import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react' import { waitFor, render, screen } from '@testing-library/react' import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event' import { MemoryRouter as Router, Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom' import { Room } from './' const mockUserId = 'user-id' const mockRoomId = 'room-123' const mockGetUuid = jest.fn() const mockMessagedSender = jest .fn() .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve([])) jest.mock('trystero', () => ({ joinRoom: () => ({ makeAction: () => [mockMessagedSender, () => {}, () => {}], ping: () => Promise.resolve(0), leave: () => {}, getPeers: () => [], addStream: () => [Promise.resolve()], removeStream: () => {}, addTrack: () => [Promise.resolve()], removeTrack: () => {}, replaceTrack: () => [Promise.resolve()], onPeerJoin: () => {}, onPeerLeave: () => {}, onPeerStream: () => {}, onPeerTrack: () => {}, }), })) const RouteStub = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => { return ( ) } jest.useFakeTimers().setSystemTime(100) describe('Room', () => { test('is available', () => { render( ) }) test('send button is disabled', () => { render( ) const sendButton = screen.getByLabelText('Send') expect(sendButton).toBeDisabled() }) test('inputting text enabled send button', () => { render( ) const sendButton = screen.getByLabelText('Send') const textInput = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Your message') userEvent.type(textInput, 'hello') expect(sendButton).not.toBeDisabled() }) test('sending a message clears the text input', async () => { render( ) const sendButton = screen.getByLabelText('Send') const textInput = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Your message') userEvent.type(textInput, 'hello') await waitFor(() => { }) expect(textInput).toHaveValue('') }) test('message is sent to peer', async () => { render( 'abc123')} userId={mockUserId} roomId={mockRoomId} /> ) const sendButton = screen.getByLabelText('Send') const textInput = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Your message') userEvent.type(textInput, 'hello') await waitFor(() => { }) expect(mockMessagedSender).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ authorId: mockUserId, text: 'hello', timeSent: 100, id: 'abc123', }) }) })