2024-05-28 14:44:09 +02:00

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t!==Error.prototype}),(t=>"isAxiosError"!==t)),Ec.call(M,t.message,e,o,p,b),M.cause=t,M.name=t.name,n&&Object.assign(M,n),M};const jc=Ec;var Ic=o(764).lW;function Fc(t){return kc.isPlainObject(t)||kc.isArray(t)}function Hc(t){return kc.endsWith(t,"[]")?t.slice(0,-2):t}function Uc(t,e,o){return t?t.concat(e).map((function(t,e){return t=Hc(t),!o&&e?"["+t+"]":t})).join(o?".":""):e}const Vc=kc.toFlatObject(kc,{},null,(function(t){return/^is[A-Z]/.test(t)}));const $c=function(t,e,o){if(!kc.isObject(t))throw new TypeError("target must be an object");e=e||new FormData;const p=(o=kc.toFlatObject(o,{metaTokens:!0,dots:!1,indexes:!1},!1,(function(t,e){return!kc.isUndefined(e[t])}))).metaTokens,b=o.visitor||r,n=o.dots,M=o.indexes,z=(o.Blob||"undefined"!=typeof Blob&&Blob)&&kc.isSpecCompliantForm(e);if(!kc.isFunction(b))throw new TypeError("visitor must be a function");function c(t){if(null===t)return"";if(kc.isDate(t))return t.toISOString();if(!z&&kc.isBlob(t))throw new jc("Blob is not supported. 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e=qr(i)&&t.xsrfCookieName&&ur.read(t.xsrfCookieName);e&&b.set(t.xsrfHeaderName,e)}void 0===p&&b.setContentType(null),"setRequestHeader"in r&&kc.forEach(b.toJSON(),(function(t,e){r.setRequestHeader(e,t)})),kc.isUndefined(t.withCredentials)||(r.withCredentials=!!t.withCredentials),n&&"json"!==n&&(r.responseType=t.responseType),"function"==typeof t.onDownloadProgress&&r.addEventListener("progress",Wr(t.onDownloadProgress,!0)),"function"==typeof t.onUploadProgress&&r.upload&&r.upload.addEventListener("progress",Wr(t.onUploadProgress)),(t.cancelToken||t.signal)&&(M=e=>{r&&(o(!e||e.type?new Ar(null,t,r):e),r.abort(),r=null)},t.cancelToken&&t.cancelToken.subscribe(M),t.signal&&(t.signal.aborted?M():t.signal.addEventListener("abort",M)));const O=function(t){const e=/^([-+\w]{1,25})(:?\/\/|:)/.exec(t);return e&&e[1]||""}(i);O&&-1===or.protocols.indexOf(O)?o(new jc("Unsupported protocol "+O+":",jc.ERR_BAD_REQUEST,t)):r.send(p||null)}))},gr={http:null,xhr:mr};kc.forEach(gr,((t,e)=>{if(t){try{Object.defineProperty(t,"name",{value:e})}catch(t){}Object.defineProperty(t,"adapterName",{value:e})}}));const vr=t=>`- ${t}`,Rr=t=>kc.isFunction(t)||null===t||!1===t,yr=t=>{t=kc.isArray(t)?t:[t];const{length:e}=t;let o,p;const b={};for(let n=0;n<e;n++){let e;if(o=t[n],p=o,!Rr(o)&&(p=gr[(e=String(o)).toLowerCase()],void 0===p))throw new jc(`Unknown adapter '${e}'`);if(p)break;b[e||"#"+n]=p}if(!p){const t=Object.entries(b).map((([t,e])=>`adapter ${t} `+(!1===e?"is not supported by the environment":"is not available in the build")));let o=e?t.length>1?"since :\n"+t.map(vr).join("\n"):" "+vr(t[0]):"as no adapter specified";throw new jc("There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request "+o,"ERR_NOT_SUPPORT")}return p};function Br(t){if(t.cancelToken&&t.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(),t.signal&&t.signal.aborted)throw new Ar(null,t)}function 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z(o,b,n){return n in e?p(o,b):n in t?p(void 0,o):void 0}const c={url:n,method:n,data:n,baseURL:M,transformRequest:M,transformResponse:M,paramsSerializer:M,timeout:M,timeoutMessage:M,withCredentials:M,adapter:M,responseType:M,xsrfCookieName:M,xsrfHeaderName:M,onUploadProgress:M,onDownloadProgress:M,decompress:M,maxContentLength:M,maxBodyLength:M,beforeRedirect:M,transport:M,httpAgent:M,httpsAgent:M,cancelToken:M,socketPath:M,responseEncoding:M,validateStatus:z,headers:(t,e)=>b(Xr(t),Xr(e),!0)};return kc.forEach(Object.keys(Object.assign({},t,e)),(function(p){const n=c[p]||b,M=n(t[p],e[p],p);kc.isUndefined(M)&&n!==z||(o[p]=M)})),o}const Nr="1.6.0",wr={};["object","boolean","number","function","string","symbol"].forEach(((t,e)=>{wr[t]=function(o){return typeof o===t||"a"+(e<1?"n ":" ")+t}}));const xr={};wr.transitional=function(t,e,o){return(p,b,n)=>{if(!1===t)throw new jc(function(t,e){return"[Axios v1.6.0] Transitional option '"+t+"'"+e+(o?". "+o:"")}(b," has been removed"+(e?" in "+e:"")),jc.ERR_DEPRECATED);return e&&!xr[b]&&(xr[b]=!0),!t||t(p,b,n)}};const Tr={assertOptions:function(t,e,o){if("object"!=typeof t)throw new jc("options must be an object",jc.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE);const p=Object.keys(t);let b=p.length;for(;b-- >0;){const n=p[b],M=e[n];if(M){const e=t[n],o=void 0===e||M(e,n,t);if(!0!==o)throw new jc("option "+n+" must be "+o,jc.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE)}else if(!0!==o)throw new jc("Unknown option "+n,jc.ERR_BAD_OPTION)}},validators:wr},Cr=Tr.validators;class Sr{constructor(t){this.defaults=t,this.interceptors={request:new tr,response:new tr}}request(t,e){"string"==typeof t?(e=e||{}).url=t:e=t||{},e=_r(this.defaults,e);const{transitional:o,paramsSerializer:p,headers:b}=e;void 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t=M[a++],e=M[a++];try{O=t(O)}catch(t){e.call(this,t);break}}try{r=Lr.call(this,O)}catch(t){return Promise.reject(t)}for(a=0,i=c.length;a<i;)r=r.then(c[a++],c[a++]);return r}getUri(t){return Zc(fr((t=_r(this.defaults,t)).baseURL,t.url),t.params,t.paramsSerializer)}}kc.forEach(["delete","get","head","options"],(function(t){Sr.prototype[t]=function(e,o){return this.request(_r(o||{},{method:t,url:e,data:(o||{}).data}))}})),kc.forEach(["post","put","patch"],(function(t){function e(e){return function(o,p,b){return this.request(_r(b||{},{method:t,headers:e?{"Content-Type":"multipart/form-data"}:{},url:o,data:p}))}}Sr.prototype[t]=e(),Sr.prototype[t+"Form"]=e(!0)}));const kr=Sr;class Er{constructor(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("executor must be a function.");let e;this.promise=new Promise((function(t){e=t}));const o=this;this.promise.then((t=>{if(!o._listeners)return;let e=o._listeners.length;for(;e-- >0;)o._listeners[e](t);o._listeners=null})),this.promise.then=t=>{let e;const p=new Promise((t=>{o.subscribe(t),e=t})).then(t);return p.cancel=function(){o.unsubscribe(e)},p},t((function(t,p,b){o.reason||(o.reason=new Ar(t,p,b),e(o.reason))}))}throwIfRequested(){if(this.reason)throw this.reason}subscribe(t){this.reason?t(this.reason):this._listeners?this._listeners.push(t):this._listeners=[t]}unsubscribe(t){if(!this._listeners)return;const e=this._listeners.indexOf(t);-1!==e&&this._listeners.splice(e,1)}static source(){let t;return{token:new Er((function(e){t=e})),cancel:t}}}const Dr=Er;const 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jr=Pr;const Ir=function t(e){const o=new kr(e),p=pc(kr.prototype.request,o);return kc.extend(p,kr.prototype,o,{allOwnKeys:!0}),kc.extend(p,o,null,{allOwnKeys:!0}),p.create=function(o){return t(_r(e,o))},p}(nr);Ir.Axios=kr,Ir.CanceledError=Ar,Ir.CancelToken=Dr,Ir.isCancel=lr,Ir.VERSION=Nr,Ir.toFormData=$c,Ir.AxiosError=jc,Ir.Cancel=Ir.CanceledError,Ir.all=function(t){return Promise.all(t)},Ir.spread=function(t){return function(e){return t.apply(null,e)}},Ir.isAxiosError=function(t){return kc.isObject(t)&&!0===t.isAxiosError},Ir.mergeConfig=_r,Ir.AxiosHeaders=Or,Ir.formToJSON=t=>pr(kc.isHTMLForm(t)?new FormData(t):t),Ir.getAdapter=yr,Ir.HttpStatusCode=jr,Ir.default=Ir;const 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l?(s.configProps&&ii(l,n,s.route,s.configProps),M(l,n,p)):M()}var d=c.matched[i],A=d&&d.components[z];if(!d||!A)return r[z]=null,M();r[z]={component:A},n.registerRouteInstance=function(t,e){var o=d.instances[z];(e&&o!==t||!e&&o===t)&&(d.instances[z]=e)},(n.hook||(n.hook={})).prepatch=function(t,e){d.instances[z]=e.componentInstance},n.hook.init=function(t){t.data.keepAlive&&t.componentInstance&&t.componentInstance!==d.instances[z]&&(d.instances[z]=t.componentInstance),ci(c)};var u=d.props&&d.props[z];return u&&(Ur(r[z],{route:c,configProps:u}),ii(A,n,c,u)),M(A,n,p)}};function ii(t,e,o,p){var b=e.props=function(t,e){switch(typeof e){case"undefined":return;case"object":return e;case"function":return e(t);case"boolean":return e?t.params:void 0}}(o,p);if(b){b=e.props=Ur({},b);var n=e.attrs=e.attrs||{};for(var M in b)t.props&&M in t.props||(n[M]=b[M],delete b[M])}}function ai(t,e,o){var p=t.charAt(0);if("/"===p)return t;if("?"===p||"#"===p)return e+t;var 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f=null!=O&&null!=a&&a!==O,q="+"===A||"*"===A,h="?"===A||"*"===A,W=o[2]||z,m=l||d;p.push({name:s||b++,prefix:O||"",delimiter:W,optional:h,repeat:q,partial:f,asterisk:!!u,pattern:m?Ri(m):u?".*":"[^"+vi(W)+"]+?"})}}return n<t.length&&(M+=t.substr(n)),M&&p.push(M),p}function Wi(t){return encodeURI(t).replace(/[\/?#]/g,(function(t){return"%"+t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}))}function mi(t){return encodeURI(t).replace(/[?#]/g,(function(t){return"%"+t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}))}function gi(t,e){for(var o=new Array(t.length),p=0;p<t.length;p++)"object"==typeof t[p]&&(o[p]=new RegExp("^(?:"+t[p].pattern+")$",Bi(e)));return function(e,p){for(var b="",n=e||{},M=(p||{}).pretty?Wi:encodeURIComponent,z=0;z<t.length;z++){var c=t[z];if("string"!=typeof c){var r,i=n[c.name];if(null==i){if(c.optional){c.partial&&(b+=c.prefix);continue}throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to be defined')}if(si(i)){if(!c.repeat)throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not repeat, but received `'+JSON.stringify(i)+"`");if(0===i.length){if(c.optional)continue;throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not be empty')}for(var a=0;a<i.length;a++){if(r=M(i[a]),!o[z].test(r))throw new TypeError('Expected all "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received `'+JSON.stringify(r)+"`");b+=(0===a?c.prefix:c.delimiter)+r}}else{if(r=c.asterisk?mi(i):M(i),!o[z].test(r))throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received "'+r+'"');b+=c.prefix+r}}else b+=c}return b}}function vi(t){return t.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|\/\\])/g,"\\$1")}function Ri(t){return t.replace(/([=!:$\/()])/g,"\\$1")}function yi(t,e){return t.keys=e,t}function Bi(t){return t&&t.sensitive?"":"i"}function Li(t,e,o){si(e)||(o=e||o,e=[]);for(var p=(o=o||{}).strict,b=!1!==o.end,n="",M=0;M<t.length;M++){var z=t[M];if("string"==typeof z)n+=vi(z);else{var c=vi(z.prefix),r="(?:"+z.pattern+")";e.push(z),z.repeat&&(r+="(?:"+c+r+")*"),n+=r=z.optional?z.partial?c+"("+r+")?":"(?:"+c+"("+r+"))?":c+"("+r+")"}}var i=vi(o.delimiter||"/"),a=n.slice(-i.length)===i;return p||(n=(a?n.slice(0,-i.length):n)+"(?:"+i+"(?=$))?"),n+=b?"$":p&&a?"":"(?="+i+"|$)",yi(new RegExp("^"+n,Bi(o)),e)}function Xi(t,e,o){return si(e)||(o=e||o,e=[]),o=o||{},t instanceof RegExp?function(t,e){var o=t.source.match(/\((?!\?)/g);if(o)for(var p=0;p<o.length;p++)e.push({name:p,prefix:null,delimiter:null,optional:!1,repeat:!1,partial:!1,asterisk:!1,pattern:null});return yi(t,e)}(t,e):si(t)?function(t,e,o){for(var p=[],b=0;b<t.length;b++)p.push(Xi(t[b],e,o).source);return yi(new RegExp("(?:"+p.join("|")+")",Bi(o)),e)}(t,e,o):function(t,e,o){return Li(hi(t,o),e,o)}(t,e,o)}li.parse=di,li.compile=Ai,li.tokensToFunction=ui,li.tokensToRegExp=fi;var _i=Object.create(null);function Ni(t,e,o){e=e||{};try{var p=_i[t]||(_i[t]=li.compile(t));return"string"==typeof e.pathMatch&&(e[0]=e.pathMatch),p(e,{pretty:!0})}catch(t){return""}finally{delete e[0]}}function wi(t,e,o,p){var b="string"==typeof t?{path:t}:t;if(b._normalized)return b;if(b.name){var n=(b=Ur({},t)).params;return n&&"object"==typeof n&&(b.params=Ur({},n)),b}if(!b.path&&b.params&&e){(b=Ur({},b))._normalized=!0;var M=Ur(Ur({},e.params),b.params);if(e.name)b.name=e.name,b.params=M;else if(e.matched.length){var z=e.matched[e.matched.length-1].path;b.path=Ni(z,M,e.path)}else 0;return b}var c=function(t){var e="",o="",p=t.indexOf("#");p>=0&&(e=t.slice(p),t=t.slice(0,p));var b=t.indexOf("?");return b>=0&&(o=t.slice(b+1),t=t.slice(0,b)),{path:t,query:o,hash:e}}(b.path||""),r=e&&e.path||"/",i=c.path?ai(c.path,r,o||b.append):r,a=function(t,e,o){void 0===e&&(e={});var p,b=o||Qr;try{p=b(t||"")}catch(t){p={}}for(var n in e){var M=e[n];p[n]=Array.isArray(M)?M.map(Kr):Kr(M)}return p}(c.query,b.query,p&&p.options.parseQuery),O=b.hash||c.hash;return O&&"#"!==O.charAt(0)&&(O="#"+O),{_normalized:!0,path:i,query:a,hash:O}}var xi,Ti=function(){},Ci={name:"RouterLink",props:{to:{type:[String,Object],required:!0},tag:{type:String,default:"a"},custom:Boolean,exact:Boolean,exactPath:Boolean,append:Boolean,replace:Boolean,activeClass:String,exactActiveClass:String,ariaCurrentValue:{type:String,default:"page"},event:{type:[String,Array],default:"click"}},render:function(t){var e=this,o=this.$router,p=this.$route,b=o.resolve(this.to,p,this.append),n=b.location,M=b.route,z=b.href,c={},r=o.options.linkActiveClass,i=o.options.linkExactActiveClass,a=null==r?"router-link-active":r,O=null==i?"router-link-exact-active":i,s=null==this.activeClass?a:this.activeClass,l=null==this.exactActiveClass?O:this.exactActiveClass,d=M.redirectedFrom?ei(null,wi(M.redirectedFrom),null,o):M;c[l]=Mi(p,d,this.exactPath),c[s]=this.exact||this.exactPath?c[l]:function(t,e){return 0===t.path.replace(ti,"/").indexOf(e.path.replace(ti,"/"))&&(!e.hash||t.hash===e.hash)&&function(t,e){for(var o in e)if(!(o in t))return!1;return!0}(t.query,e.query)}(p,d);var A=c[l]?this.ariaCurrentValue:null,u=function(t){Si(t)&&(e.replace?o.replace(n,Ti):o.push(n,Ti))},f={click:Si};Array.isArray(this.event)?this.event.forEach((function(t){f[t]=u})):f[this.event]=u;var q={class:c},h=!this.$scopedSlots.$hasNormal&&this.$scopedSlots.default&&this.$scopedSlots.default({href:z,route:M,navigate:u,isActive:c[s],isExactActive:c[l]});if(h){if(1===h.length)return h[0];if(h.length>1||!h.length)return 0===h.length?t():t("span",{},h)}if("a"===this.tag)q.on=f,q.attrs={href:z,"aria-current":A};else{var W=ki(this.$slots.default);if(W){W.isStatic=!1;var m=W.data=Ur({},W.data);for(var g in m.on=m.on||{},m.on){var v=m.on[g];g in f&&(m.on[g]=Array.isArray(v)?v:[v])}for(var R in f)R in m.on?m.on[R].push(f[R]):m.on[R]=u;var y=W.data.attrs=Ur({},W.data.attrs);y.href=z,y["aria-current"]=A}else 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strict";var p=o(742),b=o(645),n=o(826);function M(){return c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?2147483647:1073741823}function z(t,e){if(M()<e)throw new RangeError("Invalid typed array length");return c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(t=new Uint8Array(e)).__proto__=c.prototype:(null===t&&(t=new c(e)),t.length=e),t}function c(t,e,o){if(!(c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||this instanceof c))return new c(t,e,o);if("number"==typeof t){if("string"==typeof e)throw new Error("If encoding is specified then the first argument must be a string");return a(this,t)}return r(this,t,e,o)}function r(t,e,o,p){if("number"==typeof e)throw new TypeError('"value" argument must not be a number');return"undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&e instanceof ArrayBuffer?function(t,e,o,p){if(e.byteLength,o<0||e.byteLength<o)throw new RangeError("'offset' is out of bounds");if(e.byteLength<o+(p||0))throw new RangeError("'length' is out of bounds");e=void 0===o&&void 0===p?new Uint8Array(e):void 0===p?new Uint8Array(e,o):new Uint8Array(e,o,p);c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(t=e).__proto__=c.prototype:t=O(t,e);return t}(t,e,o,p):"string"==typeof e?function(t,e,o){"string"==typeof o&&""!==o||(o="utf8");if(!c.isEncoding(o))throw new TypeError('"encoding" must be a valid string encoding');var p=0|l(e,o),b=(t=z(t,p)).write(e,o);b!==p&&(t=t.slice(0,b));return t}(t,e,o):function(t,e){if(c.isBuffer(e)){var o=0|s(e.length);return 0===(t=z(t,o)).length||e.copy(t,0,0,o),t}if(e){if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&e.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer||"length"in e)return"number"!=typeof e.length||(p=e.length)!=p?z(t,0):O(t,e);if("Buffer"===e.type&&n(e.data))return O(t,e.data)}var p;throw new TypeError("First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.")}(t,e)}function i(t){if("number"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be a number');if(t<0)throw new RangeError('"size" argument must not be negative')}function a(t,e){if(i(e),t=z(t,e<0?0:0|s(e)),!c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)for(var o=0;o<e;++o)t[o]=0;return t}function O(t,e){var o=e.length<0?0:0|s(e.length);t=z(t,o);for(var p=0;p<o;p+=1)t[p]=255&e[p];return t}function s(t){if(t>=M())throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x"+M().toString(16)+" bytes");return 0|t}function l(t,e){if(c.isBuffer(t))return t.length;if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&"function"==typeof ArrayBuffer.isView&&(ArrayBuffer.isView(t)||t instanceof ArrayBuffer))return t.byteLength;"string"!=typeof t&&(t=""+t);var o=t.length;if(0===o)return 0;for(var p=!1;;)switch(e){case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":return o;case"utf8":case"utf-8":case void 0:return j(t).length;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return 2*o;case"hex":return o>>>1;case"base64":return I(t).length;default:if(p)return j(t).length;e=(""+e).toLowerCase(),p=!0}}function d(t,e,o){var p=!1;if((void 0===e||e<0)&&(e=0),e>this.length)return"";if((void 0===o||o>this.length)&&(o=this.length),o<=0)return"";if((o>>>=0)<=(e>>>=0))return"";for(t||(t="utf8");;)switch(t){case"hex":return _(this,e,o);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return y(this,e,o);case"ascii":return L(this,e,o);case"latin1":case"binary":return X(this,e,o);case"base64":return R(this,e,o);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return N(this,e,o);default:if(p)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+t);t=(t+"").toLowerCase(),p=!0}}function A(t,e,o){var p=t[e];t[e]=t[o],t[o]=p}function u(t,e,o,p,b){if(0===t.length)return-1;if("string"==typeof o?(p=o,o=0):o>2147483647?o=2147483647:o<-2147483648&&(o=-2147483648),o=+o,isNaN(o)&&(o=b?0:t.length-1),o<0&&(o=t.length+o),o>=t.length){if(b)return-1;o=t.length-1}else if(o<0){if(!b)return-1;o=0}if("string"==typeof e&&(e=c.from(e,p)),c.isBuffer(e))return 0===e.length?-1:f(t,e,o,p,b);if("number"==typeof e)return e&=255,c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT&&"function"==typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf?b?Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(t,e,o):Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(t,e,o):f(t,[e],o,p,b);throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")}function f(t,e,o,p,b){var n,M=1,z=t.length,c=e.length;if(void 0!==p&&("ucs2"===(p=String(p).toLowerCase())||"ucs-2"===p||"utf16le"===p||"utf-16le"===p)){if(t.length<2||e.length<2)return-1;M=2,z/=2,c/=2,o/=2}function r(t,e){return 1===M?t[e]:t.readUInt16BE(e*M)}if(b){var i=-1;for(n=o;n<z;n++)if(r(t,n)===r(e,-1===i?0:n-i)){if(-1===i&&(i=n),n-i+1===c)return i*M}else-1!==i&&(n-=n-i),i=-1}else for(o+c>z&&(o=z-c),n=o;n>=0;n--){for(var a=!0,O=0;O<c;O++)if(r(t,n+O)!==r(e,O)){a=!1;break}if(a)return n}return-1}function q(t,e,o,p){o=Number(o)||0;var b=t.length-o;p?(p=Number(p))>b&&(p=b):p=b;var n=e.length;if(n%2!=0)throw new TypeError("Invalid hex string");p>n/2&&(p=n/2);for(var M=0;M<p;++M){var z=parseInt(e.substr(2*M,2),16);if(isNaN(z))return M;t[o+M]=z}return M}function h(t,e,o,p){return F(j(e,t.length-o),t,o,p)}function W(t,e,o,p){return F(function(t){for(var e=[],o=0;o<t.length;++o)e.push(255&t.charCodeAt(o));return e}(e),t,o,p)}function m(t,e,o,p){return W(t,e,o,p)}function g(t,e,o,p){return F(I(e),t,o,p)}function v(t,e,o,p){return F(function(t,e){for(var o,p,b,n=[],M=0;M<t.length&&!((e-=2)<0);++M)p=(o=t.charCodeAt(M))>>8,b=o%256,n.push(b),n.push(p);return n}(e,t.length-o),t,o,p)}function R(t,e,o){return 0===e&&o===t.length?p.fromByteArray(t):p.fromByteArray(t.slice(e,o))}function y(t,e,o){o=Math.min(t.length,o);for(var p=[],b=e;b<o;){var n,M,z,c,r=t[b],i=null,a=r>239?4:r>223?3:r>191?2:1;if(b+a<=o)switch(a){case 1:r<128&&(i=r);break;case 2:128==(192&(n=t[b+1]))&&(c=(31&r)<<6|63&n)>127&&(i=c);break;case 3:n=t[b+1],M=t[b+2],128==(192&n)&&128==(192&M)&&(c=(15&r)<<12|(63&n)<<6|63&M)>2047&&(c<55296||c>57343)&&(i=c);break;case 4:n=t[b+1],M=t[b+2],z=t[b+3],128==(192&n)&&128==(192&M)&&128==(192&z)&&(c=(15&r)<<18|(63&n)<<12|(63&M)<<6|63&z)>65535&&c<1114112&&(i=c)}null===i?(i=65533,a=1):i>65535&&(i-=65536,p.push(i>>>10&1023|55296),i=56320|1023&i),p.push(i),b+=a}return function(t){var e=t.length;if(e<=B)return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t);var o="",p=0;for(;p<e;)o+=String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t.slice(p,p+=B));return o}(p)}e.lW=c,e.h2=50,c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT=void 0!==o.g.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?o.g.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT:function(){try{var t=new Uint8Array(1);return t.__proto__={__proto__:Uint8Array.prototype,foo:function(){return 42}},42===t.foo()&&"function"==typeof t.subarray&&0===t.subarray(1,1).byteLength}catch(t){return!1}}(),M(),c.poolSize=8192,c._augment=function(t){return t.__proto__=c.prototype,t},c.from=function(t,e,o){return r(null,t,e,o)},c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT&&(c.prototype.__proto__=Uint8Array.prototype,c.__proto__=Uint8Array,"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.species&&c[Symbol.species]===c&&Object.defineProperty(c,Symbol.species,{value:null,configurable:!0})),c.alloc=function(t,e,o){return function(t,e,o,p){return i(e),e<=0?z(t,e):void 0!==o?"string"==typeof p?z(t,e).fill(o,p):z(t,e).fill(o):z(t,e)}(null,t,e,o)},c.allocUnsafe=function(t){return a(null,t)},c.allocUnsafeSlow=function(t){return a(null,t)},c.isBuffer=function(t){return!(null==t||!t._isBuffer)},c.compare=function(t,e){if(!c.isBuffer(t)||!c.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("Arguments must be Buffers");if(t===e)return 0;for(var o=t.length,p=e.length,b=0,n=Math.min(o,p);b<n;++b)if(t[b]!==e[b]){o=t[b],p=e[b];break}return o<p?-1:p<o?1:0},c.isEncoding=function(t){switch(String(t).toLowerCase()){case"hex":case"utf8":case"utf-8":case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":case"base64":case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return!0;default:return!1}},c.concat=function(t,e){if(!n(t))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');if(0===t.length)return c.alloc(0);var o;if(void 0===e)for(e=0,o=0;o<t.length;++o)e+=t[o].length;var p=c.allocUnsafe(e),b=0;for(o=0;o<t.length;++o){var M=t[o];if(!c.isBuffer(M))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');M.copy(p,b),b+=M.length}return p},c.byteLength=l,c.prototype._isBuffer=!0,c.prototype.swap16=function(){var t=this.length;if(t%2!