applications()->get() as $application) { $storages = $application->persistentStorages()->get(); foreach ($storages as $storage) { $storagesToDelete->push($storage); } $application->persistentStorages()->delete(); } foreach ($service->databases()->get() as $database) { $storages = $database->persistentStorages()->get(); foreach ($storages as $storage) { $storagesToDelete->push($storage); } $database->persistentStorages()->delete(); } $service->environment_variables()->delete(); $service->applications()->delete(); $service->databases()->delete(); if ($storagesToDelete->count() > 0) { $storagesToDelete->each(function ($storage) use ($service) { instant_remote_process(["docker volume rm -f $storage->name"], $service->server, false); }); } }); } public function type() { return 'service'; } public function applications() { return $this->hasMany(ServiceApplication::class); } public function databases() { return $this->hasMany(ServiceDatabase::class); } public function environment() { return $this->belongsTo(Environment::class); } public function server() { return $this->belongsTo(Server::class); } public function byName(string $name) { $app = $this->applications()->whereName($name)->first(); if ($app) { return $app; } $db = $this->databases()->whereName($name)->first(); if ($db) { return $db; } return null; } public function environment_variables(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->orderBy('key', 'asc'); } public function workdir() { return service_configuration_dir() . "/{$this->uuid}"; } public function saveComposeConfigs() { $workdir = $this->workdir(); $commands[] = "mkdir -p $workdir"; $commands[] = "cd $workdir"; $docker_compose_base64 = base64_encode($this->docker_compose); $commands[] = "echo $docker_compose_base64 | base64 -d > docker-compose.yml"; $envs = $this->environment_variables()->get(); $commands[] = "rm -f .env || true"; foreach ($envs as $env) { $commands[] = "echo '{$env->key}={$env->value}' >> .env"; } if ($envs->count() === 0) { $commands[] = "touch .env"; } instant_remote_process($commands, $this->server); } private function sslip(Server $server) { if (isDev()) { return ""; } return "{$server->ip}"; } private function generateFqdn($serviceVariables, $serviceName, Collection $requiredFqdns) { // Add to the service $defaultUsableFqdn = null; $sslip = $this->sslip($this->server); if (Str::of($serviceVariables)->contains('SERVICE_FQDN') || Str::of($serviceVariables)->contains('SERVICE_URL')) { $defaultUsableFqdn = "http://$serviceName-{$this->uuid}.{$sslip}"; } if ($requiredFqdns->count() > 0) { foreach ($requiredFqdns as $requiredFqdn) { $requiredFqdn = (array)$requiredFqdn; $name = data_get($requiredFqdn, 'name'); $path = data_get($requiredFqdn, 'path'); $customFqdn = data_get($requiredFqdn, 'customFqdn'); if ($serviceName === $name) { $defaultUsableFqdn = "http://$serviceName-{$this->uuid}.{$sslip}{$path}"; if ($customFqdn) { $defaultUsableFqdn = "http://$customFqdn-{$this->uuid}.{$sslip}{$path}"; } } } } return $defaultUsableFqdn ?? null; } public function parse(bool $isNew = false, ?Collection $requiredFqdns = null): Collection { if (!$requiredFqdns) { $requiredFqdns = collect([]); } ray('parsing'); // ray()->clearAll(); if ($this->docker_compose_raw) { try { $yaml = Yaml::parse($this->docker_compose_raw); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } $composeVolumes = collect(data_get($yaml, 'volumes', [])); $composeNetworks = collect(data_get($yaml, 'networks', [])); $dockerComposeVersion = data_get($yaml, 'version') ?? '3.8'; $services = data_get($yaml, 'services'); $definedNetwork = $this->uuid; $volumes = collect([]); $envs = collect([]); $ports = collect([]); $services = collect($services)->map(function ($service, $serviceName) use ($composeVolumes, $composeNetworks, $definedNetwork, $envs, $volumes, $ports, $isNew, $requiredFqdns) { $container_name = "$serviceName-{$this->uuid}"; $isDatabase = false; $serviceVariables = collect(data_get($service, 'environment', [])); // Add env_file with at least .env to the service $envFile = collect(data_get($service, 'env_file', [])); if ($envFile->count() > 0) { if (!