distinct unit of an Item | Razlikovna jedinica stavku |
761 | Distribute transport overhead across items. | Podijeliti prijevoz pretek preko stavke. |
762 | Distribution | Distribucija |
763 | Distribution Id | Distribucija Id |
764 | Distribution Name | Distribucija Ime |
765 | Distributor | Distributer |
766 | Divorced | Rastavljen |
767 | Do Not Contact | Ne Kontaktiraj |
768 | Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies. | Ne pokazuju nikakav simbol kao $ itd uz valutama. |
769 | Do you really want to STOP | |
770 | Do you really want to STOP this Material Request? | Da li stvarno želite prestati s ovom materijalnom zahtjev ? |
771 | Do you really want to Submit all Salary Slip for month : | |
772 | Do you really want to UNSTOP | |
773 | Do you really want to UNSTOP this Material Request? | Da li stvarno želite otpušiti ovaj materijal zahtjev ? |
774 | Doc Name | Doc Ime |
775 | Doc Type | Doc Tip |
776 | Document Description | Dokument Opis |
777 | Document Type | Document Type |
778 | Documentation | Dokumentacija |
779 | Documents | Dokumenti |
780 | Domain | Domena |
781 | Don't send Employee Birthday Reminders | Ne šaljite zaposlenika podsjetnici na rođendan |
782 | Download Materials Required | Preuzmite Materijali za |
783 | Download Reconcilation Data | Preuzmite Reconcilation podatke |
784 | Download Template | Preuzmite predložak |
785 | Download a report containing all raw materials with their latest inventory status | Preuzmite izvješće koje sadrži sve sirovine sa svojim najnovijim inventara statusa |
786 | Download the Template, fill appropriate data and attach the modified file. | Preuzmite predložak , ispunite odgovarajuće podatke i priložite izmijenjenu datoteku . |
787 | Download the Template, fill appropriate data and attach the modified file.
All dates and employee combination in the selected period will come in the template, with existing attendance records | |
788 | Draft | Skica |
789 | Dropbox | Dropbox |
790 | Dropbox Access Allowed | Dropbox Pristup dopuštenih |
791 | Dropbox Access Key | Dropbox Pristupna tipka |
792 | Dropbox Access Secret | Dropbox Pristup Secret |
793 | Due Date | Datum dospijeća |
794 | Duplicate Item | Duplicate predmeta |
795 | EMP/ | EMP / |
796 | ERPNext Setup | ERPNext Setup |
797 | ERPNext Setup Guide | ERPNext vodič za podešavanje |
798 | ERPNext is an open-source web based ERP made by Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd. to provide an integrated tool to manage most processes in a small organization. For more information about Web Notes, or to buy hosting servies, go to | |
800 | ESIC No. | ESIC broj |
801 | Earliest | Najstarije |
802 | Earning | Zarada |
803 | Earning & Deduction | Zarada & Odbitak |
804 | Earning Type | Zarada Vid |
805 | Earning1 | Earning1 |
806 | Edit | Uredi |
807 | Educational Qualification | Obrazovne kvalifikacije |
808 | Educational Qualification Details | Obrazovni Pojedinosti kvalifikacije |
809 | Eg. smsgateway.com/api/send_sms.cgi | Npr.. smsgateway.com / api / send_sms.cgi |
810 | Electricity Cost | struja cost |
811 | Electricity cost per hour | Struja cijena po satu |
812 | Email | E-mail |
813 | Email Digest | E-pošta |
814 | Email Digest Settings | E-pošta Postavke |
815 | Email Digest: | |
816 | Email Id | E-mail ID |
817 | Email Id must be unique, already exists for: | E-mail Id mora biti jedinstven, već postoji za: |
818 | Email Id where a job applicant will email e.g. "jobs@example.com" | E-mail Id gdje posao zahtjeva će e-mail npr. "jobs@example.com" |
819 | Email Sent? | E-mail poslan? |
820 | Email Settings | Postavke e-pošte |
821 | Email Settings for Outgoing and Incoming Emails. | Postavke e-pošte za odlazne i dolazne e-pošte. |
822 | Email ids separated by commas. | E-mail ids odvojene zarezima. |
823 | Email settings for jobs email id "jobs@example.com" | E-mail postavke za poslove email id "jobs@example.com" |
824 | Email settings to extract Leads from sales email id e.g. "sales@example.com" | E-mail postavke za izdvajanje vodi od prodaje email id npr. "sales@example.com" |
825 | Emergency Contact | Hitna Kontakt |
826 | Emergency Contact Details | Hitna Kontaktni podaci |
827 | Emergency Phone | Hitna Telefon |
828 | Employee | Zaposlenik |
829 | Employee Birthday | Zaposlenik Rođendan |
830 | Employee Designation. | Zaposlenik Imenovanje. |
831 | Employee Details | Zaposlenih Detalji |
832 | Employee Education | Zaposlenik Obrazovanje |
833 | Employee External Work History | Zaposlenik Vanjski Rad Povijest |
834 | Employee Information | Zaposlenik informacije |
835 | Employee Internal Work History | Zaposlenik Unutarnji Rad Povijest |
836 | Employee Internal Work Historys | Zaposlenih unutarnji rad Historys |
837 | Employee Leave Approver | Zaposlenik dopust Odobritelj |
838 | Employee Leave Balance | Zaposlenik napuste balans |
839 | Employee Name | Zaposlenik Ime |
840 | Employee Number | Zaposlenik Broj |
841 | Employee Records to be created by | Zaposlenik Records bi se stvorili |
842 | Employee Settings | Postavke zaposlenih |
843 | Employee Setup | Zaposlenik konfiguracija |
844 | Employee Type | Zaposlenik Tip |
845 | Employee grades | Zaposlenih razreda |
846 | Employee record is created using selected field. | Zaposlenika rekord je stvorio pomoću odabranog polja. |
847 | Employee records. | Zaposlenih evidencija. |
848 | Employee: | Zaposlenik: |
849 | Employees Email Id | Zaposlenici Email ID |
850 | Employment Details | Zapošljavanje Detalji |
851 | Employment Type | Zapošljavanje Tip |
852 | Enable / Disable Email Notifications | Omogućite / onemogućite e-mail obavijesti |
853 | Enable Shopping Cart | Omogućite Košarica |
854 | Enabled | Omogućeno |
855 | Encashment Date | Encashment Datum |
856 | End Date | Datum završetka |
857 | End date of current invoice's period | Kraj datum tekućeg razdoblja dostavnice |
858 | End of Life | Kraj života |
859 | Enter Row | Unesite Row |
860 | Enter Verification Code | Unesite kod za provjeru |
861 | Enter campaign name if the source of lead is campaign. | Unesite naziv kampanje ukoliko izvor olova je kampanja. |
862 | Enter department to which this Contact belongs | Unesite odjel na koji se ovaj Kontakt pripada |
863 | Enter designation of this Contact | Upišite oznaku ove Kontakt |
864 | Enter email id separated by commas, invoice will be mailed automatically on particular date | Unesite e-mail ID odvojena zarezima, račun će automatski biti poslan na određeni datum |
865 | Enter items and planned qty for which you want to raise production orders or download raw materials for analysis. | Unesite stavke i planirani Količina za koje želite povećati proizvodne naloge ili preuzimanje sirovine za analizu. |
866 | Enter name of campaign if source of enquiry is campaign | Unesite naziv kampanje, ako je izvor upit je kampanja |
867 | Enter static url parameters here (Eg. sender=ERPNext, username=ERPNext, password=1234 etc.) | Unesite statičke parametre URL ovdje (npr. pošiljatelj = ERPNext, username = ERPNext, lozinkom = 1234 itd.) |
868 | Enter the company name under which Account Head will be created for this Supplier | Unesite naziv tvrtke pod kojima računa Voditelj će biti stvoren za tu dobavljača |
869 | Enter url parameter for message | Unesite URL parametar za poruke |
870 | Enter url parameter for receiver nos | Unesite URL parametar za prijemnike br |
871 | Entries | Prijave |
872 | Entries against | Prijave protiv |
873 | Entries are not allowed against this Fiscal Year if the year is closed. | Prijave nisu dozvoljeni protiv ove fiskalne godine, ako se godina zatvoren. |
874 | Error | Pogreška |
875 | Error for | Pogreška za |
876 | Estimated Material Cost | Procjena troškova materijala |
877 | Everyone can read | Svatko može pročitati |
878 | Example: ABCD.#####
If series is set and Serial No is not mentioned in transactions, then automatic serial number will be created based on this series. If you always want to explicitly mention Serial Nos for this item. leave this blank. | |
879 | Exchange Rate | Tečaj |
880 | Excise Page Number | Trošarina Broj stranice |
881 | Excise Voucher | Trošarina bon |
882 | Exemption Limit | Izuzeće granica |
883 | Exhibition | Izložba |
884 | Existing Customer | Postojeći Kupac |
885 | Exit | Izlaz |
886 | Exit Interview Details | Izlaz Intervju Detalji |
887 | Expected | Očekivana |
888 | Expected Date cannot be before Material Request Date | Očekivani datum ne može biti prije Materijal Zahtjev Datum |
889 | Expected Delivery Date | Očekivani rok isporuke |
890 | Expected End Date | Očekivani Datum završetka |
891 | Expected Start Date | Očekivani datum početka |
892 | Expense Account | Rashodi račun |
893 | Expense Account is mandatory | Rashodi račun je obvezna |
894 | Expense Claim | Rashodi polaganja |
895 | Expense Claim Approved | Rashodi Zahtjev odobren |
896 | Expense Claim Approved Message | Rashodi Zahtjev Odobren poruku |
897 | Expense Claim Detail | Rashodi Zahtjev Detalj |
898 | Expense Claim Details | Rashodi Pojedinosti o polaganju |
899 | Expense Claim Rejected | Rashodi Zahtjev odbijen |
900 | Expense Claim Rejected Message | Rashodi Zahtjev odbijen poruku |
901 | Expense Claim Type | Rashodi Vrsta polaganja |
902 | Expense Claim has been approved. | Rashodi Zahtjev je odobren . |
903 | Expense Claim has been rejected. | Rashodi Zahtjev je odbijen . |
904 | Expense Claim is pending approval. Only the Expense Approver can update status. | Rashodi Tužba se čeka odobrenje . SamoRashodi Odobritelj može ažurirati status . |
905 | Expense Date | Rashodi Datum |
906 | Expense Details | Rashodi Detalji |
907 | Expense Head | Rashodi voditelj |
908 | Expense account is mandatory for item | Rashodi račun je obvezna za stavku |
909 | Expense/Difference account is mandatory for item: | |
910 | Expenses Booked | Rashodi Rezervirani |
911 | Expenses Included In Valuation | Troškovi uključeni u vrednovanje |
912 | Expenses booked for the digest period | Troškovi rezerviranih za razdoblje digest |
913 | Expiry Date | Datum isteka |
914 | Exports | Izvoz |
915 | External | Vanjski |
916 | Extract Emails | Ekstrakt e-pošte |
917 | FCFS Rate | FCFS Stopa |
918 | FIFO | FIFO |
919 | Failed: | Nije uspjelo: |
920 | Family Background | Obitelj Pozadina |
921 | Fax | Fax |
922 | Features Setup | Značajke konfiguracija |
923 | Feed | Hraniti |
924 | Feed Type | Pasi Vid |
925 | Feedback | Povratna veza |
926 | Female | Ženski |
927 | Fetch exploded BOM (including sub-assemblies) | Fetch eksplodirala BOM (uključujući i podsklopova ) |
928 | Field available in Delivery Note, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order | Polje dostupan u otpremnicu, ponudu, prodaje fakture, prodaja reda |
929 | Files Folder ID | Files ID |
930 | Fill the form and save it | Ispunite obrazac i spremite ga |
931 | Filter By Amount | Filtriraj po visini |
932 | Filter By Date | Filter By Date |
933 | Filter based on customer | Filter temelji se na kupca |
934 | Filter based on item | Filtrirati na temelju točki |
935 | Financial Analytics | Financijski Analytics |
936 | Financial Statements | Financijska izvješća |
937 | Finished Goods | gotovih proizvoda |
938 | First Name | Ime |
939 | First Responded On | Prvo Odgovorili Na |
940 | Fiscal Year | Fiskalna godina |
941 | Fixed Asset Account | Dugotrajne imovine račun |
942 | Float Precision | Float Precision |
943 | Follow via Email | Slijedite putem e-maila |
944 | Following table will show values if items are sub - contracted. These values will be fetched from the master of "Bill of Materials" of sub - contracted items. | Nakon stol će pokazati vrijednosti ako su stavke pod - ugovoreno. Ove vrijednosti će biti preuzeta od zapovjednika "Bill of Materials" pod - ugovoreni stavke. |
945 | For Company | Za tvrtke |
946 | For Employee | Za zaposlenom |
947 | For Employee Name | Za ime zaposlenika |
948 | For Production | Za proizvodnju |
949 | For Reference Only. | Samo za referencu. |
950 | For Sales Invoice | Za prodaju fakture |
951 | For Server Side Print Formats | Za Server formati stranom za ispis |
952 | For Supplier | za Supplier |
953 | For UOM | Za UOM |
954 | For Warehouse | Za galeriju |
955 | For e.g. 2012, 2012-13 | Za npr. 2012, 2012-13 |
956 | For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account | Za otvaranje računa bilance ulaz ne može biti PL račun |
957 | For reference | Za referencu |
958 | For reference only. | Za samo kao referenca. |
959 | For the convenience of customers, these codes can be used in print formats like Invoices and Delivery Notes | Za praktičnost kupaca, te kodovi mogu se koristiti u tiskanim formata kao što su fakture i otpremnice |
960 | Forum | Forum |
961 | Fraction | Frakcija |
962 | Fraction Units | Frakcije Jedinice |
963 | Freeze Stock Entries | Zamrzavanje Stock Unosi |
964 | Friday | Petak |
965 | From | Od |
966 | From Bill of Materials | Od Bill of Materials |
967 | From Company | Iz Društva |
968 | From Currency | Od novca |
969 | From Currency and To Currency cannot be same | Od valute i valuta ne mogu biti isti |
970 | From Customer | Od kupca |
971 | From Customer Issue | Od kupca Issue |
972 | From Date | Od datuma |
973 | From Delivery Note | Od otpremnici |
974 | From Employee | Od zaposlenika |
975 | From Lead | Od Olovo |
976 | From Maintenance Schedule | Od održavanje rasporeda |
977 | From Material Request | Od materijala zahtjev |
978 | From Opportunity | od Opportunity |
979 | From Package No. | Iz paketa broj |
980 | From Purchase Order | Od narudžbenice |
981 | From Purchase Receipt | Od Račun kupnje |
982 | From Quotation | od kotaciju |
983 | From Sales Order | Od prodajnog naloga |
984 | From Supplier Quotation | Od dobavljača kotaciju |
985 | From Time | S vremena |
986 | From Value | Od Vrijednost |
987 | From Value should be less than To Value | Iz vrijednost treba biti manja od vrijednosti za |
