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2012-02-23 12:35:32 +05:30
// ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com)
// Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
// tree of chart of accounts / cost centers
// multiple companies
// add node
// edit node
// see ledger
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
pscript['onload_Accounts Browser'] = function(wrapper){
2012-04-16 13:33:14 +05:30
2012-04-13 12:01:23 +05:30
wrapper.appframe = new wn.ui.AppFrame($(wrapper).find('.appframe-area'));
wrapper.appframe.add_button('New Company', function() { newdoc('Company'); }, 'icon-plus');
2012-04-16 18:36:46 +05:30
wrapper.appframe.add_button('Refresh', function() {
}, 'icon-refresh');
2012-04-13 12:01:23 +05:30
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
// company-select
wrapper.$company_select = $('<select class="accbrowser-company-select"></select>')
.change(function() {
var ctype = wn.get_route()[1] || 'Account';
erpnext.account_chart = new erpnext.AccountsChart(ctype, $(this).val(), wrapper);
// default company
if(sys_defaults.company) {
.attr('value', sys_defaults.company)
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
// load up companies
callback: function(r) {
$.each(r.message, function(i, v) {
$('<option>').html(v).attr('value', v).appendTo(wrapper.$company_select);
wrapper.$company_select.val(sys_defaults.company || r[0]);
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
pscript['onshow_Accounts Browser'] = function(wrapper){
// set route
var ctype = wn.get_route()[1] || 'Account';
2012-04-16 13:33:14 +05:30
wrapper.appframe.title('Chart of '+ctype+'s');
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
if(erpnext.account_chart && erpnext.account_chart.ctype != ctype) {
erpnext.AccountsChart = Class.extend({
init: function(ctype, company, wrapper) {
var me = this;
me.ctype = ctype;
2012-04-16 18:36:46 +05:30
me.company = company;
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
this.tree = new wn.ui.Tree({
parent: $(wrapper).find('.tree-area'),
label: company,
args: {ctype: ctype},
method: 'accounts.page.accounts_browser.accounts_browser.get_children',
click: function(link) {
if(link.toolbar) {
me.cur_toolbar = link.toolbar;
make_link_toolbar: function(link) {
var data = $(link).data('node-data');
if(!data) return;
2012-04-17 12:40:37 +05:30
link.toolbar = $('<span class="tree-node-toolbar"></span>').insertAfter(link);
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
// edit
$('<a href="#!Form/'+encodeURIComponent(this.ctype)+'/'
if(data.expandable) {
2012-04-16 18:36:46 +05:30
link.toolbar.append(' | <a onclick="erpnext.account_chart.new_node();">Add Child</a>');
} else if(this.ctype=='Account') {
link.toolbar.append(' | <a onclick="erpnext.account_chart.show_ledger();">View Ledger</a>');
2012-04-17 12:40:37 +05:30
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
2012-04-16 18:36:46 +05:30
show_ledger: function() {
var me = this;
var node = me.selected_node();
wn.set_route('Report', 'GL Entry', 'General Ledger',
this.ctype + '=' + node.data('label'));
new_node: function() {
if(this.ctype=='Account') {
} else {
selected_node: function() {
return this.tree.$w.find('.tree-link.selected');
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
new_account: function() {
2012-04-16 18:36:46 +05:30
var me = this;
// the dialog
var d = new wn.ui.Dialog({
title:'New Account',
fields: [
{fieldtype:'Data', fieldname:'account_name', label:'New Account Name', reqd:true},
{fieldtype:'Select', fieldname:'group_or_ledger', label:'Group or Ledger',
{fieldtype:'Select', fieldname:'account_type', label:'Account Type',
options: ['', 'Fixed Asset Account', 'Bank or Cash', 'Expense Account', 'Tax',
'Income Account', 'Chargeable'].join('\n') },
{fieldtype:'Float', fieldname:'tax_rate', label:'Tax Rate'},
{fieldtype:'Select', fieldname:'master_type', label:'Master Type',
options: ['NA', 'Supplier', 'Customer', 'Employee'].join('\n') },
{fieldtype:'Button', fieldname:'create_new', label:'Create New' }
