143 lines
5.2 KiB
143 lines
5.2 KiB
const crypto = require('crypto')
const { cleanupTmp, execShellAsync } = require('../../../libs/common')
const Deployment = require('../../../models/Deployment')
const { queueAndBuild } = require('../../../libs/applications')
const { setDefaultConfiguration } = require('../../../libs/applications/configuration')
const { docker } = require('../../../libs/docker')
const cloneRepository = require('../../../libs/applications/github/cloneRepository')
module.exports = async function (fastify) {
// TODO: Add this to fastify plugin
const postSchema = {
body: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
ref: { type: 'string' },
repository: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
id: { type: 'number' },
full_name: { type: 'string' }
required: ['id', 'full_name']
installation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
id: { type: 'number' }
required: ['id']
required: ['ref', 'repository', 'installation']
fastify.post('/', { schema: postSchema }, async (request, reply) => {
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', fastify.config.GITHUP_APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET)
const digest = Buffer.from('sha256=' + hmac.update(JSON.stringify(request.body)).digest('hex'), 'utf8')
const checksum = Buffer.from(request.headers['x-hub-signature-256'], 'utf8')
if (checksum.length !== digest.length || !crypto.timingSafeEqual(digest, checksum)) {
reply.code(500).send({ error: 'Invalid request' })
if (request.headers['x-github-event'] !== 'push') {
reply.code(500).send({ error: 'Not a push event.' })
const services = (await docker.engine.listServices()).filter(r => r.Spec.Labels.managedBy === 'coolify' && r.Spec.Labels.type === 'application')
let configuration = services.find(r => {
if (request.body.ref.startsWith('refs')) {
const branch = request.body.ref.split('/')[2]
if (
JSON.parse(r.Spec.Labels.configuration).repository.id === request.body.repository.id &&
JSON.parse(r.Spec.Labels.configuration).repository.branch === branch
) {
return r
return null
if (!configuration) {
reply.code(500).send({ error: 'No configuration found.' })
configuration = setDefaultConfiguration(JSON.parse(configuration.Spec.Labels.configuration))
await cloneRepository(configuration)
let foundService = false
let foundDomain = false
let configChanged = false
let imageChanged = false
let forceUpdate = false
for (const service of services) {
const running = JSON.parse(service.Spec.Labels.configuration)
if (running) {
if (
running.publish.domain === configuration.publish.domain &&
running.repository.id !== configuration.repository.id &&
running.repository.branch !== configuration.repository.branch
) {
foundDomain = true
if (running.repository.id === configuration.repository.id && running.repository.branch === configuration.repository.branch) {
const state = await execShellAsync(`docker stack ps ${running.build.container.name} --format '{{ json . }}'`)
const isError = state.split('\n').filter(n => n).map(s => JSON.parse(s)).filter(n => n.DesiredState !== 'Running')
if (isError.length > 0) forceUpdate = true
foundService = true
const runningWithoutContainer = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(running))
delete runningWithoutContainer.build.container
const configurationWithoutContainer = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(configuration))
delete configurationWithoutContainer.build.container
if (JSON.stringify(runningWithoutContainer.build) !== JSON.stringify(configurationWithoutContainer.build) || JSON.stringify(runningWithoutContainer.publish) !== JSON.stringify(configurationWithoutContainer.publish)) configChanged = true
if (running.build.container.tag !== configuration.build.container.tag) imageChanged = true
if (foundDomain) {
reply.code(500).send({ message: 'Domain already used.' })
if (forceUpdate) {
imageChanged = false
configChanged = false
} else {
if (foundService && !imageChanged && !configChanged) {
reply.code(500).send({ message: 'Nothing changed, no need to redeploy.' })
const alreadyQueued = await Deployment.find({
repoId: configuration.repository.id,
branch: configuration.repository.branch,
organization: configuration.repository.organization,
name: configuration.repository.name,
domain: configuration.publish.domain,
progress: { $in: ['queued', 'inprogress'] }
if (alreadyQueued.length > 0) {
reply.code(200).send({ message: 'Already in the queue.' })
queueAndBuild(configuration, services, configChanged, imageChanged)
reply.code(201).send({ message: 'Deployment queued.' })