988 | Frozen | Zaleđeni |
989 | Frozen Accounts Modifier | Blokiran Računi Modifikacijska |
990 | Fulfilled | Ispunjena |
991 | Full Name | Ime i prezime |
992 | Fully Completed | Potpuno Završeni |
993 | Further accounts can be made under Groups, | Daljnje računi mogu biti u skupinama , |
994 | Further nodes can be only created under 'Group' type nodes | Daljnje čvorovi mogu se samo stvorio pod "Grupa" tipa čvorova |
995 | GL Entry | GL Stupanje |
996 | GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for | GL Ulaz: debitna ili kreditna iznos je obvezno za |
997 | GRN | GRN |
998 | Gantt Chart | Gantogram |
999 | Gantt chart of all tasks. | Gantogram svih zadataka. |
1000 | Gender | Rod |
1001 | General | Opći |
1002 | General Ledger | Glavna knjiga |
1003 | Generate Description HTML | Generiranje Opis HTML |
1004 | Generate Material Requests (MRP) and Production Orders. | Generirajte Materijal Upiti (MRP) i radne naloge. |
1005 | Generate Salary Slips | Generiranje plaće gaćice |
1006 | Generate Schedule | Generiranje Raspored |
1007 | Generate packing slips for packages to be delivered. Used to notify package number, package contents and its weight. | Generirajte pakiranje gaćice za pakete koji će biti isporučen. Rabljeni obavijestiti paket broj, sadržaj paketa i njegovu težinu. |
1008 | Generates HTML to include selected image in the description | Stvara HTML uključuju odabrane slike u opisu |
1009 | Get Advances Paid | Nabavite plaćenim avansima |
1010 | Get Advances Received | Get Napredak pozicija |
1011 | Get Current Stock | Nabavite trenutne zalihe |
1012 | Get Items | Nabavite artikle |
1013 | Get Items From Sales Orders | Get artikle iz narudžbe |
1014 | Get Items from BOM | Se predmeti s troškovnikom |
1015 | Get Last Purchase Rate | Nabavite Zadnji Ocijeni Kupnja |
1016 | Get Non Reconciled Entries | Get Non pomirio tekstova |
1017 | Get Outstanding Invoices | Nabavite neplaćene račune |
1018 | Get Sales Orders | Nabavite narudžbe |
1019 | Get Specification Details | Nabavite Specifikacija Detalji |
1020 | Get Stock and Rate | Nabavite Stock i stopa |
1021 | Get Template | Nabavite predloška |
1022 | Get Terms and Conditions | Nabavite Uvjeti i pravila |
1023 | Get Weekly Off Dates | Nabavite Tjedno Off datumi |
1024 | Get valuation rate and available stock at source/target warehouse on mentioned posting date-time. If serialized item, please press this button after entering serial nos. | Nabavite stopa za vrednovanje i dostupni zaliha na izvor / cilj skladištu na spomenuti datum knjiženja radno vrijeme. Ako serijaliziranom stavku, molimo pritisnite ovu tipku nakon ulaska serijskih brojeva. |
1025 | GitHub Issues | GitHub pitanja |
1026 | Global Defaults | Globalni Zadano |
1027 | Global Settings / Default Values | Globalne postavke / default vrijednosti |
1028 | Go to the appropriate group (usually Application of Funds > Current Assets > Bank Accounts) | Idi na odgovarajuće skupine ( obično Primjena Sredstva > tekuće imovine > bankovnim računima ) |
1029 | Go to the appropriate group (usually Source of Funds > Current Liabilities > Taxes and Duties) | Idi na odgovarajuće skupine (obično izvor sredstava > kratkoročne obveze > poreza i carina) |
1030 | Goal | Cilj |
1031 | Goals | Golovi |
1032 | Goods received from Suppliers. | Roba dobio od dobavljače. |
1033 | Google Drive | Google Drive |
1034 | Google Drive Access Allowed | Google Drive Pristup dopuštenih |
1035 | Grade | Razred |
1036 | Graduate | Diplomski |
1037 | Grand Total | Sveukupno |
1038 | Grand Total (Company Currency) | Sveukupno (Društvo valuta) |
1039 | Gratuity LIC ID | Poklon LIC ID |
1040 | Grid " | Grid " |
1041 | Gross Margin % | Bruto marža% |
1042 | Gross Margin Value | Bruto marža vrijednost |
1043 | Gross Pay | Bruto plaće |
1044 | Gross Pay + Arrear Amount +Encashment Amount - Total Deduction | Bruto plaće + + zaostatak Iznos Iznos Encashment - Ukupno Odbitak |
1045 | Gross Profit | Ukupan profit |
1046 | Gross Profit (%) | Bruto dobit (%) |
1047 | Gross Weight | Bruto težina |
1048 | Gross Weight UOM | Bruto težina UOM |
1049 | Group | Grupa |
1050 | Group or Ledger | Grupa ili knjiga |
1051 | Groups | Grupe |
1052 | HR | HR |
1053 | HR Settings | HR Postavke |
1054 | HTML / Banner that will show on the top of product list. | HTML / bannera koji će se prikazivati na vrhu liste proizvoda. |
1055 | Half Day | Pola dana |
1056 | Half Yearly | Pola Godišnji |
1057 | Half-yearly | Polugodišnje |
1058 | Happy Birthday! | Sretan rođendan ! |
1059 | Has Batch No | Je Hrpa Ne |
1060 | Has Child Node | Je li čvor dijete |
1061 | Has Serial No | Ima Serial Ne |
1062 | Header | Kombajn |
1063 | Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained. | Šefovi (ili skupine) protiv kojih Računovodstvo upisi su izrađene i sredstva su održavani. |
1064 | Health Concerns | Zdravlje Zabrinutost |
1065 | Health Details | Zdravlje Detalji |
1066 | Held On | Održanoj |
1067 | Help | Pomoći |
1068 | Help HTML | Pomoć HTML |
1069 | Help: To link to another record in the system, use "#Form/Note/[Note Name]" as the Link URL. (don't use "http://") | Pomoć: Za povezivanje na drugi zapis u sustavu, koristite "# Forma / Napomena / [Napomena ime]" kao URL veze. (Ne koristite "http://") |
1070 | Here you can maintain family details like name and occupation of parent, spouse and children | Ovdje možete održavati obiteljske pojedinosti kao što su ime i okupacije roditelja, supružnika i djecu |
1071 | Here you can maintain height, weight, allergies, medical concerns etc | Ovdje možete održavati visina, težina, alergije, medicinske brige itd. |
1072 | Hey! All these items have already been invoiced. | Hej! Svi ti predmeti su već fakturirana. |
1073 | Hide Currency Symbol | Sakrij simbol valute |
1074 | High | Visok |
1075 | History In Company | Povijest U Društvu |
1076 | Hold | Držati |
1077 | Holiday | Odmor |
1078 | Holiday List | Turistička Popis |
1079 | Holiday List Name | Turistička Popis Ime |
1080 | Holidays | Praznici |
1081 | Home | Dom |
1082 | Host | Domaćin |
1083 | Host, Email and Password required if emails are to be pulled | Domaćin, e-mail i lozinka potrebni ako e-mailove su se izvukao |
1084 | Hour Rate | Sat Ocijenite |
1085 | Hour Rate Labour | Sat Ocijenite rada |
1086 | Hours | Sati |
1087 | How frequently? | Kako često? |
1088 | How should this currency be formatted? If not set, will use system defaults | Kako bi se to valuta biti formatiran? Ako nije postavljeno, koristit će zadane postavke sustava |
1089 | Human Resource | Human Resource |
1090 | I | Ja |
1091 | IDT | IDT |
1092 | II | II |
1093 | III | III |
1094 | IN | U |
1095 | INV | INV |
1096 | INV/10-11/ | INV/10-11 / |
1097 | ITEM | ITEM |
1098 | IV | IV |
1099 | Identification of the package for the delivery (for print) | Identifikacija paketa za dostavu (za tisak) |
1100 | If Income or Expense | Ako prihoda i rashoda |
1101 | If Monthly Budget Exceeded | Ako Mjesečni proračun Exceeded |
1102 | If Sale BOM is defined, the actual BOM of the Pack is displayed as table.
Available in Delivery Note and Sales Order | |
1103 | If Supplier Part Number exists for given Item, it gets stored here | Ako Dobavljač Broj dijela postoji za određeni predmet, to dobiva pohranjen ovdje |
1104 | If Yearly Budget Exceeded | Ako Godišnji proračun Exceeded |
1105 | If checked, BOM for sub-assembly items will be considered for getting raw materials. Otherwise, all sub-assembly items will be treated as a raw material. | Ako je označeno, BOM za pod-zbor stavke će biti uzeti u obzir za dobivanje sirovine. Inače, sve pod-montaža stavke će biti tretirani kao sirovinu. |
1106 | If checked, Total no. of Working Days will include holidays, and this will reduce the value of Salary Per Day | Ako je označeno, Ukupan broj. radnih dana će uključiti odmor, a to će smanjiti vrijednost plaća po danu |
1107 | If checked, an email with an attached HTML format will be added to part of the EMail body as well as attachment. To only send as attachment, uncheck this. | Ako je označeno, e-mail s priloženom HTML formatu će biti dodan u dijelu u tijelo, kao i privrženosti. Za samo poslati kao privitak, isključite ovu. |
1108 | If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount | Ako je označeno, iznos poreza će se smatrati već uključena u Print Rate / Ispis Iznos |
1109 | If disable, 'Rounded Total' field will not be visible in any transaction | Ako onemogućite, 'Ukupno' Zaobljeni polje neće biti vidljiv u bilo kojoj transakciji |
1110 | If enabled, the system will post accounting entries for inventory automatically. | Ako je omogućeno, sustav će objaviti računovodstvene stavke za popis automatski. |
1111 | If more than one package of the same type (for print) | Ako je više od jedan paket od iste vrste (za tisak) |
1112 | If no change in either Quantity or Valuation Rate, leave the cell blank. | Ako nema promjena u bilo Količina ili procjena stope , ostaviti prazno stanica . |
1113 | If non standard port (e.g. 587) | Ako ne standardni ulaz (npr. 587) |
1114 | If not applicable please enter: NA | Ako ne odnosi unesite: NA |
1115 | If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied. | Ako nije označeno, popis će biti dodan u svakom odjela gdje se mora primjenjivati. |
1116 | If set, data entry is only allowed for specified users. Else, entry is allowed for all users with requisite permissions. | Ako skup, unos podataka je dopušteno samo za određene korisnike. Inače, ulaz je dozvoljen za sve korisnike sa potrebnim dozvolama. |
1117 | If specified, send the newsletter using this email address | Ako je navedeno, pošaljite newsletter koristeći ovu e-mail adresu |
1118 | If the account is frozen, entries are allowed to restricted users. | Ako je račun zamrznut , unosi dopušteno ograničene korisnike . |
1119 | If this Account represents a Customer, Supplier or Employee, set it here. | Ako se to računa predstavlja kupac, dobavljač ili zaposlenik, postavite ga ovdje. |
1120 | If you follow Quality Inspection<br>
Enables item QA Required and QA No in Purchase Receipt | |
1121 | If you have Sales Team and Sale Partners (Channel Partners) they can be tagged and maintain their contribution in the sales activity | Ako imate prodajnog tima i prodaja partnerima (partneri) mogu biti označene i održavati svoj doprinos u prodajne aktivnosti |
1122 | If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below. | Ako ste stvorili standardni predložak za kupnju poreze i pristojbe magisterij, odaberite jednu i kliknite na gumb ispod. |
1123 | If you have created a standard template in Sales Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below. | Ako ste stvorili standardni predložak u prodaji poreze i pristojbe magisterij, odaberite jednu i kliknite na gumb ispod. |
1124 | If you have long print formats, this feature can be used to split the page to be printed on multiple pages with all headers and footers on each page | Ako ste dugo ispis formata, ova značajka može se koristiti za podijeliti stranicu na koju se ispisuje više stranica sa svim zaglavljima i podnožjima na svakoj stranici |
1125 | If you involve in manufacturing activity<br>
Enables item <b>Is Manufactured</b> | |
1126 | Ignore | Ignorirati |
1127 | Ignored: | Zanemareni: |
1128 | Image | Slika |
1129 | Image View | Slika Pogledaj |
1130 | Implementation Partner | Provedba partner |
1131 | Import | Uvoz |
1132 | Import Attendance | Uvoz posjećenost |
1133 | Import Failed! | Uvoz nije uspio ! |
1134 | Import Log | Uvoz Prijavite |
1135 | Import Successful! | Uvoz uspješna! |
1136 | Imports | Uvoz |
1137 | In Hours | U sati |
1138 | In Process | U procesu |
1139 | In Qty | u kol |
1140 | In Row | U nizu |
1141 | In Value | u vrijednosti |
1142 | In Words | U riječi |
1143 | In Words (Company Currency) | U riječi (Društvo valuta) |
1144 | In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Delivery Note. | U riječi (izvoz) će biti vidljiv nakon što spremite otpremnici. |
1145 | In Words will be visible once you save the Delivery Note. | U riječi će biti vidljiv nakon što spremite otpremnici. |
1146 | In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Invoice. | U riječi će biti vidljiv nakon što spremite ulazne fakture. |
1147 | In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order. | U riječi će biti vidljiv nakon što spremite narudžbenice. |
1148 | In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Receipt. | U riječi će biti vidljiv nakon što spremite kupiti primitka. |
1149 | In Words will be visible once you save the Quotation. | U riječi će biti vidljiv nakon što spremite ponudu. |
1150 | In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Invoice. | U riječi će biti vidljiv nakon što spremite prodaje fakture. |
1151 | In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Order. | U riječi će biti vidljiv nakon što spremite prodajnog naloga. |
1152 | Incentives | Poticaji |
1153 | Incharge | incharge |
1154 | Incharge Name | Incharge Name |
1155 | Include holidays in Total no. of Working Days | Uključi odmor u ukupnom. radnih dana |
1156 | Income / Expense | Prihodi / rashodi |
1157 | Income Account | Prihodi račun |
1158 | Income Booked | Prihodi Rezervirani |
1159 | Income Year to Date | Prihodi godine do danas |
1160 | Income booked for the digest period | Prihodi rezervirano za razdoblje digest |
1161 | Incoming | Dolazni |
1162 | Incoming / Support Mail Setting | Dolazni / Podrška Mail Podešavanje |
1163 | Incoming Rate | Dolazni Stopa |
1164 | Incoming quality inspection. | Dolazni kvalitete inspekcije. |
1165 | Indicates that the package is a part of this delivery | Ukazuje na to da je paket dio ovog poroda |
1166 | Individual | Pojedinac |
1167 | Industry | Industrija |
1168 | Industry Type | Industrija Tip |
1169 | Inspected By | Pregledati |
1170 | Inspection Criteria | Inspekcijski Kriteriji |
