@auth @if (!isCloud()) WARNING: Realtime Error?! Last Hour Cloud could not connect to its real-time service.
This will cause unusual problems on the UI if not fixed!

Please ensure that you have opened the required ports, check the related documentation or get help on Discord.
Acknowledge & Disable This Popup
@endauth Like Last Hour Cloud? Please consider sharing about us! GitHaven or Last Hour Hosting.

Your support enables us to keep creating services that support sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 1 John 2:18
Disable This Popup
@if (currentTeam()->serverOverflow())
WARNING: The number of active servers exceeds the limit covered by your payment. If not resolved, some of your servers will be deactivated. Visit /subscription to update your subscription or remove some servers.
@endif @if (!currentTeam()->isAnyNotificationEnabled()) No notifications enabled. It is highly recommended to enable at least one notification channel to receive important alerts.
Visit /notification to enable notifications.
Accept and Close @endif