Andras Bacsai 3744c64459
v1.0.9 (#37)
- Integrated the first service: [Plausible Analytics](!

- UI/UX fixes and new designs
2021-04-22 23:48:29 +02:00

186 lines
6.9 KiB

const { execShellAsync, cleanupTmp, baseServiceConfiguration } = require('../../common')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const fs = require('fs').promises
const generator = require('generate-password')
const { docker } = require('../../docker')
async function plausible ({ email, userName, userPassword, baseURL, traefikURL }) {
const deployId = 'plausible'
const workdir = '/tmp/plausible'
const secretKey = generator.generate({ length: 64, numbers: true, strict: true })
const generateEnvsPostgres = {
POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD: generator.generate({ length: 24, numbers: true, strict: true }),
POSTGRESQL_USERNAME: generator.generate({ length: 10, numbers: true, strict: true }),
const secrets = [
{ name: 'ADMIN_USER_EMAIL', value: email },
{ name: 'ADMIN_USER_NAME', value: userName },
{ name: 'ADMIN_USER_PWD', value: userPassword },
{ name: 'BASE_URL', value: baseURL },
{ name: 'SECRET_KEY_BASE', value: secretKey },
{ name: 'DISABLE_AUTH', value: 'false' },
{ name: 'DISABLE_REGISTRATION', value: 'true' },
{ name: 'DATABASE_URL', value: `postgresql://${generateEnvsPostgres.POSTGRESQL_USERNAME}:${generateEnvsPostgres.POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}@plausible_db:5432/${generateEnvsPostgres.POSTGRESQL_DATABASE}` },
{ name: 'CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE_URL', value: 'http://plausible_events_db:8123/plausible' }
const generateEnvsClickhouse = {}
for (const secret of secrets) generateEnvsClickhouse[] = secret.value
const clickhouseConfigXml = `
<!-- Stop all the unnecessary logging -->
<query_thread_log remove="remove"/>
<query_log remove="remove"/>
<text_log remove="remove"/>
<trace_log remove="remove"/>
<metric_log remove="remove"/>
<asynchronous_metric_log remove="remove"/>
const clickhouseUserConfigXml = `
const clickhouseConfigs = [
{ source: 'plausible-clickhouse-user-config.xml', target: '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/logging.xml' },
{ source: 'plausible-clickhouse-config.xml', target: '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/logging.xml' },
{ source: 'plausible-init.query', target: '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.query' },
{ source: '', target: '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/' }
const initQuery = 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS plausible;'
const initScript = 'clickhouse client --queries-file /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.query'
await execShellAsync(`mkdir -p ${workdir}`)
await fs.writeFile(`${workdir}/clickhouse-config.xml`, clickhouseConfigXml)
await fs.writeFile(`${workdir}/clickhouse-user-config.xml`, clickhouseUserConfigXml)
await fs.writeFile(`${workdir}/init.query`, initQuery)
await fs.writeFile(`${workdir}/`, initScript)
const stack = {
version: '3.8',
services: {
[deployId]: {
image: 'plausible/analytics:latest',
command: 'sh -c "sleep 10 && / db createdb && / db migrate && / db init-admin && / run"',
networks: [`${}`],
volumes: [`${deployId}-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data`],
environment: generateEnvsClickhouse,
deploy: {
labels: [
'configuration=' + JSON.stringify({ email, userName, userPassword, baseURL, secretKey, generateEnvsPostgres, generateEnvsClickhouse }),
'' +
deployId +
'traefik.http.routers.' +
deployId +
'traefik.http.routers.' +
deployId +
'.rule=Host(`' +
traefikURL +
'`) && PathPrefix(`/`)',
'traefik.http.routers.' +
deployId +
'traefik.http.routers.' +
deployId +
plausible_db: {
image: 'bitnami/postgresql:13.2.0',
networks: [`${}`],
environment: generateEnvsPostgres,
deploy: {
labels: [
plausible_events_db: {
image: 'yandex/clickhouse-server:',
networks: [`${}`],
volumes: [`${deployId}-clickhouse-data:/var/lib/clickhouse`],
ulimits: {
nofile: {
soft: 262144,
hard: 262144
configs: [...clickhouseConfigs],
deploy: {
labels: [
networks: {
[`${}`]: {
external: true
volumes: {
[`${deployId}-clickhouse-data`]: {
external: true
[`${deployId}-postgres-data`]: {
external: true
configs: {
'plausible-clickhouse-user-config.xml': {
file: `${workdir}/clickhouse-user-config.xml`
'plausible-clickhouse-config.xml': {
file: `${workdir}/clickhouse-config.xml`
'plausible-init.query': {
file: `${workdir}/init.query`
'': {
file: `${workdir}/`
await fs.writeFile(`${workdir}/stack.yml`, yaml.dump(stack))
await execShellAsync('docker stack rm plausible')
await execShellAsync(
`cat ${workdir}/stack.yml | docker stack deploy --prune -c - ${deployId}`
async function activateAdminUser () {
const { POSTGRESQL_USERNAME, POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD, POSTGRESQL_DATABASE } = JSON.parse(JSON.parse((await execShellAsync('docker service inspect plausible_plausible --format=\'{{json .Spec.Labels.configuration}}\'')))).generateEnvsPostgres
const containers = (await execShellAsync('docker ps -a --format=\'{{json .Names}}\'')).replace(/"/g, '').trim().split('\n')
const postgresDB = containers.find(container => container.startsWith('plausible_plausible_db'))
await execShellAsync(`docker exec ${postgresDB} psql -H postgresql://${POSTGRESQL_USERNAME}:${POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}@localhost:5432/${POSTGRESQL_DATABASE} -c "UPDATE users SET email_verified = true;"`)
module.exports = { plausible, activateAdminUser }