1171 | Inspection Required | Inspekcija Obvezno |
1172 | Inspection Type | Inspekcija Tip |
1173 | Installation Date | Instalacija Datum |
1174 | Installation Note | Instalacija Napomena |
1175 | Installation Note Item | Instalacija Napomena artikla |
1176 | Installation Status | Instalacija Status |
1177 | Installation Time | Instalacija Vrijeme |
1178 | Installation record for a Serial No. | Instalacija rekord za serijski broj |
1179 | Installed Qty | Instalirani Kol |
1180 | Instructions | Instrukcije |
1181 | Integrate incoming support emails to Support Ticket | Integracija dolazne e-mailove podrške za podršku ulaznica |
1182 | Interested | Zainteresiran |
1183 | Internal | Interni |
1184 | Introduction | Uvod |
1185 | Invalid Delivery Note. Delivery Note should exist and should be in draft state. Please rectify and try again. | Invalid otpremnici . Dostava Napomena trebala postojati i treba biti u nacrtu države . Molimo ispraviti i pokušajte ponovno . |
1186 | Invalid Email Address | Neispravan e-mail adresu |
1187 | Invalid Leave Approver | Nevažeći Ostavite Odobritelj |
1188 | Invalid Master Name | Invalid Master Ime |
1189 | Invalid quantity specified for item | |
1190 | Inventory | Inventar |
1191 | Invoice Date | Račun Datum |
1192 | Invoice Details | Pojedinosti dostavnice |
1193 | Invoice No | Račun br |
1194 | Invoice Period From Date | Račun Razdoblje od datuma |
1195 | Invoice Period To Date | Račun razdoblju do datuma |
1196 | Invoiced Amount (Exculsive Tax) | Dostavljeni iznos ( Exculsive poreza ) |
1197 | Is Active | Je aktivna |
1198 | Is Advance | Je Predujam |
1199 | Is Asset Item | Je imovinom artikla |
1200 | Is Cancelled | Je Otkazan |
1201 | Is Carry Forward | Je Carry Naprijed |
1202 | Is Default | Je Default |
1203 | Is Encash | Je li unovčiti |
1204 | Is LWP | Je lwp |
1205 | Is Opening | Je Otvaranje |
1206 | Is Opening Entry | Je Otvaranje unos |
1207 | Is PL Account | Je PL račun |
1208 | Is POS | Je POS |
1209 | Is Primary Contact | Je Primarna Kontakt |
1210 | Is Purchase Item | Je Kupnja artikla |
1211 | Is Sales Item | Je Prodaja artikla |
1212 | Is Service Item | Je li usluga artikla |
1213 | Is Stock Item | Je kataloški artikla |
1214 | Is Sub Contracted Item | Je Sub Ugovoreno artikla |
1215 | Is Subcontracted | Je podugovarati |
1216 | Is this Tax included in Basic Rate? | Je li ovo pristojba uključena u osnovne stope? |
1217 | Issue | Izdanje |
1218 | Issue Date | Datum izdavanja |
1219 | Issue Details | Issue Detalji |
1220 | Issued Items Against Production Order | Izdana Proizvodi prema proizvodnji Reda |
1221 | It can also be used to create opening stock entries and to fix stock value. | Također se može koristiti za stvaranje početne vrijednosti unose i popraviti stock vrijednost . |
1222 | Item | stavka |
1223 | Item | |
1224 | Item Advanced | Stavka Napredna |
1225 | Item Barcode | Stavka Barkod |
1226 | Item Batch Nos | Stavka Batch Nos |
1227 | Item Classification | Stavka klasifikacija |
1228 | Item Code | Stavka Šifra |
1229 | Item Code (item_code) is mandatory because Item naming is not sequential. | Šifra (item_code) je obvezno jer Stavka imena nije sekvencijalno. |
1230 | Item Code and Warehouse should already exist. | Šifra i skladišta trebao već postoje . |
1231 | Item Code cannot be changed for Serial No. | Kod stavka ne može se mijenjati za serijskog broja |
1232 | Item Customer Detail | Stavka Kupac Detalj |
1233 | Item Description | Stavka Opis |
1234 | Item Desription | Stavka Desription |
1235 | Item Details | Stavka Detalji |
1236 | Item Group | Stavka Grupa |
1237 | Item Group Name | Stavka Ime grupe |
1238 | Item Group Tree | Stavka Group Tree |
1239 | Item Groups in Details | Stavka Grupe u detaljima |
1240 | Item Image (if not slideshow) | Stavka slike (ako ne Slideshow) |
1241 | Item Name | Stavka Ime |
1242 | Item Naming By | Stavka nazivanje |
1243 | Item Price | Stavka Cijena |
1244 | Item Prices | Stavka Cijene |
1245 | Item Quality Inspection Parameter | Stavka Provera kvaliteta parametara |
1246 | Item Reorder | Stavka redoslijeda |
1247 | Item Serial No | Stavka rednim brojem |
1248 | Item Serial Nos | Stavka Serijski br |
1249 | Item Shortage Report | Stavka Nedostatak Izvješće |
1250 | Item Supplier | Stavka Dobavljač |
1251 | Item Supplier Details | Stavka Supplier Detalji |
1252 | Item Tax | Stavka poreza |
1253 | Item Tax Amount | Stavka Iznos poreza |
1254 | Item Tax Rate | Stavka Porezna stopa |
1255 | Item Tax1 | Stavka Tax1 |
1256 | Item To Manufacture | Stavka za proizvodnju |
1257 | Item UOM | Stavka UOM |
1258 | Item Website Specification | Stavka Web Specifikacija |
1259 | Item Website Specifications | Stavka Website Specifikacije |
1260 | Item Wise Tax Detail | Stavka Wise Porezna Detalj |
1261 | Item classification. | Stavka klasifikacija. |
1262 | Item is neither Sales nor Service Item | Stavka je ni prodaje ni usluga Stavka |
1263 | Item must be a purchase item, \
as it is present in one or many Active BOMs | |
1264 | Item must have 'Has Serial No' as 'Yes' | Stavka mora imati ' Ima Serial ne' kao ' DA ' |
1265 | Item table can not be blank | Tablica predmet ne može biti prazan |
1266 | Item to be manufactured or repacked | Stavka biti proizvedeni ili prepakirani |
1267 | Item will be saved by this name in the data base. | Stavka će biti spremljena pod ovim imenom u bazi podataka. |
1268 | Item, Warranty, AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) details will be automatically fetched when Serial Number is selected. | Stavka, jamstvo, AMC (Godišnje održavanje Ugovor) pojedinosti će biti automatski dohvatio kada serijski broj je odabran. |
1269 | Item-wise Last Purchase Rate | Stavka-mudar Zadnja Kupnja Ocijenite |
1270 | Item-wise Price List Rate | Stavka - mudar Cjenovnik Ocijenite |
1271 | Item-wise Purchase History | Stavka-mudar Kupnja Povijest |
1272 | Item-wise Purchase Register | Stavka-mudar Kupnja Registracija |
1273 | Item-wise Sales History | Stavka-mudar Prodaja Povijest |
1274 | Item-wise Sales Register | Stavka-mudri prodaja registar |
1275 | Items | Proizvodi |
1276 | Items To Be Requested | Predmeti se zatražiti |
1277 | Items to be requested which are "Out of Stock" considering all warehouses based on projected qty and minimum order qty | Proizvodi se traži što su "Out of Stock" s obzirom na sve skladišta na temelju projicirane Qty i minimalne narudžbe Kol |
1278 | Items which do not exist in Item master can also be entered on customer's request | Proizvodi koji ne postoje u artikla gospodara također može unijeti na zahtjev kupca |
1279 | Itemwise Discount | Itemwise Popust |
1280 | Itemwise Recommended Reorder Level | Itemwise Preporučio redoslijeda Level |
1281 | JV | JV |
1282 | Job Applicant | Posao podnositelj |
1283 | Job Opening | Posao Otvaranje |
1284 | Job User | Posao Profil |
1285 | Job Title | Titula |
1286 | Job User, qualifications required etc. | Posao profil, kvalifikacije potrebne, itd. |
1287 | Jobs Email Settings | Poslovi Postavke e-pošte |
1288 | Journal Entries | Časopis upisi |
1289 | Journal Entry | Časopis Stupanje |
1290 | Journal Voucher | Časopis bon |
1291 | Journal Voucher Detail | Časopis bon Detalj |
1292 | Journal Voucher Detail No | Časopis bon Detalj Ne |
1293 | KRA | KRA |
1294 | Keep Track of Sales Campaigns. Keep track of Leads, Quotations, Sales Order etc from Campaigns to gauge Return on Investment. | Pratite prodaje kampanje. Pratite ponude, ponuda, prodajnog naloga itd. iz kampanje radi vrjednovanja povrat na investiciju. |
1295 | Keep a track of communication related to this enquiry which will help for future reference. | Držite pratiti komunikacije vezane uz ovaj upit koji će vam pomoći za buduću referencu. |
1296 | Key Performance Area | Key Performance Area |
1297 | Key Responsibility Area | Ključ Odgovornost Površina |
1298 | LEAD | OLOVO |
1299 | LEAD/10-11/ | LEAD/10-11 / |
1301 | LR Date | LR Datum |
1302 | LR No | LR Ne |
1303 | Label | Oznaka |
1304 | Landed Cost Item | Sletio Troškovi artikla |
1305 | Landed Cost Items | Sletio troškova Proizvodi |
1306 | Landed Cost Purchase Receipt | Sletio Trošak Kupnja Potvrda |
1307 | Landed Cost Purchase Receipts | Sletio troškova kupnje Primici |
1308 | Landed Cost Wizard | Sletio Trošak Čarobnjak |
1309 | Last Name | Prezime |
1310 | Last Purchase Rate | Zadnja Kupnja Ocijenite |
1311 | Latest | najnoviji |
1312 | Latest Updates | najnovija ažuriranja |
1313 | Lead | Dovesti |
1314 | Lead Details | Olovo Detalji |
1315 | Lead Id | Olovo Id |
1316 | Lead Name | Olovo Ime |
1317 | Lead Owner | Olovo Vlasnik |
1318 | Lead Source | Olovo Source |
1319 | Lead Status | Olovo Status |
1320 | Lead Time Date | Olovo Time Date |
1321 | Lead Time Days | Olovo vrijeme Dane |
1322 | Lead Time days is number of days by which this item is expected in your warehouse. This days is fetched in Material Request when you select this item. | Olovo vrijeme dana je broj dana koji ovaj predmet se očekuje u skladištu. Ovih dana je preuzeta u Materijal Zahtjev kada odaberete ovu stavku. |
1323 | Lead Type | Olovo Vid |
1324 | Leave Allocation | Ostavite Raspodjela |
1325 | Leave Allocation Tool | Ostavite raspodjele alat |
1326 | Leave Application | Ostavite aplikaciju |
1327 | Leave Approver | Ostavite odobravatelju |
1328 | Leave Approver can be one of | Ostavite Odobritelj može biti jedan od |
1329 | Leave Approvers | Ostavite odobravateljima |
1330 | Leave Balance Before Application | Ostavite Balance Prije primjene |
1331 | Leave Block List | Ostavite Block List |
1332 | Leave Block List Allow | Ostavite Blok Popis Dopustite |
1333 | Leave Block List Allowed | Ostavite Block List dopuštenih |
1334 | Leave Block List Date | Ostavite Date Popis Block |
1335 | Leave Block List Dates | Ostavite datumi lista blokiranih |
1336 | Leave Block List Name | Ostavite popis imena Block |
1337 | Leave Blocked | Ostavite blokirani |
1338 | Leave Control Panel | Ostavite Upravljačka ploča |
1339 | Leave Encashed? | Ostavite Encashed? |
1340 | Leave Encashment Amount | Ostavite Encashment Iznos |
1341 | Leave Setup | Ostavite Setup |
1342 | Leave Type | Ostavite Vid |
1343 | Leave Type Name | Ostavite ime tipa |
1344 | Leave Without Pay | Ostavite bez plaće |
1345 | Leave allocations. | Ostavite izdvajanja. |
1346 | Leave application has been approved. | Ostavite Zahtjev je odobren . |
1347 | Leave application has been rejected. | Ostavite Zahtjev je odbijen . |
1348 | Leave blank if considered for all branches | Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve grane |
1349 | Leave blank if considered for all departments | Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve odjele |
1350 | Leave blank if considered for all designations | Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve oznake |
1351 | Leave blank if considered for all employee types | Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve tipove zaposlenika |
1352 | Leave blank if considered for all grades | Ostavite prazno ako smatra za sve razrede |
1353 | Leave can be approved by users with Role, "Leave Approver" | Ostavite može biti odobren od strane korisnika s uloge, "Ostavite odobravatelju" |
1354 | Ledger | Glavna knjiga |
1355 | Ledgers | knjige |
1356 | Left | Lijevo |
1357 | Legal Entity / Subsidiary with a separate Chart of Accounts belonging to the Organization. | Pravna osoba / Podružnica s odvojenim kontnom planu pripadaju organizaciji. |
1358 | Letter Head | Pismo Head |
1359 | Level | Nivo |
1360 | Lft | LFT |
1361 | List a few of your customers. They could be organizations or individuals. | Naveditenekoliko svojih kupaca . Oni mogu biti organizacije ili pojedinci . |
1362 | List a few of your suppliers. They could be organizations or individuals. | Naveditenekoliko svojih dobavljača . Oni mogu biti organizacije ili pojedinci . |
1363 | List a few products or services you buy from your suppliers or vendors. If these are same as your products, then do not add them. | Navedite nekoliko proizvode ili usluge koje kupuju od svojih dobavljača ili prodavača . Ako su isti kao i svoje proizvode , onda ih ne dodati . |
1364 | List items that form the package. | Popis stavki koje čine paket. |
1365 | List of holidays. | Popis blagdana. |
1366 | List of users who can edit a particular Note | Popis korisnika koji mogu urediti posebnu napomenu |
1367 | List this Item in multiple groups on the website. | Popis ovaj predmet u više grupa na web stranici. |
1368 | List your products or services that you sell to your customers. Make sure to check the Item Group, Unit of Measure and other properties when you start. | Popis svoje proizvode ili usluge koje prodajete za svoje klijente . Pobrinite se da provjeriti stavku grupe , mjerna jedinica i drugim svojstvima kada pokrenete . |
1369 | List your tax heads (e.g. VAT, Excise) (upto 3) and their standard rates. This will create a standard template, you can edit and add more later. | Popis svoje porezne glave ( npr. PDV , trošarine ) (do 3 ) i njihove standardne stope . To će stvoriti standardni predložak , možete urediti i dodati više kasnije . |
1370 | Live Chat | Live Chat |
1371 | Loading... | Loading ... |
1372 | Log of Activities performed by users against Tasks that can be used for tracking time, billing. | Prijavite aktivnosti provedenih od strane korisnika od zadataka koji se mogu koristiti za praćenje vremena, naplate. |
1373 | Login Id | Prijavite Id |
1374 | Login with your new User ID | Prijavite se s novim User ID |
1375 | Logo | Logo |
1376 | Logo and Letter Heads | Logo i pismo glave |
1377 | Lost | izgubljen |
1378 | Lost Reason | Izgubili Razlog |
1379 | Low | Nisko |
1380 | Lower Income | Donja Prihodi |
1381 | MIS Control | MIS kontrola |
1382 | MREQ- | MREQ- |
1383 | MTN Details | MTN Detalji |
1384 | Mail Password | Mail Lozinka |
1385 | Mail Port | Mail luci |
1386 | Main Reports | Glavni Izvješća |
