fqdn == '') { $application->fqdn = null; } $application->forceFill([ 'fqdn' => $application->fqdn, 'install_command' => Str::of($application->install_command)->trim(), 'build_command' => Str::of($application->build_command)->trim(), 'start_command' => Str::of($application->start_command)->trim(), 'base_directory' => Str::of($application->base_directory)->trim(), 'publish_directory' => Str::of($application->publish_directory)->trim(), ]); }); static::created(function ($application) { ApplicationSetting::create([ 'application_id' => $application->id, ]); }); static::deleting(function ($application) { $application->settings()->delete(); $storages = $application->persistentStorages()->get(); $server = data_get($application, 'destination.server'); if ($server) { foreach ($storages as $storage) { instant_remote_process(["docker volume rm -f $storage->name"], $server, false); } } $application->persistentStorages()->delete(); $application->environment_variables()->delete(); $application->environment_variables_preview()->delete(); }); } public function link() { return route('project.application.configuration', [ 'project_uuid' => $this->environment->project->uuid, 'environment_name' => $this->environment->name, 'application_uuid' => $this->uuid ]); } public function settings() { return $this->hasOne(ApplicationSetting::class); } public function persistentStorages() { return $this->morphMany(LocalPersistentVolume::class, 'resource'); } public function fileStorages() { return $this->morphMany(LocalFileVolume::class, 'resource'); } public function type() { return 'application'; } public function publishDirectory(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( set: fn ($value) => $value ? '/' . ltrim($value, '/') : null, ); } public function gitBranchLocation(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( get: function () { if (!is_null($this->source?->html_url) && !is_null($this->git_repository) && !is_null($this->git_branch)) { return "{$this->source->html_url}/{$this->git_repository}/tree/{$this->git_branch}"; } return $this->git_repository; } ); } public function gitWebhook(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( get: function () { if (!is_null($this->source?->html_url) && !is_null($this->git_repository) && !is_null($this->git_branch)) { return "{$this->source->html_url}/{$this->git_repository}/settings/hooks"; } return $this->git_repository; } ); } public function gitCommits(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( get: function () { if (!is_null($this->source?->html_url) && !is_null($this->git_repository) && !is_null($this->git_branch)) { return "{$this->source->html_url}/{$this->git_repository}/commits/{$this->git_branch}"; } return $this->git_repository; } ); } public function dockerfileLocation(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( set: function ($value) { if (is_null($value) || $value === '') { return '/Dockerfile'; } else { if ($value !== '/') { return Str::start(Str::replaceEnd('/', '', $value), '/'); } return Str::start($value, '/'); } } ); } public function dockerComposeLocation(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( set: function ($value) { if (is_null($value) || $value === '') { return '/docker-compose.yml'; } else { if ($value !== '/') { return Str::start(Str::replaceEnd('/', '', $value), '/'); } return Str::start($value, '/'); } } ); } public function baseDirectory(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( set: fn ($value) => '/' . ltrim($value, '/'), ); } public function portsMappings(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( set: fn ($value) => $value === "" ? null : $value, ); } // Normal Deployments public function portsMappingsArray(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( get: fn () => is_null($this->ports_mappings) ? [] : explode(',', $this->ports_mappings), ); } public function portsExposesArray(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( get: fn () => is_null($this->ports_exposes) ? [] : explode(',', $this->ports_exposes) ); } public function serviceType() { $found = str(collect(SPECIFIC_SERVICES)->filter(function ($service) { return str($this->image)->before(':')->value() === $service; })->first()); if ($found->isNotEmpty()) { return $found; } return null; } public function environment_variables(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', false)->orderBy('key', 'asc'); } public function runtime_environment_variables(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', false)->where('key', 'not like', 'NIXPACKS_%'); } // Preview Deployments public function build_environment_variables(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', false)->where('is_build_time', true)->where('key', 'not like', 'NIXPACKS_%'); } public function nixpacks_environment_variables(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', false)->where('key', 