=0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");for(var e=0;e<t;e+=2)A(this,e,e+1);return this},c.prototype.swap32=function(){var t=this.length;if(t%4!=0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");for(var e=0;e<t;e+=4)A(this,e,e+3),A(this,e+1,e+2);return this},c.prototype.swap64=function(){var t=this.length;if(t%8!=0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");for(var e=0;e<t;e+=8)A(this,e,e+7),A(this,e+1,e+6),A(this,e+2,e+5),A(this,e+3,e+4);return this},c.prototype.toString=function(){var t=0|this.length;return 0===t?"":0===arguments.length?y(this,0,t):d.apply(this,arguments)},c.prototype.equals=function(t){if(!c.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===t||0===c.compare(this,t)},c.prototype.inspect=function(){var t="",o=e.h2;return this.length>0&&(t=this.toString("hex",0,o).match(/.{2}/g).join(" "),this.length>o&&(t+=" ... ")),"<Buffer "+t+">"},c.prototype.compare=function(t,e,o,p,b){if(!c.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");if(void 0===e&&(e=0),void 0===o&&(o=t?t.length:0),void 0===p&&(p=0),void 0===b&&(b=this.length),e<0||o>t.length||p<0||b>this.length)throw new RangeError("out of range index");if(p>=b&&e>=o)return 0;if(p>=b)return-1;if(e>=o)return 1;if(this===t)return 0;for(var n=(b>>>=0)-(p>>>=0),M=(o>>>=0)-(e>>>=0),z=Math.min(n,M),r=this.slice(p,b),i=t.slice(e,o),a=0;a<z;++a)if(r[a]!==i[a]){n=r[a],M=i[a];break}return n<M?-1:M<n?1:0},c.prototype.includes=function(t,e,o){return-1!==this.indexOf(t,e,o)},c.prototype.indexOf=function(t,e,o){return u(this,t,e,o,!0)},c.prototype.lastIndexOf=function(t,e,o){return u(this,t,e,o,!1)},c.prototype.write=function(t,e,o,p){if(void 0===e)p="utf8",o=this.length,e=0;else if(void 0===o&&"string"==typeof e)p=e,o=this.length,e=0;else{if(!isFinite(e))throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");e|=0,isFinite(o)?(o|=0,void 0===p&&(p="utf8")):(p=o,o=void 0)}var b=this.length-e;if((void 0===o||o>b)&&(o=b),t.length>0&&(o<0||e<0)||e>this.length)throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");p||(p="utf8");for(var n=!1;;)switch(p){case"hex":return q(this,t,e,o);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return h(this,t,e,o);case"ascii":return W(this,t,e,o);case"latin1":case"binary":return m(this,t,e,o);case"base64":return g(this,t,e,o);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return v(this,t,e,o);default:if(n)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+p);p=(""+p).toLowerCase(),n=!0}},c.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{type:"Buffer",data:Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr||this,0)}};var B=4096;function L(t,e,o){var p="";o=Math.min(t.length,o);for(var b=e;b<o;++b)p+=String.fromCharCode(127&t[b]);return p}function X(t,e,o){var p="";o=Math.min(t.length,o);for(var b=e;b<o;++b)p+=String.fromCharCode(t[b]);return p}function _(t,e,o){var p=t.length;(!e||e<0)&&(e=0),(!o||o<0||o>p)&&(o=p);for(var b="",n=e;n<o;++n)b+=P(t[n]);return b}function N(t,e,o){for(var p=t.slice(e,o),b="",n=0;n<p.length;n+=2)b+=String.fromCharCode(p[n]+256*p[n+1]);return b}function w(t,e,o){if(t%1!=0||t<0)throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");if(t+e>o)throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")}function x(t,e,o,p,b,n){if(!c.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');if(e>b||e<n)throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');if(o+p>t.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function T(t,e,o,p){e<0&&(e=65535+e+1);for(var b=0,n=Math.min(t.length-o,2);b<n;++b)t[o+b]=(e&255<<8*(p?b:1-b))>>>8*(p?b:1-b)}function C(t,e,o,p){e<0&&(e=4294967295+e+1);for(var b=0,n=Math.min(t.length-o,4);b<n;++b)t[o+b]=e>>>8*(p?b:3-b)&255}function S(t,e,o,p,b,n){if(o+p>t.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(o<0)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function k(t,e,o,p,n){return n||S(t,0,o,4),b.write(t,e,o,p,23,4),o+4}function E(t,e,o,p,n){return n||S(t,0,o,8),b.write(t,e,o,p,52,8),o+8}c.prototype.slice=function(t,e){var o,p=this.length;if((t=~~t)<0?(t+=p)<0&&(t=0):t>p&&(t=p),(e=void 0===e?p:~~e)<0?(e+=p)<0&&(e=0):e>p&&(e=p),e<t&&(e=t),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)(o=this.subarray(t,e)).__proto__=c.prototype;else{var b=e-t;o=new c(b,void 0);for(var n=0;n<b;++n)o[n]=this[n+t]}return o},c.prototype.readUIntLE=function(t,e,o){t|=0,e|=0,o||w(t,e,this.length);for(var p=this[t],b=1,n=0;++n<e&&(b*=256);)p+=this[t+n]*b;return p},c.prototype.readUIntBE=function(t,e,o){t|=0,e|=0,o||w(t,e,this.length);for(var p=this[t+--e],b=1;e>0&&(b*=256);)p+=this[t+--e]*b;return p},c.prototype.readUInt8=function(t,e){return e||w(t,1,this.length),this[t]},c.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,2,this.length),this[t]|this[t+1]<<8},c.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,2,this.length),this[t]<<8|this[t+1]},c.prototype.readUInt32LE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,4,this.length),(this[t]|this[t+1]<<8|this[t+2]<<16)+16777216*this[t+3]},c.prototype.readUInt32BE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,4,this.length),16777216*this[t]+(this[t+1]<<16|this[t+2]<<8|this[t+3])},c.prototype.readIntLE=function(t,e,o){t|=0,e|=0,o||w(t,e,this.length);for(var p=this[t],b=1,n=0;++n<e&&(b*=256);)p+=this[t+n]*b;return p>=(b*=128)&&(p-=Math.pow(2,8*e)),p},c.prototype.readIntBE=function(t,e,o){t|=0,e|=0,o||w(t,e,this.length);for(var p=e,b=1,n=this[t+--p];p>0&&(b*=256);)n+=this[t+--p]*b;return n>=(b*=128)&&(n-=Math.pow(2,8*e)),n},c.prototype.readInt8=function(t,e){return e||w(t,1,this.length),128&this[t]?-1*(255-this[t]+1):this[t]},c.prototype.readInt16LE=function(t,e){e||w(t,2,this.length);var o=this[t]|this[t+1]<<8;return 32768&o?4294901760|o:o},c.prototype.readInt16BE=function(t,e){e||w(t,2,this.length);var o=this[t+1]|this[t]<<8;return 32768&o?4294901760|o:o},c.prototype.readInt32LE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,4,this.length),this[t]|this[t+1]<<8|this[t+2]<<16|this[t+3]<<24},c.prototype.readInt32BE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,4,this.length),this[t]<<24|this[t+1]<<16|this[t+2]<<8|this[t+3]},c.prototype.readFloatLE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,4,this.length),b.read(this,t,!0,23,4)},c.prototype.readFloatBE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,4,this.length),b.read(this,t,!1,23,4)},c.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,8,this.length),b.read(this,t,!0,52,8)},c.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(t,e){return e||w(t,8,this.length),b.read(this,t,!1,52,8)},c.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(t,e,o,p){(t=+t,e|=0,o|=0,p)||x(this,t,e,o,Math.pow(2,8*o)-1,0);var b=1,n=0;for(this[e]=255&t;++n<o&&(b*=256);)this[e+n]=t/b&255;return e+o},c.prototype.writeUIntBE=function(t,e,o,p){(t=+t,e|=0,o|=0,p)||x(this,t,e,o,Math.pow(2,8*o)-1,0);var b=o-1,n=1;for(this[e+b]=255&t;--b>=0&&(n*=256);)this[e+b]=t/n&255;return e+o},c.prototype.writeUInt8=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,1,255,0),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(t=Math.floor(t)),this[e]=255&t,e+1},c.prototype.writeUInt16LE=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,2,65535,0),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=255&t,this[e+1]=t>>>8):T(this,t,e,!0),e+2},c.prototype.writeUInt16BE=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,2,65535,0),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>8,this[e+1]=255&t):T(this,t,e,!1),e+2},c.prototype.writeUInt32LE=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,4,4294967295,0),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e+3]=t>>>24,this[e+2]=t>>>16,this[e+1]=t>>>8,this[e]=255&t):C(this,t,e,!0),e+4},c.prototype.writeUInt32BE=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,4,4294967295,0),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>24,this[e+1]=t>>>16,this[e+2]=t>>>8,this[e+3]=255&t):C(this,t,e,!1),e+4},c.prototype.writeIntLE=function(t,e,o,p){if(t=+t,e|=0,!p){var b=Math.pow(2,8*o-1);x(this,t,e,o,b-1,-b)}var n=0,M=1,z=0;for(this[e]=255&t;++n<o&&(M*=256);)t<0&&0===z&&0!==this[e+n-1]&&(z=1),this[e+n]=(t/M>>0)-z&255;return e+o},c.prototype.writeIntBE=function(t,e,o,p){if(t=+t,e|=0,!p){var b=Math.pow(2,8*o-1);x(this,t,e,o,b-1,-b)}var n=o-1,M=1,z=0;for(this[e+n]=255&t;--n>=0&&(M*=256);)t<0&&0===z&&0!==this[e+n+1]&&(z=1),this[e+n]=(t/M>>0)-z&255;return e+o},c.prototype.writeInt8=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,1,127,-128),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(t=Math.floor(t)),t<0&&(t=255+t+1),this[e]=255&t,e+1},c.prototype.writeInt16LE=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,2,32767,-32768),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=255&t,this[e+1]=t>>>8):T(this,t,e,!0),e+2},c.prototype.writeInt16BE=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,2,32767,-32768),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>8,this[e+1]=255&t):T(this,t,e,!1),e+2},c.prototype.writeInt32LE=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,4,2147483647,-2147483648),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=255&t,this[e+1]=t>>>8,this[e+2]=t>>>16,this[e+3]=t>>>24):C(this,t,e,!0),e+4},c.prototype.writeInt32BE=function(t,e,o){return t=+t,e|=0,o||x(this,t,e,4,2147483647,-2147483648),t<0&&(t=4294967295+t+1),c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>24,this[e+1]=t>>>16,this[e+2]=t>>>8,this[e+3]=255&t):C(this,t,e,!1),e+4},c.prototype.writeFloatLE=function(t,e,o){return k(this,t,e,!0,o)},c.prototype.writeFloatBE=function(t,e,o){return k(this,t,e,!1,o)},c.prototype.writeDoubleLE=function(t,e,o){return E(this,t,e,!0,o)},c.prototype.writeDoubleBE=function(t,e,o){return E(this,t,e,!1,o)},c.prototype.copy=function(t,e,o,p){if(o||(o=0),p||0===p||(p=this.length),e>=t.length&&(e=t.length),e||(e=0),p>0&&p<o&&(p=o),p===o)return 0;if(0===t.length||0===this.length)return 0;if(e<0)throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");if(o<0||o>=this.length)throw new RangeError("sourceStart out of bounds");if(p<0)throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");p>this.length&&(p=this.length),t.length-e<p-o&&(p=t.length-e+o);var b,n=p-o;if(this===t&&o<e&&e<p)for(b=n-1;b>=0;--b)t[b+e]=this[b+o];else if(n<1e3||!c.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)for(b=0;b<n;++b)t[b+e]=this[b+o];else Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(t,this.subarray(o,o+n),e);return n},c.prototype.fill=function(t,e,o,p){if("string"==typeof t){if("string"==typeof e?(p=e,e=0,o=this.length):"string"==typeof o&&(p=o,o=this.length),1===t.length){var b=t.charCodeAt(0);b<256&&(t=b)}if(void 0!==p&&"string"!=typeof p)throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");if("string"==typeof p&&!c.isEncoding(p))throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+p)}else"number"==typeof t&&(t&=255);if(e<0||this.length<e||this.length<o)throw new RangeError("Out of range index");if(o<=e)return this;var n;if(e>>>=0,o=void 0===o?this.length:o>>>0,t||(t=0),"number"==typeof t)for(n=e;n<o;++n)this[n]=t;else{var M=c.isBuffer(t)?t:j(new c(t,p).toString()),z=M.length;for(n=0;n<o-e;++n)this[n+e]=M[n%z]}return this};var D=/[^+\/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;function P(t){return t<16?"0"+t.toString(16):t.toString(16)}function j(t,e){var o;e=e||1/0;for(var p=t.length,b=null,n=[],M=0;M<p;++M){if((o=t.charCodeAt(M))>55295&&o<57344){if(!b){if(o>56319){(e-=3)>-1&&n.push(239,191,189);continue}if(M+1===p){(e-=3)>-1&&n.push(239,191,189);continue}b=o;continue}if(o<56320){(e-=3)>-1&&n.push(239,191,189),b=o;continue}o=65536+(b-55296<<10|o-56320)}else b&&(e-=3)>-1&&n.push(239,191,189);if(b=null,o<128){if((e-=1)<0)break;n.push(o)}else if(o<2048){if((e-=2)<0)break;n.push(o>>6|192,63&o|128)}else if(o<65536){if((e-=3)<0)break;n.push(o>>12|224,o>>6&63|128,63&o|128)}else{if(!(o<1114112))throw new Error("Invalid code point");if((e-=4)<0)break;n.push(o>>18|240,o>>12&63|128,o>>6&63|128,63&o|128)}}return n}function I(t){return p.toByteArray(function(t){if((t=function(t){return t.trim?t.trim():t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")}(t).replace(D,"")).length<2)return"";for(;t.length%4!=0;)t+="=";return t}(t))}function F(t,e,o,p){for(var b=0;b<p&&!(b+o>=e.length||b>=t.length);++b)e[b+o]=t[b];return b}},757:function(t,e,o){t.exports=function(t){"use strict";function e(t,e){return t(e={exports:{}},e.exports),e.exports}function o(t){return t&&t.default||t}t=t&&t.hasOwnProperty("default")?t.default:t;var p={aliceblue:[240,248,255],antiquewhite:[250,235,215],aqua:[0,255,255],aquamarine:[127,255,212],azure:[240,255,255],beige:[245,245,220],bisque:[255,228,196],black:[0,0,0],blanchedalmond:[255,235,205],blue:[0,0,255],blueviolet:[138,43,226],brown:[165,42,42],burlywood:[222,184,135],cadetblue:[95,158,160],chartreuse:[127,255,0],chocolate:[210,105,30],coral:[255,127,80],cornflowerblue:[100,149,237],cornsilk:[255,248,220],crimson:[220,20,60],cyan:[0,255,255],darkblue:[0,0,139],darkcyan:[0,139,139],darkgoldenrod:[184,134,11],darkgray:[169,169,169],darkgreen:[0,100,0],darkgrey:[169,169,169],darkkhaki:[189,183,107],darkmagenta:[139,0,139],darkolivegreen:[85,107,47],darkorange:[255,140,0],darkorchid:[153,50,204],darkred:[139,0,0],darksalmon:[233,150,122],darkseagreen:[143,188,143],darkslateblue:[72,61,139],darkslategray:[47,79,79],darkslategrey:[47,79,79],darkturquoise:[0,206,209],darkviolet:[148,0,211],deeppink:[255,20,147],deepskyblue:[0,191,255],dimgray:[105,105,105],dimgrey:[105,105,105],dodgerblue:[30,144,255],firebrick:[178,34,34],floralwhite:[255,250,240],forestgreen:[34,139,34],fuchsia:[255,0,255],gainsboro:[220,220,220],ghostwhite:[248,248,255],gold:[255,215,0],goldenrod:[218,165,32],gray:[128,128,128],green:[0,128,0],greenyellow:[173,255,47],grey:[128,128,128],honeydew:[240,255,240],hotpink:[255,105,180],indianred:[205,92,92],indigo:[75,0,130],ivory:[255,255,240],khaki:[240,230,140],lavender:[230,230,250],lavenderblush:[255,240,245],lawngreen:[124,252,0],lemonchiffon:[255,250,205],lightblue:[173,216,230],lightcoral:[240,128,128],lightcyan:[224,255,255],lightgoldenrodyellow:[250,250,210],lightgray:[211,211,211],lightgreen:[144,238,144],lightgrey:[211,211,211],lightpink:[255,182,193],lightsalmon:[255,160,122],lightseagreen:[32,178,170],lightskyblue:[135,206,250],lightslategray:[119,136,153],lightslategrey:[119,136,153],lightsteelblue:[176,196,222],lightyellow:[255,255,224],lime:[0,255,0],limegreen:[50,205,50],linen:[250,240,230],magenta:[255,0,255],maroon:[128,0,0],mediumaquamarine:[102,205,170],mediumblue:[0,0,205],mediumorchid:[186,85,211],mediumpurple:[147,112,219],mediumseagreen:[60,179,113],mediumslateblue:[123,104,238],mediumspringgreen:[0,250,154],mediumturquoise:[72,209,204],mediumvioletred:[199,21,133],midnightblue:[25,25,112],mintcream:[245,255,250],mistyrose:[255,228,225],moccasin:[255,228,181],navajowhite:[255,222,173],navy:[0,0,128],oldlace:[253,245,230],olive:[128,128,0],olivedrab:[107,142,35],orange:[255,165,0],orangered:[255,69,0],orchid:[218,112,214],palegoldenrod:[238,232,170],palegreen:[152,251,152],paleturquoise:[175,238,238],palevioletred:[219,112,147],papayawhip:[255,239,213],peachpuff:[255,218,185],peru:[205,133,63],pink:[255,192,203],plum:[221,160,221],powderblue:[176,224,230],purple:[128,0,128],rebeccapurple:[102,51,153],red:[255,0,0],rosybrown:[188,143,143],royalblue:[65,105,225],saddlebrown:[139,69,19],salmon:[250,128,114],sandybrown:[244,164,96],seagreen:[46,139,87],seashell:[255,245,238],sienna:[160,82,45],silver:[192,192,192],skyblue:[135,206,235],slateblue:[106,90,205],slategray:[112,128,144],slategrey:[112,128,144],snow:[255,250,250],springgreen:[0,255,127],steelblue:[70,130,180],tan:[210,180,140],teal:[0,128,128],thistle:[216,191,216],tomato:[255,99,71],turquoise:[64,224,208],violet:[238,130,238],wheat:[245,222,179],white:[255,255,255],whitesmoke:[245,245,245],yellow:[255,255,0],yellowgreen:[154,205,50]},b=e((function(t){var e={};for(var o in p)p.hasOwnProperty(o)&&(e[p[o]]=o);var b=t.exports={rgb:{channels:3,labels:"rgb"},hsl:{channels:3,labels:"hsl"},hsv:{channels:3,labels:"hsv"},hwb:{channels:3,labels:"hwb"},cmyk:{channels:4,labels:"cmyk"},xyz:{channels:3,labels:"xyz"},lab:{channels:3,labels:"lab"},lch:{channels:3,labels:"lch"},hex:{channels:1,labels:["hex"]},keyword:{channels:1,labels:["keyword"]},ansi16:{channels:1,labels:["ansi16"]},ansi256:{channels:1,labels:["ansi256"]},hcg:{channels:3,labels:["h","c","g"]},apple:{channels:3,labels:["r16","g16","b16"]},gray:{channels:1,labels:["gray"]}};for(var n in b)if(b.hasOwnProperty(n)){if(!("channels"in b[n]))throw new Error("missing channels property: "+n);if(!("labels"in b[n]))throw new Error("missing channel labels property: "+n);if(b[n].labels.length!==b[n].channels)throw new Error("channel and label counts mismatch: "+n);var M=b[n].channels,z=b[n].labels;delete b[n].channels,delete b[n].labels,Object.defineProperty(b[n],"channels",{value:M}),Object.defineProperty(b[n],"labels",{value:z})}function c(t,e){return Math.pow(t[0]-e[0],2)+Math.pow(t[1]-e[1],2)+Math.pow(t[2]-e[2],2)}b.rgb.hsl=function(t){var e,o,p=t[0]/255,b=t[1]/255,n=t[2]/255,M=Math.min(p,b,n),z=Math.max(p,b,n),c=z-M;return z===M?e=0:p===z?e=(b-n)/c:b===z?e=2+(n-p)/c:n===z&&(e=4+(p-b)/c),(e=Math.min(60*e,360))<0&&(e+=360),o=(M+z)/2,[e,100*(z===M?0:o<=.5?c/(z+M):c/(2-z-M)),100*o]},b.rgb.hsv=function(t){var e,o,p,b,n,M=t[0]/255,z=t[1]/255,c=t[2]/255,r=Math.max(M,z,c),i=r-Math.min(M,z,c),a=function(t){return(r-t)/6/i+.5};return 0===i?b=n=0:(n=i/r,e=a(M),o=a(z),p=a(c),M===r?b=p-o:z===r?b=1/3+e-p:c===r&&(b=2/3+o-e),b<0?b+=1:b>1&&(b-=1)),[360*b,100*n,100*r]},b.rgb.hwb=function(t){var e=t[0],o=t[1],p=t[2];return[b.rgb.hsl(t)[0],1/255*Math.min(e,Math.min(o,p))*100,100*(p=1-1/255*Math.max(e,Math.max(o,p)))]},b.rgb.cmyk=function(t){var e,o=t[0]/255,p=t[1]/255,b=t[2]/255;return[100*((1-o-(e=Math.min(1-o,1-p,1-b)))/(1-e)||0),100*((1-p-e)/(1-e)||0),100*((1-b-e)/(1-e)||0),100*e]},b.rgb.keyword=function(t){var o=e[t];if(o)return o;var b,n=1/0;for(var M in p)if(p.hasOwnProperty(M)){var z=c(t,p[M]);z<n&&(n=z,b=M)}return b},b.keyword.rgb=function(t){return p[t]},b.rgb.xyz=function(t){var e=t[0]/255,o=t[1]/255,p=t[2]/255;return[100*(.4124*(e=e>.04045?Math.pow((e+.055)/1.055,2.4):e/12.92)+.3576*(o=o>.04045?Math.pow((o+.055)/1.055,2.4):o/12.92)+.1805*(p=p>.04045?Math.pow((p+.055)/1.055,2.4):p/12.92)),100*(.2126*e+.7152*o+.0722*p),100*(.0193*e+.1192*o+.9505*p)]},b.rgb.lab=function(t){var e=b.rgb.xyz(t),o=e[0],p=e[1],n=e[2];return p/=100,n/=108.883,o=(o/=95.047)>.008856?Math.pow(o,1/3):7.787*o+16/116,[116*(p=p>.008856?Math.pow(p,1/3):7.787*p+16/116)-16,500*(o-p),200*(p-(n=n>.008856?Math.pow(n,1/3):7.787*n+16/116))]},b.hsl.rgb=function(t){var e,o,p,b,n,M=t[0]/360,z=t[1]/100,c=t[2]/100;if(0===z)return[n=255*c,n,n];e=2*c-(o=c<.5?c*(1+z):c+z-c*z),b=[0,0,0];for(var r=0;r<3;r++)(p=M+1/3*-(r-1))<0&&p++,p>1&&p--,n=6*p<1?e+6*(o-e)*p:2*p<1?o:3*p<2?e+(o-e)*(2/3-p)*6:e,b[r]=255*n;return b},b.hsl.hsv=function(t){var e=t[0],o=t[1]/100,p=t[2]/100,b=o,n=Math.max(p,.01);return o*=(p*=2)<=1?p:2-p,b*=n<=1?n:2-n,[e,100*(0===p?2*b/(n+b):2*o/(p+o)),(p+o)/2*100]},b.hsv.rgb=function(t){var e=t[0]/60,o=t[1]/100,p=t[2]/100,b=Math.floor(e)%6,n=e-Math.floor(e),M=255*p*(1-o),z=255*p*(1-o*n),c=255*p*(1-o*(1-n));switch(p*=255,b){case 0:return[p,c,M];case 1:return[z,p,M];case 2:return[M,p,c];case 3:return[M,z,p];case 4:return[c,M,p];case 5:return[p,M,z]}},b.hsv.hsl=function(t){var e,o,p,b=t[0],n=t[1]/100,M=t[2]/100,z=Math.max(M,.01);return p=(2-n)*M,o=n*z,[b,100*(o=(o/=(e=(2-n)*z)<=1?e:2-e)||0),100*(p/=2)]},b.hwb.rgb=function(t){var e,o,p,b,n,M,z,c=t[0]/360,r=t[1]/100,i=t[2]/100,a=r+i;switch(a>1&&(r/=a,i/=a),p=6*c-(e=Math.floor(6*c)),0!=(1&e)&&(p=1-p),b=r+p*((o=1-i)-r),e){default:case 6:case 0:n=o,M=b,z=r;break;case 1:n=b,M=o,z=r;break;case 2:n=r,M=o,z=b;break;case 3:n=r,M=b,z=o;break;case 4:n=b,M=r,z=o;break;case 5:n=o,M=r,z=b}return[255*n,255*M,255*z]},b.cmyk.rgb=function(t){var e=t[0]/100,o=t[1]/100,p=t[2]/100,b=t[3]/100;return[255*(1-Math.min(1,e*(1-b)+b)),255*(1-Math.min(1,o*(1-b)+b)),255*(1-Math.min(1,p*(1-b)+b))]},b.xyz.rgb=function(t){var e,o,p,b=t[0]/100,n=t[1]/100,M=t[2]/100;return o=-.9689*b+1.8758*n+.0415*M,p=.0557*b+-.204*n+1.057*M,e=(e=3.2406*b+-1.5372*n+-.4986*M)>.0031308?1.055*Math.pow(e,1/2.4)-.055:12.92*e,o=o>.0031308?1.055*Math.pow(o,1/2.4)-.055:12.92*o,p=p>.0031308?1.055*Math.pow(p,1/2.4)-.055:12.92*p,[255*(e=Math.min(Math.max(0,e),1)),255*(o=Math.min(Math.max(0,o),1)),255*(p=Math.min(Math.max(0,p),1))]},b.xyz.lab=function(t){var e=t[0],o=t[1],p=t[2];return o/=100,p/=108.883,e=(e/=95.047)>.008856?Math.pow(e,1/3):7.787*e+16/116,[116*(o=o>.008856?Math.pow(o,1/3):7.787*o+16/116)-16,500*(e-o),200*(o-(p=p>.008856?Math.pow(p,1/3):7.787*p+16/116))]},b.lab.xyz=function(t){var e,o,p,b=t[0];e=t[1]/500+(o=(b+16)/116),p=o-t[2]/200;var n=Math.pow(o,3),M=Math.pow(e,3),z=Math.pow(p,3);return o=n>.008856?n:(o-16/116)/7.787,e=M>.008856?M:(e-16/116)/7.787,p=z>.008856?z:(p-16/116)/7.787,[e*=95.047,o*=100,p*=108.883]},b.lab.lch=function(t){var e,o=t[0],p=t[1],b=t[2];return(e=360*Math.atan2(b,p)/2/Math.PI)<0&&(e+=360),[o,Math.sqrt(p*p+b*b),e]},b.lch.lab=function(t){var e,o=t[0],p=t[1];return e=t[2]/360*2*Math.PI,[o,p*Math.cos(e),p*Math.sin(e)]},b.rgb.ansi16=function(t){var e=t[0],o=t[1],p=t[2],n=1 in arguments?arguments[1]:b.rgb.hsv(t)[2];if(0===(n=Math.round(n/50)))return 30;var M=30+(Math.round(p/255)<<2|Math.round(o/255)<<1|Math.round(e/255));return 2===n&&(M+=60),M},b.hsv.ansi16=function(t){return b.rgb.ansi16(b.hsv.rgb(t),t[2])},b.rgb.ansi256=function(t){var e=t[0],o=t[1],p=t[2];return e===o&&o===p?e<8?16:e>248?231:Math.round((e-8)/247*24)+232:16+36*Math.round(e/255*5)+6*Math.round(o/255*5)+Math.round(p/255*5)},b.ansi16.rgb=function(t){var e=t%10;if(0===e||7===e)return t>50&&(e+=3.5),[e=e/10.5*255,e,e];var o=.5*(1+~~(t>50));return[(1&e)*o*255,(e>>1&1)*o*255,(e>>2&1)*o*255]},b.ansi256.rgb=function(t){if(t>=232){var e=10*(t-232)+8;return[e,e,e]}var o;return t-=16,[Math.floor(t/36)/5*255,Math.floor((o=t%36)/6)/5*255,o%6/5*255]},b.rgb.hex=function(t){var e=(((255&Math.round(t[0]))<<16)+((255&Math.round(t[1]))<<8)+(255&Math.round(t[2]))).toString(16).toUpperCase();return"000000".substring(e.length)+e},b.hex.rgb=function(t){var e=t.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i);if(!e)return[0,0,0];var o=e[0];3===e[0].length&&(o=o.split("").map((function(t){return t+t})).join(""));var p=parseInt(o,16);return[p>>16&255,p>>8&255,255&p]},b.rgb.hcg=function(t){var e,o=t[0]/255,p=t[1]/255,b=t[2]/255,n=Math.max(Math.max(o,p),b),M=Math.min(Math.min(o,p),b),z=n-M;return e=z<=0?0:n===o?