<div> <x-slot:title> {{ data_get_str($resource, 'name')->limit(10) }} > Logs | Coolify </x-slot> <livewire:project.shared.configuration-checker :resource="$resource" /> @if ($type === 'application') <h1>Logs</h1> <livewire:project.application.heading :application="$resource" /> <div class="pt-4"> <h2>Logs</h2> <div class="subtitle">Here you can see the logs of the application.</div> <div class="pt-2" wire:loading wire:target="loadContainers"> Loading containers... </div> @forelse ($servers as $server) <div class="py-2"> <h2 wire:loading.remove x-init="$wire.loadContainers({{ $server->id }})">Server: {{ $server->name }}</h2> <div wire:loading.remove wire:target="loadContainers"> @forelse (data_get($server,'containers',[]) as $container) <livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="$server" :resource="$resource" :container="data_get($container, 'Names')" /> @empty <div class="pt-2">No containers are running on server: {{ $server->name }}</div> @endforelse </div> </div> @empty <div>No functional server found for the application.</div> @endforelse </div> @elseif ($type === 'database') <h1>Logs</h1> <livewire:project.database.heading :database="$resource" /> <div class="pt-4"> @forelse ($containers as $container) @if ($loop->first) <h2 class="pb-4">Logs</h2> @endif @if (data_get($servers, '0')) <livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="data_get($servers, '0')" :resource="$resource" :container="$container" /> @else <div> No functional server found for the database.</div> @endif @empty <div class="pt-2">No containers are running.</div> @endforelse </div> @elseif ($type === 'service') <div> @forelse ($containers as $container) @if ($loop->first) <h2 class="pb-4">Logs</h2> @endif @if (data_get($servers, '0')) <livewire:project.shared.get-logs :server="data_get($servers, '0')" :resource="$resource" :container="$container" /> @else <div> No functional server found for the service.</div> @endif @empty <div class="pt-2">No containers are running.</div> @endforelse </div> @endif {{-- <section x-data="apex_app" class="container p-5 mx-auto my-20 bg-white drop-shadow-xl rounded-xl"> <div class="w-full" x-ref="chart"></div> </section> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/apexcharts"></script> <script> document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => { Alpine.data("apex_app", () => ({ data: @js($cpu), init() { let chart = new ApexCharts(this.$refs.chart, this.options); chart.render(); this.$watch("data", () => { chart.updateOptions(this.options); }); }, get options() { return { colors: [function({ value, seriesIndex, w }) { if (value < 55) { return '#7E36AF' } else { return '#D9534F' } }, function({ value, seriesIndex, w }) { if (value < 111) { return '#7E36AF' } else { return '#D9534F' } }], xaxis: { type: 'datetime' }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: "Series name", data: this.data }], tooltip: { enabled: true }, chart: { stroke: { curve: 'smooth', }, height: 500, width: "100%", type: "line", toolbar: { show: true }, animations: { initialAnimation: { enabled: false } } }, }; } })); }); </script> --}} </div>