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
2012-04-16 18:36:46 +05:30
var fd = d.fields_dict;
// account type if ledger
$(fd.group_or_ledger.input).change(function() {
if($(this).val()=='Group') {
} else {
if(fd.account_type.get_value()=='Tax') {
// tax rate if tax
$(fd.account_type.input).change(function() {
if($(this).val()=='Tax') {
} else {
// create
$(fd.create_new.input).click(function() {
var btn = this;
var v = d.get_values();
if(!v) return;
var node = me.selected_node();
v.parent_account = node.data('label');
v.company = me.company;
$c_obj('GL Control', 'add_ac', v,
function(r,rt) {
// show
d.onshow = function() {
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
2012-04-16 18:36:46 +05:30
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
new_cost_center: function(){
2012-04-16 18:36:46 +05:30
var me = this;
// the dialog
var d = new wn.ui.Dialog({
title:'New Cost Center',
fields: [
{fieldtype:'Data', fieldname:'cost_center_name', label:'New Cost Center Name', reqd:true},
{fieldtype:'Select', fieldname:'group_or_ledger', label:'Group or Ledger',
{fieldtype:'Button', fieldname:'create_new', label:'Create New' }
// create
$(d.fields_dict.create_new.input).click(function() {
var btn = this;
var v = d.get_values();
if(!v) return;
var node = me.selected_node();
v.parent_cost_center = node.data('label');
v.company_name = me.company;
$c_obj('GL Control', 'add_cc', v,
function(r,rt) {
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
pscript.make_chart = function(b, wrapper) {
pscript.ctype = b;
//================== table body======================================
var ac_main_grid = make_table($i('ab_body'),1,2,'100%',['60%','40%'],{border:"0px", padding:"4px",tableLayout: "fixed", borderCollapse: "collapse"});
$y($td(ac_main_grid,0,0),{border: "1px solid #dddddd", padding: "8px"});
2012-03-22 11:37:08 +05:30
pscript.account_tree = $a($td(ac_main_grid,0,0),'div', '',{minHeight:'400px'});
$y($td(ac_main_grid,0,1),{border: "1px solid #DDD"});
pscript.la = $a($td(ac_main_grid,0,1),'div');
pscript.acc_period_bal = $a($td(ac_main_grid,0,1),'div');
//=====================footer area ==================================
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
if (pscript.ctype == 'Account') {
var footer = $a($i('ab_body'),'div','',{backgroundColor: "#FFD", padding: "8px", color: "#444", fontSize: "12px", marginTop: "14px"});
var help1 = $a(footer,'span');
help1.innerHTML = "<strong>Note:</strong> To create accounts for Customers and Suppliers, please create <a href='#!List/Customer'>Customer</a> and <a href='#!List/Supplier'>Supplier</a>"
+ " Masters. This will ensure that the accounts are linked to your Selling and Buying Processes. The Account Heads for Customer and Supplier will automatically be created."
// header and toolbar
// ------------------
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
wrapper.appframe.$titlebar.find('.appframe-title').html('Chart of '+pscript.ctype+'s');
// select company
// --------------
var tab = make_table(select_area, 1, 2, null, [], {verticalAlign:'middle', padding: '2px'});
$td(tab,0,0).innerHTML = 'Select Company'.bold();
var sel = $a($td(tab,0,1),'select','',{width:'160px'});
// set tree
var set_tree = function() {
if(pscript.ac_tree) {
pscript.ac_tree.body.innerHTML = '';
var cn = sel_val(sel);
var n = pscript.ac_tree.addNode(null, cn, null,pscript.ac_tree.std_onclick, pscript.ac_tree.std_onexp);
n.rec = {};
n.rec.name = 'Root Node';
n.rec.account_name = cn;
n.rec.cost_center_name = cn;
// select company
add_sel_options(sel, ['Loading...']);
var callback = function(r,rt) {
sel.onchange = function() { set_tree(); }
$c_obj('GL Control', 'get_companies', '', callback);
pscript.ab_company_sel = sel;
pscript.make_ac_tree = function() {
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
//var type= sel_val($i('ctype'))
var type= pscript.ctype;
var tree = new Tree(pscript.account_tree, '90%');
pscript.ac_tree = tree;
// on click
