email = isDev() ? '' : ''; } public function viaEmail() { $this->generate_invite_link(sendEmail: true); } public function viaLink() { $this->generate_invite_link(sendEmail: false); } private function generate_invite_link(bool $sendEmail = false) { try { $member_emails = currentTeam()->members()->get()->pluck('email'); if ($member_emails->contains($this->email)) { return handleError(livewire: $this, customErrorMessage: "$this->email is already a member of " . currentTeam()->name . "."); } $uuid = new Cuid2(32); $link = url('/') . config('') . $uuid; $user = User::whereEmail($this->email)->first(); if (is_null($user)) { $password = Str::password(); $user = User::create([ 'name' => Str::of($this->email)->before('@'), 'email' => $this->email, 'password' => Hash::make($password), 'force_password_reset' => true, ]); $token = Crypt::encryptString("{$user->email}@@@$password"); $link = route('', ['token' => $token]); } $invitation = TeamInvitation::whereEmail($this->email)->first(); if (!is_null($invitation)) { $invitationValid = $invitation->isValid(); if ($invitationValid) { return handleError(livewire: $this, customErrorMessage: "Pending invitation already exists for $this->email."); } else { $invitation->delete(); } } $invitation = TeamInvitation::firstOrCreate([ 'team_id' => currentTeam()->id, 'uuid' => $uuid, 'email' => $this->email, 'role' => $this->role, 'link' => $link, 'via' => $sendEmail ? 'email' : 'link', ]); if ($sendEmail) { $mail = new MailMessage(); $mail->view('emails.invitation-link', [ 'team' => currentTeam()->name, 'invitation_link' => $link, ]); $mail->subject('You have been invited to ' . currentTeam()->name . ' on ' . config('') . '.'); send_user_an_email($mail, $this->email); $this->dispatch('success', 'Invitation sent via email.'); $this->dispatch('refreshInvitations'); return; } else { $this->dispatch('success', 'Invitation link generated.'); $this->dispatch('refreshInvitations'); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $error_message = $e->getMessage(); if ($e->getCode() === '23505') { $error_message = 'Invitation already sent.'; } return handleError(error: $e, livewire: $this, customErrorMessage: $error_message); } } }