
use App\Enums\ProcessStatus;
use App\Jobs\ApplicationPullRequestUpdateJob;
use App\Jobs\SubscriptionInvoiceFailedJob;
use App\Jobs\SubscriptionTrialEndedJob;
use App\Jobs\SubscriptionTrialEndsSoonJob;
use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\ApplicationPreview;
use App\Models\GithubApp;
use App\Models\PrivateKey;
use App\Models\Subscription;
use App\Models\Team;
use App\Models\Waitlist;
use App\Models\Webhook;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Support\Sleep;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Visus\Cuid2\Cuid2;

Route::get('/source/github/redirect', function () {
    try {
        $code = request()->get('code');
        $state = request()->get('state');
        $github_app = GithubApp::where('uuid', $state)->firstOrFail();
        $api_url = data_get($github_app, 'api_url');
        $data = Http::withBody(null)->accept('application/vnd.github+json')->post("$api_url/app-manifests/$code/conversions")->throw()->json();
        $id = data_get($data, 'id');
        $slug = data_get($data, 'slug');
        $client_id = data_get($data, 'client_id');
        $client_secret = data_get($data, 'client_secret');
        $private_key = data_get($data, 'pem');
        $webhook_secret = data_get($data, 'webhook_secret');
        $private_key = PrivateKey::create([
            'name' => $slug,
            'private_key' => $private_key,
            'team_id' => $github_app->team_id,
            'is_git_related' => true,
        $github_app->name = $slug;
        $github_app->app_id = $id;
        $github_app->client_id = $client_id;
        $github_app->client_secret = $client_secret;
        $github_app->webhook_secret = $webhook_secret;
        $github_app->private_key_id = $private_key->id;
        return redirect()->route('source.github.show', ['github_app_uuid' => $github_app->uuid]);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return handleError($e);

Route::get('/source/github/install', function () {
    try {
        $installation_id = request()->get('installation_id');
        $source = request()->get('source');
        $setup_action = request()->get('setup_action');
        $github_app = GithubApp::where('uuid', $source)->firstOrFail();
        if ($setup_action === 'install') {
            $github_app->installation_id = $installation_id;
        return redirect()->route('source.github.show', ['github_app_uuid' => $github_app->uuid]);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return handleError($e);
Route::post('/source/gitlab/events/manual', function () {
    try {
        $return_payloads = collect([]);
        $payload = request()->collect();
        $headers = request()->headers->all();
        $x_gitlab_token = data_get($headers, 'x-gitlab-token.0');
        $x_gitlab_event = data_get($payload, 'object_kind');
        if ($x_gitlab_event === 'push') {
            $branch = data_get($payload, 'ref');
            $full_name = data_get($payload, 'project.path_with_namespace');
            if (Str::isMatch('/refs\/heads\/*/', $branch)) {
                $branch = Str::after($branch, 'refs/heads/');
            if (!$branch) {
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Nothing to do. No branch found in the request.',
                return response($return_payloads);
            ray('Manual Webhook GitLab Push Event with branch: ' . $branch);
        if ($x_gitlab_event === 'merge_request') {
            $action = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.action');
            $branch = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.source_branch');
            $base_branch = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.target_branch');
            $full_name = data_get($payload, 'project.path_with_namespace');
            $pull_request_id = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.iid');
            $pull_request_html_url = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.url');
            if (!$branch) {
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Nothing to do. No branch found in the request.',
                return response($return_payloads);
            ray('Webhook GitHub Pull Request Event with branch: ' . $branch . ' and base branch: ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id: ' . $pull_request_id);
        $applications = Application::where('git_repository', 'like', "%$full_name%");
        if ($x_gitlab_event === 'push') {
            $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $branch)->get();
            if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => "Nothing to do. No applications found with deploy key set, branch is '$branch' and Git Repository name has $full_name.",
                return response($return_payloads);
        if ($x_gitlab_event === 'merge_request') {
            $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $base_branch)->get();
            if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => "Nothing to do. No applications found with branch '$base_branch'.",
                return response($return_payloads);
        foreach ($applications as $application) {
            $webhook_secret = data_get($application, 'manual_webhook_secret_gitlab');
            if ($webhook_secret !== $x_gitlab_token) {
                    'application' => $application->name,
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Invalid token.',
                ray('Invalid signature');
            $isFunctional = $application->destination->server->isFunctional();