(p-b)/z%6:n===p?2+(b-o)/z:4+(o-p)/z+4,e/=6,[360*(e%=1),100*z,100*(z<1?M/(1-z):0)]},b.hsl.hcg=function(t){var e=t[1]/100,o=t[2]/100,p=1,b=0;return(p=o<.5?2*e*o:2*e*(1-o))<1&&(b=(o-.5*p)/(1-p)),[t[0],100*p,100*b]},b.hsv.hcg=function(t){var e=t[1]/100,o=t[2]/100,p=e*o,b=0;return p<1&&(b=(o-p)/(1-p)),[t[0],100*p,100*b]},b.hcg.rgb=function(t){var e=t[0]/360,o=t[1]/100,p=t[2]/100;if(0===o)return[255*p,255*p,255*p];var b=[0,0,0],n=e%1*6,M=n%1,z=1-M,c=0;switch(Math.floor(n)){case 0:b[0]=1,b[1]=M,b[2]=0;break;case 1:b[0]=z,b[1]=1,b[2]=0;break;case 2:b[0]=0,b[1]=1,b[2]=M;break;case 3:b[0]=0,b[1]=z,b[2]=1;break;case 4:b[0]=M,b[1]=0,b[2]=1;break;default:b[0]=1,b[1]=0,b[2]=z}return c=(1-o)*p,[255*(o*b[0]+c),255*(o*b[1]+c),255*(o*b[2]+c)]},b.hcg.hsv=function(t){var e=t[1]/100,o=e+t[2]/100*(1-e),p=0;return o>0&&(p=e/o),[t[0],100*p,100*o]},b.hcg.hsl=function(t){var e=t[1]/100,o=t[2]/100*(1-e)+.5*e,p=0;return o>0&&o<.5?p=e/(2*o):o>=.5&&o<1&&(p=e/(2*(1-o))),[t[0],100*p,100*o]},b.hcg.hwb=function(t){var e=t[1]/100,o=e+t[2]/100*(1-e);return[t[0],100*(o-e),100*(1-o)]},b.hwb.hcg=function(t){var e=t[1]/100,o=1-t[2]/100,p=o-e,b=0;return p<1&&(b=(o-p)/(1-p)),[t[0],100*p,100*b]},b.apple.rgb=function(t){return[t[0]/65535*255,t[1]/65535*255,t[2]/65535*255]},b.rgb.apple=function(t){return[t[0]/255*65535,t[1]/255*65535,t[2]/255*65535]},b.gray.rgb=function(t){return[t[0]/100*255,t[0]/100*255,t[0]/100*255]},b.gray.hsl=b.gray.hsv=function(t){return[0,0,t[0]]},b.gray.hwb=function(t){return[0,100,t[0]]},b.gray.cmyk=function(t){return[0,0,0,t[0]]},b.gray.lab=function(t){return[t[0],0,0]},b.gray.hex=function(t){var e=255&Math.round(t[0]/100*255),o=((e<<16)+(e<<8)+e).toString(16).toUpperCase();return"000000".substring(o.length)+o},b.rgb.gray=function(t){return[(t[0]+t[1]+t[2])/3/255*100]}}));function n(){for(var t={},e=Object.keys(b),o=e.length,p=0;p<o;p++)t[e[p]]={distance:-1,parent:null};return t}function M(t){var e=n(),o=[t];for(e[t].distance=0;o.length;)for(var p=o.pop(),M=Object.keys(b[p]),z=M.length,c=0;c<z;c++){var r=M[c],i=e[r];-1===i.distance&&(i.distance=e[p].distance+1,i.parent=p,o.unshift(r))}return e}function z(t,e){return function(o){return e(t(o))}}function c(t,e){for(var o=[e[t].parent,t],p=b[e[t].parent][t],n=e[t].parent;e[n].parent;)o.unshift(e[n].parent),p=z(b[e[n].parent][n],p),n=e[n].parent;return p.conversion=o,p}b.rgb,b.hsl,b.hsv,b.hwb,b.cmyk,b.xyz,b.lab,b.lch,b.hex,b.keyword,b.ansi16,b.ansi256,b.hcg,b.apple,b.gray;var r=function(t){for(var e=M(t),o={},p=Object.keys(e),b=p.length,n=0;n<b;n++){var z=p[n];null!==e[z].parent&&(o[z]=c(z,e))}return o},i={};function a(t){var e=function(e){return null==e?e:(arguments.length>1&&(e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)),t(e))};return"conversion"in t&&(e.conversion=t.conversion),e}function O(t){var e=function(e){if(null==e)return e;arguments.length>1&&(e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));var o=t(e);if("object"==typeof o)for(var p=o.length,b=0;b<p;b++)o[b]=Math.round(o[b]);return o};return"conversion"in t&&(e.conversion=t.conversion),e}Object.keys(b).forEach((function(t){i[t]={},Object.defineProperty(i[t],"channels",{value:b[t].channels}),Object.defineProperty(i[t],"labels",{value:b[t].labels});var e=r(t);Object.keys(e).forEach((function(o){var p=e[o];i[t][o]=O(p),i[t][o].raw=a(p)}))}));var 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A(t){if(t){var e=/^#([a-fA-F0-9]{3,4})$/i,o=/^#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}([a-fA-F0-9]{2})?)$/i,p=/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/i,b=/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/i,n=/(\w+)/,M=[0,0,0],z=1,c=t.match(e),r="";if(c){r=(c=c[1])[3];for(var i=0;i<M.length;i++)M[i]=parseInt(c[i]+c[i],16);r&&(z=Math.round(parseInt(r+r,16)/255*100)/100)}else if(c=t.match(o)){for(r=c[2],c=c[1],i=0;i<M.length;i++)M[i]=parseInt(c.slice(2*i,2*i+2),16);r&&(z=Math.round(parseInt(r,16)/255*100)/100)}else if(c=t.match(p)){for(i=0;i<M.length;i++)M[i]=parseInt(c[i+1]);z=parseFloat(c[4])}else if(c=t.match(b)){for(i=0;i<M.length;i++)M[i]=Math.round(2.55*parseFloat(c[i+1]));z=parseFloat(c[4])}else if(c=t.match(n)){if("transparent"==c[1])return[0,0,0,0];if(!(M=l[c[1]]))return}for(i=0;i<M.length;i++)M[i]=N(M[i],0,255);return z=z||0==z?N(z,0,1):1,M[3]=z,M}}function u(t){if(t){var e=/^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)/,o=t.match(e);if(o){var p=parseFloat(o[4]);return[N(parseInt(o[1]),0,360),N(parseFloat(o[2]),0,100),N(parseFloat(o[3]),0,100),N(isNaN(p)?1:p,0,1)]}}}function f(t){if(t){var e=/^hwb\(\s*([+-]?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)/,o=t.match(e);if(o){var p=parseFloat(o[4]);return[N(parseInt(o[1]),0,360),N(parseFloat(o[2]),0,100),N(parseFloat(o[3]),0,100),N(isNaN(p)?1:p,0,1)]}}}function q(t){var e=A(t);return e&&e.slice(0,3)}function h(t){var e=u(t);return e&&e.slice(0,3)}function W(t){var e=A(t);return e||(e=u(t))||(e=f(t))?e[3]:void 0}function m(t,e){return e=void 0!==e&&3===t.length?e:t[3],"#"+w(t[0])+w(t[1])+w(t[2])+(e>=0&&e<1?w(Math.round(255*e)):"")}function g(t,e){return e<1||t[3]&&t[3]<1?v(t,e):"rgb("+t[0]+", "+t[1]+", "+t[2]+")"}function v(t,e){return void 0===e&&(e=void 0!==t[3]?t[3]:1),"rgba("+t[0]+", "+t[1]+", "+t[2]+", "+e+")"}function R(t,e){return e<1||t[3]&&t[3]<1?y(t,e):"rgb("+Math.round(t[0]/255*100)+"%, "+Math.round(t[1]/255*100)+"%, "+Math.round(t[2]/255*100)+"%)"}function y(t,e){return"rgba("+Math.round(t[0]/255*100)+"%, "+Math.round(t[1]/255*100)+"%, "+Math.round(t[2]/255*100)+"%, "+(e||t[3]||1)+")"}function B(t,e){return e<1||t[3]&&t[3]<1?L(t,e):"hsl("+t[0]+", "+t[1]+"%, "+t[2]+"%)"}function L(t,e){return void 0===e&&(e=void 0!==t[3]?t[3]:1),"hsla("+t[0]+", "+t[1]+"%, "+t[2]+"%, "+e+")"}function X(t,e){return void 0===e&&(e=void 0!==t[3]?t[3]:1),"hwb("+t[0]+", "+t[1]+"%, "+t[2]+"%"+(void 0!==e&&1!==e?", "+e:"")+")"}function _(t){return x[t.slice(0,3)]}function N(t,e,o){return Math.min(Math.max(e,t),o)}function w(t){var e=t.toString(16).toUpperCase();return e.length<2?"0"+e:e}var x={};for(var T in l)x[l[T]]=T;var C=function(t){return t instanceof C?t:this instanceof C?(this.valid=!1,this.values={rgb:[0,0,0],hsl:[0,0,0],hsv:[0,0,0],hwb:[0,0,0],cmyk:[0,0,0,0],alpha:1},void("string"==typeof t?(e=d.getRgba(t))?this.setValues("rgb",e):(e=d.getHsla(t))?this.setValues("hsl",e):(e=d.getHwb(t))&&this.setValues("hwb",e):"object"==typeof t&&(void 0!==(e=t).r||void 0!==e.red?this.setValues("rgb",e):void 0!==e.l||void 0!==e.lightness?this.setValues("hsl",e):void 0!==e.v||void 0!==e.value?this.setValues("hsv",e):void 0!==e.w||void 0!==e.whiteness?this.setValues("hwb",e):void 0===e.c&&void 0===e.cyan||this.setValues("cmyk",e)))):new C(t);var e};C.prototype={isValid:function(){return this.valid},rgb:function(){return this.setSpace("rgb",arguments)},hsl:function(){return this.setSpace("hsl",arguments)},hsv:function(){return this.setSpace("hsv",arguments)},hwb:function(){return this.setSpace("hwb",arguments)},cmyk:function(){return this.setSpace("cmyk",arguments)},rgbArray:function(){return this.values.rgb},hslArray:function(){return this.values.hsl},hsvArray:function(){return this.values.hsv},hwbArray:function(){var t=this.values;return 1!==t.alpha?t.hwb.concat([t.alpha]):t.hwb},cmykArray:function(){return this.values.cmyk},rgbaArray:function(){var t=this.values;return t.rgb.concat([t.alpha])},hslaArray:function(){var t=this.values;return t.hsl.concat([t.alpha])},alpha:function(t){return void 0===t?this.values.alpha:(this.setValues("alpha",t),this)},red:function(t){return this.setChannel("rgb",0,t)},green:function(t){return this.setChannel("rgb",1,t)},blue:function(t){return this.setChannel("rgb",2,t)},hue:function(t){return t&&(t=(t%=360)<0?360+t:t),this.setChannel("hsl",0,t)},saturation:function(t){return this.setChannel("hsl",1,t)},lightness:function(t){return this.setChannel("hsl",2,t)},saturationv:function(t){return this.setChannel("hsv",1,t)},whiteness:function(t){return this.setChannel("hwb",1,t)},blackness:function(t){return this.setChannel("hwb",2,t)},value:function(t){return this.setChannel("hsv",2,t)},cyan:function(t){return this.setChannel("cmyk",0,t)},magenta:function(t){return this.setChannel("cmyk",1,t)},yellow:function(t){return this.setChannel("cmyk",2,t)},black:function(t){return this.setChannel("cmyk",3,t)},hexString:function(){return d.hexString(this.values.rgb)},rgbString:function(){return d.rgbString(this.values.rgb,this.values.alpha)},rgbaString:function(){return d.rgbaString(this.values.rgb,this.values.alpha)},percentString:function(){return d.percentString(this.values.rgb,this.values.alpha)},hslString:function(){return d.hslString(this.values.hsl,this.values.alpha)},hslaString:function(){return d.hslaString(this.values.hsl,this.values.alpha)},hwbString:function(){return d.hwbString(this.values.hwb,this.values.alpha)},keyword:function(){return d.keyword(this.values.rgb,this.values.alpha)},rgbNumber:function(){var t=this.values.rgb;return t[0]<<16|t[1]<<8|t[2]},luminosity:function(){for(var t=this.values.rgb,e=[],o=0;o<t.length;o++){var p=t[o]/255;e[o]=p<=.03928?p/12.92:Math.pow((p+.055)/1.055,2.4)}return.2126*e[0]+.7152*e[1]+.0722*e[2]},contrast:function(t){var e=this.luminosity(),o=t.luminosity();return e>o?(e+.05)/(o+.05):(o+.05)/(e+.05)},level:function(t){var e=this.contrast(t);return e>=7.1?"AAA":e>=4.5?"AA":""},dark:function(){var t=this.values.rgb;return(299*t[0]+587*t[1]+114*t[2])/1e3<128},light:function(){return!this.dark()},negate:function(){for(var t=[],e=0;e<3;e++)t[e]=255-this.values.rgb[e];return this.setValues("rgb",t),this},lighten:function(t){var e=this.values.hsl;return e[2]+=e[2]*t,this.setValues("hsl",e),this},darken:function(t){var e=this.values.hsl;return e[2]-=e[2]*t,this.setValues("hsl",e),this},saturate:function(t){var e=this.values.hsl;return e[1]+=e[1]*t,this.setValues("hsl",e),this},desaturate:function(t){var e=this.values.hsl;return e[1]-=e[1]*t,this.setValues("hsl",e),this},whiten:function(t){var e=this.values.hwb;return e[1]+=e[1]*t,this.setValues("hwb",e),this},blacken:function(t){var e=this.values.hwb;return e[2]+=e[2]*t,this.setValues("hwb",e),this},greyscale:function(){var t=this.values.rgb,e=.3*t[0]+.59*t[1]+.11*t[2];return this.setValues("rgb",[e,e,e]),this},clearer:function(t){var e=this.values.alpha;return this.setValues("alpha",e-e*t),this},opaquer:function(t){var e=this.values.alpha;return this.setValues("alpha",e+e*t),this},rotate:function(t){var e=this.values.hsl,o=(e[0]+t)%360;return e[0]=o<0?360+o:o,this.setValues("hsl",e),this},mix:function(t,e){var o=this,p=t,b=void 0===e?.5:e,n=2*b-1,M=o.alpha()-p.alpha(),z=((n*M==-1?n:(n+M)/(1+n*M))+1)/2,c=1-z;return this.rgb(z*o.red()+c*p.red(),z*o.green()+c*p.green(),z*o.blue()+c*p.blue()).alpha(o.alpha()*b+p.alpha()*(1-b))},toJSON:function(){return this.rgb()},clone:function(){var t,e,o=new C,p=this.values,b=o.values;for(var n in p)p.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t=p[n],"[object Array]"===(e={}.toString.call(t))?b[n]=t.slice(0):"[object Number]"===e&&(b[n]=t));return 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n)r!==t&&(b[r]=s[t][r](b[t]));return!0},C.prototype.setSpace=function(t,e){var o=e[0];return void 0===o?this.getValues(t):("number"==typeof o&&(o=Array.prototype.slice.call(e)),this.setValues(t,o),this)},C.prototype.setChannel=function(t,e,o){var p=this.values[t];return void 0===o?p[e]:(o===p[e]||(p[e]=o,this.setValues(t,p)),this)},"undefined"!=typeof window&&(window.Color=C);var S=C;function k(t){return-1===["__proto__","prototype","constructor"].indexOf(t)}var E,D={noop:function(){},uid:(E=0,function(){return E++}),isNullOrUndef:function(t){return null==t},isArray:function(t){if(Array.isArray&&Array.isArray(t))return!0;var e=Object.prototype.toString.call(t);return"[object"===e.substr(0,7)&&"Array]"===e.substr(-6)},isObject:function(t){return null!==t&&"[object Object]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(t)},isFinite:function(t){return("number"==typeof t||t instanceof Number)&&isFinite(t)},valueOrDefault:function(t,e){return void 0===t?e:t},valueAtIndexOrDefault:function(t,e,o){return D.valueOrDefault(D.isArray(t)?t[e]:t,o)},callback:function(t,e,o){if(t&&"function"==typeof t.call)return t.apply(o,e)},each:function(t,e,o,p){var b,n,M;if(D.isArray(t))if(n=t.length,p)for(b=n-1;b>=0;b--)e.call(o,t[b],b);else for(b=0;b<n;b++)e.call(o,t[b],b);else if(D.isObject(t))for(n=(M=Object.keys(t)).length,b=0;b<n;b++)e.call(o,t[M[b]],M[b])},arrayEquals:function(t,e){var o,p,b,n;if(!t||!e||t.length!==e.length)return!1;for(o=0,p=t.length;o<p;++o)if(b=t[o],n=e[o],b instanceof Array&&n instanceof Array){if(!D.arrayEquals(b,n))return!1}else if(b!==n)return!1;return!0},clone:function(t){if(D.isArray(t))return t.map(D.clone);if(D.isObject(t)){for(var e=Object.create(t),o=Object.keys(t),p=o.length,b=0;b<p;++b)e[o[b]]=D.clone(t[o[b]]);return e}return t},_merger:function(t,e,o,p){if(k(t)){var b=e[t],n=o[t];D.isObject(b)&&D.isObject(n)?D.merge(b,n,p):e[t]=D.clone(n)}},_mergerIf:function(t,e,o){if(k(t)){var 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t,e,o,p,b,n,M,z=this,c=z.options,r=c.ticks,i=z.getTicks().length,a=r.minRotation||0,O=r.maxRotation,s=a;!z._isVisible()||!r.display||a>=O||i<=1||!z.isHorizontal()?z.labelRotation=a:(e=(t=z._getLabelSizes()).widest.width,o=t.highest.height-t.highest.offset,p=Math.min(z.maxWidth,z.chart.width-e),e+6>(b=c.offset?z.maxWidth/i:p/(i-1))&&(b=p/(i-(c.offset?.5:1)),n=z.maxHeight-cp(c.gridLines)-r.padding-rp(c.scaleLabel),M=Math.sqrt(e*e+o*o),s=zt.toDegrees(Math.min(Math.asin(Math.min((t.highest.height+6)/b,1)),Math.asin(Math.min(n/M,1))-Math.asin(o/M))),s=Math.max(a,Math.min(O,s))),z.labelRotation=s)},afterCalculateTickRotation:function(){zt.callback(this.options.afterCalculateTickRotation,[this])},beforeFit:function(){zt.callback(this.options.beforeFit,[this])},fit:function(){var t=this,e=t.minSize={width:0,height:0},o=t.chart,p=t.options,b=p.ticks,n=p.scaleLabel,M=p.gridLines,z=t._isVisible(),c="bottom"===p.position,r=t.isHorizontal();if(r?e.width=t.maxWidth:z&&(e.width=cp(M)+rp(n)),r?z&&(e.height=cp(M)+rp(n)):e.height=t.maxHeight,b.display&&z){var i=ap(b),a=t._getLabelSizes(),O=a.first,s=a.last,l=a.widest,d=a.highest,A=.4*i.minor.lineHeight,u=b.padding;if(r){var f=0!==t.labelRotation,q=zt.toRadians(t.labelRotation),h=Math.cos(q),W=Math.sin(q),m=W*l.width+h*(d.height-(f?d.offset:0))+(f?0:A);e.height=Math.min(t.maxHeight,e.height+m+u);var g,v,R=t.getPixelForTick(0)-t.left,y=t.right-t.getPixelForTick(t.getTicks().length-1);f?(g=c?h*O.width+W*O.offset:W*(O.height-O.offset),v=c?W*(s.height-s.offset):h*s.width+W*s.offset):(g=O.width/2,v=s.width/2),t.paddingLeft=Math.max((g-R)*t.width/(t.width-R),0)+3,t.paddingRight=Math.max((v-y)*t.width/(t.width-y),0)+3}else{var B=b.mirror?0:l.width+u+A;e.width=Math.min(t.maxWidth,e.width+B),t.paddingTop=O.height/2,t.paddingBottom=s.height/2}}t.handleMargins(),r?(t.width=t._length=o.width-t.margins.left-t.margins.right,t.height=e.height):(t.width=e.width,t.height=t._length=o.height-t.margins.top-t.margins.bottom)},handleMargins:function(){var t=this;t.margins&&(t.margins.left=Math.max(t.paddingLeft,t.margins.left),t.margins.top=Math.max(t.paddingTop,t.margins.top),t.margins.right=Math.max(t.paddingRight,t.margins.right),t.margins.bottom=Math.max(t.paddingBottom,t.margins.bottom))},afterFit:function(){zt.callback(this.options.afterFit,[this])},isHorizontal:function(){var t=this.options.position;return"top"===t||"bottom"===t},isFullWidth:function(){return this.options.fullWidth},getRightValue:function(t){if(ep(t))return NaN;if(("number"==typeof t||t instanceof Number)&&!isFinite(t))return NaN;if(t)if(this.isHorizontal()){if(void 0!==t.x)return this.getRightValue(t.x)}else if(void 0!==t.y)return this.getRightValue(t.y);return t},_convertTicksToLabels:function(t){var e,o,p,b=this;for(b.ticks=t.map((function(t){return t.value})),b.beforeTickToLabelConversion(),e=b.convertTicksToLabels(t)||b.ticks,b.afterTickToLabelConversion(),o=0,p=t.length;o<p;++o)t[o].label=e[o];return e},_getLabelSizes:function(){var t=this,e=t._labelSizes;return e||(t._labelSizes=e=zp(t.ctx,ap(t.options.ticks),t.getTicks(),t.longestTextCache),t.longestLabelWidth=e.widest.width),e},_parseValue:function(t){var e,o,p,b;return tp(t)?(e=+this.getRightValue(t[0]),o=+this.getRightValue(t[1]),p=Math.min(e,o),b=Math.max(e,o)):(e=void 0,o=t=+this.getRightValue(t),p=t,b=t),{min:p,max:b,start:e,end:o}},_getScaleLabel:function(t){var e=this._parseValue(t);return void 0!==e.start?"["+e.start+", "+e.end+"]":+this.getRightValue(t)},getLabelForIndex:zt.noop,getPixelForValue:zt.noop,getValueForPixel:zt.noop,getPixelForTick:function(t){var e=this,o=e.options.offset,p=e._ticks.length,b=1/Math.max(p-(o?0:1),1);return t<0||t>p-1?null:e.getPixelForDecimal(t*b+(o?b/2:0))},getPixelForDecimal:function(t){var e=this;return e._reversePixels&&(t=1-t),e._startPixel+t*e._length},getDecimalForPixel:function(t){var e=(t-this._startPixel)/this._length;return this._reversePixels?1-e:e},getBasePixel:function(){return this.getPixelForValue(this.getBaseValue())},getBaseValue:function(){var t=this,e=t.min,o=t.max;return t.beginAtZero?0:e<0&&o<0?o:e>0&&o>0?e:0},_autoSkip:function(t){var e,o,p,b,n=this,M=n.options.ticks,z=n._length,c=M.maxTicksLimit||z/n._tickSize()+1,r=M.major.enabled?dp(t):[],i=r.length,a=r[0],O=r[i-1];if(i>c)return Ap(t,r,i/c),Op(t);if(p=lp(r,t,z,c),i>0){for(e=0,o=i-1;e<o;e++)up(t,p,r[e],r[e+1]);return b=i>1?(O-a)/(i-1):null,up(t,p,zt.isNullOrUndef(b)?0:a-b,a),up(t,p,O,zt.isNullOrUndef(b)?t.length:O+b),Op(t)}return up(t,p),Op(t)},_tickSize:function(){var t=this,e=t.options.ticks,o=zt.toRadians(t.labelRotation),p=Math.abs(Math.cos(o)),b=Math.abs(Math.sin(o)),n=t._getLabelSizes(),M=e.autoSkipPadding||0,z=n?n.widest.width+M:0,c=n?n.highest.height+M:0;return t.isHorizontal()?c*p>z*b?z/p:c/b:c*b<z*p?c/p:z/b},_isVisible:function(){var t,e,o,p=this,b=p.chart,n=p.options.display;if("auto"!==n)return!!n;for(t=0,e=b.data.datasets.length;t<e;++t)if(b.isDatasetVisible(t)&&((o=b.getDatasetMeta(t)).xAxisID===p.id||o.yAxisID===p.id))return!0;return!1},_computeGridLineItems:function(t){var e,o,p,b,n,M,z,c,r,i,a,O,s,l,d,A,u,f=this,q=f.chart,h=f.options,W=h.gridLines,m=h.position,g=W.offsetGridLines,v=f.isHorizontal(),R=f._ticksToDraw,y=R.length+(g?1:0),B=cp(W),L=[],X=W.drawBorder?pp(W.lineWidth,0,0):0,_=X/2,N=zt._alignPixel,w=function(t){return N(q,t,X)};for("top"===m?(e=w(f.bottom),z=f.bottom-B,r=e-_,a=w(t.top)+_,s=t.bottom):"bottom"===m?(e=w(f.top),a=t.top,s=w(t.bottom)-_,z=e+_,r=f.top+B):"left"===m?(e=w(f.right),M=f.right-B,c=e-_,i=w(t.left)+_,O=t.right):(e=w(f.left),i=t.left,O=w(t.right)-_,M=e+_,c=f.left+B),o=0;o<y;++o)p=R[o]||{},ep(p.label)&&o<R.length||(o===f.zeroLineIndex&&h.offset===g?(l=W.zeroLineWidth,d=W.zeroLineColor,A=W.zeroLineBorderDash||[],u=W.zeroLineBorderDashOffset||0):(l=pp(W.lineWidth,o,1),d=pp(W.color,o,"rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"),A=W.borderDash||[],u=W.borderDashOffset||0),void 0!==(b=np(f,p._index||o,g))&&(n=N(q,b,l),v?M=c=i=O=n:z=r=a=s=n,L.push({tx1:M,ty1:z,tx2:c,ty2:r,x1:i,y1:a,x2:O,y2:s,width:l,color:d,borderDash:A,borderDashOffset:u})));return L.ticksLength=y,L.borderValue=e,L},_computeLabelItems:function(){var t,e,o,p,b,n,M,z,c,r,i,a,O=this,s=O.options,l=s.ticks,d=s.position,A=l.mirror,u=O.isHorizontal(),f=O._ticksToDraw,q=ap(l),h=l.padding,W=cp(s.gridLines),m=-zt.toRadians(O.labelRotation),g=[];for("top"===d?(n=O.bottom-W-h,M=m?"left":"center"):"bottom"===d?(n=O.top+W+h,M=m?"right":"center"):"left"===d?(b=O.right-(A?0:W)-h,M=A?"left":"right"):(b=O.left+(A?0:W)+h,M=A?"right":"left"),t=0,e=f.length;t<e;++t)p=(o=f[t]).label,ep(p)||(z=O.getPixelForTick(o._index||t)+l.labelOffset,r=(c=o.major?q.major:q.minor).lineHeight,i=tp(p)?p.length:1,u?(b=z,a="top"===d?((m?1:.5)-i)*r:(m?0:.5)*r):(n=z,a=(1-i)*r/2),g.push({x:b,y:n,rotation:m,label:p,font:c,textOffset:a,textAlign:M}));return g},_drawGrid:function(t){var e=this,o=e.options.gridLines;if(o.display){var p,b,n,M,z,c=e.ctx,r=e.chart,i=zt._alignPixel,a=o.drawBorder?pp(o.lineWidth,0,0):0,O=e._gridLineItems||(e._gridLineItems=e._computeGridLineItems(t));for(n=0,M=O.length;n<M;++n)p=(z=O[n]).width,b=z.color,p&&b&&(c.save(),c.lineWidth=p,c.strokeStyle=b,c.setLineDash&&(c.setLineDash(z.borderDash),c.lineDashOffset=z.borderDashOffset),c.beginPath(),o.drawTicks&&(c.moveTo(z.tx1,z.ty1),c.lineTo(z.tx2,z.ty2)),o.drawOnChartArea&&(c.moveTo(z.x1,z.y1),c.lineTo(z.x2,z.y2)),c.stroke(),c.restore());if(a){var s,l,d,A,u=a,f=pp(o.lineWidth,O.ticksLength-1,1),q=O.borderValue;e.isHorizontal()?(s=i(r,e.left,u)-u/2,l=i(r,e.right,f)+f/2,d=A=q):(d=i(r,e.top,u)-u/2,A=i(r,e.bottom,f)+f/2,s=l=q),c.lineWidth=a,c.strokeStyle=pp(o.color,0),c.beginPath(),c.moveTo(s,d),c.lineTo(l,A),c.stroke()}}},_drawLabels:function(){var t=this;if(t.options.ticks.display){var e,o,p,b,n,M,z,c,r=t.ctx,i=t._labelItems||(t._labelItems=t._computeLabelItems());for(e=0,p=i.length;e<p;++e){if(M=(n=i[e]).font,r.save(),r.translate(n.x,n.y),r.rotate(n.rotation),r.font=M.string,r.fillStyle=M.color,r.textBaseline="middle",r.textAlign=n.textAlign,z=n.label,c=n.textOffset,tp(z))for(o=0,b=z.length;o<b;++o)r.fillText(""+z[o],0,c),c+=M.lineHeight;else r.fillText(z,0,c);r.restore()}}},_drawTitle:function(){var t=this,e=t.ctx,o=t.options,p=o.scaleLabel;if(p.display){var b,n,M=op(p.fontColor,Q.global.defaultFontColor),z=zt.options._parseFont(p),c=zt.options.toPadding(p.padding),r=z.lineHeight/2,i=o.position,a=0;if(t.isHorizontal())b=t.left+t.width/2,n="bottom"===i?t.bottom-r-c.bottom:t.top+r+c.top;else{var O="left"===i;b=O?t.left+r+c.top:t.right-r-c.top,n=t.top+t.height/2,a=O?-.5*Math.PI:.5*Math.PI}e.save(),e.translate(b,n),e.rotate(a),e.textAlign="center",e.textBaseline="middle",e.fillStyle=M,e.font=z.string,e.fillText(p.labelString,0,0),e.restore()}},draw:function(t){var e=this;e._isVisible()&&(e._drawGrid(t),e._drawTitle(),e._drawLabels())},_layers:function(){var t=this,e=t.options,o=e.ticks&&e.ticks.z||0,p=e.gridLines&&e.gridLines.z||0;return t._isVisible()&&o!==p&&t.draw===t._draw?[{z:p,draw:function(){t._drawGrid.apply(t,arguments),t._drawTitle.apply(t,arguments)}},{z:o,draw:function(){t._drawLabels.apply(t,arguments)}}]:[{z:o,draw:function(){t.draw.apply(t,arguments)}}]},_getMatchingVisibleMetas:function(t){var e=this,o=e.isHorizontal();return e.chart._getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas().filter((function(p){return(!t||p.type===t)&&(o?p.xAxisID===e.id:p.yAxisID===e.id)}))}});fp.prototype._draw=fp.prototype.draw;var qp=fp,hp=zt.isNullOrUndef,Wp={position:"bottom"},mp=qp.extend({determineDataLimits:function(){var t,e=this,o=e._getLabels(),p=e.options.ticks,b=p.min,n=p.max,M=0,z=o.length-1;void 0!==b&&(t=o.indexOf(b))>=0&&(M=t),void 0!