import Fastify from 'fastify'; import cors from '@fastify/cors'; import serve from '@fastify/static'; import env from '@fastify/env'; import cookie from '@fastify/cookie'; import multipart from '@fastify/multipart'; import path, { join } from 'path'; import autoLoad from '@fastify/autoload'; import { asyncExecShell, createRemoteEngineConfiguration, getDomain, isDev, listSettings, prisma, version } from './lib/common'; // import { scheduler } from './lib/scheduler'; import { compareVersions } from 'compare-versions'; import Graceful from '@ladjs/graceful' import { verifyRemoteDockerEngineFn } from './routes/api/v1/destinations/handlers'; declare module 'fastify' { interface FastifyInstance { config: { COOLIFY_APP_ID: string, COOLIFY_SECRET_KEY: string, COOLIFY_DATABASE_URL: string, COOLIFY_SENTRY_DSN: string, COOLIFY_IS_ON: string, COOLIFY_WHITE_LABELED: string, COOLIFY_WHITE_LABELED_ICON: string | null, COOLIFY_AUTO_UPDATE: string, }; } } const port = isDev ? 3001 : 3000; const host = ''; (async () => { const settings = await prisma.setting.findFirst() const fastify = Fastify({ logger: settings?.isAPIDebuggingEnabled || false, trustProxy: true }); const schema = { type: 'object', required: ['COOLIFY_SECRET_KEY', 'COOLIFY_DATABASE_URL', 'COOLIFY_IS_ON'], properties: { COOLIFY_APP_ID: { type: 'string', }, COOLIFY_SECRET_KEY: { type: 'string', }, COOLIFY_DATABASE_URL: { type: 'string', default: 'file:../db/dev.db' }, COOLIFY_SENTRY_DSN: { type: 'string', default: null }, COOLIFY_IS_ON: { type: 'string', default: 'docker' }, COOLIFY_WHITE_LABELED: { type: 'string', default: 'false' }, COOLIFY_WHITE_LABELED_ICON: { type: 'string', default: null }, COOLIFY_AUTO_UPDATE: { type: 'string', default: 'false' }, } }; const options = { schema, dotenv: true }; fastify.register(env, options); if (!isDev) { fastify.register(serve, { root: path.join(__dirname, './public'), preCompressed: true }); fastify.setNotFoundHandler(async function (request, reply) { if (request.raw.url && request.raw.url.startsWith('/api')) { return reply.status(404).send({ success: false }); } return reply.status(200).sendFile('index.html'); }); } fastify.register(multipart, { limits: { fileSize: 100000 } }); fastify.register(autoLoad, { dir: join(__dirname, 'plugins') }); fastify.register(autoLoad, { dir: join(__dirname, 'routes') }); fastify.register(cookie) fastify.register(cors); fastify.addHook('onRequest', async (request, reply) => { let allowedList = ['coolify:3000']; const { ipv4, ipv6, fqdn } = await prisma.setting.findFirst({}) ipv4 && allowedList.push(`${ipv4}:3000`); ipv6 && allowedList.push(ipv6); fqdn && allowedList.push(getDomain(fqdn)); isDev && allowedList.push('localhost:3000') && allowedList.push('localhost:3001') && allowedList.push('host.docker.internal:3001'); const remotes = await prisma.destinationDocker.findMany({ where: { remoteEngine: true, remoteVerified: true } }) if (remotes.length > 0) { remotes.forEach(remote => { allowedList.push(`${remote.remoteIpAddress}:3000`); }) } if (!allowedList.includes( { // console.log('not allowed', } }) try { await fastify.listen({ port, host }) console.log(`Coolify's API is listening on ${host}:${port}`); await initServer(); // const graceful = new Graceful({ brees: [scheduler] }); // graceful.listen(); // setInterval(async () => { // if (!scheduler.workers.has('deployApplication')) { //'deployApplication'); // } // if (!scheduler.workers.has('infrastructure')) { //'infrastructure'); // } // }, 2000) // // autoUpdater // setInterval(async () => { // scheduler.workers.has('infrastructure') && scheduler.workers.get('infrastructure').postMessage("action:autoUpdater") // }, 60000 * 15) // // cleanupStorage // setInterval(async () => { // scheduler.workers.has('infrastructure') && scheduler.workers.get('infrastructure').postMessage("action:cleanupStorage") // }, 60000 * 10) // // checkProxies and checkFluentBit // setInterval(async () => { // scheduler.workers.has('infrastructure') && scheduler.workers.get('infrastructure').postMessage("action:checkProxies") // scheduler.workers.has('infrastructure') && scheduler.workers.get('infrastructure').postMessage("action:checkFluentBit") // }, 10000) // setInterval(async () => { // scheduler.workers.has('infrastructure') && scheduler.workers.get('infrastructure').postMessage("action:copySSLCertificates") // }, 2000) // await Promise.all([ // getArch(), // getIPAddress(), // configureRemoteDockers(), // ]) } catch (error) { console.error(error); process.exit(1); } })(); async function getIPAddress() { const { publicIpv4, publicIpv6 } = await import('public-ip') try { const settings = await listSettings(); if (!settings.ipv4) { console.log(`Getting public IPv4 address...`); const ipv4 = await publicIpv4({ timeout: 2000 }) await prisma.setting.update({ where: { id: }, data: { ipv4 } }) } if (!settings.ipv6) { console.log(`Getting public IPv6 address...`); const ipv6 = await publicIpv6({ timeout: 2000 }) await prisma.setting.update({ where: { id: }, data: { ipv6 } }) } } catch (error) { } } async function initServer() { try { console.log(`Initializing server...`); await asyncExecShell(`docker network create --attachable coolify`); } catch (error) { } try { const isOlder = compareVersions('3.8.1', version); if (isOlder === 1) { await{ where: { status: { in: ['running', 'queued'] } }, data: { status: 'failed' } }); } } catch (error) { } } async function getArch() { try { const settings = await prisma.setting.findFirst({}) if (settings && !settings.arch) { console.log(`Getting architecture...`); await prisma.setting.update({ where: { id: }, data: { arch: process.arch } }) } } catch (error) { } } async function configureRemoteDockers() { try { const remoteDocker = await prisma.destinationDocker.findMany({ where: { remoteVerified: true, remoteEngine: true } }); if (remoteDocker.length > 0) { console.log(`Verifying Remote Docker Engines...`); for (const docker of remoteDocker) { console.log('Verifying:', docker.remoteIpAddress) await verifyRemoteDockerEngineFn(; } } } catch (error) { console.log(error) } }