tree.std_onclick = function(node) {
pscript.cur_node = node;
// show ledger
pscript.set_ac_head(node.parent_account, node.rec,type);
// on expand
tree.std_onexp = function(node) {
var callback = function(r,rt) {
var n = tree.allnodes[r.message.parent_acc_name];
var cl = r.message.cl;
for(var i=0;i<cl.length;i++) {
var imgsrc=null;
var has_children = true;
if(cl[i].group_or_ledger=='Ledger') {
2012-02-06 16:28:06 +05:30
var imgsrc = 'lib/images/icons/page.png';
has_children = false;
var t = tree.addNode(n, cl[i].account_name, imgsrc,tree.std_onclick, has_children ? tree.std_onexp : null);
t.rec = cl[i];
t.parent_account = r.message.parent;
for (var i=0;i<cl.length;i++){
var imgsrc=null;
var has_children = true;
if(cl[i].group_or_ledger=='Ledger') {
2012-02-06 16:28:06 +05:30
var imgsrc = 'lib/images/icons/page.png';
has_children = false;
var t = tree.addNode(n, cl[i].cost_center_name, imgsrc,tree.std_onclick, has_children ? tree.std_onexp : null);
t.rec = cl[i];
t.parent_account = r.message.parent;
if (type=='Account'){
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
var arg = [node.rec.name, node.rec.account_name, sel_val(pscript.ab_company_sel), pscript.ctype];
} else{
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30
var arg = [node.rec.name, node.rec.cost_center_name,sel_val(pscript.ab_company_sel), pscript.ctype];
$c_obj('GL Control','get_cl',arg.join(','),callback);
pscript.make_ac_head = function() {
var div = $a(pscript.la,'div','ac_head');
div.main_head = $a(div,'h3','',{padding:'4px', margin:'0px',backgroundColor:'#EEEEEE',borderBottom:'1px solid #AAAAAA'});
div.sub_head1 = $a(div,'div');
div.sub_head2 = $a(div,'div');
div.balance_area = $a(div,'div');
$a(div.balance_area,'span','sectionHeading').innerHTML = "Balance:";
div.balance = $a(div.balance_area,'span','ac_balance');
div.sub_head = $btn(div,'Edit',function() { loaddoc(this.dt, this.dn); });
pscript.ac_head_area = div;
// Group / Ledger Area - set properties in the right column
pscript.set_ac_head = function(parent_account, r,type) {
var d = pscript.ac_head_area;
d.main_head.innerHTML = r.account_name;
var callback = function(r,rt) {
dcc = r.message;
$c_obj('GL Control', 'get_company_currency', pscript.ab_company_sel.value, callback);
if(r.name!='Root Node') {
// Account group/ledger area
d.sub_head.dt = 'Account'; d.sub_head.dn = r.name
d.sub_head1.innerHTML = r.debit_or_credit + ' - ' + r.group_or_ledger;
d.sub_head2.innerHTML = 'Group: ' + parent_account;
if(r.group_or_ledger=='Ledger') {
} else {
var callback = function(r,rt) {
dcc = r.message;
$c_obj('GL Control', 'get_company_currency', pscript.ab_company_sel.value, callback);
2011-06-28 19:01:02 +05:30
d.balance.innerHTML = (dcc)+ ' ' + (r.balance ? fmt_money(r.balance) :'0.00');
//cost center group/ledger area
d.main_head.innerHTML = r.cost_center_name;
d.sub_head.dt = 'Cost Center'; d.sub_head.dn = r.name
d.sub_head1.innerHTML = '' ;
d.sub_head2.innerHTML = 'Group: ' + parent_account;
if(r.group_or_ledger=='Ledger') {
} else {
d.balance.innerHTML ='';
} else {
d.sub_head1.innerHTML = '';
d.sub_head2.innerHTML = 'Explore tree on your left to see details';
pscript.acc_period_bal.innerHTML = '';
// Group Area
// ----------
pscript.make_group_area = function(type) {
pscript.group_area = $a(pscript.la,'div','ac_ledger');
// refresh
ref_btn = $a(pscript.group_area, 'div', '', {fontSize: '14px',marginBottom: '8px', marginTop: '24px', fontWeight: 'bold'});
ref_btn.innerHTML = '<img src="lib/images/icons/page_refresh.gif" style="margin-right: 8px"><span class="link_type">Refresh Tree</span>';
ref_btn.onclick= function() {
pscript.group_area.ref_btn = ref_btn;
// button for acc adding
pscript.acc_add_btn = $btn(pscript.group_area, '+ Add a child Account', function(){ pscript.new_acc_dialog.show(); });
// button for cost center adding
pscript.cc_add_btn = $btn(pscript.group_area, '+ Add a child Cost Center', null);
//showing new cost center dialog
pscript.cc_add_btn.onclick = function(){
// check for cost center name & group or ledger