==n&&(t=o.indexOf(n))>=0&&(z=t),e.minIndex=M,e.maxIndex=z,e.min=o[M],e.max=o[z]},buildTicks:function(){var t=this,e=t._getLabels(),o=t.minIndex,p=t.maxIndex;t.ticks=0===o&&p===e.length-1?e:e.slice(o,p+1)},getLabelForIndex:function(t,e){var o=this,p=o.chart;return p.getDatasetMeta(e).controller._getValueScaleId()===o.id?o.getRightValue(p.data.datasets[e].data[t]):o._getLabels()[t]},_configure:function(){var t=this,e=t.options.offset,o=t.ticks;qp.prototype._configure.call(t),t.isHorizontal()||(t._reversePixels=!t._reversePixels),o&&(t._startValue=t.minIndex-(e?.5:0),t._valueRange=Math.max(o.length-(e?0:1),1))},getPixelForValue:function(t,e,o){var p,b,n,M=this;return hp(e)||hp(o)||(t=M.chart.data.datasets[o].data[e]),hp(t)||(p=M.isHorizontal()?t.x:t.y),(void 0!==p||void 0!==t&&isNaN(e))&&(b=M._getLabels(),t=zt.valueOrDefault(p,t),e=-1!==(n=b.indexOf(t))?n:e,isNaN(e)&&(e=t)),M.getPixelForDecimal((e-M._startValue)/M._valueRange)},getPixelForTick:function(t){var e=this.ticks;return t<0||t>e.length-1?null:this.getPixelForValue(e[t],t+this.minIndex)},getValueForPixel:function(t){var e=this,o=Math.round(e._startValue+e.getDecimalForPixel(t)*e._valueRange);return Math.min(Math.max(o,0),e.ticks.length-1)},getBasePixel:function(){return this.bottom}}),gp=Wp;mp._defaults=gp;var vp=zt.noop,Rp=zt.isNullOrUndef;function yp(t,e){var o,p,b,n,M=[],z=1e-14,c=t.stepSize,r=c||1,i=t.maxTicks-1,a=t.min,O=t.max,s=t.precision,l=e.min,d=e.max,A=zt.niceNum((d-l)/i/r)*r;if(A<z&&Rp(a)&&Rp(O))return[l,d];(n=Math.ceil(d/A)-Math.floor(l/A))>i&&(A=zt.niceNum(n*A/i/r)*r),c||Rp(s)?o=Math.pow(10,zt._decimalPlaces(A)):(o=Math.pow(10,s),A=Math.ceil(A*o)/o),p=Math.floor(l/A)*A,b=Math.ceil(d/A)*A,c&&(!Rp(a)&&zt.almostWhole(a/A,A/1e3)&&(p=a),!Rp(O)&&zt.almostWhole(O/A,A/1e3)&&(b=O)),n=(b-p)/A,n=zt.almostEquals(n,Math.round(n),A/1e3)?Math.round(n):Math.ceil(n),p=Math.round(p*o)/o,b=Math.round(b*o)/o,M.push(Rp(a)?p:a);for(var u=1;u<n;++u)M.push(Math.round((p+u*A)*o)/o);return M.push(Rp(O)?b:O),M}var Bp=qp.extend({getRightValue:function(t){return"string"==typeof t?+t:qp.prototype.getRightValue.call(this,t)},handleTickRangeOptions:function(){var t=this,e=t.options.ticks;if(e.beginAtZero){var o=zt.sign(t.min),p=zt.sign(t.max);o<0&&p<0?t.max=0:o>0&&p>0&&(t.min=0)}var b=void 0!==e.min||void 0!==e.suggestedMin,n=void 0!==e.max||void 0!==e.suggestedMax;void 0!==e.min?t.min=e.min:void 0!==e.suggestedMin&&(null===t.min?t.min=e.suggestedMin:t.min=Math.min(t.min,e.suggestedMin)),void 0!==e.max?t.max=e.max:void 0!==e.suggestedMax&&(null===t.max?t.max=e.suggestedMax:t.max=Math.max(t.max,e.suggestedMax)),b!==n&&t.min>=t.max&&(b?t.max=t.min+1:t.min=t.max-1),t.min===t.max&&(t.max++,e.beginAtZero||t.min--)},getTickLimit:function(){var t,e=this,o=e.options.ticks,p=o.stepSize,b=o.maxTicksLimit;return p?t=Math.ceil(e.max/p)-Math.floor(e.min/p)+1:(t=e._computeTickLimit(),b=b||11),b&&(t=Math.min(b,t)),t},_computeTickLimit:function(){return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY},handleDirectionalChanges:vp,buildTicks:function(){var t=this,e=t.options.ticks,o=t.getTickLimit(),p={maxTicks:o=Math.max(2,o),min:e.min,max:e.max,precision:e.precision,stepSize:zt.valueOrDefault(e.fixedStepSize,e.stepSize)},b=t.ticks=yp(p,t);t.handleDirectionalChanges(),t.max=zt.max(b),t.min=zt.min(b),e.reverse?(b.reverse(),t.start=t.max,t.end=t.min):(t.start=t.min,t.end=t.max)},convertTicksToLabels:function(){var t=this;t.ticksAsNumbers=t.ticks.slice(),t.zeroLineIndex=t.ticks.indexOf(0),qp.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(t)},_configure:function(){var t,e=this,o=e.getTicks(),p=e.min,b=e.max;qp.prototype._configure.call(e),e.options.offset&&o.length&&(p-=t=(b-p)/Math.max(o.length-1,1)/2,b+=t),e._startValue=p,e._endValue=b,e._valueRange=b-p}}),Lp={position:"left",ticks:{callback:Zo.formatters.linear}},Xp=0,_p=1;function Np(t,e,o){var p=[o.type,void 0===e&&void 0===o.stack?o.index:"",o.stack].join(".");return void 0===t[p]&&(t[p]={pos:[],neg:[]}),t[p]}function wp(t,e,o,p){var b,n,M=t.options,z=Np(e,M.stacked,o),c=z.pos,r=z.neg,i=p.length;for(b=0;b<i;++b)n=t._parseValue(p[b]),isNaN(n.min)||isNaN(n.max)||o.data[b].hidden||(c[b]=c[b]||0,r[b]=r[b]||0,M.relativePoints?c[b]=100:n.min<0||n.max<0?r[b]+=n.min:c[b]+=n.max)}function xp(t,e,o){var p,b,n=o.length;for(p=0;p<n;++p)b=t._parseValue(o[p]),isNaN(b.min)||isNaN(b.max)||e.data[p].hidden||(t.min=Math.min(t.min,b.min),t.max=Math.max(t.max,b.max))}var Tp=Bp.extend({determineDataLimits:function(){var t,e,o,p,b=this,n=b.options,M=b.chart.data.datasets,z=b._getMatchingVisibleMetas(),c=n.stacked,r={},i=z.length;if(b.min=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,b.max=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,void 0===c)for(t=0;!c&&t<i;++t)c=void 0!==(e=z[t]).stack;for(t=0;t<i;++t)o=M[(e=z[t]).index].data,c?wp(b,r,e,o):xp(b,e,o);zt.each(r,(function(t){p=t.pos.concat(t.neg),b.min=Math.min(b.min,zt.min(p)),b.max=Math.max(b.max,zt.max(p))})),b.min=zt.isFinite(b.min)&&!isNaN(b.min)?b.min:Xp,b.max=zt.isFinite(b.max)&&!isNaN(b.max)?b.max:_p,b.handleTickRangeOptions()},_computeTickLimit:function(){var t,e=this;return e.isHorizontal()?Math.ceil(e.width/40):(t=zt.options._parseFont(e.options.ticks),Math.ceil(e.height/t.lineHeight))},handleDirectionalChanges:function(){this.isHorizontal()||this.ticks.reverse()},getLabelForIndex:function(t,e){return this._getScaleLabel(this.chart.data.datasets[e].data[t])},getPixelForValue:function(t){var e=this;return e.getPixelForDecimal((+e.getRightValue(t)-e._startValue)/e._valueRange)},getValueForPixel:function(t){return this._startValue+this.getDecimalForPixel(t)*this._valueRange},getPixelForTick:function(t){var e=this.ticksAsNumbers;return t<0||t>e.length-1?null:this.getPixelForValue(e[t])}}),Cp=Lp;Tp._defaults=Cp;var Sp=zt.valueOrDefault,kp=zt.math.log10;function Ep(t,e){var o,p,b=[],n=Sp(t.min,Math.pow(10,Math.floor(kp(e.min)))),M=Math.floor(kp(e.max)),z=Math.ceil(e.max/Math.pow(10,M));0===n?(o=Math.floor(kp(e.minNotZero)),p=Math.floor(e.minNotZero/Math.pow(10,o)),b.push(n),n=p*Math.pow(10,o)):(o=Math.floor(kp(n)),p=Math.floor(n/Math.pow(10,o)));var c=o<0?Math.pow(10,Math.abs(o)):1;do{b.push(n),10==++p&&(p=1,c=++o>=0?1:c),n=Math.round(p*Math.pow(10,o)*c)/c}while(o<M||o===M&&p<z);var r=Sp(t.max,n);return b.push(r),b}var Dp={position:"left",ticks:{callback:Zo.formatters.logarithmic}};function Pp(t,e){return zt.isFinite(t)&&t>=0?t:e}var jp=qp.extend({determineDataLimits:function(){var t,e,o,p,b,n,M=this,z=M.options,c=M.chart,r=c.data.datasets,i=M.isHorizontal();function a(t){return i?t.xAxisID===M.id:t.yAxisID===M.id}M.min=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,M.max=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,M.minNotZero=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;var O=z.stacked;if(void 0===O)for(t=0;t<r.length;t++)if(e=c.getDatasetMeta(t),c.isDatasetVisible(t)&&a(e)&&void 0!==e.stack){O=!0;break}if(z.stacked||O){var s={};for(t=0;t<r.length;t++){var l=[(e=c.getDatasetMeta(t)).type,void 0===z.stacked&&void 0===e.stack?t:"",e.stack].join(".");if(c.isDatasetVisible(t)&&a(e))for(void 0===s[l]&&(s[l]=[]),b=0,n=(p=r[t].data).length;b<n;b++){var d=s[l];o=M._parseValue(p[b]),isNaN(o.min)||isNaN(o.max)||e.data[b].hidden||o.min<0||o.max<0||(d[b]=d[b]||0,d[b]+=o.max)}}zt.each(s,(function(t){if(t.length>0){var e=zt.min(t),o=zt.max(t);M.min=Math.min(M.min,e),M.max=Math.max(M.max,o)}}))}else for(t=0;t<r.length;t++)if(e=c.getDatasetMeta(t),c.isDatasetVisible(t)&&a(e))for(b=0,n=(p=r[t].data).length;b<n;b++)o=M._parseValue(p[b]),isNaN(o.min)||isNaN(o.max)||e.data[b].hidden||o.min<0||o.max<0||(M.min=Math.min(o.min,M.min),M.max=Math.max(o.max,M.max),0!==o.min&&(M.minNotZero=Math.min(o.min,M.minNotZero)));M.min=zt.isFinite(M.min)?M.min:null,M.max=zt.isFinite(M.max)?M.max:null,M.minNotZero=zt.isFinite(M.minNotZero)?M.minNotZero:null,this.handleTickRangeOptions()},handleTickRangeOptions:function(){var t=this,e=t.options.ticks,o=1,p=10;t.min=Pp(e.min,t.min),t.max=Pp(e.max,t.max),t.min===t.max&&(0!==t.min&&null!==t.min?(t.min=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(kp(t.min))-1),t.max=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(kp(t.max))+1)):(t.min=o,t.max=p)),null===t.min&&(t.min=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(kp(t.max))-1)),null===t.max&&(t.max=0!==t.min?Math.pow(10,Math.floor(kp(t.min))+1):p),null===t.minNotZero&&(t.min>0?t.minNotZero=t.min:t.max<1?t.minNotZero=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(kp(t.max))):t.minNotZero=o)},buildTicks:function(){var t=this,e=t.options.ticks,o=!t.isHorizontal(),p={min:Pp(e.min),max:Pp(e.max)},b=t.ticks=Ep(p,t);t.max=zt.max(b),t.min=zt.min(b),e.reverse?(o=!o,t.start=t.max,t.end=t.min):(t.start=t.min,t.end=t.max),o&&b.reverse()},convertTicksToLabels:function(){this.tickValues=this.ticks.slice(),qp.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(this)},getLabelForIndex:function(t,e){return this._getScaleLabel(this.chart.data.datasets[e].data[t])},getPixelForTick:function(t){var e=this.tickValues;return t<0||t>e.length-1?null:this.getPixelForValue(e[t])},_getFirstTickValue:function(t){var e=Math.floor(kp(t));return Math.floor(t/Math.pow(10,e))*Math.pow(10,e)},_configure:function(){var t=this,e=t.min,o=0;qp.prototype._configure.call(t),0===e&&(e=t._getFirstTickValue(t.minNotZero),o=Sp(t.options.ticks.fontSize,Q.global.defaultFontSize)/t._length),t._startValue=kp(e),t._valueOffset=o,t._valueRange=(kp(t.max)-kp(e))/(1-o)},getPixelForValue:function(t){var e=this,o=0;return(t=+e.getRightValue(t))>e.min&&t>0&&(o=(kp(t)-e._startValue)/e._valueRange+e._valueOffset),e.getPixelForDecimal(o)},getValueForPixel:function(t){var e=this,o=e.getDecimalForPixel(t);return 0===o&&0===e.min?0:Math.pow(10,e._startValue+(o-e._valueOffset)*e._valueRange)}}),Ip=Dp;jp._defaults=Ip;var Fp=zt.valueOrDefault,Hp=zt.valueAtIndexOrDefault,Up=zt.options.resolve,Vp={display:!0,animate:!0,position:"chartArea",angleLines:{display:!0,color:"rgba(0,0,0,0.1)",lineWidth:1,borderDash:[],borderDashOffset:0},gridLines:{circular:!1},ticks:{showLabelBackdrop:!0,backdropColor:"rgba(255,255,255,0.75)",backdropPaddingY:2,backdropPaddingX:2,callback:Zo.formatters.linear},pointLabels:{display:!0,fontSize:10,callback:function(t){return t}}};function $p(t){var e=t.ticks;return e.display&&t.display?Fp(e.fontSize,Q.global.defaultFontSize)+2*e.backdropPaddingY:0}function Yp(t,e,o){return zt.isArray(o)?{w:zt.longestText(t,t.font,o),h:o.length*e}:{w:t.measureText(o).width,h:e}}function Gp(t,e,o,p,b){return t===p||t===b?{start:e-o/2,end:e+o/2}:t<p||t>b?{start:e-o,end:e}:{start:e,end:e+o}}function Jp(t){var e,o,p,b=zt.options._parseFont(t.options.pointLabels),n={l:0,r:t.width,t:0,b:t.height-t.paddingTop},M={};t.ctx.font=b.string,t._pointLabelSizes=[];var z=t.chart.data.labels.length;for(e=0;e<z;e++){p=t.getPointPosition(e,t.drawingArea+5),o=Yp(t.ctx,b.lineHeight,t.pointLabels[e]),t._pointLabelSizes[e]=o;var c=t.getIndexAngle(e),r=zt.toDegrees(c)%360,i=Gp(r,p.x,o.w,0,180),a=Gp(r,p.y,o.h,90,270);i.start<n.l&&(n.l=i.start,M.l=c),i.end>n.r&&(n.r=i.end,M.r=c),a.start<n.t&&(n.t=a.start,M.t=c),a.end>n.b&&(n.b=a.end,M.b=c)}t.setReductions(t.drawingArea,n,M)}function Kp(t){return 0===t||180===t?"center":t<180?"left":"right"}function Qp(t,e,o,p){var b,n,M=o.y+p/2;if(zt.isArray(e))for(b=0,n=e.length;b<n;++b)t.fillText(e[b],o.x,M),M+=p;else t.fillText(e,o.x,M)}function Zp(t,e,o){90===t||270===t?o.y-=e.h/2:(t>270||t<90)&&(o.y-=e.h)}function tb(t){var e=t.ctx,o=t.options,p=o.pointLabels,b=$p(o),n=t.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(o.ticks.reverse?t.min:t.max),M=zt.options._parseFont(p);e.save(),e.font=M.string,e.textBaseline="middle";for(var z=t.chart.data.labels.length-1;z>=0;z--){var c=0===z?b/2:0,r=t.getPointPosition(z,n+c+5),i=Hp(p.fontColor,z,Q.global.defaultFontColor);e.fillStyle=i;var a=t.getIndexAngle(z),O=zt.toDegrees(a);e.textAlign=Kp(O),Zp(O,t._pointLabelSizes[z],r),Qp(e,t.pointLabels[z],r,M.lineHeight)}e.restore()}function eb(t,e,o,p){var b,n=t.ctx,M=e.circular,z=t.chart.data.labels.length,c=Hp(e.color,p-1),r=Hp(e.lineWidth,p-1);if((M||z)&&c&&r){if(n.save(),n.strokeStyle=c,n.lineWidth=r,n.setLineDash&&(n.setLineDash(e.borderDash||[]),n.lineDashOffset=e.borderDashOffset||0),n.beginPath(),M)n.arc(t.xCenter,t.yCenter,o,0,2*Math.PI);else{b=t.getPointPosition(0,o),n.moveTo(b.x,b.y);for(var i=1;i<z;i++)b=t.getPointPosition(i,o),n.lineTo(b.x,b.y)}n.closePath(),n.stroke(),n.restore()}}function ob(t){return zt.isNumber(t)?t:0}var pb=Bp.extend({setDimensions:function(){var t=this;t.width=t.maxWidth,t.height=t.maxHeight,t.paddingTop=$p(t.options)/2,t.xCenter=Math.floor(t.width/2),t.yCenter=Math.floor((t.height-t.paddingTop)/2),t.drawingArea=Math.min(t.height-t.paddingTop,t.width)/2},determineDataLimits:function(){var t=this,e=t.chart,o=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,p=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;zt.each(e.data.datasets,(function(b,n){if(e.isDatasetVisible(n)){var M=e.getDatasetMeta(n);zt.each(b.data,(function(e,b){var n=+t.getRightValue(e);isNaN(n)||M.data[b].hidden||(o=Math.min(n,o),p=Math.max(n,p))}))}})),t.min=o===Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY?0:o,t.max=p===Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY?0:p,t.handleTickRangeOptions()},_computeTickLimit:function(){return Math.ceil(this.drawingArea/$p(this.options))},convertTicksToLabels:function(){var t=this;Bp.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(t),t.pointLabels=t.chart.data.labels.map((function(){var e=zt.callback(t.options.pointLabels.callback,arguments,t);return e||0===e?e:""}))},getLabelForIndex:function(t,e){return+this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[e].data[t])},fit:function(){var t=this,e=t.options;e.display&&e.pointLabels.display?Jp(t):t.setCenterPoint(0,0,0,0)},setReductions:function(t,e,o){var p=this,b=e.l/Math.sin(o.l),n=Math.max(e.r-p.width,0)/Math.sin(o.r),M=-e.t/Math.cos(o.t),z=-Math.max(e.b-(p.height-p.paddingTop),0)/Math.cos(o.b);b=ob(b),n=ob(n),M=ob(M),z=ob(z),p.drawingArea=Math.min(Math.floor(t-(b+n)/2),Math.floor(t-(M+z)/2)),p.setCenterPoint(b,n,M,z)},setCenterPoint:function(t,e,o,p){var b=this,n=b.width-e-b.drawingArea,M=t+b.drawingArea,z=o+b.drawingArea,c=b.height-b.paddingTop-p-b.drawingArea;b.xCenter=Math.floor((M+n)/2+b.left),b.yCenter=Math.floor((z+c)/2+b.top+b.paddingTop)},getIndexAngle:function(t){var e=this.chart,o=(t*(360/e.data.labels.length)+((e.options||{}).startAngle||0))%360;return(o<0?o+360:o)*Math.PI*2/360},getDistanceFromCenterForValue:function(t){var e=this;if(zt.isNullOrUndef(t))return NaN;var o=e.drawingArea/(e.max-e.min);return e.options.ticks.reverse?(e.max-t)*o:(t-e.min)*o},getPointPosition:function(t,e){var o=this,p=o.getIndexAngle(t)-Math.PI/2;return{x:Math.cos(p)*e+o.xCenter,y:Math.sin(p)*e+o.yCenter}},getPointPositionForValue:function(t,e){return this.getPointPosition(t,this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(e))},getBasePosition:function(t){var e=this,o=e.min,p=e.max;return e.getPointPositionForValue(t||0,e.beginAtZero?0:o<0&&p<0?p:o>0&&p>0?o:0)},_drawGrid:function(){var t,e,o,p=this,b=p.ctx,n=p.options,M=n.gridLines,z=n.angleLines,c=Fp(z.lineWidth,M.lineWidth),r=Fp(z.color,M.color);if(n.pointLabels.display&&tb(p),M.display&&zt.each(p.ticks,(function(t,o){0!==o&&(e=p.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(p.ticksAsNumbers[o]),eb(p,M,e,o))})),z.display&&c&&r){for(b.save(),b.lineWidth=c,b.strokeStyle=r,b.setLineDash&&(b.setLineDash(Up([z.borderDash,M.borderDash,[]])),b.lineDashOffset=Up([z.borderDashOffset,M.borderDashOffset,0])),t=p.chart.data.labels.length-1;t>=0;t--)e=p.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(n.ticks.reverse?p.min:p.max),o=p.getPointPosition(t,e),b.beginPath(),b.moveTo(p.xCenter,p.yCenter),b.lineTo(o.x,o.y),b.stroke();b.restore()}},_drawLabels:function(){var t=this,e=t.ctx,o=t.options.ticks;if(o.display){var p,b,n=t.getIndexAngle(0),M=zt.options._parseFont(o),z=Fp(o.fontColor,Q.global.defaultFontColor);e.save(),e.font=M.string,e.translate(t.xCenter,t.yCenter),e.rotate(n),e.textAlign="center",e.textBaseline="middle",zt.each(t.ticks,(function(n,c){(0!==c||o.reverse)&&(p=t.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(t.ticksAsNumbers[c]),o.showLabelBackdrop&&(b=e.measureText(n).width,e.fillStyle=o.backdropColor,e.fillRect(-b/2-o.backdropPaddingX,-p-M.size/2-o.backdropPaddingY,b+2*o.backdropPaddingX,M.size+2*o.backdropPaddingY)),e.fillStyle=z,e.fillText(n,0,-p))})),e.restore()}},_drawTitle:zt.noop}),bb=Vp;pb._defaults=bb;var nb=zt._deprecated,Mb=zt.options.resolve,zb=zt.valueOrDefault,cb=Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER||-9007199254740991,rb=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER||9007199254740991,ib={millisecond:{common:!0,size:1,steps:1e3},second:{common:!0,size:1e3,steps:60},minute:{common:!0,size:6e4,steps:60},hour:{common:!0,size:36e5,steps:24},day:{common:!0,size:864e5,steps:30},week:{common:!1,size:6048e5,steps:4},month:{common:!0,size:2628e6,steps:12},quarter:{common:!1,size:7884e6,steps:4},year:{common:!0,size:3154e7}},ab=Object.keys(ib);function Ob(t,e){return t-e}function sb(t){var e,o,p,b={},n=[];for(e=0,o=t.length;e<o;++e)b[p=t[e]]||(b[p]=!0,n.push(p));return n}function lb(t){return zt.valueOrDefault(t.time.min,t.ticks.min)}function db(t){return zt.valueOrDefault(t.time.max,t.ticks.max)}function Ab(t,e,o,p){if("linear"===p||!t.length)return[{time:e,pos:0},{time:o,pos:1}];var b,n,M,z,c,r=[],i=[e];for(b=0,n=t.length;b<n;++b)(z=t[b])>e&&z<o&&i.push(z);for(i.push(o),b=0,n=i.length;b<n;++b)c=i[b+1],M=i[b-1],z=i[b],void 0!==M&&void 0!==c&&Math.round((c+M)/2)===z||r.push({time:z,pos:b/(n-1)});return r}function ub(t,e,o){for(var p,b,n,M=0,z=t.length-1;M>=0&&M<=z;){if(b=t[(p=M+z>>1)-1]||null,n=t[p],!b)return{lo:null,hi:n};if(n[e]<o)M=p+1;else{if(!(b[e]>o))return{lo:b,hi:n};z=p-1}}return{lo:n,hi:null}}function fb(t,e,o,p){var b=ub(t,e,o),n=b.lo?b.hi?b.lo:t[t.length-2]:t[0],M=b.lo?b.hi?b.hi:t[t.length-1]:t[1],z=M[e]-n[e],c=z?(o-n[e])/z:0,r=(M[p]-n[p])*c;return n[p]+r}function qb(t,e){var o=t._adapter,p=t.options.time,b=p.parser,n=b||p.format,M=e;return"function"==typeof b&&(M=b(M)),zt.isFinite(M)||(M="string"==typeof n?o.parse(M,n):o.parse(M)),null!==M?+M:(b||"function"!=typeof n||(M=n(e),zt.isFinite(M)||(M=o.parse(M))),M)}function hb(t,e){if(zt.isNullOrUndef(e))return null;var o=t.options.time,p=qb(t,t.getRightValue(e));return null===p||o.round&&(p=+t._adapter.startOf(p,o.round)),p}function Wb(t,e,o,p){var b,n,M,z=ab.length;for(b=ab.indexOf(t);b<z-1;++b)if(M=(n=ib[ab[b]]).steps?n.steps:rb,n.common&&Math.ceil((o-e)/(M*n.size))<=p)return ab[b];return ab[z-1]}function mb(t,e,o,p,b){var n,M;for(n=ab.length-1;n>=ab.indexOf(o);n--)if(M=ab[n],ib[M].common&&t._adapter.diff(b,p,M)>=e-1)return M;return ab[o?ab.indexOf(o):0]}function gb(t){for(var e=ab.indexOf(t)+1,o=ab.length;e<o;++e)if(ib[ab[e]].common)return ab[e]}function vb(t,e,o,p){var b,n=t._adapter,M=t.options,z=M.time,c=z.unit||Wb(z.minUnit,e,o,p),r=Mb([z.stepSize,z.unitStepSize,1]),i="week"===c&&z.isoWeekday,a=e,O=[];if(i&&(a=+n.startOf(a,"isoWeek",i)),a=+n.startOf(a,i?"day":c),n.diff(o,e,c)>1e5*r)throw e+" and "+o+" are too far apart with stepSize of "+r+" "+c;for(b=a;b<o;b=+n.add(b,r,c))O.push(b);return b!==o&&"ticks"!==M.bounds||O.push(b),O}function Rb(t,e,o,p,b){var n,M,z=0,c=0;return b.offset&&e.length&&(n=fb(t,"time",e[0],"pos"),z=1===e.length?1-n:(fb(t,"time",e[1],"pos")-n)/2,M=fb(t,"time",e[e.length-1],"pos"),c=1===e.length?M:(M-fb(t,"time",e[e.length-2],"pos"))/2),{start:z,end:c,factor:1/(z+1+c)}}function yb(t,e,o,p){var b,n,M=t._adapter,z=+M.startOf(e[0].value,p),c=e[e.length-1].value;for(b=z;b<=c;b=+M.add(b,1,p))(n=o[b])>=0&&(e[n].major=!0);return e}function Bb(t,e,o){var p,b,n=[],M={},z=e.length;for(p=0;p<z;++p)M[b=e[p]]=p,n.push({value:b,major:!1});return 0!==z&&o?yb(t,n,M,o):n}var Lb={position:"bottom",distribution:"linear",bounds:"data",adapters:{},time:{parser:!1,unit:!1,round:!1,displayFormat:!1,isoWeekday:!1,minUnit:"millisecond",displayFormats:{}},ticks:{autoSkip:!1,source:"auto",major:{enabled:!1}}},Xb=qp.extend({initialize:function(){this.mergeTicksOptions(),qp.prototype.initialize.call(this)},update:function(){var t=this,e=t.options,o=e.time||(e.time={}),p=t._adapter=new Qo._date(e.adapters.date);return nb("time scale",o.format,"time.format","time.parser"),nb("time scale",o.min,"time.min","ticks.min"),nb("time scale",o.max,"time.max","ticks.max"),zt.mergeIf(o.displayFormats,p.formats()),qp.prototype.update.apply(t,arguments)},getRightValue:function(t){return t&&void 0!==t.t&&(t=t.t),qp.prototype.getRightValue.call(this,t)},determineDataLimits:function(){var t,e,o,p,b,n,M,z=this,c=z.chart,r=z._adapter,i=z.options,a=i.time.unit||"day",O=rb,s=cb,l=[],d=[],A=[],u=z._getLabels();for(t=0,o=u.length;t<o;++t)A.push(hb(z,u[t]));for(t=0,o=(c.data.datasets||[]).length;t<o;++t)if(c.isDatasetVisible(t))if(b=c.data.datasets[t].data,zt.isObject(b[0]))for(d[t]=[],e=0,p=b.length;e<p;++e)n=hb(z,b[e]),l.push(n),d[t][e]=n;else d[t]=A.slice(0),M||(l=l.concat(A),M=!0);else 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o=t(e);return e[2]?"@media ".concat(e[2]," {").concat(o,"}"):o})).join("")},e.i=function(t,o,p){"string"==typeof t&&(t=[[null,t,""]]);var b={};if(p)for(var n=0;n<this.length;n++){var M=this[n][0];null!=M&&(b[M]=!0)}for(var z=0;z<t.length;z++){var c=[].concat(t[z]);p&&b[c[0]]||(o&&(c[2]?c[2]="".concat(o," and ").concat(c[2]):c[2]=o),e.push(c))}},e}},609:()=>{},229:()=>{},8:(t,e,o)=>{(t.exports=o(177)).tz.load(o(128))},177:function(t,e,o){var p,b,n;!function(M,z){"use strict";t.exports?t.exports=z(o(381)):(b=[o(381)],void 0===(n="function"==typeof(p=z)?p.apply(e,b):p)||(t.exports=n))}(0,(function(t){"use strict";void 0===t.version&&t.default&&(t=t.default);var e,o={},p={},b={},n={},M={};t&&"string"==typeof t.version||X("Moment Timezone requires Moment.js. See https://momentjs.com/timezone/docs/#/use-it/browser/");var z=t.version.split("."),c=+z[0],r=+z[1];function i(t){return t>96?t-87:t>64?t-29:t-48}function a(t){var e=0,o=t.split("."),p=o[0],b=o[1]||"",n=1,M=0,z=1;for(45===t.charCodeAt(0)&&(e=1,z=-1);e<p.length;e++)M=60*M+i(p.charCodeAt(e));for(e=0;e<b.length;e++)n/=60,M+=i(b.charCodeAt(e))*n;return M*z}function O(t){for(var e=0;e<t.length;e++)t[e]=a(t[e])}function s(t,e){var o,p=[];for(o=0;o<e.length;o++)p[o]=t[e[o]];return p}function l(t){var e=t.split("|"),o=e[2].split(" "),p=e[3].split(""),b=e[4].split(" ");return O(o),O(p),O(b),function(t,e){for(var o=0;o<e;o++)t[o]=Math.round((t[o-1]||0)+6e4*t[o]);t[e-1]=1/0}(b,p.length),{name:e[0],abbrs:s(e[1].split(" "),p),offsets:s(o,p),untils:b,population:0|e[5]}}function d(t){t&&this._set(l(t))}function A(t,e){this.name=t,this.zones=e}function u(t){var e=t.toTimeString(),o=e.match(/\([a-z ]+\)/i);"GMT"===(o=o&&o[0]?