<?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use App\Models\Application; use App\Models\ApplicationPreview; use App\Models\ScheduledDatabaseBackup; use App\Models\StandalonePostgresql; use App\Models\TeamInvitation; use App\Models\User; use App\Notifications\Application\DeploymentFailed; use App\Notifications\Application\DeploymentSuccess; use App\Notifications\Application\StatusChanged; use App\Notifications\Database\BackupFailed; use App\Notifications\Database\BackupSuccess; use App\Notifications\Test; use App\Notifications\TransactionalEmails\InvitationLink; use Exception; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Mail\Message; use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage; use Mail; use Str; use function Laravel\Prompts\select; class TestEmail extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'email:test {to}'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Send a test email to the admin'; /** * Execute the console command. */ private ?MailMessage $mail = null; public function handle() { $email = select( 'Which Email should be sent?', options: [ 'emails-test' => 'Test', 'application-deployment-success' => 'Application - Deployment Success', 'application-deployment-failed' => 'Application - Deployment Failed', 'application-status-changed' => 'Application - Status Changed', 'backup-success' => 'Database - Backup Success', 'backup-failed' => 'Database - Backup Failed', 'invitation-link' => 'Invitation Link', 'waitlist-invitation-link' => 'Waitlist Invitation Link', 'waitlist-confirmation' => 'Waitlist Confirmation', ], ); $type = set_transanctional_email_settings(); if (!$type) { throw new Exception('No email settings found.'); } $this->mail = new MailMessage(); $this->mail->subject("Test Email"); switch ($email) { case 'emails-test': $this->mail = (new Test())->toMail(); break; case 'application-deployment-success': $application = Application::all()->first(); $this->mail = (new DeploymentSuccess($application, 'test'))->toMail(); $this->sendEmail(); break; case 'application-deployment-failed': $application = Application::all()->first(); $preview = ApplicationPreview::all()->first(); if (!$preview) { $preview = ApplicationPreview::create([ 'application_id' => $application->id, 'pull_request_id' => 1, 'pull_request_html_url' => 'http://example.com', 'fqdn' => $application->fqdn, ]); } $this->mail = (new DeploymentFailed($application, 'test'))->toMail(); $this->sendEmail(); $this->mail = (new DeploymentFailed($application, 'test', $preview))->toMail(); $this->sendEmail(); break; case 'application-status-changed': $application = Application::all()->first(); $this->mail = (new StatusChanged($application))->toMail(); $this->sendEmail(); break; case 'backup-failed': $backup = ScheduledDatabaseBackup::all()->first(); $db = StandalonePostgresql::all()->first(); if (!$backup) { $backup = ScheduledDatabaseBackup::create([ 'enabled' => true, 'frequency' => 'daily', 'save_s3' => false, 'database_id' => $db->id, 'database_type' => $db->getMorphClass(), 'team_id' => 0, ]); } $output = 'Because of an error, the backup of the database ' . $db->name . ' failed.'; $this->mail = (new BackupFailed($backup, $db, $output))->toMail(); $this->sendEmail(); break; case 'backup-success': $backup = ScheduledDatabaseBackup::all()->first(); $db = StandalonePostgresql::all()->first(); if (!$backup) { $backup = ScheduledDatabaseBackup::create([ 'enabled' => true, 'frequency' => 'daily', 'save_s3' => false, 'database_id' => $db->id, 'database_type' => $db->getMorphClass(), 'team_id' => 0, ]); } $this->mail = (new BackupSuccess($backup, $db))->toMail(); $this->sendEmail(); break; case 'invitation-link': $user = User::all()->first(); $invitation = TeamInvitation::whereEmail($user->email)->first(); if (!$invitation) { $invitation = TeamInvitation::create([ 'uuid' => Str::uuid(), 'email' => $user->email, 'team_id' => 1, 'link' => 'http://example.com', ]); } $this->mail = (new InvitationLink($user))->toMail(); $this->sendEmail(); break; case 'waitlist-invitation-link': $this->mail = new MailMessage(); $this->mail->view('emails.waitlist-invitation', [ 'email' => 'test2@example.com', 'password' => "supersecretpassword", ]); $this->mail->subject('Congratulations! You are invited to join Coolify Cloud.'); $this->sendEmail(); break; case 'waitlist-confirmation': $this->mail = new MailMessage(); $this->mail->view( 'emails.waitlist-confirmation', [ 'confirmation_url' => 'http://example.com', 'cancel_url' => 'http://example.com', ] ); $this->mail->subject('You are on the waitlist!'); $this->sendEmail(); break; } } private function sendEmail() { Mail::send( [], [], fn (Message $message) => $message ->from( 'internal@example.com', 'Test Email', ) ->to($this->argument('to') ?? 'test@example.com') ->subject($this->mail->subject) ->html((string)$this->mail->render()) ); } }