206 lines
5.4 KiB
206 lines
5.4 KiB
pscript.onload_questions = function() {
var w = page_body.pages['questions'];
var tab = make_table(w, 1, 2, '100%', ['75%', '25%'], {});
var body = $a($td(tab,0,0),'div','layout_wrapper');
new PageHeader(body, 'Knowledge Base');
// kb
var kb = new KnowledgeBase(body);
// sidebar
$y($td(tab, 0, 1), {paddingTop:'53px'});
this.sidebar = new wn.widgets.PageSidebar($td(tab, 0, 1), {
sections: [
title: 'Top Tags',
render: function(body) {
new wn.widgets.TagCloud(body, 'Question', function(tag) { kb.set_tag_filter(tag) });
set_title('Knowledge Base');
// knowledge base object
// has a box for search or ask a question
// and list of top rated search results
function KnowledgeBase(w) {
var me = this;
this.sort_by = 'modified';
this.tag_filter_dict = {};
this.make_search_bar = function() {
this.search = $a($a(w,'div','kb-search-wrapper'), 'textarea');
$(this.search).add_default_text('Enter keywords or a new Question');
var div = $a(w,'div','kb-btn-wrapper');
$btn(div, 'Search', function() { me.run() }, {fontSize:'14px'});
$btn(div, 'Ask', function() { me.ask() }, {fontSize:'14px'});
// ask a new question
this.ask = function() {
if(this.search.value==$(this.search).attr('default_text')) {
msgprint('Please enter some text'); return;
// suggest a few users who can answer
this.suggest = function() {
this.dialog = new wn.widgets.Dialog({
title: 'Suggest a users',
width: 400,
fields: [
{fieldtype:'HTML', options:'Optional: Suggest a few users who can help you answer this question<br>'},
{fieldtype:'Link', fieldname:'profile1', label:'1st User',options:'Profile'},
{fieldtype:'Link', fieldname:'profile2', label:'2nd User',options:'Profile'},
{fieldtype:'Link', fieldname:'profile3', label:'3rd User',options:'Profile'},
{fieldtype:'Button', fieldname:'ask', label:'Add the Question'}
this.dialog.fields_dict.ask.input.onclick = function() {
// add a new question to the database
this.add_question = function(suggest_list) {
$c_page('knowledge_base', 'questions', 'add_question', {
question: this.search.value,
suggest: suggest_list
}, function(r,rt) {
// where tags that filter will be displayed
this.make_tag_filter_area = function() {
this.tag_filters = $a(w, 'div', 'kb-tag-filter-area');
$a(this.tag_filters,'span','',{marginRight:'4px',color:'#442'}, '<i>Showing for:</i>');
this.tag_area = $a(this.tag_filters, 'span');
// make a list of questions
this.make_list = function() {
this.list_area = $a(w, 'div', '', {marginRight:'13px'})
this.no_result = $a(w, 'div','help_box',{display:'none'},'No questions asked yet! Be the first one to ask')
this.list = new wn.widgets.Listing({
parent: this.list_area,
no_results_message: 'No questions found. Ask a new question!',
as_dict: 1,
get_query: function() {
// filter by search string
var v = me.search.value==$(me.search).attr('default_text') ? '' : me.search.value;
cond = v ? (' and t1.question like "%'+v+'%"') : '';
// filter by tags
if(me.tag_filter_dict) {
for(f in me.tag_filter_dict) {
cond += ' and t1.`_user_tags` like "%' + f + '%"'
return repl('select t1.name, t1.owner, t1.question, t1.points, t1.modified, t1._user_tags, '
+'t1._users_voted, t2.first_name, t2.last_name '
+'from tabQuestion t1, tabProfile t2 '
+'where t1.docstatus!=2 '
+'and t1.owner = t2.name'
+'%(cond)s order by t1.modified desc', {user:user, cond: cond})
render_row: function(parent, data, listing) {
new KBQuestion(parent, data, me);
// add a tag filter to the search in the
// main page
this.set_tag_filter = function(tag) {
// check if exists
if(in_list(keys(me.tag_filter_dict), tag.label)) return;
// create a tag in filters
var filter_tag = new SingleTag({
parent: me.tag_area,
label: tag.label,
dt: 'Question',
color: tag.color
// remove tag from filters
filter_tag.remove = function(tag_remove) {
delete me.tag_filter_dict[tag_remove.label];
// hide everything?
if(!keys(me.tag_filter_dict).length) {
$(me.tag_filters).slideUp(); // hide
// run
// add to dict
me.tag_filter_dict[tag.label] = filter_tag;
// run
this.run = function() {
// single kb question
// "question
// points | tag list"
KBQuestion = function(parent, det, kb) {
this.make = function() {
this.wrapper = $a(parent, 'div', 'kb-question-wrapper');
this.q_area = $a($a(this.wrapper, 'div'), 'h3', 'kb-questions link_type', {display:'inline', textDecoration:'none'}, det.question);
this.q_area.onclick = function() {
var q = this;
window.location.href = '#!question-view/' + q.id;
//loadpage('question-view', function() { pscript.question_view(q.id, q.txt) })
this.q_area.id = det.name; this.q_area.txt = det.question;
new KBItemToolbar({
parent: this.wrapper,
det: det,
with_tags: 1,
doctype: 'Question'
}, kb)