(o=o[0].match(/[A-Z]/g))?o.join(""):void 0:(o=e.match(/[A-Z]{3,5}/g))?o[0]:void 0)&&(o=void 0),this.at=+t,this.abbr=o,this.offset=t.getTimezoneOffset()}function f(t){this.zone=t,this.offsetScore=0,this.abbrScore=0}function q(t,e){for(var o,p;p=6e4*((e.at-t.at)/12e4|0);)(o=new u(new Date(t.at+p))).offset===t.offset?t=o:e=o;return t}function h(t,e){return t.offsetScore!==e.offsetScore?t.offsetScore-e.offsetScore:t.abbrScore!==e.abbrScore?t.abbrScore-e.abbrScore:t.zone.population!==e.zone.population?e.zone.population-t.zone.population:e.zone.name.localeCompare(t.zone.name)}function W(t,e){var o,p;for(O(e),o=0;o<e.length;o++)p=e[o],M[p]=M[p]||{},M[p][t]=!0}function m(t){var e,o,p,b=t.length,z={},c=[];for(e=0;e<b;e++)for(o in p=M[t[e].offset]||{})p.hasOwnProperty(o)&&(z[o]=!0);for(e in z)z.hasOwnProperty(e)&&c.push(n[e]);return c}function g(){try{var t=Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;if(t&&t.length>3){var e=n[v(t)];if(e)return e;X("Moment Timezone found "+t+" from the Intl api, but did not have that data loaded.")}}catch(t){}var o,p,b,M=function(){var t,e,o,p=(new Date).getFullYear()-2,b=new u(new Date(p,0,1)),n=[b];for(o=1;o<48;o++)(e=new u(new Date(p,o,1))).offset!==b.offset&&(t=q(b,e),n.push(t),n.push(new u(new Date(t.at+6e4)))),b=e;for(o=0;o<4;o++)n.push(new u(new Date(p+o,0,1))),n.push(new u(new Date(p+o,6,1)));return n}(),z=M.length,c=m(M),r=[];for(p=0;p<c.length;p++){for(o=new f(y(c[p]),z),b=0;b<z;b++)o.scoreOffsetAt(M[b]);r.push(o)}return r.sort(h),r.length>0?r[0].zone.name:void 0}function v(t){return(t||"").toLowerCase().replace(/\//g,"_")}function R(t){var e,p,b,M;for("string"==typeof t&&(t=[t]),e=0;e<t.length;e++)M=v(p=(b=t[e].split("|"))[0]),o[M]=t[e],n[M]=p,W(M,b[2].split(" "))}function y(t,e){t=v(t);var b,M=o[t];return M instanceof d?M:"string"==typeof M?(M=new d(M),o[t]=M,M):p[t]&&e!==y&&(b=y(p[t],y))?((M=o[t]=new d)._set(b),M.name=n[t],M):null}function B(t){var e,o,b,M;for("string"==typeof t&&(t=[t]),e=0;e<t.length;e++)b=v((o=t[e].split("|"))[0]),M=v(o[1]),p[b]=M,n[b]=o[0],p[M]=b,n[M]=o[1]}function L(t){var e="X"===t._f||"x"===t._f;return!(!t._a||void 0!==t._tzm||e)}function X(t){"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.error}function _(e){var o=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0,-1),p=arguments[arguments.length-1],b=y(p),n=t.utc.apply(null,o);return b&&!t.isMoment(e)&&L(n)&&n.add(b.parse(n),"minutes"),n.tz(p),n}(c<2||2===c&&r<6)&&X("Moment Timezone requires Moment.js >= 2.6.0. You are using Moment.js "+t.version+". See momentjs.com"),d.prototype={_set:function(t){this.name=t.name,this.abbrs=t.abbrs,this.untils=t.untils,this.offsets=t.offsets,this.population=t.population},_index:function(t){var e,o=+t,p=this.untils;for(e=0;e<p.length;e++)if(o<p[e])return e},countries:function(){var t=this.name;return Object.keys(b).filter((function(e){return-1!==b[e].zones.indexOf(t)}))},parse:function(t){var e,o,p,b,n=+t,M=this.offsets,z=this.untils,c=z.length-1;for(b=0;b<c;b++)if(e=M[b],o=M[b+1],p=M[b?b-1:b],e<o&&_.moveAmbiguousForward?e=o:e>p&&_.moveInvalidForward&&(e=p),n<z[b]-6e4*e)return M[b];return M[c]},abbr:function(t){return this.abbrs[this._index(t)]},offset:function(t){return X("zone.offset has been deprecated in favor of zone.utcOffset"),this.offsets[this._index(t)]},utcOffset:function(t){return this.offsets[this._index(t)]}},f.prototype.scoreOffsetAt=function(t){this.offsetScore+=Math.abs(this.zone.utcOffset(t.at)-t.offset),this.zone.abbr(t.at).replace(/[^A-Z]/g,"")!==t.abbr&&this.abbrScore++},_.version="0.5.38",_.dataVersion="",_._zones=o,_._links=p,_._names=n,_._countries=b,_.add=R,_.link=B,_.load=function(t){R(t.zones),B(t.links),function(t){var e,o,p,n;if(t&&t.length)for(e=0;e<t.length;e++)o=(n=t[e].split("|"))[0].toUpperCase(),p=n[1].split(" "),b[o]=new A(o,p)}(t.countries),_.dataVersion=t.version},_.zone=y,_.zoneExists=function t(e){return t.didShowError||(t.didShowError=!0,X("moment.tz.zoneExists('"+e+"') has been deprecated in favor of !moment.tz.zone('"+e+"')")),!!y(e)},_.guess=function(t){return e&&!t||(e=g()),e},_.names=function(){var t,e=[];for(t in n)n.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(o[t]||o[p[t]])&&n[t]&&e.push(n[t]);return e.sort()},_.Zone=d,_.unpack=l,_.unpackBase60=a,_.needsOffset=L,_.moveInvalidForward=!0,_.moveAmbiguousForward=!1,_.countries=function(){return Object.keys(b)},_.zonesForCountry=function(t,e){var o;if(o=(o=t).toUpperCase(),!(t=b[o]||null))return null;var p=t.zones.sort();return e?p.map((function(t){return{name:t,offset:y(t).utcOffset(new Date)}})):p};var N,w=t.fn;function x(t){return function(){return this._z?this._z.abbr(this):t.call(this)}}function T(t){return function(){return this._z=null,t.apply(this,arguments)}}t.tz=_,t.defaultZone=null,t.updateOffset=function(e,o){var p,b=t.defaultZone;if(void 0===e._z&&(b&&L(e)&&!e._isUTC&&(e._d=t.utc(e._a)._d,e.utc().add(b.parse(e),"minutes")),e._z=b),e._z)if(p=e._z.utcOffset(e),Math.abs(p)<16&&(p/=60),void 0!==e.utcOffset){var n=e._z;e.utcOffset(-p,o),e._z=n}else e.zone(p,o)},w.tz=function(e,o){if(e){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new Error("Time zone name must be a string, got "+e+" ["+typeof e+"]");return this._z=y(e),this._z?t.updateOffset(this,o):X(),this}if(this._z)return this._z.name},w.zoneName=x(w.zoneName),w.zoneAbbr=x(w.zoneAbbr),w.utc=T(w.utc),w.local=T(w.local),w.utcOffset=(N=w.utcOffset,function(){return arguments.length>0&&(this._z=null),N.apply(this,arguments)}),t.tz.setDefault=function(e){return(c<2||2===c&&r<9)&&X(t.version),t.defaultZone=e?y(e):null,t};var C=t.momentProperties;return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(C)?(C.push("_z"),C.push("_a")):C&&(C._z=null),t}))},381:function(t,e,o){(t=o.nmd(t)).exports=function(){"use strict";var e,o;function p(){return e.apply(null,arguments)}function b(t){e=t}function n(t){return t instanceof Array||"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(t)}function M(t){return null!=t&&"[object Object]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(t)}function z(t,e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e)}function c(t){if(Object.getOwnPropertyNames)return 0===Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).length;var e;for(e in t)if(z(t,e))return!1;return!0}function r(t){return void 0===t}function i(t){return"number"==typeof t||"[object Number]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(t)}function a(t){return t instanceof Date||"[object Date]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(t)}function O(t,e){var o,p=[],b=t.length;for(o=0;o<b;++o)p.push(e(t[o],o));return p}function s(t,e){for(var o in e)z(e,o)&&(t[o]=e[o]);return z(e,"toString")&&(t.toString=e.toString),z(e,"valueOf")&&(t.valueOf=e.valueOf),t}function l(t,e,o,p){return Yo(t,e,o,p,!0).utc()}function d(){return{empty:!1,unusedTokens:[],unusedInput:[],overflow:-2,charsLeftOver:0,nullInput:!1,invalidEra:null,invalidMonth:null,invalidFormat:!1,userInvalidated:!1,iso:!1,parsedDateParts:[],era:null,meridiem:null,rfc2822:!1,weekdayMismatch:!1}}function A(t){return null==t._pf&&(t._pf=d()),t._pf}function u(t){if(null==t._isValid){var e=A(t),p=o.call(e.parsedDateParts,(function(t){return null!=t})),b=!isNaN(t._d.getTime())&&e.overflow<0&&!e.empty&&!e.invalidEra&&!e.invalidMonth&&!e.invalidWeekday&&!e.weekdayMismatch&&!e.nullInput&&!e.invalidFormat&&!e.userInvalidated&&(!e.meridiem||e.meridiem&&p);if(t._strict&&(b=b&&0===e.charsLeftOver&&0===e.unusedTokens.length&&void 0===e.bigHour),null!=Object.isFrozen&&Object.isFrozen(t))return b;t._isValid=b}return t._isValid}function f(t){var e=l(NaN);return null!=t?s(A(e),t):A(e).userInvalidated=!0,e}o=Array.prototype.some?Array.prototype.some:function(t){var e,o=Object(this),p=o.length>>>0;for(e=0;e<p;e++)if(e in o&&t.call(this,o[e],e,o))return!0;return!1};var q=p.momentProperties=[],h=!1;function W(t,e){var o,p,b,n=q.length;if(r(e._isAMomentObject)||(t._isAMomentObject=e._isAMomentObject),r(e._i)||(t._i=e._i),r(e._f)||(t._f=e._f),r(e._l)||(t._l=e._l),r(e._strict)||(t._strict=e._strict),r(e._tzm)||(t._tzm=e._tzm),r(e._isUTC)||(t._isUTC=e._isUTC),r(e._offset)||(t._offset=e._offset),r(e._pf)||(t._pf=A(e)),r(e._locale)||(t._locale=e._locale),n>0)for(o=0;o<n;o++)r(b=e[p=q[o]])||(t[p]=b);return t}function m(t){W(this,t),this._d=new Date(null!=t._d?t._d.getTime():NaN),this.isValid()||(this._d=new Date(NaN)),!1===h&&(h=!0,p.updateOffset(this),h=!1)}function g(t){return t instanceof m||null!=t&&null!=t._isAMomentObject}function v(t){!1===p.suppressDeprecationWarnings&&"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.warn}function R(t,e){var o=!0;return s((function(){if(null!=p.deprecationHandler&&p.deprecationHandler(null,t),o){var b,n,M,c=[],r=arguments.length;for(n=0;n<r;n++){if(b="","object"==typeof arguments[n]){for(M in b+="\n["+n+"] ",arguments[0])z(arguments[0],M)&&(b+=M+": "+arguments[0][M]+", ");b=b.slice(0,-2)}else b=arguments[n];c.push(b)}v(t+"\nArguments: "+Array.prototype.slice.call(c).join("")+"\n"+(new Error).stack),o=!1}return e.apply(this,arguments)}),e)}var y,B={};function L(t,e){null!=p.deprecationHandler&&p.deprecationHandler(t,e),B[t]||(v(e),B[t]=!0)}function X(t){return"undefined"!=typeof Function&&t instanceof Function||"[object Function]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(t)}function _(t){var e,o;for(o in t)z(t,o)&&(X(e=t[o])?this[o]=e:this["_"+o]=e);this._config=t,this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient=new RegExp((this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source||this._ordinalParse.source)+"|"+/\d{1,2}/.source)}function N(t,e){var o,p=s({},t);for(o in e)z(e,o)&&(M(t[o])&&M(e[o])?(p[o]={},s(p[o],t[o]),s(p[o],e[o])):null!=e[o]?p[o]=e[o]:delete p[o]);for(o in t)z(t,o)&&!z(e,o)&&M(t[o])&&(p[o]=s({},p[o]));return p}function w(t){null!=t&&this.set(t)}p.suppressDeprecationWarnings=!1,p.deprecationHandler=null,y=Object.keys?Object.keys:function(t){var e,o=[];for(e in t)z(t,e)&&o.push(e);return o};var x={sameDay:"[Today at] LT",nextDay:"[Tomorrow at] LT",nextWeek:"dddd [at] LT",lastDay:"[Yesterday at] LT",lastWeek:"[Last] dddd [at] LT",sameElse:"L"};function T(t,e,o){var p=this._calendar[t]||this._calendar.sameElse;return X(p)?p.call(e,o):p}function C(t,e,o){var p=""+Math.abs(t),b=e-p.length;return(t>=0?o?"+":"":"-")+Math.pow(10,Math.max(0,b)).toString().substr(1)+p}var S=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|N{1,5}|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|y{2,4}|yo?|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g,k=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g,E={},D={};function P(t,e,o,p){var b=p;"string"==typeof p&&(b=function(){return this[p]()}),t&&(D[t]=b),e&&(D[e[0]]=function(){return C(b.apply(this,arguments),e[1],e[2])}),o&&(D[o]=function(){return this.localeData().ordinal(b.apply(this,arguments),t)})}function j(t){return t.match(/\[[\s\S]/)?t.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,""):t.replace(/\\/g,"")}function I(t){var e,o,p=t.match(S);for(e=0,o=p.length;e<o;e++)D[p[e]]?p[e]=D[p[e]]:p[e]=j(p[e]);return function(e){var b,n="";for(b=0;b<o;b++)n+=X(p[b])?p[b].call(e,t):p[b];return n}}function F(t,e){return t.isValid()?(e=H(e,t.localeData()),E[e]=E[e]||I(e),E[e](t)):t.localeData().invalidDate()}function H(t,e){var o=5;function p(t){return e.longDateFormat(t)||t}for(k.lastIndex=0;o>=0&&k.test(t);)t=t.replace(k,p),k.lastIndex=0,o-=1;return t}var U={LTS:"h:mm:ss A",LT:"h:mm A",L:"MM/DD/YYYY",LL:"MMMM D, YYYY",LLL:"MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A",LLLL:"dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A"};function V(t){var e=this._longDateFormat[t],o=this._longDateFormat[t.toUpperCase()];return e||!o?e:(this._longDateFormat[t]=o.match(S).map((function(t){return"MMMM"===t||"MM"===t||"DD"===t||"dddd"===t?t.slice(1):t})).join(""),this._longDateFormat[t])}var $="Invalid date";function Y(){return this._invalidDate}var G="%d",J=/\d{1,2}/;function K(t){return this._ordinal.replace("%d",t)}var Q={future:"in %s",past:"%s ago",s:"a few seconds",ss:"%d seconds",m:"a minute",mm:"%d minutes",h:"an hour",hh:"%d hours",d:"a day",dd:"%d days",w:"a week",ww:"%d weeks",M:"a month",MM:"%d months",y:"a year",yy:"%d years"};function Z(t,e,o,p){var b=this._relativeTime[o];return X(b)?b(t,e,o,p):b.replace(/%d/i,t)}function tt(t,e){var o=this._relativeTime[t>0?"future":"past"];return X(o)?o(e):o.replace(/%s/i,e)}var et={};function ot(t,e){var o=t.toLowerCase();et[o]=et[o+"s"]=et[e]=t}function pt(t){return"string"==typeof t?et[t]||et[t.toLowerCase()]:void 0}function bt(t){var e,o,p={};for(o in t)z(t,o)&&(e=pt(o))&&(p[e]=t[o]);return p}var nt={};function Mt(t,e){nt[t]=e}function zt(t){var e,o=[];for(e in t)z(t,e)&&o.push({unit:e,priority:nt[e]});return o.sort((function(t,e){return t.priority-e.priority})),o}function ct(t){return t%4==0&&t%100!=0||t%400==0}function rt(t){return t<0?Math.ceil(t)||0:Math.floor(t)}function it(t){var e=+t,o=0;return 0!==e&&isFinite(e)&&(o=rt(e)),o}function at(t,e){return function(o){return null!=o?(st(this,t,o),p.updateOffset(this,e),this):Ot(this,t)}}function Ot(t,e){return t.isValid()?t._d["get"+(t._isUTC?"UTC":"")+e]():NaN}function st(t,e,o){t.isValid()&&!isNaN(o)&&("FullYear"===e&&ct(t.year())&&1===t.month()&&29===t.date()?(o=it(o),t._d["set"+(t._isUTC?"UTC":"")+e](o,t.month(),Zt(o,t.month()))):t._d["set"+(t._isUTC?"UTC":"")+e](o))}function lt(t){return X(this[t=pt(t)])?this[t]():this}function dt(t,e){if("object"==typeof t){var o,p=zt(t=bt(t)),b=p.length;for(o=0;o<b;o++)this[p[o].unit](t[p[o].unit])}else if(X(this[t=pt(t)]))return this[t](e);return this}var At,ut=/\d/,ft=/\d\d/,qt=/\d{3}/,ht=/\d{4}/,Wt=/[+-]?\d{6}/,mt=/\d\d?/,gt=/\d\d\d\d?/,vt=/\d\d\d\d\d\d?/,Rt=/\d{1,3}/,yt=/\d{1,4}/,Bt=/[+-]?\d{1,6}/,Lt=/\d+/,Xt=/[+-]?\d+/,_t=/Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi,Nt=/Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi,wt=/[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/,xt=/[0-9]{0,256}['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFF07\uFF10-\uFFEF]{1,256}|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]{1,256}(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]{1,256}){1,2}/i;function Tt(t,e,o){At[t]=X(e)?e:function(t,p){return t&&o?o:e}}function Ct(t,e){return z(At,t)?At[t](e._strict,e._locale):new RegExp(St(t))}function St(t){return kt(t.replace("\\","").replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g,(function(t,e,o,p,b){return e||o||p||b})))}function kt(t){return t.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,"\\$&")}At={};var Et={};function Dt(t,e){var o,p,b=e;for("string"==typeof t&&(t=[t]),i(e)&&(b=function(t,o){o[e]=it(t)}),p=t.length,o=0;o<p;o++)Et[t[o]]=b}function Pt(t,e){Dt(t,(function(t,o,p,b){p._w=p._w||{},e(t,p._w,p,b)}))}function jt(t,e,o){null!=e&&z(Et,t)&&Et[t](e,o._a,o,t)}var It,Ft=0,Ht=1,Ut=2,Vt=3,$t=4,Yt=5,Gt=6,Jt=7,Kt=8;function Qt(t,e){return(t%e+e)%e}function Zt(t,e){if(isNaN(t)||isNaN(e))return NaN;var o=Qt(e,12);return t+=(e-o)/12,1===o?ct(t)?29:28:31-o%7%2}It=Array.prototype.indexOf?Array.prototype.indexOf:function(t){var e;for(e=0;e<this.length;++e)if(this[e]===t)return e;return-1},P("M",["MM",2],"Mo",(function(){return this.month()+1})),P("MMM",0,0,(function(t){return this.localeData().monthsShort(this,t)})),P("MMMM",0,0,(function(t){return this.localeData().months(this,t)})),ot("month","M"),Mt("month",8),Tt("M",mt),Tt("MM",mt,ft),Tt("MMM",(function(t,e){return e.monthsShortRegex(t)})),Tt("MMMM",(function(t,e){return e.monthsRegex(t)})),Dt(["M","MM"],(function(t,e){e[Ht]=it(t)-1})),Dt(["MMM","MMMM"],(function(t,e,o,p){var b=o._locale.monthsParse(t,p,o._strict);null!=b?e[Ht]=b:A(o).invalidMonth=t}));var te="January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),ee="Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"),oe=/D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/,pe=xt,be=xt;function ne(t,e){return t?n(this._months)?this._months[t.month()]:this._months[(this._months.isFormat||oe).test(e)?"format":"standalone"][t.month()]:n(this._months)?this._months:this._months.standalone}function Me(t,e){return t?n(this._monthsShort)?this._monthsShort[t.month()]:this._monthsShort[oe.test(e)?"format":"standalone"][t.month()]:n(this._monthsShort)?this._monthsShort:this._monthsShort.standalone}function ze(t,e,o){var p,b,n,M=t.toLocaleLowerCase();if(!this._monthsParse)for(this._monthsParse=[],this._longMonthsParse=[],this._shortMonthsParse=[],p=0;p<12;++p)n=l([2e3,p]),this._shortMonthsParse[p]=this.monthsShort(n,"").toLocaleLowerCase(),this._longMonthsParse[p]=this.months(n,"").toLocaleLowerCase();return o?"MMM"===e?-1!==(b=It.call(this._shortMonthsParse,M))?b:null:-1!==(b=It.call(this._longMonthsParse,M))?b:null:"MMM"===e?-1!==(b=It.call(this._shortMonthsParse,M))||-1!==(b=It.call(this._longMonthsParse,M))?b:null:-1!==(b=It.call(this._longMonthsParse,M))||-1!==(b=It.call(this._shortMonthsParse,M))?b:null}function ce(t,e,o){var p,b,n;if(this._monthsParseExact)return ze.call(this,t,e,o);for(this._monthsParse||(this._monthsParse=[],this._longMonthsParse=[],this._shortMonthsParse=[]),p=0;p<12;p++){if(b=l([2e3,p]),o&&!this._longMonthsParse[p]&&(this._longMonthsParse[p]=new RegExp("^"+this.months(b,"").replace(".","")+"$","i"),this._shortMonthsParse[p]=new RegExp("^"+this.monthsShort(b,"").replace(".","")+"$","i")),o||this._monthsParse[p]||(n="^"+this.months(b,"")+"|^"+this.monthsShort(b,""),this._monthsParse[p]=new RegExp(n.replace(".",""),"i")),o&&"MMMM"===e&&this._longMonthsParse[p].test(t))return p;if(o&&"MMM"===e&&this._shortMonthsParse[p].test(t))return p;if(!o&&this._monthsParse[p].test(t))return p}}function re(t,e){var o;if(!t.isValid())return t;if("string"==typeof e)if(/^\d+$/.test(e))e=it(e);else if(!i(e=t.localeData().monthsParse(e)))return t;return o=Math.min(t.date(),Zt(t.year(),e)),t._d["set"+(t._isUTC?"UTC":"")+"Month"](e,o),t}function ie(t){return null!=t?(re(this,t),p.updateOffset(this,!0),this):Ot(this,"Month")}function ae(){return Zt(this.year(),this.month())}function Oe(t){return this._monthsParseExact?(z(this,"_monthsRegex")||le.call(this),t?this._monthsShortStrictRegex:this._monthsShortRegex):(z(this,"_monthsShortRegex")||(this._monthsShortRegex=pe),this._monthsShortStrictRegex&&t?this._monthsShortStrictRegex:this._monthsShortRegex)}function se(t){return this._monthsParseExact?(z(this,"_monthsRegex")||le.call(this),t?this._monthsStrictRegex:this._monthsRegex):(z(this,"_monthsRegex")||(this._monthsRegex=be),this._monthsStrictRegex&&t?this._monthsStrictRegex:this._monthsRegex)}function le(){function t(t,e){return e.length-t.length}var e,o,p=[],b=[],n=[];for(e=0;e<12;e++)o=l([2e3,e]),p.push(this.monthsShort(o,"")),b.push(this.months(o,"")),n.push(this.months(o,"")),n.push(this.monthsShort(o,""));for(p.sort(t),b.sort(t),n.sort(t),e=0;e<12;e++)p[e]=kt(p[e]),b[e]=kt(b[e]);for(e=0;e<24;e++)n[e]=kt(n[e]);this._monthsRegex=new RegExp("^("+n.join("|")+")","i"),this._monthsShortRegex=this._monthsRegex,this._monthsStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+b.join("|")+")","i"),this._monthsShortStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+p.join("|")+")","i")}function de(t){return ct(t)?366:365}P("Y",0,0,(function(){var t=this.year();return t<=9999?C(t,4):"+"+t})),P(0,["YY",2],0,(function(){return this.year()%100})),P(0,["YYYY",4],0,"year"),P(0,["YYYYY",5],0,"year"),P(0,["YYYYYY",6,!0],0,"year"),ot("year","y"),Mt("year",1),Tt("Y",Xt),Tt("YY",mt,ft),Tt("YYYY",yt,ht),Tt("YYYYY",Bt,Wt),Tt("YYYYYY",Bt,Wt),Dt(["YYYYY","YYYYYY"],Ft),Dt("YYYY",(function(t,e){e[Ft]=2===t.length?p.parseTwoDigitYear(t):it(t)})),Dt("YY",(function(t,e){e[Ft]=p.parseTwoDigitYear(t)})),Dt("Y",(function(t,e){e[Ft]=parseInt(t,10)})),p.parseTwoDigitYear=function(t){return it(t)+(it(t)>68?1900:2e3)};var Ae=at("FullYear",!0);function ue(){return ct(this.year())}function fe(t,e,o,p,b,n,M){var z;return t<100&&t>=0?(z=new Date(t+400,e,o,p,b,n,M),isFinite(z.getFullYear())&&z.setFullYear(t)):z=new Date(t,e,o,p,b,n,M),z}function qe(t){var e,o;return t<100&&t>=0?((o=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))[0]=t+400,e=new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null,o)),isFinite(e.getUTCFullYear())&&e.setUTCFullYear(t)):e=new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null,arguments)),e}function he(t,e,o){var p=7+e-o;return-(7+qe(t,0,p).getUTCDay()-e)%7+p-1}function We(t,e,o,p,b){var n,M,z=1+7*(e-1)+(7+o-p)%7+he(t,p,b);return z<=0?M=de(n=t-1)+z:z>de(t)?(n=t+1,M=z-de(t)):(n=t,M=z),{year:n,dayOfYear:M}}function me(t,e,o){var p,b,n=he(t.year(),e,o),M=Math.floor((t.dayOfYear()-n-1)/7)+1;return M<1?p=M+ge(b=t.year()-1,e,o):M>ge(t.year(),e,o)?(p=M-ge(t.year(),e,o),b=t.year()+1):(b=t.year(),p=M),{week:p,year:b}}function ge(t,e,o){var p=he(t,e,o),b=he(t+1,e,o);return(de(t)-p+b)/7}function ve(t){return me(t,this._week.dow,this._week.doy).week}P("w",["ww",2],"wo","week"),P("W",["WW",2],"Wo","isoWeek"),ot("week","w"),ot("isoWeek","W"),Mt("week",5),Mt("isoWeek",5),Tt("w",mt),Tt("ww",mt,ft),Tt("W",mt),Tt("WW",mt,ft),Pt(["w","ww","W","WW"],(function(t,e,o,p){e[p.substr(0,1)]=it(t)}));var Re={dow:0,doy:6};function ye(){return this._week.dow}function Be(){return this._week.doy}function Le(t){var e=this.localeData().week(this);return null==t?e:this.add(7*(t-e),"d")}function Xe(t){var e=me(this,1,4).week;return null==t?e:this.add(7*(t-e),"d")}function _e(t,e){return"string"!=typeof t?t:isNaN(t)?"number"==typeof(t=e.weekdaysParse(t))?t:null:parseInt(t,10)}function Ne(t,e){return"string"==typeof t?e.weekdaysParse(t)%7||7:isNaN(t)?null:t}function we(t,e){return t.slice(e,7).concat(t.slice(0,e))}P("d",0,"do","day"),P("dd",0,0,(function(t){return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this,t)})),P("ddd",0,0,(function(t){return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this,t)})),P("dddd",0,0,(function(t){return this.localeData().weekdays(this,t)})),P("e",0,0,"weekday"),P("E",0,0,"isoWeekday"),ot("day","d"),ot("weekday","e"),ot("isoWeekday","E"),Mt("day",11),Mt("weekday",11),Mt("isoWeekday",11),Tt("d",mt),Tt("e",mt),Tt("E",mt),Tt("dd",(function(t,e){return e.weekdaysMinRegex(t)})),Tt("ddd",(function(t,e){return e.weekdaysShortRegex(t)})),Tt("dddd",(function(t,e){return e.weekdaysRegex(t)})),Pt(["dd","ddd","dddd"],(function(t,e,o,p){var b=o._locale.weekdaysParse(t,p,o._strict);null!=b?e.d=b:A(o).invalidWeekday=t})),Pt(["d","e","E"],(function(t,e,o,p){e[p]=it(t)}));var xe="Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),Te="Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"),Ce="Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"),Se=xt,ke=xt,Ee=xt;function De(t,e){var o=n(this._weekdays)?this._weekdays:this._weekdays[t&&!0!