Andras Bacsai da2f657342 wip
2023-03-30 15:52:19 +02:00

115 lines
4.1 KiB

use App\Actions\RemoteProcess\DispatchRemoteProcess;
use App\Data\RemoteProcessArgs;
use App\Enums\ActivityTypes;
use App\Models\Server;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Spatie\Activitylog\Contracts\Activity;
if (!function_exists('remoteProcess')) {
* Run a Remote Process, which SSH's asynchronously into a machine to run the command(s).
* @TODO Change 'root' to 'coolify' when it's able to run Docker commands without sudo
function remoteProcess(
array $command,
Server $server,
string|null $deployment_uuid = null,
Model|null $model = null,
): Activity {
$command_string = implode("\n", $command);
// @TODO: Check if the user has access to this server
// checkTeam($server->team_id);
$private_key_location = savePrivateKey($server);
return resolve(DispatchRemoteProcess::class, [
'remoteProcessArgs' => new RemoteProcessArgs(
type: $deployment_uuid ? ActivityTypes::DEPLOYMENT->value : ActivityTypes::REMOTE_PROCESS->value,
model: $model,
server_ip: $server->ip,
deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
private_key_location: $private_key_location,
command: <<<EOT
port: $server->port,
user: $server->user,
// function checkTeam(string $team_id)
// {
// $found_team = auth()->user()->teams->pluck('id')->contains($team_id);
// if (!$found_team) {
// throw new \RuntimeException('You do not have access to this server.');
// }
// }
if (!function_exists('savePrivateKey')) {
function savePrivateKey(Server $server)
$temp_file = 'id.rsa_' . 'root' . '@' . $server->ip;
Storage::disk('local')->put($temp_file, $server->privateKey->private_key, 'private');
return '/var/www/html/storage/app/' . $temp_file;
if (!function_exists('generateSshCommand')) {
function generateSshCommand(string $private_key_location, string $server_ip, string $user, string $port, $command)
$delimiter = 'EOF-COOLIFY-SSH';
$ssh_command = "ssh "
. "-i {$private_key_location} "
. '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null '
. '-o PasswordAuthentication=no '
. '-o RequestTTY=no '
. '-o LogLevel=ERROR '
. '-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=1m -o ControlPath=/var/www/html/storage/app/.ssh/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r '
. "-p {$port} "
. "{$user}@{$server_ip} "
. " 'bash -se' << \\$delimiter" . PHP_EOL
. $command . PHP_EOL
. $delimiter;
return $ssh_command;
if (!function_exists('formatDockerCmdOutputToJson')) {
function formatDockerCmdOutputToJson($rawOutput): Collection
$outputLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $rawOutput);
return collect($outputLines)
->reject(fn ($line) => empty($line))
->map(fn ($outputLine) => json_decode($outputLine, true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR));
if (!function_exists('formatDockerLabelsToJson')) {
function formatDockerLabelsToJson($rawOutput): Collection
$outputLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $rawOutput);
return collect($outputLines)
->reject(fn ($line) => empty($line))
->map(function ($outputLine) {
$outputArray = explode(',', $outputLine);
return collect($outputArray)
->map(function ($outputLine) {
return explode('=', $outputLine);
->mapWithKeys(function ($outputLine) {
return [$outputLine[0] => $outputLine[1]];