'required', 'database.description' => 'nullable', 'database.mysql_root_password' => 'required', 'database.mysql_user' => 'required', 'database.mysql_password' => 'required', 'database.mysql_database' => 'required', 'database.mysql_conf' => 'nullable', 'database.image' => 'required', 'database.ports_mappings' => 'nullable', 'database.is_public' => 'nullable|boolean', 'database.public_port' => 'nullable|integer', ]; protected $validationAttributes = [ 'database.name' => 'Name', 'database.description' => 'Description', 'database.mysql_root_password' => 'Root Password', 'database.mysql_user' => 'User', 'database.mysql_password' => 'Password', 'database.mysql_database' => 'Database', 'database.mysql_conf' => 'MySQL Configuration', 'database.image' => 'Image', 'database.ports_mappings' => 'Port Mapping', 'database.is_public' => 'Is Public', 'database.public_port' => 'Public Port', ]; public function submit() { try { if (str($this->database->public_port)->isEmpty()) { $this->database->public_port = null; } $this->validate(); $this->database->save(); $this->emit('success', 'Database updated successfully.'); } catch (Exception $e) { return handleError($e, $this); } } public function instantSave() { try { if ($this->database->is_public && !$this->database->public_port) { $this->emit('error', 'Public port is required.'); $this->database->is_public = false; return; } if ($this->database->is_public) { if (!str($this->database->status)->startsWith('running')) { $this->emit('error', 'Database must be started to be publicly accessible.'); $this->database->is_public = false; return; } StartDatabaseProxy::run($this->database); $this->emit('success', 'Database is now publicly accessible.'); } else { StopDatabaseProxy::run($this->database); $this->emit('success', 'Database is no longer publicly accessible.'); } $this->db_url = $this->database->getDbUrl(); $this->database->save(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->database->is_public = !$this->database->is_public; return handleError($e, $this); } } public function refresh(): void { $this->database->refresh(); } public function mount() { $this->db_url = $this->database->getDbUrl(); } public function render() { return view('livewire.project.database.mysql.general'); } }