==t&&this._weekdays.isFormat.test(e)?"format":"standalone"];return!0===t?we(o,this._week.dow):t?o[t.day()]:o}function Pe(t){return!0===t?we(this._weekdaysShort,this._week.dow):t?this._weekdaysShort[t.day()]:this._weekdaysShort}function je(t){return!0===t?we(this._weekdaysMin,this._week.dow):t?this._weekdaysMin[t.day()]:this._weekdaysMin}function Ie(t,e,o){var p,b,n,M=t.toLocaleLowerCase();if(!this._weekdaysParse)for(this._weekdaysParse=[],this._shortWeekdaysParse=[],this._minWeekdaysParse=[],p=0;p<7;++p)n=l([2e3,1]).day(p),this._minWeekdaysParse[p]=this.weekdaysMin(n,"").toLocaleLowerCase(),this._shortWeekdaysParse[p]=this.weekdaysShort(n,"").toLocaleLowerCase(),this._weekdaysParse[p]=this.weekdays(n,"").toLocaleLowerCase();return o?"dddd"===e?-1!==(b=It.call(this._weekdaysParse,M))?b:null:"ddd"===e?-1!==(b=It.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse,M))?b:null:-1!==(b=It.call(this._minWeekdaysParse,M))?b:null:"dddd"===e?-1!==(b=It.call(this._weekdaysParse,M))||-1!==(b=It.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse,M))||-1!==(b=It.call(this._minWeekdaysParse,M))?b:null:"ddd"===e?-1!==(b=It.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse,M))||-1!==(b=It.call(this._weekdaysParse,M))||-1!==(b=It.call(this._minWeekdaysParse,M))?b:null:-1!==(b=It.call(this._minWeekdaysParse,M))||-1!==(b=It.call(this._weekdaysParse,M))||-1!==(b=It.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse,M))?b:null}function Fe(t,e,o){var p,b,n;if(this._weekdaysParseExact)return Ie.call(this,t,e,o);for(this._weekdaysParse||(this._weekdaysParse=[],this._minWeekdaysParse=[],this._shortWeekdaysParse=[],this._fullWeekdaysParse=[]),p=0;p<7;p++){if(b=l([2e3,1]).day(p),o&&!this._fullWeekdaysParse[p]&&(this._fullWeekdaysParse[p]=new RegExp("^"+this.weekdays(b,"").replace(".","\\.?")+"$","i"),this._shortWeekdaysParse[p]=new RegExp("^"+this.weekdaysShort(b,"").replace(".","\\.?")+"$","i"),this._minWeekdaysParse[p]=new RegExp("^"+this.weekdaysMin(b,"").replace(".","\\.?")+"$","i")),this._weekdaysParse[p]||(n="^"+this.weekdays(b,"")+"|^"+this.weekdaysShort(b,"")+"|^"+this.weekdaysMin(b,""),this._weekdaysParse[p]=new RegExp(n.replace(".",""),"i")),o&&"dddd"===e&&this._fullWeekdaysParse[p].test(t))return p;if(o&&"ddd"===e&&this._shortWeekdaysParse[p].test(t))return p;if(o&&"dd"===e&&this._minWeekdaysParse[p].test(t))return p;if(!o&&this._weekdaysParse[p].test(t))return p}}function He(t){if(!this.isValid())return null!=t?this:NaN;var e=this._isUTC?this._d.getUTCDay():this._d.getDay();return null!=t?(t=_e(t,this.localeData()),this.add(t-e,"d")):e}function Ue(t){if(!this.isValid())return null!=t?this:NaN;var e=(this.day()+7-this.localeData()._week.dow)%7;return null==t?e:this.add(t-e,"d")}function Ve(t){if(!this.isValid())return null!=t?this:NaN;if(null!=t){var e=Ne(t,this.localeData());return this.day(this.day()%7?e:e-7)}return this.day()||7}function $e(t){return this._weekdaysParseExact?(z(this,"_weekdaysRegex")||Je.call(this),t?this._weekdaysStrictRegex:this._weekdaysRegex):(z(this,"_weekdaysRegex")||(this._weekdaysRegex=Se),this._weekdaysStrictRegex&&t?this._weekdaysStrictRegex:this._weekdaysRegex)}function Ye(t){return this._weekdaysParseExact?(z(this,"_weekdaysRegex")||Je.call(this),t?this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex:this._weekdaysShortRegex):(z(this,"_weekdaysShortRegex")||(this._weekdaysShortRegex=ke),this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex&&t?this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex:this._weekdaysShortRegex)}function Ge(t){return this._weekdaysParseExact?(z(this,"_weekdaysRegex")||Je.call(this),t?this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex:this._weekdaysMinRegex):(z(this,"_weekdaysMinRegex")||(this._weekdaysMinRegex=Ee),this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex&&t?this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex:this._weekdaysMinRegex)}function Je(){function t(t,e){return e.length-t.length}var e,o,p,b,n,M=[],z=[],c=[],r=[];for(e=0;e<7;e++)o=l([2e3,1]).day(e),p=kt(this.weekdaysMin(o,"")),b=kt(this.weekdaysShort(o,"")),n=kt(this.weekdays(o,"")),M.push(p),z.push(b),c.push(n),r.push(p),r.push(b),r.push(n);M.sort(t),z.sort(t),c.sort(t),r.sort(t),this._weekdaysRegex=new RegExp("^("+r.join("|")+")","i"),this._weekdaysShortRegex=this._weekdaysRegex,this._weekdaysMinRegex=this._weekdaysRegex,this._weekdaysStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+c.join("|")+")","i"),this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+z.join("|")+")","i"),this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+M.join("|")+")","i")}function Ke(){return this.hours()%12||12}function Qe(){return this.hours()||24}function Ze(t,e){P(t,0,0,(function(){return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(),this.minutes(),e)}))}function to(t,e){return e._meridiemParse}function eo(t){return"p"===(t+"").toLowerCase().charAt(0)}P("H",["HH",2],0,"hour"),P("h",["hh",2],0,Ke),P("k",["kk",2],0,Qe),P("hmm",0,0,(function(){return""+Ke.apply(this)+C(this.minutes(),2)})),P("hmmss",0,0,(function(){return""+Ke.apply(this)+C(this.minutes(),2)+C(this.seconds(),2)})),P("Hmm",0,0,(function(){return""+this.hours()+C(this.minutes(),2)})),P("Hmmss",0,0,(function(){return""+this.hours()+C(this.minutes(),2)+C(this.seconds(),2)})),Ze("a",!0),Ze("A",!1),ot("hour","h"),Mt("hour",13),Tt("a",to),Tt("A",to),Tt("H",mt),Tt("h",mt),Tt("k",mt),Tt("HH",mt,ft),Tt("hh",mt,ft),Tt("kk",mt,ft),Tt("hmm",gt),Tt("hmmss",vt),Tt("Hmm",gt),Tt("Hmmss",vt),Dt(["H","HH"],Vt),Dt(["k","kk"],(function(t,e,o){var p=it(t);e[Vt]=24===p?0:p})),Dt(["a","A"],(function(t,e,o){o._isPm=o._locale.isPM(t),o._meridiem=t})),Dt(["h","hh"],(function(t,e,o){e[Vt]=it(t),A(o).bigHour=!0})),Dt("hmm",(function(t,e,o){var p=t.length-2;e[Vt]=it(t.substr(0,p)),e[$t]=it(t.substr(p)),A(o).bigHour=!0})),Dt("hmmss",(function(t,e,o){var p=t.length-4,b=t.length-2;e[Vt]=it(t.substr(0,p)),e[$t]=it(t.substr(p,2)),e[Yt]=it(t.substr(b)),A(o).bigHour=!0})),Dt("Hmm",(function(t,e,o){var p=t.length-2;e[Vt]=it(t.substr(0,p)),e[$t]=it(t.substr(p))})),Dt("Hmmss",(function(t,e,o){var p=t.length-4,b=t.length-2;e[Vt]=it(t.substr(0,p)),e[$t]=it(t.substr(p,2)),e[Yt]=it(t.substr(b))}));var oo=/[ap]\.?m?\.?/i,po=at("Hours",!0);function bo(t,e,o){return t>11?o?"pm":"PM":o?"am":"AM"}var no,Mo={calendar:x,longDateFormat:U,invalidDate:$,ordinal:G,dayOfMonthOrdinalParse:J,relativeTime:Q,months:te,monthsShort:ee,week:Re,weekdays:xe,weekdaysMin:Ce,weekdaysShort:Te,meridiemParse:oo},zo={},co={};function ro(t,e){var o,p=Math.min(t.length,e.length);for(o=0;o<p;o+=1)if(t[o]!==e[o])return o;return p}function io(t){return t?t.toLowerCase().replace("_","-"):t}function ao(t){for(var e,o,p,b,n=0;n<t.length;){for(e=(b=io(t[n]).split("-")).length,o=(o=io(t[n+1]))?o.split("-"):null;e>0;){if(p=so(b.slice(0,e).join("-")))return p;if(o&&o.length>=e&&ro(b,o)>=e-1)break;e--}n++}return no}function Oo(t){return null!=t.match("^[^/\\\\]*$")}function so(e){var o=null;if(void 0===zo[e]&&t&&t.exports&&Oo(e))try{o=no._abbr,Object(function(){var t=new Error("Cannot find module 'undefined'");throw t.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",t}()),lo(o)}catch(t){zo[e]=null}return zo[e]}function lo(t,e){var o;return t&&((o=r(e)?fo(t):Ao(t,e))?no=o:"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.warn),no._abbr}function Ao(t,e){if(null!==e){var o,p=Mo;if(e.abbr=t,null!=zo[t])L("defineLocaleOverride","use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, config) should only be used for creating a new locale See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/define-locale/ for more info."),p=zo[t]._config;else if(null!=e.parentLocale)if(null!=zo[e.parentLocale])p=zo[e.parentLocale]._config;else{if(null==(o=so(e.parentLocale)))return co[e.parentLocale]||(co[e.parentLocale]=[]),co[e.parentLocale].push({name:t,config:e}),null;p=o._config}return zo[t]=new w(N(p,e)),co[t]&&co[t].forEach((function(t){Ao(t.name,t.config)})),lo(t),zo[t]}return delete zo[t],null}function uo(t,e){if(null!=e){var o,p,b=Mo;null!=zo[t]&&null!=zo[t].parentLocale?zo[t].set(N(zo[t]._config,e)):(null!=(p=so(t))&&(b=p._config),e=N(b,e),null==p&&(e.abbr=t),(o=new w(e)).parentLocale=zo[t],zo[t]=o),lo(t)}else null!=zo[t]&&(null!=zo[t].parentLocale?(zo[t]=zo[t].parentLocale,t===lo()&&lo(t)):null!=zo[t]&&delete zo[t]);return zo[t]}function fo(t){var e;if(t&&t._locale&&t._locale._abbr&&(t=t._locale._abbr),!t)return no;if(!n(t)){if(e=so(t))return e;t=[t]}return ao(t)}function qo(){return y(zo)}function ho(t){var e,o=t._a;return o&&-2===A(t).overflow&&(e=o[Ht]<0||o[Ht]>11?Ht:o[Ut]<1||o[Ut]>Zt(o[Ft],o[Ht])?Ut:o[Vt]<0||o[Vt]>24||24===o[Vt]&&(0!==o[$t]||0!==o[Yt]||0!==o[Gt])?Vt:o[$t]<0||o[$t]>59?$t:o[Yt]<0||o[Yt]>59?Yt:o[Gt]<0||o[Gt]>999?Gt:-1,A(t)._overflowDayOfYear&&(e<Ft||e>Ut)&&(e=Ut),A(t)._overflowWeeks&&-1===e&&(e=Jt),A(t)._overflowWeekday&&-1===e&&(e=Kt),A(t).overflow=e),t}var Wo=/^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,mo=/^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d|))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,go=/Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/,vo=[["YYYYYY-MM-DD",/[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/],["YYYY-MM-DD",/\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/],["GGGG-[W]WW-E",/\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/],["GGGG-[W]WW",/\d{4}-W\d\d/,!1],["YYYY-DDD",/\d{4}-\d{3}/],["YYYY-MM",/\d{4}-\d\d/,!1],["YYYYYYMMDD",/[+-]\d{10}/],["YYYYMMDD",/\d{8}/],["GGGG[W]WWE",/\d{4}W\d{3}/],["GGGG[W]WW",/\d{4}W\d{2}/,!1],["YYYYDDD",/\d{7}/],["YYYYMM",/\d{6}/,!1],["YYYY",/\d{4}/,!1]],Ro=[["HH:mm:ss.SSSS",/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],["HH:mm:ss,SSSS",/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/],["HH:mm:ss",/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],["HH:mm",/\d\d:\d\d/],["HHmmss.SSSS",/\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/],["HHmmss,SSSS",/\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/],["HHmmss",/\d\d\d\d\d\d/],["HHmm",/\d\d\d\d/],["HH",/\d\d/]],yo=/^\/?Date\((-?\d+)/i,Bo=/^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\s)?(\d{1,2})\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|([+-]\d{4}))$/,Lo={UT:0,GMT:0,EDT:-240,EST:-300,CDT:-300,CST:-360,MDT:-360,MST:-420,PDT:-420,PST:-480};function Xo(t){var e,o,p,b,n,M,z=t._i,c=Wo.exec(z)||mo.exec(z),r=vo.length,i=Ro.length;if(c){for(A(t).iso=!0,e=0,o=r;e<o;e++)if(vo[e][1].exec(c[1])){b=vo[e][0],p=!1!==vo[e][2];break}if(null==b)return void(t._isValid=!1);if(c[3]){for(e=0,o=i;e<o;e++)if(Ro[e][1].exec(c[3])){n=(c[2]||" ")+Ro[e][0];break}if(null==n)return void(t._isValid=!1)}if(!p&&null!=n)return void(t._isValid=!1);if(c[4]){if(!go.exec(c[4]))return void(t._isValid=!1);M="Z"}t._f=b+(n||"")+(M||""),jo(t)}else t._isValid=!1}function _o(t,e,o,p,b,n){var M=[No(t),ee.indexOf(e),parseInt(o,10),parseInt(p,10),parseInt(b,10)];return n&&M.push(parseInt(n,10)),M}function No(t){var e=parseInt(t,10);return e<=49?2e3+e:e<=999?1900+e:e}function wo(t){return t.replace(/\([^()]*\)|[\n\t]/g," ").replace(/(\s\s+)/g," ").replace(/^\s\s*/,"").replace(/\s\s*$/,"")}function xo(t,e,o){return!t||Te.indexOf(t)===new Date(e[0],e[1],e[2]).getDay()||(A(o).weekdayMismatch=!0,o._isValid=!1,!1)}function To(t,e,o){if(t)return Lo[t];if(e)return 0;var p=parseInt(o,10),b=p%100;return(p-b)/100*60+b}function Co(t){var e,o=Bo.exec(wo(t._i));if(o){if(e=_o(o[4],o[3],o[2],o[5],o[6],o[7]),!xo(o[1],e,t))return;t._a=e,t._tzm=To(o[8],o[9],o[10]),t._d=qe.apply(null,t._a),t._d.setUTCMinutes(t._d.getUTCMinutes()-t._tzm),A(t).rfc2822=!0}else t._isValid=!1}function So(t){var e=yo.exec(t._i);null===e?(Xo(t),!1===t._isValid&&(delete t._isValid,Co(t),!1===t._isValid&&(delete t._isValid,t._strict?t._isValid=!1:p.createFromInputFallback(t)))):t._d=new Date(+e[1])}function ko(t,e,o){return null!=t?t:null!=e?e:o}function Eo(t){var e=new Date(p.now());return t._useUTC?[e.getUTCFullYear(),e.getUTCMonth(),e.getUTCDate()]:[e.getFullYear(),e.getMonth(),e.getDate()]}function Do(t){var e,o,p,b,n,M=[];if(!t._d){for(p=Eo(t),t._w&&null==t._a[Ut]&&null==t._a[Ht]&&Po(t),null!=t._dayOfYear&&(n=ko(t._a[Ft],p[Ft]),(t._dayOfYear>de(n)||0===t._dayOfYear)&&(A(t)._overflowDayOfYear=!0),o=qe(n,0,t._dayOfYear),t._a[Ht]=o.getUTCMonth(),t._a[Ut]=o.getUTCDate()),e=0;e<3&&null==t._a[e];++e)t._a[e]=M[e]=p[e];for(;e<7;e++)t._a[e]=M[e]=null==t._a[e]?2===e?1:0:t._a[e];24===t._a[Vt]&&0===t._a[$t]&&0===t._a[Yt]&&0===t._a[Gt]&&(t._nextDay=!0,t._a[Vt]=0),t._d=(t._useUTC?qe:fe).apply(null,M),b=t._useUTC?t._d.getUTCDay():t._d.getDay(),null!=t._tzm&&t._d.setUTCMinutes(t._d.getUTCMinutes()-t._tzm),t._nextDay&&(t._a[Vt]=24),t._w&&void 0!==t._w.d&&t._w.d!==b&&(A(t).weekdayMismatch=!0)}}function Po(t){var e,o,p,b,n,M,z,c,r;null!=(e=t._w).GG||null!=e.W||null!=e.E?(n=1,M=4,o=ko(e.GG,t._a[Ft],me(Go(),1,4).year),p=ko(e.W,1),((b=ko(e.E,1))<1||b>7)&&(c=!0)):(n=t._locale._week.dow,M=t._locale._week.doy,r=me(Go(),n,M),o=ko(e.gg,t._a[Ft],r.year),p=ko(e.w,r.week),null!=e.d?((b=e.d)<0||b>6)&&(c=!0):null!=e.e?(b=e.e+n,(e.e<0||e.e>6)&&(c=!0)):b=n),p<1||p>ge(o,n,M)?A(t)._overflowWeeks=!0:null!=c?A(t)._overflowWeekday=!0:(z=We(o,p,b,n,M),t._a[Ft]=z.year,t._dayOfYear=z.dayOfYear)}function jo(t){if(t._f!==p.ISO_8601)if(t._f!==p.RFC_2822){t._a=[],A(t).empty=!0;var e,o,b,n,M,z,c,r=""+t._i,i=r.length,a=0;for(c=(b=H(t._f,t._locale).match(S)||[]).length,e=0;e<c;e++)n=b[e],(o=(r.match(Ct(n,t))||[])[0])&&((M=r.substr(0,r.indexOf(o))).length>0&&A(t).unusedInput.push(M),r=r.slice(r.indexOf(o)+o.length),a+=o.length),D[n]?(o?A(t).empty=!1:A(t).unusedTokens.push(n),jt(n,o,t)):t._strict&&!o&&A(t).unusedTokens.push(n);A(t).charsLeftOver=i-a,r.length>0&&A(t).unusedInput.push(r),t._a[Vt]<=12&&!0===A(t).bigHour&&t._a[Vt]>0&&(A(t).bigHour=void 0),A(t).parsedDateParts=t._a.slice(0),A(t).meridiem=t._meridiem,t._a[Vt]=Io(t._locale,t._a[Vt],t._meridiem),null!==(z=A(t).era)&&(t._a[Ft]=t._locale.erasConvertYear(z,t._a[Ft])),Do(t),ho(t)}else Co(t);else Xo(t)}function Io(t,e,o){var p;return null==o?e:null!=t.meridiemHour?t.meridiemHour(e,o):null!=t.isPM?((p=t.isPM(o))&&e<12&&(e+=12),p||12!==e||(e=0),e):e}function Fo(t){var e,o,p,b,n,M,z=!1,c=t._f.length;if(0===c)return A(t).invalidFormat=!0,void(t._d=new Date(NaN));for(b=0;b<c;b++)n=0,M=!1,e=W({},t),null!=t._useUTC&&(e._useUTC=t._useUTC),e._f=t._f[b],jo(e),u(e)&&(M=!0),n+=A(e).charsLeftOver,n+=10*A(e).unusedTokens.length,A(e).score=n,z?n<p&&(p=n,o=e):(null==p||n<p||M)&&(p=n,o=e,M&&(z=!0));s(t,o||e)}function Ho(t){if(!t._d){var e=bt(t._i),o=void 0===e.day?e.date:e.day;t._a=O([e.year,e.month,o,e.hour,e.minute,e.second,e.millisecond],(function(t){return t&&parseInt(t,10)})),Do(t)}}function Uo(t){var e=new m(ho(Vo(t)));return e._nextDay&&(e.add(1,"d"),e._nextDay=void 0),e}function Vo(t){var e=t._i,o=t._f;return t._locale=t._locale||fo(t._l),null===e||void 0===o&&""===e?f({nullInput:!0}):("string"==typeof e&&(t._i=e=t._locale.preparse(e)),g(e)?new m(ho(e)):(a(e)?t._d=e:n(o)?Fo(t):o?jo(t):$o(t),u(t)||(t._d=null),t))}function $o(t){var e=t._i;r(e)?t._d=new Date(p.now()):a(e)?t._d=new Date(e.valueOf()):"string"==typeof e?So(t):n(e)?(t._a=O(e.slice(0),(function(t){return parseInt(t,10)})),Do(t)):M(e)?Ho(t):i(e)?t._d=new Date(e):p.createFromInputFallback(t)}function Yo(t,e,o,p,b){var z={};return!0!==e&&!1!==e||(p=e,e=void 0),!0!==o&&!1!==o||(p=o,o=void 0),(M(t)&&c(t)||n(t)&&0===t.length)&&(t=void 0),z._isAMomentObject=!0,z._useUTC=z._isUTC=b,z._l=o,z._i=t,z._f=e,z._strict=p,Uo(z)}function Go(t,e,o,p){return Yo(t,e,o,p,!1)}p.createFromInputFallback=R("value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are discouraged. Please refer to http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/js-date/ for more info.",(function(t){t._d=new Date(t._i+(t._useUTC?" UTC":""))})),p.ISO_8601=function(){},p.RFC_2822=function(){};var Jo=R("moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/",(function(){var t=Go.apply(null,arguments);return this.isValid()&&t.isValid()?t<this?this:t:f()})),Ko=R("moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/",(function(){var t=Go.apply(null,arguments);return this.isValid()&&t.isValid()?t>this?this:t:f()}));function Qo(t,e){var o,p;if(1===e.length&&n(e[0])&&(e=e[0]),!e.length)return Go();for(o=e[0],p=1;p<e.length;++p)e[p].isValid()&&!e[p][t](o)||(o=e[p]);return o}function Zo(){return Qo("isBefore",[].slice.call(arguments,0))}function tp(){return Qo("isAfter",[].slice.call(arguments,0))}var ep=function(){return Date.now?Date.now():+new Date},op=["year","quarter","month","week","day","hour","minute","second","millisecond"];function pp(t){var e,o,p=!1,b=op.length;for(e in t)if(z(t,e)&&(-1===It.call(op,e)||null!=t[e]&&isNaN(t[e])))return!1;for(o=0;o<b;++o)if(t[op[o]]){if(p)return!1;parseFloat(t[op[o]])!==it(t[op[o]])&&(p=!0)}return!0}function bp(){return this._isValid}function np(){return Lp(NaN)}function Mp(t){var e=bt(t),o=e.year||0,p=e.quarter||0,b=e.month||0,n=e.week||e.isoWeek||0,M=e.day||0,z=e.hour||0,c=e.minute||0,r=e.second||0,i=e.millisecond||0;this._isValid=pp(e),this._milliseconds=+i+1e3*r+6e4*c+1e3*z*60*60,this._days=+M+7*n,this._months=+b+3*p+12*o,this._data={},this._locale=fo(),this._bubble()}function zp(t){return t instanceof Mp}function cp(t){return t<0?-1*Math.round(-1*t):Math.round(t)}function rp(t,e,o){var p,b=Math.min(t.length,e.length),n=Math.abs(t.length-e.length),M=0;for(p=0;p<b;p++)(o&&t[p]!==e[p]||!o&&it(t[p])!==it(e[p]))&&M++;return M+n}function ip(t,e){P(t,0,0,(function(){var t=this.utcOffset(),o="+";return t<0&&(t=-t,o="-"),o+C(~~(t/60),2)+e+C(~~t%60,2)}))}ip("Z",":"),ip("ZZ",""),Tt("Z",Nt),Tt("ZZ",Nt),Dt(["Z","ZZ"],(function(t,e,o){o._useUTC=!0,o._tzm=Op(Nt,t)}));var ap=/([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;function Op(t,e){var o,p,b=(e||"").match(t);return null===b?null:0===(p=60*(o=((b[b.length-1]||[])+"").match(ap)||["-",0,0])[1]+it(o[2]))?0:"+"===o[0]?p:-p}function sp(t,e){var o,b;return e._isUTC?(o=e.clone(),b=(g(t)||a(t)?t.valueOf():Go(t).valueOf())-o.valueOf(),o._d.setTime(o._d.valueOf()+b),p.updateOffset(o,!1),o):Go(t).local()}function lp(t){return-Math.round(t._d.getTimezoneOffset())}function dp(t,e,o){var b,n=this._offset||0;if(!this.isValid())return null!=t?this:NaN;if(null!=t){if("string"==typeof t){if(null===(t=Op(Nt,t)))return this}else Math.abs(t)<16&&!o&&(t*=60);return!this._isUTC&&e&&(b=lp(this)),this._offset=t,this._isUTC=!0,null!=b&&this.add(b,"m"),n!==t&&(!e||this._changeInProgress?xp(this,Lp(t-n,"m"),1,!1):this._changeInProgress||(this._changeInProgress=!0,p.updateOffset(this,!0),this._changeInProgress=null)),this}return this._isUTC?n:lp(this)}function Ap(t,e){return null!=t?("string"!=typeof t&&(t=-t),this.utcOffset(t,e),this):-this.utcOffset()}function up(t){return this.utcOffset(0,t)}function fp(t){return this._isUTC&&(this.utcOffset(0,t),this._isUTC=!1,t&&this.subtract(lp(this),"m")),this}function qp(){if(null!=this._tzm)this.utcOffset(this._tzm,!1,!0);else if("string"==typeof this._i){var t=Op(_t,this._i);null!=t?this.utcOffset(t):this.utcOffset(0,!0)}return this}function hp(t){return!!this.isValid()&&(t=t?Go(t).utcOffset():0,(this.utcOffset()-t)%60==0)}function Wp(){return this.utcOffset()>this.clone().month(0).utcOffset()||this.utcOffset()>this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()}function 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zp(t)?n={ms:t._milliseconds,d:t._days,M:t._months}:i(t)||!isNaN(+t)?(n={},e?n[e]=+t:n.milliseconds=+t):(M=yp.exec(t))?(o="-"===M[1]?-1:1,n={y:0,d:it(M[Ut])*o,h:it(M[Vt])*o,m:it(M[$t])*o,s:it(M[Yt])*o,ms:it(cp(1e3*M[Gt]))*o}):(M=Bp.exec(t))?(o="-"===M[1]?-1:1,n={y:Xp(M[2],o),M:Xp(M[3],o),w:Xp(M[4],o),d:Xp(M[5],o),h:Xp(M[6],o),m:Xp(M[7],o),s:Xp(M[8],o)}):null==n?n={}:"object"==typeof n&&("from"in n||"to"in n)&&(b=Np(Go(n.from),Go(n.to)),(n={}).ms=b.milliseconds,n.M=b.months),p=new Mp(n),zp(t)&&z(t,"_locale")&&(p._locale=t._locale),zp(t)&&z(t,"_isValid")&&(p._isValid=t._isValid),p}function Xp(t,e){var o=t&&parseFloat(t.replace(",","."));return(isNaN(o)?0:o)*e}function _p(t,e){var o={};return o.months=e.month()-t.month()+12*(e.year()-t.year()),t.clone().add(o.months,"M").isAfter(e)&&--o.months,o.milliseconds=+e-+t.clone().add(o.months,"M"),o}function Np(t,e){var o;return t.isValid()&&e.isValid()?(e=sp(e,t),t.isBefore(e)?o=_p(t,e):((o=_p(e,t)).milliseconds=-o.milliseconds,o.months=-o.months),o):{milliseconds:0,months:0}}function wp(t,e){return function(o,p){var b;return null===p||isNaN(+p)||(L(e,"moment()."+e+"(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()."+e+"(number, period). See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/add-inverted-param/ for more info."),b=o,o=p,p=b),xp(this,Lp(o,p),t),this}}function xp(t,e,o,b){var n=e._milliseconds,M=cp(e._days),z=cp(e._months);t.isValid()&&(b=null==b||b,z&&re(t,Ot(t,"Month")+z*o),M&&st(t,"Date",Ot(t,"Date")+M*o),n&&t._d.setTime(t._d.valueOf()+n*o),b&&p.updateOffset(t,M||z))}Lp.fn=Mp.prototype,Lp.invalid=np;var Tp=wp(1,"add"),Cp=wp(-1,"subtract");function Sp(t){return"string"==typeof t||t instanceof String}function kp(t){return g(t)||a(t)||Sp(t)||i(t)||Dp(t)||Ep(t)||null==t}function Ep(t){var e,o,p=M(t)&&!c(t),b=!1,n=["years","year","y","months","month","M","days","day","d","dates","date","D","hours","hour","h","minutes","minute","m","seconds","second","s","milliseconds","millisecond","ms"],r=n.length;for(e=0;e<r;e+=1)o=n[e],b=b||z(t,o);return p&&b}function Dp(t){var e=n(t),o=!1;return e&&(o=0===t.filter((function(e){return!i(e)&&Sp(t)})).length),e&&o}function Pp(t){var e,o,p=M(t)&&!c(t),b=!1,n=["sameDay","nextDay","lastDay","nextWeek","lastWeek","sameElse"];for(e=0;e<n.length;e+=1)o=n[e],b=b||z(t,o);return p&&b}function jp(t,e){var o=t.diff(e,"days",!0);return o<-6?"sameElse":o<-1?"lastWeek":o<0?"lastDay":o<1?"sameDay":o<2?"nextDay":o<7?"nextWeek":"sameElse"}function Ip(t,e){1===arguments.length&&(arguments[0]?kp(arguments[0])?(t=arguments[0],e=void 0):Pp(arguments[0])&&(e=arguments[0],t=void 0):(t=void 0,e=void 0));var o=t||Go(),b=sp(o,this).startOf("day"),n=p.calendarFormat(this,b)||"sameElse",M=e&&(X(e[n])?e[n].call(this,o):e[n]);return this.format(M||this.localeData().calendar(n,this,Go(o)))}function Fp(){return new m(this)}function Hp(t,e){var o=g(t)?t:Go(t);return!(!this.isValid()||!o.isValid())&&("millisecond"===(e=pt(e)||"millisecond")?this.valueOf()>o.valueOf():o.valueOf()<this.clone().startOf(e).valueOf())}function Up(t,e){var o=g(t)?t:Go(t);return!(!this.isValid()||!o.isValid())&&("millisecond"===(e=pt(e)||"millisecond")?this.valueOf()<o.valueOf():this.clone().endOf(e).valueOf()<o.valueOf())}function Vp(t,e,o,p){var b=g(t)?t:Go(t),n=g(e)?e:Go(e);return!!