'like', 'NIXPACKS_%'); } public function environment_variables_preview(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', true)->orderBy('key', 'asc'); } public function runtime_environment_variables_preview(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', true)->where('key', 'not like', 'NIXPACKS_%'); } public function build_environment_variables_preview(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', true)->where('is_build_time', true)->where('key', 'not like', 'NIXPACKS_%'); } public function nixpacks_environment_variables_preview(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(EnvironmentVariable::class)->where('is_preview', true)->where('key', 'like', 'NIXPACKS_%'); } public function private_key() { return $this->belongsTo(PrivateKey::class); } public function environment() { return $this->belongsTo(Environment::class); } public function previews() { return $this->hasMany(ApplicationPreview::class); } public function destination() { return $this->morphTo(); } public function source() { return $this->morphTo(); } public function isDeploymentInprogress() { $deployments = ApplicationDeploymentQueue::where('application_id', $this->id)->where('status', 'in_progress')->count(); if ($deployments > 0) { return true; } return false; } public function deployments(int $skip = 0, int $take = 10) { $deployments = ApplicationDeploymentQueue::where('application_id', $this->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); $count = $deployments->count(); $deployments = $deployments->skip($skip)->take($take)->get(); return [ 'count' => $count, 'deployments' => $deployments ]; } public function get_deployment(string $deployment_uuid) { return Activity::where('subject_id', $this->id)->where('properties->type_uuid', '=', $deployment_uuid)->first(); } public function isDeployable(): bool { if ($this->settings->is_auto_deploy_enabled) { return true; } return false; } public function isPRDeployable(): bool { if ($this->settings->is_preview_deployments_enabled) { return true; } return false; } public function deploymentType() { if (data_get($this, 'private_key_id')) { return 'deploy_key'; } else if (data_get($this, 'source')) { return 'source'; } else { return 'other'; } throw new \Exception('No deployment type found'); } public function could_set_build_commands(): bool { if ($this->build_pack === 'nixpacks') { return true; } return false; } public function git_based(): bool { if ($this->dockerfile) { return false; } if ($this->build_pack === 'dockerimage') { return false; } return true; } public function isHealthcheckDisabled(): bool { if (data_get($this, 'health_check_enabled') === false) { return true; } return false; } public function isLogDrainEnabled() { return data_get($this, 'settings.is_log_drain_enabled', false); } public function isConfigurationChanged($save = false) { $newConfigHash = $this->fqdn . $this->git_repository . $this->git_branch . $this->git_commit_sha . $this->build_pack . $this->static_image . $this->install_command . $this->build_command . $this->start_command . $this->port_exposes . $this->port_mappings . $this->base_directory . $this->publish_directory . $this->health_check_path . $this->health_check_port . $this->health_check_host . $this->health_check_method . $this->health_check_return_code . $this->health_check_scheme . $this->health_check_response_text . $this->health_check_interval . $this->health_check_timeout . $this->health_check_retries . $this->health_check_start_period . $this->health_check_enabled . $this->limits_memory . $this->limits_swap . $this->limits_swappiness . $this->limits_reservation . $this->limits_cpus . $this->limits_cpuset . $this->limits_cpu_shares . $this->dockerfile . $this->dockerfile_location . $this->custom_labels; if ($this->pull_request_id === 0) { $newConfigHash .= json_encode($this->environment_variables->all()); } else { $newConfigHash .= json_encode($this->environment_variables_preview->all()); } $newConfigHash = md5($newConfigHash); $oldConfigHash = data_get($this, 'config_hash'); if ($oldConfigHash === null) { if ($save) { $this->config_hash = $newConfigHash; $this->save(); } return true; } if ($oldConfigHash === $newConfigHash) { return false; } else { if ($save) { $this->config_hash = $newConfigHash; $this->save(); } return true; } } public function isMultipleServerDeployment() { if (isDev()) { return true; } if (data_get($this, 'additional_destinations') && data_get($this, 'docker_registry_image_name')) { return true; } return false; } public function healthCheckUrl() { if ($this->dockerfile || $this->build_pack === 'dockerfile' || $this->build_pack === 'dockerimage') { return null; } if (!