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Getting Help | question |
If you are stuck and have searched all the help that is available online and need to talk to someone, here is how you do it:
1. Head to the Forums
- If you are a user or evaluating and want to talk to other ERPNext users, go to the ERPNext User Forum
- If you are a developer and want help in customizing or extending ERPNext, head to the developer forums ERPNext Developer Forum
2. Report an Issue / Suggestion at GitHub
We use GitHub to manage the development of ERPNext. So if you encounter a bug or have a suggestion, feel free to add a GitHub issue. Everyone on the core team keeps a watch on that list.
3. Get in touch with a local partner.
ERPNext has an expanding partner community so check this page out if there is a local partner in your region.
4. Buy Commercial Support / Hosting
You can buy affordable hosting from Web Notes or buy commercial support where you get:
- One-on-one sessions via screen sharing.
- Priority bug fixing
- Remote setup and installation on your linux server.
- Help in setting up backups and restoring.