(this.isValid()&&b.isValid()&&n.isValid())&&("("===(p=p||"()")[0]?this.isAfter(b,o):!this.isBefore(b,o))&&(")"===p[1]?this.isBefore(n,o):!this.isAfter(n,o))}function $p(t,e){var o,p=g(t)?t:Go(t);return!(!this.isValid()||!p.isValid())&&("millisecond"===(e=pt(e)||"millisecond")?this.valueOf()===p.valueOf():(o=p.valueOf(),this.clone().startOf(e).valueOf()<=o&&o<=this.clone().endOf(e).valueOf()))}function Yp(t,e){return this.isSame(t,e)||this.isAfter(t,e)}function Gp(t,e){return this.isSame(t,e)||this.isBefore(t,e)}function Jp(t,e,o){var p,b,n;if(!this.isValid())return NaN;if(!(p=sp(t,this)).isValid())return NaN;switch(b=6e4*(p.utcOffset()-this.utcOffset()),e=pt(e)){case"year":n=Kp(this,p)/12;break;case"month":n=Kp(this,p);break;case"quarter":n=Kp(this,p)/3;break;case"second":n=(this-p)/1e3;break;case"minute":n=(this-p)/6e4;break;case"hour":n=(this-p)/36e5;break;case"day":n=(this-p-b)/864e5;break;case"week":n=(this-p-b)/6048e5;break;default:n=this-p}return o?n:rt(n)}function Kp(t,e){if(t.date()<e.date())return-Kp(e,t);var o=12*(e.year()-t.year())+(e.month()-t.month()),p=t.clone().add(o,"months");return-(o+(e-p<0?(e-p)/(p-t.clone().add(o-1,"months")):(e-p)/(t.clone().add(o+1,"months")-p)))||0}function Qp(){return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ")}function Zp(t){if(!this.isValid())return null;var e=!0!==t,o=e?this.clone().utc():this;return o.year()<0||o.year()>9999?F(o,e?"YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]":"YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"):X(Date.prototype.toISOString)?e?this.toDate().toISOString():new Date(this.valueOf()+60*this.utcOffset()*1e3).toISOString().replace("Z",F(o,"Z")):F(o,e?"YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]":"YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ")}function tb(){if(!this.isValid())return"moment.invalid(/* "+this._i+" */)";var t,e,o,p,b="moment",n="";return this.isLocal()||(b=0===this.utcOffset()?"moment.utc":"moment.parseZone",n="Z"),t="["+b+'("]',e=0<=this.year()&&this.year()<=9999?"YYYY":"YYYYYY",o="-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS",p=n+'[")]',this.format(t+e+o+p)}function eb(t){t||(t=this.isUtc()?p.defaultFormatUtc:p.defaultFormat);var e=F(this,t);return this.localeData().postformat(e)}function ob(t,e){return this.isValid()&&(g(t)&&t.isValid()||Go(t).isValid())?Lp({to:this,from:t}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!e):this.localeData().invalidDate()}function pb(t){return this.from(Go(),t)}function bb(t,e){return this.isValid()&&(g(t)&&t.isValid()||Go(t).isValid())?Lp({from:this,to:t}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!e):this.localeData().invalidDate()}function nb(t){return this.to(Go(),t)}function Mb(t){var e;return void 0===t?this._locale._abbr:(null!=(e=fo(t))&&(this._locale=e),this)}p.defaultFormat="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ",p.defaultFormatUtc="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]";var zb=R("moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.",(function(t){return void 0===t?this.localeData():this.locale(t)}));function cb(){return this._locale}var rb=1e3,ib=60*rb,ab=60*ib,Ob=3506328*ab;function sb(t,e){return(t%e+e)%e}function lb(t,e,o){return t<100&&t>=0?new Date(t+400,e,o)-Ob:new Date(t,e,o).valueOf()}function db(t,e,o){return t<100&&t>=0?Date.UTC(t+400,e,o)-Ob:Date.UTC(t,e,o)}function Ab(t){var e,o;if(void 0===(t=pt(t))||"millisecond"===t||!this.isValid())return 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t=this;return{years:t.year(),months:t.month(),date:t.date(),hours:t.hours(),minutes:t.minutes(),seconds:t.seconds(),milliseconds:t.milliseconds()}}function gb(){return this.isValid()?this.toISOString():null}function vb(){return u(this)}function Rb(){return s({},A(this))}function yb(){return A(this).overflow}function Bb(){return{input:this._i,format:this._f,locale:this._locale,isUTC:this._isUTC,strict:this._strict}}function Lb(t,e){var o,b,n,M=this._eras||fo("en")._eras;for(o=0,b=M.length;o<b;++o)switch("string"==typeof M[o].since&&(n=p(M[o].since).startOf("day"),M[o].since=n.valueOf()),typeof M[o].until){case"undefined":M[o].until=1/0;break;case"string":n=p(M[o].until).startOf("day").valueOf(),M[o].until=n.valueOf()}return M}function Xb(t,e,o){var p,b,n,M,z,c=this.eras();for(t=t.toUpperCase(),p=0,b=c.length;p<b;++p)if(n=c[p].name.toUpperCase(),M=c[p].abbr.toUpperCase(),z=c[p].narrow.toUpperCase(),o)switch(e){case"N":case"NN":case"NNN":if(M===t)return c[p];break;case"NNNN":if(n===t)return c[p];break;case"NNNNN":if(z===t)return c[p]}else if([n,M,z].indexOf(t)>=0)return c[p]}function _b(t,e){var o=t.since<=t.until?1:-1;return void 0===e?p(t.since).year():p(t.since).year()+(e-t.offset)*o}function Nb(){var t,e,o,p=this.localeData().eras();for(t=0,e=p.length;t<e;++t){if(o=this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(),p[t].since<=o&&o<=p[t].until)return p[t].name;if(p[t].until<=o&&o<=p[t].since)return p[t].name}return""}function wb(){var t,e,o,p=this.localeData().eras();for(t=0,e=p.length;t<e;++t){if(o=this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(),p[t].since<=o&&o<=p[t].until)return p[t].narrow;if(p[t].until<=o&&o<=p[t].since)return p[t].narrow}return""}function xb(){var t,e,o,p=this.localeData().eras();for(t=0,e=p.length;t<e;++t){if(o=this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(),p[t].since<=o&&o<=p[t].until)return p[t].abbr;if(p[t].until<=o&&o<=p[t].since)return p[t].abbr}return""}function Tb(){var t,e,o,b,n=this.localeData().eras();for(t=0,e=n.length;t<e;++t)if(o=n[t].since<=n[t].until?1:-1,b=this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(),n[t].since<=b&&b<=n[t].until||n[t].until<=b&&b<=n[t].since)return(this.year()-p(n[t].since).year())*o+n[t].offset;return this.year()}function Cb(t){return z(this,"_erasNameRegex")||Ib.call(this),t?this._erasNameRegex:this._erasRegex}function Sb(t){return z(this,"_erasAbbrRegex")||Ib.call(this),t?this._erasAbbrRegex:this._erasRegex}function kb(t){return z(this,"_erasNarrowRegex")||Ib.call(this),t?this._erasNarrowRegex:this._erasRegex}function Eb(t,e){return e.erasAbbrRegex(t)}function Db(t,e){return e.erasNameRegex(t)}function Pb(t,e){return e.erasNarrowRegex(t)}function jb(t,e){return e._eraYearOrdinalRegex||Lt}function Ib(){var t,e,o=[],p=[],b=[],n=[],M=this.eras();for(t=0,e=M.length;t<e;++t)p.push(kt(M[t].name)),o.push(kt(M[t].abbr)),b.push(kt(M[t].narrow)),n.push(kt(M[t].name)),n.push(kt(M[t].abbr)),n.push(kt(M[t].narrow));this._erasRegex=new RegExp("^("+n.join("|")+")","i"),this._erasNameRegex=new RegExp("^("+p.join("|")+")","i"),this._erasAbbrRegex=new RegExp("^("+o.join("|")+")","i"),this._erasNarrowRegex=new RegExp("^("+b.join("|")+")","i")}function Fb(t,e){P(0,[t,t.length],0,e)}function Hb(t){return Jb.call(this,t,this.week(),this.weekday(),this.localeData()._week.dow,this.localeData()._week.doy)}function Ub(t){return Jb.call(this,t,this.isoWeek(),this.isoWeekday(),1,4)}function Vb(){return ge(this.year(),1,4)}function $b(){return ge(this.isoWeekYear(),1,4)}function Yb(){var t=this.localeData()._week;return ge(this.year(),t.dow,t.doy)}function Gb(){var t=this.localeData()._week;return ge(this.weekYear(),t.dow,t.doy)}function Jb(t,e,o,p,b){var n;return null==t?me(this,p,b).year:(e>(n=ge(t,p,b))&&(e=n),Kb.call(this,t,e,o,p,b))}function Kb(t,e,o,p,b){var n=We(t,e,o,p,b),M=qe(n.year,0,n.dayOfYear);return this.year(M.getUTCFullYear()),this.month(M.getUTCMonth()),this.date(M.getUTCDate()),this}function Qb(t){return null==t?Math.ceil((this.month()+1)/3):this.month(3*(t-1)+this.month()%3)}P("N",0,0,"eraAbbr"),P("NN",0,0,"eraAbbr"),P("NNN",0,0,"eraAbbr"),P("NNNN",0,0,"eraName"),P("NNNNN",0,0,"eraNarrow"),P("y",["y",1],"yo","eraYear"),P("y",["yy",2],0,"eraYear"),P("y",["yyy",3],0,"eraYear"),P("y",["yyyy",4],0,"eraYear"),Tt("N",Eb),Tt("NN",Eb),Tt("NNN",Eb),Tt("NNNN",Db),Tt("NNNNN",Pb),Dt(["N","NN","NNN","NNNN","NNNNN"],(function(t,e,o,p){var b=o._locale.erasParse(t,p,o._strict);b?A(o).era=b:A(o).invalidEra=t})),Tt("y",Lt),Tt("yy",Lt),Tt("yyy",Lt),Tt("yyyy",Lt),Tt("yo",jb),Dt(["y","yy","yyy","yyyy"],Ft),Dt(["yo"],(function(t,e,o,p){var b;o._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex&&(b=t.match(o._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex)),o._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse?e[Ft]=o._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse(t,b):e[Ft]=parseInt(t,10)})),P(0,["gg",2],0,(function(){return this.weekYear()%100})),P(0,["GG",2],0,(function(){return 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Symbol&&null!=Symbol.for&&(cn[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]=function(){return"Moment<"+this.format()+">"}),cn.toJSON=gb,cn.toString=Qp,cn.unix=qb,cn.valueOf=fb,cn.creationData=Bb,cn.eraName=Nb,cn.eraNarrow=wb,cn.eraAbbr=xb,cn.eraYear=Tb,cn.year=Ae,cn.isLeapYear=ue,cn.weekYear=Hb,cn.isoWeekYear=Ub,cn.quarter=cn.quarters=Qb,cn.month=ie,cn.daysInMonth=ae,cn.week=cn.weeks=Le,cn.isoWeek=cn.isoWeeks=Xe,cn.weeksInYear=Yb,cn.weeksInWeekYear=Gb,cn.isoWeeksInYear=Vb,cn.isoWeeksInISOWeekYear=$b,cn.date=Zb,cn.day=cn.days=He,cn.weekday=Ue,cn.isoWeekday=Ve,cn.dayOfYear=tn,cn.hour=cn.hours=po,cn.minute=cn.minutes=en,cn.second=cn.seconds=bn,cn.millisecond=cn.milliseconds=pn,cn.utcOffset=dp,cn.utc=up,cn.local=fp,cn.parseZone=qp,cn.hasAlignedHourOffset=hp,cn.isDST=Wp,cn.isLocal=gp,cn.isUtcOffset=vp,cn.isUtc=Rp,cn.isUTC=Rp,cn.zoneAbbr=Mn,cn.zoneName=zn,cn.dates=R("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.",Zb),cn.months=R("months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead",ie),cn.years=R("years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead",Ae),cn.zone=R("moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/zone/",Ap),cn.isDSTShifted=R("isDSTShifted is deprecated. See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/dst-shifted/ for more information",mp);var sn=w.prototype;function ln(t,e,o,p){var b=fo(),n=l().set(p,e);return b[o](n,t)}function dn(t,e,o){if(i(t)&&(e=t,t=void 0),t=t||"",null!=e)return ln(t,e,o,"month");var p,b=[];for(p=0;p<12;p++)b[p]=ln(t,p,o,"month");return b}function An(t,e,o,p){"boolean"==typeof t?(i(e)&&(o=e,e=void 0),e=e||""):(o=e=t,t=!1,i(e)&&(o=e,e=void 0),e=e||"");var b,n=fo(),M=t?n._week.dow:0,z=[];if(null!=o)return ln(e,(o+M)%7,p,"day");for(b=0;b<7;b++)z[b]=ln(e,(b+M)%7,p,"day");return z}function un(t,e){return dn(t,e,"months")}function fn(t,e){return dn(t,e,"monthsShort")}function qn(t,e,o){return An(t,e,o,"weekdays")}function hn(t,e,o){return An(t,e,o,"weekdaysShort")}function Wn(t,e,o){return An(t,e,o,"weekdaysMin")}sn.calendar=T,sn.longDateFormat=V,sn.invalidDate=Y,sn.ordinal=K,sn.preparse=On,sn.postformat=On,sn.relativeTime=Z,sn.pastFuture=tt,sn.set=_,sn.eras=Lb,sn.erasParse=Xb,sn.erasConvertYear=_b,sn.erasAbbrRegex=Sb,sn.erasNameRegex=Cb,sn.erasNarrowRegex=kb,sn.months=ne,sn.monthsShort=Me,sn.monthsParse=ce,sn.monthsRegex=se,sn.monthsShortRegex=Oe,sn.week=ve,sn.firstDayOfYear=Be,sn.firstDayOfWeek=ye,sn.weekdays=De,sn.weekdaysMin=je,sn.weekdaysShort=Pe,sn.weekdaysParse=Fe,sn.weekdaysRegex=$e,sn.weekdaysShortRegex=Ye,sn.weekdaysMinRegex=Ge,sn.isPM=eo,sn.meridiem=bo,lo("en",{eras:[{since:"0001-01-01",until:1/0,offset:1,name:"Anno Domini",narrow:"AD",abbr:"AD"},{since:"0000-12-31",until:-1/0,offset:1,name:"Before Christ",narrow:"BC",abbr:"BC"}],dayOfMonthOrdinalParse:/\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,ordinal:function(t){var e=t%10;return t+(1===it(t%100/10)?"th":1===e?"st":2===e?"nd":3===e?"rd":"th")}}),p.lang=R("moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.",lo),p.langData=R("moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.",fo);var mn=Math.abs;function gn(){var t=this._data;return this._milliseconds=mn(this._milliseconds),this._days=mn(this._days),this._months=mn(this._months),t.milliseconds=mn(t.milliseconds),t.seconds=mn(t.seconds),t.minutes=mn(t.minutes),t.hours=mn(t.hours),t.months=mn(t.months),t.years=mn(t.years),this}function vn(t,e,o,p){var b=Lp(e,o);return t._milliseconds+=p*b._milliseconds,t._days+=p*b._days,t._months+=p*b._months,t._bubble()}function Rn(t,e){return vn(this,t,e,1)}function yn(t,e){return vn(this,t,e,-1)}function Bn(t){return t<0?Math.floor(t):Math.ceil(t)}function Ln(){var t,e,o,p,b,n=this._milliseconds,M=this._days,z=this._months,c=this._data;return n>=0&&M>=0&&z>=0||n<=0&&M<=0&&z<=0||(n+=864e5*Bn(_n(z)+M),M=0,z=0),c.milliseconds=n%1e3,t=rt(n/1e3),c.seconds=t%60,e=rt(t/60),c.minutes=e%60,o=rt(e/60),c.hours=o%24,M+=rt(o/24),z+=b=rt(Xn(M)),M-=Bn(_n(b)),p=rt(z/12),z%=12,c.days=M,c.months=z,c.years=p,this}function Xn(t){return 4800*t/146097}function _n(t){return 146097*t/4800}function Nn(t){if(!this.isValid())return NaN;var e,o,p=this._milliseconds;if("month"===(t=pt(t))||"quarter"===t||"year"===t)switch(e=this._days+p/864e5,o=this._months+Xn(e),t){case"month":return o;case"quarter":return o/3;case"year":return o/12}else switch(e=this._days+Math.round(_n(this._months)),t){case"week":return e/7+p/6048e5;case"day":return e+p/864e5;case"hour":return 24*e+p/36e5;case"minute":return 1440*e+p/6e4;case"second":return 86400*e+p/1e3;case"millisecond":return Math.floor(864e5*e)+p;default:throw new Error("Unknown unit "+t)}}function wn(){return this.isValid()?this._milliseconds+864e5*this._days+this._months%12*2592e6+31536e6*it(this._months/12):NaN}function xn(t){return function(){return this.as(t)}}var Tn=xn("ms"),Cn=xn("s"),Sn=xn("m"),kn=xn("h"),En=xn("d"),Dn=xn("w"),Pn=xn("M"),jn=xn("Q"),In=xn("y");function Fn(){return Lp(this)}function Hn(t){return t=pt(t),this.isValid()?this[t+"s"]():NaN}function Un(t){return function(){return this.isValid()?this._data[t]:NaN}}var Vn=Un("milliseconds"),$n=Un("seconds"),Yn=Un("minutes"),Gn=Un("hours"),Jn=Un("days"),Kn=Un("months"),Qn=Un("years");function Zn(){return rt(this.days()/7)}var tM=Math.round,eM={ss:44,s:45,m:45,h:22,d:26,w:null,M:11};function oM(t,e,o,p,b){return b.relativeTime(e||1,!!o,t,p)}function pM(t,e,o,p){var b=Lp(t).abs(),n=tM(b.as("s")),M=tM(b.as("m")),z=tM(b.as("h")),c=tM(b.as("d")),r=tM(b.as("M")),i=tM(b.as("w")),a=tM(b.as("y")),O=n<=o.ss&&["s",n]||n<o.s&&["ss",n]||M<=1&&["m"]||M<o.m&&["mm",M]||z<=1&&["h"]||z<o.h&&["hh",z]||c<=1&&["d"]||c<o.d&&["dd",c];return null!=o.w&&(O=O||i<=1&&["w"]||i<o.w&&["ww",i]),(O=O||r<=1&&["M"]||r<o.M&&["MM",r]||a<=1&&["y"]||["yy",a])[2]=e,O[3]=+t>0,O[4]=p,oM.apply(null,O)}function bM(t){return void 0===t?tM:"function"==typeof t&&(tM=t,!0)}function nM(t,e){return void 0!==eM[t]&&(void 0===e?eM[t]:(eM[t]=e,"s"===t&&(eM.ss=e-1),!0))}function MM(t,e){if(!this.isValid())return this.localeData().invalidDate();var o,p,b=!1,n=eM;return"object"==typeof t&&(e=t,t=!1),"boolean"==typeof t&&(b=t),"object"==typeof e&&(n=Object.assign({},eM,e),null!=e.s&&null==e.ss&&(n.ss=e.s-1)),p=pM(this,!b,n,o=this.localeData()),b&&(p=o.pastFuture(+this,p)),o.postformat(p)}var zM=Math.abs;function cM(t){return(t>0)-(t<0)||+t}function rM(){if(!this.isValid())return this.localeData().invalidDate();var t,e,o,p,b,n,M,z,c=zM(this._milliseconds)/1e3,r=zM(this._days),i=zM(this._months),a=this.asSeconds();return a?(t=rt(c/60),e=rt(t/60),c%=60,t%=60,o=rt(i/12),i%=12,p=c?c.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/,""):"",b=a<0?"-":"",n=cM(this._months)!==cM(a)?"-":"",M=cM(this._days)!==cM(a)?"-":"",z=cM(this._milliseconds)!==cM(a)?"-":"",b+"P"+(o?n+o+"Y":"")+(i?n+i+"M":"")+(r?M+r+"D":"")+(e||t||c?"T":"")+(e?z+e+"H":"")+(t?z+t+"M":"")+(c?z+p+"S":"")):"P0D"}var iM=Mp.prototype;return iM.isValid=bp,iM.abs=gn,iM.add=Rn,iM.subtract=yn,iM.as=Nn,iM.asMilliseconds=Tn,iM.asSeconds=Cn,iM.asMinutes=Sn,iM.asHours=kn,iM.asDays=En,iM.asWeeks=Dn,iM.asMonths=Pn,iM.asQuarters=jn,iM.asYears=In,iM.valueOf=wn,iM._bubble=Ln,iM.clone=Fn,iM.get=Hn,iM.milliseconds=Vn,iM.seconds=$n,iM.minutes=Yn,iM.hours=Gn,iM.days=Jn,iM.weeks=Zn,iM.months=Kn,iM.years=Qn,iM.humanize=MM,iM.toISOString=rM,iM.toString=rM,iM.toJSON=rM,iM.locale=Mb,iM.localeData=cb,iM.toIsoString=R("toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)",rM),iM.lang=zb,P("X",0,0,"unix"),P("x",0,0,"valueOf"),Tt("x",Xt),Tt("X",wt),Dt("X",(function(t,e,o){o._d=new Date(1e3*parseFloat(t))})),Dt("x",(function(t,e,o){o._d=new Date(it(t))})),p.version="2.29.4",b(Go),p.fn=cn,p.min=Zo,p.max=tp,p.now=ep,p.utc=l,p.unix=rn,p.months=un,p.isDate=a,p.locale=lo,p.invalid=f,p.duration=Lp,p.isMoment=g,p.weekdays=qn,p.parseZone=an,p.localeData=fo,p.isDuration=zp,p.monthsShort=fn,p.weekdaysMin=Wn,p.defineLocale=Ao,p.updateLocale=uo,p.locales=qo,p.weekdaysShort=hn,p.normalizeUnits=pt,p.relativeTimeRounding=bM,p.relativeTimeThreshold=nM,p.calendarFormat=jp,p.prototype=cn,p.HTML5_FMT={DATETIME_LOCAL:"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm",DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS:"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss",DATETIME_LOCAL_MS:"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS",DATE:"YYYY-MM-DD",TIME:"HH:mm",TIME_SECONDS:"HH:mm:ss",TIME_MS:"HH:mm:ss.SSS",WEEK:"GGGG-[W]WW",MONTH:"YYYY-MM"},p}()},539:function(t,e){var o,p,b;!function(n,M){"use strict";p=[],void 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bK.C b0 a0 a0 b0 a0 a0 a0 90|01234256565656565656565656565656565678989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898989898|-48Pzs.L 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MN0 2jz0 MN0 4lX0 u10 5Lb0 1pB0 Fnz0 u10 uL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 17z0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 asn0 Db0 zvd0 Bz0 1tB0 TX0 1wp0 Rb0 1wp0 Rb0 1wp0 TX0 rlB0 7B0 8zb0 uL0|","America/Argentina/Salta|LMT CMT -04 -03 -02|4l.E 4g.M 40 30 20|0123232323232323232323232323232323232323232343434342434343|-331TC.k 125bT.8 pKnH.c Mn0 1iN0 Tb0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 Mn0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 Mn0 MN0 2jz0 MN0 4lX0 u10 5Lb0 1pB0 Fnz0 u10 uL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 17z0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 asn0 Db0 zvd0 Bz0 1tB0 TX0 1wp0 Rb0 1wq0 Ra0 1wp0 TX0 A4p0 uL0|","America/Argentina/San_Juan|LMT CMT -04 -03 -02|4y.4 4g.M 40 30 20|0123232323232323232323232323232323232323232343434342343432343|-331Tp.U 125bG.I pKnH.c Mn0 1iN0 Tb0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 Mn0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 Mn0 MN0 2jz0 MN0 4lX0 u10 5Lb0 1pB0 Fnz0 u10 uL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 17z0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 asn0 Db0 zvd0 Bz0 1tB0 TX0 1wp0 Qn0 qO0 16n0 Rb0 1wp0 TX0 rld0 m10 8lb0 uL0|","America/Argentina/San_Luis|LMT CMT -04 -03 -02|4p.o 4g.M 40 30 20|0123232323232323232323232323232323232323232343434232323432323|-331Ty.A 125bP.o pKnH.c Mn0 1iN0 Tb0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 Mn0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 Mn0 MN0 2jz0 MN0 4lX0 u10 5Lb0 1pB0 Fnz0 u10 uL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 17z0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 asn0 Db0 zvd0 Bz0 1tB0 XX0 1q20 SL0 AN0 vDb0 m10 8lb0 8L0 jd0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0|","America/Argentina/Tucuman|LMT CMT -04 -03 -02|4k.Q 4g.M 40 30 20|01232323232323232323232323232323232323232323434343424343234343|-331TD.8 125bT.U pKnH.c Mn0 1iN0 Tb0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 Mn0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 Mn0 MN0 2jz0 MN0 4lX0 u10 5Lb0 1pB0 Fnz0 u10 uL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 SL0 1vd0 17z0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 asn0 Db0 zvd0 Bz0 1tB0 TX0 1wp0 Rb0 1wq0 Ra0 1wp0 TX0 rlB0 4N0 8BX0 uL0 1qN0 WL0|","America/Argentina/Ushuaia|LMT CMT -04 -03 -02|4x.c 4g.M 40 30 20|012323232323232323232323232323232323232323234343434343432343|-331Tq.M 125bH.A pKnH.c Mn0 1iN0 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30|0123232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323|-3eLw9.k 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50|012121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121213412121212121212121212121212121212121212121215151|-2kBu7.c fPA7.c Onu 1zcu Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Rbu Rcu 7Bt0 Ni0 4nd0 Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Rbu 1wou Rbu 1wou Rbu 1zcu Onu e9Au qn0 lxB0 mn0|57e3","America/Boa_Vista|LMT -04 -03|42.E 40 30|0121212121212121212121212121212121|-2glvV.k HdKV.k 1cc0 1e10 1bX0 Ezd0 So0 1vA0 Mn0 1BB0 ML0 1BB0 zX0 qe10 xb0 2ep0 nz0 1C10 zX0 1C10 LX0 1C10 Mn0 H210 Rb0 1tB0 IL0 1Fd0 FX0 smp0 WL0 1tB0 2L0|62e2","America/Bogota|LMT BMT -05 -04|4U.g 4U.g 50 40|01232|-3sTv3.I 1eIo0 38yo3.I 2en0|90e5","America/Boise|LMT PST PDT MST MWT MPT MDT|7I.N 80 70 70 60 60 60|01212134536363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363|-3tFE0 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MJc0 fJAh.f 5knG.J 1Vzh.f jRAG.J 1pbh.f 11d0 1oL0 11d0 1oL0 11d0 1oL0 11d0 1pb0 11d0 nHX0 op0 9Bz0 hX0 1q10 ko0 Qeo0 WL0 1zd0 On0 1ip0 11z0 1o10 11z0 1qN0 WL0 1ld0 14n0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 11z0 1o10 11z0 1o10 11z0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 11z0 1o10 11z0 1o10 11z0 1o10 11z0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 1cL0 1cN0 11z0 1o10 11z0 1qN0 WL0 1fB0 19X0 1qN0 11z0 1o10 11z0 1o10 11z0 1o10 11z0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 17b0 1ip0 11z0 1ip0 1fz0 1fB0 11z0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 11z0 1o10 11z0 1o10 11z0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 17b0 1ip0 11z0 1o10 19X0 1fB0 1nX0 G10 1EL0 Op0 1zb0 Rd0 1wn0 Rd0 46n0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0 1Nb0 Ap0 1zb0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 14p0 1lb0 11B0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 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11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 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Rb0 1zd0 Lz0 1C10 Lz0 1C10 On0 1zd0 On0 1zd0 On0 1zd0 On0 1HB0 FX0|20e6","America/Scoresbysund|LMT -02 -01 +00|1r.Q 20 10 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2z5ew.8 1a00 1cK0 1cL0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 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11A0 1o00|452","America/Sitka|LMT LMT PST PWT PPT PDT YST AKST AKDT|-eW.L 91.d 80 70 70 70 90 90 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1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|41e5","Asia/Almaty|LMT +05 +06 +07|-57.M -50 -60 -70|012323232323232323232321232323232323232323232323232|-1Pc57.M eUo7.M 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0|15e5","Asia/Amman|LMT