            if (!$isFunctional) {
                    'application' => $application->name,
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Server is not functional',
                ray('Server is not functional: ' . $application->destination->server->name);
            if ($x_gitlab_event === 'push') {
                if ($application->isDeployable()) {
                    ray('Deploying ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch);
                    $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                        application: $application,
                        deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                        force_rebuild: false,
                        is_webhook: true
                } else {
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'Deployments disabled',
                    ray('Deployments disabled for ' . $application->name);
            if ($x_gitlab_event === 'merge_request') {
                if ($action === 'open' || $action === 'opened' || $action === 'synchronize' || $action === 'reopened' || $action === 'reopen' || $action === 'update') {
                    if ($application->isPRDeployable()) {
                        $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                        $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                        if (!$found) {
                                'git_type' => 'gitlab',
                                'application_id' => $application->id,
                                'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id,
                                'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url,
                            application: $application,
                            pull_request_id: $pull_request_id,
                            deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                            force_rebuild: false,
                            is_webhook: true,
                            git_type: 'gitlab'
                        ray('Deploying preview for ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch . ' and base branch ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id ' . $pull_request_id);
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'success',
                            'message' => 'Preview Deployment queued',
                    } else {
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'failed',
                            'message' => 'Preview deployments disabled',
                        ray('Preview deployments disabled for ' . $application->name);
                } else if ($action === 'closed' || $action === 'close') {
                    $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                    if ($found) {
                        $container_name = generateApplicationContainerName($application, $pull_request_id);
                        // ray('Stopping container: ' . $container_name);
                        instant_remote_process(["docker rm -f $container_name"], $application->destination->server);
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'success',
                            'message' => 'Preview Deployment closed',
                        return response($return_payloads);
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'No Preview Deployment found',
                } else {
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'No action found. Contact us for debugging.',
        return response($return_payloads);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return handleError($e);
Route::post('/source/bitbucket/events/manual', function () {
    try {
        $return_payloads = collect([]);
        $payload = request()->collect();
        $headers = request()->headers->all();
        $x_bitbucket_token = data_get($headers, 'x-hub-signature.0', "");
        $x_bitbucket_event = data_get($headers, 'x-event-key.0', "");
        $handled_events = collect(['repo:push', 'pullrequest:created', 'pullrequest:rejected', 'pullrequest:fulfilled']);
        if (!$handled_events->contains($x_bitbucket_event)) {
            return response([
                'status' => 'failed',
                'message' => 'Nothing to do. Event not handled.',
        if ($x_bitbucket_event === 'repo:push') {
            $branch = data_get($payload, 'push.changes.0.new.name');
            $full_name = data_get($payload, 'repository.full_name');

            if (!$branch) {
                return response([
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Nothing to do. No branch found in the request.',
            ray('Manual webhook bitbucket push event with branch: ' . $branch);
        if ($x_bitbucket_event === 'pullrequest:created' || $x_bitbucket_event === 'pullrequest:rejected' || $x_bitbucket_event === 'pullrequest:fulfilled') {
            $branch = data_get($payload, 'pullrequest.destination.branch.name');
            $base_branch = data_get($payload, 'pullrequest.source.branch.name');
            $full_name = data_get($payload, 'repository.full_name');
            $pull_request_id = data_get($payload, 'pullrequest.id');
            $pull_request_html_url = data_get($payload, 'pullrequest.links.html.href');
            $commit = data_get($payload, 'pullrequest.source.commit.hash');
        $applications = Application::where('git_repository', 'like', "%$full_name%");
        $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $branch)->get();
        if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
