2011-06-08 09:07:15 +00:00
import webnotes
from webnotes . utils import load_json , cint , nowdate
def change_password ( arg ) :
2011-07-06 05:12:02 +00:00
Change password
2011-06-08 09:07:15 +00:00
arg = load_json ( arg )
if cint ( webnotes . conn . get_value ( ' Control Panel ' , None , ' sync_with_gateway ' ) ) :
2011-07-06 05:12:02 +00:00
import server_tools . gateway_utils
webnotes . msgprint ( server_tools . gateway_utils . change_password ( arg [ ' old_password ' ] , arg [ ' new_password ' ] ) [ ' message ' ] )
2011-06-08 09:07:15 +00:00
else :
if not webnotes . conn . sql ( ' select name from tabProfile where name= %s and password=password( %s ) ' , ( webnotes . session [ ' user ' ] , arg [ ' old_password ' ] ) ) :
webnotes . msgprint ( ' Old password is not correct ' , raise_exception = 1 )
from webnotes . utils import nowdate
webnotes . conn . sql ( " update tabProfile set password=password( %s ), password_last_updated= %s where name= %s " , ( arg [ ' new_password ' ] , nowdate ( ) , webnotes . session [ ' user ' ] ) )
webnotes . msgprint ( ' Password Updated ' ) ;
def get_user_details ( arg = None ) :
2011-09-05 07:44:18 +00:00
Returns user first name , last name and bio
2011-06-08 09:07:15 +00:00
return webnotes . conn . sql ( " select first_name, last_name, bio from tabProfile where name= %s " , webnotes . user . name , as_dict = 1 ) [ 0 ]
def set_user_details ( arg = None ) :
2011-09-05 07:44:18 +00:00
updates user details given in argument
2011-06-08 09:07:15 +00:00
from webnotes . model . doc import Document
p = Document ( ' Profile ' , webnotes . user . name )
p . fields . update ( load_json ( arg ) )
p . save ( )
webnotes . msgprint ( ' Updated ' )
2011-09-05 07:44:18 +00:00
def set_user_image ( arg = None ) :
Set uploaded image as user image
from webnotes . utils . upload_handler import UploadHandler
uh = UploadHandler ( )
if not uh . file_name :
# do nothing - no file found
else :
# save the file
from webnotes . utils . file_manager import FileAttachments
fa = FileAttachments ( ' Profile ' , webnotes . session [ ' user ' ] )
fa . delete_all ( )
fa . add ( uh . file_name , uh . content )
fa . save ( )
uh . set_callback ( ' window.parent.upload_callback( " %s " , " %s " ) ' \
% ( webnotes . form_dict [ ' uploader_id ' ] , fa . get_fid ( 0 ) ) )