$envFile->contains('.env')) { $envFile->push('.env'); } } else { $envFile = collect(['.env']); } data_set($service, 'env_file', $envFile->toArray()); // Decide if the service is a database $image = data_get($service, 'image'); if ($image) { $imageName = Str::of($image)->before(':'); if (collect(DATABASE_DOCKER_IMAGES)->contains($imageName)) { $isDatabase = true; data_set($service, 'is_database', true); } } if ($isDatabase) { $savedService = ServiceDatabase::where([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'service_id' => $this->id ])->first(); } else { $savedService = ServiceApplication::where([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'service_id' => $this->id ])->first(); } if ($isNew || is_null($savedService)) { if ($isDatabase) { $savedService = ServiceDatabase::create([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'image' => $image, 'service_id' => $this->id ]); } else { $savedService = ServiceApplication::create([ 'name' => $serviceName, 'fqdn' => $this->generateFqdn($serviceVariables, $serviceName, $requiredFqdns), 'image' => $image, 'service_id' => $this->id ]); } if ($requiredFqdns->count() > 0) { $found = false; foreach ($requiredFqdns as $requiredFqdn) { $requiredFqdn = (array)$requiredFqdn; $name = data_get($requiredFqdn, 'name'); if ($serviceName === $name) { $savedService->required_fqdn = true; $savedService->save(); break; } } } } else { if ($isDatabase) { $savedService = $this->databases()->whereName($serviceName)->first(); } else { $savedService = $this->applications()->whereName($serviceName)->first(); if (data_get($savedService, 'fqdn')) { $defaultUsableFqdn = data_get($savedService, 'fqdn', null); } else { $defaultUsableFqdn = $this->generateFqdn($serviceVariables, $serviceName, $requiredFqdns); } $savedService->fqdn = $defaultUsableFqdn; $savedService->save(); } } $fqdns = data_get($savedService, 'fqdn'); if ($fqdns) { $fqdns = collect(Str::of($fqdns)->explode(',')); } // Collect ports $servicePorts = collect(data_get($service, 'ports', [])); $ports->put($serviceName, $servicePorts); $collectedPorts = collect([]); if ($servicePorts->count() > 0) { foreach ($servicePorts as $sport) { if (is_string($sport) || is_numeric($sport)) { $collectedPorts->push($sport); } if (is_array($sport)) { $target = data_get($sport, 'target'); $published = data_get($sport, 'published'); $collectedPorts->push("$target:$published"); } } } $savedService->ports = $collectedPorts->implode(','); $savedService->save(); // Collect volumes $serviceVolumes = collect(data_get($service, 'volumes', [])); if ($serviceVolumes->count() > 0) { LocalPersistentVolume::whereResourceId($savedService->id)->whereResourceType(get_class($savedService))->delete(); foreach ($serviceVolumes as $volume) { if (is_string($volume)) { if (Str::startsWith($volume, './')) { $fsPath = Str::before($volume, ':'); $volumePath = Str::of($volume)->after(':')->beforeLast(':'); LocalFileVolume::updateOrCreate( [ 'mount_path' => $volumePath, 'resource_id' => $savedService->id, 'resource_type' => get_class($savedService) ], [ 'fs_path' => $fsPath, 'mount_path' => $volumePath, 'resource_id' => $savedService->id, 'resource_type' => get_class($savedService) ] ); $savedService->saveFileVolumes(); continue; } $volumeName = Str::before($volume, ':'); $volumePath = Str::after($volume, ':'); } if (is_array($volume)) { $volumeName = data_get($volume, 'source'); $volumePath = data_get($volume, 'target'); $volumeContent = data_get($volume, 'content'); if (Str::startsWith($volumeName, './')) { $payload = [ 'fs_path' => $volumeName, 'mount_path' => $volumePath, 'resource_id' => $savedService->id, 'resource_type' => get_class($savedService) ]; if ($volumeContent) { $payload['content'] = $volumeContent; } LocalFileVolume::updateOrCreate( [ 'mount_path' => $volumePath, 'resource_id' => $savedService->id, 'resource_type' => get_class($savedService) ], $payload ); if ($volumeContent) { $volume = data_forget($volume, 'content'); } $savedService->saveFileVolumes(); continue; } } $volumeExists = $serviceVolumes->contains(function ($_, $key) use ($volumeName) { return $key == $volumeName; }); if (!