1387 | Maintain Same Rate Throughout Sales Cycle | Održavati ista stopa Tijekom cijele prodajni ciklus |
1388 | Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle | Održavanje istu stopu tijekom kupnje ciklusa |
1389 | Maintenance | Održavanje |
1390 | Maintenance Date | Održavanje Datum |
1391 | Maintenance Details | Održavanje Detalji |
1392 | Maintenance Schedule | Održavanje Raspored |
1393 | Maintenance Schedule Detail | Održavanje Raspored Detalj |
1394 | Maintenance Schedule Item | Održavanje Raspored predmeta |
1395 | Maintenance Schedules | Održavanje Raspored |
1396 | Maintenance Status | Održavanje statusa |
1397 | Maintenance Time | Održavanje Vrijeme |
1398 | Maintenance Type | Održavanje Tip |
1399 | Maintenance Visit | Održavanje Posjetite |
1400 | Maintenance Visit Purpose | Održavanje Posjetite Namjena |
1401 | Major/Optional Subjects | Glavni / Izborni predmeti |
1402 | Make | |
1403 | Make Accounting Entry For Every Stock Movement | Provjerite knjiženje za svaki burzi pokreta |
1404 | Make Bank Voucher | Napravite Bank bon |
1405 | Make Credit Note | Provjerite Credit Note |
1406 | Make Debit Note | Provjerite terećenju |
1407 | Make Delivery | bi isporuka |
1408 | Make Difference Entry | Čine razliku Entry |
1409 | Make Excise Invoice | Provjerite trošarinske fakturu |
1410 | Make Installation Note | Provjerite Installation napomenu |
1411 | Make Invoice | Napravite fakturu |
1412 | Make Maint. Schedule | Napravite Maint . raspored |
1413 | Make Maint. Visit | Napravite Maint . posjet |
1414 | Make Maintenance Visit | Provjerite održavanja Posjetite |
1415 | Make Packing Slip | Napravite popis zapakiranih |
1416 | Make Payment Entry | Napravite unos Plaćanje |
1417 | Make Purchase Invoice | Napravite kupnje proizvoda |
1418 | Make Purchase Order | Provjerite narudžbenice |
1419 | Make Purchase Receipt | Napravite Račun kupnje |
1420 | Make Salary Slip | Provjerite plaće slip |
1421 | Make Salary Structure | Provjerite Plaća Struktura |
1422 | Make Sales Invoice | Ostvariti prodaju fakturu |
1423 | Make Sales Order | Provjerite prodajnog naloga |
1424 | Make Supplier Quotation | Provjerite Supplier kotaciji |
1425 | Male | Muški |
1426 | Manage 3rd Party Backups | Upravljanje 3rd party sigurnosne kopije |
1427 | Manage cost of operations | Upravljanje troškove poslovanja |
1428 | Manage exchange rates for currency conversion | Upravljanje tečajeve za pretvorbu valuta |
1429 | Mandatory if Stock Item is "Yes". Also the default warehouse where reserved quantity is set from Sales Order. | Obvezni ako Stock Stavka je "Da". Također zadano skladište gdje je zadržana količina se postaviti od prodajnog naloga. |
1430 | Manufacture against Sales Order | Proizvodnja protiv prodaje Reda |
1431 | Manufacture/Repack | Proizvodnja / Ponovno pakiranje |
1432 | Manufactured Qty | Proizvedeno Kol |
1433 | Manufactured quantity will be updated in this warehouse | Proizvedeno količina će biti ažurirana u ovom skladištu |
1434 | Manufacturer | Proizvođač |
1435 | Manufacturer Part Number | Proizvođač Broj dijela |
1436 | Manufacturing | Proizvodnja |
1437 | Manufacturing Quantity | Proizvodnja Količina |
1438 | Manufacturing Quantity is mandatory | Proizvodnja Količina je obvezno |
1439 | Margin | Marža |
1440 | Marital Status | Bračni status |
1441 | Market Segment | Tržišni segment |
1442 | Married | Oženjen |
1443 | Mass Mailing | Misa mailing |
1444 | Master Data | Master Data |
1445 | Master Name | Učitelj Ime |
1446 | Master Name is mandatory if account type is Warehouse | Master Ime je obavezno ako je vrsta račun Skladište |
1447 | Master Type | Majstor Tip |
1448 | Masters | Majstori |
1449 | Match non-linked Invoices and Payments. | Klađenje na ne-povezane faktura i plaćanja. |
1450 | Material Issue | Materijal Issue |
1451 | Material Receipt | Materijal Potvrda |
1452 | Material Request | Materijal zahtjev |
1453 | Material Request Detail No | Materijal Zahtjev Detalj Ne |
1454 | Material Request For Warehouse | Materijal Zahtjev za galeriju |
1455 | Material Request Item | Materijal Zahtjev artikla |
1456 | Material Request Items | Materijalni Zahtjev Proizvodi |
1457 | Material Request No | Materijal Zahtjev Ne |
1458 | Material Request Type | Materijal Zahtjev Tip |
1459 | Material Request used to make this Stock Entry | Materijal Zahtjev se koristi da bi se ova Stock unos |
1460 | Material Requests for which Supplier Quotations are not created | Materijalni Zahtjevi za koje Supplier Citati nisu stvorene |
1461 | Material Requirement | Materijal Zahtjev |
1462 | Material Transfer | Materijal transfera |
1463 | Materials | Materijali |
1464 | Materials Required (Exploded) | Materijali Obavezno (eksplodirala) |
1465 | Max 500 rows only. | Max 500 redaka jedini. |
1466 | Max Days Leave Allowed | Max Dani Ostavite dopuštenih |
1467 | Max Discount (%) | Maks Popust (%) |
1468 | Max Returnable Qty | Max Povratna Kol |
1469 | Medium | Srednji |
1470 | Merging is only possible if following \
properties are same in both records.
Group or Ledger, Debit or Credit, Is PL Account | |
1471 | Message | Poruka |
1472 | Message Parameter | Poruka parametra |
1473 | Message Sent | Poruka je poslana |
1474 | Messages | Poruke |
1475 | Messages greater than 160 characters will be split into multiple messages | Poruka veća od 160 karaktera će biti split u više mesage |
1476 | Middle Income | Srednji Prihodi |
1477 | Milestone | Prekretnica |
1478 | Milestone Date | Prekretnica Datum |
1479 | Milestones | Dostignuća |
1480 | Milestones will be added as Events in the Calendar | Dostignuća će biti dodan kao Događanja u kalendaru |
1481 | Min Order Qty | Min Red Kol |
1482 | Minimum Order Qty | Minimalna narudžba Količina |
1483 | Misc Details | Razni podaci |
1484 | Miscellaneous | Razni |
1485 | Miscelleneous | Miscelleneous |
1486 | Mobile No | Mobitel Nema |
1487 | Mobile No. | Mobitel broj |
1488 | Mode of Payment | Način plaćanja |
1489 | Modern | Moderna |
1490 | Modified Amount | Promijenio Iznos |
1491 | Monday | Ponedjeljak |
1492 | Month | Mjesec |
1493 | Monthly | Mjesečno |
1494 | Monthly Attendance Sheet | Mjesečna posjećenost list |
1495 | Monthly Earning & Deduction | Mjesečna zarada & Odbitak |
1496 | Monthly Salary Register | Mjesečna plaća Registracija |
1497 | Monthly salary statement. | Mjesečna plaća izjava. |
1498 | Monthly salary template. | Mjesečna plaća predložak. |
1499 | More Details | Više pojedinosti |
1500 | More Info | Više informacija |
1501 | Moving Average | Moving Average |
1502 | Moving Average Rate | Premještanje prosječna stopa |
1503 | Mr | G. |
1504 | Ms | Gospođa |
1505 | Multiple Item prices. | Više cijene stavke. |
1506 | Multiple Price list. | Višestruki Cjenik . |
1507 | Must be Whole Number | Mora biti cijeli broj |
1508 | My Settings | Moje postavke |
1509 | NL- | NL- |
1510 | Name | Ime |
1511 | Name and Description | Naziv i opis |
1512 | Name and Employee ID | Ime i zaposlenika ID |
1513 | Name is required | Ime je potrebno |
1514 | Name of new Account. Note: Please don't create accounts for Customers and Suppliers, | Ime novog računa . Napomena : Molimo vas da ne stvaraju račune za kupce i dobavljače , |
1515 | Name of person or organization that this address belongs to. | Ime osobe ili organizacije koje ova adresa pripada. |
1516 | Name of the Budget Distribution | Ime distribucije proračuna |
1517 | Naming Series | Imenovanje serije |
1518 | Negative balance is not allowed for account | Negativna bilanca nije dopušten na račun |
1519 | Net Pay | Neto Pay |
1520 | Net Pay (in words) will be visible once you save the Salary Slip. | Neto plaća (u riječima) će biti vidljiv nakon što spremite plaće Slip. |
1521 | Net Total | Neto Ukupno |
1522 | Net Total (Company Currency) | Neto Ukupno (Društvo valuta) |
1523 | Net Weight | Neto težina |
1524 | Net Weight UOM | Težina UOM |
1525 | Net Weight of each Item | Težina svake stavke |
1526 | Net pay can not be negative | Neto plaća ne može biti negativan |
1527 | Never | Nikad |
1528 | New | novi |
1529 | New | |
1530 | New Account | Novi račun |
1531 | New Account Name | Novi naziv računa |
1532 | New BOM | Novi BOM |
1533 | New Communications | Novi komunikacije |
1534 | New Company | Nova tvrtka |
1535 | New Cost Center | Novi troška |
1536 | New Cost Center Name | Novi troška Naziv |
1537 | New Delivery Notes | Novi otpremnice |
1538 | New Enquiries | Novi Upiti |
1539 | New Leads | Nova vodi |
1540 | New Leave Application | Novi dopust Primjena |
1541 | New Leaves Allocated | Novi Leaves Dodijeljeni |
1542 | New Leaves Allocated (In Days) | Novi Lišće alociran (u danima) |
1543 | New Material Requests | Novi materijal Zahtjevi |
1544 | New Projects | Novi projekti |
1545 | New Purchase Orders | Novi narudžbenice |
1546 | New Purchase Receipts | Novi Kupnja Primici |
1547 | New Quotations | Novi Citati |
1548 | New Sales Orders | Nove narudžbe |
1549 | New Serial No cannot have Warehouse. Warehouse must be \
set by Stock Entry or Purchase Receipt | |
1550 | New Stock Entries | Novi Stock upisi |
1551 | New Stock UOM | Novi kataloški UOM |
1552 | New Supplier Quotations | Novi dobavljač Citati |
1553 | New Support Tickets | Novi Podrška Ulaznice |
1554 | New Workplace | Novi radnom mjestu |
1555 | Newsletter | Bilten |
1556 | Newsletter Content | Newsletter Sadržaj |
1557 | Newsletter Status | Newsletter Status |
1558 | Newsletters to contacts, leads. | Brošure za kontakte, vodi. |
1559 | Next Communcation On | Sljedeća komunikacijski Na |
1560 | Next Contact By | Sljedeća Kontakt Do |
1561 | Next Contact Date | Sljedeća Kontakt Datum |
1562 | Next Date | Sljedeća Datum |
1563 | Next email will be sent on: | Sljedeća e-mail će biti poslan na: |
1564 | No | Ne |
1565 | No Action | Nema Akcija |
1566 | No Customer Accounts found. | Nema kupaca Računi pronađena . |
1567 | No Customer or Supplier Accounts found. Accounts are identified based on \
'Master Type' value in account record. | |
1568 | No Item found with | |
1569 | No Items to Pack | Nema stavki za pakiranje |
1570 | No Leave Approvers. Please assign 'Leave Approver' Role to atleast one user. | Ne Ostavite odobravateljima. Molimo dodijeliti 'Ostavite Odobritelj' Uloga da atleast jednom korisniku. |
1571 | No Permission | Bez dozvole |
1572 | No Production Order created. | Ne Proizvodnja Order stvorio . |
1573 | No Supplier Accounts found. Supplier Accounts are identified based on 'Master Type' value in account record. | Nema Supplier Računi pronađena . Supplier Računi su identificirani na temelju ' Master vrstu " vrijednosti u računu rekord . |
1574 | No accounting entries for following warehouses | Nema računovodstvenih unosa za sljedeće skladišta |
1575 | No addresses created | Nema adrese stvoreni |
1576 | No contacts created | Nema kontakata stvoreni |
1577 | No default BOM exists for item: | Ne postoji zadani troškovnik za predmet: |
1578 | No of Requested SMS | Nema traženih SMS |
1579 | No of Sent SMS | Ne poslanih SMS |
1580 | No of Visits | Bez pregleda |
1581 | No record found | Ne rekord naći |
1582 | No salary slip found for month: | Bez plaće slip naći za mjesec dana: |
1583 | Not | Ne |
1584 | Not Active | Ne aktivna |
1585 | Not Applicable | Nije primjenjivo |
1586 | Not Available | nije dostupno |
1587 | Not Billed | Ne Naplaćeno |
1588 | Not Delivered | Ne Isporučeno |
1589 | Not Set | ne Set |
1590 | Not allowed entry in Warehouse | Nije dopustio ulaz u skladište |
1591 | Note | Primijetiti |
1592 | Note User | Napomena Upute |
1593 | Note is a free page where users can share documents / notes | Napomena je besplatno stranicu na kojoj korisnici mogu dijeliti dokumente / bilješke |
1594 | Note: | Napomena : |
1595 | Note: Backups and files are not deleted from Dropbox, you will have to delete them manually. | Napomena: Backup i datoteke se ne brišu na Dropbox, morat ćete ih izbrisati ručno. |
1596 | Note: Backups and files are not deleted from Google Drive, you will have to delete them manually. | Napomena: Backup i datoteke se ne brišu na Google Drive, morat ćete ih izbrisati ručno. |
1597 | Note: Email will not be sent to disabled users | Napomena: E-mail neće biti poslan invalide |
1598 | Notes | Bilješke |
1599 | Notes: | Bilješke : |
1600 | Nothing to request | Ništa se zatražiti |
1601 | Notice (days) | Obavijest (dani ) |
1602 | Notification Control | Obavijest kontrola |
1603 | Notification Email Address | Obavijest E-mail adresa |
1604 | Notify by Email on creation of automatic Material Request | Obavijesti putem e-pošte na stvaranje automatskog Materijal Zahtjeva |
1605 | Number Format | Broj Format |
1606 | O+ | O + |
1607 | O- | O- |
1608 | OPPT | OPPT |
1609 | Offer Date | ponuda Datum |
1610 | Office | Ured |
1611 | Old Parent | Stari Roditelj |
1612 | On | Na |
1613 | On Net Total | Na Net Total |
1614 | On Previous Row Amount | Na prethodnu Row visini |
1615 | On Previous Row Total | Na prethodni redak Ukupno |
1616 | Only Serial Nos with status "Available" can be delivered. | Samo Serial Nos sa statusom " dostupan " može biti isporučena . |
1617 | Only Stock Items are allowed for Stock Entry | Samo Stock Predmeti su dopuštene za upis dionica |
1618 | Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction | Samo leaf čvorovi su dozvoljeni u transakciji |
1619 | Open | Otvoreno |
1620 | Open Production Orders | Otvoren Radni nalozi |
1621 | Open Tickets | Otvoreni Ulaznice |
1622 | Opening | otvaranje |
1623 | Opening Accounting Entries | Otvaranje računovodstvenih unosa |
1624 | Opening Accounts and Stock | Otvaranje računa i Stock |
1625 | Opening Date | Otvaranje Datum |
1626 | Opening Entry | Otvaranje unos |
1627 | Opening Qty | Otvaranje Kol |
1628 | Opening Time | Radno vrijeme |
1629 | Opening Value | Otvaranje vrijednost |
1630 | Opening for a Job. | Otvaranje za posao. |
1631 | Operating Cost | Operativni troškovi |