            return response([
                'status' => 'failed',
                'message' => "Nothing to do. No applications found with deploy key set, branch is '$branch' and Git Repository name has $full_name.",
        foreach ($applications as $application) {
            $webhook_secret = data_get($application, 'manual_webhook_secret_bitbucket');
            $payload = request()->getContent();

            list($algo, $hash) = explode('=', $x_bitbucket_token, 2);
            $payloadHash = hash_hmac($algo, $payload, $webhook_secret);
            if (!hash_equals($hash, $payloadHash) && !isDev()) {
                    'application' => $application->name,
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Invalid token.',
                ray('Invalid signature');
            $isFunctional = $application->destination->server->isFunctional();
            if (!$isFunctional) {
                    'application' => $application->name,
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Server is not functional.',
                ray('Server is not functional: ' . $application->destination->server->name);
            if ($x_bitbucket_event === 'repo:push') {
                if ($application->isDeployable()) {
                    ray('Deploying ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch);
                    $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                        application: $application,
                        deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                        force_rebuild: false,
                        is_webhook: true
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'success',
                        'message' => 'Preview deployment queued.',
                } else {
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'Auto deployment disabled.',
            if ($x_bitbucket_event === 'pullrequest:created') {
                if ($application->isPRDeployable()) {
                    ray('Deploying preview for ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch . ' and base branch ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id ' . $pull_request_id);
                    $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                    $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                    if (!$found) {
                            'git_type' => 'bitbucket',
                            'application_id' => $application->id,
                            'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id,
                            'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url,
                        application: $application,
                        pull_request_id: $pull_request_id,
                        deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                        force_rebuild: false,
                        commit: $commit,
                        is_webhook: true,
                        git_type: 'bitbucket'
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'success',
                        'message' => 'Preview deployment queued.',
                } else {
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'Preview deployments disabled.',
            if ($x_bitbucket_event === 'pullrequest:rejected' || $x_bitbucket_event === 'pullrequest:fulfilled') {
                ray('Pull request rejected');
                $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                if ($found) {
                    $container_name = generateApplicationContainerName($application, $pull_request_id);
                    instant_remote_process(["docker rm -f $container_name"], $application->destination->server);
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'success',
                        'message' => 'Preview deployment closed.',
                } else {
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'No preview deployment found.',
        return response($return_payloads);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return handleError($e);
Route::post('/source/github/events/manual', function () {
    try {
        $return_payloads = collect([]);
        $x_github_event = Str::lower(request()->header('X-GitHub-Event'));
        $x_hub_signature_256 = Str::after(request()->header('X-Hub-Signature-256'), 'sha256=');
        $content_type = request()->header('Content-Type');
        $payload = request()->collect();
        if ($x_github_event === 'ping') {
            // Just pong
            return response('pong');

        if ($content_type !== 'application/json') {
            $payload = json_decode(data_get($payload, 'payload'), true);
        if ($x_github_event === 'push') {
            $branch = data_get($payload, 'ref');
            $full_name = data_get($payload, 'repository.full_name');
            if (Str::isMatch('/refs\/heads\/*/', $branch)) {
                $branch = Str::after($branch, 'refs/heads/');
            ray('Manual Webhook GitHub Push Event with branch: ' . $branch);
        if ($x_github_event === 'pull_request') {
            $action = data_get($payload, 'action');
            $full_name = data_get($payload, 'repository.full_name');
            $pull_request_id = data_get($payload, 'number');
            $pull_request_html_url = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.html_url');
            $branch = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.head.ref');
            $base_branch = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.base.ref');
