Jeremy Kahn f006e76e80
feat: [closes ] File sharing ()
* feat: [] stand up file sharing controls UI
* feat: [] implement basic file transfer
* feat: [] save transferred file
* feat: [] transfer file via WebTorrent
* fix: use external streamsaver assets
* feat: [] initiate download by receiver click
* fix: enable re-downloading of shared files
* feat: [] implement sharing of multiple files
* chore: enable offline development
* feat: cache torrents in IndexedDB
* feat: show alert when download is aborted
* feat: [] clean up torrent data when principal offerer rescinds it
* feat: clean up cached torrents on page unload
* feat: show file transfer progress
* fix: download files sequentially
* feat: clean up file transfers when leaving the room
* feat: clean up broken downloads upon leaving the page
* fix: allow download animation to complete
* feat: show tooltip for download button
* feat: make file transfers work in browser private modes
* feat: disable file share controls while creating offer
2022-11-24 00:16:34 -06:00

108 lines
3.1 KiB

"name": "chitchatter",
"version": "0.0.0",
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"author": "Jeremy Kahn <>",
"license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
"dependencies": {
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"dev": "mprocs \"npx cross-env REACT_APP_TRACKER_URL=\"ws://localhost:8000\" REACT_APP_STREAMSAVER_URL=\"http://localhost:3015/mitm.html\" npm run start\" \"npm run start:tracker\" \"npm run start:streamsaver\"",
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