327 lines
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327 lines
11 KiB
namespace App\Livewire\Boarding;
use App\Enums\ProxyTypes;
use App\Models\PrivateKey;
use App\Models\Project;
use App\Models\Server;
use App\Models\Team;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Livewire\Attributes\Url;
use Livewire\Component;
class Index extends Component
protected $listeners = ['serverInstalled' => 'validateServer'];
public string $state = 'welcome';
public ?string $selectedServerType = null;
public ?Collection $privateKeys = null;
public ?int $selectedExistingPrivateKey = null;
public ?string $privateKeyType = null;
public ?string $privateKey = null;
public ?string $publicKey = null;
public ?string $privateKeyName = null;
public ?string $privateKeyDescription = null;
public ?PrivateKey $createdPrivateKey = null;
public ?Collection $servers = null;
public ?int $selectedExistingServer = null;
public ?string $remoteServerName = null;
public ?string $remoteServerDescription = null;
public ?string $remoteServerHost = null;
public ?int $remoteServerPort = 22;
public ?string $remoteServerUser = 'root';
public bool $isSwarmManager = false;
public bool $isCloudflareTunnel = false;
public ?Server $createdServer = null;
public Collection $projects;
public ?int $selectedProject = null;
public ?Project $createdProject = null;
public bool $dockerInstallationStarted = false;
public string $serverPublicKey;
public bool $serverReachable = true;
public function mount()
$this->privateKeyName = generate_random_name();
$this->remoteServerName = generate_random_name();
if (isDev()) {
$this->privateKey = '-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
$this->privateKeyDescription = 'Created by Coolify';
$this->remoteServerDescription = 'Created by Coolify';
$this->remoteServerHost = 'coolify-testing-host';
if ($this->state === 'create-project') {
if ($this->state === 'create-resource') {
if ($this->state === 'private-key') {
if ($this->state === 'create-server') {
if ($this->state === 'validate-server') {
if ($this->state === 'select-existing-server') {
public function explanation()
if (isCloud()) {
return $this->setServerType('remote');
$this->state = 'select-server-type';
public function restartBoarding()
return redirect()->route('onboarding');
public function skipBoarding()
'show_boarding' => false
return redirect()->route('dashboard');
public function setServerType(string $type)
$this->selectedServerType = $type;
if ($this->selectedServerType === 'localhost') {
$this->createdServer = Server::find(0);
$this->selectedExistingServer = 0;
if (!$this->createdServer) {
return $this->dispatch('error', 'Localhost server is not found. Something went wrong during installation. Please try to reinstall or contact support.');
$this->serverPublicKey = $this->createdServer->privateKey->publicKey();
return $this->validateServer('localhost');
} elseif ($this->selectedServerType === 'remote') {
if (isDev()) {
$this->privateKeys = PrivateKey::ownedByCurrentTeam(['name'])->get();
} else {
$this->privateKeys = PrivateKey::ownedByCurrentTeam(['name'])->where('id', '!=', 0)->get();
if ($this->privateKeys->count() > 0) {
$this->selectedExistingPrivateKey = $this->privateKeys->first()->id;
$this->servers = Server::ownedByCurrentTeam(['name'])->where('id', '!=', 0)->get();
if ($this->servers->count() > 0) {
$this->selectedExistingServer = $this->servers->first()->id;
$this->state = 'select-existing-server';
$this->state = 'private-key';
public function selectExistingServer()
$this->createdServer = Server::find($this->selectedExistingServer);
if (!$this->createdServer) {
$this->dispatch('error', 'Server is not found.');
$this->state = 'private-key';
$this->selectedExistingPrivateKey = $this->createdServer->privateKey->id;
$this->serverPublicKey = $this->createdServer->privateKey->publicKey();
$this->state = 'validate-server';
public function getProxyType()
// Set Default Proxy Type
// $proxyTypeSet = $this->createdServer->proxy->type;