            ray('Webhook GitHub Pull Request Event with branch: ' . $branch . ' and base branch: ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id: ' . $pull_request_id);
        if (!$branch) {
            return response('Nothing to do. No branch found in the request.');
        $applications = Application::where('git_repository', 'like', "%$full_name%");
        if ($x_github_event === 'push') {
            $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $branch)->get();
            if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
                return response("Nothing to do. No applications found with deploy key set, branch is '$branch' and Git Repository name has $full_name.");
        if ($x_github_event === 'pull_request') {
            $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $base_branch)->get();
            if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
                return response("Nothing to do. No applications found with branch '$base_branch'.");
        foreach ($applications as $application) {
            $webhook_secret = data_get($application, 'manual_webhook_secret_github');
            $hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', request()->getContent(), $webhook_secret);
            if (!hash_equals($x_hub_signature_256, $hmac) && !isDev()) {
                ray('Invalid signature');
                    'application' => $application->name,
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Invalid token.',
            $isFunctional = $application->destination->server->isFunctional();
            if (!$isFunctional) {
                    'application' => $application->name,
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Server is not functional.',
            if ($x_github_event === 'push') {
                if ($application->isDeployable()) {
                    ray('Deploying ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch);
                    $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                        application: $application,
                        deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                        force_rebuild: false,
                        is_webhook: true,
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'success',
                        'message' => 'Deployment queued.',
                } else {
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'Deployments disabled.',
            if ($x_github_event === 'pull_request') {
                if ($action === 'opened' || $action === 'synchronize' || $action === 'reopened') {
                    if ($application->isPRDeployable()) {
                        $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                        $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                        if (!$found) {
                                'git_type' => 'github',
                                'application_id' => $application->id,
                                'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id,
                                'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url,
                            application: $application,
                            pull_request_id: $pull_request_id,
                            deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                            force_rebuild: false,
                            is_webhook: true,
                            git_type: 'github'
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'success',
                            'message' => 'Preview deployment queued.',
                    } else {
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'failed',
                            'message' => 'Preview deployments disabled.',
                if ($action === 'closed') {
                    $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                    if ($found) {
                        $container_name = generateApplicationContainerName($application, $pull_request_id);
                        // ray('Stopping container: ' . $container_name);
                        instant_remote_process(["docker rm -f $container_name"], $application->destination->server);
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'success',
                            'message' => 'Preview deployment closed.',
                    } else {
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'failed',
                            'message' => 'No preview deployment found.',
        return response($return_payloads);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return handleError($e);
Route::post('/source/github/events', function () {
    try {
        $return_payloads = collect([]);
        $id = null;
        $x_github_delivery = request()->header('X-GitHub-Delivery');
        $x_github_event = Str::lower(request()->header('X-GitHub-Event'));
        $x_github_hook_installation_target_id = request()->header('X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-Id');
        $x_hub_signature_256 = Str::after(request()->header('X-Hub-Signature-256'), 'sha256=');
        $payload = request()->collect();
        if ($x_github_event === 'ping') {
            // Just pong
            return response('pong');
        if ($x_github_event === 'installation' || $x_github_event === 'installation_repositories') {
            // Installation handled by setup redirect url. Repositories queried on-demand.