$volumeExists) { if (Str::startsWith($volumeName, '/')) { $volumes->put($volumeName, $volumePath); LocalPersistentVolume::updateOrCreate( [ 'mount_path' => $volumePath, 'resource_id' => $savedService->id, 'resource_type' => get_class($savedService) ], [ 'name' => Str::slug($volumeName, '-'), 'mount_path' => $volumePath, 'host_path' => $volumeName, 'resource_id' => $savedService->id, 'resource_type' => get_class($savedService) ] ); } else { $composeVolumes->put($volumeName, null); LocalPersistentVolume::updateOrCreate( [ 'name' => $volumeName, 'resource_id' => $savedService->id, 'resource_type' => get_class($savedService) ], [ 'name' => $volumeName, 'mount_path' => $volumePath, 'host_path' => null, 'resource_id' => $savedService->id, 'resource_type' => get_class($savedService) ] ); } } } } // Collect and add networks $serviceNetworks = collect(data_get($service, 'networks', [])); if ($serviceNetworks->count() > 0) { foreach ($serviceNetworks as $networkName => $networkDetails) { $networkExists = $composeNetworks->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($networkName) { return $value == $networkName || $key == $networkName; }); if (!$networkExists) { $composeNetworks->put($networkDetails, null); } } } // Add Coolify specific networks $definedNetworkExists = $composeNetworks->contains(function ($value, $_) use ($definedNetwork) { return $value == $definedNetwork; }); if (!$definedNetworkExists) { $composeNetworks->put($definedNetwork, [ 'name' => $definedNetwork, 'external' => false ]); } $networks = $serviceNetworks->toArray(); $networks = array_merge($networks, [$definedNetwork]); data_set($service, 'networks', $networks); // Get variables from the service foreach ($serviceVariables as $variable) { $value = Str::after($variable, '='); if (!Str::startsWith($value, '$SERVICE_') && !Str::startsWith($value, '${SERVICE_') && Str::startsWith($value, '$')) { $value = Str::of(replaceVariables(Str::of($value))); $nakedName = $nakedValue = null; if ($value->contains(':')) { $nakedName = $value->before(':'); $nakedValue = $value->after(':'); } else if ($value->contains('-')) { $nakedName = $value->before('-'); $nakedValue = $value->after('-'); } else if ($value->contains('+')) { $nakedName = $value->before('+'); $nakedValue = $value->after('+'); } else { $nakedName = $value; } if (isset($nakedName)) { if (isset($nakedValue)) { if ($nakedValue->startsWith('-')) { $nakedValue = Str::of($nakedValue)->after('-'); } if ($nakedValue->startsWith('+')) { $nakedValue = Str::of($nakedValue)->after('+'); } if (!$envs->has($nakedName->value())) { $envs->put($nakedName->value(), $nakedValue->value()); EnvironmentVariable::updateOrCreate([ 'key' => $nakedName->value(), 'service_id' => $this->id, ], [ 'value' => $nakedValue->value(), 'is_build_time' => false, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } } else { if (!$envs->has($nakedName->value())) { $envs->put($nakedName->value(), null); $envExists = EnvironmentVariable::where('service_id', $this->id)->where('key', $nakedName->value())->exists(); if (!$envExists) { EnvironmentVariable::create([ 'key' => $nakedName->value(), 'value' => null, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_build_time' => false, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } } } } } else { $variableName = Str::of(replaceVariables(Str::of($value))); $generatedValue = null; if ($variableName->startsWith('SERVICE_USER')) { $variableDefined = EnvironmentVariable::whereServiceId($this->id)->where('key', $variableName->value())->first(); if (!$variableDefined) { $generatedValue = Str::random(10); } else { $generatedValue = $variableDefined->value; } if (!