New Resource

@foreach ($environments as $environment) @endforeach
Deploy resources, like Applications, Databases, Services...
@if ($current_step === 'type')


Public Repository You can deploy any kind of public repositories from the supported git providers. Private Repository (with GitHub App) You can deploy public & private repositories through your GitHub Apps. Private Repository (with deploy key) You can deploy public & private repositories with a simple deploy key (SSH key).
Based on a Dockerfile You can deploy a simple Dockerfile, without Git. Based on a Docker Compose You can deploy complex application easily with Docker Compose, without Git. Based on an existing Docker Image You can deploy an existing Docker Image from any Registry, without Git.


New PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is an open-source, object-relational database management system known for its robustness, advanced features, and strong standards compliance. New Redis Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker, known for its high performance, flexibility, and rich data structures. New MongoDB MongoDB is a source-available, NoSQL database program that uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas, known for its flexibility and scalability. New MySQL MySQL is an open-source relational database management system known for its speed, reliability, and flexibility in managing and accessing data. New Mariadb MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system that serves as a drop-in replacement for MySQL. {{--
Backup Existing PostgreSQL
Schedule a backup of an existing PostgreSQL database.


Reload List
@if ($loadingServices) @else @forelse ($services as $serviceName => $service) @if (data_get($service, 'disabled')) @else {{ Str::headline($serviceName) }} @if (data_get($service, 'slogan')) {{ data_get($service, 'slogan') }} @endif @if (data_get($service, 'logo')) @endif {{ data_get($service, 'documentation') }} {{-- --}} @endif @empty
No service found. Please try to reload the list!
@endforelse @endif
Trademarks Policy: The respective trademarks mentioned here are owned by the respective companies, and use of them does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.
@endif @if ($current_step === 'servers') {{-- @if ($isDatabase)
@endif --}}
@forelse($servers as $server)
{{ $server->name }}
{{ $server->description }}
No validated & reachable servers found. Go to servers page
@if ($isDatabase)
Swarm clusters are excluded from this type of resource at the moment. It will be activated soon. Stay tuned.
@endif @endif @if ($current_step === 'destinations')
@if ($server->isSwarm()) @foreach ($swarmDockers as $swarmDocker)
Swarm Docker ({{ $swarmDocker->name }})
@endforeach @else @foreach ($standaloneDockers as $standaloneDocker)
Standalone Docker ({{ $standaloneDocker->name }})
Network: {{ $standaloneDocker->network }}
@endforeach @endif
+ Add New
@endif @if ($current_step === 'existing-postgresql')
Add Database @endif