1632 | Operation Description | Operacija Opis |
1633 | Operation No | Operacija Ne |
1634 | Operation Time (mins) | Operacija Vrijeme (min) |
1635 | Operations | Operacije |
1636 | Opportunity | Prilika |
1637 | Opportunity Date | Prilika Datum |
1638 | Opportunity From | Prilika Od |
1639 | Opportunity Item | Prilika artikla |
1640 | Opportunity Items | Prilika Proizvodi |
1641 | Opportunity Lost | Prilika Izgubili |
1642 | Opportunity Type | Prilika Tip |
1643 | Optional. This setting will be used to filter in various transactions. | Izborni . Ova postavka će se koristiti za filtriranje u raznim transakcijama . |
1644 | Order Type | Vrsta narudžbe |
1645 | Ordered | A do Ž |
1646 | Ordered Items To Be Billed | Naručeni Stavke biti naplaćeno |
1647 | Ordered Items To Be Delivered | Naručeni Proizvodi se dostavljaju |
1648 | Ordered Qty | naredio Kol |
1649 | Ordered Qty: Quantity ordered for purchase, but not received. | Ž Kol : Količina naručiti za kupnju , ali nije dobila . |
1650 | Ordered Quantity | Količina Ž |
1651 | Orders released for production. | Narudžbe objavljen za proizvodnju. |
1652 | Organization | organizacija |
1653 | Organization Name | Naziv organizacije |
1654 | Organization User | Organizacija Profil |
1655 | Other | Drugi |
1656 | Other Details | Ostali podaci |
1657 | Out Qty | Od kol |
1658 | Out Value | Od vrijednosti |
1659 | Out of AMC | Od AMC |
1660 | Out of Warranty | Od jamstvo |
1661 | Outgoing | Društven |
1662 | Outgoing Email Settings | Odlazni e-mail postavke |
1663 | Outgoing Mail Server | Odlazni Mail Server |
1664 | Outgoing Mails | Odlazni mailova |
1665 | Outstanding Amount | Izvanredna Iznos |
1666 | Outstanding for Voucher | Izvanredna za bon |
1667 | Overhead | Dometnut |
1668 | Overheads | opći troškovi |
1669 | Overlapping Conditions found between | Preklapanje Uvjeti naći između |
1670 | Overview | pregled |
1671 | Owned | U vlasništvu |
1672 | Owner | vlasnik |
1673 | PAN Number | PAN Broj |
1674 | PF No. | PF broj |
1675 | PF Number | PF Broj |
1676 | PI/2011/ | PI/2011 / |
1677 | PIN | PIN |
1678 | PL or BS | PL ili BS |
1679 | PO | PO |
1680 | PO Date | PO Datum |
1681 | PO No | PO Nema |
1682 | POP3 Mail Server | POP3 Mail Server |
1683 | POP3 Mail Settings | POP3 Mail Postavke |
1684 | POP3 mail server (e.g. pop.gmail.com) | POP3 mail server (npr. pop.gmail.com) |
1685 | POP3 server e.g. (pop.gmail.com) | POP3 poslužitelj npr. (pop.gmail.com) |
1686 | POS Setting | POS Podešavanje |
1687 | POS View | POS Pogledaj |
1688 | PR Detail | PR Detalj |
1689 | PR Posting Date | PR datum Poruke |
1690 | PRO | PRO |
1691 | PS | PS |
1692 | Package Item Details | Paket Stavka Detalji |
1693 | Package Items | Paket Proizvodi |
1694 | Package Weight Details | Paket Težina Detalji |
1695 | Packed Item | Dostava Napomena Pakiranje artikla |
1696 | Packing Details | Pakiranje Detalji |
1697 | Packing Detials | Pakiranje detials |
1698 | Packing List | Pakiranje Popis |
1699 | Packing Slip | Odreskom |
1700 | Packing Slip Item | Odreskom predmet |
1701 | Packing Slip Items | Odreskom artikle |
1702 | Packing Slip(s) Cancelled | Odreskom (e) Otkazano |
1703 | Page Break | Prijelom stranice |
1704 | Page Name | Stranica Ime |
1705 | Paid | plaćen |
1706 | Paid Amount | Plaćeni iznos |
1707 | Parameter | Parametar |
1708 | Parent Account | Roditelj račun |
1709 | Parent Cost Center | Roditelj troška |
1710 | Parent Customer Group | Roditelj Kupac Grupa |
1711 | Parent Detail docname | Roditelj Detalj docname |
1712 | Parent Item | Roditelj artikla |
1713 | Parent Item Group | Roditelj artikla Grupa |
1714 | Parent Sales Person | Roditelj Prodaja Osoba |
1715 | Parent Territory | Roditelj Regija |
1716 | Parenttype | Parenttype |
1717 | Partially Billed | djelomično Naplaćeno |
1718 | Partially Completed | Djelomično Završeni |
1719 | Partially Delivered | djelomično Isporučeno |
1720 | Partly Billed | Djelomično Naplaćeno |
1721 | Partly Delivered | Djelomično Isporučeno |
1722 | Partner Target Detail | Partner Ciljana Detalj |
1723 | Partner Type | Partner Tip |
1724 | Partner's Website | Web stranica partnera |
1725 | Passive | Pasivan |
1726 | Passport Number | Putovnica Broj |
1727 | Password | Lozinka |
1728 | Pay To / Recd From | Platiti Da / RecD Od |
1729 | Payables | Obveze |
1730 | Payables Group | Obveze Grupa |
1731 | Payment Days | Plaćanja Dana |
1732 | Payment Due Date | Plaćanje Due Date |
1733 | Payment Entries | Plaćanja upisi |
1734 | Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it.
Please pull it again. | |
1735 | Payment Period Based On Invoice Date | Razdoblje za naplatu po Datum fakture |
1736 | Payment Reconciliation | Plaćanje pomirenje |
1737 | Payment Type | Vrsta plaćanja |
1738 | Payment of salary for the month: | |
1739 | Payment to Invoice Matching Tool | Plaćanje fakture podudaranje alat |
1740 | Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail | Plaćanje fakture podudaranje alat Detalj |
1741 | Payments | Plaćanja |
1742 | Payments Made | Uplate Izrađen |
1743 | Payments Received | Uplate primljeni |
1744 | Payments made during the digest period | Plaćanja tijekom razdoblja digest |
1745 | Payments received during the digest period | Uplate primljene tijekom razdoblja digest |
1746 | Payroll Settings | Postavke plaće |
1747 | Payroll Setup | Plaće za postavljanje |
1748 | Pending | Čekanju |
1749 | Pending Amount | Iznos na čekanju |
1750 | Pending Review | U tijeku pregled |
1751 | Pending SO Items For Purchase Request | Otvorena SO Proizvodi za zahtjev za kupnju |
1752 | Percent Complete | Postotak Cijela |
1753 | Percentage Allocation | Postotak Raspodjela |
1754 | Percentage Allocation should be equal to | Postotak Raspodjela treba biti jednaka |
1755 | Percentage variation in quantity to be allowed while receiving or delivering this item. | Postotak varijacije u količini biti dopušteno dok prima ili isporuku ovu stavku. |
1756 | Percentage you are allowed to receive or deliver more against the quantity ordered. For example: If you have ordered 100 units. and your Allowance is 10% then you are allowed to receive 110 units. | Postotak koju smiju primiti ili isporučiti više od naručene količine. Na primjer: Ako ste naručili 100 jedinica. i tvoj ispravak je 10% onda se smiju primati 110 jedinica. |
1757 | Performance appraisal. | Ocjenjivanje. |
1758 | Period | razdoblje |
1759 | Period Closing Voucher | Razdoblje Zatvaranje bon |
1760 | Periodicity | Periodičnost |
1761 | Permanent Address | Stalna adresa |
1762 | Permanent Address Is | Stalna adresa je |
1763 | Permission | Dopuštenje |
1764 | Permission Manager | Dopuštenje Manager |
1765 | Personal | Osobno |
1766 | Personal Details | Osobni podaci |
1767 | Personal Email | Osobni e |
1768 | Phone | Telefon |
1769 | Phone No | Telefonski broj |
1770 | Phone No. | Telefonski broj |
1771 | Pincode | Pincode |
1772 | Place of Issue | Mjesto izdavanja |
1773 | Plan for maintenance visits. | Plan održavanja posjeta. |
1774 | Planned Qty | Planirani Kol |
1775 | Planned Qty: Quantity, for which, Production Order has been raised, | Planirano Količina : Količina , za koje , proizvodnja Red je podigao , |
1776 | Planned Quantity | Planirana količina |
1777 | Plant | Biljka |
1778 | Please Enter Abbreviation or Short Name properly as it will be added as Suffix to all Account Heads. | Molimo unesite Skraćenica ili skraćeni naziv ispravno jer će biti dodan kao sufiks na sve računa šefova. |
1779 | Please Select Company under which you want to create account head | Odaberite tvrtku pod kojima želite stvoriti glavu računa |
1780 | Please check | Molimo provjerite |
1781 | Please create new account from Chart of Accounts. | Molimo stvoriti novi račun iz kontnog plana . |
1782 | Please do NOT create Account (Ledgers) for Customers and Suppliers. They are created directly from the Customer / Supplier masters. | Molimo vas da ne stvaraju račun ( knjigama ) za kupce i dobavljače . Oni su stvorili izravno iz Kupac / Dobavljač majstora . |
1783 | Please enter Company | Unesite tvrtke |
1784 | Please enter Cost Center | Unesite troška |
1785 | Please enter Default Unit of Measure | Unesite Zadana jedinica mjere |
1786 | Please enter Delivery Note No or Sales Invoice No to proceed | Unesite otpremnica br ili prodaja Račun br postupiti |
1787 | Please enter Employee Id of this sales parson | Unesite Id zaposlenika ovog prodajnog župnika |
1788 | Please enter Expense Account | Unesite trošak računa |
1789 | Please enter Item Code to get batch no | Unesite kod Predmeta da se hrpa nema |
1790 | Please enter Item Code. | Unesite kod artikal . |
1791 | Please enter Item first | Unesite predmeta prvi |
1792 | Please enter Master Name once the account is created. | Unesite Master ime jednomračunu je stvorio . |
1793 | Please enter Production Item first | Unesite Proizvodnja predmeta prvi |
1794 | Please enter Purchase Receipt No to proceed | Unesite kupiti primitka No za nastavak |
1795 | Please enter Reserved Warehouse for item | Unesite Rezervirano skladište za stavku |
1796 | Please enter Start Date and End Date | Unesite datum početka i datum završetka |
1797 | Please enter Warehouse for which Material Request will be raised | Unesite skladište za koje Materijal Zahtjev će biti podignuta |
1798 | Please enter account group under which account \
for warehouse | |
1799 | Please enter company first | Unesite tvrtka prva |
1800 | Please enter company name first | Unesite ime tvrtke prvi |
1801 | Please enter sales order in the above table | Unesite prodajnog naloga u gornjoj tablici |
1802 | Please install dropbox python module | Molimo instalirajte Dropbox piton modul |
1803 | Please mention default value for ' | Molimo spomenuti zadanu vrijednost za ' |
1804 | Please reduce qty. | Molimo smanjiti Qty. |
1805 | Please save the Newsletter before sending. | Molimo spremite Newsletter prije slanja. |
1806 | Please save the document before generating maintenance schedule | Molimo spremite dokument prije stvaranja raspored za održavanje |
1807 | Please select Account first | Molimo odaberite račun prva |
1808 | Please select Bank Account | Odaberite bankovni račun |
1809 | Please select Carry Forward if you also want to include previous fiscal year's balance leaves to this fiscal year | Molimo odaberite prenositi ako želite uključiti prethodnoj fiskalnoj godini je ravnoteža ostavlja na ovoj fiskalnoj godini |
1810 | Please select Category first | Molimo odaberite kategoriju prvi |
1811 | Please select Charge Type first | Odaberite Naknada za prvi |
1812 | Please select Date on which you want to run the report | Molimo odaberite datum na koji želite pokrenuti izvješće |
1813 | Please select Price List | Molimo odaberite Cjenik |
1814 | Please select a | Molimo odaberite |
1815 | Please select a csv file | Odaberite CSV datoteku |
1816 | Please select a service item or change the order type to Sales. | Molimo odaberite stavku usluga ili promijeniti vrstu naloga za prodaju. |
1817 | Please select a sub-contracted item or do not sub-contract the transaction. | Molimo odaberite sklopljen ugovor stavku ili ne podugovaranje transakciju. |
1818 | Please select a valid csv file with data. | Odaberite valjanu CSV datoteke s podacima. |
1819 | Please select an "Image" first | Molimo odaberite "Slika" Prvi |
1820 | Please select month and year | Molimo odaberite mjesec i godinu |
1821 | Please select options and click on Create | Odaberite opcije i kliknite na Stvori |
1822 | Please select the document type first | Molimo odaberite vrstu dokumenta prvi |
1823 | Please select: | Molimo odaberite: |
1824 | Please set Dropbox access keys in | Molimo postavite Dropbox pristupne ključeve |
1825 | Please set Google Drive access keys in | Molimo postavite Google Drive pristupne tipke u |
1826 | Please setup Employee Naming System in Human Resource > HR Settings | Molimo postavljanje zaposlenika sustav imenovanja u ljudskim resursima> HR Postavke |
1827 | Please setup your chart of accounts before you start Accounting Entries | Molim postaviti svoj kontni plan prije nego što počnete računovodstvenih unosa |
1828 | Please specify | Navedite |
1829 | Please specify Company | Navedite tvrtke |
1830 | Please specify Company to proceed | Navedite Tvrtka postupiti |
1831 | Please specify Default Currency in Company Master \
and Global Defaults | |
1832 | Please specify a | Navedite |
1833 | Please specify a Price List which is valid for Territory | Navedite cjenik koji vrijedi za teritoriju |
1834 | Please specify a valid | Navedite važeći |
1835 | Please specify a valid 'From Case No.' | Navedite važeću 'iz Predmet br' |
1836 | Please specify currency in Company | Navedite valutu u Društvu |
1837 | Please submit to update Leave Balance. | Molimo dostaviti ažurirati napuste balans . |
1838 | Please write something | Molimo napisati nešto |
1839 | Please write something in subject and message! | Molimo napisati nešto u temi i poruke ! |
1840 | Plot | zemljište |
1841 | Plot By | zemljište By |
1842 | Point of Sale | Point of Sale |
1843 | Point-of-Sale Setting | Point-of-Sale Podešavanje |
1844 | Post Graduate | Post diplomski |
1845 | Postal | Poštanski |
1846 | Posting Date | Objavljivanje Datum |
1847 | Posting Date Time cannot be before | Datum postanja vrijeme ne može biti prije |
1848 | Posting Time | Objavljivanje Vrijeme |
1849 | Potential Sales Deal | Potencijal Prodaja Deal |
1850 | Potential opportunities for selling. | Potencijalni mogućnosti za prodaju. |
1851 | Precision for Float fields (quantities, discounts, percentages etc). Floats will be rounded up to specified decimals. Default = 3 | Precision za plutaju polja (količine, popusti, postoci i sl.). Pluta će se zaokružuje na navedenim decimala. Default = 3 |
1852 | Preferred Billing Address | Željena adresa za naplatu |
1853 | Preferred Shipping Address | Željena Dostava Adresa |
