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#Sales Invoice from Timesheet
Customer can be invoiced based on total no. of hours your Employees has worked for that Customer. Timesheet can be used to track actual no. of hours Employee has worked. For example, in the IT services domain, clients are billed based on man-hour bases, where per hour billing cost is pre-determined.s
####Step 1: Create new Timesheet
To create new Timesheet, go to:
Project > Timesheet > New
Step 2: Select Employee
In the Employee field, only ones having ative Salary Structure will be selectable. Further in the Salary Structure , is created for the E on the actual hours worked, Employee can create Timesheet. To be able to create Sales Invoice against this Timesheet, ensure Billable
field is checked.

Step 3:Activity Type
Employee will have to select an Activity Type (like planning, site visit, repairing etc. ). Costing and Billing Rate for each Activity can be different for each Employee. These cost can be tracked in the Activity Cost. On selection of Activity Type, Activity Cost is fetched from that Employee. Based on total Activity Cost and total no. of hours, Total Billing Amount (to the Customer) is calculated.
To learn more on how to setup Activity Type and Activity Cost, click here.

Step 4: Enter Actual Time
In the Timesheet Details table, enter actual hours an Employee has worked for. One Timesheet can be used for multiple days as well.
To be able to create Sales Invoice from the Time Sheet, ensure 'Is Billable' field is checked.

Based on the actual hours worked and Activity Cost of an Employee, Total Billing Amount will be calculated for Timesheet.
Step 5: Save and Submit
After submitting Timesheet, you will find buttons to create Sales Invoice and Salary Slip against this Timesheet.

###Create Sales Invoice from Timesheet
Submitted Timesheet
In the Timesheet, if "Is Billable" is checked, you will find option to create Sales Invoice against it.

####Sales Invoice
Sales Invoice has dedicated table for the Timesheet table where Timesheet details will be updated. You can select more Timesheets in this table.

####Select Customer and Item
Select Customer to be billed. Select an Item, and enter rate as the billing amount.
After enter all required details in the Sales Invoice, Save and Submit it.
On submitting Sales Invoice, status of the Timesheets linked to the Sales Invoice will be updated as Billed.