153 lines
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153 lines
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import child from 'child_process';
import util from 'util';
import { dev } from '$app/env';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node';
import { uniqueNamesGenerator, Config, adjectives, colors, animals } from 'unique-names-generator';
import * as db from '$lib/database';
import { buildLogQueue } from './queues';
import { version as currentVersion } from '../../package.json';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import Cookie from 'cookie';
import os from 'os';
try {
if (!dev) {
dsn: process.env['COOLIFY_SENTRY_DSN'],
tracesSampleRate: 0,
environment: 'production',
debug: true,
release: currentVersion,
initialScope: {
tags: {
appId: process.env['COOLIFY_APP_ID'],
'os.arch': os.arch(),
'os.platform': os.platform(),
'os.release': os.release()
} catch (err) {
console.log('Could not initialize Sentry, no worries.');
const customConfig: Config = {
dictionaries: [adjectives, colors, animals],
style: 'capital',
separator: ' ',
length: 3
export const version = currentVersion;
export const asyncExecShell = util.promisify(child.exec);
export const asyncSleep = (delay) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
export const sentry = Sentry;
export const uniqueName = () => uniqueNamesGenerator(customConfig);
export const saveBuildLog = async ({ line, buildId, applicationId }) => {
const addTimestamp = `${generateTimestamp()} ${line}`;
return await buildLogQueue.add(buildId, { buildId, line: addTimestamp, applicationId });
export const isTeamIdTokenAvailable = (request) => {
const cookie = request.headers.cookie
.map((s) => s.trim())
.find((s) => s.startsWith('teamId='))
if (!cookie) {
return getTeam(request);
} else {
return cookie;
export const getTeam = (event) => {
const cookies = Cookie.parse(event.request.headers.get('cookie'));
if (cookies.teamId) {
return cookies.teamId;
} else if (event.locals.session.data.teamId) {
return event.locals.session.data.teamId;
return null;
export const getUserDetails = async (event, isAdminRequired = true) => {
const teamId = getTeam(event);
const userId = event.locals.session.data.userId || null;
const { permission = 'read' } = await db.prisma.permission.findFirst({
where: { teamId, userId },
select: { permission: true },
rejectOnNotFound: true
const payload = {
status: 200,
body: {
message: 'OK'
if (isAdminRequired && permission !== 'admin' && permission !== 'owner') {
payload.status = 401;
payload.body.message =
'You do not have permission to do this. \nAsk an admin to modify your permissions.';
return payload;
export function getEngine(engine) {
return engine === '/var/run/docker.sock' ? 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock' : engine;
// export async function saveSshKey(destination) {
// return await asyncExecShell(
// `echo '${destination.sshPrivateKey}' > /tmp/id_rsa_${destination.id} && chmod 600 /tmp/id_rsa_${destination.id}`
// );
// }
export async function removeContainer(id, engine) {
const host = getEngine(engine);
try {
const { stdout } = await asyncExecShell(
`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker inspect --format '{{json .State}}' ${id}`
if (JSON.parse(stdout).Running) {
await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker stop -t 0 ${id}`);
await asyncExecShell(`DOCKER_HOST=${host} docker rm ${id}`);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
export const removeDestinationDocker = async ({ id, engine }) => {
return await removeContainer(id, engine);
export const createDirectories = async ({ repository, buildId }) => {
const repodir = `/tmp/build-sources/${repository}/`;
const workdir = `/tmp/build-sources/${repository}/${buildId}`;
await asyncExecShell(`mkdir -p ${workdir}`);
return {
export function generateTimestamp() {
return `${dayjs().format('HH:mm:ss.SSS')} `;
export function getDomain(domain) {
return domain?.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '');