react native app setup (not using Expo)
follow setup guide for each specific platform (iOS or Android) and OS (Linux, Windows, MacOS):
- make sure you have node and npm installed
- cd to directory where you want this app to be installed
- create app (already accomplished, keeping for notes):
npx react-native@latest init SelahReactNativeApp
- select yes for installing react-native packages
NOTE: in VS Code some of the created files might show errors and complain about not being able to detect the babel.config.js
file. Add this to your settings.json file in VS Code (Open command pallete: View-> Command Pallete or Ctrl+Shift-P and type "settings"):
"eslint.workingDirectories": [
{"mode": "auto"}
Run the app (Android emulator)
- make sure your android emulator is running (running API 33 tiramisu per the react-native setup docs)
- start Metro which is a js bundler that ships with react native. cd into react-native app directory and run:
npx react-native start
select yes to install react-native packages
- let metro run in its own terminal. Open a new terminal to start the app in an android device:
npx react-native run-android
NOTE: if you get a error: unknown command 'run-android'
try this command
npm install --save react-native
and try again:
npx react-native run-android
You should have a running react-native app in Android!
TODO: mac/iOS local setup...