* feat: Make marketplace run on hub server in Guest mode
* fix: Skip page actions on server
* fix: Limit PageContainer to marketplace route
* fix(eslint): Add hub variable to globals
-Get PDC date from posting_date instead of reference date since posting_date is the date at which the post dated cheque can be cleared
-Get PDC data from submitted documents only
* tds computation report added
* tds computation logic added
* minor changes to commonify code
* tds payable monthly report added
* initial logic for monthly tds calculation added
* added field for supplier type and pan
* changes related to pan and entity type
* date filter fix and cleanup
* [Enhance] Added job card against the work order
* removed work order from timesheet
* Fixed codacy
* Added patch to make job card from the timesheet
* Timer in job card
* Dates validation in job card
* Added button to make job card from work order
* Added sub-assembly operation in the work order
* Remove make subscription button on delivery note if it is of type returns
* Added 'issue_credit_note' checkbox on delivery note to pass a Sales Inv of type return if checked while creating a return delivery note
* Added logic to auto-create Return Sales Invoice/ Credit Note if issue_credit_note checkbox is checked while return delivey note is submited
* Update delivery_note.py
* adding cashier closing feature
cashier closing feature has been added as now the cashier can make a
closure to record every thing from his pos as the expenses which has
been paid and the custody which he had at the starting and the amount
which is in his save and the system will record the date and time and
the user and the total net amount automatically which supposed be equal
to all of his sales invoices totals
* add cashier closing link at pos menu
* add cashier closing link to accounts config file
adding cashier closing link at accounts config file to show it at the
accounts module page
* adding more features to cashier closing
adding from time to the cashier closing in case the cashier working more
than one shift also giving him the ability to add the type of payments
to his cashier closure ,
also adding validation to be sure the from time is less than to time.
* Update cashier_closing.py
* Allow Cost Center In Entry of Balance Sheet Account
* Add parent cost center in get payment entry
* Add Tests for Allow Cost Center In Entry of Balance Sheet Account
* Add tests for cost center wise account and party balance
* set parent cost center in taxes
* 1. Remove copy parent cost_center to child
2. Improve update party and account balance functionality on cost_center change
3. Add cost_center filter to get_outstanding_documents
* fix Codacy and Travis issue