<form wire:submit='submit'> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <h2>Preview Deployments</h2> <x-forms.button type="submit">Save</x-forms.button> <x-forms.button wire:click="resetToDefault">Reset template to default</x-forms.button> </div> <div class="pb-4 ">Preview Deployments based on pull requests are here.</div> <div class="flex flex-col gap-2 pb-4"> <x-forms.input id="application.preview_url_template" label="Preview URL Template" helper="Templates:<span class='text-helper'>@@{{ random }}</span> to generate random sub-domain each time a PR is deployed, <span class='text-helper'>@@{{ pr_id }}</span> to use pull request ID as sub-domain or <span class='text-helper'>@@{{ domain }}</span> to replace the domain name with the application's domain name." /> <div class="">Domain Preview: {{ $preview_url_template }}</div> </div> </form>