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Security</h5> <li>Wordpress customer support</li> <li>Advanced DDoS protection</li> <li>Encrypted server</li> <li>Auto-renewing SSL via Let's Encrypt</li> <li>SSH access</li> <li>Included managed migration</li> <li>Dedicated IPV6</li> <li> Hosted in Tier III+ Datacenter located in Reykjavic, Iceland </li> <li>Optional: managed WAF addon</li> <h5>Site Performance</h5> <li>Automated WordPress & PHP updates</li> <li>Automatic backups and on-demand snapshots</li> <li>Caching, optimization, and global CDN included</li> <li>100% uptime guarantee</li> <h5>Site Building</h5> <li>Licensed Divi theme included</li> <li>1-Click staging and dev. environments</li> <li>Optional Add-On: Wordpress multi-site install</li> <li>Upgrade options for scaling with you</li> <li>Easily request transfer to a different account</li> </ul> </div> <div class="flex-container bg-one"> <h3>Wordpress 00:02</h3> <h4>Starting at $43.74/mo.</h4> <a class="button-3" role="button" href="https://my.lasthourhosting.org/order/wordpress-00-02" >Add to Cart</a > <ul> <h5>Includes:</h5> <li>3 Wordpress sites</li> <li>Aprox. 300,000 visits per month</li> <li>40GB NVMe local Storage</li> <li>2TB bandwidth</li> <li> Zero KYC required when paying through bitcart or using a virtual card provider. </li> <h5>Support & Security</h5> <li>Wordpress customer support</li> <li>Advanced DDoS protection</li> <li>Encrypted server</li> <li>Auto-renewing SSL via Let's Encrypt</li> <li>SSH access</li> <li>Included managed migration</li> <li>Dedicated IPV6</li> <li> Hosted in Tier III+ Datacenter located in Reykjavic, Iceland </li> <li>Optional: managed WAF addon</li> <h5>Site Performance</h5> <li>Automated WordPress & PHP updates</li> <li>Automatic backups and on-demand snapshots</li> <li>Caching, optimization, and global CDN included</li> <li>100% uptime guarantee</li> <h5>Site Building</h5> <li>Licensed Divi theme included</li> <li>1-Click staging and dev. environments</li> <li>Optional Add-On: Wordpress multi-site install</li> <li>Upgrade options for scaling with you</li> <li>Easily request transfer to a different account</li> </ul> </div> <div class="flex-container bg-one"> <h3>Wordpress 00:03</h3> <h4>Starting at $65.61/mo.</h4> <a class="button-3" role="button" href="https://my.lasthourhosting.org/order/wordpress-00-03" >Add to Cart</a > <ul> <h5>Includes:</h5> <li>10 Wordpress sites</li> <li>Aprox. 450,000 visits per month</li> <li>80GB NVMe local Storage</li> <li>3TB bandwidth</li> <li> Zero KYC required when paying through bitcart or using a virtual card provider. </li> <h5>Support & Security</h5> <li>Wordpress customer support</li> <li>Advanced DDoS protection</li> <li>Encrypted server</li> <li>Auto-renewing SSL via Let's Encrypt</li> <li>SSH access</li> <li>Included managed migration</li> <li>Dedicated IPV6</li> <li> Hosted in Tier III+ Datacenter located in Reykjavic, Iceland </li> <li>Optional: managed WAF addon</li> <h5>Site Performance</h5> <li>Automated WordPress & PHP updates</li> <li>Automatic backups and on-demand snapshots</li> <li>Caching, optimization, and global CDN included</li> <li>100% uptime guarantee</li> <h5>Site Building</h5> <li>Licensed Divi theme included</li> <li>1-Click staging and dev. environments</li> <li>Optional Add-On: Wordpress multi-site install</li> <li>Upgrade options for scaling with you</li> <li>Easily request transfer to a different account</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </main> <div id="message"></div> <footer id="footer"></footer> </body> </html>