@if (count($application->additional_servers) > 0)
Previews will be deployed on {{ $application->destination->server->name }}.
@if ($application->is_github_based())

Pull Requests on Git

Load Pull Requests
@endif @isset($rate_limit_remaining)
Requests remaining till rate limited by Git: {{ $rate_limit_remaining }}
@if ($pull_requests->count() > 0)
@foreach ($pull_requests as $pull_request) @endforeach
PR Number PR Title Git Actions
{{ data_get($pull_request, 'number') }} {{ data_get($pull_request, 'title') }} Open PR on Git Configure Deploy
@if ($application->previews->count() > 0)


@foreach (data_get($application, 'previews') as $previewName => $preview)
PR #{{ data_get($preview, 'pull_request_id') }} | @if (str(data_get($preview, 'status'))->startsWith('running')) @elseif(str(data_get($preview, 'status'))->startsWith('restarting')) @else @endif @if (data_get($preview, 'status') !== 'exited') | Open Preview @endif | Open PR on Git
@if ($application->build_pack === 'dockercompose')
@if (collect(json_decode($preview->docker_compose_domains))->count() === 0)
Save Generate Domain
@else @foreach (collect(json_decode($preview->docker_compose_domains)) as $serviceName => $service) @endforeach @endif
Save Generate Domain
@if (count($parameters) > 0) Deployment Logs Application Logs @endif
@if (data_get($preview, 'status') === 'exited') Deploy @else Redeploy @endif @if (data_get($preview, 'status') !== 'exited') Stop This will stop the preview deployment.
Please think again.
@endif This will delete the preview deployment.
Please think again.