1854 | Prefix | Prefiks |
1855 | Present | Sadašnje |
1856 | Prevdoc DocType | Prevdoc DOCTYPE |
1857 | Prevdoc Doctype | Prevdoc DOCTYPE |
1858 | Previous Work Experience | Radnog iskustva |
1859 | Price List | Cjenik |
1860 | Price List Currency | Cjenik valuta |
1861 | Price List Exchange Rate | Cjenik tečajna |
1862 | Price List Master | Cjenik Master |
1863 | Price List Name | Cjenik Ime |
1864 | Price List Rate | Cjenik Stopa |
1865 | Price List Rate (Company Currency) | Cjenik stopa (Društvo valuta) |
1866 | Print | otisak |
1867 | Print Format Style | Print Format Style |
1868 | Print Heading | Ispis Naslov |
1869 | Print Without Amount | Ispis Bez visini |
1870 | Printing | tiskanje |
1871 | Priority | Prioritet |
1872 | Process Payroll | Proces plaće |
1873 | Produced | izrađen |
1874 | Produced Quantity | Proizveden Količina |
1875 | Product Enquiry | Na upit |
1876 | Production Order | Proizvodnja Red |
1877 | Production Order must be submitted | Proizvodnja Red mora biti podnesen |
1878 | Production Order(s) created:\n\n | Proizvodnja Order ( s) stvorio : \ n \ n |
1879 | Production Orders | Nalozi |
1880 | Production Orders in Progress | Radni nalozi u tijeku |
1881 | Production Plan Item | Proizvodnja plan artikla |
1882 | Production Plan Items | Plan proizvodnje Proizvodi |
1883 | Production Plan Sales Order | Proizvodnja plan prodajnog naloga |
1884 | Production Plan Sales Orders | Plan proizvodnje narudžbe |
1885 | Production Planning (MRP) | Planiranje proizvodnje (MRP) |
1886 | Production Planning Tool | Planiranje proizvodnje alat |
1887 | Products or Services You Buy | Proizvode ili usluge koje kupiti |
1888 | Products will be sorted by weight-age in default searches. More the weight-age, higher the product will appear in the list. | Proizvodi će biti razvrstani po težine dobi u zadane pretraživanja. Više težina-dob, veća proizvod će se pojaviti na popisu. |
1889 | Project | Projekt |
1890 | Project Costing | Projekt Costing |
1891 | Project Details | Projekt Detalji |
1892 | Project Milestone | Projekt Prekretnica |
1893 | Project Milestones | Projekt Dostignuća |
1894 | Project Name | Naziv projekta |
1895 | Project Start Date | Projekt datum početka |
1896 | Project Type | Vrsta projekta |
1897 | Project Value | Projekt Vrijednost |
1898 | Project activity / task. | Projekt aktivnost / zadatak. |
1899 | Project master. | Projekt majstor. |
1900 | Project will get saved and will be searchable with project name given | Projekt će biti spašen i da će se moći pretraživati s projektom ime dano |
1901 | Project wise Stock Tracking | Projekt mudar Stock Praćenje |
1902 | Projected | projektiran |
1903 | Projected Qty | Predviđen Kol |
1904 | Projects | Projekti |
1905 | Prompt for Email on Submission of | Pitaj za e-poštu na podnošenje |
1906 | Provide email id registered in company | Osigurati e id registriran u tvrtki |
1907 | Public | Javni |
1908 | Pull Payment Entries | Povucite plaćanja tekstova |
1909 | Pull sales orders (pending to deliver) based on the above criteria | Povucite prodajne naloge (na čekanju za isporuku) na temelju navedenih kriterija |
1910 | Purchase | Kupiti |
1911 | Purchase / Manufacture Details | Kupnja / Proizvodnja Detalji |
1912 | Purchase Analytics | Kupnja Analytics |
1913 | Purchase Common | Kupnja Zajednička |
1914 | Purchase Details | Kupnja Detalji |
1915 | Purchase Discounts | Kupnja Popusti |
1916 | Purchase In Transit | Kupnja u tranzitu |
1917 | Purchase Invoice | Kupnja fakture |
1918 | Purchase Invoice Advance | Kupnja fakture Predujam |
1919 | Purchase Invoice Advances | Kupnja fakture Napredak |
1920 | Purchase Invoice Item | Kupnja fakture predmet |
1921 | Purchase Invoice Trends | Trendovi kupnje proizvoda |
1922 | Purchase Order | Narudžbenica |
1923 | Purchase Order Date | Narudžbenica Datum |
1924 | Purchase Order Item | Narudžbenica predmet |
1925 | Purchase Order Item No | Narudžbenica Br. |
1926 | Purchase Order Item Supplied | Narudžbenica artikla Isporuka |
1927 | Purchase Order Items | Narudžbenica artikle |
1928 | Purchase Order Items Supplied | Narudžbenica Proizvodi Isporuka |
1929 | Purchase Order Items To Be Billed | Narudžbenica Proizvodi se naplaćuje |
1930 | Purchase Order Items To Be Received | Narudžbenica Proizvodi treba primiti |
1931 | Purchase Order Message | Narudžbenica poruku |
1932 | Purchase Order Required | Narudžbenica Obvezno |
1933 | Purchase Order Trends | Narudžbenica trendovi |
1934 | Purchase Orders given to Suppliers. | Kupnja naloge koje je dao dobavljače. |
1935 | Purchase Receipt | Račun kupnje |
1936 | Purchase Receipt Item | Kupnja Potvrda predmet |
1937 | Purchase Receipt Item Supplied | Kupnja Prijem artikla Isporuka |
1938 | Purchase Receipt Item Supplieds | Kupnja Supplieds Stavka primitka |
1939 | Purchase Receipt Items | Kupnja primitka artikle |
1940 | Purchase Receipt Message | Kupnja Potvrda poruku |
1941 | Purchase Receipt No | Račun kupnje Ne |
1942 | Purchase Receipt Required | Kupnja Potvrda Obvezno |
1943 | Purchase Receipt Trends | Račun kupnje trendovi |
1944 | Purchase Register | Kupnja Registracija |
1945 | Purchase Return | Kupnja Povratak |
1946 | Purchase Returned | Kupnja Vraćeno |
1947 | Purchase Taxes and Charges | Kupnja Porezi i naknade |
1948 | Purchase Taxes and Charges Master | Kupnja Porezi i naknade Master |
1949 | Purpose | Svrha |
1950 | Purpose must be one of | Svrha mora biti jedan od |
1951 | QA Inspection | QA Inspekcija |
1952 | QAI/11-12/ | QAI/11-12 / |
1953 | QTN | QTN |
1954 | Qty | Kol |
1955 | Qty Consumed Per Unit | Kol Potrošeno po jedinici |
1956 | Qty To Manufacture | Količina za proizvodnju |
1957 | Qty as per Stock UOM | Količina po burzi UOM |
1958 | Qty to Deliver | Količina za dovođenje |
1959 | Qty to Order | Količina za narudžbu |
1960 | Qty to Receive | Količina za primanje |
1961 | Qty to Transfer | Količina za prijenos |
1962 | Qualification | Kvalifikacija |
1963 | Quality | Kvalitet |
1964 | Quality Inspection | Provera kvaliteta |
1965 | Quality Inspection Parameters | Inspekcija kvalitete Parametri |
1966 | Quality Inspection Reading | Kvaliteta Inspekcija čitanje |
1967 | Quality Inspection Readings | Inspekcija kvalitete Čitanja |
1968 | Quantity | Količina |
1969 | Quantity Requested for Purchase | Količina Traženi za kupnju |
1970 | Quantity and Rate | Količina i stopa |
1971 | Quantity and Warehouse | Količina i skladišta |
1972 | Quantity cannot be a fraction. | Količina ne može biti dio. |
1973 | Quantity of item obtained after manufacturing / repacking from given quantities of raw materials | Količina predmeta dobije nakon proizvodnju / pakiranje od navedenih količina sirovina |
1974 | Quantity should be equal to Manufacturing Quantity. To fetch items again, click on 'Get Items' button or update the Quantity manually. | Količina trebao biti jednak Manufacturing količina . Za ponovno dohvatiti podatke, kliknite na ' se predmeti ' gumb ili ažurirati Količina ručno . |
1975 | Quarter | Četvrtina |
1976 | Quarterly | Tromjesečni |
1977 | Quick Help | Brza pomoć |
1978 | Quotation | Citat |
1979 | Quotation Date | Ponuda Datum |
1980 | Quotation Item | Citat artikla |
1981 | Quotation Items | Kotaciji Proizvodi |
1982 | Quotation Lost Reason | Citat Izgubili razlog |
1983 | Quotation Message | Citat Poruka |
1984 | Quotation Series | Ponuda Serija |
1985 | Quotation To | Ponuda za |
1986 | Quotation Trend | Citat Trend |
1987 | Quotation is cancelled. | Ponudu je otkazan . |
1988 | Quotations received from Suppliers. | Citati dobio od dobavljače. |
1989 | Quotes to Leads or Customers. | Citati na vodi ili kupaca. |
1990 | Raise Material Request when stock reaches re-order level | Podignite Materijal Zahtjev kad dionica dosegne ponovno poredak razinu |
1991 | Raised By | Povišena Do |
1992 | Raised By (Email) | Povišena Do (e) |
1993 | Random | Slučajan |
1994 | Range | Domet |
1995 | Rate | Stopa |
1996 | Rate | Stopa |
1997 | Rate (Company Currency) | Ocijeni (Društvo valuta) |
1998 | Rate Of Materials Based On | Stopa materijali na temelju |
1999 | Rate and Amount | Kamatna stopa i iznos |
2000 | Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency | Stopa po kojoj Kupac valuta se pretvaraju u kupca osnovne valute |
2001 | Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency | Stopa po kojoj Cjenik valute se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute |
2002 | Rate at which Price list currency is converted to customer's base currency | Stopa po kojoj Cjenik valute se pretvaraju u kupca osnovne valute |
2003 | Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency | Stopa po kojoj se valuta klijenta se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute |
2004 | Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency | Stopa po kojoj supplier valuta se pretvaraju u tvrtke bazne valute |
2005 | Rate at which this tax is applied | Stopa po kojoj je taj porez se primjenjuje |
2006 | Raw Material Item Code | Sirovine Stavka Šifra |
2007 | Raw Materials Supplied | Sirovine nabavlja |
2008 | Raw Materials Supplied Cost | Sirovine Isporuka Troškovi |
2009 | Re-Order Level | Re-Order Razina |
2010 | Re-Order Qty | Re-Order Kol |
2011 | Re-order | Ponovno bi |
2012 | Re-order Level | Ponovno bi Razina |
2013 | Re-order Qty | Ponovno bi Kol |
2014 | Read | Čitati |
2015 | Reading 1 | Čitanje 1 |
2016 | Reading 10 | Čitanje 10 |
2017 | Reading 2 | Čitanje 2 |
2018 | Reading 3 | Čitanje 3 |
2019 | Reading 4 | Čitanje 4 |
2020 | Reading 5 | Čitanje 5 |
2021 | Reading 6 | Čitanje 6 |
2022 | Reading 7 | Čitanje 7 |
2023 | Reading 8 | Čitanje 8 |
2024 | Reading 9 | Čitanje 9 |
2025 | Reason | Razlog |
2026 | Reason for Leaving | Razlog za odlazak |
2027 | Reason for Resignation | Razlog za ostavku |
2028 | Reason for losing | Razlog za gubljenje |
2029 | Recd Quantity | RecD Količina |
2030 | Receivable / Payable account will be identified based on the field Master Type | Potraživanja / obveze prema dobavljačima račun će se utvrditi na temelju vrsti terenu Master |
2031 | Receivables | Potraživanja |
2032 | Receivables / Payables | Potraživanja / obveze |
2033 | Receivables Group | Potraživanja Grupa |
2034 | Received | primljen |
2035 | Received Date | Datum pozicija |
2036 | Received Items To Be Billed | Primljeni Proizvodi se naplaćuje |
2037 | Received Qty | Pozicija Kol |
2038 | Received and Accepted | Primljeni i prihvaćeni |
2039 | Receiver List | Prijemnik Popis |
2040 | Receiver Parameter | Prijemnik parametra |
2041 | Recipients | Primatelji |
2042 | Reconciliation Data | Pomirenje podataka |
2043 | Reconciliation HTML | Pomirenje HTML |
2044 | Reconciliation JSON | Pomirenje JSON |
2045 | Record item movement. | Zabilježite stavku pokret. |
2046 | Recurring Id | Ponavljajući Id |
2047 | Recurring Invoice | Ponavljajući Račun |
2048 | Recurring Type | Ponavljajući Tip |
2049 | Reduce Deduction for Leave Without Pay (LWP) | Smanjite odbitak za ostaviti bez plaća (lwp) |
2050 | Reduce Earning for Leave Without Pay (LWP) | Smanjenje plaća za ostaviti bez plaće (lwp) |
2051 | Ref Code | Ref. Šifra |
2052 | Ref SQ | Ref. SQ |
2053 | Reference | Upućivanje |
2054 | Reference Date | Referentni datum |
2055 | Reference Name | Referenca Ime |
2056 | Reference Number | Referentni broj |
2057 | Refresh | Osvježiti |
2058 | Refreshing.... | Osvježavajući .... |
2059 | Registration Details | Registracija Brodu |
2060 | Registration Info | Registracija Info |
2061 | Rejected | Odbijen |
2062 | Rejected Quantity | Odbijen Količina |
2063 | Rejected Serial No | Odbijen Serijski br |
2064 | Rejected Warehouse | Odbijen galerija |
2065 | Rejected Warehouse is mandatory against regected item | Odbijen Skladište je obavezno protiv regected stavku |
2066 | Relation | Odnos |
2067 | Relieving Date | Rasterećenje Datum |
2068 | Relieving Date of employee is | Rasterećenje Datum zaposleniku |
2069 | Remark | Primjedba |
2070 | Remarks | Primjedbe |
2071 | Rename | preimenovati |
2072 | Rename Log | Preimenovanje Prijavite |
2073 | Rename Tool | Preimenovanje alat |
2074 | Rent Cost | Rent cost |
2075 | Rent per hour | Najam po satu |
2076 | Rented | Iznajmljuje |
2077 | Repeat on Day of Month | Ponovite na dan u mjesecu |
2078 | Replace | Zamijeniti |
2079 | Replace Item / BOM in all BOMs | Zamijenite predmet / BOM u svim sastavnicama |
2080 | Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate "BOM Explosion Item" table as per new BOM | Zamijenite određeni BOM u svim drugim sastavnicama gdje se koriste. To će zamijeniti staru vezu BOM, ažurirati troškove i regenerirati "BOM eksploziju predmeta" stol kao i po novom BOM |
2081 | Replied | Odgovorio |
2082 | Report Date | Prijavi Datum |
2083 | Report issues at | Prijavi probleme pri |
2084 | Reports | Izvješća |
2085 | Reports to | Izvješća |
2086 | Reqd By Date | Reqd Po datumu |
2087 | Request Type | Zahtjev Tip |
2088 | Request for Information | Zahtjev za informacije |
2089 | Request for purchase. | Zahtjev za kupnju. |
2090 | Requested | Tražena |
2091 | Requested For | Traženi Za |
2092 | Requested Items To Be Ordered | Traženi Proizvodi se mogu naručiti |
2093 | Requested Items To Be Transferred | Traženi stavki za prijenos |
2094 | Requested Qty | Traženi Kol |
2095 | Requested Qty: Quantity requested for purchase, but not ordered. | Tražena količina : Količina zatražio za kupnju , ali ne i naređeno . |
2096 | Requests for items. | Zahtjevi za stavke. |
2097 | Required By | Potrebna Do |
2098 | Required Date | Potrebna Datum |
2099 | Required Qty | Potrebna Kol |
2100 | Required only for sample item. | Potrebna je samo za primjer stavke. |
2101 | Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item. | Potrebna sirovina izdane dobavljač za proizvodnju pod - ugovoreni predmet. |
2102 | Reseller | Prodavač |
2103 | Reserved | Rezervirano |
2104 | Reserved Qty | Rezervirano Kol |