$envs->has($variableName->value())) { $envs->put($variableName->value(), $generatedValue); EnvironmentVariable::updateOrCreate([ 'key' => $variableName->value(), 'service_id' => $this->id, ], [ 'value' => $generatedValue, 'is_build_time' => false, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } } else if ($variableName->startsWith('SERVICE_PASSWORD')) { $variableDefined = EnvironmentVariable::whereServiceId($this->id)->where('key', $variableName->value())->first(); if (!$variableDefined) { $generatedValue = Str::password(symbols: false); } else { $generatedValue = $variableDefined->value; } if (!$envs->has($variableName->value())) { $envs->put($variableName->value(), $generatedValue); EnvironmentVariable::updateOrCreate([ 'key' => $variableName->value(), 'service_id' => $this->id, ], [ 'value' => $generatedValue, 'is_build_time' => false, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } } else if ($variableName->startsWith('SERVICE_BASE64')) { $variableDefined = EnvironmentVariable::whereServiceId($this->id)->where('key', $variableName->value())->first(); $length = Str::of($variableName)->after('SERVICE_BASE64_')->beforeLast('_')->value(); if (is_numeric($length)) { $length = (int) $length; } else { $length = 1; } if (!$variableDefined) { $generatedValue = base64_encode(Str::password(length: $length, symbols: false)); } else { $generatedValue = $variableDefined->value; } if (!$envs->has($variableName->value())) { $envs->put($variableName->value(), $generatedValue); EnvironmentVariable::updateOrCreate([ 'key' => $variableName->value(), 'service_id' => $this->id, ], [ 'value' => $generatedValue, 'is_build_time' => false, 'service_id' => $this->id, 'is_preview' => false, ]); } } else if ($variableName->startsWith('SERVICE_FQDN')) { if ($fqdns) { $number = Str::of($variableName)->after('SERVICE_FQDN')->afterLast('_')->value(); if (is_numeric($number)) { $number = (int) $number - 1; } else { $number = 0; } $fqdn = getFqdnWithoutPort(data_get($fqdns, $number, $fqdns->first())); ray($fqdns); $environments = collect(data_get($service, 'environment')); $environments = $environments->map(function ($envValue) use ($value, $fqdn) { $envValue = Str::of($envValue)->replace($value, $fqdn); return $envValue->value(); }); $service['environment'] = $environments->toArray(); } } else if ($variableName->startsWith('SERVICE_URL')) { if ($fqdns) { $number = Str::of($variableName)->after('SERVICE_URL')->afterLast('_')->value(); if (is_numeric($number)) { $number = (int) $number - 1; } else { $number = 0; } $fqdn = getFqdnWithoutPort(data_get($fqdns, $number, $fqdns->first())); $url = Url::fromString($fqdn)->getHost(); $environments = collect(data_get($service, 'environment')); $environments = $environments->map(function ($envValue) use ($value, $url) { $envValue = Str::of($envValue)->replace($value, $url); return $envValue->value(); }); $service['environment'] = $environments->toArray(); } } } } // Add labels to the service $labels = collect(data_get($service, 'labels', [])); $labels = collect([]); $labels = $labels->merge(defaultLabels($this->id, $container_name, type: 'service', subType: $isDatabase ? 'database' : 'application', subId: $savedService->id)); if (!$isDatabase) { if ($fqdns) { $labels = $labels->merge(fqdnLabelsForTraefik($fqdns, $container_name, true)); } } data_set($service, 'labels', $labels->toArray()); data_forget($service, 'is_database'); data_set($service, 'restart', RESTART_MODE); data_set($service, 'container_name', $container_name); data_forget($service, 'volumes.*.content'); return $service; }); $finalServices = [ 'version' => $dockerComposeVersion, 'services' => $services->toArray(), 'volumes' => $composeVolumes->toArray(), 'networks' => $composeNetworks->toArray(), ]; data_forget($yaml, 'services.*.volumes.*.content'); $this->docker_compose_raw = Yaml::dump($yaml, 10, 2); $this->docker_compose = Yaml::dump($finalServices, 10, 2); $this->save(); $this->saveComposeConfigs(); $shouldBeDefined = collect([ 'envs' => $envs, 'volumes' => $volumes, 'ports' => $ports ]); $parsedCompose = collect([ 'dockerCompose' => $finalServices, 'shouldBeDefined' => $shouldBeDefined ]); return $parsedCompose; } else { return collect([]); } } }