EET EEST +03|-2n.I -20 -30 -30|0121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212123|-1yW2n.I 1HiMn.I KL0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1pd0 1dz0 1cp0 11b0 1op0 11b0 fO10 1db0 1e10 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 1pd0 10n0 1ld0 14n0 1hB0 15b0 1ip0 19X0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 17b0 1ld0 14o0 1lc0 17c0 1io0 17c0 1io0 17c0 1So0 y00 1fc0 1dc0 1co0 1dc0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1o00 11A0 1lc0 17c0 1cM0 1cM0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 4bX0 Dd0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 LA0 1C00|25e5","Asia/Anadyr|LMT +12 +13 +14 +11|-bN.U -c0 -d0 -e0 -b0|01232121212121212121214121212121212121212121212121212121212141|-1PcbN.U eUnN.U 23CL0 1db0 2q10 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 2sp0 WM0|13e3","Asia/Aqtau|LMT +04 +05 +06|-3l.4 -40 -50 -60|012323232323232323232123232312121212121212121212|-1Pc3l.4 eUnl.4 24PX0 2pX0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cN0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0|15e4","Asia/Aqtobe|LMT +04 +05 +06|-3M.E -40 -50 -60|0123232323232323232321232323232323232323232323232|-1Pc3M.E eUnM.E 23CL0 3Db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0|27e4","Asia/Ashgabat|LMT +04 +05 +06|-3R.w -40 -50 -60|0123232323232323232323212|-1Pc3R.w eUnR.w 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0|41e4","Asia/Atyrau|LMT +03 +05 +06 +04|-3r.I -30 -50 -60 -40|01232323232323232323242323232323232324242424242|-1Pc3r.I eUor.I 24PW0 2pX0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 2sp0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0|","Asia/Baghdad|LMT BMT +03 +04|-2V.E -2V.A -30 -40|0123232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-3eLCV.E 18ao0.4 2ACnV.A 11b0 1cp0 1dz0 1dd0 1db0 1cN0 1cp0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1de0 1dc0 1dc0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1dc0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1dc0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1dc0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0 1cM0 1dc0|66e5","Asia/Qatar|LMT +04 +03|-3q.8 -40 -30|012|-21Jfq.8 27BXq.8|96e4","Asia/Baku|LMT +03 +04 +05|-3j.o -30 -40 -50|01232323232323232323232123232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-1Pc3j.o 1jUoj.o WCL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 1cM0 9Je0 1o00 11z0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|27e5","Asia/Bangkok|LMT BMT +07|-6G.4 -6G.4 -70|012|-3D8SG.4 1C000|15e6","Asia/Barnaul|LMT +06 +07 +08|-5z -60 -70 -80|0123232323232323232323212323232321212121212121212121212121212121212|-21S5z pCnz 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 p90 LE0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3rd0|","Asia/Beirut|LMT EET EEST|-2m -20 -30|0121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121|-3D8Om 1BWom 1on0 1410 1db0 19B0 1in0 1ip0 WL0 1lQp0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1pd0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 q6N0 En0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1pd0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1op0 11b0 dA10 17b0 1iN0 17b0 1iN0 17b0 1iN0 17b0 1vB0 SL0 1mp0 13z0 1iN0 17b0 1iN0 17b0 1jd0 12n0 1a10 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1fB0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 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11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0|22e5","Asia/Bishkek|LMT +05 +06 +07|-4W.o -50 -60 -70|012323232323232323232321212121212121212121212121212|-1Pc4W.o eUnW.o 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2e00 1tX0 17b0 1ip0 17b0 1ip0 17b0 1ip0 17b0 1ip0 19X0 1cPu 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0|87e4","Asia/Brunei|LMT +0730 +08 +0820 +09|-7l.k -7u -80 -8k -90|0123232323232323242|-1KITl.k gDbP.k 6ynu AnE 1O0k AnE 1NAk AnE 1NAk AnE 1NAk AnE 1O0k AnE 1NAk AnE pAk 8Fz0|42e4","Asia/Kolkata|LMT HMT MMT IST +0630|-5R.s -5R.k -5l.a -5u -6u|01234343|-4Fg5R.s BKo0.8 1rDcw.a 1r2LP.a 1un0 HB0 7zX0|15e6","Asia/Chita|LMT +08 +09 +10|-7x.Q -80 -90 -a0|012323232323232323232321232323232323232323232323232323232323232312|-21Q7x.Q pAnx.Q 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3re0|33e4","Asia/Choibalsan|LMT +07 +08 +10 +09|-7C -70 -80 -a0 -90|0123434343434343434343434343434343434343434343424242|-2APHC 2UkoC cKn0 1da0 1dd0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1fB0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 6hD0 11z0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 3Db0 h1f0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0|38e3","Asia/Shanghai|LMT CST CDT|-85.H -80 -90|012121212121212121212121212121|-2M0U5.H Iuo5.H 18n0 OjB0 Rz0 11d0 1wL0 A10 8HX0 1G10 Tz0 1ip0 1jX0 1cN0 11b0 1oN0 aL0 1tU30 Rb0 1o10 11z0 1qN0 WL0 1qN0 11z0 1o10 11z0 1o10 11z0|23e6","Asia/Colombo|LMT MMT +0530 +06 +0630|-5j.o -5j.w -5u -60 -6u|012342432|-3D8Rj.o 13inX.Q 1rFbN.w 1zzu 7Apu 23dz0 11zu n3cu|22e5","Asia/Dhaka|LMT HMT +0630 +0530 +06 +07|-61.E -5R.k -6u -5u -60 -70|01232454|-3eLG1.E 26008.k 1unn.k HB0 m6n0 2kxbu 1i00|16e6","Asia/Damascus|LMT EET EEST +03|-2p.c -20 -30 -30|01212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212123|-21Jep.c Hep.c 17b0 1ip0 17b0 1ip0 17b0 1ip0 19X0 1xRB0 11X0 1oN0 10L0 1pB0 11b0 1oN0 10L0 1mp0 13X0 1oN0 11b0 1pd0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1pd0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1pd0 11b0 1oN0 Nb0 1AN0 Nb0 bcp0 19X0 1gp0 19X0 3ld0 1xX0 Vd0 1Bz0 Sp0 1vX0 10p0 1dz0 1cN0 1cL0 1db0 1db0 1g10 1an0 1ap0 1db0 1fd0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1db0 1cp0 1dz0 1c10 1dX0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 19z0 1fB0 1qL0 11B0 1on0 Wp0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0|26e5","Asia/Dili|LMT +08 +09|-8m.k -80 -90|01212|-2le8m.k 1dnXm.k 1nfA0 Xld0|19e4","Asia/Dubai|LMT +04|-3F.c -40|01|-21JfF.c|39e5","Asia/Dushanbe|LMT +05 +06 +07|-4z.c -50 -60 -70|012323232323232323232321|-1Pc4z.c eUnz.c 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2hB0|76e4","Asia/Famagusta|LMT EET EEST +03|-2f.M -20 -30 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WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0|18e5","Asia/Hebron|LMT EET EEST IST IDT|-2k.n -20 -30 -20 -30|012121212121212121212121212121212123434343434343434343434343434343121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121|-2MBCk.n 1Azek.n MM0 iM0 4JA0 10o0 1pA0 10M0 1pA0 16o0 1jA0 16o0 1jA0 pBa0 Vz0 1oN0 11b0 1oO0 10N0 1pz0 10N0 1pb0 10N0 1pb0 10N0 1pb0 10N0 1pz0 10N0 1pb0 10N0 1pb0 11d0 1oL0 dW0 hfB0 Db0 1fB0 Rb0 bXB0 gM0 8Q00 IM0 1wo0 TX0 1HB0 IL0 1s10 10n0 1o10 WL0 1zd0 On0 1ld0 11z0 1o10 14n0 1o10 14n0 1nd0 12n0 1nd0 Xz0 1q10 12n0 M10 C00 17c0 1io0 17c0 1io0 17c0 1o00 1cL0 1fB0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 17c0 1io0 18N0 1bz0 19z0 1gp0 1610 1iL0 12L0 1mN0 14o0 1lc0 Tb0 1xd1 MKX bB0 cn0 1cN0 1a00 1fA0 1cL0 1cN0 1nX0 1210 1nA0 1210 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11c0 1on0 11B0 1o00 11A0 1qo0 XA0 1qp0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0|25e4","Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh|LMT PLMT +07 +08 +09|-76.u -76.u -70 -80 -90|0123423232|-2yC76.u bK00 1h7b6.u 5lz0 18o0 3Oq0 k5b0 aW00 BAM0|90e5","Asia/Hong_Kong|LMT HKT HKST HKWT JST|-7A.G -80 -90 -8u -90|0123412121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121|-2CFH0 1taO0 Hc0 xUu 9tBu 11z0 1tDu Rc0 1wo0 11A0 1cM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 14o0 1o00 11A0 1nX0 U10 1tz0 U10 1wn0 Rd0 1wn0 U10 1tz0 U10 1tz0 U10 1tz0 U10 1wn0 Rd0 1wn0 Rd0 1wn0 U10 1tz0 U10 1tz0 17d0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 s10 1Vz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 6fd0 14n0|73e5","Asia/Hovd|LMT +06 +07 +08|-66.A -60 -70 -80|012323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-2APG6.A 2Uko6.A cKn0 1db0 1dd0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1fB0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 6hD0 11z0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 kEp0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0|81e3","Asia/Irkutsk|LMT IMT +07 +08 +09|-6V.5 -6V.5 -70 -80 -90|012343434343434343434343234343434343434343434343434343434343434343|-3D8SV.5 1Bxc0 pjXV.5 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|60e4","Europe/Istanbul|LMT IMT EET EEST +03 +04|-1T.Q -1U.U -20 -30 -30 -40|01232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232345423232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323234|-3D8NT.Q 1ePXW.U dzzU.U 11b0 8tB0 1on0 1410 1db0 19B0 1in0 3Rd0 Un0 1oN0 11b0 zSN0 CL0 mp0 1Vz0 1gN0 8yn0 1yp0 ML0 1kp0 17b0 1ip0 17b0 1fB0 19X0 1ip0 19X0 1ip0 17b0 qdB0 38L0 1jd0 Tz0 l6O0 11A0 WN0 1qL0 TB0 1tX0 U10 1tz0 11B0 1in0 17d0 z90 cne0 pb0 2Cp0 1800 14o0 1dc0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1a00 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WO0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 Xc0 1qo0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 1200 1nA0 11A0 1tA0 U00 15w0|13e6","Asia/Jakarta|LMT BMT +0720 +0730 +09 +08 WIB|-77.c -77.c -7k -7u -90 -80 -70|012343536|-49jH7.c 2hiLL.c luM0 mPzO 8vWu 6kpu 4PXu xhcu|31e6","Asia/Jayapura|LMT +09 +0930 WIT|-9m.M -90 -9u -90|0123|-1uu9m.M sMMm.M L4nu|26e4","Asia/Jerusalem|LMT JMT IST IDT IDDT|-2k.S -2k.E -20 -30 -40|012323232323232432323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-3D8Ok.S 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-b0|0123232323232323232323212323232323232323232323232343434343434343432|-21Q92.d pAp2.d 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 qK0 yN0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 17V0 7zD0|66e2","Asia/Krasnoyarsk|LMT +06 +07 +08|-6b.q -60 -70 -80|01232323232323232323232123232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-21Hib.q prAb.q 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|10e5","Asia/Kuala_Lumpur|LMT SMT +07 +0720 +0730 +09 +08|-6T.p -6T.p -70 -7k -7u -90 -80|01234546|-2M0ST.p aIM0 17anT.p l5XE 17bO 8Fyu 1so1u|71e5","Asia/Macau|LMT CST +09 +10 CDT|-7y.a -80 -90 -a0 -90|012323214141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141|-2CFHy.a 1uqKy.a PX0 1kn0 15B0 11b0 4Qq0 1oM0 11c0 1ko0 1u00 11A0 1cM0 11c0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1oo0 1400 1o00 11A0 1o00 U00 1tA0 U00 1wo0 Rc0 1wru U10 1tz0 U10 1tz0 U10 1tz0 U10 1wn0 Rd0 1wn0 Rd0 1wn0 U10 1tz0 U10 1tz0 17d0 1cK0 1cO0 1cK0 1cO0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 s10 1Vz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 6fd0 14n0|57e4","Asia/Magadan|LMT +10 +11 +12|-a3.c -a0 -b0 -c0|012323232323232323232321232323232323232323232323232323232323232312|-1Pca3.c eUo3.c 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3Cq0|95e3","Asia/Makassar|LMT MMT +08 +09 WITA|-7V.A -7V.A -80 -90 -80|01234|-21JjV.A vfc0 myLV.A 8ML0|15e5","Asia/Manila|LMT LMT PST PDT JST|fU -84 -80 -90 -90|01232423232|-54m84 2clc0 1vfc4 AL0 cK10 65X0 mXB0 vX0 VK10 1db0|24e6","Asia/Nicosia|LMT EET EEST|-2d.s -20 -30|01212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121|-1Vc2d.s 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11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|32e4","Asia/Novokuznetsk|LMT +06 +07 +08|-5M.M -60 -70 -80|012323232323232323232321232323232323232323232323232323232323212|-1PctM.M eULM.M 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 2sp0 WM0|55e4","Asia/Novosibirsk|LMT +06 +07 +08|-5v.E -60 -70 -80|0123232323232323232323212323212121212121212121212121212121212121212|-21Qnv.E pAFv.E 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 ml0 Os0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 4eN0|15e5","Asia/Omsk|LMT +05 +06 +07|-4R.u -50 -60 -70|01232323232323232323232123232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-224sR.u pMLR.u 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|12e5","Asia/Oral|LMT +03 +05 +06 +04|-3p.o -30 -50 -60 -40|01232323232323232424242424242424242424242424242|-1Pc3p.o eUop.o 23CK0 3Db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 2pB0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 IM0 1EM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0|27e4","Asia/Pontianak|LMT PMT +0730 +09 +08 WITA WIB|-7h.k -7h.k -7u -90 -80 -80 -70|012324256|-2ua7h.k XE00 munL.k 8Rau 6kpu 4PXu xhcu Wqnu|23e4","Asia/Pyongyang|LMT KST JST KST|-8n -8u -90 -90|012313|-2um8n 97XR 1lTzu 2Onc0 6BA0|29e5","Asia/Qostanay|LMT +04 +05 +06|-4e.s -40 -50 -60|012323232323232323232123232323232323232323232323|-1Pc4e.s eUoe.s 23CL0 3Db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0|","Asia/Qyzylorda|LMT +04 +05 +06|-4l.Q -40 -50 -60|01232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-1Pc4l.Q eUol.Q 23CL0 3Db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 3ao0 1EM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 zQl0|73e4","Asia/Rangoon|LMT RMT +0630 +09|-6o.L -6o.L -6u -90|01232|-3D8So.L 1BnA0 SmnS.L 7j9u|48e5","Asia/Sakhalin|LMT +09 +11 +12 +10|-9u.M -90 -b0 -c0 -a0|01232323232323232323232423232323232424242424242424242424242424242|-2AGVu.M 1BoMu.M 1qFa0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 2pB0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3rd0|58e4","Asia/Samarkand|LMT +04 +05 +06|-4r.R -40 -50 -60|01232323232323232323232|-1Pc4r.R eUor.R 23CL0 3Db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0|36e4","Asia/Seoul|LMT KST JST KST KDT KDT|-8r.Q -8u -90 -90 -a0 -9u|012343434343151515151515134343|-2um8r.Q 97XV.Q 1m1zu 6CM0 Fz0 1kN0 14n0 1kN0 14L0 1zd0 On0 69B0 2I0u OL0 1FB0 Rb0 1qN0 TX0 1tB0 TX0 1tB0 TX0 1tB0 TX0 2ap0 12FBu 11A0 1o00 11A0|23e6","Asia/Srednekolymsk|LMT +10 +11 +12|-ae.Q -a0 -b0 -c0|01232323232323232323232123232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-1Pcae.Q eUoe.Q 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|35e2","Asia/Taipei|LMT CST JST CDT|-86 -80 -90 -90|012131313131313131313131313131313131313131|-30bk6 1FDc6 joM0 1yo0 Tz0 1ip0 1jX0 1cN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 1oN0 11b0 10N0 1BX0 10p0 1pz0 10p0 1pz0 10p0 1db0 1dd0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1BB0 ML0 1Bd0 ML0 uq10 1db0 1cN0 1db0 97B0 AL0|74e5","Asia/Tashkent|LMT +05 +06 +07|-4B.b -50 -60 -70|012323232323232323232321|-1Pc4B.b eUnB.b 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0|23e5","Asia/Tbilisi|LMT TBMT +03 +04 +05|-2X.b -2X.b -30 -40 -50|01234343434343434343434323232343434343434343434323|-3D8OX.b 1LUM0 1jUnX.b WCL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 1cK0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 2pz0 1cL0 1fB0 3Nz0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 WN0 1qL0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 1nX0 11B0 An0 Os0 WM0|11e5","Asia/Tehran|LMT TMT +0330 +0430 +04 +05|-3p.I -3p.I -3u -4u -40 -50|012345423232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-2btDp.I Llc0 1FHaT.I 1pc0 120u Rc0 XA0 Wou JX0 1dB0 1en0 pNB0 UL0 1cN0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cN0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cN0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cN0 1dz0 64p0 1dz0 1cN0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cN0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cN0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0 1cN0 1dz0 1cp0 1dz0|14e6","Asia/Thimphu|LMT +0530 +06|-5W.A -5u -60|012|-Su5W.A 1BGMs.A|79e3","Asia/Tokyo|LMT JST JDT|-9i.X -90 -a0|0121212121|-3jE90 2qSo0 Rc0 1lc0 14o0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0|38e6","Asia/Tomsk|LMT +06 +07 +08|-5D.P -60 -70 -80|0123232323232323232323212323232323232323232323212121212121212121212|-21NhD.P pxzD.P 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 co0 1bB0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 3Qp0|10e5","Asia/Ulaanbaatar|LMT +07 +08 +09|-77.w -70 -80 -90|012323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-2APH7.w 2Uko7.w cKn0 1db0 1dd0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1fB0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 6hD0 11z0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1cL0 1cN0 1fz0 kEp0 1cJ0 1cP0 1cJ0|12e5","Asia/Ust-Nera|LMT +08 +09 +12 +11 +10|-9w.S -80 -90 -c0 -b0 -a0|012343434343434343434345434343434343434343434343434343434343434345|-21Q9w.S pApw.S 23CL0 1d90 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 17V0 7zD0|65e2","Asia/Vladivostok|LMT +09 +10 +11|-8L.v -90 -a0 -b0|01232323232323232323232123232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-1SJIL.v itXL.v 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|60e4","Asia/Yakutsk|LMT +08 +09 +10|-8C.W -80 -90 -a0|01232323232323232323232123232323232323232323232323232323232323232|-21Q8C.W pAoC.W 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|28e4","Asia/Yekaterinburg|LMT PMT +04 +05 +06|-42.x -3J.5 -40 -50 -60|012343434343434343434343234343434343434343434343434343434343434343|-2ag42.x 7mQh.s qBvJ.5 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 IM0 rX0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0|14e5","Asia/Yerevan|LMT +03 +04 +05|-2W -30 -40 -50|0123232323232323232323212121212323232323232323232323232323232|-1Pc2W 1jUnW WCL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 2pB0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 4RX0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0|13e5","Atlantic/Azores|LMT HMT -02 -01 +00 WET|1G.E 1S.w 20 10 0 0|01232323232323232323232323232323232323232323234323432343234323232323232323232323232323232323232323232343434343434343434343434343434345434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343|-3tomh.k 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30|0121213434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343|-3eLvE.G 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1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0|21e4","Australia/Darwin|LMT ACST ACST ACDT|-8H.k -90 -9u -au|01232323232|-32oUH.k ajXH.k H1Bu xc0 10jc0 yM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1a00|12e4","Australia/Eucla|LMT +0845 +0945|-8z.s -8J -9J|01212121212121212121|-30nIz.s PkpO.s xc0 10jc0 yM0 1cM0 1cM0 1gSo0 Oo0 l5A0 Oo0 iJA0 G00 zU00 IM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0|368","Australia/Lord_Howe|LMT AEST +1030 +1130 +11|-aA.k -a0 -au -bu -b0|01232323232424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424|-32oWA.k 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-b0|01212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212|-32oVD.Q RlBD.Q xc0 10jc0 yM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1a00 17c00 LA0 1C00 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Rc0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Rc0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 U00 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1tA0 U00 1tA0 U00 1tA0 Oo0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 Rc0 1zc0 Oo0 1zc0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 11A0 1o00 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 WM0 1qM0 14o0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 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-20 -30 -20 -10 -40 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11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00|54e4","Europe/Volgograd|LMT +03 +04 +05|-2V.E -30 -40 -50|0123232323232323212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121|-21IqV.E psLV.E 23CL0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1cN0 1db0 1dd0 1cO0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 2pB0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 3Co0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 WM0 1qM0 11A0 1o00 11A0 1o00 11A0 1qM0 WM0 8Hz0 9Jd0 5gn0|10e5","Europe/Warsaw|LMT WMT CET CEST EET EEST|-1o -1o -10 -20 -20 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pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 s00 1VA0 s00 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 s00 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 s00 1VA0 s00 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 s00 1VA0 s00 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 s00 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 s00 1VA0 s00 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 s00 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 s00 1VA0 s00 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 pc0 20o0 s00 1VA0|88e4","Pacific/Tarawa|LMT +12|-bw.4 -c0|01|-2M0Xw.4|29e3","Pacific/Galapagos|LMT -05 -06|5W.o 50 60|01212|-1yVS1.A 2dTz1.A gNd0 rz0|25e3","Pacific/Gambier|LMT -09|8X.M 90|01|-2jof0.c|125","Pacific/Guadalcanal|LMT +11|-aD.M -b0|01|-2joyD.M|11e4","Pacific/Guam|LMT LMT GST +09 GDT ChST|el -9D -a0 -90 -b0 -a0|0123242424242424242425|-54m9D 2glc0 1DFbD 6pB0 AhB0 3QL0 g2p0 3p91 WOX rX0 1zd0 Rb0 1wp0 Rb0 5xd0 rX0 5sN0 zb1 1C0X On0 ULb0|17e4","Pacific/Honolulu|LMT HST HDT HWT HPT HST|av.q au 9u 9u 9u a0|01213415|-3061s.y 1uMdW.y 8x0 lef0 8wWu iAu 46p0|37e4","Pacific/Kiritimati|LMT -1040 -10 +14|at.k aE a0 -e0|0123|-2M0Bu.E 3bIMa.E B7Xk|51e2","Pacific/Kosrae|LMT LMT +11 +09 +10 +12|d8.4 -aP.U -b0 -90 -a0 -c0|0123243252|-54maP.U 2glc0 xsnP.U axC0 HBy0 akp0 axd0 WOK0 1bdz0|66e2","Pacific/Marquesas|LMT -0930|9i 9u|01|-2joeG|86e2","Pacific/Pago_Pago|LMT LMT SST|-cB.c bm.M b0|012|-38FoB.c J1A0|37e2","Pacific/Nauru|LMT +1130 +09 +12|-b7.E -bu -90 -c0|01213|-1Xdn7.E QCnB.E 7mqu 1lnbu|10e3","Pacific/Niue|LMT -1120 -11|bj.E bk b0|012|-FScE.k suo0.k|12e2","Pacific/Norfolk|LMT +1112 +1130 +1230 +11 +12|-bb.Q -bc -bu -cu -b0 -c0|0123245454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545|-2M0Xb.Q 21ILX.Q W01G Oo0 1COo0 9Jcu 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1fA0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 1cM0 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-0830 -08|8E.k 8u 80|012|-2M0Dj.E 3UVXN.E|56","Pacific/Rarotonga|LMT LMT -1030 -0930 -10|-dk.U aD.4 au 9u a0|01234343434343434343434343434|-2Otpk.U 28zc0 13tbO.U IL0 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Rbu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Rbu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu 1zcu Onu|13e3","Pacific/Tahiti|LMT -10|9W.g a0|01|-2joe1.I|18e4","Pacific/Tongatapu|LMT +1220 +13 +14|-cj.c -ck -d0 -e0|01232323232|-XbMj.c BgLX.c 1yndk 15A0 1wo0 xz0 1Q10 xz0 zWN0 s00|75e3","PST8PDT|PST PDT PWT PPT|80 70 70 70|010102301010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010|-261q0 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