            return response('cool');
        $github_app = GithubApp::where('app_id', $x_github_hook_installation_target_id)->first();
        if (is_null($github_app)) {
            return response('Nothing to do. No GitHub App found.');

        $webhook_secret = data_get($github_app, 'webhook_secret');
        $hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', request()->getContent(), $webhook_secret);
        if (config('app.env') !== 'local') {
            if (!hash_equals($x_hub_signature_256, $hmac)) {
                return response('Invalid signature.');
        if ($x_github_event === 'push') {
            $id = data_get($payload, 'repository.id');
            $branch = data_get($payload, 'ref');
            if (Str::isMatch('/refs\/heads\/*/', $branch)) {
                $branch = Str::after($branch, 'refs/heads/');
            ray('Webhook GitHub Push Event: ' . $id . ' with branch: ' . $branch);
        if ($x_github_event === 'pull_request') {
            $action = data_get($payload, 'action');
            $id = data_get($payload, 'repository.id');
            $pull_request_id = data_get($payload, 'number');
            $pull_request_html_url = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.html_url');
            $branch = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.head.ref');
            $base_branch = data_get($payload, 'pull_request.base.ref');
            ray('Webhook GitHub Pull Request Event: ' . $id . ' with branch: ' . $branch . ' and base branch: ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id: ' . $pull_request_id);
        if (!$id || !$branch) {
            return response('Nothing to do. No id or branch found.');
        $applications = Application::where('repository_project_id', $id)->whereRelation('source', 'is_public', false);
        if ($x_github_event === 'push') {
            $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $branch)->get();
            if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
                return response("Nothing to do. No applications found with branch '$branch'.");
        if ($x_github_event === 'pull_request') {
            $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $base_branch)->get();
            if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
                return response("Nothing to do. No applications found with branch '$base_branch'.");

        foreach ($applications as $application) {
            $isFunctional = $application->destination->server->isFunctional();
            if (!$isFunctional) {
                    'application' => $application->name,
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'message' => 'Server is not functional.',
            if ($x_github_event === 'push') {
                if ($application->isDeployable()) {
                    ray('Deploying ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch);
                    $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                        application: $application,
                        deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                        force_rebuild: false,
                        is_webhook: true
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'success',
                        'message' => 'Deployment queued.',
                } else {
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'Deployments disabled.',
            if ($x_github_event === 'pull_request') {
                if ($action === 'opened' || $action === 'synchronize' || $action === 'reopened') {
                    if ($application->isPRDeployable()) {
                        $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                        $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                        if (!$found) {
                                'git_type' => 'github',
                                'application_id' => $application->id,
                                'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id,
                                'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url,
                            application: $application,
                            pull_request_id: $pull_request_id,
                            deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                            force_rebuild: false,
                            is_webhook: true,
                            git_type: 'github'
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'success',
                            'message' => 'Preview deployment queued.',
                    } else {
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'failed',
                            'message' => 'Preview deployments disabled.',
                if ($action === 'closed' || $action === 'close') {
                    $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                    if ($found) {
                        ApplicationPullRequestUpdateJob::dispatchSync(application: $application, preview: $found, status: ProcessStatus::CLOSED);
                        $container_name = generateApplicationContainerName($application, $pull_request_id);
                        // ray('Stopping container: ' . $container_name);
                        instant_remote_process(["docker rm -f $container_name"], $application->destination->server);
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'success',
                            'message' => 'Preview deployment closed.',
