
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Webhook;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\ApplicationPreview;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Visus\Cuid2\Cuid2;

class Gitlab extends Controller
    public function manual(Request $request)
        try {
            if (app()->isDownForMaintenance()) {
                ray('Maintenance mode is on');
                $epoch = now()->valueOf();
                $data = [
                    'attributes' => $request->attributes->all(),
                    'request'    => $request->request->all(),
                    'query'      => $request->query->all(),
                    'server'     => $request->server->all(),
                    'files'      => $request->files->all(),
                    'cookies'    => $request->cookies->all(),
                    'headers'    => $request->headers->all(),
                    'content'    => $request->getContent(),
                $json = json_encode($data);
                Storage::disk('webhooks-during-maintenance')->put("{$epoch}_Gitlab::manual_gitlab", $json);
            $return_payloads = collect([]);
            $payload = $request->collect();
            $headers = $request->headers->all();
            $x_gitlab_token = data_get($headers, 'x-gitlab-token.0');
            $x_gitlab_event = data_get($payload, 'object_kind');
            if ($x_gitlab_event === 'push') {
                $branch = data_get($payload, 'ref');
                $full_name = data_get($payload, 'project.path_with_namespace');
                if (Str::isMatch('/refs\/heads\/*/', $branch)) {
                    $branch = Str::after($branch, 'refs/heads/');
                if (!$branch) {
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'Nothing to do. No branch found in the request.',
                    return response($return_payloads);
                ray('Manual Webhook GitLab Push Event with branch: ' . $branch);
            if ($x_gitlab_event === 'merge_request') {
                $action = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.action');
                $branch = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.source_branch');
                $base_branch = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.target_branch');
                $full_name = data_get($payload, 'project.path_with_namespace');
                $pull_request_id = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.iid');
                $pull_request_html_url = data_get($payload, 'object_attributes.url');
                if (!$branch) {
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'Nothing to do. No branch found in the request.',
                    return response($return_payloads);
                ray('Webhook GitHub Pull Request Event with branch: ' . $branch . ' and base branch: ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id: ' . $pull_request_id);
            $applications = Application::where('git_repository', 'like', "%$full_name%");
            if ($x_gitlab_event === 'push') {
                $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $branch)->get();
                if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => "Nothing to do. No applications found with deploy key set, branch is '$branch' and Git Repository name has $full_name.",
                    return response($return_payloads);
            if ($x_gitlab_event === 'merge_request') {
                $applications = $applications->where('git_branch', $base_branch)->get();
                if ($applications->isEmpty()) {
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => "Nothing to do. No applications found with branch '$base_branch'.",
                    return response($return_payloads);
            foreach ($applications as $application) {
                $webhook_secret = data_get($application, 'manual_webhook_secret_gitlab');
                if ($webhook_secret !== $x_gitlab_token) {
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'Invalid token.',
                    ray('Invalid signature');
                $isFunctional = $application->destination->server->isFunctional();
                if (!$isFunctional) {
                        'application' => $application->name,
                        'status' => 'failed',
                        'message' => 'Server is not functional',
                    ray('Server is not functional: ' . $application->destination->server->name);
                if ($x_gitlab_event === 'push') {
                    if ($application->isDeployable()) {
                        ray('Deploying ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch);
                        $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                            application: $application,
                            deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                            force_rebuild: false,
                            is_webhook: true
                    } else {
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'failed',
                            'message' => 'Deployments disabled',
                        ray('Deployments disabled for ' . $application->name);
                if ($x_gitlab_event === 'merge_request') {
                    if ($action === 'open' || $action === 'opened' || $action === 'synchronize' || $action === 'reopened' || $action === 'reopen' || $action === 'update') {
                        if ($application->isPRDeployable()) {
                            $deployment_uuid = new Cuid2(7);
                            $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                            if (!$found) {
                                    'git_type' => 'gitlab',
                                    'application_id' => $application->id,
                                    'pull_request_id' => $pull_request_id,
                                    'pull_request_html_url' => $pull_request_html_url,
                                application: $application,
                                pull_request_id: $pull_request_id,
                                deployment_uuid: $deployment_uuid,
                                force_rebuild: false,
                                is_webhook: true,
                                git_type: 'gitlab'
                            ray('Deploying preview for ' . $application->name . ' with branch ' . $branch . ' and base branch ' . $base_branch . ' and pull request id ' . $pull_request_id);
                                'application' => $application->name,
                                'status' => 'success',
                                'message' => 'Preview Deployment queued',
                        } else {
                                'application' => $application->name,
                                'status' => 'failed',
                                'message' => 'Preview deployments disabled',
                            ray('Preview deployments disabled for ' . $application->name);
                    } else if ($action === 'closed' || $action === 'close') {
                        $found = ApplicationPreview::where('application_id', $application->id)->where('pull_request_id', $pull_request_id)->first();
                        if ($found) {
                            $container_name = generateApplicationContainerName($application, $pull_request_id);
                            // ray('Stopping container: ' . $container_name);
                            instant_remote_process(["docker rm -f $container_name"], $application->destination->server);
                                'application' => $application->name,
                                'status' => 'success',
                                'message' => 'Preview Deployment closed',
                            return response($return_payloads);
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'failed',
                            'message' => 'No Preview Deployment found',
                    } else {
                            'application' => $application->name,
                            'status' => 'failed',
                            'message' => 'No action found. Contact us for debugging.',
            return response($return_payloads);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return handleError($e);