API Tokens | Coolify

API Tokens

Tokens are created with the current team as scope. You will only have access to this team's resources.

New Token

Create New Token
Permissions :
@if ($permissions) @foreach ($permissions as $permission) @if ($permission === '*')
All (root/admin access), be careful!
{{ $permission }}
@endif @endforeach @endif

Token Permissions

@if (session()->has('token'))
Please copy this token now. For your security, it won't be shown again.
{{ session('token') }}

Issued Tokens

@forelse ($tokens as $token)
Description: {{ $token->name }}
Last used: {{ $token->last_used_at ? $token->last_used_at->diffForHumans() : 'Never' }}
@if ($token->abilities) Abilities: @foreach ($token->abilities as $ability)
{{ $ability }}
@endforeach @endif
Revoke token This API Token will be deleted and anything using it will fail.
Please think again.
No API tokens found.