@if (subscriptionProvider() === 'stripe')
Your current Plan is: {{ data_get(currentTeam(), 'subscription')->type() }}
@if (currentTeam()->subscription->stripe_cancel_at_period_end)
Subscription is active but on cancel period.
Subscription is active. Last invoice is {{ currentTeam()->subscription->stripe_invoice_paid ? 'paid' : 'not paid' }}.


Server: {{ $server_limits }}


Cancel, upgrade or downgrade your subscription.
Manage your subscription on
If you have any problem, please contact us.
@endif {{-- @if (subscriptionProvider() === 'lemon')
Status: {{ currentTeam()->subscription->lemon_status }}
Type: {{ currentTeam()->subscription->lemon_variant_name }}
@if (currentTeam()->subscription->lemon_status === 'cancelled')
Subscriptions ends at: {{ getRenewDate() }}
If you would like to change the subscription to a lower/higher plan, please contact us.
Renews at: {{ getRenewDate() }}
@if (currentTeam()->subscription->lemon_status === 'cancelled') Resume Subscription @else Cancel Subscription @endif
Update Payment Details Manage My Subscription
@endif --}}