2105 | Reserved Qty: Quantity ordered for sale, but not delivered. | Rezervirano Količina : Količina naručiti za prodaju , ali nije dostavljena . |
2106 | Reserved Quantity | Rezervirano Količina |
2107 | Reserved Warehouse | Rezervirano galerija |
2108 | Reserved Warehouse in Sales Order / Finished Goods Warehouse | Rezervirano Warehouse u prodajni nalog / skladišta gotovih proizvoda |
2109 | Reserved Warehouse is missing in Sales Order | Rezervirano Warehouse nedostaje u prodajni nalog |
2110 | Reset Filters | Reset Filteri |
2111 | Resignation Letter Date | Ostavka Pismo Datum |
2112 | Resolution | Rezolucija |
2113 | Resolution Date | Rezolucija Datum |
2114 | Resolution Details | Rezolucija o Brodu |
2115 | Resolved By | Riješen Do |
2116 | Retail | Maloprodaja |
2117 | Retailer | Prodavač na malo |
2118 | Review Date | Recenzija Datum |
2119 | Rgt | Ustaša |
2120 | Role Allowed to edit frozen stock | Uloga dopuštenih urediti smrznute zalihe |
2121 | Role that is allowed to submit transactions that exceed credit limits set. | Uloga koja je dopušteno podnijeti transakcije koje premašuju kreditnih ograničenja postavljena. |
2122 | Root cannot have a parent cost center | Korijen ne mogu imati središte troškova roditelj |
2123 | Rounded Total | Zaobljeni Ukupno |
2124 | Rounded Total (Company Currency) | Zaobljeni Ukupno (Društvo valuta) |
2125 | Row | Red |
2126 | Row | Red |
2127 | Row # | Redak # |
2128 | Row # | Redak # |
2129 | Rules to calculate shipping amount for a sale | Pravila za izračun shipping iznos za prodaju |
2130 | S.O. No. | S.O. Ne. |
2131 | SMS | SMS |
2132 | SMS Center | SMS centar |
2133 | SMS Control | SMS kontrola |
2134 | SMS Gateway URL | SMS Gateway URL |
2135 | SMS Log | SMS Prijava |
2136 | SMS Parameter | SMS parametra |
2137 | SMS Sender Name | SMS Sender Ime |
2138 | SMS Settings | Postavke SMS |
2139 | SMTP Server (e.g. smtp.gmail.com) | SMTP poslužitelj (npr. smtp.gmail.com) |
2140 | SO | SO |
2141 | SO Date | SO Datum |
2142 | SO Pending Qty | SO čekanju Kol |
2143 | SO Qty | SO Kol |
2144 | SO/10-11/ | SO/10-11 / |
2145 | SO1112 | SO1112 |
2146 | SQTN | SQTN |
2147 | STE | Ste |
2148 | SUP | SUP |
2149 | SUPP | Supp |
2150 | SUPP/10-11/ | SUPP/10-11 / |
2151 | Salary | Plata |
2152 | Salary Information | Plaća informacije |
2153 | Salary Manager | Plaća Manager |
2154 | Salary Mode | Plaća način |
2155 | Salary Slip | Plaća proklizavanja |
2156 | Salary Slip Deduction | Plaća proklizavanja Odbitak |
2157 | Salary Slip Earning | Plaća proklizavanja Zarada |
2158 | Salary Structure | Plaća Struktura |
2159 | Salary Structure Deduction | Plaća Struktura Odbitak |
2160 | Salary Structure Earning | Plaća Struktura Zarada |
2161 | Salary Structure Earnings | Plaća Struktura Zarada |
2162 | Salary breakup based on Earning and Deduction. | Plaća raspada temelju zarađivati i odbitka. |
2163 | Salary components. | Plaća komponente. |
2164 | Sales | Prodajni |
2165 | Sales Analytics | Prodaja Analitika |
2166 | Sales BOM | Prodaja BOM |
2167 | Sales BOM Help | Prodaja BOM Pomoć |
2168 | Sales BOM Item | Prodaja BOM artikla |
2169 | Sales BOM Items | Prodaja BOM Proizvodi |
2170 | Sales Details | Prodaja Detalji |
2171 | Sales Discounts | Prodaja Popusti |
2172 | Sales Email Settings | Prodaja Postavke e-pošte |
2173 | Sales Extras | Prodaja Dodaci |
2174 | Sales Funnel | prodaja dimnjak |
2175 | Sales Invoice | Prodaja fakture |
2176 | Sales Invoice Advance | Prodaja Račun Predujam |
2177 | Sales Invoice Item | Prodaja Račun artikla |
2178 | Sales Invoice Items | Prodaja stavke računa |
2179 | Sales Invoice Message | Prodaja Račun Poruka |
2180 | Sales Invoice No | Prodaja Račun br |
2181 | Sales Invoice Trends | Prodaja Račun trendovi |
2182 | Sales Order | Prodajnog naloga |
2183 | Sales Order Date | Prodaja Datum narudžbe |
2184 | Sales Order Item | Prodajnog naloga artikla |
2185 | Sales Order Items | Prodaja Narudžbe Proizvodi |
2186 | Sales Order Message | Prodajnog naloga Poruka |
2187 | Sales Order No | Prodajnog naloga Ne |
2188 | Sales Order Required | Prodajnog naloga Obvezno |
2189 | Sales Order Trend | Prodaja Naručite Trend |
2190 | Sales Partner | Prodaja partner |
2191 | Sales Partner Name | Prodaja Ime partnera |
2192 | Sales Partner Target | Prodaja partner Target |
2193 | Sales Partners Commission | Prodaja Partneri komisija |
2194 | Sales Person | Prodaja Osoba |
2195 | Sales Person Incharge | Prodaja Osoba Incharge |
2196 | Sales Person Name | Prodaja Osoba Ime |
2197 | Sales Person Target Variance (Item Group-Wise) | Prodaja Osoba Target varijance (točka Group-Wise) |
2198 | Sales Person Targets | Prodaje osobi Mete |
2199 | Sales Person-wise Transaction Summary | Prodaja Osobne mudar Transakcija Sažetak |
2200 | Sales Register | Prodaja Registracija |
2201 | Sales Return | Prodaje Povratak |
2202 | Sales Returned | prodaja Vraćeno |
2203 | Sales Taxes and Charges | Prodaja Porezi i naknade |
2204 | Sales Taxes and Charges Master | Prodaja Porezi i naknade Master |
2205 | Sales Team | Prodaja Team |
2206 | Sales Team Details | Prodaja Team Detalji |
2207 | Sales Team1 | Prodaja Team1 |
2208 | Sales and Purchase | Prodaja i kupnja |
2209 | Sales campaigns | Prodaja kampanje |
2210 | Sales persons and targets | Prodaja osobe i ciljevi |
2211 | Sales taxes template. | Prodaja porezi predložak. |
2212 | Sales territories. | Prodaja teritoriji. |
2213 | Salutation | Pozdrav |
2214 | Same Serial No | Sve Serial Ne |
2215 | Sample Size | Veličina uzorka |
2216 | Sanctioned Amount | Iznos kažnjeni |
2217 | Saturday | Subota |
2218 | Save | |
2219 | Schedule | Raspored |
2220 | Schedule Date | Raspored Datum |
2221 | Schedule Details | Raspored Detalji |
2222 | Scheduled | Planiran |
2223 | Scheduled Date | Planirano Datum |
2224 | School/University | Škola / Sveučilište |
2225 | Score (0-5) | Ocjena (0-5) |
2226 | Score Earned | Ocjena Zarađeni |
2227 | Score must be less than or equal to 5 | Rezultat mora biti manja od ili jednaka 5 |
2228 | Scrap % | Otpad% |
2229 | Seasonality for setting budgets. | Sezonalnost za postavljanje proračuna. |
2230 | See "Rate Of Materials Based On" in Costing Section | Pogledajte "stopa materijali na temelju troškova" u odjeljak |
2231 | Select "Yes" for sub - contracting items | Odaberite "Da" za pod - ugovorne stavke |
2232 | Select "Yes" if this item is used for some internal purpose in your company. | Odaberite "Da" ako ova stavka se koristi za neke unutarnje potrebe u vašoj tvrtki. |
2233 | Select "Yes" if this item represents some work like training, designing, consulting etc. | Odaberite "Da" ako ova stavka predstavlja neki posao poput treninga, projektiranje, konzalting i sl. |
2234 | Select "Yes" if you are maintaining stock of this item in your Inventory. | Odaberite "Da" ako ste održavanju zaliha ove točke u vašem inventaru. |
2235 | Select "Yes" if you supply raw materials to your supplier to manufacture this item. | Odaberite "Da" ako opskrbu sirovina na svoj dobavljača za proizvodnju ovu stavku. |
2236 | Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months. | Odaberite Budget distribuciju neravnomjerno raspodijeliti ciljeve diljem mjeseci. |
2237 | Select Budget Distribution, if you want to track based on seasonality. | Odaberite Budget Distribution, ako želite pratiti na temelju sezonalnosti. |
2238 | Select Digest Content | Odaberite Digest sadržaj |
2239 | Select DocType | Odaberite DOCTYPE |
2240 | Select Item where "Is Stock Item" is "No" | Izborom gdje " Je Stock Stavka " "Ne" |
2241 | Select Items | Odaberite stavke |
2242 | Select Purchase Receipts | Odaberite Kupnja priznanica |
2243 | Select Sales Orders | Odaberite narudžbe |
2244 | Select Sales Orders from which you want to create Production Orders. | Odaberite narudžbe iz koje želite stvoriti radne naloge. |
2245 | Select Time Logs and Submit to create a new Sales Invoice. | Odaberite vrijeme Evidencije i slanje stvoriti novi prodajni fakture. |
2246 | Select Transaction | Odaberite transakcija |
2247 | Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited. | Odaberite račun šefa banke gdje je ček bio pohranjen. |
2248 | Select company name first. | Odaberite naziv tvrtke prvi. |
2249 | Select template from which you want to get the Goals | Odaberite predložak s kojeg želite dobiti ciljeva |
2250 | Select the Employee for whom you are creating the Appraisal. | Odaberite zaposlenika za koga se stvara procjene. |
2251 | Select the Invoice against which you want to allocate payments. | Odaberite fakture protiv koje želite izdvojiti plaćanja . |
2252 | Select the period when the invoice will be generated automatically | Odaberite razdoblje kada faktura će biti generiran automatski |
2253 | Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies | Odaberite odgovarajući naziv tvrtke ako imate više tvrtki |
2254 | Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies. | Odaberite odgovarajući naziv tvrtke ako imate više tvrtki. |
2255 | Select who you want to send this newsletter to | Odaberite koji želite poslati ovu newsletter |
2256 | Select your home country and check the timezone and currency. | Odaberite svoju domovinu i provjerite zonu i valutu . |
2257 | Selecting "Yes" will allow this item to appear in Purchase Order , Purchase Receipt. | Odabir "Da" omogućit će ovu stavku da se pojavi u narudžbenice, Otkup primitka. |
2258 | Selecting "Yes" will allow this item to figure in Sales Order, Delivery Note | Odabir "Da" omogućit će ovaj predmet shvatiti u prodajni nalog, otpremnici |
2259 | Selecting "Yes" will allow you to create Bill of Material showing raw material and operational costs incurred to manufacture this item. | Odabir "Da" će vam omogućiti da stvorite Bill materijala pokazuje sirovina i operativne troškove nastale za proizvodnju ovu stavku. |
2260 | Selecting "Yes" will allow you to make a Production Order for this item. | Odabir "Da" će vam omogućiti da napravite proizvodnom nalogu za tu stavku. |
2261 | Selecting "Yes" will give a unique identity to each entity of this item which can be viewed in the Serial No master. | Odabir "Da" će dati jedinstveni identitet svakog entiteta ove točke koja se može vidjeti u rednim brojem učitelja. |
2262 | Selling | Prodaja |
2263 | Selling Settings | Prodaja postavki |
2264 | Send | Poslati |
2265 | Send Autoreply | Pošalji Automatski |
2266 | Send Bulk SMS to Leads / Contacts | Pošalji Bulk SMS vodi / Kontakti |
2267 | Send Email | Pošaljite e-poštu |
2268 | Send From | Pošalji Iz |
2269 | Send Notifications To | Slanje obavijesti |
2270 | Send Now | Pošalji odmah |
2271 | Send Print in Body and Attachment | Pošalji Ispis u tijelu i privrženosti |
2272 | Send SMS | Pošalji SMS |
2273 | Send To | Pošalji |
2274 | Send To Type | Pošalji Upišite |
2275 | Send automatic emails to Contacts on Submitting transactions. | Pošalji automatske poruke u Kontakte o podnošenju transakcije. |
2276 | Send mass SMS to your contacts | Pošalji masovne SMS svojim kontaktima |
2277 | Send regular summary reports via Email. | Pošalji redovite sažetak izvješća putem e-pošte. |
2278 | Send to this list | Pošalji na ovom popisu |
2279 | Sender | Pošiljalac |
2280 | Sender Name | Pošiljatelj Ime |
2281 | Sent | Poslano |
2282 | Sent Mail | Poslana pošta |
2283 | Sent On | Poslan Na |
2284 | Sent Quotation | Sent Ponuda |
2285 | Sent or Received | Poslana ili primljena |
2286 | Separate production order will be created for each finished good item. | Poseban proizvodnja kako će biti izrađen za svakog gotovog dobrom stavke. |
2287 | Serial No | Serijski br |
2288 | Serial No / Batch | Serijski Ne / Batch |
2289 | Serial No Details | Serijski nema podataka |
2290 | Serial No Service Contract Expiry | Serijski Bez isteka Ugovor o pružanju usluga |
2291 | Serial No Status | Serijski Bez Status |
2292 | Serial No Warranty Expiry | Serijski Nema jamstva isteka |
2293 | Serial No created | Serijski Ne stvorili |
2294 | Serial No does not belong to Item | Serijski No ne pripada točki |
2295 | Serial No must exist to transfer out. | Serijski Ne mora postojati prenijeti van. |
2296 | Serial No qty cannot be a fraction | Serijski Ne Količina ne može bitidio |
2297 | Serial No status must be 'Available' to Deliver | Serijski Ne status mora biti ' dostupna' za dovođenje |
2298 | Serial Nos do not match with qty | Serijski Nos ne podudaraju s kom |
2299 | Serial Number Series | Serijski broj serije |
2300 | Serialized Item: ' | Serijaliziranom artikla: ' |
2301 | Series | serija |
2302 | Series List for this Transaction | Serija Popis za ovu transakciju |
2303 | Service Address | Usluga Adresa |
2304 | Services | Usluge |
2305 | Session Expiry | Sjednica isteka |
2306 | Session Expiry in Hours e.g. 06:00 | Sjednica Rok u Hours npr. 06:00 |
2307 | Set Item Group-wise budgets on this Territory. You can also include seasonality by setting the Distribution. | Postavite Stavka Grupa-mudre proračune na ovom području. Također možete uključiti sezonalnost postavljanjem Distribution. |
2308 | Set Login and Password if authentication is required. | Postavite prijavu i lozinku, ako je autorizacija potrebna. |
2309 | Set allocated amount against each Payment Entry and click 'Allocate'. | Set dodijeljeni iznos od svakog ulaska plaćanja i kliknite ' Dodjela ' . |
2310 | Set as Default | Postavi kao zadano |
2311 | Set as Lost | Postavi kao Lost |
2312 | Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions | Postavite prefiks za numeriranje niza na svoje transakcije |
2313 | Set targets Item Group-wise for this Sales Person. | Set cilja predmet Grupa-mudar za ovaj prodavač. |
2314 | Set your outgoing mail SMTP settings here. All system generated notifications, emails will go from this mail server. If you are not sure, leave this blank to use ERPNext servers (emails will still be sent from your email id) or contact your email provider. | Postavite odlazne postavke SMTP mail ovdje. Svi sustav generira obavijesti, e-mail će otići s ovog poslužitelja e-pošte. Ako niste sigurni, ostavite prazno za korištenje ERPNext poslužitelja (e-mailove i dalje će biti poslan na vaš e-mail id) ili se obratite davatelja usluga. |