// if (!$proxyTypeSet) {
// $this->state = 'select-proxy';
// return;
// }
public function selectExistingPrivateKey()
if (is_null($this->selectedExistingPrivateKey)) {
$this->createdPrivateKey = PrivateKey::find($this->selectedExistingPrivateKey);
$this->privateKey = $this->createdPrivateKey->private_key;
$this->state = 'create-server';
public function createNewServer()
$this->selectedExistingServer = null;
$this->state = 'private-key';
public function setPrivateKey(string $type)
$this->selectedExistingPrivateKey = null;
$this->privateKeyType = $type;
if ($type === 'create') {
$this->state = 'create-private-key';
public function savePrivateKey()
'privateKeyName' => 'required',
'privateKey' => 'required',
$this->createdPrivateKey = PrivateKey::create([
'name' => $this->privateKeyName,
'description' => $this->privateKeyDescription,
'private_key' => $this->privateKey,
'team_id' => currentTeam()->id
$this->state = 'create-server';
public function saveServer()
'remoteServerName' => 'required',
'remoteServerHost' => 'required',
'remoteServerPort' => 'required|integer',
'remoteServerUser' => 'required',
$this->privateKey = formatPrivateKey($this->privateKey);
$foundServer = Server::whereIp($this->remoteServerHost)->first();
if ($foundServer) {
return $this->dispatch('error', 'IP address is already in use by another team.');
$this->createdServer = Server::create([
'name' => $this->remoteServerName,
'ip' => $this->remoteServerHost,
'port' => $this->remoteServerPort,
'user' => $this->remoteServerUser,
'description' => $this->remoteServerDescription,
'private_key_id' => $this->createdPrivateKey->id,
'team_id' => currentTeam()->id,
$this->createdServer->settings->is_swarm_manager = $this->isSwarmManager;
$this->createdServer->settings->is_cloudflare_tunnel = $this->isCloudflareTunnel;
$this->selectedExistingServer = $this->createdServer->id;
$this->state = 'validate-server';
public function installServer()
$this->dispatch('init', true);
public function validateServer()
try {
config()->set('coolify.mux_enabled', false);
// EC2 does not have `uptime` command, lol
instant_remote_process(['ls /'], $this->createdServer, true);
'is_reachable' => true,
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$this->serverReachable = false;
return handleError(error: $e, livewire: $this);
try {
$dockerVersion = instant_remote_process(["docker version|head -2|grep -i version| awk '{print $2}'"], $this->createdServer, true);
$dockerVersion = checkMinimumDockerEngineVersion($dockerVersion);
if (is_null($dockerVersion)) {
$this->state = 'validate-server';
throw new \Exception('Docker not found or old version is installed.');
'is_usable' => true,
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return handleError(error: $e, livewire: $this);
public function selectProxy(?string $proxyType = null)
if (!$proxyType) {
return $this->getProjects();
$this->createdServer->proxy->type = $proxyType;
$this->createdServer->proxy->status = 'exited';
public function getProjects()
$this->projects = Project::ownedByCurrentTeam(['name'])->get();
if ($this->projects->count() > 0) {
$this->selectedProject = $this->projects->first()->id;
$this->state = 'create-project';
public function selectExistingProject()
$this->createdProject = Project::find($this->selectedProject);
$this->state = 'create-resource';
public function createNewProject()
$this->createdProject = Project::create([
'name' => "My first project",
'team_id' => currentTeam()->id
$this->state = 'create-resource';
public function showNewResource()
return redirect()->route(
'project_uuid' => $this->createdProject->uuid,
'environment_name' => 'production',
'server' => $this->createdServer->id,
private function createNewPrivateKey()
$this->privateKeyName = generate_random_name();
$this->privateKeyDescription = 'Created by Coolify';
['private' => $this->privateKey, 'public' => $this->publicKey] = generateSSHKey();
public function render()
return view('livewire.boarding.index')->layout('layouts.boarding');