                    } else {
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'failed',
                            'message' => 'No preview deployment found.',
        return response($return_payloads);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return handleError($e);
Route::get('/waitlist/confirm', function () {
    $email = request()->get('email');
    $confirmation_code = request()->get('confirmation_code');
    ray($email, $confirmation_code);
    try {
        $found = Waitlist::where('uuid', $confirmation_code)->where('email', $email)->first();
        if ($found) {
            if (!$found->verified) {
                if ($found->created_at > now()->subMinutes(config('constants.waitlist.expiration'))) {
                    $found->verified = true;
                    send_internal_notification('Waitlist confirmed: ' . $email);
                    return 'Thank you for confirming your email address. We will notify you when you are next in line.';
                } else {
                    send_internal_notification('Waitlist expired: ' . $email);
                    return 'Your confirmation code has expired. Please sign up again.';
        return redirect()->route('dashboard');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        send_internal_notification('Waitlist confirmation failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
        return redirect()->route('dashboard');
Route::get('/waitlist/cancel', function () {
    $email = request()->get('email');
    $confirmation_code = request()->get('confirmation_code');
    try {
        $found = Waitlist::where('uuid', $confirmation_code)->where('email', $email)->first();
        if ($found && !$found->verified) {
            send_internal_notification('Waitlist cancelled: ' . $email);
            return 'Your email address has been removed from the waitlist.';
        return redirect()->route('dashboard');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        send_internal_notification('Waitlist cancellation failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
        return redirect()->route('dashboard');

Route::post('/payments/stripe/events', function () {
    try {
        $webhookSecret = config('subscription.stripe_webhook_secret');
        $signature = request()->header('Stripe-Signature');
        $excludedPlans = config('subscription.stripe_excluded_plans');
        $event = \Stripe\Webhook::constructEvent(
        $webhook = Webhook::create([
            'type' => 'stripe',
            'payload' => request()->getContent()
        $type = data_get($event, 'type');
        $data = data_get($event, 'data.object');
        ray('Event: ' . $type);
        switch ($type) {
            case 'checkout.session.completed':
                $clientReferenceId = data_get($data, 'client_reference_id');
                if (is_null($clientReferenceId)) {
                    send_internal_notification('Checkout session completed without client reference id.');
                $userId = Str::before($clientReferenceId, ':');
                $teamId = Str::after($clientReferenceId, ':');
                $subscriptionId = data_get($data, 'subscription');
                $customerId = data_get($data, 'customer');
                $team = Team::find($teamId);
                $found = $team->members->where('id', $userId)->first();
                if (!$found->isAdmin()) {
                    throw new Exception("User {$userId} is not an admin or owner of team {$team->id}.");
                $subscription = Subscription::where('team_id', $teamId)->first();
                if ($subscription) {
                    send_internal_notification('Old subscription activated for team: ' . $teamId);
                        'stripe_subscription_id' => $subscriptionId,
                        'stripe_customer_id' => $customerId,
                        'stripe_invoice_paid' => true,
                } else {
                    send_internal_notification('New subscription for team: ' . $teamId);
                        'team_id' => $teamId,
                        'stripe_subscription_id' => $subscriptionId,
                        'stripe_customer_id' => $customerId,
                        'stripe_invoice_paid' => true,
            case 'invoice.paid':
                $customerId = data_get($data, 'customer');
                $planId = data_get($data, 'lines.data.0.plan.id');
                if (Str::contains($excludedPlans, $planId)) {
                    send_internal_notification('Subscription excluded.');
                $subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_customer_id', $customerId)->first();
                if (!$subscription) {
                    $subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_customer_id', $customerId)->firstOrFail();

                    'stripe_plan_id' => $planId,
                    'stripe_invoice_paid' => true,
            case 'invoice.payment_failed':
                $customerId = data_get($data, 'customer');
                $subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_customer_id', $customerId)->firstOrFail();
                $team = data_get($subscription, 'team');
                if (!$team) {
                    throw new Exception('No team found for subscription: ' . $subscription->id);
                send_internal_notification('Invoice payment failed: ' . $subscription->team->id);
            case 'payment_intent.payment_failed':
                $customerId = data_get($data, 'customer');