2315 | Setting Account Type helps in selecting this Account in transactions. | Postavljanje Vrsta računa pomaže u odabiru ovaj račun u prometu. |
2316 | Setting up... | Postavljanje ... |
2317 | Settings | Postavke |
2318 | Settings for Accounts | Postavke za račune |
2319 | Settings for Buying Module | Postavke za kupnju modul |
2320 | Settings for Selling Module | Postavke za prodaju modul |
2321 | Settings for Stock Module | Postavke za Stock modula |
2322 | Settings to extract Job Applicants from a mailbox e.g. "jobs@example.com" | Postavke za izdvajanje posao zahtjeva iz spremnika npr. "jobs@example.com" |
2323 | Setup | Postavljanje |
2324 | Setup Already Complete!! | Postavljanje Već Kompletan ! |
2325 | Setup Complete! | Dovršeno! |
2326 | Setup Completed | Postavljanje Završeni |
2327 | Setup Series | Postavljanje Serija |
2328 | Setup of Shopping Cart. | Postavljanje Košarica. |
2329 | Setup to pull emails from support email account | Postava povući e-mailove od podrške email računa |
2330 | Share | Udio |
2331 | Share With | Podijelite s |
2332 | Shipments to customers. | Isporuke kupcima. |
2333 | Shipping | Utovar |
2334 | Shipping Account | Dostava račun |
2335 | Shipping Address | Dostava Adresa |
2336 | Shipping Amount | Dostava Iznos |
2337 | Shipping Rule | Dostava Pravilo |
2338 | Shipping Rule Condition | Dostava Pravilo Stanje |
2339 | Shipping Rule Conditions | Dostava Koje uvjete |
2340 | Shipping Rule Label | Dostava Pravilo Label |
2341 | Shipping Rules | Dostava Pravila |
2342 | Shop | Dućan |
2343 | Shopping Cart | Košarica |
2344 | Shopping Cart Price List | Košarica Cjenik |
2345 | Shopping Cart Price Lists | Košarica cjenike |
2346 | Shopping Cart Settings | Košarica Postavke |
2347 | Shopping Cart Shipping Rule | Košarica Dostava Pravilo |
2348 | Shopping Cart Shipping Rules | Košarica Dostava Pravila |
2349 | Shopping Cart Taxes and Charges Master | Košarica poreze i troškove Master |
2350 | Shopping Cart Taxes and Charges Masters | Košarica Porezi i naknade Masters |
2351 | Short biography for website and other publications. | Kratka biografija za web stranice i drugih publikacija. |
2352 | Show "In Stock" or "Not in Stock" based on stock available in this warehouse. | Show "na lageru" ili "Nije u skladištu" temelji se na skladištu dostupna u tom skladištu. |
2353 | Show / Hide Features | Show / Hide značajke |
2354 | Show / Hide Modules | Show / Hide Moduli |
2355 | Show In Website | Pokaži Na web stranice |
2356 | Show a slideshow at the top of the page | Prikaži slideshow na vrhu stranice |
2357 | Show in Website | Prikaži u web |
2358 | Show this slideshow at the top of the page | Prikaži ovaj slideshow na vrhu stranice |
2359 | Signature | Potpis |
2360 | Signature to be appended at the end of every email | Potpis se dodaje na kraju svakog e |
2361 | Single | Singl |
2362 | Single unit of an Item. | Jedna jedinica stavku. |
2363 | Sit tight while your system is being setup. This may take a few moments. | Sjedi čvrsto , dok je vaš sustav se postava . To može potrajati nekoliko trenutaka . |
2364 | Slideshow | Slideshow |
2365 | Sorry! You cannot change company's default currency, because there are existing transactions against it. You will need to cancel those transactions if you want to change the default currency. | Žao mi je! Ne možete promijeniti tvrtke zadanu valutu, jer već postoje transakcija protiv njega. Vi ćete morati odustati od te transakcije, ako želite promijeniti zadanu valutu. |
2366 | Sorry, Serial Nos cannot be merged | Žao nam je , Serial Nos ne mogu spojiti |
2367 | Sorry, companies cannot be merged | Žao nam je , tvrtke ne mogu spojiti |
2368 | Source | Izvor |
2369 | Source Warehouse | Izvor galerija |
2370 | Source and Target Warehouse cannot be same | Izvor i Target galerije ne mogu biti isti |
2371 | Spartan | Spartanski |
2372 | Special Characters | Posebne Likovi |
2373 | Special Characters | |
2374 | Specification Details | Specifikacija Detalji |
2375 | Specify Exchange Rate to convert one currency into another | Navedite tečaju za pretvaranje jedne valute u drugu |
2376 | Specify a list of Territories, for which, this Price List is valid | Navedite popis teritorijima, za koje, ovom cjeniku vrijedi |
2377 | Specify a list of Territories, for which, this Shipping Rule is valid | Navedite popis teritorijima, za koje, to Dostava Pravilo vrijedi |
2378 | Specify a list of Territories, for which, this Taxes Master is valid | Navedite popis teritorijima, za koje, to Porezi Master vrijedi |
2379 | Specify conditions to calculate shipping amount | Odredite uvjete za izračun iznosa dostave |
2380 | Specify the operations, operating cost and give a unique Operation no to your operations. | Navedite operacija, operativni troškovi i dati jedinstven radom najkasnije do svojih operacija . |
2381 | Split Delivery Note into packages. | Split otpremnici u paketima. |
2382 | Standard | Standard |
2383 | Standard Rate | Standardna stopa |
2384 | Standard Terms and Conditions that can be added to Sales and Purchases.
1. Validity of the offer.
1. Payment Terms (In Advance, On Credit, part advance etc).
1. What is extra (or payable by the Customer).
1. Safety / usage warning.
1. Warranty if any.
1. Returns Policy.
1. Terms of shipping, if applicable.
1. Ways of addressing disputes, indemnity, liability, etc.
1. Address and Contact of your Company. | |
2385 | Standard tax template that can be applied to all Purchase Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense heads like "Shipping", "Insurance", "Handling" etc.
#### Note
The tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.
#### Description of Columns
1. Calculation Type:
- This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount).
- **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total.
- **Actual** (as mentioned).
2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked
3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.
4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).
5. Rate: Tax rate.
6. Amount: Tax amount.
7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.
8. Enter Row: If based on "Previous Row Total" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).
9. Consider Tax or Charge for: In this section you can specify if the tax / charge is only for valuation (not a part of total) or only for total (does not add value to the item) or for both.
10. Add or Deduct: Whether you want to add or deduct the tax. | |
2386 | Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like "Shipping", "Insurance", "Handling" etc.
#### Note
The tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.
#### Description of Columns
1. Calculation Type:
- This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount).
- **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total.
- **Actual** (as mentioned).
2. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked
3. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.
4. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).
5. Rate: Tax rate.
6. Amount: Tax amount.
7. Total: Cumulative total to this point.
8. Enter Row: If based on "Previous Row Total" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).
9. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers. | |
2387 | Start | početak |
2388 | Start Date | Datum početka |
2389 | Start date of current invoice's period | Početak datum tekućeg razdoblja dostavnice |
2390 | Starting up... | Pokretanje ... |
2391 | State | Država |
2392 | Static Parameters | Statički parametri |
2393 | Status | Status |
2394 | Status must be one of | Status mora biti jedan od |
2395 | Status should be Submitted | Status treba Prijavljen |
2396 | Statutory info and other general information about your Supplier | Zakonska info i druge opće informacije o vašem Dobavljaču |
2397 | Stock | Zaliha |
2398 | Stock Adjustment Account | Stock Adjustment račun |
2399 | Stock Ageing | Kataloški Starenje |
2400 | Stock Analytics | Stock Analytics |
2401 | Stock Balance | Kataloški bilanca |
2402 | Stock Entries already created for Production Order | |
2403 | Stock Entry | Kataloški Stupanje |
2404 | Stock Entry Detail | Kataloški Stupanje Detalj |
2405 | Stock Frozen Upto | Kataloški Frozen Upto |
2406 | Stock Ledger | Stock Ledger |
2407 | Stock Ledger Entry | Stock Ledger Stupanje |
2408 | Stock Level | Kataloški Razina |
2409 | Stock Projected Qty | Stock Projekcija Kol |
2410 | Stock Qty | Kataloški Kol |
2411 | Stock Queue (FIFO) | Kataloški red (FIFO) |
2412 | Stock Received But Not Billed | Stock primljeni Ali ne Naplaćeno |
2413 | Stock Reconcilation Data | Stock Reconcilation podataka |
2414 | Stock Reconcilation Template | Stock Reconcilation Predložak |
2415 | Stock Reconciliation | Kataloški pomirenje |
2416 | Stock Reconciliation can be used to update the stock on a particular date, | |
2417 | Stock Settings | Stock Postavke |
2418 | Stock UOM | Kataloški UOM |
2419 | Stock UOM Replace Utility | Kataloški UOM Zamjena Utility |
2420 | Stock Uom | Kataloški Uom |
2421 | Stock Value | Stock vrijednost |
2422 | Stock Value Difference | Stock Vrijednost razlika |
2423 | Stock transactions exist against warehouse | |
2424 | Stop | Stop |
2425 | Stop Birthday Reminders | Zaustavi Rođendan Podsjetnici |
2426 | Stop Material Request | Zaustavi Materijal Zahtjev |
2427 | Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days. | Prestani korisnike od izrade ostaviti aplikacija na sljedećim danima. |
2428 | Stop! | Stop! |
2429 | Stopped | Zaustavljen |
2430 | Structure cost centers for budgeting. | Struktura troška za budžetiranja. |
2431 | Structure of books of accounts. | Struktura knjige računa. |
2432 | Sub-currency. For e.g. "Cent" | Sub-valuta. Za npr. "centi" |
2433 | Subcontract | Podugovor |
2434 | Subject | Predmet |
2435 | Submit Salary Slip | Slanje plaće Slip |
2436 | Submit all salary slips for the above selected criteria | Slanje sve plaće gaćice za gore odabranih kriterija |
2437 | Submit this Production Order for further processing. | Pošaljite ovaj radnog naloga za daljnju obradu . |
2438 | Submitted | Prijavljen |
2439 | Subsidiary | Podružnica |
2440 | Successful: | Uspješna: |
2441 | Suggestion | Prijedlog |
2442 | Suggestions | Prijedlozi |
2443 | Sunday | Nedjelja |
2444 | Supplier | Dobavljač |
2445 | Supplier (Payable) Account | Dobavljač (Plaća) račun |
2446 | Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master | Dobavljač (prodavatelja) ime kao ušao u dobavljača gospodara |
2447 | Supplier Account | dobavljač račun |
2448 | Supplier Account Head | Dobavljač račun Head |
2449 | Supplier Address | Dobavljač Adresa |
2450 | Supplier Addresses And Contacts | Supplier adrese i kontakti |
2451 | Supplier Addresses and Contacts | Supplier Adrese i kontakti |
2452 | Supplier Details | Dobavljač Detalji |
2453 | Supplier Intro | Dobavljač Uvod |
2454 | Supplier Invoice Date | Dobavljač Datum fakture |
2455 | Supplier Invoice No | Dobavljač Račun br |
2456 | Supplier Name | Dobavljač Ime |
2457 | Supplier Naming By | Dobavljač nazivanje |
2458 | Supplier Part Number | Dobavljač Broj dijela |
2459 | Supplier Quotation | Dobavljač Ponuda |
2460 | Supplier Quotation Item | Dobavljač ponudu artikla |
2461 | Supplier Reference | Dobavljač Referenca |
2462 | Supplier Shipment Date | Dobavljač Pošiljka Datum |
2463 | Supplier Shipment No | Dobavljač Pošiljka Nema |
2464 | Supplier Type | Dobavljač Tip |
2465 | Supplier Type / Supplier | Dobavljač Tip / Supplier |
2466 | Supplier Warehouse | Dobavljač galerija |
2467 | Supplier Warehouse mandatory subcontracted purchase receipt | Dobavljač skladišta obvezni podugovorne Račun kupnje |
2468 | Supplier classification. | Dobavljač klasifikacija. |
2469 | Supplier database. | Dobavljač baza podataka. |
2470 | Supplier of Goods or Services. | Dobavljač robe ili usluga. |
2471 | Supplier warehouse where you have issued raw materials for sub - contracting | Dobavljač skladište gdje ste izdali sirovine za pod - ugovaranje |
2472 | Supplier-Wise Sales Analytics | Supplier -mudar prodaje Analytics |
2473 | Support | Podržati |
2474 | Support Analtyics | Podrška Analtyics |
2475 | Support Analytics | Podrška Analytics |
2476 | Support Email | Podrška e |
2477 | Support Email Settings | E-mail Settings Podrška |
2478 | Support Password | Podrška Lozinka |
2479 | Support Ticket | Podrška karata |
2480 | Support queries from customers. | Podrška upite od kupaca. |
2481 | Symbol | Simbol |
2482 | Sync Support Mails | Sinkronizacija Podrška mailova |
2483 | Sync with Dropbox | Sinkronizacija s Dropbox |
2484 | Sync with Google Drive | Sinkronizacija s Google Drive |
2485 | System Administration | Administracija sustava |
2486 | System Scheduler Errors | Sustav Scheduler Pogreške |
2487 | System Settings | Postavke sustava |
2488 | System User (login) ID. If set, it will become default for all HR forms. | Sustav Korisničko (login) ID. Ako je postavljen, to će postati zadana za sve HR oblicima. |
2489 | System for managing Backups | Sustav za upravljanje sigurnosne kopije |
2490 | System generated mails will be sent from this email id. | Sustav generira mailova će biti poslan na ovaj email id. |
2491 | TL- | TL- |
2492 | TLB- | TLB- |
2493 | Table for Item that will be shown in Web Site | Tablica za predmet koji će biti prikazan u web stranice |
2494 | Target Amount | Ciljana Iznos |
2495 | Target Detail | Ciljana Detalj |
2496 | Target Details | Ciljane Detalji |
2497 | Target Details1 | Ciljana Details1 |
2498 | Target Distribution | Ciljana Distribucija |
2499 | Target On | Target Na |
2500 | Target Qty | Ciljana Kol |