- Fix restart_policy in Service config. - Tweaked the upgrade process a bit. REVERTED. - Refactor and cosmetic surgery here and there. - Track Service config changes and allow redeploy if it changes.
85 lines
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85 lines
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const { uniqueNamesGenerator, adjectives, colors, animals } = require('unique-names-generator')
const cuid = require('cuid')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const { execShellAsync } = require('../common')
function getUniq () {
return uniqueNamesGenerator({ dictionaries: [adjectives, animals, colors], length: 2 })
function setDefaultConfiguration (configuration) {
try {
const nickname = getUniq()
const deployId = cuid()
const shaBase = JSON.stringify({ repository: configuration.repository })
const sha256 = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(shaBase).digest('hex')
const baseServiceConfiguration = {
replicas: 1,
restart_policy: {
condition: 'any',
max_attempts: 3
update_config: {
parallelism: 1,
delay: '10s',
order: 'start-first'
rollback_config: {
parallelism: 1,
delay: '10s',
order: 'start-first'
configuration.build.container.name = sha256.slice(0, 15)
configuration.general.nickname = nickname
configuration.general.deployId = deployId
configuration.general.workdir = `/tmp/${deployId}`
if (!configuration.publish.path) configuration.publish.path = '/'
if (!configuration.publish.port) configuration.publish.port = configuration.build.pack === 'static' ? 80 : 3000
if (configuration.build.pack === 'static') {
if (!configuration.build.command.installation) configuration.build.command.installation = 'yarn install'
if (!configuration.build.directory) configuration.build.directory = '/'
if (configuration.build.pack === 'nodejs') {
if (!configuration.build.command.installation) configuration.build.command.installation = 'yarn install'
if (!configuration.build.directory) configuration.build.directory = '/'
configuration.build.container.baseSHA = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(JSON.stringify(baseServiceConfiguration)).digest('hex')
configuration.baseServiceConfiguration = baseServiceConfiguration
return configuration
} catch (error) {
throw { error, type: 'server' }
async function updateServiceLabels (configuration, services) {
// In case of any failure during deployment, still update the current configuration.
const found = services.find(s => {
const config = JSON.parse(s.Spec.Labels.configuration)
if (config.repository.id === configuration.repository.id && config.repository.branch === configuration.repository.branch) {
return config
return null
if (found) {
const { ID } = found
try {
const Labels = { ...JSON.parse(found.Spec.Labels.configuration), ...configuration }
execShellAsync(`docker service update --label-add configuration='${JSON.stringify(Labels)}' --label-add com.docker.stack.image='${configuration.build.container.name}:${configuration.build.container.tag}' ${ID}`)
} catch (error) {
module.exports = { setDefaultConfiguration, updateServiceLabels }