$this->health_check_port) { $health_check_port = $this->ports_exposes_array[0]; } else { $health_check_port = $this->health_check_port; } if ($this->health_check_path) { $full_healthcheck_url = "{$this->health_check_scheme}://{$this->health_check_host}:{$health_check_port}{$this->health_check_path}"; } else { $full_healthcheck_url = "{$this->health_check_scheme}://{$this->health_check_host}:{$health_check_port}/"; } return $full_healthcheck_url; } function customRepository() { preg_match('/(?<=:)\d+(?=\/)/', $this->git_repository, $matches); $port = 22; if (count($matches) === 1) { $port = $matches[0]; $gitHost = str($this->git_repository)->before(':'); $gitRepo = str($this->git_repository)->after('/'); $repository = "$gitHost:$gitRepo"; } else { $repository = $this->git_repository; } return [ 'repository' => $repository, 'port' => $port ]; } function generateBaseDir(string $uuid) { return "/artifacts/{$uuid}"; } function setGitImportSettings(string $deployment_uuid, string $git_clone_command) { $baseDir = $this->generateBaseDir($deployment_uuid); if ($this->git_commit_sha !== 'HEAD') { $git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout {$this->git_commit_sha} >/dev/null 2>&1"; } if ($this->settings->is_git_submodules_enabled) { $git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && git submodule update --init --recursive"; } if ($this->settings->is_git_lfs_enabled) { $git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && git lfs pull"; } return $git_clone_command; } function generateGitImportCommands(string $deployment_uuid, int $pull_request_id = 0, ?string $git_type = null, bool $exec_in_docker = true, bool $only_checkout = false, ?string $custom_base_dir = null) { $branch = $this->git_branch; ['repository' => $customRepository, 'port' => $customPort] = $this->customRepository(); $baseDir = $custom_base_dir ?? $this->generateBaseDir($deployment_uuid); $commands = collect([]); $git_clone_command = "git clone -b {$this->git_branch}"; if ($only_checkout) { $git_clone_command = "git clone --no-checkout -b {$this->git_branch}"; } if ($pull_request_id !== 0) { $pr_branch_name = "pr-{$pull_request_id}-coolify"; } if ($this->deploymentType() === 'source') { $source_html_url = data_get($this, 'source.html_url'); $url = parse_url(filter_var($source_html_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)); $source_html_url_host = $url['host']; $source_html_url_scheme = $url['scheme']; if ($this->source->getMorphClass() == 'App\Models\GithubApp') { if ($this->source->is_public) { $fullRepoUrl = "{$this->source->html_url}/{$customRepository}"; $git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} {$this->source->html_url}/{$customRepository} {$baseDir}"; if (!$only_checkout) { $git_clone_command = $this->setGitImportSettings($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command); } if ($exec_in_docker) { $commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command)); } else { $commands->push($git_clone_command); } } else { $github_access_token = generate_github_installation_token($this->source); if ($exec_in_docker) { $commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "{$git_clone_command} $source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$customRepository}.git {$baseDir}")); $fullRepoUrl = "$source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$customRepository}.git"; } else { $commands->push("{$git_clone_command} $source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$customRepository} {$baseDir}"); $fullRepoUrl = "$source_html_url_scheme://x-access-token:$github_access_token@$source_html_url_host/{$customRepository}"; } } if ($pull_request_id !== 0) { $branch = "pull/{$pull_request_id}/head:$pr_branch_name"; if ($exec_in_docker) { $commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "cd {$baseDir} && git fetch origin {$branch} && git checkout $pr_branch_name")); } else { $commands->push("cd {$baseDir} && git fetch origin {$branch} && git checkout $pr_branch_name"); } } return [ 'commands' => $commands->implode(' && '), 'branch' => $branch, 'fullRepoUrl' => $fullRepoUrl ]; } } if ($this->deploymentType() === 'deploy_key') { $fullRepoUrl = $customRepository; $private_key = data_get($this, 'private_key.private_key'); if (is_null($private_key)) { throw new RuntimeException('Private key not found. Please add a private key to the application and try again.'); } $private_key = base64_encode($private_key); $git_clone_command_base = "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p {$customPort} -o Port={$customPort} -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa\" {$git_clone_command} {$customRepository} {$baseDir}"; if (!