                $subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_customer_id', $customerId)->firstOrFail();
                    'stripe_invoice_paid' => false,
                send_internal_notification('Subscription payment failed: ' . $subscription->team->id);
            case 'customer.subscription.updated':
                $customerId = data_get($data, 'customer');
                $status = data_get($data, 'status');
                $subscriptionId = data_get($data, 'items.data.0.subscription');
                $planId = data_get($data, 'items.data.0.plan.id');
                if (Str::contains($excludedPlans, $planId)) {
                    send_internal_notification('Subscription excluded.');
                $subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_customer_id', $customerId)->first();
                if (!$subscription) {
                    $subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_customer_id', $customerId)->firstOrFail();
                $trialEndedAlready = data_get($subscription, 'stripe_trial_already_ended');
                $cancelAtPeriodEnd = data_get($data, 'cancel_at_period_end');
                $alreadyCancelAtPeriodEnd = data_get($subscription, 'stripe_cancel_at_period_end');
                $feedback = data_get($data, 'cancellation_details.feedback');
                $comment = data_get($data, 'cancellation_details.comment');
                    'stripe_feedback' => $feedback,
                    'stripe_comment' => $comment,
                    'stripe_plan_id' => $planId,
                    'stripe_cancel_at_period_end' => $cancelAtPeriodEnd,
                if ($status === 'paused' || $status === 'incomplete_expired') {
                        'stripe_invoice_paid' => false,
                    send_internal_notification('Subscription paused or incomplete for team: ' . $subscription->team->id);

                // Trial ended but subscribed, reactive servers
                if ($trialEndedAlready && $status === 'active') {
                    $team = data_get($subscription, 'team');

                if ($feedback) {
                    $reason = "Cancellation feedback for {$subscription->team->id}: '" . $feedback . "'";
                    if ($comment) {
                        $reason .= ' with comment: \'' . $comment . "'";
                if ($alreadyCancelAtPeriodEnd !== $cancelAtPeriodEnd) {
                    if ($cancelAtPeriodEnd) {
                        // send_internal_notification('Subscription cancelled at period end for team: ' . $subscription->team->id);
                    } else {
                        send_internal_notification('Subscription resumed for team: ' . $subscription->team->id);
            case 'customer.subscription.deleted':
                // End subscription
                $customerId = data_get($data, 'customer');
                $subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_customer_id', $customerId)->firstOrFail();
                $team = data_get($subscription, 'team');
                    'stripe_subscription_id' => null,
                    'stripe_plan_id' => null,
                    'stripe_cancel_at_period_end' => false,
                    'stripe_invoice_paid' => false,
                    'stripe_trial_already_ended' => true,
                // send_internal_notification('Subscription cancelled: ' . $subscription->team->id);
            case 'customer.subscription.trial_will_end':
                $customerId = data_get($data, 'customer');
                $subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_customer_id', $customerId)->firstOrFail();
                $team = data_get($subscription, 'team');
                if (!$team) {
                    throw new Exception('No team found for subscription: ' . $subscription->id);
            case 'customer.subscription.paused':
                $customerId = data_get($data, 'customer');
                $subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_customer_id', $customerId)->firstOrFail();
                $team = data_get($subscription, 'team');
                if (!$team) {
                    throw new Exception('No team found for subscription: ' . $subscription->id);
                    'stripe_trial_already_ended' => true,
                    'stripe_invoice_paid' => false,
                send_internal_notification('Subscription paused for team: ' . $subscription->team->id);
                // Unhandled event type
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        if ($type !== 'payment_intent.payment_failed') {
            send_internal_notification("Subscription webhook ($type) failed: " . $e->getMessage());
            'status' => 'failed',
            'failure_reason' => $e->getMessage(),
        return response($e->getMessage(), 400);
// Route::post('/payments/paddle/events', function () {
//     try {
//         $payload = request()->all();
//         $signature = request()->header('Paddle-Signature');
//         $ts = Str::of($signature)->after('ts=')->before(';');
//         $h1 = Str::of($signature)->after('h1=');
//         $signedPayload = $ts->value . ':' . request()->getContent();
//         $verify = hash_hmac('sha256', $signedPayload, config('subscription.paddle_webhook_secret'));
//         if (!hash_equals($verify, $h1->value)) {
//             return response('Invalid signature.', 400);
//         }
//         $eventType = data_get($payload, 'event_type');
//         $webhook = Webhook::create([
//             'type' => 'paddle',
