Leia em Português [aqui](https://githaven.org/samej/about)!


### Brief Description


Photo of Samej Spenser
Photo: © Raquel Reis • raquelreis.com.br - Christian; - Brazilian, born in Mauá, SP; - Avid student of hypnosis, (self-taught Hypnologist), since the mid-1998; - Self-taught in _Classical Hypnosis_; - Hypnotist, [Hypnotherapist and Mental Reprogrammer](https://sociedadeinteramericanadehipnose.com/hipnoterapeutas-certificados#saopaulo "Certified Professionals") since 2011; - 45 years old; - Father of 2 children; - Administrator of the channel [@DicasTelegram](https://DicasTelegram.t.me), the groups [@DicasChat](https://DicasChat.t.me) and [@ObsidianBR](https://ObsidianBR.t.me) on Telegram (and dozens of other channels and groups); - _Clinical Hypnosis_ and Therapist qualified in _Mental Reprogramming with NLP and Hypnosis_ by (and affiliated with) [SIAH — InterAmerican Society of Hypnosis](http://sociedadeinteramericanadehipnose.com/) (São Paulo, SP). **Membership No.:** 1550; - _Clinical Hypnosis_ by AIHCE — International Association of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis; - I write articles for the blog “[Samej Spenser](https://www.samejspenser.com.br/)”, for the publication [Practical Hypnosis](https://medium.com/hipnose-pratica) on Medium and, more recently, [on the new site](https://teletype.in/@samej/); - Founder (and one of the administrators) of the group [PRACTICAL HYPNOSIS](https://medium.com/hipnose-pratica/venha-fazer-parte-do-grupo-hipnose-pr%C3%A1tica-553f42094c48) on Facebook; - Creator and administrator of the group [PRACTICAL HYPNOSIS](https://medium.com/hipnose-pratica/venha-fazer-parte-do-grupo-hipnose-pr%C3%A1tica-553f42094c48) and the Channel [HP News](https://t.me/HPnews) on Telegram; - Creator and host of the podcast [HP News — Hypnosis whispered in your ear!](https://www.hpnews.com.br/), (which can also be heard on [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/67W05SItb7tV7eWzNWnzh7) and on [Podcast Addict](https://podcastaddict.com/?podId=2115346)) and [Accumulated Uselessness](https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/inutilidades) (which can also be heard on [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/3zm3tqU1fn6qkrJxsKITfq) and on [Podcast Addict](https://podcastaddict.com/?podId=2330538)); - I have been working with **Online Hypnotherapy** since 2018, as can be [seen here](https://teletype.in/@samej/hipnoterapia-online) (in Portuguese).


Check out my complete biography, the meaning of my name and other information [here at this link](https://teletype.in/@samej/sobre) (in Portuguese).


### Social Networks Check out my social networks and other links on the linktree page: [linktr.ee/samej](https://linktr.ee/samej).


### Photography **©** Raquel Reis • [raquelreis.com.br](http://raquelreis.com.br/).