$only_checkout) { $git_clone_command = $this->setGitImportSettings($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command_base); } if ($exec_in_docker) { $commands = collect([ executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "mkdir -p /root/.ssh"), executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "echo '{$private_key}' | base64 -d > /root/.ssh/id_rsa"), executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa"), ]); } else { $commands = collect([ "mkdir -p /root/.ssh", "echo '{$private_key}' | base64 -d > /root/.ssh/id_rsa", "chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa", ]); } if ($pull_request_id !== 0) { if ($git_type === 'gitlab') { $branch = "merge-requests/{$pull_request_id}/head:$pr_branch_name"; if ($exec_in_docker) { $commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "echo 'Checking out $branch'")); } else { $commands->push("echo 'Checking out $branch'"); } $git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p {$customPort} -o Port={$customPort} -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa\" git fetch origin $branch && git checkout $pr_branch_name"; } if ($git_type === 'github') { $branch = "pull/{$pull_request_id}/head:$pr_branch_name"; if ($exec_in_docker) { $commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, "echo 'Checking out $branch'")); } else { $commands->push("echo 'Checking out $branch'"); } $git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} && cd {$baseDir} && GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -p {$customPort} -o Port={$customPort} -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa\" git fetch origin $branch && git checkout $pr_branch_name"; } } if ($exec_in_docker) { $commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command)); } else { $commands->push($git_clone_command); } return [ 'commands' => $commands->implode(' && '), 'branch' => $branch, 'fullRepoUrl' => $fullRepoUrl ]; } if ($this->deploymentType() === 'other') { $fullRepoUrl = $customRepository; $git_clone_command = "{$git_clone_command} {$customRepository} {$baseDir}"; $git_clone_command = $this->setGitImportSettings($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command); if ($exec_in_docker) { $commands->push(executeInDocker($deployment_uuid, $git_clone_command)); } else { $commands->push($git_clone_command); } return [ 'commands' => $commands->implode(' && '), 'branch' => $branch, 'fullRepoUrl' => $fullRepoUrl ]; } } public function prepareHelperImage(string $deploymentUuid) { $basedir = $this->generateBaseDir($deploymentUuid); $helperImage = config('coolify.helper_image'); $server = data_get($this, 'destination.server'); $network = data_get($this, 'destination.network'); $serverUserHomeDir = instant_remote_process(["echo \$HOME"], $server); $dockerConfigFileExists = instant_remote_process(["test -f {$serverUserHomeDir}/.docker/config.json && echo 'OK' || echo 'NOK'"], $server); $commands = collect([]); if ($dockerConfigFileExists === 'OK') { $commands->push([ "command" => "docker run -d --network $network -v /:/host --name $deploymentUuid --rm -v {$serverUserHomeDir}/.docker/config.json:/root/.docker/config.json:ro -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock $helperImage", "hidden" => true, ]); } else { $commands->push([ "command" => "docker run -d --network {$network} -v /:/host --name {$deploymentUuid} --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock {$helperImage}", "hidden" => true, ]); } $commands->push([ "command" => executeInDocker($deploymentUuid, "mkdir -p {$basedir}"), "hidden" => true, ]); return $commands; } function parseCompose(int $pull_request_id = 0) { if ($this->docker_compose_raw) { return parseDockerComposeFile(resource: $this, isNew: false, pull_request_id: $pull_request_id); } else { return collect([]); } } function loadComposeFile($isInit = false) { $initialDockerComposeLocation = $this->docker_compose_location; if ($this->build_pack === 'dockercompose') { if ($isInit && $this->docker_compose_raw) { return; } $uuid = new Cuid2(); ['commands' => $cloneCommand] = $this->generateGitImportCommands(deployment_uuid: $uuid, only_checkout: true, exec_in_docker: false, custom_base_dir: '.'); $workdir = rtrim($this->base_directory, '/'); $composeFile = $this->docker_compose_location; $commands = collect([ "mkdir -p /tmp/{$uuid} && cd /tmp/{$uuid}", $cloneCommand, "git sparse-checkout init --cone", "git sparse-checkout set .$workdir$composeFile", "git read-tree -mu HEAD", "cat .$workdir$composeFile", ]); $composeFileContent = instant_remote_process($commands, $this->destination->server, false); if (!$composeFileContent) { $this->docker_compose_location = $initialDockerComposeLocation; $this->save(); throw new \Exception("Could not load compose file from $workdir$composeFile"); } else { $this->docker_compose_raw = $composeFileContent; $this->save(); } $commands = collect([ "rm -rf /tmp/{$uuid}", ]); instant_remote_process($commands, $this->destination->server, false); return [ 'parsedServices' => $this->parseCompose(), 'initialDockerComposeLocation' => $this->docker_compose_location ]; } } }