pscript.cc_dialog.widgets['Create'].onclick = function() {
if(!pscript.cc_dialog.widgets['New Cost Center Name'].value) {
msgprint('Please enter New Cost Center Name'); return;
if(!sel_val(pscript.cc_dialog.widgets['Group or Ledger'])) {
msgprint('Please specify cost center is group or ledger'); return;
//args making
args = {
'cost_center_name' : pscript.cc_dialog.widgets['New Cost Center Name'].value,
'parent_cost_center' : pscript.cur_node.rec.name,
'group_or_ledger' : sel_val(pscript.cc_dialog.widgets['Group or Ledger']),
'company_name' : sel_val(pscript.ab_company_sel),
'company_abbr': '',
//create cost center -- server to gl control
$c_obj('GL Control', 'add_cc', docstring(args), function(r,rt) {
pscript.cc_dialog.widgets['New Cost Center Name'].value='';
// Ledger Area
// ----------
pscript.make_ledger_area = function() {
pscript.ledger_area = $a(pscript.la,'div','ac_ledger');
//General ledger report link
pscript.gl_rep = $a(pscript.ledger_area, 'div','', {fontSize: '14px',marginBottom: '8px', fontWeight: 'bold'});
pscript.gl_rep.innerHTML = '<img src="lib/images/icons/report.png" style="margin-right: 8px"><span class="link_type">Open Ledger</span>';
pscript.gl_rep.onclick = function(){ pscript.make_report('gl'); }
pscript.make_report = function(flag){
var callback = function(report){
report.set_filter('GL Entry', 'Account',pscript.cur_node.rec.name)
loadreport('GL Entry','General Ledger',callback);
// New Account
pscript.make_new_acc_dialog = function() {
var d = new Dialog(300,400,'Create A New Account');
['Data','New Account Name'],
['Select','Group or Ledger','Specify whether the new account is a Ledger or Group'],
['Select','Account Type','[Optional] Specify the type of this account'],
['Data','Tax Rate','Specify the default tax rate'],
['Select','Master Type','Specify the master type of this account'],
add_sel_options(d.widgets['Group or Ledger'], ['Group', 'Ledger'],'Group');
add_sel_options(d.widgets['Account Type'], ['', 'Fixed Asset Account','Bank or Cash','Expense Account','Tax','Income Account','Chargeable'], '');
add_sel_options(d.widgets['Master Type'], ['NA', 'Supplier','Customer','Employee'],'NA');
// hide / show account type
d.widgets['Group or Ledger'].onchange = function() {
if(sel_val(this)=='Ledger')$ds(d.rows['Account Type']);
else $dh(d.rows['Account Type']);
// hide / show tax rate
d.widgets['Account Type'].onchange = function() {
if(sel_val(this)=='Tax' || sel_val(this)=='Chargeable')$ds(d.rows['Tax Rate']);
else $dh(d.rows['Tax Rate']);
d.onshow = function() {
$dh(this.rows['Account Type']);
$dh(this.rows['Tax Rate']);
this.widgets['Group or Ledger'].selectedIndex = 0;
this.widgets['Account Type'].selectedIndex = 0;
this.widgets['Master Type'].selectedIndex = 0;
d.widgets['New Account Name'].value = '';
d.widgets['Tax Rate'].value = '';
d.widgets['Create'].onclick = function() {
if(!d.widgets['New Account Name'].value) {
msgprint('Please enter New Account Name'); return;
if(!sel_val(d.widgets['Master Type'])) {
msgprint('Please enter master type of this new account'); return;
args = {
'account_name' : d.widgets['New Account Name'].value,
'parent_account' : pscript.cur_node.rec.name,
'group_or_ledger' : sel_val(d.widgets['Group or Ledger']),
'company' : sel_val(pscript.ab_company_sel),
'account_type' : sel_val(d.widgets['Account Type']),
'tax_rate' : d.widgets['Tax Rate'].value,
'master_type': sel_val(d.widgets['Master Type'])
$c_obj('GL Control', 'add_ac', docstring(args), function(r,rt) { d.hide(); pscript.group_area.ref_btn.onclick(); });
pscript.new_acc_dialog = d;
// New Cost Center
pscript.make_new_cost_center_dialog = function(){
pscript.cc_dialog = new Dialog(300,400,'Create A New Cost Center');
['Data','New Cost Center Name'],
['Select','Group or Ledger','Specify whether the new cost center is a Ledger or Group'],
add_sel_options(pscript.cc_dialog.widgets['Group or Ledger'], ['Group','Ledger'], 'Group');
pscript.new_cost_center_dialog = pscript.cc_dialog;
2012-04-13 19:04:55 +05:30