//             'payload' => $payload,
//         ]);
//         // TODO - Handle events
//         switch ($eventType) {
//             case 'subscription.activated':
//         }
//         ray('Subscription event: ' . $eventType);
//         $webhook->update([
//             'status' => 'success',
//         ]);
//     } catch (Exception $e) {
//         ray($e->getMessage());
//         send_internal_notification('Subscription webhook failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
//         $webhook->update([
//             'status' => 'failed',
//             'failure_reason' => $e->getMessage(),
//         ]);
//     } finally {
//         return response('OK');
//     }
// });
// Route::post('/payments/lemon/events', function () {
//     try {
//         $secret = config('subscription.lemon_squeezy_webhook_secret');
//         $payload = request()->collect();
//         $hash = hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $secret);
//         $signature = request()->header('X-Signature');

//         if (!hash_equals($hash, $signature)) {
//             return response('Invalid signature.', 400);
//         }

//         $webhook = Webhook::create([
//             'type' => 'lemonsqueezy',
//             'payload' => $payload,
//         ]);
//         $event = data_get($payload, 'meta.event_name');
//         ray('Subscription event: ' . $event);
//         $email = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.user_email');
//         $team_id = data_get($payload, 'meta.custom_data.team_id');
//         if (is_null($team_id) || empty($team_id)) {
//             throw new Exception('No team_id found in webhook payload.');
//         }
//         $subscription_id = data_get($payload, 'data.id');
//         $order_id = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.order_id');
//         $product_id = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.product_id');
//         $variant_id = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.variant_id');
//         $variant_name = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.variant_name');
//         $customer_id = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.customer_id');
//         $status = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.status');
//         $trial_ends_at = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.trial_ends_at');
//         $renews_at = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.renews_at');
//         $ends_at = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.ends_at');
//         $update_payment_method = data_get($payload, 'data.attributes.urls.update_payment_method');
//         $team = Team::find($team_id);
//         $found = $team->members->where('email', $email)->first();
//         if (!$found->isAdmin()) {
//             throw new Exception("User {$email} is not an admin or owner of team {$team->id}.");
//         }
//         switch ($event) {
//             case 'subscription_created':
//             case 'subscription_updated':
//             case 'subscription_resumed':
//             case 'subscription_unpaused':
//                 send_internal_notification("LemonSqueezy Event (`$event`): `" . $email  . '` with status `' . $status . '`, tier: `' . $variant_name . '`');
//                 $subscription = Subscription::updateOrCreate([
//                     'team_id' => $team_id,
//                 ], [
//                     'lemon_subscription_id' => $subscription_id,
//                     'lemon_customer_id' => $customer_id,
//                     'lemon_order_id' => $order_id,
//                     'lemon_product_id' => $product_id,
//                     'lemon_variant_id' => $variant_id,
//                     'lemon_status' => $status,
//                     'lemon_variant_name' => $variant_name,
//                     'lemon_trial_ends_at' => $trial_ends_at,
//                     'lemon_renews_at' => $renews_at,
//                     'lemon_ends_at' => $ends_at,
//                     'lemon_update_payment_menthod_url' => $update_payment_method,
//                 ]);
//                 break;
//             case 'subscription_cancelled':
//             case 'subscription_paused':
//             case 'subscription_expired':
//                 $subscription = Subscription::where('team_id', $team_id)->where('lemon_order_id', $order_id)->first();
//                 if ($subscription) {
//                     send_internal_notification("LemonSqueezy Event (`$event`): " . $subscription_id . ' for team ' . $team_id . ' with status ' . $status);
//                     $subscription->update([
//                         'lemon_status' => $status,
//                         'lemon_trial_ends_at' => $trial_ends_at,
//                         'lemon_renews_at' => $renews_at,
//                         'lemon_ends_at' => $ends_at,
//                         'lemon_update_payment_menthod_url' => $update_payment_method,
//                     ]);
//                 }
//                 break;
//         }

//         $webhook->update([
//             'status' => 'success',
//         ]);
//     } catch (Exception $e) {
//         ray($e->getMessage());
//         send_internal_notification('Subscription webhook failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
//         $webhook->update([
//             'status' => 'failed',
//             'failure_reason' => $e->getMessage(),
//         ]);
//     } finally {
//         return response('OK');
//     }
// });